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Service : Integration

Services provide integration service orchestration capabilities. They are essentially workflow for integration.

Services tie together integration structures. They are very similar to Workflows, but instead of a Class as the process token, a Service uses a message. Each step in a Service returns a message. Steps can:

* run script,
* send messages,
* send and receive messages to external systems asynchronously,
* transform messages
* persist object messages to the domain model
* sync object messages using the additional capabilities of the synchronization framework. The sync framework maintains a model of various sync targets and keeps track of each synchronized instance so it can detect conflicts. The sync step is really an extension of the persist step that allows for processing and conflict resolution.
* try/catch blocks to handle exceptions
* dispatch for branching based on conditions of the message or service
* parse and format messages

Services can be either invoked by

* calling SysService'invoke - similar to SysWorkflow'start
* or it can be bound to a channel. When a message arrives on the channel asynchronously the service is activated.

args : identifierList

Service arguments: arg1 arg2 ... argN. A special argument is *:output* which keeps track of the output channel.

These are arguments that the service expects. They can be passed in by SysService'invoke... or by setting the properties on a Service Binding.
Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.

description : string

Service description.

interface : string

Service interface. If not specified, the service can process any message, which is provided in raw (unparsed) format.

layout : string

GUI layout data.

privilege : string

Privilege required to invoke the service.

privileged : boolean

True to execute the service in privileged mode (without security restrictions).

stream : boolean

True to provide a stream input in the raw message body.

variables : identifierList

Service variables: var1 var2 ... varN.

Variables can be used to pass information from step to step or control message flow.
Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited.
