Type to start searching...
caption : string
String identifier for caption display in the UI.
condition : string
Catch condition. Only the first catch branch with matching exception and true condition is executed. Defaults to true.
description : string
Catch branch description.
exception : qualJavaName
Exception class to catch. By default, catches any exception.
Valid values based on“string”. | |
|[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*(\.[\p{L}_][\p{L}\p{N}_]*)* |
layout : string
GUI layout data.
name : string
Catch name.
Choice of:
Script [1..1]
Goto [1..1]
ETLPipeline [1..1] - Pipelines gather and group cursors and commands together into related units, becoming the defining blocks of your ETL activities.
TruncateTable [1..1] - An ETL TruncateTable command.
CopyTable [1..1] - An ETL CopyTable command.
TryCatch [1..1]
Join [1..1]
any [1..1]