Aspect to be applied to an intersection class that represents an associated Principal has access to an associated object. Adds the Principal to the object's ACL. For example, an EntityCoverage instance may represent that the userPerson has access to the entity.
Override this to set the attribute path for the object
Override this to set the attribute path for the principal
Logic to determine whether the principal can edit as well. Update to accommodate other classes as required.
Object to secure
Principal that can access the object
Cascade ACL entries to the given associated instances
Add an ACL entry for the principal when a member is added, only when the instance is committed. If this is done during the create event and the instance is created and deleted in a single unit of work, TextMarshaller errors will be thrown.
Invoked by the framework after the instance has been created and initialized. The main action is implemented by the framework.
addAssociatedRoadshowScheduleItemACLs : before
Cascade ACL entries to any associated instances when appropriate
Rebuild the ACL when a member is removed. Note: does not simply delete the principal's ACL entry as he could have another access to the object.
Retrieves all ACL principals associated with the ACL member object. Default behaviour is to return the value of the attribute mapped to the ACL principal
Create case: some code creates intersection instance first without setting what it's intersecting
Attributes and events should not be overridden. Object based security using access control lists. Aspect contains implementation of group security and coverage based security using a constructed list of principals stored in an ACLEntry table. Relies on DELETE_RO for checking the 'deleted' (readable) and 'readOnly' (updatable) flags. Relies on GROUP_SECURABLE for checking 'viewPrincipal' and 'editPrincipal' values
Flag to bypassing security when user had admin privilege.
Flag to bypassing security when user had admin privilege.
Static attribute to retrieve the persistent class of the ACL Entries for the given instance
UI ONLY: Redundant copy of the hierarchical security enabled flag for being able to bind to the UI
Override this to use a different principal set for ACL security. Note that has to be an attribute on the User class (remember to cache it).
Determines whether to add the view/edit principals to the ACL
Determines whether to add the ACL_MEMBER principals to the ACL
Determines whether to add the owner to the ACL
Determines whether to add the Public principal to the ACL
Collection of principals within the object's ACL
Resolves the owners of this record through various association paths. MUST resolve to users/principals
Determines whether the public acl principal is allowed updatable access
Attribute to set visibility for a securable object to private. This attribute is only for compatibility with Exchange and should not be used.
Attribute to allow creating non-committed instances before the security has been set.
Overridden to implement default readable clause. OVERRIDE in sub-classes to add more specific logic
CORE ACL VIEW security logic. Copy into respective classes and apply necessary overrides
INTERNAL: Used internally to rebuild ACL
INTERNAL. Avoid accessing this directly outside of this aspect. Used to hold OIDs of principals to delete ACL for when rebuilding ACL. #f to explicitly do all.
Default simple implementation used to control which rules to populate ACL with. Override the aclAdd* attributes for more control.
Overridden to implement default updatable clause. OVERRIDE in sub-classes to add more specific logic
CORE ACL EDIT security logic. Copy into respective classes and apply necessary overrides
Invokes rebuildACL when trigger is activated
Overridden to set isTransient and create default repcodes
Overridden to rebuild children ACL when instance is deleted
Propagates newly created ACLs to the children
Rebuilds the ACL
Rebuilds the ACL for all child (related) instances of this objec
Set the entity rep codes based on the primaryRepCode.
Triggers the ACL to be rebuilt on commit. Optionally only rebuilds ACL for passed in principals.
Trigger rebuild ACL when security rule changes
Aspect for applying recurrence to action items.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
Metaclass of the series (implementing class must specify it)
The series (instance implementing a RECURRENCE_PATTERN aspect)
define attributes to copy to series master
Set the given xxxModified attribute of this instance to the given value
modifyDuration : before
Start or end time should be marked as modified together
Aspect for detecting modifications on ActionItem association through the reverse association classes.
Symbol of the association attribute for the associatied instance; null by default
List of association attributes copied between item and series associations in addition to the ASSOCIATION_ATTRIBUTE; null by default
The list of attributes that when dirty, would require markModifiedCollections to be called again.
Symbol of the association attribute for the occurrence
Symbol of the reverse association attribute for the occurrence
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
Framework event extension
markModified : before
Capture attribute modification
Does a dirty check for each attribute in the dirty attribute list. Returns true if one of those attributes are dirty.
Return whether this instance can be associated to a part of the series (an instance implementing RECURRENCE_OCCURRENCE ASPECT)
Mark occurrence association to this class as modified, if the collection is different from the series. The onDeleteflag specifies that this is called on the delete event.
Aspect to support touch type modification flag on each occurrence in a series.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
This flag is set for exceptions within the series
define attributes to copy to series master
Aspect on ActionItemSeries to support SLM.
Touch Type actdates copied to the series master
This flag is set for the series master when actDates are modified
Used for visible if we should display the touch types in the UI
Used for UI to determine if this series does not have any touches
Set of visible touch dates for an action item. Visible dates are defined according to the template date config visible attribute
preloadActDates : before
preload ActDate associations to avoid lazy loads during deletion
Used for types, if true, the type is active and should allow new instances of the type.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Calculated attribute for allowing new instances in the UI. Should be overriden as needed in the subclass, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Assumes class has ACTIVE aspect applied
Calculated attribute for the UI to display the Active/Inactive captions. Used mainly on the filter/search forms filtering on the the active attribute.
Override the processWhere event, implements the processing of the activeStatus attribute.
processActiveStatus : before
Manipulates the activeStatus attribute bounded to ActiveStatusEnum, and sets it to use the active boolean on the ACTIVE aspect.
Aspect to support sending ACT notifications via email
Act to send notifications for
Aspect to support sending ACT notifications via email
Act to send notifications for
Touch Type configuration settings for act templates.
collection of date touch types it can be related to for reporting purposes
list of attributes to copy when copying act template for activityplantemplates.
list of attributes to load for template when creating act instance
Apply Touch Type to act and perform logic for service level management.
Calculated value that returns true if any of the activity date touch types for this act have been set to true.
Associated activity date touch type report record. Identifies this action item as being scheduled for a given period
Used for visible if we should display the touch types in the UI
Used for UI to determine if this act does not have any touches
Summary string to retrieve all associated touch types as a string. Used by reports.
set of visible touch dates that are updated.
Set of visible touch dates for an action item. Visible dates are defined according to the template date config visible attribute
addUpdateReportItem : before
updates report for each entity participant
Factory creation of Act for Touch Type
Enables auditing
updateParticipantActDates : before
If the actionItem is being deleted, we need to invoke delete on the participant list prior to the cascade otherwise the reverse assoc is cleared.
Gets the actDateTouchTypeReport for the given touchtype and period if it is associated with the current act.
Sets the slmEndTime to a given date
Contains functionality common for all metaclasses that can be part of Approval process
The UIComponent name of object being approved
DO NOT OVERRIDE: Entity object related to approval plans, this value is based on the type of approval review object
Flow which approves this instance
Whether the current approvable instance is ClientKYC
Object approval status. It is managed by the workflow
Callback when the approval process is deleted
Approval process approval callback
Invokes approval plan if there is one associated with the class of the instance
Create factory invoked upon successful manual approval create
Retrieves an instance of the provided UI component name with the required fields given the related object instance. When fields is null, it retrieves all instances. NOTE: The UIComponent name can be substituted with "Flow" to retrieve flow values during an approval process
getValues:FromFlow : before
Gets values from flow. If the value for a given name was retieved from the flow, it is removed from the fieldNode list
Checks if the object has pending approval process
Locks the object for pending approval
Approval process rejection callback
Unlocks the object after approval process completes
Update factory invoked upon successful manual approval update
The number of activities for the given dimensions.
The number of meetings for the given dimensions.
The number of activities during the snapshot period.
The actual revenue for the opportunity, at the end of the snapshot period.
The change in actual revenue for the opportunity, during the snapshot period.
The number of days during the snapshot period.
The expected revenue for the opportunity, at the end of the snapshot period.
The change in expected revenue for the opportunity, during the snapshot period.
The actual revenue for the opportunity.
The expected revenue for the opportunity.
The probability of the opportunity closing.
The actual revenue for the opportunity.
The expected revenue for the opportunity.
The price of each unit of product.
The number of units of the product for the opportunity.
The number of subscriptions for the given dimensions.
The revenue for the transactions.
Shared dimensions for the Activity Summary aggregate family
The company for whom the snapshot applies
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The region of the snapshot
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
Shared dimensions for the Revenue Summary aggregate family
The company for whom the snapshot applies
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The region of the snapshot
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
The stage of the opportunity for the duration of the snapshot
This shared dimensions aspect is created as an example, but because this family currently has only one fact, we don't know which dimensions we may want to share, so no attributes are here
This shared dimensions aspect is created as an example, but because this family currently has only one fact, we don't know which dimensions we may want to share, so no attributes are here
Shared dimensions for the Research Summary aggregate family
The communication method of the research in the snapshot
The company for whom the snapshot applies
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The region of the snapshot
The subject of the research in the snapshot
Shared dimensions for the Revenue Summary aggregate family
The company for whom the revenue in the snapshot applies
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The region of the revenue in the snapshot
The transaction type of the revenue in the snapshot
Class aspect for applying asynchronous upload attributes to classes.
Boolean to indicate that the instance's data is uploaded or not.
Factory which creates an instance for upload.
Delete the chunks associated with the attachment
Aspect for applying binary attachments to exisiting models.
List of unsafe extensions for attachments.
Resolved metaclas of sourceClass if non null. Otherwise null.
Return a clone of the current attachment.
checkFileName : before
check that the filename extension is a valid extension type.
Detects the MIME type of a binary value or the file extension. First checks the binary value, then if that fails, tries a few common extensions.
Detects the MIME type of a binary value
Updates the attribute values
generatePreview : before
Attempts to generate a JPG preview of the PDF document's first page and stores it in the instance. Attempts to retrieve Office thumbnail WMF.
main : main
Re-evaluate sourceObject based on the sourceClass and data attributes.
Base aspect to support sending meeting notifications via email
Attendee name to display in UI
The consolidated status of an invitee to a meeting (depends on both the organizer's version of response status and the last known response received from the synchronized participant's link)
Whether a notification email can be sent to this entity
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Not used for now. Do not put reverse association here or else optimistic lock exceptions/performance degradation will happen.
Stores Exchange slave status, which is the latest known meeting response status received on the synchronized meeting participant's link.
Whether the entity of this participation is the current user.
Last time a notification email was sent
For UI
True if notification emails should be sent to this person
Whether this entity is a resource or not (e.g. meeting room)
Person's response to notification email
True if the participant is invited to the meeting
True if notification emails should be sent to this person
Aspect for customizing attribute triggered audit logs.
The soft delete aspect
Whether this is a link class
Attribute that is linked
The other attribute that is linked
List of attributes from the link class that should be audited.
Called after each audit log record is created for the audited instance. It can be used to customize the created audit record. NOTE: The object returned by (auditLog'values) is shared among all audit log instances generated as result of modification to the current instance; any change to the object will affect all other audit log instances.
boolean False to skip auditing the instance.
main : main
Return true to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Modifies the specified audit log to appear to have been created for one of the objects specified by the provided attributes. Useful to make audit logs for link classes that have an audited attribute, appear as the linked class. If linkedAttr1 is the context object, audit as a change to the linkedAttr2 object. If linkedAttr2 is the context object, audit as a change to the linkedAttr1 object.
Modifies the specified audit log to appear to have been created for the object returned by (this attr)
Context audits only a name change.
Instance a new context audit log instance
For the given instances, creates an audit context log
auditLog The audit log to context audit
contexts List of instances
Instance A new audit log instance
This event is called before auditing is started for an instance.
boolean False to skip auditing the instance.
boolean True if instance is hard or soft deleted.
Base for all classes to ensure a minimal level of auditing is maintained. This does not include all auditing fields that may be optional, only the required auditing fields.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
Short summary string for create user and time.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Short summary string for edit user and time.
If true, the user audit fields are not updated.
Summary string combining create and edit text
Extended to set audit fields.
setUserCreateFields : before
User audit fields may be overwritten for integration purposes, so we ignore the create if importMode is #t
setUserEditFields : before
As update may not be called after create, these are also set here. User audit fields may be overwritten for integration purposes, so we ignore the update if importMode is #t
Extended to set audit fields.
setUserEditFields : after
User audit fields may be overwritten for integration purposes, so we ignore the update if importMode is #t
Aspect to apply when personal health information should be audited on a given model
Audit message arguments.
True if auditing of personal health information is on
The list of classes and attributes to exclude from the audit log. Examples below: '() -> empty list, exclude nothing. '((Person) (Address city country)) -> exclude "Person" instances completely and "city" and "country" attributes for "Address" instances. Note this does not exclude instances derived from "Person" or "Address". '(Person (Address city country)) -> same as above.
Participant's OID
True if phiParticipantId must be non-null for auditing to occur.
Base for all BI classes whose source classes have AUDIT. Ensures the audit fields have the same values in both the operational and the BI databases. This should only be applied to BI synced classes: importMode is enabled by default (will never auto-fill the audit information unless explictly set back to false)
Security for BI classes using ACL model. Assign pointcut to BI entity class (e.g. BI_1_BICompany) to enable. ACL is flexible and supports any principal, including a user, a group, and the public principal. The current user can see any entity whos ACL contains at least one of the user's principals from the user's entityPrincipalSet. Depending on the privileges of the logged in users, the user's principal set may or may not include the user's principal, any groups associated with the user, or the public principal. The privileges used are: FirmView (the user can see any entity, and the ACL is effectively disabled) BranchView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain any branch type groups associated to the user) ACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the user's principal) PublicACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the public principal) To use effectively with large lists, there are several optimizations that can be enabled by using appropriate hints by using the list-context? operator in the where clause. these will reduce the number of prinipcals in the clause, preferably to a single principal. For example, although a user may have the user principal, a branch principal, and the public principal in the user's principal set, it is often desirable to limit a list to simply the user's principal. This is often referred to as "My book" and can be enabled by using (list-context? 'MY_BOOK) in the where clause. Likewise, we may want to only see the entities relating to a specific branch. This can be enabled by using the (list-context? 'MY_BRANCH) operator in the where clause in conjunction with the (list-branch? <branch oid>) operator. This prevent any redundent checks between the branch principal sets and the branch itself by first checking if the current user has the given branch principal in its entityPrincipalSet, and then reducing the set to that branch. If the current user is a FirmView user, the passed in branch will be added to the security clause to reduce the visibility of that user temporarity to that branch. Finally, if, for example, all users can see other user persons, the public principal may be put in the user persons' ACL. To optimize this query, the (list-context 'PUBLIC) can be use to reduce the query to the public principal.
Secures the Staging Model of a Business Process based on the stage of the Business Process. A Staging Model Object can only be related to one stage, not multiple stages. In BusinessProcess (or a subclass of it), override the 'initializeStaging' event to ensure the staging model is instantiated and has the stage set for every object in the model.
Link to the Business Process that this Staging model object is linked to.
The updatable attribute, overridden from DELETE_RO. References updatableStageSecurable.
Made separate for easier overriding. By default, if the stage is updatable, or the stage has not been specified, then this object is editable.
This aspect is used by Business Processes, to make objects that are in collections and must show up in separate steps in the Business Process Wizard. This aspect gives applied classes a classCode and parentId persistence mapping. These columns must be mapped to attributes on the applied classes (it is not done by default from this aspect). TODO: Currently, there should be a unique index applied to (parentId, classCode, ordinal), to ensure that ordinal is unique per item of a subclass in a collection. This is not done because the ordinal must also be contiguous, which is not supported by the framework (cannot add and delete in the same unit of work without collisions happening while trying to commit). This index should be re-applied if the problem is ever fixed, as well as the classCode and parentId columns being added back in.
The symbol for the collection off the Parent of this class.
The maximum number of copies this object can be repeated. IMPORTANT: If this repeatable object must also have a repeatable document, then the printOrder on that document must leav a sufficient gap in numbering to allow these repeated documents (i.e. if the MAX_ORDINAL is 1000, then at least 1000 must be left between the documentTemplate for this document and the next).
The symbol for the Parent of this repeatable object (the object which contains a collection of this class).
The symbol for the Step attribute on this classs.
The ordinal of this repeated object in it's collection.
The staging object for this process. Should simply be calculated
Implemented to ensure that the new repeated object is added to the end of the collection. Also instantiates the step to go with this object.
Implemented to re-order all of the other objects around the currently deleted object.
An aspect class that handles dynamic collection attributes for the child UIComponent.
Attributes on the association class that should be exposed via UI Component if the collection is an intersection
Default order to return collections in. Can be overriden to specify a different order by clause. The fields in the order by should not be editable in UI/createable to ensure it always produces the same results across transactions.
The target value's UI Component name
A boolean attribute as to whether to include the size of the collection in the flattened fields
An attribute in the intersection class (if applicable) that points to the collection of target instances.
An event used for creating an instance of the child item
An event that retrieves all the available values based on the field name.
An event that retrieves all the instances for a collection attribute.
An event that retrieves the value of the collection attribute.
An event that retrieves the collection values of the attribute.
An event that retrieves this child UIComponent as a flattened UIField collection.
An event that retrieves the full path to to the unique attribute
An event that sets the collections values of the attribute.
Class aspect to add "nodeType" attribute to classes for supporting cluster partitioning. Tha value of "nodeType" attribute must be either null or any of the node types defined in metadata, otherwise MetadataLookupException will be thrown during commit.
The target cluster partition.
validateNodeType : before
If nodeType is not null, verifies that it is a valid value.
Provides commit and delete hooks meant to be applied to classes that need to trigger asynchronous callback events.
AsyncCallbackCommand enqueues an instance of itself that contains a callback event specified by the caller, to be executed asynchronously.
Default queue to process commit/notify related requests.
This attribute is to be overridden in base aspects to be the display name of the subscriber that the notifications are sent to.
setCommitNotifyState : before
Store state (create, update, or softDelete) associated with the instance at the time commit() is triggered, in an event variable "state".
setCommitNotifyState : before
Store state (softDelete or hardDelete) associated with the instance at the time delete() is triggered, in an event variable "state".
Used for types, if true, the type is active and should allow new instances of the type.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Base for all classes to ensure a minimal level of auditing is maintained. This does not include all auditing fields that may be optional, only the required auditing fields.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Aspect for adding delete and read only attributes.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Class aspect to provide instance count via RPC. Default implementation uses aggregation. The 'totalInstanceCount event must be invoked immediately after invoking 'read.
Cached processed where clause
saveWhere : after
Stores where clause as it may be processed prior to invoking main read action.
Count of instances satisfying the where clause
Aspect applied to imported instances. Provides them with information about their source.
The file which this imported instace came from.
The row number in the file this instance came from.
This aspect provides a quick and accessible way to obtain the base system currency as an attribute of the class. This is essential when using the base system currency as a unit bind on the UI. This aspect should be applied to classes that need to display values in the base system currency on the UI.
Provides a quick and accessible way of obtaining the base system currency.
Unit bind for the base system currency.
Aspect for adding delete and read only attributes.
Set of associations to hard delete even when soft deleting the current instance.
Set of associations to cascade_none when soft deleted
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
filter out entries where deleted is true.
allows easy access to this from sublcass
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
partial support for read only flag.
partial support for read only flag.
Overridden to support soft deletes
main : main
Around event to override main delete and soft delete the instance.
Invokes cascade delete logic on related objects. Automatically called in main delete action.
gets the name of the instnace from the name attribute.
Invoked to delete the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Invokes softDeleteRelated logic.
This pointcut for 'SysMailBatchJob' will poll the default channel defined in the environment along with a collection of channel configurations
Periodically poll the channel defined in the envrionment and any additional configured channels
Encapsulate read-only fields for users
setTypeReadOnly : before
appropriately sets read-only flag for instances of the given type
Encapsulate creation of read-only tokens (entities that have a Type class association)
Security using ACL model. Assign pointcut to Entity to enable. Also assign ENTITYACL_SECURABLE_REPORT's pointcuts to contact list driven reports. (see description on ENTITYACL_SECURABLE_REPORT) Currently doesn't include code to populate the ACL itself. ACL is flexible and supports any principal, including a user, a group, and the public principal. The current user can see any entity whos ACL contains at least one of the user's principals from the user's entityPrincipalSet. Depending on the privileges of the logged in users, the user's principal set may or may not include the user's principal, any branch type groups associated with the user, or the public principal. The privileges used are: FirmView (the user can see any entity, and the ACL is effectively disabled) BranchView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain any branch type groups associated to the user) ACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the user's principal) PublicACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the public principal) To use effectively with large lists, there are several optimizations that can be enabled by using appropriate hints by using the list-context? operator in the where clause. these will reduce the number of prinipcals in the clause, preferably to a single principal. For example, although a user may have the user principal, a branch principal, and the public principal in the user's principal set, it is often desirable to limit a list to simply the user's principal. this is often referred to as "My book" and can be enabled by using (list-context? 'MY_BOOK) in the where clause. Likewise, we may want to only see the entities relating to a specific branch. This can be enabled by using the (list-context? 'MY_BRANCH) operator in the where clause in conjunction with the (list-branch? <branch oid>) operator. This prevent any redundent checks between the branch principal sets and the branch itself by first checking if the current user has the given branch principal in its entityPrincipalSet, and then reducing the set to that branch. If the current user is a FirmView user, the passed in branch will be added to the security clause to reduce the visibility of that user temporarity to that branch. Finally, if, for example, all users can see other user persons, the public principal may be put in the user persons' ACL. To optimize this query, the (list-context 'PUBLIC) can be use to reduce the query to the public principal.
OID of current "My branch". For optimizing readable clause.
Symbol of current list view type. One of MY_BOOK MY_BRANCH or ()
Edit security clause. ACL, Branch, or all depending on privileges.
A change indicates that the rep codes have changed and that the ACL records must be recalculated.
overriden to initialize viewPrincipal to the curent user-person's viewPricipal
addACL : before
For all non-user person entities, create ACL records between entity and: - All users who share repcode with the entity - All branches for each of the entity's rep codes - All divisions for each of the branches
addACLUserPerson : before
All User Persons are Public
Optimizes the principal set by removing OIDs not relevant to the current list context or list branch.
principalSet OIDSet The principal set to filter
OIDSet The filtered principal set
Merge the instance the function is invoked from to the specified target instance
Merge the given source to the specified target instance
Helper function to rebuild the entity's ACL records
Notify the Entity that its repcode has changed.
Aspect for fixing contact list reports when using the ENTITYACL_SECURABLE style security. This adds an around action to the "run" event setting the appropriate flags supporting list-context and list-branch options. Only apply this aspect if the ENTITYACL_SECURABLE aspect has already been applied to Entity. Add all reports run with a reportWhere based on the contact list where to the Pointcuts: EntityReportCommand ... Any custom/new report commands.
Security using ACL model. This is the general base aspect for , so it should not be applied directly; refer to ENTITYACL_SECURABLE for use with operational model or view other derived classes. ACL is flexible and supports any principal, including a user, a group, and the public principal. The current user can see any entity whos ACL contains at least one of the user's principals from the user's entityPrincipalSet. Depending on the privileges of the logged in users, the user's principal set may or may not include the user's principal, any branch type groups associated with the user, or the public principal. The privileges used are: FirmView (the user can see any entity, and the ACL is effectively disabled) BranchView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain any branch type groups associated to the user) ACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the user's principal) PublicACLView (the user's aclPrincipals will contain the public principal) To use effectively with large lists, there are several optimizations that can be enabled by using appropriate hints by using the list-context? operator in the where clause. these will reduce the number of prinipcals in the clause, preferably to a single principal. For example, although a user may have the user principal, a branch principal, and the public principal in the user's principal set, it is often desirable to limit a list to simply the user's principal. this is often referred to as "My book" and can be enabled by using (list-context? 'MY_BOOK) in the where clause. Likewise, we may want to only see the entities relating to a specific branch. This can be enabled by using the (list-context? 'MY_BRANCH) operator in the where clause in conjunction with the (list-branch? <branch oid>) operator. This prevent any redundent checks between the branch principal sets and the branch itself by first checking if the current user has the given branch principal in its entityPrincipalSet, and then reducing the set to that branch. If the current user is a FirmView user, the passed in branch will be added to the security clause to reduce the visibility of that user temporarity to that branch. Finally, if, for example, all users can see other user persons, the public principal may be put in the user persons' ACL. To optimize this query, the (list-context 'PUBLIC) can be use to reduce the query to the public principal.
Attribute to allow creating non-committed instances before the security has been set.
View security clause. ACL, Branch, or All depending on privileges.
beforeSetListContext : before
Action to allow positioning the setListContext around action in a desired order in a subclass. For example, to allow the processWhere action to occur before the setListContext action, override the beforeSetListContext action after the processWhere action.
setListContext : around
Around action to temporarily set the LIST_CONTEXT and LIST_BRANCH variables on Entity to allow for dynamic security optimizations. This may have a side effect where any related entities pulled back with this query will also use the optimized security which is likely more restrictive than the unoptimized security.
beforeSetListContext : before
Action to allow positioning the setListContext around action in a desired order in a subclass. For example, to allow the processWhere action to occur before the setListContext action, override the beforeSetListContext action after the processWhere action.
setListContext : around
Around action to temporarily set the LIST_CONTEXT and LIST_BRANCH variables on Entity to allow for dynamic security optimizations. This may have a side effect where any related entities pulled back with this query will also use the optimized security which is likely more restrictive than the unoptimized security.
beforeSetListContext : before
Action to allow positioning the setListContext around action in a desired order in a subclass. For example, to allow the processWhere action to occur before the setListContext action, override the beforeSetListContext action after the processWhere action.
setListContext : around
Around action to temporarily set the LIST_CONTEXT and LIST_BRANCH variables on Entity to allow for dynamic security optimizations. This may have a side effect where any related entities pulled back with this query will also use the optimized security which is likely more restrictive than the unoptimized security.
Aspect for applying awareness of entity search context.
Attribute used by UI to specify entity search context.
Icon representing search context. Shown in menu next to search context aware items such as Entity Lists, etc.
holder for entity search related UI helper attributes and events. Moves them out of Entity where they are plentiful and distracting.
processContext : before
Switch from EntityStatusEnum to proper isClient,isFormerClient, etc. boolean where clause.
Performs Service Level date calculations for entity
Returns the Activity Date Touch Type Report record.
Collection of entity touch type dates
Lower bound operater for Entity Touch Type Date search
Lower bound date value for Entity Touch Type Date search
Determines if there is a late touch for the currently selected user.
returns true if date touch types are present for this entity. Current use is visibilty binding in the UI.
Upper bound operater for Entity Touch Type Date search
Upper bound date value for Entity Touch Type Date search
Service Level that can be applied to the entity.
Indicates whether the current entity is being merged into
The caption displays an error message if the batch job fails for the current period or else it would display the current organization time.
The caption displays the organization time zone and the current organization time.
Collection of service models to be displayed on contact detail form
Boolean attribute which controls the visibilty of the info icon as a part of the grid caption on SLM models tab.
Boolean attribute which controls the visibilty of the warning icon as a part of the grid caption on SLM models tab.
Touch Date Type field for Entity Touch Type Date search
This entity's service model
Touch Type field for Entity Touch Type Date search
Overridden to generate next touch date and report
updateServiceLevel : before
create servicel model for this entity Initialize service model to the tier defaults
returns the ActDateTouchTypeReport for a particular touchType and period
returns the interval for this entity for the given touch type
returns list of attributes to load on source entity for merge
returns list of attributes to load on target entity for merge
add logic to merge service levels and touch type intervals to target. whenever target has SLM, discard source SLM. Otherwise, overwrite target SLM with source SLM. In the case where the target used to have SLM but was later removed (set to NONE), ensure that the old SLM details are completely replaced after merge.
mergeServiceLevel : before
Handle the merging of the service level uniquely as it is a required attribute with a default value.
reset service model for entity
Reset all service model entries to the tier defaults for an Entity
Overridden to update next touch date and reports when interval or tier changes
Initialize service model to the defaults
updates an actDateTouchTypeReport depending on isDelete for particular entity. Also completes any relevant EntityTouchTypeDates when the act is marked complete.
updateDate : before
Updates the EntityTouchTypeDates when the act is marked completed.
updateReport : before
find the report and update/create.
addupdateActTouchType : before
updates report to schedule act for this entity
addupdateActTouchType : before
updates report to disassociate any scheduled acts from this entity
updates report when touch type is added or removed from an act. Also updates the EntityTouchTypeDates when the act is marked completed and the touch type is being added
updateDate : before
Update the EntityTouchTypeDate when you are adding a touch type to a completed act
updateReport : before
find the report and update/create.
Used to add attributes and events to enums (so that a type-ahead picker may search a collection of enums or add calculated attributes, for example).
Calculated attribute to combine caption and shortCaption.
Calculated attribute to display shortCaption if it exists; caption otherwise.
Contains names of messages specific to 2013.
Contains names of messages specific to 2016.
Flag indicating that all invitations sent by this protocol will be sent via SMTP instead of using a user's Exchange's outbox.
