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Filter : Subject (filter subject area)

Subject Area Filters allow you to pre-define filters for a class.

These are used for filter tiles and filter chips just like the subject areas themselves but are pre-seeded. If a subject area has no filters, a default filter is seeded for that subject.
caption : string

Caption text

Should be a string id.
expression : string

Logical expression to further qualify items within the subject area

In the following example we have a Person subject area and a filter for "My Contacts" with an expression that filters for contacts I cover.

((user-person? (@ coverageParent coverage userPerson)))

icon : string

Icon name

Should be a string id.
name : string

Unique filter name

privilege : identifier

Access privilege

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers and underscores are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

  • Subject - Subjects (or subject areas) specify a starting point for a filter by further segmenting instances by class or criteria.