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A UDP environment specific connection.

channel : string

Connection channel.

description : string

Channel connection description.

encoding : string

Character encoding for string messages. Overrides the channel setting.

group : string

Multicast group IP address. Overrides the channel setting.

host : string

Remote UDP host or multicast group.

localHost : string

Local UDP host for binding (* or empty binds to all interfaces).

localPort : unsignedShort

Local UDP port (0 or empty for a random port). Overrides the channel setting.

maxReceivers : nonNegativeInt

Maximum UDP receiver threads per server. Overrides the channel setting.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
maxSenders : integer

Maximum UDP sender connections per server. Overrides the channel setting.

port : unsignedShort

Remote UDP port. Overrides the channel setting.

tos : unsignedByte

RFC 1349 type-of-service value (sum of lowCost=2, reliability=4, throughput=8, lowDelay=16).

ttl : unsignedByte

Packet time-to-live in hops (0..255). Overrides the channel setting.

warningTimeout : nonNegativeLong

Timeout in milliseconds before a warning is generated, 0 for infinite timeout.

Valid values based on“long”.
0 (minInclusive)