CRUD operations on Exchange server; argument is an Exchange canonical collection
Generates a value that can be used as a groupId for this target and the given metaclass, including the given binary value
Recovers a set of attachments, provided a set of attachment ids returned by a read on this interface.
Sends a MIME meeting invite from the specified organizer's e-mail address to the specified recipients and returns the state
Apply this aspect to customize what instances of a class will be exported by default by the data loader.
An association map of class names to where clauses. The where clauses select the instances of that class which will be exported by the data loader. If the class name is null then it means the current class.
Aspect to apply a unique id to a class. This id is shared across environments and thus differs from the object id which is unique across environments. Can be used with SeedDataManager to match imported instances with existing persisted instances. To use: - Apply EXPORT_ID aspect to class and to database table - Create a unique index on the database table that uses the exportId column and optionally other columns that will constitute a unique set for instances of the class
Unique id for an instance
Override to generate exportId
generateExportId : before
Generate unique exportId
The aspect that needs to be applied to a class in order to process collection association on filter rule expression where clauses. The class that has this aspect applied needs to override the processCollectionAssociation event in order to define the changes needed for clauses with collection association. A generic handling of collection association is also handled in creation of clauses in filter riule expressions.
Process where clause manipulation for collection associations. Returned where clause will include the argument
The aspect that needs to be applied to a class in order to create FilterRuleAttributes instances for the specific class. The class that has this aspect applied needs to override the getFilterRuleAttributes event in order to specify which filter rule attributes to create.
Filter type to which the Filter Rule Attributes on this class belong
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Attributes for this class. The name of the sub-messages are what are referred to by the definitions returned in FILTERRULE_SEED_SUBJECTAREAS.getFilterRuleSubjectAreas.
any The message definition.
Implemented by classes that should cause the system to seed SavedFilterRules, bound to a FilterRuleSubjectArea.
Filter type to which the Filter Rule Attributes on this class belong
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the SavedFilterRules for this class at system level.
any The message definition.
The aspect that needs to be applied to a class in order to create FilterRuleSubjectAreas instances for the specific class. The class that has this aspect applied needs to override the getFilterRuleSubjectAreas event in order to specify which filter rule subject areas to create.
Filter type to which the Filter Rule Attributes on this class belong
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Subject Areas for this class.
any The message definition.
The aspect that needs to be applied to a class in order to create FilterRuleType instances of the particular class type. The class that this aspect is applied to needs to override the getFilterRuleTypes event in order to specify which filter rule types to create.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Types for this class.
any The message definition.
Aspect for applying to objects that serve as containers for formulae (see: TestFormulaFieldObject)
A symbol representing the attribute name for child objects linked to this formula field that also represent/contain fields in the formula
A symbol representing the attribute name for parent object linked to this formula field that also represent/contain fields in the formula
The list of field definitions that are direct descendants of this object
Determines whether a child node path is specified from the current field and whether it has values to iterate over
Determines whether a parent node path is specified from the child field and whether it has values to iterate over
Calculate the field definitions from the root node, and all its child nodes A call to this function traverses the entire tree from any point and retrieves all viable field definitions
Retrieves a list of field options
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
True if this instance is related to the current user (i.e. viewable for an ExternalUser). Must be overridden in all implementing classes.
For easier overriding without copying code.
TODO to be removed once support for accesing old values is implemented. This attribute is used in where clauses.
True if this instance is related to the current user (i.e. updatable for an ExternalUser). Must be overridden in all implementing classes.
For easier overriding without copying code.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Whether the historical audit aspect is currently enabled for this class
Name of the history class that corresponds to the class with the aspect applied
Whether the instance can be read or not, regardless of whether it is deleted or not (since normally deleted instances are not readable, regardless of security)
Used for classes where imported objects can come from different sources, e.g., ACT
The source where the object is loaded.
Identifier value of the object in the external source. Not applicable when source is internal (i.e., created in NexJ).
Aspect for handling meeting invitations and creating notifications.
Attribute used to associate the current instance with the notification or participation. Override required for series.
Class used to create Cancel notifications. Override required for series classes.
Meeting cancel notification for this transaction -- use getCurCancelNotification to access it
Meeting update notification for this transaction -- use getCurUpdateNotification event to access it
Entity participants on the instance.
External participants on the instance.
Class used to create Update notifications. Override required for series classes.
User participants on the instance.
Used in the UI for the Notification Preview. Shows who would get an invite or cancellation if sending invites to everyone.
Summary string containing the filenames of all attachments.
Used in the UI for the Notification Preview. Shows who would get an invite or cancellation if sending invites to only added and removed participants.
Whether the list of participants on the meeting has changed.
Messages shown in the properties window if meeting invitations are enabled, if the current user is owner, delegate or neither.
Transient list containing External participants that have been removed from the Act.
Transient list containing User and Entity Participants that have been removed from the Act.
Used in the UI for the Notification Preview. Shows all the people who are on the meeting.
Which set of recipients should receive the invite. One of all, only added/removed, or none.
Set to true if you want meeting notifications to be sent on next update
Creates act cancellation notifications and recipients. Called on delete.
Notification message shown on UI.
Creates act notifications and recipients. Called on commit.
Returns a list of all existing, added, and removed participants.
Returns a list of participants who have been added or removed.
If a current cancel notification doesn't exist, create one, else return it
If a current update notification doesn't exist, create one, else return it
Returns a list of participation invites, participation cancellations, external invites, and external cancellations
Returns a list of all participants who are currently on the meeting whether or not they would receive an invite.
Limits the number of types that can be created per configuration group.
Configuration Group (UserGroup) attribute. Should be overriden in actual class.
The number of types that can be created for a configuration group (user group). -1 is unlimited. Should be overriden in actual class.
Configuration Group (UserGroup) where for association to this. Should be overriden in actual class.
Association to configuration group. Shoudl be overridden in actual class with real reverse.
Ensures the number of types is less than the limit for the configuration group.
Aspect that ensure consistent naming for localizable captions. Prerequisites: A subclass of BaseLocalization for your type (see BaseLocalization for more info) Usage: 1. Add this aspect to the class that needs to be localized. (e.g. CustomFieldType) 2. override the currentLocalization and localizations fields with the subclass of BaseLocalization added for your type (tip: copy/pase the attributes and then just change the Type. e.g. name=CurrentLocalizations, Type="CustomFieldTypeLocalization", ... 3. add persistent mapping for both the above attributes Source should be the current class's PK, the destinations should be the FKO index on the primary table of the subclass of BaseLocalization. e.g. name=localizations, source key = CustomFieldType.PK, destination key = CustomFieldTypeCaption.FKO\
current subclass of baseLocalization
shortcut to caption in current locale
derived association to the current invocation context's localization
shortcut to initialize all locales with a caption
shortcut to initialize all locales with a description
shortcut to description in current locale
used to default localizations on create
collection of localizations. One for each supported locale.
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
shortcut to short caption in current locale
addLocalizations : before
Adds the localizations on create.
Generates a unique name from a localized caption
get the localization for the given object for the given locale.
Given a default name it will check for uniqueness and pre or postfix to create a unique name
set all the localizations based on a default, attr is the attribute of the localization to set
Return whether this instance can be associated to a part of the series (an instance implementing RECURRENCE_OCCURRENCE ASPECT)
Aspect for localization of type names.
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Locale of this instance. Must be a supported locale
Object that is being localized. Reverse and type should be set by implementing class.
Short version of localized caption.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
The category of the associated J2EE logger. Null means default to class of this.
The most detailed level of logging that will occur on this LOGGER.
nexj.core.runtime.InstanceLogger instance that wraps this LOGGER instance.
Logs an event at "level" (SeverityEnum) with localizable string "code" (String) and "args" (vector) and optional "exception" (Throwable).
Applies CRUD jmx stat increments to Pointcut classes. All stats are created at node startup. Stats update the JMX Console at the frequency of the ClusteredStatManager -- by default, this means every minute of activity will be output to the Console. This occurs regardless of persisted stats.
Standardized JMX Category for all Aspect Stats
Determines the current class that the aspect is applied to
Helper class - increments counter with standardized naming pattern
Executed at startup - initializes all JMX Stat counters to 0
Aspect used for applying non-required validation to a class. Used for saving classes that should be allowed to save with 'errors' or 'warnings', but not enforced by NexJ Framework. Inheriting classes should override the ERROR_NULL_ATTRS and WARNING_NULL_ATTRS to specify attributes that require errors or warnings when they are null. Inheriting classes should also override DYNAMIC_ATTRS to specify attributes that will be dynamically displayed in the UI, i.e. shown and hidden depending on a visibility attribute. DYNAMIC_ATTRS takes a list of pairs, each pair has an attribute name as its car and an associated visibility attribute as its cdr. Override 'createValidations' and add events if you wish to add custom validation other than a non-nullable attribute (for example, formatting validation).
List of pairs of attributes that are dynamically displayed in the UI and their associated visiblity attributes. Attributes are the car and their associated visibility attributes the cdr.
List of attributes that should result in an error if they are null.
List of attributes that should result in a warning if they are null.
The list of validation rules that exists for this instance. Also holds whether the rule has been violated.
Function for generating the validationRules for this class. Every attribute that requires validation must have an instance of a AttributeValidationState. This function should be overridden to add custom validations.
nullValidations : before
Creates the validations for attributes that are null.
Retrieves the validation object for a given attribute, if it exists. #f otherwise.
An indicator of the type of action taken
Alias of the user who performed the action
Time the action occurred
User who performed the action
An aspect class that handles dynamic collection attributes for the child UIComponent.
A list associating UI field tags to a list of pairs Format: (list (: tag (list (class . metaClass) (attribute . attributeSymbol) (uniqueAttribute . uniqueAttrSymbol))) ) eg. (: _tt_ `((class . ,EntityTouchTypeDate) (attribute . actTouchTypeDates) (uniqueAttribute . touchType)))
A calculated attribute associating attribute names with the corresponding metaclass
Deprecated empty class for partitioning compatibility. Allows mix-ins based on core to disable partitioning so they can also work in enterprise.
applies logic to period for service level management
processPeriodForTouchType : before
alters where clause depending on the passed in touch type.
processWhereClause : before
changes the read orderby and count
Invoked during initial data loading
List of metaclasses which this depends on running first. For example, '(ActTemplateSeeder EntityTypeSeeder)
Invoked during initial data loading
User copies of messages that belong to this person
Association to conversations this person is participating in
User copies of conversations that belong to this person
User copies of conversations this person started
Conversations this person started
User copies of messages this person sent
Messages this person sent
These are the attributes that are used in a quick add pop-up. This is being used by Mobile applications.
Used to allow quick creation of contacts. Currently used in Tablet and BlackBerry Application.
Used to allow quick creation of contacts. Currently used in Tablet and BlackBerry Application.
If populated during the entity's create, will create a quicknote for that entity.
Used to allow quick creation of contacts. Currently used in Tablet and BlackBerry Application.
Used to allow quick creation of contacts. Currently used in Tablet and BlackBerry Application.
createInitialQuickNote : before
Creates initial quick note Act. Invoking in the commit so that it runs after Person'create is done.
Aspect to enhance SysMetadata for Portlets without customizing the class so that Portal can be applied as a mix-in.
Gets the list of portlet reference models from the System Registry that match the specified names.
Aspect to enhance User class to facilitate security logic.
Name of referent metadata
Pattern used to manipulate/process the orderBy clause on the read event.
Overloaded to call processOrderBy
Overloaded to call processOrderBy
Overloaded to call processOrderBy
Event to modify the orderBy clause. Classes this aspect is applied to should modify the orderBy clause using before actions.
main : main
Returns the processed orderBy clause
Overloaded to call processOrderBy
Pattern used to manipulate/process the where clause on the read event.
overload the openAggregateCursor event to call the processWhere event in a before action.
overload the openCursor event to call the processWhere event in a before action.
This event should be implemented on the applied class. Manipulation should be done on before events. Subclasses should set! the where local variable.
main : main
Returns the processed where clause. Sub-classes should manipulate the where clause with before actions.
overload the read event to call the processWhere event in a before action.
Assignment, if it exists, associated with the item.
Indicates the time the process was set to CANCELLED.
Indicates the time the process was set to COMPLETED.
Indicates the time the process was set to FAILED.
Name of the process. Used as the name of the SysWorkflowAssignment process.
Priority of the process. Lower numbers are higher priority.
Points to the queue name (used by the semaphore block)
Indicates the time the process was added to the queue.
Indicates the time the process was set to RUNNING.
Overall status of the proces. WAITING->RUNNING->COMPLETED
Timeout status of the process. Indicates whether process has timed out, or whether the process is itself a resubmission of a timed-out process.
The queue to which the process is assigned.
Aspect for applying recurrence to action items.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
Metaclass of the series (implementing class must specify it)
A transient value that indicates the approximate number of instances related to this occurrence in the current UOW.
Flag whether any attribute of this occurrence has been modified from the series value
Flag indicating that this occurrence starts at the same time as the series but is not within the series pattern (e.g. when user creates a meeting on Tuesday recurring every Wednesday, the first Tuesday occurrence is mismatched)
Set of association attribute symbols for association that might have been modified on this unit of work
True if this occurrence falls in the period of time covered by the series' recurrence pattern.
Flag for old (dead) occurrences for regenerating series: occurrences that were already used to generate the next one.
The series (instance implementing a RECURRENCE_PATTERN aspect)
Start time of the occurrence in accordance with the recurrence pattern (can be different from baseTime if client updates baseTime). It can be set to (cast timestamp -1) to indicate that the instance is deleted as a result of a change in the series.
Value of the "version" attribute of the series used to create this occurrence
Scheduled start time of the occurrence
Summary string describing what the recurrence pattern is set to. Must be overridden in subclasses that support recurrence.
Where clause (Scheme expression) to select only modified occurrences
Getter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Setter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Framework event extension
Copy all non-conflicting attributes of this occurrence from its series. (those with no xxxModified flag). forceCopyCollections flag indicates that collections should be copied regardless of (series modifiedAttr)
Copy all non-conflicting attributes (those with no xxxModified flag) of this occurrence to its series.
Framework event extension
Convert single occurrence into recurring series with the given type (RecurrenceTypeEnum), frequency (RecurrenceFrequencyEnum), interval (e.g. 3 for every third week) and time zone (in format of java.util.TimeZone time zone ID). Returns the ActionItemSeries instance. "date" specifies horizon for occurrence creation.
Framework event extension
notifyOrphanSeries : before
Force "commit" on the orphaned series so that it can be garbage collected
Initializes all the *modified attributes.
Marks xxxModified attributes appropriately
Mark collection identified by the given symbol "potentially modified"
Clear call xxxModified flags and copy all attributes of this occurrence from its series.
Set the given xxxModified attribute of this instance to the given value
Helper function to set all updated attributes to not modified
Framework event extension
Recurrence pattern for action items
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
A timestamp attribute used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Determines whether any base time attributes that affect the recurrence pattern have been modified.
A transient attribute containing an occurrence copied to this series in the current transaction
If this flag is set, the series that has no more occurrences is deleted. Otherwise, the orphan series will not be deleted.
Series start time excluding mismatched first occurrence (if any)
Occurrences - a collection of instances implementing the RECURRENCE_OCCURRENCE aspect.
A (potentially empty) collection of recurrence rules futher refining the recurrence pattern. Rules of type POSITION can be combined with any other rule type, but they cannot be used independently since they limit occurrence set specified by other rules.
Scheduled start time of the first occurrence in the series.
An instance used to keep track of sereis state and lock this series (we cannot use optimistic lock on the series when adding or removing occurrences since this should not "touch" the series)
Pattern version is incremented every time pattern changes in a way that occurrence recalculation is triggered
Returns whether any series attributes that need to be copied to occurrences has been modified on this transaction.
Getter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Setter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Return singleton batch job
Calculate endsByDate based on maxOccurrenceCount
Framework event extension
calculateEndDate : before
Convert maxOccurrenceCount to endsByDate; maxOccurrenceCount does not work well with Exchange sync
Framework event extension
Create and return an occurrence of this series starting at given time
Returns the maximum number of days from any given day to the next occurrence's base time
Increment series version if it has been updated
Locks the series. This event should be called by any code manipulating (creating and removing) occurrences.
Sets a value of the given attribute. An extension point that can provide custom logic using "before" value
Sets baseTime (e.g. startTime) to the given value and updates the other baseTime (e.g. endTime) according to original duration
Throws an error if the default template status is Completed. Called when creating occurrences unless through sync.
Extract of only the calculateOccurrences functionality and dependent data. Does not provide any occurrence matching functionality. Only stores recurrence pattern definition without any knowledge of actual occurrences.
A timestamp attribute used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Determines whether any base time attributes that affect the recurrence pattern have been modified.
Date of the last occurrence in the series (no occurrences are generated after this date). Null when series does not have end date.
Recurrence frequency
A positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule etc. INTERVAL in iCalendar.
Sequential number of the last occurrence in the series (the first occurrence is number 1). Null when series does not have end date.
A transient attribute indicating that recurrence pattern has been changed significantly and recreation of the occurrences is required.
Determines whether the recurrence pattern has been modified such that occurrences need to be recreated.
A (potentially empty) collection of recurrence rules futher refining the recurrence pattern. Rules of type POSITION can be combined with any other rule type, but they cannot be used independently since they limit occurrence set specified by other rules.
Time zone ID to be used to generate occurrence of this pattern, following format of java.util.TimeZone time zone ID
Recurrence type
Getter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Setter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Calculate occurrences of this pattern between the given dates, inclusive. The result is a sorted collection of baseTime values of the occurrences.
Return timestamp of the first occurrence of this series on or after the given timestamp.
Limit the given time to the recurrence calculation horizon
Framework event extension
Extract of base functionality of recurrence pattern view that does not involve actual instances, but only the pattern itself.
Workaround used in update/create to read UI variables pre-computed from recurrence rules while setting them.
Used in daily pattern to specify if recurrence repeats dailly or every weekday
Applies to Monthly freq. Day of the month each occurrence should occur in.
Used in combo box. Specifies weekday, monday, tuesday, etc...
Never end, end after X occurrences, or end by a specific date
Time series ends (if "end by date" option chosen)
"Does not repeat", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Yearly"
A positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule etc. INTERVAL in iCalendar.
Will recur on Fri if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Mon if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sat if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sun if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Thur if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Tue if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Wed if frequency is 'WEEK'
# of occurrences after which series ends (if "end after" option chosen)
Used in combo box to specify month
Time the series begins
Used in combo box for Month/Year pattern to specify recurrence rule
RegenerateFromEndTime or FromStartTime
Holds the timeZone that this recurrence works in.
"First, second, third, fourth, or last" of a particular day in month
Adds a Recurrence Rules with the given type and values to the given series
createSeries : before
Create the series and the recurrence rules when a recurrence pattern has been added.
updateRecurrenceRules : before
Update the recurrence rules if the recurrence pattern has been modified.
main : main
Code that creates a brand new series for the current action item. Called by create and update.
Utillity function used by updateRecurrenceRules to add rules to series
Converts RecurrenceDayOfWeekEnum to DAY_OF_WEEK integer(s) according to ICALENDAR spec
Returns HashTab storing key/value pairs of current attributes in this class
Checks if this Act's series has a recurrence rules with the given type and values. Passing null value means 'any value'. Passing a list of values ANDs them.
Converts integer representing month (1 through 12) to MonthEnum equivalent.
Returns true if UI attributes related to recurrence pattern have changed
Converts MonthEnum to Integer representing month (1 to 12)
main : main
updates the recurrence rules, assuming that the UI's variables have been touched.
Given a HashTab of Recurrence Pattern UI variables, updates this Act's series with the new Recurrence Rules
clearAndSetRules : after
set the pattern's frequency, type, and interval, as well as setting the new recurrence rules for the pattern (given that it is not null).
main : main
to be overridden by inheritor to complete some work
setDates : before
sets the start, end, and base dates
Converts RecurrenceWeekOfMonthEnum to a POSITION integer according to the ICALENDAR spec
Aspect with variables used to represent a Recurrence pattern in UI. Also contains update/create functions that create series when the right UI variables are set.
Workaround used in update/create to read UI variables pre-computed from recurrence rules while setting them.
Used in daily pattern to specify if recurrence repeats dailly or every weekday
Applies to Monthly freq. Day of the month each occurrence should occur in.
Used in combo box. Specifies weekday, monday, tuesday, etc...
The number of days an occurrence spans.
The day of end time relative to start time is either the same day or after x number of days.
Never end, end after X occurrences, or end by a specific date
Will recur on Fri if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Mon if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sat if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sun if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Thur if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Tue if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Wed if frequency is 'WEEK'
# of occurrences after which series ends (if "end after" option chosen)
Used in combo box to specify month
End date of the series
Time the series begins
Used by UI to determine if pattern has been updated on series.
Used in combo box for Month/Year pattern to specify recurrence rule
"First, second, third, fourth, or last" of a particular day in month
Adds a Recurrence Rules with the given type and values to the given series
updateRecurrenceRules : before
Update the recurrence rules if the recurrence pattern has been modified.
before : before
Record the initial start time value. This is needed for the isWeekly* calculated attributes.
Utillity function used by updateRecurrenceRules to add rules to series
Converts RecurrenceDayOfWeekEnum to DAY_OF_WEEK integer(s) according to ICALENDAR spec
Returns HashTab storing key/value pairs of current attributes in this class
Overridden from RECURRENCE_PATTERN_BASE_VIEW for recurring action items.
Overridden from RECURRENCE_PATTERN_BASE_VIEW for recurring action items.
Returns #t if a weekly pattern is changed in UI, #f otherwise.
Checks if this Act's series has a recurrence rules with the given type and values. Passing null value means 'any value'. Passing a list of values ANDs them.
Converts integer representing month (1 through 12) to MonthEnum equivalent.
Returns true if UI attributes related to recurrence pattern have changed
Converts MonthEnum to Integer representing month (1 to 12)
main : main
updates the recurrence rules, assuming that the UI's variables have been touched.
Given a HashTab of Recurrence Pattern UI variables, updates this Act's series with the new Recurrence Rules
clearAndSetRules : after
set the pattern's frequency, type, and interval, as well as setting the new recurrence rules for the pattern (given that it is not null).
main : main
Updates the series' start and end times, as well as occurrences before setting the rules up
setDates : before
sets the start, end, and base dates
Validates the recurrence pattern
main : main
Validates that if frequency is 'WEEK', at least one day of the week must be selected. The exception is Tasks with regeneration based on completion date.
Validates that a proper recurrence end pattern is provided. The max occurrence count must be a number greater than zero or the ends by date must occur after the start time.
Converts RecurrenceWeekOfMonthEnum to a POSITION integer according to the ICALENDAR spec
Aspect with variables used to represent a Recurrence pattern in UI. Also contains update/create functions that create series when the right UI variables are set.
Workaround used in update/create to read UI variables pre-computed from recurrence rules while setting them.
Used in daily pattern to specify if series repeats dailly or every weekday
Applies to Monthly freq. Day of the month each occurrence should occur in.
Used in combo box. Specifies weekday, monday, tuesday, etc...
Used to control visibility of task regen ui
The number of days an occurrence spans.
The day of end time relative to start time is either the same day or after x number of days.
Never end, end after X occurrences, or end by a specific date
Time series ends (if "end by date" option chosen)
"Does not repeat", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Yearly"
A positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule etc. INTERVAL in iCalendar.
Will recur on Fri if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Mon if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sat if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Sun if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Thur if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Tue if frequency is 'WEEK'
Will recur on Wed if frequency is 'WEEK'
# of occurrences after which series ends (if "end after" option chosen)
Used in combo box to specify month
Time the series begins
Used in combo box for Month/Year pattern to specify recurrence rule
RegenerateFromEndTime or FromStartTime
"First, second, third, fourth, or last" of a particular day in month
Adds a Recurrence Rules with the given type and values to the given series
before : before
Record the initial start time value. This is needed for the isWeekly* calculated attributes.
Overridden from RECURRENCE_PATTERN_BASE_VIEW for recurring action items.
Overridden from RECURRENCE_PATTERN_BASE_VIEW for recurring action items.
Returns #t if a weekly pattern is changed in UI, #f otherwise.
Ensures attributes on existing tasks are not copied to the series when only the start or end time are modified.
Sets baseTime (e.g. startTime) to the given value and updates the other baseTime (e.g. endTime) according to original duration
applyToSeries : after
Applies changes to the series
Given a HashTab of Recurrence Pattern UI variables, updates this Act's series with the new Recurrence Rules
main : main
Updates the series' start and end times, as well as occurrences before setting the rules up
setDates : before
sets the start, end, and base dates
Validates that occurrences exist within the pattern specified and adjusts the current occurrences base times if they do not fit the pattern.
Validates the recurrence pattern
main : main
Validates that if frequency is 'WEEK', at least one day of the week must be selected. The exception is Tasks with regeneration based on completion date.
Validates that a proper recurrence end pattern is provided. The max occurrence count must be a number greater than zero or the ends by date must occur after the start time.
Type of the recurrence rule.
Value for the rule, following iCalendar approach. For example, for WEEK rule (iCalendar BYWEEKNO) this is an ordinal specifying week of the year. Valid values are 1 to 53 or -53 to -1. This corresponds to weeks according to week numbering as defined in [ISO 8601]. For DAY_OF_WEEK rule (iCalendar BYDAY), value can represent: - a day of week (1 to 7, 1 is Sunday) - a day of n-th week (e.g. when RecurrencePattern frequency is MONTH or YEAR) by adding n*7 to the day of week. For example, every third Tuesday in a monthly recurrence pattern would be represented as 3 + 3*7 = 24 - a day of last n-th week by substracting n*7. Every last Tuesday in a month or in a year would be 3 - 1*7 = -4.
Interface needed for classes associated with a rollup node.
Adds a rollup hier for the given type, if it doesn't exist.
Finds the rollupHier with the given type. Returns #f if none found.
Locks the current and new hierarchies.
Notifies any rollup hierarchies of a change in target.
Interface needed for classes associated with a rollup node.
Adds a rollup hier for the given type, if it doesn't exist. Returns the hierarchy.
Finds the rollupHier with the given type. Returns #f if none found.
Create a rollup node. examines type of rollupNodes collection to determine class of rollup node.
Find a rollup node for the given type. IF it doesn't exist, create it.
Finds the node of a given type. Returns #f if it doesn't exist.
Gets the current total value for the given type. Returns '() if no rollup nodes for this type are configured.
Needs to be implmented by the aspect class.
Upserts the value for the given type on this node.
Invoked during startup
Aspect for applying recurrence to schedule items.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
Metaclass of the series (implementing class must specify it)
Flag to indicate whether create/update to this act was invoked synchronously. Value is only false when create/update is triggered asynchronously from the series.
Summary string describing what the recurrence pattern is set to
Returns a pair of baseTimes in the form of (previousBaseTime . nextBaseTime). Sets baseTime of previous occurrence to epoch if null. Sets baseTime of next occurrence to #m4500-08-30T23:59:59 if null.
Returns a string representation of the daily recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the monthly recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the weekly recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the yearly recurrence pattern.
Returns true if the recurrence pattern set is invalid
Validates the start and end times of an updated occurrence.
Recurrence pattern for schedule items
The maximum number of related instances to pre-commit when creating/updating/deleting occurrences.
If this is set, it specifies the time from which all following occurrences, inclusive, will be deleted
Boolean specifying whether this series is the head of a series that is currently being split
Date of the last occurrence of the series. Used when the end type is an occurrence count.
Number of occurrences in the series. Used when the end type is an end date.
Reference to the original series that this series is being split from
Used by UI to determine if pattern has been updated on split series.
The seriesBaseTime of the occurrence that was opened to split from
Summary string describing what the recurrence pattern is set to
Framework event extension
incrementVersion : before
Increment series version if it has been updated
updateOccurrences : before
Update or re-create occurrences when series changes
Create occurrences of this series between the given dates, inclusive, and populate them with default values. date = null means no restriction. Occurrences are not created beyond batch job horizon. This event is called in 2 situations: on a client thread specifying end date and asynchronousely to create all occurrences.
Returns a new series that is a copy of the current series with its first occurrence being the passed in occurrence.
Delete occurrences between the given dates (inclusive). Null date means no restriction. Pre-commits UOW on asynchronous invocation.
Deletes this and all following occurrences in this series from occurrence onwards. Delete this series if occurrence is the first occurrence.
Ends the recurrence from either the current day or the occurrence occ, whichever is later.
Returns a string representation of the daily recurrence pattern.
Returns the number of days to update synchronously
main : main
Calculates the number of days from the start time of the series up to which the number of occurrences can be synchronously created/updated.
Returns all occurrences in a series up to a provided base time. The list is sorted by each occurrence's base time.
Returns a string representation of the monthly recurrence pattern.
Gets a sorted collection of occurrences between the given dates (inclusive) either including or excluding soft-deleted instances. Null fromTime or toTime means no limit. Boolean argument is required.
