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XMLMapping : Message

Maps message parts to XML elements, attributes or values.


The root part allows you to specify important XML characteristics of the overall message, such as whether to wrap the xml message in a soap envelope (either 1.1 or 1.2).

Composite message parts may be mapped to XML elements for structure.

Primitive message parts, or values, may be mapped to XML elements, attributes or values.

Soap header support is provided and documented in the envelope property.

The parser supports XMLSchema 1.0.

action : string

SOAP action.


Optional soap envelope wrapper. Type may be soap (v1.1) or soap12 (v1.2).

If the envelope property is specified, the XML representation of the message will be wrapped in a SOAP envelope.

To implement optional SOAP headers:

1. Ensure your message has a soap envelope
2. Create a composite message part under the message root.  You can call it anything,
   but something like "header" is fine
3. Set the mapping's type to "element"
4. Set the mapping's node property (node name) to "Header"
5. Set the mapping's namespace property to "soap" or "soap12" to match the root envelope
6. Put the message headers as child value parts of this element

To get WSDL output that works across many WSDL parsing tools, adhere to the following conventions:

1. The message's root part must map to an XML tag name that is the same as
   the WSDL operation name.
2. The response message, if any, must have a different root XML tag name than
   the request message. By defacto standard, it should be the concatenation of
   the operation name and "Response".
3. The root message part should use "sequential" aggregation.

Valid values based on“string”.

SOAP 1.1 envelope


SOAP 1.2 envelope

format : string

Format string to be used when formatting the value.

This property only applies to value message parts and is not to be confused with the format property of the root message part. It is used to format primitive values to a specific external representation.

For timestamp formats see the SimpleDateFormat Java class.

For decimal, double, float, integer, and long formats see the DecimalFormat Java class.

For boolean formats we use our own formatter that supports the following values. "Yes,True,#t;No,False,#f"


* the timezone from the current invocation context is used.
* Decimal formatting symbols from the current locale are used
  (e.g. period or space for thousands separator, etc.)
* The format pattern is presumed to be a string id and is looked up in
  the strings for the current invocation context. If not found, a second lookup
  is attempted, prefixing the format pattern with "ids.format.". If that
  also fails, then the format pattern is assumed to contain a format pattern
  that can be passed directly to the format instance.


"h:mm a" => "12:08 PM"
"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" => "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700"
"#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)" => "1,000.0"

interface : string

The interface of messages to use for parsing/formatting a primitive any-type part.

When parsing element of type "any", parse the XML content using a message from the interface request and response tables. If unspecified, raw XML contents are put in a string. When formatting, the class name on the transfer object is verified against the messages in the interface request table followed by the response table. Valid only when mapping type is "element" or "value". Message part type must be "any".
namespace : xmlIdentifier

XML namespace alias (prefix) for this node. (Reserved prefixes: xsd, xsi, soap, soap12, wsdl, soapbind)

The namespace alias is prefixed to the element or attribute's name. It is used to disambiguate and avoid potential clashes between schema vocabularies. The namespace is optional and will not be applied to primitive message parts with a type of "value".

e.g. xsd:element vs chem:element

If a namespace prefix is used anywhere in a message, at least one of the nodes with the namespace prefix must also specify the "uri" property. This forms an association between the namespace prefix and URI. The uri property may be specified on multiple nodes that have the same namespace prefix, but needn't be. If the uri for a given namespace is specified more than once, it must have the same value.

Note: The namespace property MUST be specified on the message's root part for it be exported to a WSDL. Without it the message definition will be skipped. This follows the WSDL specification.

A URI does not need to be specified for the reserved prefixes, as they are well-known.

The reserved prefixes map to the following well-known URIs:

   xsd:      http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema
   xsi:      http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance
   soap:     http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/
   soap12:   http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope
   wsdl:     http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/
   soapbind: http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/

A special setting in the namespace property is used to provide soap header support as described in the envelope property.
Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and periods are allowed. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

nillable : boolean

Set to true to use XML Schema Instance nil value semantics for this element.

node : xmlIdentifier

XML node name.

Name of the XML element or attribute. This is only valid for "element" or "attribute" type nodes - it is not valid for nodes of type "value".

A special setting in the node name property is used to provide soap header support as described in the envelope property.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter or an underscore. Case and length are not restricted. Letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, and periods are allowed. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

operation : string

WSDL operation name.

pageSize : nonNegativeInt

Set this to swap data to disk if the collection page size in items is exceeded. Zero to disable paging.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
resource : string

Space-delimited XML schema definition file locations and external URLs: {(externalURL resource) | resource}* Imported schemas referenced by external URLs can be mapped to local files through the parentheses notation.

schema : string

The external URL at which the namespace schema document may be downloaded.

Used by formatter to produce the "xsi:schemaLocation" attribute on the root node.

Value subtype.

Valid values based on“string”.

Indicates if the message part is mapped to an XML element, attribute or value.

Valid values based on“string”.

Map the message part to an XML element.


Map the value message part to an XML element's attribute.

Only valid for value message parts.

Map the value message part to an XML element's value.

Only valid for value message parts.
uri : string

XML namespace URI. This is the namespace URI to associate with the prefix in the "namespace" property.

The uri property specifies the uri for a given namespace prefix. This property is only valid if the namespace property is specified and does not apply to primitive message parts with a type of "value" (in this case, the prefix will not be applied to the value, but the namespace attribute will be added to the root element).

If a namespace prefix is used anywhere in a message, at least one of the nodes with the namespace prefix must also specify the uri property. The uri property may be specified on multiple nodes that have the same namespace prefix, but needn't be. If the uri for a given namespace is specified more than once, it must have the same value.

xsdtype : string

The XSD schema type name of this message.

Valid only for mapping on root message part.
  • Value - A value (or primitive) message part.
  • Message - A message (or composite) message part.
  • Message
  • Message - A message carries information from a source system to a destination system over an integration channel.