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Aspects encapsulate repeated structural or behavioural patterns seen in the business model and promote code re-use.

Aspects do not represent real Classes in the business model. They represent functional groupings of additional attributes and/or events that may be applied to Classes directly or through pointcuts. An Aspect is applied to all Classes (or other Aspects) that either:

   *  specify it by name in their "aspects" property or
   *  match the Aspect's "pointcut" property.

If a Class or Aspect matches the Aspect's "pointcut" property but excludes the aspect by name in its "aspects" property, the aspect will not be applied.
aspects : aspectList

List of names of aspects to include in or exclude from (if prefixed with !) this class. If an aspect is included, the aspect's attributes and events are appended to this class'.

Valid values based on“token”.

Each element in the list must begin with a letter or underscore. Elements are space delimited. To exclude a token, prefix it with the character "!".

description : string

Type description.

facets : string

Facets with values and overrides: <name1> (<name2> <value2> value|list|assoc) ... Override defaults to value if not specified.

pointcuts : string

List of name patterns (with * and ?) of classes, where to include or exclude (if prefixed with !) this aspect.

transitiveUpdateAudit : boolean

Flag to indicate whether changes propagated to an instance of this class will further be propagated to instances that are observing changes to this instance.

When set to true, instead of using this class instance as the audit context in the audit log, instances observing this instance will be used as audit contexts.
validation : string

Validation expression taking "this" argument and returning #f, a string indentifier or a list of format arguments if the instance is invalid.

where : string

Read restriction on the instances of the class.

  • Sequence of:

  • Sequence of:

    • Attributes [0..1] - Collection of Attributes on a Class or Aspect

    • Events [0..1] - Collection of Events on a Class or Aspect.