Returns smallest frequency from the rules of the recurrence pattern.
Returns all subsequent occurrences in a series from a given base time. The list is sorted by each occurrence's base time.
Returns a string representation of the weekly recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the yearly recurrence pattern.
Returns whether the recurrence pattern has been changed
Returns true if the recurrence pattern set is invalid
Pre-load existing occurrences within the given time interval; optionally including soft-deleted instances. Load all attributes and associations required for update logic. Null fromTime or toTime means no limit.
Recreate occurrences of this series between the given dates, inclusive, and populate them with default values. date = null means no restriction. Occurrences are not created beyond batch job horizon. Offset specifies how much (in milliseconds) the start time of the series has been moved. It is used for better occurrence matching. forceCopyCollections flag indicates that collections should be copied regardless of (series modifiedAttr)
Updates this series and the old series so that they are split properly and the occurrences from the old series are pointing to the correct series
Update all future occurrences of recurring series with the series data between the given dates. forceCopyCollections flag indicates that collections should be copied regardless of (series modifiedAttr)
This aspect is intended for certain classes, of which instances will be seeded in by SysUpgrade (e.g. Tracker, Chart).
True if object altered from its initial seeding by SysUpgrade.
True if object was created by seeding done by SysUpgrade.
Adds a step to SysUpgrade.seed to seed workspaces based on the current metadata.
List of screen names where table layouts are seeded and not converted to splitter layouts
List of workspaces to seed per principal.
Used for seeding personalized workspaces
A list of pairs containing application name and principal pairs.
enumerations : before
Defined so that the portal actions run afterwards.
Aspect to apply a read performance optimization
Optimize the read query by reading only primitive persisted attributes.
Overridden for attribute read performance optimization
getInstancesBeforeAttributes : around
Optimization separating the read into two queries. The attributes are removed from the first query and are read after in a separate query. This is only applied when the where clause contains (separate-attribute-read) in an "and".
Strip non-primitive attributes for performance optimization. Called by custom read event on UI. The Framework will lazy load these attributes on form load.
Aspect for detecting modifications on ActionItem association through the reverse association classes.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Symbol of the association attribute for the series
Framework event extension
Framework event extension
Aspect to support sending SERIES notifications via email
Series to send notifications for
Aspect to support sending SERIES notifications via email
Series to send notifications for
Used for classes where objects can come from different sources, e.g., internally (created in NexJ), or an external source.
The source where the object is loaded. Can be internal or from an external source.
Identifier value of the object in the external source. Not applicable when source is internal (i.e., created in NexJ).
Cleans up stats that are past the persistence timeout
Aspect given to any object that can generate simple summary information (a caption for the item, as well as icon). The calculated attributes must be overridden on implementing aspects.
The maximum length of the summaryCaption (ellipses are used if there are characters longer than this length).
The full caption used to identify this item. Appends the heading and subheading together, as well as cuts off after the length has exceeded MAX_LENGTH
The main descriptor of this object (typically, the name of the object).
The icon used to identify this item.
The secondary descriptor for this object (typically, contextual information about the object).
Base for all classes to ensure a system level of auditing is maintained.
The time of creation. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The createTime attribute should be used instead.
User who created the record. This is a system audit field that is required on all tables. This should not be shown in the UI under normal circumstances - the createUserId attribute should be used for UI.
The time of the last update to this class. This is a system audit field that should nto be shown in the UI under normal circumstances. The editTime attribute should be used in the UI.
The user who last edited the record. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The editUserId attribute should be used instead.
Extended to set audit fields.
setSystemCreateFields : before
Sets the System audit fields for create. These should reflect when the instnace was created, regardless of integration or import.
setSystemEditFields : before
Sets the System audit fields for update. As update may not be called after create, these are also set here. These should reflect when the instance was updated, regardless of integration or import.
Determines whether an instance has any persistence work to be done
Extended to set audit fields.
setSystemEditFields : after
Sets the System audit fields for update. These should reflect when the instance was updated, regardless of integration or import.
Aspect for applying recurrence to schedule items.
A map of all "xxxModified" attributes; the key is attribute of this class applicable to series. If an attribute does not change between occurrences, the value in the map is null.
Metaclass of the series (implementing class must specify it)
Overriden for audit. "Does not repeat", "Daily", "Weekly", "Monthly", or "Yearly"
Summary string describing what the recurrence pattern is set to
Framework event extension
Returns a string representation of the daily recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the monthly recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the weekly recurrence pattern.
Returns a string representation of the yearly recurrence pattern.
Returns true if the recurrence pattern set is invalid
Overridden to include task-specific recurrence pattern logic.
Recurrence pattern for task items
copyFromOccurrence : before
If a series has been created from an occurrence but the data was not copied, now it is time to do so.
Create next occurrence for regeneratable series for the given last occurrence time
Delete this occurrence and do not create any further occurrences for this series.
Aspect used to expose a creationTime attribute which is calculated based on the KeyGenerator.Time OID structure.
Time the instance was created.
Aspect applied to classes whose cached UICOMPONENT value are to be cleared so that their new/updated value can be used immediately. Only used on client's request.
path to the UICOMPONENT attributes to clear
Enables or disables the UIComponent cache clearing functionality.
clears the cached UICOMPONENT values
clearCache : after
clears the cached value after an instance is committed
clearCache : before
clears the cached value before an instance is deleted
retrieves the flattenCollectionOptions exluding the "NO" option
The UI Component name of the target class
List of attribute symbols that do not exist in the domain model and is only on the UI Component Client
The icon of the ui component instance
The UI Component name of the instance. Use this attribute if the UI Component name is needed by the client. Refrain from querying a static attribute from the client.
Return true if operandOid exists within the collection with name varName and false otherwise
varName the name of the collection
operandOid the oid that we want to check for within the collection
Overridden to return finance specific associated action types
inst Object Instance of UI Component
fieldNode pair Node containing fields to return value for and nexj:ui:UIComponent:1.0:type:UIField
inst Object Instance of UI Component
fields nexj:ui:UIComponentClient:1.0:type:UIFieldValue[] Values to set on instance
An aspect class that is applied to classes that must be interpreted as enumeration values for UIComponent.
Used in the getValueByName event to help with finding the parent name
Encapsulate unique field types for user
determine what type or role it is
flag to determine if type is unique
Encapsulate creation of unique tokens (entities that have a Type class association)
stores the entity value
stores the value for the error parameters passed for the validation exception
Stores the error message.
stores the type or role
Aspect to add an association to a User
The associated user
Aspect for user group configurable types.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Should be overriden with reverse in actual class.
checks to see if user has Admin privileges, by default is #f.
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable editPrincipal picker.
Pointer to isNew for access bind
True if the configuration is private to a specific user.
True if the configuration is public.
True if the configuration is by user group.
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable viewPrincipal picker.
Access bind for update and delete
Must be implemented in actual class.
Updatable attribute for the where clause.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
logUpdatable : before
log updatable
Initialize viewPrincipal based on user permissions and privileges. Returns a principal.
Overridden to prevent setting editPrincipal to current user for private security type option.
Overridden to prevent setting viewPrincipal to current user for private security type option.
checkEditPrincipal : before
Prevent update of editPrincipal when not new.
checkViewPrincipal : before
Prevent update of viewPrincipal when not new.
Aspect for user group configurable types.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of the user group permission required to manage creatable types.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Principal that can create instances of this type.
checks to see if user has Admin privileges, by default is #f.
True if this instance is related to the current user (i.e. viewable for an ExternalUser). Must be overridden in all implementing classes.
True if this instance is related to the current user (i.e. updatable for an ExternalUser). Must be overridden in all implementing classes.
For easier overridding without copying code.
Must be implemented in actual class.
logUpdatable : before
log updatable
Initialize createPrincipal based on user permissions and privileges. Returns a principal.
Apply to class that can trigger workflow rule
Indicate if the instance could trigger workflow rule
Indicates the workflow trigger
Overriden by objects to assign instance to an Act as a related object when they are supported. Must be overridden.
Calculate whether this instance could trigger workflow rules
Overridden to implement workflow logic when instances are created
Overridden to implement queue notifications logic for the deleted Act.
Retrieves the component instance required for computing rule conditions given an object and fields. Handles two cases, create and update. On update, old and current values are supplied, whereas 'create only has current values
Additional workflow arguments can be supplied by overridding or implementing this event
Overridden to implement workflow logic for updating instances
Workflow implementation for updating instances
List of attributes that should retrigger a denormalization onto the WorkQueueItem
Metaclass to use for the WorkQueueItem read
Task assigned for the work queue item
Whether deletions have been handled for dangling references.
Whether the object is on a WorkQueue
The workqueue on which the item has been placed
Denormalizes the item's attributes onto the WorkQueueItem.
Reads all WorkQueueItems that this item belongs to and updates the denormalized attributes.
Interface for approval object implementation.
Associated flow instance
Callback function when flow is approved
Retrieve the current updatable security of the flow
Retrieves the latest flow template
Callback function when flow is rejected
Callback function when flow is submitted
Flow helper functions.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
An aspect class that is applied to classes that must be interpreted as enumeration values.
Designated attribute for the enum caption, supports symbols and lists.
Designated attribute for the default maximum number of objects to read.
Designated attribute for the enum name, supports symbols and lists.
Expressions on which to order the collection.
Designated attribute for the enum parent value code.
Should be implemented on the applied class to return the appropriate WHERE value.
Returns all available enum values as a collection of transfer objects.
Return the instance of a class based on the NAME_ATTRIBUTE.
Used for types, if true, the type is active and should allow new instances of the type.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Calculated attribute for allowing new instances in the UI. Should be overriden as needed in the subclass, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Base for all classes to ensure a minimal level of auditing is maintained. This does not include all auditing fields that may be optional, only the required auditing fields.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Pointcuts into CallBeaconVisibility class in CRM to control call beacon visibility.
pointcuts into CallBeaconVisibility class to control beacon visibility.
Aspect that ensure consistent naming for localizable captions. Prerequisites: A subclass of BaseLocalization for your type (see BaseLocalization for more info) Usage: 1. Add this aspect to the class that needs to be localized. (e.g. CustomFieldType) 2. override the currentLocalization and localizations fields with the subclass of BaseLocalization added for your type (tip: copy/pase the attributes and then just change the Type. e.g. name=CurrentLocalizations, Type="CustomFieldTypeLocalization", ... 3. add persistent mapping for both the above attributes Source should be the current class's PK, the destinations should be the FKO index on the primary table of the subclass of BaseLocalization. e.g. name=localizations, source key = CustomFieldType.PK, destination key = CustomFieldTypeCaption.FKO\
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
Aspect for localization of type names.
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Locale of this instance. Must be a supported locale
Object that is being localized. Reverse and type should be set by implementing class.
Short version of localized caption.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Base for all classes to ensure a system level of auditing is maintained.
The time of creation. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The createTime attribute should be used instead.
User who created the record. This is a system audit field that is required on all tables. This should not be shown in the UI under normal circumstances - the createUserId attribute should be used for UI.
The time of the last update to this class. This is a system audit field that should nto be shown in the UI under normal circumstances. The editTime attribute should be used in the UI.
The user who last edited the record. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The editUserId attribute should be used instead.
Aspect that applies to objects that are to be indexed and placed within their own taxonomy.
The taxonomy class
A taxonomy branch for the indexable object
Condition that must evaluate to true if the instance is to be added to the taxonomy
Default behaviour is to use the class's name attribute when left null. The searchable name attribute. Set value to override use of the class's name attribute when creating taxonomy. Only used in cm:Taxonomy sub-classes.
Leave null to siginify that there is no parent taxonomy layer inferrable from the current classification. Override to set the parent attribute of the taxonomy layer.
Overridden to create classification
Initializes the taxonomy instance related to the indexable object
Gets the taxonomy name attribute. Used for initialization and update of taxonomy
Gets the parent classfication for the current classification node
Determines whether the current taxonomy has a parent
Overridden to update classification
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of emails that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of event meetings that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of holdings that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of Schedule Items that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Flag to indicate that search for stock interests should be performed
Search attribute for finding entities tagged with research subjects for subscriptions
Flag to indicate that search for subscriptions should be performed
Search attribute for finding entities with the given tag
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of Tasks that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Search attribute for finding entities tagged with taxonomies including subscriptions
Search attribute for finding entities tagged with searchTaxonomy and an act with an appropriate startTime
Flag to indicate that search for finding entities that are part of transactions that are tagged with certain taxonomies should be performed
Process where clause
A pointcut class that allows the Financial Date class to refrence the cm module without having the attribute on the class itself
All transactions that uses this financial date
Holds the persitence mapping for ACTIVE aspect in UserRegistry.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Adds persistence mappings to the ecr datasource for the base AUDIT aspect.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Holds the persitence mapping for DELETE_RO aspect in UserRegistry.
Set of associations to hard delete even when soft deleting the current instance.
Set of associations to cascade_none when soft deleted
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
filter out entries where deleted is true.
allows easy access to this from sublcass
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
partial support for read only flag.
partial support for read only flag.
Overridden to support soft deletes
main : main
Around event to override main delete and soft delete the instance.
Invokes cascade delete logic on related objects. Automatically called in main delete action.
gets the name of the instnace from the name attribute.
Invoked to delete the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Invokes softDeleteRelated logic.
Aspect that ensure consistent naming for localizable captions. Prerequisites: A subclass of BaseLocalization for your type (see BaseLocalization for more info) Usage: 1. Add this aspect to the class that needs to be localized. (e.g. CustomFieldType) 2. override the currentLocalization and localizations fields with the subclass of BaseLocalization added for your type (tip: copy/pase the attributes and then just change the Type. e.g. name=CurrentLocalizations, Type="CustomFieldTypeLocalization", ... 3. add persistent mapping for both the above attributes Source should be the current class's PK, the destinations should be the FKO index on the primary table of the subclass of BaseLocalization. e.g. name=localizations, source key = CustomFieldType.PK, destination key = CustomFieldTypeCaption.FKO\
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
Aspect for localization of type names.
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Locale of this instance. Must be a supported locale
Object that is being localized. Reverse and type should be set by implementing class.
Short version of localized caption.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Base for all classes to ensure a system level of auditing is maintained.
The time of creation. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The createTime attribute should be used instead.
User who created the record. This is a system audit field that is required on all tables. This should not be shown in the UI under normal circumstances - the createUserId attribute should be used for UI.
The time of the last update to this class. This is a system audit field that should nto be shown in the UI under normal circumstances. The editTime attribute should be used in the UI.
The user who last edited the record. This is a system audit attribute that should not be normally shown in the UI. The editUserId attribute should be used instead.
Aspect for metaclasses implementing user-defined filter and list pattern. Converts filter, list references in where clause. Prerequisite: metadata contains metaclass or its base type *.filter files with subject definitions. Steps to implement the pattern: 1. Apply filter:PROCESS_FILTER to a metaclass, 2. Override LISTS_ATTR to point to the list members association if it is different from 'lists.
Attribute symbol associating with list members. Must be overriden in subclasses
Saved filter reference to be processed and replaced in the where clause.
Overridable event to customize calculation of list where clause
Overridden to check admin privilege
This aspect must be turned into augment once ECRM-27075 is fixed
Overridden to set appropriate subclass
Attribute used by UI to specify entity search context.
Icon representing search context. Shown in menu next to search context aware items such as Entity Lists, etc.
A boolean indicating if the current security rule for this object is "Coverage"
Set of principals that can see this filter
Overridden to check admin privilege
The matching search context to set when running this filter. Could be null if not applicable.
Collection of applicable security rule instances
Summary string displayed in UI that explains who can see a covered record
Used for showing the visibility (view and edit security) of this filter
Collection of supported security rules
Holds the persitence mapping for ACTIVE aspect in Flow.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Adds persistence mappings to the Flow datasource for the base AUDIT aspect.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Holds the persitence mapping for DELETE_RO aspect in Flow.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Aspect that centralizes logic for obtaining and updating localized captions.
Default locale to get strings if no strings are found with the current locale.
List of pairs that contain attribute symbol to field name mappings when generating string ids from a metaclass attribute
Metaclass symbol for the object that contains the localization resources.
List of attributes on metaclass associations to localize. Format is the following: (list (list (: class . <metaclass symbol>) (: path . <assoc path of attribute>) (: attrs . <list of attribute symbols on the association to localize>) (: nameAttribute . <name attribute symbol on the object that can be used as a unique identifier for string ids>) ) ) eg. (list (list (: class flow:QuestionnaireQuestion) (: path '(questions)) (: attrs '(richTextBody richTextLabelCaption)) (: nameAttribute 'refName)) (list (: class flow:QuestionnaireAnswerOption) (: path '(questions customAnswerOptions)) (: attrs '(caption richTextCondCaption)) (: nameAttribute 'stringValue)) (list (: class flow:QuestionnaireSection) (: path '(sections)) (: attrs '(richTextTitle richTextSubtitle)) (: nameAttribute 'refName)) )
List of attributes on this class to localize.
Unique name attribute symbol for defining string ids
Collection of string names that represent supported locales.
Collection of all localization resource objects.
Calculated collection of localization resource objects for obtaining fallback captions. This collection includes all applicable fallback localizations based on the user's current locale. eg. If the locale is french and has a variant, the collection will contain resources with the following locales: fr_LOB1 fr en If the locale is english and has a variant, the collection with contain resources with the following locales: en_LOB1 en
Calculated flag indicating whether the defaultLocalizations collection is sorted.
Gets the localized string, given a string id. The locale can be optionally passed in the variable arguments list. If a locale is passed in, the string will be obtained in the provided locale. Otherwise, the string will be implicitly obtained from the user's locale with the fallback order specified in the defaultLocalizations collection. Returns #f if the string is not found.
Gets the localized string, given an object and attribute symbol. The locale is implicitly obtained from the ordering of defaultLocalizations. If no localized string is found, the default value is implicitly calculated as (obj attrsym)
Generates a string id, given the object and attribute symbol. The name attribute value can be passed in the variable arguments list to specify the unique identifier value to generate the id. Otherwise, the object must have a name attribute value explicitly defined.
Sets the calculated defaultLocalizations collection to contain an ordered collection of applicable localizations.
Remove an existing id/caption pair for all localizations.
Sets a localized string, given a string id and value. The locale can be passed in the variable arguments list. If a locale is specified, the string will be set in the provided locale. Otherwise, the user's current locale will be used to set the string.
Updates the string id of an existing id/caption pair. The caption is retrieved with the oldId and set with the newId. If no existing caption is found with the oldId, a new id/caption pair will not be created.
Aspect for persisting localized string tables.
Language that the localization resource is in.
Objects that this class will provide localizations for
Serialized property map of localized strings.
Calculated property map of localized strings.
Returns the corresponding caption given the caption id. Returns #f if the caption is not found.
Removes an existing caption/id mapping with a given id. No mapping will be removed if a corresponding caption is not found with the id.
Sets or updates an existing caption given the caption id and new value.
Updates an existing caption id mapping to a new specified id
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Clears questionnaire template cache
Base for all classes to ensure a minimal level of auditing is maintained. This does not include all auditing fields that may be optional, only the required auditing fields.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Security using LeadACL model. Assign pointcut to Lead to enable. LeadACL is flexible and supports any principal, including a user and a groupl. The current user can see any entity whos LeadACL contains at least one of the user's principals from the user's leadAclPrincipalSet. Depending on the privileges of the logged in users, the user's principal set may or may not include the user's principal. The privileges used are: LeadView (the user's leadAclPrincipals will contain the user's principal)
Attribute to allow creating non-committed instances before the security has been set.
View security clause. ACL, or All depending on privileges.
Security using ACL model. LeadACL is flexible and supports any principal, including a user and a groupl. The current user can see any entity whos LeadACL contains at least one of the user's principals from the user's leadAclPrincipalSet.
Set of principals (usually just one) for the Lead ACL security.
An aspect to point to Act types that are related to Leads.
Determine whether the attachment toolbar will be shown
Used for UI to display attachment layout
Used for UI to display attachment layout
True if this is of type ActionItem
True if this is of type ActivityPlan
True if this is of type CallRecord
True if this is of type Document
True if this is of type RoadshowMeetingFeedback
True if this is of type ScheduleItem
True if this is of type Task
Display fullname with spacing in front
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Used in the UI to display AlarmLeadMinutesEnum's caption (i.e. "15 minutes before")
Used for repeater tile UI to display a shortened date dependant on type of Act.
Smaller version of the icons associated with act's template
Used to allow users to download attachments from Attachment menu in repeater tiles
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Aspect to Person class to update score on leads related to a Contact
A class that is used as a source for providing interests for Client Insights purposes
Clear the interest blacklist entry (if one exists) if appropriate
clearInterestBlacklistForCustomField : after
Cascade delete the corresponding blacklist entry unless there are other remaining sources of the interest
clearInterestBlacklistForCustomField : after
Cascade delete the corresponding blacklist entry unless there are other remaining sources of the interest
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Holds the persitence mapping for ACTIVE aspect in UserRegistry.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Adds persistence mappings to the ecr datasource for the base AUDIT aspect.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Holds the persitence mapping for DELETE_RO aspect in UserRegistry.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Store a boolean constant value
Store a decimal (19,4) value. representation for a currency
Store a decimal value
Store a double value
Store a float value
Store an integer value
True if the operand is a collection
True if the value is a collection of object values
True if the value is an enumeration
True if type is primitive
Store a long value
Object value instance, for single value case
Object values, if type is enum or object
Reference to value used as input in the operation, i.e., UIFieldName
Operator used for the operation
Initial value for ordinal
Store a string constant value
Store a multi-lined string
Store a timestamp value
Polymorphic value
Value type
Create an object value, given an object value command. Overridden to create subclassed object value.
Gets attribute value from target instance
#t when the instance is used with filter rules.
Aspect that ensure consistent naming for localizable captions. Prerequisites: A subclass of BaseLocalization for your type (see BaseLocalization for more info) Usage: 1. Add this aspect to the class that needs to be localized. (e.g. CustomFieldType) 2. override the currentLocalization and localizations fields with the subclass of BaseLocalization added for your type (tip: copy/pase the attributes and then just change the Type. e.g. name=CurrentLocalizations, Type="CustomFieldTypeLocalization", ... 3. add persistent mapping for both the above attributes Source should be the current class's PK, the destinations should be the FKO index on the primary table of the subclass of BaseLocalization. e.g. name=localizations, source key = CustomFieldType.PK, destination key = CustomFieldTypeCaption.FKO\
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
Aspect for localization of type names.
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Locale of this instance. Must be a supported locale
Object that is being localized. Reverse and type should be set by implementing class.
Short version of localized caption.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Aspect applied to classes that implement system notifications
Determines whether the notification object metaclass is valid for retrieving operands and notification information
Returns a list of associated action types for a given ui component. Must be customized.
Custom notification recipient list tree
Aspect pointcutted to OptionBlock to provide functionality from OptionBlock within Rules.
Enable Notifications by Email
Enable Regions for Notifications
Aspect applied to classes defining dynamic fields that can be shown as operands within a hierarchical operand picker.
Returns the properties of the fields to show within the field picker in hierarchical order. Assumes implementing class has a target attribute.
level integer The depth to which to provide fields for. This aids optimization of the field retrieval
retrieveAvailablevalues boolean True to retrieve available values for operands since they are required.
operandNames list An optional list of operand names that is being retrieved. Typically a one value argument depicting the field that is being retrieved and can be used for optimization
Mock UIComponent aspect for rules. Used for the purpose of being able to tag Test classes in rules that require the UI_COMPONENT aspect. Events that are part of UI_COMPONENT aspect can be mocked this this aspect.
Attribute meant to mimic UICOMPONENT_NAME from UI_COMPONENT aspect in finance. Used by unit-test in rules in order to execute actions that require the existence UI_COMPONENT_NAME attribute.
Mock event used for the purpose of allowing getRuleComponentInstance (an event in WORKFLOW_RULE_TRIGGERABLE) to be called on objects in Rules. Used in unit-tests only
Mock event used for the purpose of mocking getValuesByUIComponent (an event in UI_COMPONENT) to be called on objects in Rules. Used in unit-tests only
Mock method used for the purpose of allowing getWorkflowArgs (an event in WORKFLOW_RULE_TRIGGERABLE) to be called on objects in Rules. Used in unit-tests only
Aspect pointcutted to User to provide functionality from User within Rules.
Delegates user authentication to the BasicLogin channel.
The authenticated user.
User names to exclude from delegation.
The principal who logged in. It is used for security context propagation. SSO always runs as either system user or no privilege user.
Authenticates a user. Locks out the user for lockout duration after User'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS number of consecutive failed login attempts.
boolean True if loginName/password combination is valid and user is not locked. False otherwise.
delegate : around
Delegates authentication to the basic login channel if its URL is defined.
Finds a user by name and provides it to getUser. Returning null cancels the login.
processUserName : around
Sets the userName to NO_PRIVILEGE_USER if is not the impersonator and if it was authenticated using delegation.
Returns logged in user.
Adds an authenticated user.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
Holds the persitence mapping for ACTIVE aspect in UserRegistry.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Adds persistence mappings to the ecr datasource for the base AUDIT aspect.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the createUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The creation time of the instance.
The userId of the user who created the instance.
The user identifier of the author of the edit. This will be the same as the editUserId except in cases when a user is working on behalf of another.
The last update time of the instance.
The userId of the last user to modify the instance.
Holds the persitence mapping for DELETE_RO aspect in UserRegistry.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Aspect that ensure consistent naming for localizable captions. Prerequisites: A subclass of BaseLocalization for your type (see BaseLocalization for more info) Usage: 1. Add this aspect to the class that needs to be localized. (e.g. CustomFieldType) 2. override the currentLocalization and localizations fields with the subclass of BaseLocalization added for your type (tip: copy/pase the attributes and then just change the Type. e.g. name=CurrentLocalizations, Type="CustomFieldTypeLocalization", ... 3. add persistent mapping for both the above attributes Source should be the current class's PK, the destinations should be the FKO index on the primary table of the subclass of BaseLocalization. e.g. name=localizations, source key = CustomFieldType.PK, destination key = CustomFieldTypeCaption.FKO\
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
Aspect for localization of type names.
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Locale of this instance. Must be a supported locale
Object that is being localized. Reverse and type should be set by implementing class.
Short version of localized caption.
Class aspect for applying locking attribute to classes.
This aspect is intended for certain classes, of which instances will be seeded in by SysUpgrade (e.g. Tracker, Chart).
True if object altered from its initial seeding by SysUpgrade.
True if object was created by seeding done by SysUpgrade.
Stores supplement Accent Lookup data to the Address Lookup Canada class. Canada Post distributes their data in flat files that contain indicators to flag certain fields as having accents. Those flagged fields can be converted using the nonAccented to Accented name mappings in this class. The Accented values can then further be converted to their proper unicode values as defined in the accentConversions attribute.
A conversion table for converting special characters used by Canada Post in their database to their respective actual French accent values.
Calls the getAccentConversionsHash event to get a hash table with the French accent symbol mappings contained in accentConversions.
Accented value of the string which contains special characters then in turn need to be converted using the accent conversions in the accentConversions variable.
This calculated attribute returns a hash-tab with all instances of ALCanadaAccentSupplement using their nonAccentedNames as keys and accentedNames as values.
Non-accented value of the String
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Returns a hash tab of all instances in the ALCanadaAccentSupplement table with their nonAccented names as keys and proper unicode accentedNames as values.
Returns the first accented name of a given non accented name found in the database. If no accented value is found in the database, the passed in non accented value is returned.
Deletes all rows in the AddressLookupCanada table in the database.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
The BI class that represents campaign dimension.
The total actual revenue gained from the campaign.
The end time of the campaign.
Accumulative opportunity facts associated with the campaign.
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the campaign.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the campaign.
The manager of the campaign.
The priority of the campaign (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The region of the campaign (e.g. 'NAT' for National).
The start time of the campaign.
The status of the campaign (e.g. 'INAC' for Inactive, 'ACTIVE' for Active).
The total target revenue for the campaign.
Notes related to the campaign; includes campaign purpose and additional info about targeted audience.
The title of the campaign.
The type of campaign (e.g. 'EMAI' for E-Mail, 'TEL' for Telephone).
The BI class that represents company dimension.
The default address of the company.
The billing address of the company.
The business address of the company.
The default city of the company.
The preferred method of communication for the company.
The name of the company.
The default country of the company.
The coverage for the company; includes coverage team members and their roles.
The email address of the company.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Company').
Accumulative opportunity facts associated with the company.
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the company.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the company.
The fax phone number of the company.
The name of the company's household, if applicable.
The mailing address of the company.
The bio of the company.
The name of the company's parent company, if applicable.
Ranked tiers for the company.
List of the sales coverage team for the company.
The shipping address of the company.
The default state of the company.
The status of the company (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the company belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The work phone number of the company.
The default zip code of the company.
The BI class that represents contact dimension.
The default address of the contact.
The line affixed at the end of a contact's full name (e.g. Jr./Sr., B.Sc, M.D.).
The contact's age.
The billing address of the contact.
