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FixedMapping : Message

Maps message parts to record fields in a fixed length file, or flat file database.

Data in fields must be padded to the field's width, and any defined prefix or suffix values must be provided. Behavior is undefined for truncated records/fields, including the final record.

The side of the field to which data is aligned.

For example, left alignment means that if the data's length is less than the field's width, the remainder of the width is filled with the padding characters to the right of the data.

Valid values based on“string”.
format : string

Format string to be used when formatting the value.

This property only applies to value message parts and is not to be confused with the format property of the root message part. It is used to format primitive values to a specific external representation.

For timestamp formats see the SimpleDateFormat Java class.

For decimal, double, float, integer, and long formats see the DecimalFormat Java class.

For boolean formats we use our own formatter that supports the following values. "Yes,True,#t;No,False,#f"


* the timezone from the current invocation context is used.
* Decimal formatting symbols from the current locale are used
  (e.g. period or space for thousands separator, etc.)
* The format pattern is presumed to be a string id and is looked up in
  the strings for the current invocation context. If not found, a second lookup
  is attempted, prefixing the format pattern with "ids.format.". If that
  also fails, then the format pattern is assumed to contain a format pattern
  that can be passed directly to the format instance.


"h:mm a" => "12:08 PM"
"EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z" => "Wed, 4 Jul 2001 12:08:56 -0700"
"#,##0.0#;(#,##0.0#)" => "1,000.0"

padding : string

The character used for padding the remainder of the field beyond the provided data.

pageSize : nonNegativeInt

Set this to swap data to disk if the collection page size in items is exceeded. Zero to disable paging.

Valid values based on“int”.
0 (minInclusive)
prefix : string

A prefix string at the start of the at the end of the message root, record part or field part that is stripped out during parsing, or prefixed to the field or record when formatting.

Typically this value is unused not set (unused) by fixed length messages. If set, every instance of the record part or field part must include the prefix string. Currently during parsing, the number of prefix characters are stripped from the incoming data but the stripped characters are not compared to this prefix value. '\' is an escape character; e.g. "\n" is a newline character, "\\" is a slash '\', "\u005c" is a unicode character.

suffix : string

A suffix string at the end of a record part or field part that is stripped out during parsing, or appended to the very end of the field or record when formatting. It is invalid to have a suffix on a message root.

Typically this value is not set (unused) by fixed length fields. If set, every instance of the record part or field part must include the suffix string. Currently during parsing, the number of suffix characters are stripped from the incoming data but the stripped characters are not compared to this suffix value. '\' is an escape character; e.g. "\n" is a newline character, "\\" is a slash '\', "\u005c" is a unicode character.

width : positiveInt

The length, in characters, of this part (record or field).

Valid values based on“int”.
1 (minInclusive)
  • Value - A value (or primitive) message part.
  • Message - A message (or composite) message part.
  • Message
  • Message - A message carries information from a source system to a destination system over an integration channel.