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condition : code

A script expression that must evaluate to true for the action to fire.

The expression is evaluated after other checks of the action have passed e.g. name/source... If the expression returns true, the action's script is executed. The condition uses the same variables and context available in thier script element, which are different for UIActions, DataActions, and Exception Actions. DataActions have bind, locator, bind, old, this (MDAController), and type. UIActions have event, name parameter, source, and this (MDAController). For documentation on these variables, such as locator, see the script element's documentation.

(instance? (getCurrentAct) 'ActivityPlan)
(null? parameter)
(= locator 'selection)
(not (null? (@ view collectionModel selection)))

Valid values based on“string”.
description : string

Description of the Exception Action.

errorCode : string

Exception error code, or "*" for all exceptions. e.g. "err.contact.test.parametermissing"

Use "*" to handle all exceptions. Use an error code to handle specific exceptions. These exceptions may be raised by the error function or by calling nexj.core.util.UncheckedException and will be the value of the id parameter.

To raise an error:

(error "err.contact.test.parametermissing")


(import '(nexj.core.util.UncheckedException))
; throw exception if parameter is null
(if (null? parameter)
  (let ((e (nexj.core.util.UncheckedException'new "err.contact.test.parametermissing")))
     (throw e)

Then to handle this error set the errorCode on the ExceptionAction to "err.contact.test.parametermissing".
language : schemeLanguageType

Valid values based on“languageType”.

scheme scripting language

  • Choice of:

    • Script [1..1] - Scheme script that will run when the exception is being handled.