The contact's birthday.
The business address of the contact.
The default city of the contact.
The preferred method of communication for the contact.
The name of the company to which the contact belongs.
The default country of the contact.
The coverage for the contact; includes coverage team members and their roles.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Smith').
The company department to which the contact belongs.
The email address of the contact.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Contact').
Accumulative opportunity facts associated with the contact.
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the contact.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the contact.
The fax phone number of the contact.
The contact's first name.
The contact's gender.
The contact's preferred name (i.e. nickname).
The home address of the contact.
The home phone number of the contact.
The contact's role within their household.
The contact's middle initials.
The contact's preferred language of communication.
The contact's last name.
The mailing address of the contact.
The mobile phone number of the contact.
The bio of the contact.
The company position that the contact holds.
Ranked tiers for the contact.
List of the sales coverage team for the company.
The shipping address of the contact.
The SMS email address of the contact.
The default state of the contact.
The status of the contact (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the contact belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The work phone number of the contact.
The default zip code of the contact.
The AP class that represents currencies.
Reverse association
Reverse association
The actual symbol, e.g., $ or E (Euro), is handled automatically by the system.
The BI class that represents household dimension.
The default address of the household.
The billing address of the household.
The business address of the household.
The default city of the household.
The preferred method of communication for the household.
The default country of the household.
The coverage for the household; includes coverage team members and their roles.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'ABC Company' or Dear 'Smith Family').
The email address of the household.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Household').
Accumulative opportunity facts associated with the household.
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the household.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the household.
The fax phone number of the household.
The name of the household.
The mailing address of the household.
The bio of the household.
The shipping address of the household.
The default state of the household.
The rank or classification that the household belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The work phone number of the household.
The default zip code of the household.
The OLAP class that represents opportunities and deals; includes related contacts, companies, users, documents, and activities.
The actual close date of the opportunity.
The coverage for the opportunity; includes coverage team members and their roles.
The description of the opportunity.
The expected close date of the opportunity.
Accumulative opportunity facts associated with the opportunity.
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Fiscal-quarterly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Fiscal-yearly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Monthly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Quarterly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Weekly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Yearly opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the opportunity.
The name of the primary entity (i.e. company, contact, household) of the opportunity.
Date the opportunity began.
The OLAP class that represents products.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with the product.
The list price for the product.
The name of the product.
The product type of the product.
Each instance of the time dimension class is a day that may be included in analytic calculations. 'dimDate' is always the start of the day for a given date in the UTC timezone.
The first day of the epoch from which the epoch-oriented ordinal attributes are calculated
The ordinal of this day relative to Jan. 1 of the same calendar year
The calendar half (-year) of this day
The ordinal of this day's calendar half (-year) relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the calendar half (-year) for this day
The calendar month of this day
The calendar quarter of this day
The ordinal of this day's calendar quarter relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the calendar quarter for this day
The calendar week of this day
The calendar year of this day
The ordinal of this day's calendar year relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the calendar year for this day
The ordinal of this day relative to the EPOCH_START date
The day of the month
The day of the week
The total number of days in this day's month
The day of this instance (always the start of the day for a given date in the UTC timezone)
End of this day
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with this day as the actual close date
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with this day as the expected close date
Accumulative opportunity snapshots associated with this day as the start date
Daily opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Daily opportunity snapshots closing on the day.
Daily opportunity snapshots expected to close on the day.
Daily opportunity snapshots with the most recent act on the day.
Daily opportunity snapshots starting on the day.
Fiscal-quarterly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Fiscal-yearly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Monthly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Quarterly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Weekly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Yearly opportunity snapshots associated with the day.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots closing on the day.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots expected to close on the day.
Accumulative opportunity snapshots starting on the day.
The ordinal of this day relative to the first day of the fiscal year
The fiscal half (-year) of this day
The ordinal of this day's fiscal half (-year) relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the fiscal half (-year) for this day
The fiscal month of this day
The fiscal quarter of this day
The ordinal of this day's fiscal quarter relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the fiscal quarter for this day
The fiscal week of this day
The fiscal year of this day
The ordinal of this day's fiscal year relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the fiscal year for this day
Whether this day's calendar year is a leap year
Whether this day is a public holiday
Whether this day falls on a weekend
The corresponding Julian calendar day
The ordinal of this day's week relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the calendar month for this day
The number of weekdays in this day's calendar year
The number of weekdays in this day's calendar year prior to this day
The number of weekdays in this day's fiscal year
The number of weekdays in this day's fiscal year prior to this day
The number of weekdays in this day's month
The number of weekdays in this day's month prior to this day
The ordinal of this day's week relative to the EPOCH_START date
The first day of the week for this day
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's calendar year
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's calendar year prior to this day
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's fiscal year
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's fiscal year prior to this day
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's month
The number of non-holiday weekdays in this day's month prior to this day
Return the time dimension instance corresponding to the given day
Return the end of the day transposed into the given time zone
Return the start of the period defined by the timeGrain from the timeValue provided
Return the start of the day transposed into the given time zone
Return the time dimension instance corresponding to the given day interpreted in the given time zone
Populate the time dimension table for every day within the given date range
Return the number of weekdays in the month of the given date
Return the number of weekdays in the period of a year starting from the given date
The OLAP dimension class that represents contacts who are also users.
The default address of the user.
The line affixed at the end of a user's full name (e.g. Jr./Sr., B.Sc, M.D.).
The billing address of the user.
The user's birthday.
The business address of the user.
The default city of the user.
The preferred method of communication for the user.
The company to which the user belongs.
The default country of the user.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Smith').
The company department to which the user belongs.
The email address of the user.
The access control list for securing the viewing of the user.
The type of entity (e.g. 'User').
The fax phone number of the user.
The user's first name.
The user's gender.
The user's preferred name (i.e. nickname).
The home address of the user.
The home phone number of the user.
The user's role within their household.
The user's middle initials.
The user's preferred language of communication.
The user's last name.
The mailing address of the user.
The mobile phone number of the user.
The bio of the user.
A collection of opportunity coverage teams to which the user belongs.
The company position that the user holds.
The shipping address of the user.
The SMS email address of the user.
The default state of the user.
The status of the user (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the user belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The user's full name.
The user's username.
The work phone number of the user.
The default zip code of the user.
Class represents data metadata for Aggregate Fact table (i.e. BIFactOpportunityDaily, BIFactOpportunityWeekly)
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Collection of attributes for fact table
Name of the metaclass represented by this Fact
Family to which this fact class belongs
The metaclass represented by this Fact
Size of the fact class, i.e. approximate number of records in the DB
The snapshot generation priority of this Fact
Time Grain of this aggregate fact class
List of all dimension attributes in the snapshot.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
List of all fact attributes in the snapshot.
All activity snapshots belong to the Activity family.
List of all dimensions in the snapshot that require security clauses.
All activity snapshots are periodic.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
The time grain of the snapshot.
Class Represents an intersection between BIFamilyAttribute and BIFact classes. No class should have a foreign key to this class, as direct truncation is performed on it and corrupt foreign keys will be left behind. See BIBaseFact'populate
Aggregate Fact table to which this attribute belongs
Family Attribute that belongs to this fact
List of all dimension attributes in the snapshot.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
List of all fact attributes in the snapshot.
All meeting snapshots belong to the Meeting family.
List of all dimensions in the snapshot that require security clauses.
All meeting snapshots are periodic.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
The time grain of the snapshot.
Accumulative Snapshot class for Opportunities
List of attributes that are dimensions.
List of attributes that are facts.
Name of the family to which the fact belongs.
List of dimension attributes whose security should control the visibility of this fact.
The Accumulative Opportunity fact family
The time grain of the snapshot.
The actual close date of the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
The currency of the opportunity
The expected close date of the opportunity.
The lead that led to the opportunity.
The opportunity.
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary contact of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary household of the opportunity, if applicable.
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
The stage of the opportunity (e.g. 'PROS' for Prospecting, 'CWON' for Closed - Won).
Date the opportunity began.
The name of the opportunity type.
Source class for snapshot generation. Must be specified for aggregate snapshot classes.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
All opportunity snapshots belong to the Opportunity family.
All opportunity snapshots are periodic
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The actual close date of the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
The expected close date of the opportunity.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The day of the most recent act for this opportunity.
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary contact of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary household of the opportunity, if applicable.
The probability of the opportunity closing.
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
Date the opportunity began
The name of the opportunity type.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation.
The time grain of the snapshot.
The date of the snapshot (the first day of the period for periods longer than a day)
The opportunity associated with the snapshot
Accumulative Snapshot class for ProductOpportunities
List of attributes that are dimensions
List of attributes that are facts
Name of the family to which the fact belongs.
List of dimension attributes whose security should control the visibility of this fact
The ProductOpportunity fact family is accumulative
The time grain of the snapshot.
The actual close date of the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
The currency of the opportunity.
The expected close date of the opportunity.
The opportunity related to the product.
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary contact of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary household of the opportunity, if applicable.
The probability of the opportunity closing.
The product related to the opportunity.
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
The length of the sales cycle, in days, from start date to expected close date.
The stage of the opportunity (e.g. 'PROS' for Prospecting, 'CWON' for Closed - Won).
Date the opportunity began
The name of the opportunity type.
List of all dimension attributes in the snapshot.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
List of all fact attributes in the snapshot.
All research snapshots belong to the Research family.
List of all dimensions in the snapshot that require security clauses.
All research snapshots are periodic.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
The time grain of the snapshot.
List of all dimension attributes in the snapshot.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class.
List of all fact attributes in the snapshot.
All revenue summary snapshots belong to the Revenue Summary family.
List of all dimensions in the snapshot that require security clauses.
All revenue summary snapshots are periodic.
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
The time grain of the snapshot.
Meta-metadata for a Cube / Aggregate Family. This class links all fact (aggregate) classes that belong to a single cube.
Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Attributes that are met in the current family (both fact and dimention attributes in the fact table)
The fact classes that comprise this aggregate family.
Type of snapshot the family represents.
The time zone in which snapshots should be created for this family.
Type of aggregate family.
Family Attribute class. Each fact attribute is represented by family attribute without repetitions. Family Attribute and BIFact then are linked through an intersection class BIFactAttribute.
Name of the metaclass attribute that is represented by this family attribute
Collection of fact attributes that are derived from this family attribute
Family to which this family attribute belongs
Determines whether this attribute is a dimension attribute. When dimension is null, attribute is degenerate dimension.
Meta-metadata for a Cube / Aggregate Family with a time grain (i.e. periodic type of snapshot). This class links all fact (aggregate) classes that belong to a single cube.
The maximum elapsed time (in milliseconds) that snapshot generation (for a single day) could reasonably be expected to take. If it takes longer than this, the snapshot generation will be assumed to have failed, and the APSnapshotGenerationTimeoutBatchJob will automatically reset the family so it will restart generation.
The time snapshot generation started. Null when snapshots are not in the process of being generated.
UTC date for which the last snapshot generation was queued for this family. I.e. Assuming all snapshots queued were successful, snapshot data exists up to and including this date, and the next snapshot generation process should begin from the day after this date. Snapshots may have failed to generate prior to this date, but that would currently need to be handled manually.
The OLAP outrigger class that represents a member of an entity coverage team.
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
The company covered by the team, if applicable.
The contact covered by the team, if applicable.
The team member's coverage role (e.g. 'OWN' for Advisor, 'CSA' for Client Service Associate).
The name of the coverage team.
Last effective date of the Coverage
The household covered by the team, if applicable.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Effective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
The team member's full name.
The APOR class that represents exchange rates.
The OLAP outrigger class that represents a member of an opportunity coverage team.
The team member's coverage role (e.g. 'OWN' for Advisor, 'CSA' for Client Service Associate).
The name of the coverage team.
The opportunity that the coverage team covers.
The team member's full name.
The user that belongs to the opportunity coverage team.
The AP class that represents the relationship between region and entity.
The company to which the ranked tier applies.
The contact to which the ranked tier applies.
Related RegionEnum (e.g. US, Canada).
Rank based on the revenue value of the Entity. It is not related to the tierRank.
Tier rank in the region.
The AP class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of users.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the user.
The user that the principal can see.
Batch job to capture periodic snapshots in the OLAP model
Unique class code for APSnapshotBatchJob
Batch Job Name
Repeats every three hours
Represents a financial account.
Default string for account number.
Indicates the operational mode used for account valuation rollup. When true, the ownership percentage is used in valuations. When false, the ownership percentage is not factored into valuations. The operation mode must be decided during design time, because the system does not support run-time switching between modes.
Act series' (Action Items & Documents) related to this account.
Acts (Action Items & Documents) related to this account.
The fees collection for this account. Only applicable to accounts that are part of fee-based groups.
The KYCs for this account.
The loans for this account.
Account number.
The restrictions placed on this account.
Account type. E.g., RRSP, RRIF, LIRA.
Calculated attribute that is true when account allows historical snapshot and performance recalculations.
Minimum payment per year. Also known as AMP. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Date of birth associated with annual minimum payment. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Minimum payment left for the current year. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Derived association of beneficiaries for this account.
Simple parent-child relationship for account.
Date of account close.
A description of the account.
Calculated attribute for current value of the account in the reporting currency.
Indicates to whom this account is designated or under custody. E.g., Nominee, Client Name, Third Party.
derived association based on 'acts', returns only the associated documents
The relationships with entities to this account.
Federal tax amount on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Federal tax percentage on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Fee-based group this account is part of.
When the fee-based plan is effective.
Calculated attribute used for visibility binds for account tax detail, specifically, the maximum payment attributes. True when account is LIF/LRIF account type with nominee designation and dealer management type.
Used in BlackBerry. Flag used to hide the secondary owner label in Financial Accounts. It is based on whether there is a secondary owner on this account
Calculated attribute used for visibility binds for account tax detail. True when account is RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account type with nominee designation and dealer management type.
The holdings that are held in this account.
When the first transaction on this account occurs. The open date and start performance date in Portfolio and VirtualPortfolio are based on this date. This value should be empty when there are no transactions on this account (e.g., tracked accounts).
Derived association of interested parties for this account.
Investment type, e.g., pool, segregated. Only applies to referred accounts.
IPS group name. Only applies to referred accounts.
IPS name. Only applies to referred accounts.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is a dealer account, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Flag indicating whether or not account is discretionary.
Flag indicating whether or not account is a group account.
Flag indicating whether or not account is HRSDC registered.
Calculated attribute based on ownership type.
Flag indicating whether or not account is authorized for LSIF trading.
Flag indicating whether or not account is leveraged.
Flag indicating whether or not account has limited trading authorization.
Flag indicating whether or not account is locked-in account.
Flag indicating whether or not account is managed.
Calculated attribute used to check whether the reportingCurrency is the systemCurrency. The normalized value will be shown if the systemCurrency is not the reportingCurrency.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is not tracked, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Flag indicating whether or not account has power of attorney authorization.
Flag indicating whether or not account is owned by a professional.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is referred, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Flag indicating whether or not account is spousla account.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is tracked, false otherwise.
Calculated attribute used for edit binds on account attributes.
The most recent KYC attached to this account.
Indicates how the account is managed. E.g., dealer, referred, tracked internal, tracked external. Accounts that are dealer and referred management types are provided from a back-office system while tracked management types are created in NexJ.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Used in BlackBerry. Icon is based on the account management type (DEALER, REFERRED, TRACKED_INT, TRACKED_EXT) Note: TRACKED_INT & TRACKED_EXT use the same icon
Maximum payment per year. Also known as MAP. Only applies to LIF/LRIF account types with nominee designation.
Date of birth associated with maximum annual payment. Only applies to LIF/LRIF account types with nominee designation.
Maximum payment left for the current year. Only applies to LIF/LRIF account types with nominee designation.
Name of the account.
Non-residential tax amount on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Non-residential tax percentage on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Calculated attribute for current value of the account in the system base currency.
Date of account open.
Derived association of owners for this account.
Account ownership type. E.g., Individual, Individual ITF, Joint, Joint ITF, Corporate.
Simple parent-child relationship for account.
The portfolio that represents this account. A corresponding portfolio is automatically generated when an account is created. Relationship is always one-to-one.
Reverse association. The portfolios that contain this account.
The primary owner of the account. This is kept in sync with the EntityAccount collection.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Name of private client manager. Only applies to referred accounts.
Checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User. NOTE: updatable is not overridden, because it is not allowed for external users.
Regional tax amount on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Regional tax percentage on benefit. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Account registration, which is a super set of account type. In most cases, it is the same as account type. An example of the super set is SRRSP, which is RRSP and spousal flag true.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Currency used to display values in account.
Residency code for out of province accounts.
Indicates segregated IP. Only applies to referred accounts.
Short name of the account.
Current value of account taken from external source (e.g., book of record).
Account status. E.g., Open, Closed.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Used in BlackBerry. Account type followed by ownership type/spousal if applicable
Calculated attribute for BlackBerry that displays either "Contributor" or "Beneficiary" depending on the account registration.
Used in BlackBerry to display the trustee name if the account designation is THIRD_PARTY, else it displays the account designation
Display string for account dashboard header.
Calculate attribute that contains the full names of all the owners on this account.
Calculate attribute that contains the long names of all the owners on this account, used for the Portfolio Summary Report.
Calculated attribute that contains the long names of the primary owner and up to one other owner, used for the Portfolio Summary Report.
Calculated attribute for BlackBerry that returns the value "Contributor" for a spousal RRSP or "Beneficiary" for any RESP or ITF accounts.
Display string for account dashboard sub header.
The systematic plans on this account, e.g., PAC, SWP.
Description of tax election. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Description of tax status. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
The format for the federal tax, regional tax, and non-residential tax. It can come in actual amounts or percentages.
Total payments. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
The transactions on holdings in this account.
Account number for third party intermediary.
Code for third party intermediary.
Opening balance of the current year. Only applies to RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account types with nominee designation.
Helper for adding an owner. Automatically checks if entity is already an owner.
createPortfolio : before
A new account always creates a corresponding SingleAccountPortfolio object.
Factory for creating an account with the primary owner specified.
updateValuations : before
Update valuations of associated portfolios.
Event used to delete an account from the UI.
updateAccountType : before
Ensure registration is updated properly if account type is updated.
updatePrimaryOwner : before
Ensure that primaryOwner is in sync with the EntityAccount collection.
Represents an account fee collected for a fee-based group. The account fee is part of a fee-based group fee that is collected.
The account that the fee is taken from.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Average market value of the account during the period where the fee is collected.
The fee-based group fee collected that this fee is part of.
The fee amount for this account as a portion of the group fee.
Intersection between Account and KYC. Represents a KYC for an account.
Represents a loan for an account.
The account that the loan is for.
Description of the loan company.
The amount that is loaned.
The loan number.
When the loan matures.
When the loan started.
Intersection between Account and Restriction. Represents a restriction on an account.
The account that has the restriction.
Indicates if restriction is on buy.
When the restriction is effective from.
The restriction placed on the account.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Indicates if restriction is on sell.
Indicates if restriction is on switch.
Indicates if restriction is on withdrawal.
Base class for all action items and documents (Journal Items)
Maximum number of characters to display in the 'Assign To' field
The default region for an Act
The default action item template.
DEFAULT_TYPE is depreciated. Use DEFAULT_TEMPLATE instead.
List of attributes denormalized to EntityParticicipation
Maximum number of characters to display in the 'For' field
Whether historical audit functionality is currently enabled for this class
Name of historical audit class for Act
A timestamp that represents August 30, 4500 at 23:59:59, the last day supported by Outlook.
Length of the description field for quick notes
Max length of the previewText field.
Max length of the preview text for quick notes.
Max length of text preview
Maximum string length of quick note summary in phones
max string length of tooltip
List of attributes from Act that are denormalized to RecentActivityAct.
Name of dedicated object queue for RecentActivityAct background processes.
Number of recent activities to display
Force a cascade_none when this act is soft deleted.
Override to expose as UI Component
This field simplifies the creation of an act for a single account. By assigning this calculated attribute in the create, the entity is automatically added to the list of associated accounts.
Account that this act is for.
Overridden for audit.
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
actual end time of act. automatically set when status is set to completed.
Allows grouping by date functionality on activityEndTime
Allows grouping by date functionality on activityEndTime
Parent Activity Plan that this act is part of.
Points to the activity plan template's icon if the item is associated to an activity plan
Step template for this act.
Used as a tooltip in Act grids where items are associated to an activity plan
actual start time of act.
calculated attribute to display the activities title in the contact summary page. This attribute combines the title with a pre-fixed length and the step number of the activity plans.
Number of minutes prior to the startTime that the alarm should go off.
used to determine if the security can be modified.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Act edit security cannot change if its folder edit security is not public. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Act view security cannot change if its folder view security is not public. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Boolean value to determine whether to create/update recent activity act
Used to display the names of userParticipants in repeater forms.
Truncated version of the 'Assign To' field used for displaying in the UI.
Points to an attachment icon if the act has attachments. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for an icon indicator in a grid.
Attachments related to this act. A M-M relationship.
Used as a tooltip in the Act grid
Attachments directly linked to this act. Deprecated. Use attachmentLinks below.
Person who authored the task
Whether author is enabled for exchange sync or not
Allows bookedByEntities to be used for Act Filter Rules
The business process this act is for, if relevant.
The business process stage that this act is for.
The associated call record for this act.
The icon to show when an act is associated to a call record.
Campaign that for which this action item was created.
Whether the entity participation is locked down
Whether the act-related changes can be sent in notifications
The specific metaclass caption
Each act subclass has a different classCode.
Collection of classifications
Filter on entityParticipants where the entity is an instance of Organization
calculated attribute to display the grouping titles of the activities in the contact summary page.
Filter on entityParticipants where the entity is an instance of Person
creates string with <createAuthorAlias> on <createTime>
boolean that depends on the Template createable Principal to see if act of that template can be created.
Creator of this Act
Meeting cancel notification for this transaction -- use getCurCancelNotification to access it
Meeting update notification for this transaction -- use getCurUpdateNotification event to access it
Allows UI Schedule to access current date/time.
Collection of badges to be displayed on the act dashboard
Collection of badges to be displayed on the act tooltip
grouping string for schedule item grid
Person who delegated the task. Often the creator.
Whether the Act's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
True if Act is displayable in Journal
True if this act should show up in quick note viewer.
creates string with <editAuthorAlias> on <createTime>
Principal who will be added to ACL with view and edit access
Stores the editPrincipal of an act if an attachment pending upload is added to the act at creation
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration. Overriden to set Access Attribute
Allows grouping by date functionality on editTime
Allows grouping by date functionality on editTime
Controls whether editing recurrence is allowed. Must be overridden in subclasses that support recurrence.
An attribute used in the UI to disable the 'Lead' hyperlink label based on the readable attribute of the current user.
scheduled end time of act. Mostly applicable only to schedule items.
Special endTime formatter used in various grids
Calculated display end time with short version of the timezone (EST instead of Canada/Eastern). if no timezone (
Calculated display end time with timezone. if no timezone (
Allows grouping by date functionality on endTime
Allows grouping by date functionality on endTime and status
Allows grouping by date functionality on endTime
This field simplifies the creation of an act for a single contact. By assigning this calculated attribute in the create, the entity is automatically added to the entity participants.
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the entities in the entityParticipants colleciton
List of OIDs of the entities in the entity participants list.
TODO: remove once better solution is available. Derived association on entityParticipants to hint that there is only one result. The developer is responsible for enforcing this constraint.
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the companies in the entityParticipants collection
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the contacts in the entityParticipants collection
Entities (Contact, Companies, etc.) related to this act. "For" field in the UI.
Used by UI to check the number of entity participants, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Returns 0th attachment of document (or null if there are no attachments). Used in BatchPrint to default to first attachment of doc
Identify associated parent folder
Follow up acts that were generated as a result of this act.
Helper for where clauses to filter on current user's acts
Truncated version of the 'For' field used for displaying in the UI.
Whether this act has a related Activity Plan
Whether this act has an approval object to know whether to display it in the UI or not
This doesn't work in a where clause since it tries to look for the empty attribute on the attachment class.
This only works in a where clause.
Whether any of the act participants will have notifications, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Boolean for determining of this act has a related process.
Indicates whether or not the act has an associated call record.
Whether this act has a Roadshow
True if this act has followUps.
Whether notifications have been sent for that act.
Whether this act has a related Lead
Whether this act has a related object
Whether this act has a related Opportunity
Whether this act has a related Progressed Opportunity
Flag indicating that the email body is in rich text format.
Indicates if this act has an associated roadshow
True if this act has associated sectors or industries.
Flag to indicate whether there is a text preview of the act, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
True if this act has associated tickers.
This is a list of industries that an act has been classified with
This field is to allow the UI to set the default user for tasks and schedule items. For example, when creating an item on another user's schedule, this UserPerson will be added to the userParticipants collection.
To simplify subquery when reading acts
This attribute was moved from ScheduleItem.meta class to allow filter ScheduleItems by isAllDay attribute and is overriden in ScheduleItem.meta
Indicates if this act is a step in an approval plan.
True if the Act result is approved.
Defines whether this task is added by batch action.
Defines whether plain text is being converted to HTML by a batch command
Defines whether that the text is updated by batch command
Flag indicating whether cancel notification is required
True if act is considered cancelled, false otherwise.
True if act is considered completed, false otherwise.
Indicate if the default verb of this act is set to Email.
Indicate if the default verb of this act is set to Print.
Applies to roadshow meetings. Indicates whether a roadshow meeting is considered empty and not be shown on the journal list (see (
Determines if an act is a part of a series, and if it is the first occurrence in that series.
True if this act is a followUp to a parent act.
Controls visibility of followups form. Used by BatchAddTask
Controls the visibiliity of the For Field. Used by BatchAddTask
To prevent double initialization when create is called many times.
Determines if the markCompleted event should be enabled.
Used for badge purposes. Defined by ActionItem if the action item is a recurring item that is modified.
Used in UI to determine if instance is new.
Indicate if parent act is updatable or not.
The result can be updated by the current user.
True if the Act is used as a batch print log
Controls the visibiliity of the Recurrence link.
True if the Act belongs to a series
Used in the UI to check isRecurring.
True if the Act result is rejected.
Controls the visibiliity of the Related Lead Field.
Controls the visibiliity of the Related Roadshow Meeting Field.
True if the Act is a plan that was restarted.
Returns true if the Act status represents a state of being scheduled = either 'Outstanding' or 'Tentative'
Indicates if the current schedule item is being deleted as a result of series being deleted or modified.
Can the status be set within a privileged block, regardless of the instance being updatable.
Indicates if this act is a step in an activity plan.
Flag indicating whether update notification is required
Indicate whether the act is waiting for attachments from its parent act.
The lead it is associated with.
The Leg associated with this Act. This is a virtual attribute used by subclasses i.e. persisted in some classes, calculated in others.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Raw serialized data for lightEntityParticipants. See lightEntityParticipantValues for more information.
GenericSerializablePropertyMap holding the raw properties of the lightEntityPartipants to be serialized by the framework using a hook into lightEntityParticipantData. Has two properties: fullNames and entities. fullNames contains a collection of fullNames for entities stored in the entities collection.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Location of this meeting
Returns checked checkbox if item is marked as completed, otherwise unchecked checkbox
Prints act's status and priority.
Virtual attribute for UI enabled bind for mark complete.
Overridden to set reverse
Set of meeting notifications to be sent
A string specifying the requirements to send notifications for this act
Opportunity this act is for.
Stage of the opportunity act was created in Persisted in an extension table so it doesn't affect places that don't need this
Outstanding cancel notifications
Outstanding update notifications
Attribute to temporarily override allowModifySecurity on the current instance
Parent action item that this act is a follow up of.
An EntityParticipation object corresponding to the entity whose coverage will be added as user participants. It is set in the UI in a picker screen. Non-persisted attribute used in the BlackBerry.
Portfolio object tied to this act.
Collection of premiums associated to this act.
Priority of act. Set from ActPriorityEnum.
Used to add a single Product to the products collection, picked up during the create event.
Products related to this action item.
Summary string shown in quick note viewer
Override to allow bypassing Act ACL security for readable attribute.
Default read-only flag taken from the act template.
Internal/ExternalManage + ACL
Overridden for bypass privilege
Used by the ObjectHistory read API. Should implement the same security as the standard readable attribute, except that deleted instances should also be returned (as long as they would be readable if they weren't deleted). TODO: This is not working with ACL and the historical audit for Act feature is not used. To be removed.
Link to denorm of Act for "Recent Activity List".
Points to a recurrence icon if the act has a series. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for an icon indicator in a grid.
Used as a tooltip in the Act grid
The region of the creator of this act. Only used in business logic when the option block is turned on.
Most important entities associated with this act. Used by RoadshowScheduleItem.
The time at which the alarm should go off (used for Tasks)
Calculated collection of act result enums. Appends the act's current result to values taken from template's result collection (if the current result in not already included in the collection).
The Roadshow associated with this Act. This is a virtual attribute used by subclasses i.e. persisted in some classes, calculated in others.
