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Use the Object cursor to read and batch data from the model class instances.

attributes : string

The list of attributes that the cursor passes on to the next step in the pipeline.

Simple attributes, fields of complex attributes, and aggreate values can all be specified.

A list of simple attributes: '(firstName lastName)
A list with a complex attribute: '(firstName (homeAddress city))
A list defining an aggregate value: '(firstName (: totalHoldings (sum (@ holdings value))))

batchSize : string

Expression specifying the number of records to include in each batch of data.


2000 and (* 20 100) are both valid values.

caption : string

String identifier for caption display in the UI.

class : string

The class object that the cursor will read.

description : string

A description for this cursor. This text is displayed as an element note in the ETL diagram.

layout : string

This attribute captures the UI layout information for rendering the model in the editor. The values change as users moves the element in the editor.

name : string

The cursor name. This name is diplayed on the diagram.

orderBy : string

A Scheme expression that controls the sorting of the data the cursor passes.

The syntax of the expression is '(((first_sort_dimension) . #t) ((second_sort_dimension) . #t) ((nth_sort_dimension) . #t)) Use #t to sort in ascending order, and #f to specify a descending order.

A cursor reads from the Person class with the following order by information: '(((@ homeAddress city) . #t) ((@ firstName) . #t))
The data is sorted first by the city name in the complex homeAddress attribute, then by the person's first name.

where : string

An expression to restrict the set of class instances that the cursor reads.


The Where clause '(= (@ firstName) "Joe") restricts the cursor to reading only from those classes whose firstName attribute is "Joe".

  • ETLPipeline - Pipelines gather and group cursors and commands together into related units, becoming the defining blocks of your ETL activities.