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An ETL script cursor.

Scheme code to run for each individual record as it passes through the cursor. The original record is accessible via a variable named "record". The script should return the record (last line of script) after potentially modifying it.
attributeMapping : string

The attribute mapping for the input attribute names. May be unspecified or null.

Aliasing is performed before the script is run.

'((firstName firstName1) (homeAddress homeAddress1))

attributes : string

The list of attributes that the cursor passes on to the next step in the pipeline.

Simple attributes or fields of complex attributes can be specified.

A list of simple attributes: '(firstName lastName)
A list with a complex attribute: '(firstName (homeAddress city state))

caption : string

String identifier for caption display in the UI.

copy : string

True to copy the record before running the script; false to increase efficiency.

Note that this could have unintended consequences such as modifying persisted instances. If an attribute mapping is specified, records will always be copied.
description : string

Description of this ScriptCursor node.

input : string

The input cursor name.

layout : string

This attribute captures the UI layout information for rendering the model in the editor. The values change as users moves the element in the editor.

name : string

The name of the Script Cursor.

orderBy : string

The resulting order-by scheme expression (not checked for accuracy).

Only set this if your script breaks the ordering in some way. The order of the actual records won't change. Can be unspecified to use the input cursor's order-by. The syntax of the statement is '(((first_sort_dimension) . #t) ((second_sort_dimension) . #t) ((nth_sort_dimension) . #t)) Use #t to sort in ascending order, and #f to specify a descending order.

A cursor reads from the Person class with the following order by information: '(((@ homeAddress city) . #t) ((@ firstName) . #t))
The data is sorted first by the city name in the complex homeAddress attribute, then by the person's first name.

  • ETLPipeline - Pipelines gather and group cursors and commands together into related units, becoming the defining blocks of your ETL activities.