Set of user participation without system users
Used by BlackBerry application to retrieve action items schedules for a particular date
All schedule items/tasks that are schedule to occur today. (could start before today)
This is a list of sectors and industries that an act has been classified with
Semi-colon delimited sector industries name list
This is a list of sectors that an act has been classified with
Overridden to enable auditing
Virtual entity for go to contact picker.
Sequence number of this act's step template.
This attribute needs to be in Act so that we can restrict the display of recurring items in the Journal
Holds a list of enities that are service providers for a roadshow. This is virtual.
The service request that this act belongs to
A flag for pre-populating ticker, sector, and industry from an entity
A flag for pre-populating ticker, sector, and industry from a roadshow
Calculated attribute for UI to show approval related actions.
Calculated attribute for displaying the outcome field in the UI
Enable soft deletes for acts.
scheduled start time of act. actual start time stored in activitystarttime.
Allows grouping by date functionality on start time for the mobile agenda
Special startTime formatter used in various grids
Calculated display start time with short version of the timezone (EST instead of Canada/Eastern). if no timezone (
Calculated display start time with timezone. if no timezone (
Allows grouping by date functionality on startTime
Allows grouping by date functionality on startTime
Attribute used on mobile task screen to group tasks by day, including future dates
Calculated attribute to simplify searching for acts whose start time is today.
Enum value representing the status of the Act. Valid values determined from the template's ActTemplateStatus collection.
String Value of Status
Calculated collection of act status enums. Appends the act's current status to values taken from template's status collection (if the current status in not already included in the collection).
Used for the UI to sort based on timestamp in summaryStringDue
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
Display icon for workspaces
String with both UIComponent caption and UIComponent instance caption
Display the act's approval status
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
String with the due date if the item is a task or a schedule item, else null
string with UIComponent caption
String with Opportunity title and stage name If act's opportunity stage is not set then we assume it is an add popup so we use the opportunty's stage instead
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Prints act's status and priority.
String with the act title and a semi-colon delimited list of the light entity participants
Display name for workspaces (sub-heading)
Used by the UI for searching
Used by the UI to display associated Tags
A collection of Tags associated with this act. Uses the taxonomy model
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc.
Free text area for notes about the act. The longest preview allowed for text is 1000 characters long, and is stored in attribute textPreviewMax
Free text area for notes about the act.
Text for showing in notes without HTML Tags.
Truncated version of text for showing in interaction summary and other lists.
Longest truncated version of text allowed. The attribute can hold 1000 characters.
Truncated version of text for showing in notes repeater forms.
True if textPreviewNotes is not truncated. Required for UI.
True if textPreviewNotes is truncated. Required for UI.
Truncated version of text for showing in notes repeater forms without HTML Tags.
Truncated version of text for showing in interaction report.
Removes line breaks and tabs from text to use for Quick Notes
Truncated version of the quick note text for showing on the BlackBerry
Truncated version of the quick note text for showing on iPhone and Android Phone
Text viewed in tooltip
This is a list of tickers an act has been classified with
Semi-colon delimited ticker name list
String used in the mobile agenda to indicate the start and end times (separated by a '-') of a schedule item
String used in the journal detail to indicate the start and end times (separated by a '-') of an act on Tablet.
stylized time and location string
String with the date range displayed in medium timestamp format.
stylized time string
Short description of act for display in grids and headers.
Internal/ExternalManage + ACL
Overridden for bypass privilege
Override to allow bypassing Act ACL security for updatable attribute.
trigger to recalculate the entityParticipantsLite collection
trigger to recalculate the entityParticipantsLite collection
When true, the primary entity of the related opportunity will be added to the collection of entityParticipants.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, where appropriate.
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the users in the userParticipants colleciton
Returns the number of user participants for this Act
Users related to this act. "Assign To" field in the UI
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, where appropriate.
Principal who will be added to ACL with view access
Stores the viewPrincipal of an act if an attachment pending upload is added to the act at creation
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration. Overriden to update Access Attribute
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
A template for small icons
Adds an account to the act
This event is used by the Outlook Add-In to add attachments to an existing email in NexJ
Adds the attachments from a given document to the act's attachments.
creates a relationship between the act and the products
Returns true if any of the act's attachments are not uploaded yet
Assigns the act using the given assignment model and role.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
auditTemplateNotes : before
Audits the templated value of text as a new value.
processLinkClassContext : before
Makes audits of Act available to linked classes.
setOpportunityAudit : before
Work around for a framework bug. Since opportunities are hard deleted, by the time the audit record is created the opportunity is already deleted and the record saved does not have an old value.
This event builds the actual where clause. It passes the fullText to parseFullText for parsing.
Used to display the time range of a schedule item appropriately based on date.
Used by Schedule Item grid. Calculates start and end dates for a range.
Returns true if the given user has sufficent visibility to be assigned to this act.
checkSecurityCanChange : before
on create if boolean indicates security should not be editable, just check that the current instances view/edit principal is the same as the templates default view/edit principal.
updateTemplate : before
Notifies activity plan version of instantiation.
Enables auditing
addAccount : before
adds the virtual attribute account to the accounts list
addActivityPlanParticipants : before
This code is added such that when a new step is added to an existing activity plan, the entityParticipants of the new step is pre-populated with the entityParticipants of the activity plan. This is not to be confused with creating from step template. The (null? (this'activityPlanStep)) condition is implemented to ensure that when the step is created from a step template, the following code will not be run.
addActivityPlanProducts : before
This code is added such that when a new step is added to an existing activity plan, the products of the new step is pre-populated with the products of the activity plan.
addEntity : before
adds the virtual attribute entity to the entity participant list
addInitialUser : before
Adds a default assignTo.
addOpportunityPrimaryEntity : before
Uses For Contact rules instead when this is a step.
checkParent : before
Check that user has valid permissions to folder.
updateActEntityRollup : before
Denorm the hierarchy for entityParticipants.
updateEndTime : before
This is called when act is complete upon creation
updateLightEntityParticipants : before
Must be executed after initWithActivityPlanStep to work correctly for Acts that are ActivityPlanSteps (where (...act hasActivityPlan) is #t) (ECRM-21411). initWithActivityPlanStep must invoke (...activityPlanStep initParticipants...) before this action executes.
updateLightUserParticipants : before
Must be executed after initWithActivityPlanStep to work correctly for Acts that are ActivityPlanSteps (where (...act hasActivityPlan) is #t). initWithActivityPlanStep must invoke (...activityPlanStep initUserParticipants...) before this action executes.
Factory creation of Acts.
createAct : before
This action actually creates the instance of the act itself.
initializeAct : before
Calls the initialation from the act template
main : main
Returns act (created in previous actions)
setActClass : before
This action sets the actClass based on the actTemplate and the context.
setActTemplate : before
This action sets actTemplate from the parameter.
setActivityPlanRelated : before
Sets campaign, opportunity, and serviceRequest when activityPlan is given.
setAllDayEventTimes : before
Sets the start/end time to their proper all day times. Takes time zones into account if specified. Used only for ScheduleItem and its subclasses.
setTemplateTimes : before
Sets the start and end times to the default template values if the given times are identical and at midnight. Used only for ScheduleItem and its subclasses.
Factory creation of schedule item at the earliest available time slot on the given day; or today if the given day is in the past
Factory creation of act for service request
Factory creation of a Voice Note Act with empty attachments. The attachment file names are passed in to the event as a collection.
Used by Entity.mergeWithSource. Creates a new Act that is a copy of the source object, that should be a message with a template message containing the class and name properties. The template message is used to find the appropriate ActTemplate for the createAct factory.
Deprecated (see Email class). Create an email from received parameters
Invoked from the UI to create a quick note.
Invoked from the UI to create a quick note for Lead
Invoked from the UI to create a quick note for Opportunity
Create RecentActivityActs when an Act gets created or updated
Creates a voice note task and assigns it to the current user. Voicenote param is a list of pairs consisting of the form (<filename> . <data>).
Enables auditing
Used by UI to delete an act using invokeMethod
Special endTime formatter used in various grids
Special startTime formatter used in various grids
returns quick note text
This event is used to calculate the grouping titles of the activities in the contact summary page.
Get required collection from server, as to synchronize the act for notifications
Used to display the time range of a act (in the format MMM d, yyyy h:mm a) based on the start and end date.
Returns a formatted version of the timestamp based on the this instance type
Returns a string with the act title and a semi-colon delimited list of the light entity participants. Used in the BlackBerry client.
Attempt to centralize initialization logic.
text : before
Init text
This event is called before auditing is started for an instance.
CPM Internal: whether this is a CPM approval task. Moved to event to preserve query integrity when cpm datasource is disabled.
Mark a task approved, and completed
Mark a task cancelled.
Mark a task completed
Mark a task rejected, and completed
Mark a task restarted. eg. a plan.
This event gets called when the user clears reminders for this act (i.e. when no more reminders will be shown for this act)
This event simply returns an assoc list with the tokens extracted from teh fullText string.
Returns true if the argument is part of entityParticipants
processActSearchContext : before
Replace the actSearchContext expression with the corresponding expression that checks for either instance type or tempate id.
preventQueryingSyncId : around
This action is only used for backwards compatibility with the Outlook Add-In. Versions of the Outlook Add-In prior to R2C do a read on the Act clsas by syncId. The query needs to be done on the Email class and therefore the syncId has been moved to that class. Any reads on Act from old versions of the Outlook Add-In will be intercepted and changed to read the Email class. The logic is as follows: -If the read is being performed on the Act class and the 'syncId' is contained in the where clause then we do a read on the Email class -If the read is being performed on the Email class or the Act class and the 'syncId' is not contained in the where clause then we call all the other actions in this class and return the result main
processWhereClause : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Recalculates the denormalized entity participants.
Recalculates the denormalized entity participants.
Removes the specified entity as an EntityParticipant from this act.
Removes the specified entity as a UserParticipant from this act.
Used by UI to remove all before adding an entity participant to act.
Restore act security when asynchronous upload of an attachment is done. Only for the case when the attachment was added during creation of the act.
Save act security if an attachment for asynchronous upload is added during creation of the act.
Inherit folder security settings
Used on the client to recalculate time when the timezone is changed, so that the end result for the user is that only the timezone changes.
Calculates a string showing the day of the week.
Calculates a string showing the range of time.
Experiment to attempt to workaroudn delete issue.
updateActEntityRollup : before
Denorm the hierarchy for entityParticipants.
updateEndTime : before
update the activity times according to the status.
updateSecurity : before
Inherit parent folder security
Update the text to indicate that the upload of an attachment failed
Recalculates the denormalized participant lists for all acts matching where. null for all.
Returns true if the argument is part of userParticipants
Validates the instance
Used for manual validation of its subclasses triggered from the UI.
Validation for start and end time of subclasses for UI.
Intersection between an account and act.
Symbol of the association attribute for the associated instance (could be null).
Metaclass of the corresponding series association.
The associated account.
The associated act.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Association class for MM relationship between Act and an InsApplication
Code used to identify this class.
The application that this Act is related to.
An attachment that belongs to an act.
Allow portal users to read attachments linked to acts they can read
Allow portal users to update attachments linked to acts they can update
addTemplateAttachment : before
attachment data generated in create may be lost in client/server itneraction, so re-insert it.
Factory which automatically creates the interscection class between the act and the attachment.
Sets the attachment and associated act's security depending on the upload status
updateAct : before
updating an attachment should cause an update to the act. this is especially important for docs.
Intersection class between acts and attachments.
Symbol of the association attribute for the associatied instance (could be null)
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
Used by Exchange Sync to delete ActAttachmentLinks when syncing SeriesAttachmentLinks
True if Attachment can be displayed in attachment list
First checks if the current user is an InternalUser (if so, allows readable). If not, checks if the current user is an ExternalUser, and if so, checks if the act related is readable (only if it is an instance of Document or Message). Otherwise, readable is set to false.
A string attribute used to display the "Select" text on the UI.
Allows internal users to update only. ExternalUsers can update new instances of Message.
Users who have this attachment as a favourite. Delete cascade is none because it is handled in the delete event asynchronously.
updateActAttachmentCount : before
Update Act.attachmentCount
saveActSecurity : after
Save the act security if the attachment is added to the act when creating the act.
updateAct : before
cause an update of the act.
checkForOrphanedAttachment : before
This action
updateActAttachmentCount : before
Update Act Attachment Count
Deletes associated FavouriteDocumentMgrAttachments. Invoked asychronously when this is deleted. Commits.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Not persisted, holds act context and a badge config. Passed to dashboard ruleset to set the visible flag.
Name of association attribute.
The badgeConfig condition will be evaluated against this act to determine visible flag.
Act dashboard badge information.
Whether the badge should be displayed or not.
Badge configuration for acts.
meta class name for badges
name of act badges rule set
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to initialize for acts.
setVariables : before
Overridden for acts.
Overridden to set privileges.
Localization of ActBadgeConfig caption and description.
Persistence initializer to seed ActBadgeConfigs
This is the association class between an Act and a BillingAccount.
BillingAccount related to this act.
Class for 'meeting cancelled' notifications. Used when Act is deleted or a participant is removed from an Act.
SysTemplate for Act / Lead / BaseOppotunity
Association class for MM relationship between Act and a Claim
Code used to identify this class.
The Claim that this Act is related to.
List of attributes to copy to the series master for recurrence
The corresponding series class that will be used to store this class in the series master.
association to act
Temporary fix until constant bind on form for delete attribute works
Name of this contact date
Defines if the parent action item will affect the associated actReportType dates
Extended to trigger update on report
updateReport : before
updates report for all entity participants in act.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Batch job command class to automatically generate periods
Constant to convert days to milliseconds
Allows enabling and disabling the batchjob
The last run date of the batch job
The timer period for the batch job
The start time of the batch job
Fire period generation command
command class to generating periods
Regular expression to match the batch job SysProcess descriptions
Displays or hides the slm batch job failure warning messages
The current period for the Touch type
Sub event at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. this is only for testing and should not be used in production
The name of the sysProcess associated with the command
The next period for the Touch type
The page size to load reports at
The previous period for the Touch type
Initialized in the create event to capture logs in sub events of SysProcess
The Touch type to run the command for
Check if ActDateReportBatchJob has failed, return true if it has
Cleanup bad reports
Create a sysProcess for this instance if it does not have one.
Create a SysProcess instance
Called to rollover reports to the next period and clean up data
throws errors on predefined sub events
Update the current reports to be outstanding or scheduled
Update missed reports for the last period
Update missed and outstanding reports to correspond to the newly entered period
Act Date Report grouped by Touch Type
current time in Organization TimeZone
entity of the report
no action items were scheduled in period.
not boolean because we need to count these values for the graph
period that the report belongs to
Action Item associated with scheduled flag
status of the actDateTouchTypeReport for the entity
not boolean because we need to count these values for the graph
tier to be displayed in the report
status of the actDateTouchTypeReport
calculates the status summary to display in UI
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Based on View to provide aggregation of Activity Date Tracking
current time in Organization TimeZone
users entity record
Returns true if in current period
Calculated attribute to indicate how much of the current period has been completed
scheduled acts for this report.
Calculated attribute to define style for this stack item
user that this report is for
Based on View to provide aggregation of Activity Date Tracking
True when AFL request
Current period and the today's date in organization time zone.
Short caption value of the current organization time zone defined in system preferences.
users entity record
Tooltip to be displayed on current organization timezone label
percentage of period complete
Calculated attribute to define style for this stack item
Date Tracking paramter object used to pass to parameters to the rules engine.
Reference to an Act
Calculated value will set date on entity according to the hierarchy.
Optional attribute. If set, the applied rule will not try to look up the dependent date off the entity and use this instead
Entity class
interval to base date calculations on
returns true if act is instance of a Document class
returns true if act is instance of the Email class
returns true if act is instance of a ScheduleItem class
returns true if act is instance of the Task class
Rule set name to apply
Provides a predefined list of act types, including the subclass of act, the default title, and other default values.
class code of acts associated with this template.
Description of this template
Default attachments - from document mgr items.
If non-null, overrides the default priority of the act
If non-null, overrides the default status of the enum
Default text for the act. (Normally labelled "Notes")
Default title for act
main : main
Initializes an act with any defaults set in the act template.
The name of the attribute of this class which contains the reference to the live instance of the class for which changes are being tracked
How this class should behave when the history is unknown
List of attribute names being tracked
The class for which changes are being tracked by this history class.
The act for which this is a historical record.
The value of status prior to the time of this history record
The value of text prior to the time of this history record
The value of title prior to the time of this history record
Abstract base class for all act meeting notifications
Act this notification is for
Email of the person sending this notification
Name of the person sending this notification
Which attendees to send notifications to.
Recipients of this notification
Time the notification has been sent or null it it was not
Add a UserParticipation, EntityParticipation, or ExternalParticipant to send this notification to. If notifRecipClass is null, it tries to figure class out from participation
Mark the notification sa sent
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Sub-class of notification command for Acts
Overridden to sub-type
EntityParticipation this notification is for. Could be null when EntityParticipation is deleted and we need to send a cancel notification
Meeting notifications for external (exchange-only, not in nexj) recipients
Recipient's email address
Recipient's name
ExternalParticipant this notification is for. Could be null on a delete and we need to send a cancel notification
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Abstract base class for all notification recipients. Recipients are all people in the 'to' or 'cc' line of a meeting invitation, update, or cancel.
Attribute in implementing classes that represents the participation class (EntityParticipation, UserParticipation, etc...). Default is 'participation. Override if it's different in implementing class.
Recipient's email address
Recipient's name
Notification this recipient belongs to
required or optional participant
Mark that this notification has been sent for this recipient
Meeting notification recipient class for recipients whom are users
UserParticipation this notification is for. Could be null on a delete and we need to send a cancel notification
This is the association class between an Act and a Policy.
Code used to identify this class.
Policy related to this act.
This is the association class between an Act and a BasePremium. (Quote, Policy, Application ...)
Id used to retrieve an instance of premium.
A denormalized representation of the external id. (In this case it just returns the external id)
BasePremium related to this act.
This is the association class between an Act and a Quote.
Command class for rejecting acts
The act to reject
Reason for rejecting the act
Generic access to acts from any uicomponent compatible instance.
Denormalized class name
name of context variable that should be set in context and used for opening docked workspace.
The instance triggering the rule
The oid of instance triggering the rule
Denorm of Act.startTime
target UI component
Used to facilitate the filtering of action items based on instance type or template id.
Class of templates to be read and displayed in the UI.
Displays the name of the act search context in the UI.
Used by the UI to specify which act search contexts should be returned by the read event.
Gets the clause from the OID. Used by Act's processWhere.
main : main
If the value corresponds to the symbol for Schedules, Tasks, or Documents, return an expression that checks for the instance type. Else, return an expression that checks for the template.
Will return a collection of items that are required to be displayed in the type filter dropdown.
Intersection class between an action item series and a financial account.
Metaclass of the occurrence.
The associated account.
The associated series.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Represents a series cancel notificaton. Used when Participants are deleted from a Series.
Abstract base class for all series meeting notifications
Email of the person sending this notification
Name of the person sending this notification
Which attendees to send notifications to.
Recipients of this notification
Time the notification has been sent or null it it was not
Series this notification is for. Make this required after soft-deletion is enabled for series.
Add a UserParticipation, EntityParticipation, or ExternalParticipant to send this notification to. If notifRecipClass is null, it tries to figure class out from participation
Returns true if the number of exceptions exceeds the maximum number of invite exceptions allowed
Mark the notification as sent
Sub-class of notification command for Acts
Overridden to sub-type
Entity recipient for a recurring meeting notification
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
SeriesEntityParticipation this notification is for. Could be null when EntityParticipation is deleted and we need to send a cancel notification
Extended to add ActView privilege.
External recipient of a recurring meeting notification
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
SeriesExternalParticipation this notification is for. Could be null when EntityParticipation is deleted and we need to send a cancel notification
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Abstract base class for all reucrring meeting notification recipients. Recipients are all people in the 'to' or 'cc' line of a meeting invitation, update, or cancel.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Attribute in implementing classes that represents the participation class (EntityParticipation, UserParticipation, etc...). Default is 'participation. Override if it's different in implementing class.
Recipient's email address
Recipient's name
Notification this recipient belongs to
required or optional participant
Mark that this notification has been sent for this recipient
Represents a user recipient for a recurring series notification
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
SeriesUserParticipation this notification is for. Could be null when EntityParticipation is deleted and we need to send a cancel notification
Represents a recurring meeting create or update notificaton
Provides a predefined list of act types, including the subclass of act, the default title, and other default values.
Attributes to be read in get method
Override for exposing as UI Component
Name of the template used for Work Queue Contact. Also used for identifying leads in an active call in the Leads WS.
class code of acts associated with this template.
ActivityPlanSteps that use this ActTemplate as their template.
Acts intantiated based on this template.
Defines whether to log the action template.
allowing security of instances to be modified
Provides a way to link two act templates together.
if current user can create act instances of this template
allowing list of acts to be filtered by this template type
principal that can create instance of act of this type.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Reverse association. Not normally navigable.
shortcut to initialize all locales with a caption
Default duration of an schedule item.
Default Edit Principal of an Act.
Default setting for ScheduleItems' isAllDayEvent flag, true if the duration is 1 day, false otherwise
Default setting for whether an Act will be synchronized to Exchange.
Default read-only flag on the act template.
Default reminder time of an Act.
Default schedule item style of an schedule item.
Default snooze time of an Act.
Default start time of an schedule item.
Default status of the acts created from this template.
Default reminder time of a Task
Default Verb of an Act.
Default View Principal of an Act.
Text explanation for when this Template cannot have new instances created. To be used in the edit screen UI.
Default attachments - from document mgr items.
Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Specifies default email template for verb batch email.
Specifies type of batch logging for the verb of the act template.
True if there are instantiated acts based on this template.
If this template has any attachments.
Opposite of hasNoActs. Used as an access attribute.
for UI to hide inactive templates from UDF and filters
Icon for acts.
larger icon for acts.
for UI to determine if it's an ActivityPlanTemplate
for UI to determine if it's an ApprovalPlanTemplate
for UI to determine if it's an ApprovalTaskTemplate
for UI to determine if it's a Call Record Template
enable picker for UI
for UI to determine if it's a DocumentTemplate
for UI to determine if it's a Document Type
enable picker for UI
for UI to determine if it's a EmailTemplate
Indicates whether this instance can be used to be filtered by (e.g. is not a DocumentTemplate)
Inverse of active flag
Opposite of isDocTemplate. Used as an access attribute.
for UI to determine if it's an OpportunityStagePlanTemplate
for UI to determine if it's a RoadshowMeetingFeedbackTemplate
for UI to determine if it's a roadshow:RoadshowMeetingGroup template
for UI to determine if it's a roadshow:RoadshowMeetingOOO template
for UI to determine if it's a ScheduleTemplate
for UI to determine if it's a TaskTemplate
enable picker for UI
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
If non-null, overrides the default priority of the act
Valid results for this template.
Valid statuses for this template. Must include the Completed status.
Default text for the act. (Normally labelled "Notes")
Name of this template. Indicates the "Type" of act that is created from this template.
Checks both the security from DELETE_RO and USER_GROUP_CREATE _CONFIG. Set as the access attribute of the update event on this class to override the behavior from USER_GROUP_CREATE_CONFIG.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Adds the given result to the results collection. Returns new result or existing result if one already exists.
Adds the given status to the statses collection. Returns new status or existing status if one already exists.
clearEmailTemplate : before
Clear Email Template if the verb selected is not Email.
checkRuleSteps : before
Ensure that this ActTemplate is not used in a rule step (i.e Business Process > Steps)
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Warning message informing the user that changing associatedActTemplate of the current object will also clear its reverse.
gerenates cache key for templates
Returns list of attributes to load from the template to create act
Returns the default startTime and endTime given the arguments
Initializes the results collection with the default results. Called only in the factory createActTemplate.
Initializes the statuses collection with the default statuses. Called only in the factory createActTemplate. Also sets the defaultStatus.
main : main
Initializes an act with any defaults set in the act template.
invalidates this act template cache
Acts will notify the template that they are being created through this event.
Acts will notify the template when they are being deleted.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Reloads the default documents from this template into the given Act instance, clearing any attachments already in the Act instance if Act is new.
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Date Configurations for ActTemplates to manage last and next contact dates.
when batchEmail is created for touch type, store users' option temporary for actDates.
when an act was created for the touch type, stores values of touch here.
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Updatable if template is updatable and if user has correct privileges.
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Localization of ActTemplate caption and description.
Localized default text for the act, normally labelled as "Notes"
use object's updateable
Overridden to check actClassCode
Class for Results to be applied to Acts
Outcome of the act
Act Template
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Represents the search context for ActTemplates.
Identifies the search context class.
Factory creation of ActTemplateSearchContexts
Returns the where clause for the given search context for Acts.
Returns the where clause for the given search context for ActTemplates.
Persistence initializer to seed ActTemplates
Class for Statuses to be applied to Acts
Is this status set as the defaultStatus for the template.
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
checkCompleted : before
The Completed status is required for all templates, so throw an error if it is being deleted.
clearDefault : before
clear the default status this is the default.
invalidateCache : before
invalidates this act template cache
Represents a meeting create or update notificaton
Not persisted as user default should be used, not previous snooze choice
Person who authored the task
Whether author is enabled for exchange sync or not
Person who delegated the task. Often the creator.
An owner of this action item in an external system (e.g. Exchange), that could not be mapped to a NexJ Person
A user participant who is not a NexJ user, e.g. an Exchange user for ActionItems synchronized with Exchange
Determines if there are external participants on the act
True if this is of type ActionItem
Specifies whether this action item will be synchronized to Exchange
Determines if an act is a part of a series, and if it is the first occurrence in that series.
An owner of this action item in an external system (e.g. Exchange), mapped to a NexJ Entity (e.g. Person or Company)
Overides Act's recurrence icon to hide icon for old task occurrences
Print's the Action Item's user reminder time.
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc.
Adds an external participant to the act, if it does not already exist.
Framework event extension
Sets the alarmTime and alarmLeadMinutes for all participants of an action item
Shifts the alarmTime for all userParticipants using new startTime and user's alarmLeadMinutes
updateSyncFlag : before
Updates the isExchangeSyncFlag on a template change. ActionItems that used to sync will continue to sync and new meetings that didn't sync will sync if applicable.
main : main
Retrieves the given user's current alarm time set in the UserParticipation record for this ActionItem
Attribute used to associate the current instance with the notification or participation. Override required for series.
The accounts associated with this action item series.
Indicates whether or not an exception has been created on an occurrence due to account changes.
Overridden for audit. Touch Type actdates copied to the series master
Number of minutes prior to the startTime that the alarm should go off.
used in the UI to determine if the security can be modified.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Act edit security cannot change if its folder edit security is not public. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Act view security cannot change if its folder view security is not public. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting.
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Attachments related to this series. A M-M relationship.
Person who authored the series
Whether author is enabled for exchange sync or not
Campaign that for which this action item was created.
Whether the series-related changes can be sent in notifications
Classificatons related to this series.
Collection of badges to be displayed on the series dashboard
Person who delegated the series. Often the creator.
Whether the Act's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
Overridden for initializer Added to ensure that a series created in Exchange should sync to NexJ with view security set to the default view security of the action item template.
Controls whether the recurrence link is enabled
An attribute used in the UI to disable the 'Lead' hyperlink label based on the readable attribute of the current user.
Scheduled end time of the first occurrence in the series. Mostly applicable only to schedule items.
Overriden for audit. Date of the last occurrence in the series (no occurrences are generated after this date). Null when series does not have end date.
Formatted ends by date
Entities (Contact, Companies, etc.) related to this series. "For" field in the UI.
An owner of this series in an external system (e.g. Exchange), that could not be mapped to a NexJ Person
A user participant who is not a NexJ user, e.g. an Exchange user for ActionItems synchronized with Exchange
The first non-deleted occurrence in the series
Identify associated parent folder
Overriden for audit. Recurrence frequency
Whether notifications have been sent for that series.
Calculated from the first occurrence of the series
Calculated from the first occurrence of the series
Calculated from the first occurrence of the series
Overriden for audit. A positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule etc. INTERVAL in iCalendar.
Flag indicating whether cancel notification is required
Specifies whether this action item series will be synchronized to Exchange
Controls the visibiliity of the Related Lead Field.
Indicates whether this series was created as a result of another series being split
Flag indicating whether update notification is required
Lead associated to this series
Overriden for audit. Sequential number of the last occurrence in the series (the first occurrence is number 1). Null when series does not have end date.
Opportunity this act is for.
Outstanding cancel notifications
Outstanding update notifications
An owner of this series in an external system (e.g. Exchange), mapped to a NexJ Person
Default priority of act in the series.
Products related to this action item.
Internal/ExternalManage + ACL
Calculated from the first occurrence of the series
Overriden from aspect to association to concrete class and reverse association. A (potentially empty) collection of recurrence rules futher refining the recurrence pattern. Rules of type POSITION can be combined with any other rule type, but they cannot be used independently since they limit occurrence set specified by other rules.
hide/show the related event
Enable soft deletes for series.
