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keyGenerator : componentName

Component for key generation, implementing the OIDGenerator interface.

Examples of key generators include:
* "identity" - database based identity generator/sequence.
* KeyGenerator.Counter - persistent counter.  Requires a SysCounter record with a name of "class.<ClassName>". see SysCounter class.
* KeyGenerator.GuidGen - GUID key generator.

If not specified, the key must be set through appropriately mapped attribute(s).
Valid values based on“string”.
primaryTable : tableName

Primary table where instances of the class are persisted.

It is used for exclusive and optimistic locking and contains the locking attribute. Extension tables are are joined to it by the primary key and can be specified in attribute mappings "table" property.
Valid values based on“string”.
  • PersistenceMapping - A persistence mapping specifies how instances are persisted in a given data source. The type of the specified data source determines the mapping structure.