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A TCP environment specific connection.


Determines if SSL client authentication is supported, required, or not used at all.

Three possible values: "none", "supported", "required". none: Client authentication is not used. supported: The server will request authentication from the client, but it is not required. required: The server will require client authentication.

This attribute is only applicable when SSL is enabled. The set of authenticated clients is determined by the "trust" property or, if "trust" is unspecified, the JRE's default trust store.

Trust property
Valid values based on“string”.
backlog : nonNegativeInt

The server backlog size (the maximum number of pending connections that are waiting to be accepted by the listener).

If the value is 0, then the system default value will be used.
Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
certificate : string

The TCP connection's certificate and private key in base64-encoded PKCS #12 representation.

Unnecessary for outgoing connections that do not require client certificate authentication. As a server, this certificate is presented to remote clients. As a client, this certificate is used for authentication to the remote server.

This property contains the entire PCKS #12 key store as a base64-encoded string.

Trust property
channel : string

Connection channel.

connectionTimeout : nonNegativeInt

Timeout in milliseconds for establishing TCP connections, 0 for infinite timeout.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
description : string

Channel connection description.

encoding : string

Character encoding for string messages. Overrides the channel setting.

host : string

Remote TCP host.

idleTimeout : nonNegativeInt

The number of minutes this channel will be allowed to remain inactive before it is forcibly closed.

A value of zero indicates an infinite limit.

This timeout only applies to inactivity between messages. For inactivity while receiving a message, refer to the "readTimeout" property.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
keepAlive : boolean

True if the TCP keep-alive property should be set on the underlying socket.

localHost : string

Local TCP host for binding (* or empty binds to all interfaces).

localPort : unsignedShort

Local TCP port (0 or empty for a random port). Overrides the channel setting.

mapper : string

The name of the associated user mapping component.

This component will perform a mapping from the client's certificate chain to the user principal for which the invocation context will be created. It must implement the nexj.core.util.auth.CertificatePrincipalMapper interface.
maxReceivers : nonNegativeInt

Maximum TCP receiver threads per server. Overrides the channel setting.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
maxSenders : integer

Maximum TCP sender connections per server. Overrides the channel setting.

noDelay : boolean

True if the TCP no-delay property should be set on the underlying socket.

password : password

The certificate password.

Certificate property
Valid values based on“string”.
port : positiveUnsignedShort

Remote TCP port. Overrides the channel setting.

Valid values based on“unsignedShort”.
1 (minInclusive)
receiverBufferSize : nonNegativeInt

The SO_RCVBUF option for the underlying socket, 0 for system default.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
receiverReadTimeout : nonNegativeInt

The TCP Receiver's message read timeout in milliseconds.

This is the maximum time the TCP Receiver will block while in the process of receiving a message. If a timeout occurs, a nexj.core.rpc.tcp.TCPTimeoutException will be thrown. A value of zero indicates an infinite timeout.
Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
secure : boolean

True if this channel should use SSL/TLS.

senderBufferSize : nonNegativeInt

The SO_SNDBUF option for the underlying socket, 0 for system default.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
senderReadTimeout : nonNegativeInt

The TCP Sender's message read timeout in milliseconds.

This is the maximum time the TCP Sender will block while in the process of receiving a response message. If a timeout occurs, a nexj.core.rpc.tcp.TCPTimeoutException will be thrown. A value of zero indicates an infinite timeout.
Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
tos : unsignedByte

RFC 1349 type-of-service value (sum of lowCost=2, reliability=4, throughput=8, lowDelay=16).

trust : string

A trusted X.509 certificate, in base64 encoding. Unspecified to trust certificates in the default trust store.

If the mapper component attribute is set, a mapping from the client's certificate chain to the user principal will be performed by that component. This allows us to support multiple external systems "logging in" to a TCP channel, mapped to different users based on the certificates they present.

This property contains the contents of an X.509, base64-encoded certificate beginning with the standard "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "END CERTIFICATE" header/footer. It must also contain the standard line breaks.

mapper property
warningTimeout : nonNegativeLong

Timeout in milliseconds before a warning is generated, 0 for infinite timeout.

Valid values based on“long”.
0 (minInclusive)