Overridden for audit. Scheduled start time of the first occurrence in the series.
Enum value representing the initial status of the Act in the series. Valid values determined from the template's ActTemplateStatus collection.
String Value of Status
Calculated collection of act status enums. Appends the act's current status to values taken from template's status collection (if the current status in not already included in the collection).
Prints act's status and priority.
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc.
Free text area for notes about the act.
Short description of act for display in grids and headers.
Internal/ExternalManage + ACL
Override to allow bypassing Act ACL security for updatable attribute.
Current User's Alarm Lead Minutes
Must assign to at least one user
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, where appropriate.
Overridden for initializer. Added to ensure that a series created in Exchange should sync to NexJ with view security set to the default view security of the action item template.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Enable auditing
Framework event extension
preloadAssociations : before
Preload associations to avoid lazy load during cascading delete
If curCancelNotification is null, create one, else return it
If curUpdateNotification is null, create one, else return it
Calculates an approximate number of related instances to an occurrence of this series
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Removes the specified entity as an EntityParticipant from this series.
Removes the specified entity as a UserParticipant from this series.
Sets a value of the given attribute. An extension point that can provide custom logic using "before" value
doNotComplete : around
Do not change regenerating seties status to completed
Enforce access
updateSeriesReminder : before
prevent the individual act reminders from being overriden if the user ever opens the series again, but doesn't change the reminder
main : main
Retrieves the given user's current alarm time set in the UserParticipation record for this ActionItem
Page size to use when deleting template and paging through associated defaultUserPersonalizations
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Derived association to the current user's default user personalization.
Collection of default user personalizations for the template.
Controls whether the recurrence link is enabled
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
removeDefaultUserPersonalizations : before
Remove all default user personalizations associated to the template.
Returns an instance of the default log template.
Returns an instance of the default log template.
Localization of ActionItemTemplate caption and description.
Represents a donut chart which shows acts for a selected entity in the past 12 months.
Legacy support for ActivityPlan.4 workflows
The current cpm flow associated with the plan
Reverse back to CampaignParticipation record that created this plan.
True if the user can create/delete steps
Overridden to add facet
The step the plan is currently on.
Overridden to add facet
The current flow associated with the plan
Flows associated with the plan including rejected flows
Steps to be instantiated in workflow.
True if this plan has a cpm flow.
True if there is a cpm flow template associated with this plan's template.
True if this plan has a flow.
True if there is flow template associated with this plan's template
True if this activity plan has steps.
True if this is of type ActivityPlan
Whether the related object instance is ClientKYC
Restart if the number of restart attempts has not been exceeded.
Object for which process has been invoked
Overriden to initialize to midnight.
Instantiated steps of activity plan.
User who submitted the activity plan for approval
Print's the ActivityPlan's start date and due date.
Version of activity plan template used.
updateVersion : before
Notifies activity plan version of instantiation.
Creates flow associated with the plan
Evaluates the entry criteria of given step template
Check if submitted status
Locks the related object for approving
When flow is submitted this callback is invoked
Unlocks the related object for editing
Override update event
Flow gathering data for an activity plan
Flow template gathering data for activity plan
Containing activity plan template
Generate report for this activity plan template if selectionType is set to current
Generate report with this where clause
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Specifies whether the current activity plan template, or current activity plan template list is used
Template of step to be instantiated.
Version of activity plan that step belongs to.
how the step is instantiated - currently either with the previous step, or after the previous step is completed.
Number of minutes prior to the startTime that the alarm should go off.
how the step is assigned. it can be assigned to a specific user, to the same users as the activity plan, or to a role using an assignment model.
Shows assignment rule in summary form. e.g. Coverage: Role Name
Determine whether the attachment toolbar will be shown
Class code for activity plan step
Offset used to calculate the create date (ie. when the step will be created) relative to another date
Returns the caption after looking up the value in the enum (for display in the UI)
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Additional attachments for the step. similar to the documents on ActTemplate. Does not replace those, simply appends.
Days to offset initial due date based on start date.
If forContactRule is ENTITYOPPORTUNITYROLE, then this must not be null.
The rule containing actions to execute when the step is created
The rule determine whether the step should be created
The rule containing actions to execute when the step is completed
How the For Contact is assigned. It can be the same as in the activity plan, a custom field related contact, an entity opportunity role, or a hierarchy role.
Shows for contact rule in summary form. e.g. Related Contact: Assistant
Shows that the step has a defined entry action
Shows that the step has a defined entry criteria
Shows that the step has a defined exit action
Used for UI to display attachment layout
Used for UI to display attachment layout
If forContactRule is HIERARCHYROLE then this must not be null.
If forContactRule is HIERARCHYROLE then this must not be null.
Reverse assocaition, to prevent foreign key errors.
Determines whether the activity plan step is an approval step
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
Used to enable/disable UI input.
used to default localizations on create, overridden to set to actTemplate
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Returns the total number of steps in the current activity plan.
overrides the priority of the template
If forContactRule is RELATEDCONTACT, then this must not be null. Custom field type must be an entity type.
If the assignmentRule is COVERAGEROLE, then this must not be null.
if the assignmentRule is SPECIFICUSER, then this must not be null.
Overrides the status of the template
Summary of the Create Date offset for the future Activity Plan Step.
override the default text from the template.
Step is updatable if its activity plan version is updatable and has no acts.
if the assignmentRule is WORKQUEUE, then this must not be null.
Calculates the total number of steps for the current activity plan.
Copy conditions and actions from fromStep to toStep.
Privilege matches that of ActivityPlanTemplate.
defaultForContact : before
If none of the above rules provide a For Contact, use For Contact from the activity plan.
forContactRule:activityPlan : before
For Contact the same as the activity plan
forContactRule:entityOpportunityRole : before
For Contact based on entity opportunity role
forContactRule:hierarchyRole : before
For Contact based on hierarchy role
forContactRule:relatedContact : before
For Contact based on related contact
Initialize principals for approval step
adds product links
assignRule:activityPlan : before
Assign to the same as the activity plan
assignRule:coverageRole : before
Assign to the same as the activity plan
assignRule:specificUser : before
Assign to the same as the activity plan
assignRule:workQueue : before
Assign to the same as the activity plan
defaultAssignment : before
If none of the above rules assign something, assign the activity plan.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Privilege matches that of ActivityPlanTemplate.
Updatable if the step is updatable.
Privilege matches that of ActivityPlanTemplate.
Privilege matches that of ActivityPlanTemplate.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Privilege matches that of ActivityPlanTemplate.
Localization of ActivityPlanStep caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Definition of an activity plan. Describes a series of steps that need to be performed in order.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Attributes to copy when performing a copy of an actTemplate
Name of the user group permission required to manage activity plan templates.
List of review object types which can support manual create when used as trigger option
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating private templates.
Name of the privilege for creating public templates.
Act class code
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
Determines if related object can be updated.
True when activity plan is invoked automatically, false if activity plan can be created manually.
Optional cpm flow template to gather data
Transient cpm flow template for editing before activation
Reverse Assoc
True if the user can create/delete steps
Overridden to initialize createPrincipal based on the user activity plan template principal set.
Invoke activity plan when a new instance of target class is created in automatic mode. In manual mode create a new instance when activity plan is successfully completed.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Activity plan version used when instantiating new activity plans.
Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Optional flow template to gather data
True if there are instantiated acts based on this template.
Overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Determines whether the template has an associated CPM flow template.
Flag to determine whether the related object type can be set in the UI
Opposite of hasConfigurableRelatedObjectType for UI binding.
Determines whether the act template has related object
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
True to create approval object when manual approval plan completes
return a collection of all activity plan templates which this activity plan template can reference (ie. activity plan template can be added as a step of this plan template)
Metaclass name of related object
Access attribute for relatedObjectClass
For UI display
Public attribute that points to relatedObjectClass, which in case relatedObjectClass would be modified directly in UI.
Metaclass of approval object
The context object UIComponent mapping
Determines whether an outcome is expected from the activity plan. ActivityPlans have no
Updatable attribute used in the where clause.
Invoke activity plan when an instance of target class is updated in automatic mode. In manual mode updates the object when activity plan is successfully completed.
Collection of activity plan versions.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Return all activity plan templates which this activity plan template references (ie. find all children)
Return #t or #f based on whether this activity plan template can reference aTemplate
Return #t or #f based on whether this activity plan template can reference aTemplate
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
Overridden for privilege
Factory to create a template that is a copy of an existing template.
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
return a collection of all activity plan templates which this activity plan template can reference
Return all activity plan templates which reference this activity plan template (ie. find all parents)
return the list of attributes to copy from template
getActAttributes : before
return the list of attributes in actTemplate to copy over
initializeSteps : before
Create the steps in the activity plan.
Overridden so as to allow for Activity Plan Templates to have private Edit Security Type.
Overridden so as to allow for Activity Plan Templates to have private View Security Type.
processActTemplateSearchContext : before
Replace the actSearchContext expression with the corresponding expression that checks for either instance type or tempate id.
processWhereClause : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
Localization of CustomFieldTypeGroup caption and description.
Overriden to allow copy of activity plan template to use the same name
Overridden to set the class code
Overridden to strongly type
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
Overridden for ActivityPlanManage privilege.
Versionable series of activity plan steps.
Attributes to copy when performing a copy of an activity plan version.
An activity plan version is inactive until set as the template's current version.
True if activity plans have been instantiated using this version.
Opposite of hasActs.
Pointer to the next activity plan version.
Version number.
Pointer to the previous activity plan version.
Inherits template's readable.
Collection of steps to be used in activity plan.
Template using this version.
Template using this as the current version.
Inherits template's updatable.
Version can only be created if parent template is editable.
Factory to create a new version based on the given version.
Sets version as activity plan template's current version.
Retrieves the startDate and endDate from period, sets the where clause and generates the report
The campaign that entities will be added to as participants.
The entities that will be added to the campaign as participants.
Command class for creating EntityCoverage instances
The coverage role of the user in this entity coverage.
The entity that the instance is covering.
The user assigned to the entity coverage.
override to add privilege
override to add privilege
A service-persisted class used by the MSO Add-In to find search contexts with which to filter contacts. Once the MSO Add-In has retrieved the oid of an AddInEntitySearchContext, it will include this oid in the where clause when querying Entity. This class, in the getWhereClauseByOID event, is responsible for translating that where clause into a valid Entity where clause. Note: Persistence Mapping Read needs to be defined per client.
The caption of the search context shown in the MSO Add-In picker
The id of the search context shown in the MSO Add-In picker
STUB: This attribute is used as the oid for search context's. This will likely need to be overwritten and the Persistence Mapping Object Key updated to match the custom implementation
Given the OID of the AddInEntitySearchContext returned by the MSO Add-In, this event returns a replacement where clause for that portion of the Entity where clause. For example, if the Entity where clause is `(and (like? (
Overwritten to apply privilege
Holds attributes needed to create OpportunityCoverage instances.
The coverage role of the user in this opportunity coverage.
Whether this instance can be created or updated. True if the opportunity is updatable.
The opportunity that the instance is covering.
The user assigned to the opportunity coverage.
Create a new instance of this class. Only permitted when the opportunity is updatable.
Update the instance, only permitted when the opportunity is updatable.
Holds attributes needed to create OpportunityStageTemplate instances.
Probability of command.
Actual stage of command.
Representation of Postal Address associated to an Entity (eg: 10 York Mills Road, North York, Toronto, Ontario)
Override of EntityCollection attribute.
Read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
for the reverse so that this instance knows what type it is
1st address line
2nd address line
3rd address line
4th address line (for european addresses)
Non-persisted association to the AddressLookupCanada class. Used by the UI during Address creation to do AddressLookup queries.
Field for entering attention, appears at the bottom of the Address Block.
Non-persisted attribute to store a user entered box number to be inserted into the address1 or address2 variables.
Address' country, if unset during commit it will be initalized to the value of the countryValue Country Enum. Setting the country will set the countryValue to "Other" during the commit event.
Calculated value of the countryValue enum. Used for entity search and in EntityQuery so that the countryValue enum is consistent in different locales.
Initialized to USA. Specifies the Country Value associated with this Address. Each Country Value has a parent CountryType which is used in the UI to determine which CountryType specific form to display. Setting the countryValue will automatically set the country attribute to the caption of the countryValue when the Address is commited.
Field for entering delivery instructions
List of attributes that will be validated when determining if this Address is empty.
Summary string version of the fullName attribute.
Stylebind used for displaying a null caption in the summary string of the Address zone
Overidden to ensure addresses with only a country are considered non-empty
Formatted string to display full addresses in the mobile client. Uses the same format as an AddressBlock
Can only read if it is tied to the current user.
If unset during commit it will be initalized to the value of the stateValue State Enum. Setting the state will set the stateValue to "Other" during the commit event.
Setting the stateValue will automatically set the state attribute to the caption of the stateValue when the Address is commited.
Non-persisted attribute to store a user entered street number to be inserted into the address1 or address2 variables.
Non-persisted attribute to store a user entered suite number to be inserted into the address1 or address2 variables.
Calculated address list that is formatted specifically for use as a parameter for BlackBerry Maps in the BlackBerry client.
Summary string contains entity full name and address type name to be displayed in UI
Summary String that displays the name and the value of the address. Used in the BlackBerry.
Overrideent for Telcom specific dependencies to avoid lazy loads.
Zip plus four, an American postal field. The zip plus four usually appears after the zip code with a dash between the two.
setCountryValue : before
Sets the countryValue to OTHER when a country is specified during create-time, such as from script.
setStateValue : before
Sets the stateValue to OTHER when a state is specified during create-time, such as from script.
syncCountry : before
Syncs the country to the countryValue caption if the user sets the countryValue to something other than OTHER.
syncState : before
Syncs the state to the stateValue caption if the user sets the stateValue to something other than OTHER.
Create a new instance of Address with value from the source, the source could be another instance of Address or a transfer object representating a Address.
Factory method to create a default instance of Address
Factory method to create an instance of Address
main : main
Creates a new Address based on template from AddressType class
Extended to grant AddressManage privilege.
Returns a formatted string to display full addresses in the mobile client. Uses the same format as an AddressBlock
Calculate a list that is formatted specifically for use with BlackBerry Maps in the BlackBerry client. This list will be passed as a sysContext parameter to the framework.
Extended to grant AddressView privilege.
onNullName : before
If someone sets the name to "", set the name to the type's name instead of throwing an exception.
syncCountryValue : before
Determines if the synchronizing of country and countryValue is required. The following logic is used: - If the countryValue is OTHER, no synchronization is necessary. - If the countryValue has been changed to something other than OTHER, the country attribute will be set to the caption of the countryValue - If only the country has been changed, then the countryValue must be set to OTHER
syncStateValue : before
Determines if the synchronizing of state and stateValue is required. The following logic is used: - If the stateValue is OTHER, no synchronization is necessary. - If the stateValue has been changed to something other than OTHER, the state attribute will be set to the caption of the stateValue - If only the state has been changed, then the stateValue must be set to OTHER
Unpersisted class for address block logic. Should be created from the factory"createAddressBlock"
Format of line feed used in addressBlock; uses LINE_FEED_CRLF as line separator.
Format of line feed used in addressBlockVT; uses LINE_FEED_VT as line separator.
Resolved address line 1 of the block.
Complete resolved block (with CRLF line separators).
Complete resolved block (with \r\n linefeed).
Complete resolved block (with Vertical Tab line separators).
Creates an address block for the given entity for the given default field.
Rules Engine Option class to generate the proper address block lines.
List of all line attributes)
First invokes a ruleset to resolve the address lines, then assembles the non-null lines on the given addressBlock instance (or transfer object).
Parent class of all AddressLookup obejcts, this class should be sub classed to support future Address Lookups in other countries.
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Box Numbers for this AddressLookup record.
Determines if the boxNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines if the boxNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
The country uniquely identfies AddressLookup subclasses.
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Street Numbers for this AddressLookup record.
Determines if the streetNumberRange fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines if the streetNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Suite Numbers for this AddressLookup record.
Determines if the suiteNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines if the suiteNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Stores the boxNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Stores the streetNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Stores the suiteNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Return the address Strings for the given AddressLookup instance by calling its customzied getStrings event.
Return the address Strings for the current AddressLookup instance. This event must be overridden on child classes of AddressLookup, calling this event on the parent class directly will cause an error.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Sub class of AddressLookup to support querying of Canadian Addresses. The AddressLookupCanada class provides a data structure to store Canada Post records which are usually queried using postal code. Only data from Canada Posts' "Address Lookup File" is stored in this class.
List of French Street Type name codes that have French and English Street Type value codes. The French versions will be added to the read query in the processWhere when querying AddressLookupCanada from the UI for these Street Types.
Page size to use when importing AddressLookupCanada records. This number is referenced by the ALCanadaAddress service and is used as an upper bound for the number of AddressLookupCanada records that will be processed and committed in a single unit of work.
A list of French accent indicator attributes and the respective attributes that they indicate accents for. This list is used to replace the Canada Post accents with their proper unicode accents when the replaceAccentedFields event is run.
Canada Post Field: Action Code
The number column to display in the AddressLookupCanada screen in the UI (1st column)
The street column to display in the AddressLookupCanada screen in the UI (2nd column)
There are 2 different address types in the Canada Post database: 1 = civic (street) address format 2 = delivery installation (station) address format
String to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Box Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Determines if the boxNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines, based on the recordType, if the boxNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Calculated based on Canada's CountryType Enum caption
Canada Post Field: Delivery Installation Area Name
Canada Post Field: Delivery Installation Postal Code
Canada Post Field: Delivery Installation Qualifier Name
Canada Post Field: Delivery Installation Type Description
Canada Post Field: Directory Area Name
Indicates if the Street, Unit, and /or Box Number attributes are applicable to this recordType. Used by the UI to determine whether or not to display the AddressLookupCanadaDetails screen.
Canada Post Field: Delivery Installation Area Name Accent Indicator Used by CP to indicate if the Delivery Installation Area Name field has accented values in it, not necessarily required after the data has been imported and the accented values replaced.
Canada Post Field: Directory Area Name Accent Indicator Used by Canada Post to indicate if the Directory Area Name field has accented values in it, not necessarily required after the data has been imported and the accented values replaced.
Canada Post Field: Municipality Name Accent Indicator Used by CP to indicate if the Municipality Name field has accented values in it, not necessarily required after the data has been imported and the accented values replaced.
Canada Post Field: Province Accent Indicator Used by CP to indicate if the Province Code field has accented values in it, not necessarily required after the data has been imported and the accented values replaced.
Canada Post Field: Street Name Accent Indicator Used by CP to indicate if the Street Name field has accented values in it, not necessarily required after the data has been imported and the accented values replaced.
Combination of Delivery Installation Type and Delivery Installation Qualifier to be dispalyed in the AddressLookupCanada query grid in the UI.
Canada Post Field: Lock Box Bag From Number
Canada Post Field: Lock Box Bag To Number
Canada Post Field: Municiplaity Name
Canada Post Field: Postal Code
Non-persisted attribute used to query postalCodes from the UI. This allows users to enter postal codes with spaces which are then parsed out by the processWhere.
Canada Post Field: Province Code
There are 5 different record types in the Canada Post database: 1 - Street Address 2 - Street Served by Route and GD 3 - Lock Box Address 4 - Route Service Address 5 - General Delivery Address
Combination of Route Service Type Description and Route Service Number to be dispalyed in the AddressLookupCanada query grid in the UI.
Canada Post Field: Route Service Box From Number Note, although this field is in the CP Spec, it is not populated on any of the records in the database.
Canada Post Field: Route Service Box To Number Note, although this field is in the CP Spec, it is not populated on any of the records in the database.
Canada Post Field: Route Service Number
Canada Post Field: Route Service Type Description
Canada Post Field: Street Address From Number
Replace the suffixFrom Code with its actual Unicode value of ¼, ½, or ¾
Canada Post Field: Street Address Number Suffix From Code
Replace the suffixTo Code with its actual Unicode value of ¼, ½, or ¾
Canada Post Field: Street Address Number Suffix To Code
Replace the SequenceCode’s value with either even or odd. As per Canada Posts spec, a code of 1 means Odd and 2 means Even, the string value will be displayed in the UI.
Canada Post Field: Street Address Sequence Code
Canada Post Field: Street Address To Number
Canada Post Field: Street Direction Code
Canada Post Field: Street Name
String to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Street Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Determines if the streetNumberRange fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines, based on the recordType, if the streetNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Canada Post Field: Street Type Code
Canada Post Field: Suite From Number
String to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Suite Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Determines if the suiteNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Determines, based on the recordType, if the suiteNumber fields needs to be shown in the UI.
Canada Post Field: Suite To Number
Stores the boxNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Stores the streetNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Stores the suiteNumber if it is unique for this AddressLookup record.
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Box Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Calculates the number column to display in the AddressLookupCanada screen in the UI (1st column)
Returns the passed in suffix Code's actual Unicode value of ¼, ½, or ¾
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Street Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Calculates the street column to display in the AddressLookupCanada screen in the UI (2nd column)
Return the address Strings for the given AddressLookupCanada instance and street, suite, and box number.
Generates a string to display in the UI that shows the number from/to range of valid Suite Numbers for this AddressLookupCanada record.
Deletes all rows in the AddressLookupCanada table in the database.
Overridden to add processWhere so a postalCode or OID must be specified to query the AddressLookupCanada class
processWhere : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Replaces all accented fields in the AddressLookupCanada table with their proper unicode values. NOTE, the ALCanadaAccentSupplement table must be populated before this is run.
AddressTemplate provides the pre-defined the list of Addresses you can create along with their default values.
for reverse so that it knows what the instance is of
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Entity types that are compatible (and thus visible) with this address type.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Localization of AddressType caption and description.
use object's updateable
Represents a portfolio that contains multiple accounts. Can represent the portfolio belonging to a client or household.
Accounts within this portfolio.
A portfolio may be for an entity. I.e., this portfolio could represent a client's portfolio or a household's portfolio.
Derived association on accounts where the entity is the primary owner. Used by reports to determine which accounts an entity is a primary owner for.
Checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User, or in the same household. NOTE: updatable is not overridden, because it is not allowed for external users.
Internal factory to create a new portfolio that comprises of the accounts specified. Return the new portfolio.
checkHouseholdPortfolio : before
Determine whether portfolio of entity's household needs to be merged.
Update the portfolio open date based on the addition of the date specified. The new open date should be the earlier of either the existing open date or the date specified. Note that the virtual portfolio open date and start performance date may also be updated. Return the new portfolio open date.
Update the portfolio open date based on the removal of the date specified. The new open date should be the earliest account initial transaction date. An optional account argument is provided for situations where an account needs to be explicitly ignored. Note that the virtual portfolio open date and start performance date may also be updated. Return the new portfolio open date.
Report command object for Reports that don't need a where clause
Specifies whether the current contact, or current contact list is used
Maximum length of the message
Most updated time when the device registers
Android Notify Server to deliver the message
Device token ID to register to GCM push server
Class representing a Google Push Server
The API Key for GCM server
The sender ID for GCM server
The target associated with the server
The URL for GCM server
Processes the response from GCM push server.
Sends a push message to the server and processes the response.
Sends a push message to this server. Returns a responsePair that has a code and a description.
Sends a push request to the GCM
Represents an annuity holdable.
Reverse association.
Represents a holding of an annuity holdable.
Age base date of birth.
Age base gender.
Guranteed term in years.
An annuity holding should only hold annuity holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Amount of each annuity payment.
Frequency of annuity payments, e.g., monthly, semi-annually, annually.
When the annuity payments begin.
Interest rate for the annuity.
When the annuity was issued. The issue date is on a per-individual basis.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Latest date that an annuity can be deferred. This is different from a maturity date for a term or fixed income. Maturity date is on the holding (instead of the holdable) because the maturity date will vary on a per-individual basis.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
Prescribed status, e.g., prescribed, non-prescribed.
Principal amount put into the annuity.
Smoking status, e.g., smoker, non-smoker.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be annuity transactions.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the annuity holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
setQuantity : before
Overridden to avoid unnecessarily querying for quantity.
onAnnuityValuationUpdate : before
Update valuations when an annuity attribute that affects calculations is modified.
Represents a snapshot of an annuity holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents a transaction on an annuity holdable.
The holding this transaction is made on.
Represents personalization on the Application level.
Application class for personalization.
gets the personalizable (persisted) instance of the given oid.
Parses the applicationmeta's OID to retrieve its parts by symbol
gets the personalizable (persisted) instance of the given oid. if it doesn't exist, create it.
Approval plan extension to Activity Plans
The ui component name of the instance
Restart if the number of restart attempts has not been exceeded.
Can the status be set within a privileged block, regardless of the instance being updatable.
Priority of act. Set from ActPriorityEnum. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Enum value representing the status of the Act. Valid values determined from the template's ActTemplateStatus collection.Override to add UIComponent facet.
Override cascade to delete
Prints act's status and priority.
Free text area for notes about the act. The longest preview allowed for text is 1000 characters long, and is stored in attribute textPreviewMax. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Short description of act for display in grids and headers. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Approve plan callback
CPM flow approve callback
Overriden to assign instance as relatedObject to an act
Override to get the updatable of the flow approver.
Override to return latest active template
Read the attributes of approval plan's first step in a list, which will be passed in docked workspace
Reject plan callback
CPM flow reject callback
Restart a rejected plan.
Schedules delayed actions for a specified action set and object.
Allow security of instantiated steps to be modified
Shortcut to caption in current locale. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Default Edit Principal of an Act.
Default View Principal of an Act.
Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
enable picker for UI
enable picker for UI
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Overriden to change security
Overriden to change security
Overriden to change security
Overridden to change security
Initialize principals for approval step
Privilege matches that of ApprovalPlanTemplate.
Privilege matches that of ApprovalPlanTemplate.
Privilege matches that of ApprovalPlanTemplate.
Localization of ActivityPlanStep caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Command class used as a wrapper around getOperandTypes to customize time triggers available for approval plan step notification.
Generates a custom operand tree to make it different from Task
Approval plan template
The UIComponent name for Approval Plan Template
Overridden to use approval plan class code
Overriden to change initializer
Overridden to prevent creation of new instances of this class from UI
Action to execute when the plan is approved
True if the user can create/delete steps
shortcut to caption in current locale, Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Overridden to apply approval plan class code
Transient attribute to complete copying of criteria, actions, flow
Overriden to disable Exchange sync
Plan entry criteria rule
Opposite of active for event enablement
Action to execute when the plan is rejected
Metaclass name of approval object
The context object UIComponent mapping
Determines whether an outcome is required by the plan
Default text for the act. (Normally labelled "Notes"). Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Overriden to add active flag check
Sets the active of the template and activates the related flowTemplate if exists
Overridden for privilege
Create flow template factory
Sets the active of the template and deactivates the related flowTemplate if exists
Overriden to exclude copying active, as the template should start as inactive
Overriden to change list of initial statuses
Invokes the entry criteria and instantiates a new approval plan if it's satisfied
Read available review object types for creating approval plan template.
Reads list of manual templates for displaying in class centric view.
Localization of ApprovalPlanTemplate caption and description.
Overriden to allow copy of activity plan template to use the same name
Overridden to set the class code
Overridden to strongly type
Overridden for ApprovalPlanManage privilege.
Overridden for ApprovalPlanManage privilege.
Overridden for ApprovalPlanManage privilege.
Action to execute when the plan is approved
Plan entry criteria rule
Action to execute when the plan is rejected
Copies the conditions and objects of fromPlan to toPlan
Command class used as a wrapper around getOperandTypes to customize time triggers available for approval plan notification.
Overridden to replace target
The act to approve or reject.
Has the user approved, or rejected.
The reason to approve or reject.
Note: only archives non-readonly attributes.
serializes the object in the archiveDataSource using keyAttrName as the key. Returns the version of the object serialized. If the object has the attribute sysDataVersion, it will use this attribute, otherwise it will track version itself. Note: only archives non-readonly attributes.
returns maximum version of the objects of that class with a key value of objectKey that have been archived
returns a list of all the versions of the objects of that class with a key value of objectKey that have been archived in reverse order (i.e. (4 3 2 1 0))
loadObject : before
unserializes the object from the serializedData property and restores it to the object context
Note: issues with state of the newly created class because it has an OID but doesn't exist in the transaction data store
initialize : before
reads the object that has been serialized from the table and creates a clean instance of in the object system.
Base Assignment Model Engine class that allows the definition of assignment model roles, the ruleset that holds the logic to assign the roles to users, and manages the resolution of roles to users.
the name of the ruleset that holds the assignment rules that assign users to the defined roles.
Reverse to preserve data integrity
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Overidden to set default value to false
the functional area of this assignment model. specifies the type of object expected such as ActionItems, deals, etc.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overidden to set default value to true
returns the names of the valid roles as strings
invokes the ruleset to assign users to the roles - returns a pair list of roles and userids
Localization of AssignmentModel caption and description.
use object's updateable
reverse to prevent deleting roles associated with campaigns.
the assignment role enumeration object
the assignment role name calculated from role
reverse to prevent deleting roles associated with template steps.
