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Services bound to the incomming traffic on the channel.

Each Channel may have a set of one or more service bindings. When a channel receives a message from an external system, the bound services will be invoked with this message.

When a channel is bound multiple services … ->
When multiple services are bound to a channel and a message is forwarded to more than one of those services,
the initial "this" variable in those services refers to the same object. This should be taken into account if the original
message object can be updated in any of the services – you might want to modify a copy of the message instead.

  • Sequence of:

    • ServiceBinding [0..*] - A Service bound to the incomming traffic on the channel.

  • Channel
  • MessageQueue - Abstract integration endpoint representing a Message Queue.
  • Mail - An Integration Mail Channel.
  • HTTP - An HTTP Integration Channel.
  • Kafka - A Kafka Integration Channel.
  • TCP - A TCP Integration Channel.
  • UDP - A UDP Integration Channel.
  • ObjectQueue - An ObjectQueue Integration Channel.
  • File - A File Integration Channel.
  • Channel - Channels are abstract integration endpoints representating the Network Transport Layer. They are used to send or receive Messages.