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Lists of valid request and/or response messages for services, send and sendReceive steps, and 'any' message parts.


An Interface specifies the types of Messages that a Service is expected to receive or send. If an interface with Request messages is specified, the message will come into the Service already parsed to internal format based on the message's format. Sending a file is similar, if a message type is specified on the Interface for a Service, the Message is automatically formatted to the external representation - otherwise we have to format it ourselves. Any messages that are specified as a Request message for an interface automatically has the message's response message added to the interface's list of response messages. The response attribute on a message is optional - it allows you to pair-up a request/response set of message formats.

If no interface is specified, or the Interface doesn't list any Request message types, the message is received by the Service in unparsed - or raw - form. Raw message formats differ slightly by channel type. (see Message documentation for details)

Most of the settings specified in the channel or connection are defaulted to those specified in the metadata but you can override them with message attributes so you can dynamically send a message to another channel to accomplish content based routing. For example, the channel name could be specified in the raw message for flexibility.

Interfaces are also used on Send and SendReceive steps in services. In this case, the request table is applied to outbound messages and the response table to inbound (in the case of SendReceive).

Additionally, interfaces may be set on message parts of type 'any'. This works like the xsi:any attribute type in wsdl. See the xml message format interface property for more details.

description : string

Interface description.

format : string

Interface message format. Used to validate that all Request and Response messages are of the correct format. (optional)

You cannot mix message format types in an interface. e.g. You cannot have a CSV message and an XML message in the same Request list.
  • Sequence of:

    • Requests [0..1] - Collection of request messages that the service can receive.

    • Responses [0..1] - Collection of message types that the service can send.