Persistence initializer to seed AssignmentModel
This message is used to send audit message(s) to the audit SOA service. Several audit messages can be acumulated in the values attribute of this message to send them as a batch.
Maximum number of milliseconds to delay the retry
Minimum number of milliseconds to delay the retry
The name of the audit queue
This event is called when the UOW that this message is part of is committed and at this time the message is actually sent to the audit channel.
This event is called when this message is being processed off of the audit channel and at this time it is actually envokes the SOA service.
AsyncCallbackCommand enqueues an instance of itself that contains a callback event specified by the caller, to be executed asynchronously.
Maximum number of milliseconds to delay the retry.
Minimum number of milliseconds to delay the retry.
Creates an instance of AyncCallbackCommand and submits it to a queue.
Executes the callback event and retry on error.
Simple helper class to asynchronously invoking methods on existing instances.
arguments to invoke on the object. (should start with the actual event name)
Instance on which to invoke the method.
Calls the args on inst.
Invokes a call asynchronously using the default queue.
wrapper to allow mimicking JMS queue in scheme console.
wrapper to allow mimicking JMS queue in scheme console.
Use WebDAV for persistence.
Using File persistance adaptor - putting attachment files on the file system. set to FALSE to use DB large binary mechanism
The chunks associated with the atachment
True if Attachment can be displayed in attachment list
Determines whether the file is an image document
Whether the attachment has series links.
Determines whether the file is a text document
Return a personalized clone of the current attachment without FKs
Called when upload failed
Return a personalized version of the attachment's data for the given person.
Creates a message with the personalized version of the attachment - to be called from the UI passing in the attachment.
Sets the attachment and associated act's security depending on the upload status
Chunk class used to represent chunks associated with an attachment whose data can be asynchonously uploaded
Symbol of the parent attribute on which the data is to be set once upload is done
The Attachment that the chunk is associated with
Event to create a chunk of an upload instance This event first checks whether the parent exists. The totalBytes argument is set only for the last chunk.
checkIfParentUpdatable : before
Checks if parent exists. If not throws an error
Delete the act associated of an attachment only if the attachment was added at the time of creation of the act. An error is if the attachment was added after creation of the act. If the attachment doesn't exist an error is thrown. If the attachment doesn't have an associated act an error is thrown.
Event to delete all chunks for a particular parent. Clean up event. Checks if the parent exists and deletes the parent. The userInitiated flag is true if the user invoked this event. Overriden to handle the case when the user does not initiate the event by setting the userInitiated argument to #f.
checkIfParentUpdatable : before
This step checks if the parent exists and sets the parentInstance variable to be used in the later steps. If the parent doesn't exist an error is thrown.
Helper event used by event "deleteChunks" to delete the parent instance. Overriden to handle the cases when the parent act is read-only or if the parent act's is not editable by the user uploading the attachment - The edit security of the parent act could have been modified during the upload.
Helper event used by event "createChunks" to set the data on the parent instance. Overriden to handle the cases when the parent act is read-only or if the parent act's editPrincipal changed while the upload was in progress.
This is a base version of File Persistence Adapter source
Copy to store in the FPA
Generated GUID of the attachment
universal resource locator for the attachment, relative to appserver
An auxiliary class for Attachment class and provides functionality required to storing file attachments on a WebDAV-enabled web server.
Non-persisted class used to keep track of the match scores for a single source/target attribute pair for a single source/target pair of data records.
The function used to compute the score for the source/target attribute comparison.
The match algorithm to be used for the comparison. Taken from the attribute configuration.
The order in which this attribute should be matched, relative to other attributes. Attributes with higher order numbers are matched before attributes of lower order number. Taken from the attribute configuration.
Reference to the record matcher, which corresponds to the source/target data record pair of which these attributes are a part.
The match score for the individual source/target attribute value comparison. Computed based on the matchAlgorithm and the source and target attribute values.
The name of the source attribute. Taken from the attribute configuration.
The datatype of the source attribute. Should correspond to one of the primitive datatypes. Taken from the attribute configuration.
The value of the source attribute.
The name of the target attribute. Taken from the attribute configuration.
The datatype of the target attribute. Should correspond to one of the primitive datatypes. Taken from the attribute configuration.
The value of the target attribute.
The weight by which the match score should be multiplied, when combining the individual attribute scores to produce the record score. Taken from the attribute configuration.
Returns an Information Model encapsulating the results of the source/target attribute comparison
IMattributeScores The information model containing the result
Unpersisted calculated class, that describes the requiredness for an attribute on a class. See NONREQUIRED_VALIDATION for more information. The isInvalid attribute will determine whether the attribute is in fact invalid The validationType attribute determine whether this attribute should result in an error or warning if it was invalid.
Prefix used for the control that will show the icon and tooltip for this attribute.
The name of the attribute this rule applies to.
The name of the control that will show this validation error.
The icon to display if the business process step is unvisited and not updatable.
The icon to display if the business process step is visited and not updatable.
Holds whether this attribute is currently invalid.
The tooltip to display for this error.
Holds whether this attribute being invalid is an error.
The icon to display for this attribute.
Given an object and an attribute for that attribute (as well as other attributes), initializes a AttributeValidationState for it.
Defines an individual attribute in a BI Class.
A description of the attribute
The class that contains this BIAttribute
Defines the aggregation association
A localized description of the attribute
Returns the caption attribute depending on attribute type.
The formatted caption for display on screen.
The formatted caption to display in a combo box
Defines the format string for the attribute value (used by report generator); has no meaning if the type of this attribute is string
Defines the from association to BIClassRelationshipAttributeMapping
Whether the current user has access to a BIClass based on privileges.
Determines if this attribute is calculated
Should this attribute be presented to the end user as an option for reporting
Does this column make up a unique identifier for the class
Determines if this attribute is localized
Determines if this attribute is clickable in an Ad Hoc report
True iff value of the BIAttribute cannot be NULL
Determines whether BIAttribute is actually synched to BI database or not
Determines if this attribute should be wrapped when displayed in Ad Hoc report
For attributes of type timestamp, stores the locale in which the value is stored
A description of the attribute
A scheme fragment to set the attribute for inbound updates
Defines the sort order of the attributes in the bi class
Defines the to association to BIClassRelationshipAttributeMapping
The datatype of the attribute
The unit of the attribute
A scheme fragment to read attribute from source class (if a metadata mapping)
Determines the true type of this BIAttribute, if it's NOT a primitive type
Returns #t iff this BIAttribute is a collection in its parent BIClass
main : main
returns #t iff this BIAttribute is a collection in its parent BIClass
Returns true iff this attribute is a localized version of another attribute
Given a BIAttribute, determines if its type (the value it its "type" attribute) is primitive
This class is used to store the association paths from a given BIClass to a given BIAttribute
The association path from the class to the attribute
Association path used to group the attributes on the attributes list popup from the filters screen. Also, displayed as the header of each group on the popup screen.
A reportable attribute
The centre BI class (i.e. class being reported on)
Whether the current user has access to a BIClass based on privileges.
Should this associated attribute be presented to the end user as an option for reporting
Check if user have permission to view the BIClass, that are parents of the current ReportDefinitionHierarchicalAttribute.
false if any parent class of ReportDefnitionHierarchicalAttribute is not accessible, true otherwise.
Returns the association path, taking localization into account
Returns the length of the association path (i.e. the number of attributes in the association path)
Gets (part of) the association path up to a given length
Defines a BIClass
This is deprecated and should always be set to true
Security model attributes
A collection of BIAttributes that belong to this BIClass
The BIContext this BIClass belongs to
A localized description of the class
The class name related to this BIClass
Static variable to cache class lookup during repopulation of BI data.
The formatted caption for display on screen.
The intersection class between BIClass and FilterForms
The collection of BIClassRelationship objects whose "from" is this BIClass
Whether the class synchronization includes derived classes
Whether the current user has access to this BIClass based on privileges.
An indicator whether the class is available for viewing in Ad Hoc Reports or not
Whether the class instance is defined in the BI context file or not. If not, when the BI context file is read in, this class is ignored while the BI classes are read in and set up.
Determine whether or not the BIClass is hidden from view from the report authoring tools.
Determine whether or not the BIClass is reportable
Whether the class should be synchronized or not
The name of the BI Class
An optional attribute of the OptionBlock class which can be used to govern readability of this instance in Ad Hoc Reports
Security model attributes
A collection of ReportDefinitions that report on this class
Which Relationships are available from this class
Is this a metadata mapping or a direct table mapping (i.e. how is this maintained)
Security model attributes
An additional scheme expression to filter
This event is called to compute all the reachable (i.e. reportable) attributes for a given class; this event is normally called when loaded = 0
Recovers a class by name and context, loading the requested attributes.
Determines if there is a relationship from 'biClass' where the from attribute is 'biAttribute' for the centre 'centerClass'
The intersection class between BIClass and FilterForm
The parent BIClass
The parent FilterForm
Defines the "joins" that are permitted between two BI Classes
View, periodic table updates, ROLAP
The list of centre BIClasses from which this relationship is available; If this collection is empty, the relationship is available from any centre.
The fields in the starting point class, that map to the destination
The collection of aggregations that are permitted for this join
The starting point class for this relationship definition
1:1, 1:*, *:*, *:1
The destination class for this relationship definition
Determines if this relationship is availabe for a given centre class
When a relationship is 1 to many, this class defines the aggregations that are allowed
Whether or not to allow average
Whether or not to allow count
Whether or not to allow max
Whether or not to allow min
Whether or not to allow sum
The attribute that must be aggregated
The relationship that this aggregation definition relates to
Defines the attributes that "joins" two BI Classes
The source attribute
The target attribute
An intersection class between BIClassRelationship and BIClass
Defines a group of BIClasses
BIRelationshipsLoader transform service
BILoader transform service
Message for this class, input for transofmr describe in SERVICE_NAME
Default page size used for loading BI context.
A collection of BI Classes Belong to the group
A description of the group
The version number of the BI Context. Allows for the painless upgrades.
Bulk Sync EnumDisplay and TypeLocalization tables
Returns the prefix for generated BI objects for the current version. (E.g. "BI_1_")
This event is called when loaded = 0 to load the BI data
This event processes a single .biContext file
Removes the Ad Hoc Report subject area left behind when a BI class is deleted
Name of the BI Context. Visible to the admin user in Synchronize screen.
BI Sync locks (i.e. snapshots currently in progress) for this target
Whether real-time BI sync should be paused or not during BI bulk sync.
Indicator whether (BIContext'loadBIData) is running. Running if true; once function finishes it resets this value back to false.
clearBulkSyncLocks : before
Delete existing bulk sync locks (used to indicate that a bulk sync is in progress) because on persistence initialization, a bulk sync cannot be in progress, and any existing ones in use could cause issues with future bulk sync (including automatic sync of enums and type localizations)
Invoking ETL activity for "update" and "create" create, performing delete on BI classes for "delete" event.
syncClass class is expected to be BI Sync Class that has ETL_ACTIVITY and BI_CLASSES populated
oids any Source class intance(s) to sync
event any The event on the source instance to synchronize
isBulkSync boolean that identifies which operation to perform (bulk sync #t or real time sync #f)
Invoke the given ETL activity with the given arguments
etlActivityName string Name of the ETL Activity to be invoked
where any The where clause to pass into the ETL activity
isBulkSync boolean Identifies which operation to perform (bulk sync #t or real time sync #f)
Represents BI sync snapshots currently in progress
The name of the ETL activity being invoked for the snapshot
When the snapshot was started
BI sync target of the snapshot
Where clause of the snapshot
The BI class that represents financial accounts.
The current value of the account.
A collection of holdings related to the account.
Indicates how the account is managed (e.g. 'Dealer', 'Referred', 'Tracked Internal'); English locale.
Indicates how the account is managed (e.g. 'Dealer', 'Referred', 'Tracked Internal'); French locale.
The account ownership type (e.g. 'Individual', 'Joint', 'Corporate'); English locale.
The account ownership type (e.g. 'Individual', 'Joint', 'Corporate'); French locale.
The registration type of the account (e.g. 'RESP', 'RRSP', 'TFSA'); English locale.
The registration type of the account (e.g. 'RESP', 'RRSP', 'TFSA'); French locale.
The currency used to display values in the account; English locale.
The currency used to display values in the account; French locale.
The account number for a third party intermediary.
The code for a third party intermediary.
The BI class that represents action items.
A list of the entity(ies) for whom the act is intended.
A list of the user(s) to which the act is assigned.
The person who authored the task.
The campaign related to the act, if applicable.
The person that delegated the task.
The end time for the act.
The time zone of the end time.
A collection of participations for entities (i.e. contact, company, user) for whom the act is intended; the 'For' field in the UI.
The associated inbound call of the Act
The lead related to the act, if applicable
Notes related to the act.
The opportunity related to the act, if applicable.
The priority of the act (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The result of the act
The service request for which the act was created.
The start time for the act.
The time zone of the start time.
The status of the act (e.g. 'OUTS' for Outstanding, 'COMP' for Completed).
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
A short description of the act.
A collection of touch types related to the act.
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
A collection of participations for users assigned to an act; the 'Assign To' field in the UI.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this act.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this act.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this act.
The BI class that represents service level management.
The act related to the touch type.
The name of the touch type to which the act is related.
The BI class that represents business processes.
A list of the entity(ies) for whom the act is intended.
A collection of the steps associated with this approval.
A list of the user(s) to which the act is assigned.
The person who authored the task.
The campaign related to the act, if applicable.
The step the approval is currently on.
A list of the user(s) to which the current step of the approval is assigned.
The creation time of the current approval step.
The person that delegated the task.
The end time for the act.
The time zone of the end time.
A collection of participations for entities (i.e. contact, company, user) for whom the act is intended; the 'For' field in the UI.
Notes related to the act.
The opportunity related to the act, if applicable.
The priority of the act (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The result of the act
The start time for the act.
The time zone of the start time.
The status of the act (e.g. 'OUTS' for Outstanding, 'COMP' for Completed).
The time the approval was submitted
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
A short description of the act.
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
A collection of participations for users assigned to an act; the 'Assign To' field in the UI.
The BI class that represents approvals.
A list of the entity(ies) for whom the act is intended.
The approval this step is part of.
A list of the user(s) to which the act is assigned.
The person who authored the task.
The campaign related to the act, if applicable.
The person that delegated the task.
The end time for the act.
The time zone of the end time.
A collection of participations for entities (i.e. contact, company, user) for whom the act is intended; the 'For' field in the UI.
Notes related to the act.
The opportunity related to the act, if applicable.
The priority of the act (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The result of the act
The start time for the act.
The time zone of the start time.
The status of the act (e.g. 'OUTS' for Outstanding, 'COMP' for Completed).
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
A short description of the act.
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
A collection of participations for users assigned to an act; the 'Assign To' field in the UI.
The BI class that represents campaigns.
A collection of action items (i.e. Journal items) related to the campaign.
The total actual revenue gained from the campaign.
A collection of approval steps related to the campaign.
A collection of approvals related to the campaign.
A collection of entities that the campaign is targeting.
A collection of the intersections between BICampaign and BIUserPerson. Drives 'My Campaigns'. Each user that owns at least one participant in the campaign is added here.
The end time of the campaign.
The folder that holds supporting materials related to the campaign.
The manager of the campaign.
A collection of the opportunities and deals related to the campaign.
The priority of the campaign (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The region of the campaign (e.g. 'NAT' for National).
The start time of the campaign.
The status of the campaign (e.g. 'INAC' for Inactive, 'ACTIVE' for Active).
The total target revenue for the campaign.
Notes related to the campaign; includes campaign purpose and additional info about targeted audience.
The title of the campaign.
The type of campaign (e.g. 'EMAI' for E-Mail, 'TEL' for Telephone).
The BI class that represents entity campaign participations.
The campaign being participated in.
The company participating in the campaign, if applicable.
The contact participating in the campaign, if applicable.
The household participating in the campaign, if applicable.
The name of the owner of the campaign.
The response status of the entity to the campaign (e.g. 'RESP' for Responded, 'NOIN' for Not Interested).
The user participating in a campaign, if applicable.
The BI class that represents the intersection between BICampaign and BIUserPerson. Drives 'My Campaigns'. Each user that owns at least one participant in the campaign is added here.
The campaign to which the user is assigned.
The user that is assigned to a campaign.
The BI class that represents companies.
The access control list for securing the viewing of the company.
The default address of the company.
The billing address of the company.
The business address of the company.
A collection of campaigns related to the company.
A collection of categories to which the company belongs.
The default city of the company.
The preferred method of communication for the company.
The name of the company.
A collection of contacts that belong to the company.
The default country of the company.
The coverage for the company; includes coverage team members and their roles.
A collection of custom fields for the company.
The email address of the company.
A collection of participations (i.e. approval steps) for the company.
A collection of participations (i.e. approvals) for the company.
A collection of participations (i.e. roadshow meetings) for the company.
A collection of participations (i.e. action items, documents) for the company.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Company').
The fax phone number of the company.
The name of the company's household, if applicable.
A collection of lists of which the company is a member.
The mailing address of the company.
The bio of the company.
A collection of the opportunities and deals for the company.
The name of the company's parent company, if applicable.
The regionalized Tiers for this company
A collection of service requests made for the company.
The shipping address of the company.
The default state of the company.
The status of the company (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the company belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The total assets of the company.
The total investments of the company.
A collection of user defined fields for the company.
The work phone number of the company.
The default zip code of the company.
The BI class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of companies.
The company that the principal can see.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the company.
The BI class that represents custom fields for companies.
The company to which the custom field applies.
The BI class that represents contacts.
The access control list for securing the viewing of the contact.
The default address of the contact.
The line affixed at the end of a contact's full name (e.g. Jr./Sr., B.Sc, M.D.).
The contact's age.
The billing address of the contact.
The contact's birthday.
The business address of the contact.
A collection of campaigns related to the contact.
A collection of categories to which the contact belongs.
The default city of the contact.
The preferred method of communication for the contact.
The company to which the contact belongs.
The name of the company to which the contact belongs.
The default country of the contact.
The coverage for the contact; includes coverage team members and their roles.
A collection of custom fields for the contact.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Smith').
The company department to which the contact belongs.
The email address of the contact.
A collection of participations (i.e. approval steps) for the contact.
A collection of participations (i.e. approvals) for the contact.
A collection of participations (i.e. roadshow meetings) for the contact.
A collection of participations (i.e. action items, documents) for the contact.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Contact').
The fax phone number of the contact.
The contact's first name.
The contact's gender.
The contact's preferred name (i.e. nickname).
A collection of holdings generated from the contact's book of record (e.g. a stock in an account).
The home address of the contact.
The home phone number of the contact.
The household to which the contact belongs.
The contact's role within their household.
The contact's middle initials.
The contact's preferred language of communication.
The contact's last name.
The leads associated to this contact.
A collection of lists of which the contact is a member.
The mailing address of the contact.
The mobile phone number of the contact.
The bio of the contact.
A collection of opportunities and deals for the contact.
The company position that the contact holds.
The regionalized Tiers for this contacts
A collection of service models to be followed for the contact.
A collection of service requests made for the contact.
The shipping address of the contact.
The SMS email address of the contact.
The social security number of the contact.
The default state of the contact.
The status of the contact (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the contact belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The total dealer market value of the contact (i.e. total value of all contact portfolio holdings in dealer accounts).
The total market value of the contact (i.e. total value of all contact portfolio holdings).
The total referred market value of the contact (i.e. total value of all contact portfolio holdings in referred accounts).
The total tracked market value of the contact (i.e. total value of all contact portfolio holdings in tracked accounts).
A collection of statuses of the touches (e.g. 'SCHEDULED', 'COMPLETED') outlined in the service model(s).
A collection of user defined fields for the contact.
The work phone number of the contact.
The default zip code of the contact.
The BI class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of contacts.
The contact that the principal can see.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the contact.
The BI class that represents custom fields for contacts.
The contact to which the custom field applies.
The BI class that represents currencies.
Reverse association
Reverse association
The actual symbol, e.g., $ or E (Euro), is handled automatically by the system.
The BI class that represents custom field types.
Internal display order of the custom field type.
The name of the custom field type.
The localized caption of the custom field type.
Custom field type value unit. For example, for currency it specifies the currency code, for datetime it specifies the time zone.
The BI class that represents documents in Document Manager.
The folder that contains the document.
The title of the document.
The BI class that represents entity categories.
The name of the category to which the entity belongs.
The company that belongs to the category, if applicable.
The person that belongs to the category, if applicable.
The household that belongs to the category, if applicable.
The user that belongs to the category, if applicable.
The BI class that represents a member of an entity coverage team.
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
The company covered by the team, if applicable.
The contact covered by the team, if applicable.
The team member's coverage role (e.g. 'OWN' for Advisor, 'CSA' for Client Service Associate).
The name of the coverage team.
Last effective date of the Coverage
The household covered by the team, if applicable.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Effective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
The team member's full name.
The BI class that represents non-primary related contacts of an opportunity
The related entity name
The opportunity the related entity belongs to
The role of the related entity
The BI class that represents entity participation (i.e. associates acts to the entity that they are for).
The action item for the entity.
The company that the act is for, if applicable.
The person that the act is for, if applicable.
The user person that the act is for, if applicable.
The BI class that represents entity participation (i.e. associates acts to the entity that they are for).
The action item for the entity.
The company that the act is for, if applicable.
The person that the act is for, if applicable.
The user person that the act is for, if applicable.
The BI class that represents entity participation (i.e. associates acts to the entity that they are for).
The action item for the entity.
The company that the act is for, if applicable.
The person that the act is for, if applicable.
The user person that the act is for, if applicable.
The BI class that represents entity participation (i.e. associates acts to the entity that they are for).
The action item for the entity.
The company that the act is for, if applicable.
The person that the act is for, if applicable.
The user person that the act is for, if applicable.
The class that represents enumerations.
The localized description of the enumeration, as displayed to the user (e.g. 'Male' for AdminGenderEnum, 'Outstanding' for ActStatusEnum).
Internal display order of the enumeration; independent of locale and based on value.
The locale of the enumeration (e.g. 'en' for English, 'fr' for French).
The type of enumeration (e.g. 'SGENDERCODE' for AdminGenderEnum, 'SACTSTATUS' for ActStatusEnum).
The value of the enumeration (e.g. 'M' for Male for AdminGenderEnum, 'OUTS' for Outstanding for ActStatusEnum); for reference use only, not displayed to the user.
The BI class that represents exchange rates.
The BI class that represents folders.
A collection of campaigns related to the folder.
A collection of documents related to the folder.
The name of the folder.
The BI class that represents holdings generated from the book of record (e.g. a stock in an account).
The account to which the holding belongs.
The active systematic plan for a holding (e.g. 'SWP', 'PAC').
The asset class name of the holding.
The account holder.
The identifier for the currency used in the holding.
The current value of the holding.
The detailed asset class name of the holding.
The holding ID.
The identifier code for the holdable.
The market value of the holding.
The name of the holding.
The level of risk related to the holdable (e.g. 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'); English locale.
The level of risk related to the holdable (e.g. 'Low', 'Medium', 'High'); French locale.
The subtype of the holdable (e.g. 'Mutual Fund', 'GIC', 'Corporate Bond'); only applicable to funds, equities and fixed incomes; English locale.
The subtype of the holdable (e.g. 'Mutual Fund', 'GIC', 'Corporate Bond'); only applicable to funds, equities and fixed incomes; French locale.
The type of holding (e.g. 'Fund', 'Equity', 'Cash'); English locale.
The type of holding (e.g. 'Fund', 'Equity', 'Cash'); French locale.
The most recent price of the holdable.
The date of the most recent holdable price.
The date the holdable matures; only applicable to term- and fixed-income holdables.
The percentage of the account that the account holder owns.
The primary currency of the holdable; English locale.
The primary currency of the holdable; French locale.
The stock symbol.
The supplier's account number.
The supplier's code.
The current quantity of the holdable in the account.
The BI class that represents households.
The access control list for securing the viewing of the household.
The default address of the household.
The billing address of the household.
The business address of the household.
A collection of campaigns related to the household.
A collection of categories to which the household belongs.
The default city of the household.
The preferred method of communication for the household.
A collection of contacts that belong to the household.
The default country of the household.
The coverage for the household; includes coverage team members and their roles.
A collection of custom fields for the household.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'ABC Company' or Dear 'Smith Family').
The email address of the household.
The type of entity (e.g. 'Household').
The fax phone number of the household.
The name of the household.
A collection of lists of which the household is a member.
The mailing address of the household.
The bio of the household.
A collection of opportunities and deals for the household.
The regionalized Tiers for this household
A collection of service requests made for the household.
The shipping address of the household.
The default state of the household.
The rank or classification that the household belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
The total dealer market value of the household (i.e. total value of all household portfolio holdings in dealer accounts).
The total market value of the household (i.e. total value of all household portfolio holdings).
The total referred market value of the household (i.e. total value of all household portfolio holdings in referred accounts).
The total tracked market value of the household (i.e. total value of all household portfolio holdings in tracked accounts).
A collection of user defined fields for the household.
The work phone number of the household.
The default zip code of the household.
The BI class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of households.
The household that the principal can see.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the household.
The class that represents custom fields for households.
The household to which the custom field applies.
Time the call occurred
Phone number of the inbound call
Reason for the inbound call
Associated task
The BI class that represents leads.
A collection of action items and documents (i.e. Journal items) related to the lead
Line 1 of the lead's address
Line 2 of the lead's address
The city of the lead's address
The company in the system associated with the lead
The name of the company (not necessarily in the system) associated with the lead
Whether or not a contact consents to being contacted
The country of the lead's address
The country of the lead's telephone number
Initialized to Telcom Default Country. Specifies the Country Value associated with this Address. Each Country Value has a parent CountryType which is used in the UI to determine which CountryType specific form to display. Setting the countryValue will automatically set the country attribute to the caption of the countryValue when the Address is commited.
The contact associated with the lead
The first name of the lead
The last name of the lead
The user who has the lead
The phone extension of the lead's phone number
The position of the lead's contact
The state / province of the lead's address
The email address of the lead
The work phone number of the lead
The create time of the Call List that this Lead is a part of
The edit time of the Call List that this Lead is a part of
The Call List name that this Lead is a part of
The zip / postal code of the lead's address
The BI class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of contacts.
The contact that the principal can see.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the contact.
The BI class that represents lists.
A collection of entities that belong to the list.
The entity search context (i.e. 'Contact', 'Company', 'Household', 'User').
The name of the list.
The BI class that represents entity members of lists.
The company that belongs to the list, if applicable.
The contact that belongs to the list, if applicable.
The household that belongs to the list, if applicable.
The list to which the entity member belongs.
The user that belongs to the list, if applicable.
The BI class that represents opportunities and deals; includes related contacts, companies, users, documents, and activities.
A collection of action items and documents (i.e. Journal items) related to the opportunity.
The actual close date of the opportunity.
The actual revenue for the opportunity.
A collection of approval steps related to the opportunity.
A collection of approvals related to the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
The coverage for the opportunity; includes coverage team members and their roles.
Currency of the opportunity
The description of the opportunity.
The expected close date of the opportunity.
The expected revenue for the opportunity.
A collection of historical records (snapshots of old values) for the opportunity.
The lead that led to the opportunity.
Notes related to the opportunity.
The type of the opportunity (parent/product)
The name of the primary entity (i.e. company, contact, household) of the opportunity.
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The owner of the opportunity
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary contact of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary household of the opportunity, if applicable.
The priority of the opportunity
The probability of the opportunity closing.
A collection of products related to the opportunity. (For product opportunities)
A collection of product (types) related to the opportunity. (For parent opportunities)
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
A collection of related entities
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
The stage of the opportunity (e.g. 'PROS' for Prospecting, 'CWON' for Closed - Won).
Date the opportunity began
The name of the opportunity type.
The weighted revenue of the opportunity.
Intersection between opportunity and principal.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this opportunity.
The BI class that represents a member of an opportunity coverage team.
The team member's coverage role (e.g. 'OWN' for Advisor, 'CSA' for Client Service Associate).
The name of the coverage team.
The opportunity that the coverage team covers.
The team member's full name.
The user that belongs to the opportunity coverage team.
The BI class that represents history for opportunities and deals; includes related contacts, companies, users, documents, and activities.
The actual revenue for the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
The expected revenue for the opportunity.
The opportunity for which this is a history record.
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary contact of the opportunity, if applicable.
The primary household of the opportunity, if applicable.
The probability of the opportunity closing.
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
The stage of the opportunity (e.g. 'PROS' for Prospecting, 'CWON' for Closed - Won).
The name of the opportunity type.
Currency unit.
The BI class that represents products.
The list price for the product.
The name of the product.
A collection of opportunities related to the product.
The product type of the product.
A collection of parent opportunities related to the product.
