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A UIEvent is is raised when a user performs an action such as pressing a button, selecting an item in a menu or list, or selecting a row in a grid.

There are system and custom UIEvents. You can handle a custom UIEvent or override/enhance the default behavior of a system UIEvent by configuring a UIAction. You create custom UIEvents in the Presentation layer.

Methods of raising UI events:
   * A user interacts a control (view) on which a UIevent is set.
   * Run a script that uses the fireUIEvent API method.
   * A UIEvent can be enabled or disabled dynamically by binding it to a boolean Class attribute or the ClientModel.

UIEvents can be handled at different levels of the application:
   * UIEvents are handled in a layout or portlet/dialog by a UIAction.
   * If no UIAction is present in the current layout to handle the UIEvent, it is passed upwards to the next container (layout or portlet/dialog).
   * Unhandled events are passed to the platform that operates on any system-defined UI events such as sysAdd, sysSave, sysExit.

alt : boolean

Specifies the keyCode attribute with the Alt Key.

If True, the UIEvent can be accessed with the key specifed in keyCode and all modifiers. This property is only meaningful if the keyCode property is set.

"<alt>P" - keyCode 112

caption : string

String indentifier to represent the text associated with the UIEvent.

checked : string

Specifies whether the UIControl is checked or unchecked.

Can contain a Scheme expression or the name of an attribute on a bound model or class.
class : string

Effects the enabled or checked properties. See details.

If the class property is empty, allows specification of a default enabled or checked value.

Client Model: Binding the UIEvent to the client-model allows dynamic enabling or checking based on the client-model's state.

Class: Binding the UIEvent to a class allows dynamic enabling or checking based on an attribute from the selected class.

commit : boolean

Specifies whether the UIEvent will commit the changes in a popup.

If True, the framework will disable the associated button if it predetermines the commit will fail (e.g. required attributes have empty values).
ctrl : boolean

Specifies the keyCode attribute with the Ctrl Key.

If True, the UIEvent can be accessed with the key specified in keyCode and all modifiers. This property is only meaningful if the keyCode property is set.

"<ctrl>P" - keyCode 112

description : string

A description of the UIEvent.

enabled : string

Specifies whether the UIControl is enabled or disabled (greyed out).

Can contain a Scheme expression or the name of an attribute on a bound model or class.
icon : string

Icon provides a means of visual recognition for the UIEvent.

key : string

ASCII Value. UIEvent can be accessed with the key plus the alt, ctrl and shift modifiers.


"112" for the letter P


Applies automatic visibility and enablement rules based on class and instance security settings.

Valid values based on“string”.
name : uiIdentifier

Uniquely identifies the UIEvent.

Valid values based on“string”.

Value must begin with a letter. Case and length are not restricted. Letters and numbers are allowed. Colon is used as a scope separator. Spaces and other punctuation characters are not allowed.

shift : boolean

Specifies the keyCode attribute with the Shift Key.

If True, the UIEvent can be accessed with the key specified in keyCode and all modifiers. This property is only meaningful if the keyCode property is set.

"<shift>P" - keyCode 112

tooltip : string

Tooltip contains helpful text which is displayed to the user when the mouse is hovered over the UIControl which the UIEvent is linked to.
