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An ETL ChannelOutput command.

attributes : string

The list of attributes that the command passes on to the output channel.

Simple attributes or fields of complex attributes can be specified.

A list of simple attributes: '(firstName lastName)
A list with a complex attribute: '(firstName (homeAddress city))

caption : string

String identifier for caption display in the UI.

channel : string

The output channel name as a string.

cumulate : string

True to combine all records into one large message; false to send each batch as a separate message.

description : string

Description of this ChannelOutput node.

input : string

The input cursor name.

layout : string

This attribute captures the UI layout information for rendering the model in the editor. The values change as users moves the element in the editor.

message : string

The name of the message type as a string.

The message type should be in the following format:

MessageName (Format: ...) + rows [*] + attr1: string [0..1] + attr2: integer [1..1] ...

where attr1, attr2, etc. are the attributes of the incoming and outgoing records.

name : string

The name of the ChannelOutput Command.

pageSize : string

The page size which is used to initialize the internal PagedArrayList.

  • ETLPipeline - Pipelines gather and group cursors and commands together into related units, becoming the defining blocks of your ETL activities.