The BI class that represents the intersection between BIProduct and BIOpportunity. (Where BIOpportunity is a product opportunity)
The total price for the product; usually based on number of units and unit price.
The opportunity related to the product.
The product related to the opportunity.
The name of the product.
The type of product.
The price of each unit of product.
The number of units of the product for the opportunity.
The BI class that represents the intersection between BIProduct and BIOpportunity. (Where BIOpportunity is a parent opportunity)
The opportunity related to the product.
The product related to the opportunity.
The BI class that represents a tier object of an entity
The company related to the ranked tier, if applicable.
The contact related to the ranked tier, if applicable.
The household related to the ranked tier, if applicable.
Indicates if record is preferred tier for related entity ('Yes','No')
Region (e.g. Asia, US) of the tier
Revenue Rank of the tier
Tier rank in the region
The BI class that represents roadshows.
The adjusted end date of the roadshow.
The time zone of the end time.
The end date of the roadshow.
Indicates if roadshow is for a private company ('Yes','No')
Notes related to the act.
The start date of the roadshow.
The status of the roadshow.
The name of the roadshow template.
A short description of the act.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this act.
The BI class that represents a member of an entity coverage team.
The team member's coverage role (e.g. 'OWN' for Advisor, 'CSA' for Client Service Associate).
The name of the coverage team.
The roadshow covered by the team.
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
The team member's full name.
The team member.
RoadshowMeetings belonging to this leg, including soft deleted instances
The BI class that represents action items.
A list of the entity(ies) for whom the act is intended.
A list of the user(s) to which the act is assigned.
The person who authored the task.
The person that delegated the task.
The end time for the act.
The time zone of the end time.
A collection of participations for entities (i.e. contact, company, user) for whom the act is intended; the 'For' field in the UI.
Notes related to the act.
The priority of the act (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The result of the act
The start time for the act.
The time zone of the start time.
The status of the act (e.g. 'OUTS' for Outstanding, 'COMP' for Completed).
The name of the act template (e.g. 'Appointment', 'Conference', 'Meeting').
A short description of the act.
The type of act (e.g. 'SCHED' for Schedule Item, 'RMDS' for Report Reminder).
A collection of participations for users assigned to an act; the 'Assign To' field in the UI.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this act.
The BI class that represents service models.
The entity (i.e. contact, company, household) related to the service model.
The name of the interval.
The date of the last touch.
The date of the next scheduled touch.
The status of the touch (e.g. 'SCHEDULED', 'COMPLETED').
The touch type related to the service model.
The name of the touch type.
The BI class that represents service requests.
Number of acts related to the service request.
A collection of action items (i.e. Journal items) related to the service request.
The assessment of the service request (e.g. 'TRAININGISSUE', 'HARDWAREISSUE', 'BUG').
The user to whom the service request is assigned.
The channel for the service request (e.g. 'PHONE', 'EMAIL', 'WEB').
The date the request was closed.
The company that the service request is for, if applicable.
The person that the service request is for, if applicable.
The description of the service request.
The day the request is due.
External ID for service request.
The household that the service request is for, if applicable.
Notes related to the service request.
The date the request was started.
The priority of the service request (i.e. 'A', 'B', 'C').
The privacy impact of the service request (i.e. 'Not Applicable', 'Low Risk', 'High Risk', 'Compromised').
The request identifier for the service request.
The name of the entity (e.g. 'ABC Company') that the service request is for.
The severity of the service request (e.g. 'URGENT', 'LOW').
The stage of the request (e.g. 'OPEN', 'INPROGRESS', 'CLOSED').
The name of the template for the service request (which describes the type of request, initial values, valid stages).
The user that the service request is for, if applicable.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIAccount.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIAct.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be initially invoked during synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked for synchronization of each page of instances.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
The maximum number of instances that should be synchronized in a single ETL activity invocation
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIActACLEntry.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIActTouchType.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIApproval.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaign.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaignParticipation.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaignUser.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICompany.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIContact.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICurrency.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIContactCustomField.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIContactCustomField.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIDocument.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICompanyACL.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityCategory.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityCoverage.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityOpportunity.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityParticipation.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEnumDisplay.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIExchangeRate.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIFolder.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIHolding.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIHousehold.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIAct.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BILead.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICompanyACL.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIList.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIListMember.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIOpportunity.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIOpportunityACL.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIOpportunityCoverage.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIOpportunityHistory.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIPrincipal.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIProduct.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIProductOpportunity.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIProductTypeOpportunity.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityCoverage.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIRoadshow.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIActACLEntry.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaign.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIEntityCoverage.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaign.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BICampaign.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIFolder.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIServiceModel.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIServiceRequest.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BITouchStatus.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BITouchType.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BITypeLocalization.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Where clause for the specific type localizations needed to sync to BI
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIUserField.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for UserGroupLink.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIUserParticipation.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Synchronization class for BI_1_BIUserPerson.
List of BI classes being synchronized with this SyncClass.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the ETL activity to be invoked during synchronization.
Expression used in where clause to filter out classes/instances that should not be synchronized.
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Class Code.
Name of the corresponding operational NexJ metaclass.
Name of the external class.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs of transfer objects (newValue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Helper function that compiles a list of OIDs that should be updated.
A link represents a physical or logical partition of the target data.
BI Sync locks (i.e. snapshots currently in progress) for this link
Class Code.
Flag whether inbound synchronization (from this link to NexJ) is required.
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this link) is required.
Invokes service to send truncation message for the link classes required.
Class that represents outbound BI target.
List of links for which snapshot synchronization will be done during SysUpgrade. Allows synchronization of values that might have changed during design time.
Maximum number of changes to be passed to this target in a single request. Use this attribute for performance optimization. Smaller values mean smaller request sizes, which allows multi-threading multiple requests in parallel, which improves RPC with the external system. Larger values mean smaller request number, which improves NexJ processing and NexJ database RPC.
Flag whether the outbound service expects to receive a collection of update versus a single update.
Specifies whether the framework should pass instances instead of transfer objects to the outbound service.
List of links and classes used to update target link list during SysUpgrade.
Name of the queue to be used by the synchronization engine for this target.
Name of the queue to be used by snapshots for this target.
Flag whether this target uses SysRootSyncObject instances to link internal and external entities.
Name of the BI Context. Visible to the admin user in Synchronize screen.
Class Code.
Flag whether inbound synchronization (from this target to NexJ) is required. If set to false, synchronization is disabled regardless of the flag values for individual links.
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this target) is required. If set to false, synchronization is disabled regardless of the flag values for individual links.
Create a Sync Link for the given link name and BI Class from LINKS_LIST.
Asynchronously invoke the given event with the given arguments on the given object, using queue and priority configured for this target.
Polymorphic implementation of sendSnapshot method, which is always called by UI on SysSyncClass.
Synchronizes changes with the external system.
The BI class that represents touch statuses.
The entity (i.e. person or user) related to the touch status.
The end date of the reporting period.
The start date of the reporting period.
The status of the touch (e.g. 'SCHEDULED', 'COMPLETED').
The touch type related to the touch status.
The BI class that represents touch types for service level management (SLM).
The localized description of the touch type, as displayed to the user.
A collection of service models related to the touch type.
A collection of statuses of the touches (e.g. 'SCHEDULED', 'COMPLETED') outlined in the service model(s).
A class that represents data-driven localized captions.
The localized description, as displayed to the user.
The type of localized caption (e.g. 'ET' for EntityTypeLocalization, 'ADT' for AddressTypeLocalization).
The locale of the localized caption (e.g. 'en' for English, 'fr' for French).
Instance to which the localization belongs.
The BI class that represents user-defined fields.
The company to which the user field belongs, if applicable.
The contact to which the user field belongs, if applicable.
The household to which the user field belongs, if applicable.
The name of the user field.
The user to which the user field belongs, if applicable.
The value of the user field.
The BI class that represents user participation.
The action item assigned to the user.
The participating user.
The BI class that represents user participation.
The action item assigned to the user.
The participating user.
The BI class that represents user participation.
The action item assigned to the user.
The participating user.
The BI class that represents user participation.
The action item assigned to the user.
The participating user.
The BI class that represents contacts who are also users.
The access control list for securing the viewing of the user.
The default address of the user.
The line affixed at the end of a user's full name (e.g. Jr./Sr., B.Sc, M.D.).
The billing address of the user.
The user's birthday.
The business address of the user.
A collection of campaigns the user owns.
A collection of the user's participations in campaigns.
A collection of categories to which the user belongs.
The default city of the user.
The preferred method of communication for the user.
The company to which the user belongs.
The default country of the user.
A collection of custom fields for the user.
Field used in mail merge (e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Smith').
The company department to which the user belongs.
The email address of the user.
A collection of approval steps for the user.
A collection of approvals for the user.
A collection of roadshow meetings for the user.
A collection of participations (i.e. action items, documents) for the user.
The type of entity (e.g. 'User').
The fax phone number of the user.
The user's first name.
The user's gender.
The user's preferred name (i.e. nickname).
The home address of the user.
The home phone number of the user.
The user's role within their household.
The user's middle initials.
The user's preferred language of communication.
The user's last name.
A collection of lists that the user is a member of.
The mailing address of the user.
The mobile phone number of the user.
The bio of the user.
A collection of opportunity coverage teams to which the user belongs.
The company position that the user holds.
A collection of roadshow coverage teams to which the user belongs.
A collection of service requests made for the user.
The shipping address of the user.
The SMS email address of the user.
The default state of the user.
The status of the user (e.g. 'Prospect', 'Client').
The rank or classification that the user belongs to (i.e. tier 'A', 'B', 'C').
A collection of user defined fields for the user.
The user's full name.
The user's username.
A collection of approval steps to which the user is assigned.
A collection of approvals to which the user is assigned.
A collection of roadshow meetings to which the user is assigned.
A collection of participations (i.e. action items, documents) to which the user is assigned.
The work phone number of the user.
The default zip code of the user.
The BI class that represents the access control list for securing the viewing of users.
The principal (usually a User) who can see the user.
The user that the principal can see.
The class that represents custom fields for user persons.
The user person related to the custom field.
This is a dummy class used in persistence logic for class attributes that are self-referential (or recursive). This allows to bypass error of duplicate instances created during snapshot synchronization. NEVER USE THIS CLASS FOR ANY OTHER USE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE ONLY USED TO BULK SYNC BI_1_BIUserPerson CLASS, SINCE IT HAS ATTRIBUTES OF TYPE BI_1_BIUserPerson.
Denormalized intersection of principals, such that there is an instance for each individual user for all principals. I.e. there is a record for every user for the public principal, and a record for each user within a group, and a record for each user.
Abstract class for instantiating Bundle Documents.
Stores a pointer to the Attachment of the associated Document.
BusinessProcessBundle that this BPBundleDocument belongs to.
Persisted attribute storing the createTime of the bundle, used for grouping in the UI
Formatted version of bundleCreateTime to be displayed in the UI
Overridden to prevent BPBundleDocuments from being deleted, unless you have the privilege AdminBusinessProcessUpdate
Document containing this BPBundleDocument's Attachment. The cascade of this is handled in the 'delete' event.
Icon displayed next to the BPBundleDocument in the UI, takes the related doc's icon by default.
Stores whether the instance linked to a new document that was created in the instantiating bundle or to an existing document that was created for a previous bundle. Not required in the abstract class to add versatility.
Icon to be displayed in the isDocNew column of the UI, null by default so no icon is dispalyed.
Ordinal used for preserving document sequencing in a bundle. Overridden in child classes according to their implementations. Not required in the abstract class to add versatility.
Title of the BPBundleDocument's associated Document instance.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security. Also enforces cascade delete on Documents.
Returns a message containing a binary of all the BPBundleDocument passed in.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Implementation of BPBundleDocument for Diff Report Documents.
printOrder set to -1 so the Diff Report always appears at the top of the list in the UI.
Creates a new text Document using the String provided then instantiates a new BPDiffBundleDocument to link to that document.
Subclass of BusinessProcessStep for BPDocBundling
Template class used to store empty Form documents with merge fields to be populated by the BP Document Bundling architecture.
Stores a pointer to the Attachment of the associated DocumentMgrItem.
Every BPDocTemplate needs to be associated to an existing BPDocTemplateFormNameEnum. The Enum is used to identify the BPDocTemplate instance to determine if the BPDocTemplate's associated Form is required or not when generating a bundle.
Stores the caption of this instance's BPDocTemplateFormNameEnum, used as the class name attribute.
Boolean to indicate if this form has customizeable merge fields or not.
Ordinal used to specify sequencing of Forms in a document bundle.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Implementation of BPBundleDocument for Form documents that contain merge fields.
BPDocTemplate instance that was used to generate the BPFormBUndleDocument's Document.
Denorm of the BPBundle (needed for creating a unique key for this BPFormBundleDocument).
Overridden to display appropriate icon indicating if the BPFormBundleDocument instance is new to the bundle or not.
GenericSerializablePropertyMap that holds mergefields as keys and staging model instance values as values in the Property Map.
Used by the Hook in Persistence Mapping to serialize mergeFieldValueMap so it can be persisted.
Overridden to pull the printOrder off the bpDocTemplate object where it is stored.
If this document is repeatable (determined from the template), then this holds the ordinal of this document within the repeated copies. If this document isn't repeatable, then it is simply 0.
Calculate the difference between the current mergeFieldValueMap and the valueMap in the passed in sysTemplate.
Creates a new BPFormBundleDocument that links to an existing Document.
Creates a new Document and fills its merge fields using the current staging model then instantiates a new BPFormBundleDocument to link to that document.
Intersection class for Statuses to be applied to BPStageTemplates
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to check the status of this stage. If it has changed, it will call the 'proceedStage' method of the associated process.
The task that will be instantiated whenever a process stage becomes active, or when the process completes. If the 'stageTemplate' is defined, then this task is instantiated whenever the stage becomes active (i.e. the currentStage of the process). Otherwise, this task will be instantiated whenever the process is completed or abandoned.
Assign a flowup with the given template.
allows assignment to specific user. (when assignment type is set to a specific user).
allows task to be assigned using a specific assignment model (when assignment type is set to coverage role).
specifies which role in the assigned model should be used (when assignment type is set to coverage role).
allows the assigment to be the user associated to the business process, a coverage role, or a specific user.
The business process template that this task template is bound to.
Days to offset initial due date based on start date.
overrides the default priority of the task
The business process template that this task template is bound to.
overrides the default status of the task
overrides the default text of the task
overrides the default title of the task
This is called to create the task for the process. The business process and stage is passed in (if the stage is null, the task is for the process in general).
assignTo:BusProc : before
Assign to the owner of the business process.
assignTo:CovModel : before
Assign using the coverage model.
assignTo:User : before
Assign to a specific user.
Abstract base class. Subclass holds context and badge config. Passed to dashboard ruleset to set the visible flag.
Name of association attribute.
Dashboard badge information.
Whether the badge should be displayed or not.
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Factory method to create an instance of badge.
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Abstract base class for badge configuration.
meta class name for badges
name of dashboard badges rule set
Each BadgeConfig subclass has a different classCode.
condition to be used when creating a rule in dashboard ruleset
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
shortcut to initialize all locales with a caption
display order of a badge
badge icon
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
An association path from the model to which the badge HTML control is bound.
If this attribute is set, the string will be interpreted as the screen name to use for a rich tooltip, if applicable. If this attribute is null, a rich tooltip will not be generated for this badge.
rule in dashboard ruleset associated to this badge
clearCache : before
clear rule engine cache
Factory method to create an instance of BadgeConfig
main : main
Creates a new BadgeConfig
generate rule for the badge
main : main
creates a rule
also deletes rule associated to badge
deleteRule : before
deletes the ruleAssociated to this badge
Creates an instance in a new transaction and then rolls back to ensure that condition is valid. Must be implemented by subclasses.
cleanUp : after
Delete created instance and rollback.
main : main
Evaluates compiled condition using event variables.
setTransient : before
Set transient property to true to ensure isCommit is always false.
setVariables : before
Set event variable: instance.
get the rule for this badge from the Dashboard badges ruleset
generate condition for the badge rule
main : main
returns the condition for a badge rule
Returns a BadgeDisplay collection generated from visibility rules.
updateRule : before
updates rule associated to this badge
Validates tooltip association by first compiling the expression, then go throught the association path and check each attribute against the expected class.
Validates filterValue by first compiling the expression and then evaluating it.
Localization of BadgeConfig caption and description.
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single dashboard badge
for ordering badges
icon for the badge
An association path from the model to which the badge HTML control is bound.
If this attribute is set, the string will be interpreted as the screen name to use for a rich tooltip, if applicable. If this attribute is null, a rich tooltip will not be generated for this badge.
tooltip string for the badge
Factory method to create an instance of BadgeDisplay
main : main
creates a badge display instance
Factory method to create an instance of BadgeDisplay from a BadgeConfig
main : main
creates a badge display instance
Represents a bank account that can be a recipient/source of a systematic plan for an account.
Bank account number.
Summary string consisting of the institutionCode transitNumber and accountNumber
Description of the bank account.
Institution code for the bank account.
When the bank account was set up.
Status of the bank account, e.g., active, inactive.
Systematic plans on this bank account.
Transit number on the bank account.
Base class for an entry in the access control list. The visibility is protected as this should only be modified on the server as a side effect of the business logic. For example, if there is a rep code model, only changes to the rep code model should cause changes to the ACL. Each subclass should be persisted in its own table.
Base class for OLAP dimensions Should only have relationships to fact classes (i.e. subclasses of BaseAPFact). (Exceptions can be made for outriggers, with careful consideration.)
Base class for OLAP facts. Non-time-based fact classes should be based directly on this class. Usage: 1.Inherit this class to implement a fact class. 2.Override the static attributes. a. FAMILY_TYPE - family to which this class class belongs b. FACT_ATTR_LIST - list of fact attributes c. DIM_ATTR_LIST - list of dimension attributes 3.Create an aspect with the fact attributes. (E.g. AP_FACTS_OPPORTUNITY) a.Facts should either be required attributes or a strategy for aggregating nulls must be implemented. 4.Optionally, create an aspect with shared dimension attributes. (E.g. AP_SHARED_DIMENSIONS_OPPORTUNITY) a.Dimensions should be subclasses of BaseAPDimension.
List of attributes that are dimensions
List of attributes that are facts
Name of the family to which the fact belongs. This must be overridden.
List of dimension attributes whose security should be applied to the fact
The type of snapshot the fact's family represents
The time grain of the snapshot.
Function populates cube data metadata. Notes: 1. It truncates BIFactAttribute and BIFactBIDimension tables (and later repopulates) 2. Any removed classes/attributes will be reflected in generated data
Base class for OLAP facts that are time-based. (E.g. daily snapshots) Usage: 1.Inherit this class to implement a fact class that is time-based. (E.g. APFactOpportunitySnapshot) 2.Override the static attributes that specify the snapshot behaviour. 3.Create an aspect with the fact attributes. (E.g. AP_FACTS_OPPORTUNITY) Facts should either be required attributes or a strategy for aggregating nulls must be implemented. 4.Optionally, create an aspect with shared dimension attributes. (E.g. AP_SHARED_DIMENSIONS_OPPORTUNITY) 5.Implement ETL Activity to generate the snapshot instances.
Name of ETL Activity used to create instances of this snapshot class. The arguments expected for the ETL Activity are: startDimTime - The time dimension instance for the day representing the start of the date interval family - The aggregate family to which this snapshot class belongs destinationClass - The class being generated (i.e. this)
Time dimension attribute that corresponds to the period start for the time grain of the snapshot.
Snapshot generation priority for the fact. Lower numbers are generated earlier.
Source class for snapshot generation. Optional, but if this is not specified, the ETL Activity must be able to generate snapshots without source snapshots (i.e. from transactional data).
The time grain of the snapshot. This must be overridden.
Represents the base act search context, e.g., Schedule Items, Tasks, Activity Plans, Documents, Emails.
Identifies the search context class.
Factory creation of BaseActSearchContexts
Returns the where clause for the given search context.
Base for all classes to ensure a minimal level of auditing is maintained. This does not include all auditing fields that may be optional, only the required auditing fields.
Base class used for all Business Process Staging model objects. Provides validation and security for Staging model objects.
Base Class for creating chunks associated with an instance whose binary data can be asynchonously uploaded
Symbol of the parent attribute on which the data is to be set once upload is done
The binary part of the object being uploaded
The object that the chunk is associated with
Inherit readable of parent
The sequence number of the chunk
Inherit updatable of parent
Event to create a chunk of an upload instance This event first checks whether the parent exists. The totalBytes argument is set only for the last chunk.
checkIfParentUpdatable : before
Checks if parent exists. If not throws an error
lastChunk : before
This step runs if it is the last chunk. This is determined by the totalBytes argument which is set only if it is the last chunk. This event assembles all the chunks and checks if the totalBytes match. If they do not match the parent instance is deleted (along with its chunks) and an error is thrown. Else the setData helper function is called to set the data on the parent instance.
Event to delete all chunks for a particular parent. Clean up event. Checks if the parent exists and deletes the parent. The userInitiated flag is true if the user invoked this event. Override this event and add a before action to handle the userInitiated case.
checkIfParentUpdatable : before
This step checks if the parent exists and sets the parentInstance variable to be used in the later steps. If the parent doesn't exist an error is thrown.
main : main
The main step calls the helper event deletePArent which sets the readOnly attribute of the parent instance to #f and deletes the parent.
Helper event used by event "deleteChunks" to delete the parent instance. Sub-class should override this event to handle edge cases.
Helper event used by event "createChunks" to set the data on the parent instance. Sub-class should override this event to handle edge cases.
Base class for types.
whether a new instance of this type can be created
whether the type is read-only for end user (still modifiable by synchronization)
Lets new ConfigType be initialized with a default valid entity type.
collection of entity types for which this ConfigType is valid
Add distinct entity type.
addAllEntityTypes : before
Initialize config type to be valid for all entity types.
addEntityType : before
Add entity type to collection of valid entity types.
Base class for type grouping classes
collection of ConfigTypes that are in this group
collection of entity types for which this ConfigTypeGroup is valid
Reads an instance of the group with the given name.
Abstract base class for Conversation Proxy classes.
The length of the preview text for the lastest message.
attachmentIcon is to indicate the last message of the conversation has an attachment.
True if the reader of the Conversation can reply to it, false otherwise.
The related object of the conversation.
Style on the UI for read/unread conversations.
Access attribute for create event.
Access attribute for delete event.
The full name of the related entity of the conversation.
The person who initiated the conversation
The full name of the person who initiated the conversation
True if there is a related object for the conversation, false otherwise.
True if there is no related context for the conversation, false otherwise.
Flag indicating if this conversation is private
Flag indicating if this conversation is read/unread.
The body of the latest message.
The last time the conversation was updated by sending a new message
The last sender in the conversation. Null if the sender does not have an image.
The display name of the last sender in the conversation.
The participants of the of the conversation.
The message body of a new message. Used when replying to a conversation. The replyText should be the only attribute that can be updated on the UI.
The subject of the conversation.
Calculated attribute used to display related entity with "About:" prefix.
Calculated attribute used to display last updated time in "{MMM d} at {hh:mm aa}" format.
Calculated attribute used to display a summary of conversation participant names.
Calculated attribute used to display the participants in a "sender to receivers" format.
Calculated attribute used to display subject with "Subject:" prefix.
Calculated attribute used to display subject with "Subject:" prefix and Subject preview
A string representing the full timestamp of the last message
Formats Conversation message text with event information if appropriate.
Returns a string with the lastUpdated time in "{MMM d} at {h:mma}" format.
The static function to mark the conversation as read.
Helper function for replying a message in a conversation. Used in service persistence mapping.
Abstract base class of Entitlement classes. Stores the parent-child relationship and common attributes between the levels in the hierarchy.
Overridden in subclasses
Unique identifier for this entitlement object.
Name of the default branch to reference in seeding logic and unit tests
Name of the default division to reference in seeding logic and unit tests
Name of the default rep code to reference in seeding logic and unit tests
Name of the default subfirm to reference in seeding logic and unit tests
Cannot delete once the object is created.
Used for full text searching on UI
Can reassign parent of Rep Code and Branch. Cannot reassign parent of division.
Determines if the user is granted this entitlement. Overridden in subclass
Whether a corresponding user group is needed for this entitlement object. The user group attribute is necessary when populating the ACL as a principal. Also, the user group can be used for group security for EntityList or Document Manager Items. The user group is not needed if security is
Required attribute for display purposes.
By granting this entitlement object to the user, the user has access to these principals. This allows for mapping between 1 entitlement object to multiple principals. For Entity Hierarchy security, the principals collection will only contain a single user group.
Summary string for use in Admin UI to display Status, Code
Type of entitlement (eg: Customer, Support, etc)
Corresponding user group for securing contacts and configuration types (custom field types & categories).
Name of corresponding user group
User group type of the corresponding user group. Overridden in subclass
Users who are explicitly assigned to this entitlement.
Override for security
Represents the base entity search context, e.g., Contacts, Companies, Households.
Gets the EntitySearchContext class for the given enum.
Maps the enum values to clauses.
Base class for EntityType to Type Link (i.e. Person to Category intersection)
Controls whether this item will be pre-populated when a new entity is created.
Controls whether the field will remain blank if it is added but not filled in with a value. Otherwise, it will be stripped.
Overriding to prevent unnecessary lazy loads of the 'deleted' attribute when the object is not Soft Deletable
Adding access bind.
Base class for EntityType to Type Group Link (i.e. Person to CategoryGroup intersection)
Base command class for exporting/importing objects of specific metaclasses. Metaclass objects are exported to dump file and can be imported back to the server. Example of subclass implementation: ExportImportApprovalPlanTemplateCommand
Must be overridden in subclasses to specify the class name of the object to export.
Flag to indicate if import is allowed with the given dump file.
Binary data for import.
Filename for import.
Message to display to the user about import (warning, error).
Summary (count) of the errors and warnings after preValidateImport
Binary version of the processed transfer objects for import.
Exports the object into compressed text binary dump file.
Generates a query to use in dataload tool. Default query will export all required attributes in the tree. Can be overridden in subclass to define a more specific query in the form '((class attribute where) ...)
Imports the processed transfer objects to the server. Note: requires processedObjectBinary attribute to be set (either directly or by calling 'prevalidateImport).
During export, post process the transfer objects before converting to binary dump file. i.e. reset active flags, remove unwanted objects.
During import, pre process the tranfer objects before invoking the dataload import. i.e. check for existing object and set warning message, remove objects that should not be imported.
Validates the binary data from dump file before import. Processes the dump information and updates the processedDumpBinary, message and canImport attributes.
Abstract object that affects the value of a premium.
User-facing description of the fee
Absolute value of the fee applied to the premium
Base class for types that are grouped.
Whether a new instance of this type can be created. Overridden to incorporate config type security.
setGroup : before
Sets the group for config types
to be overridden in sub-classes
to be overridden in sub-classes
template method, sets the group based on viewPrincipal
setGroup : before
Sets the group for config types
Helper abstract base class for localization implementations. Most types should use TypeLocalization, unless they need additional attributes or have significant data volumes. Usage: 1. Create a class that extends this class. e.g. CustomFieldTypeLocalization 2. override the object attribute inherited from the LOCALIZATION aspect to point to the specific type class. set the cascade attribute to clear and the reverse association to localizations. e.g. name=object, type=CustomFieldType 3. add a table that has the corresponding table aspects: LOCALIZATION,AUDIT,DELETE_RO 4. Add the LOCALIZATION_CAPTION aspect to the class (see LOCALIZATION_CAPTION for details)
Represents opportunities and deals including related contacts, companies, users, documents, and activities.
The name of the class used for storing historical audit records for this class.
Max length of the preview text for text
Overridden to set appropriate sub-class
Act Series (Action Items & Document) related to this opportunity.
Acts (Action Items & Document) related to this opportunity.
Actual close date
Actual revenue generated from this opportunity (after close)
Campaign this opportunity is related to.
Pointer to the campaign participation.
Class code for opportunity.
The quarter in which opportunity is expected to close
The year in which opportunity is expected to close
Collection of users covering this opportunity. The "Deal Team".
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the users in the coverage colleciton
Currency of the opportunity
Toggles visibility of currency views in the UI
Collection of badges to be displayed on the dashboard
Display probability value in opportunity report
Overridden for audit
Estimated close date
Expected revenue from this opportunity
True if the (user) is on the team for this opportunity.
UI only collection of future steps.
If there is an expected close date
If the opportunity has text
Historical records for the opportunity, needed for cascade deletion if opportunity is hard-deleted
Icon for the opportunity.
Large icon.
Whether the opportunity is closed (has an outcome)
Attribute to set visibility for a securable object to private
The lead it is associated.
UI only collection of milestones - a summary of stage plans.
UI only attribute: The icon to use to represent the opportunity when it is associated with a lead.
Outcome of the opportunity (e.g., won/lost).
The owner of the opportunity.
Derived association to locate owner's coverage
The MM typeahead picker in the add opportunity coverage ui binds to this collection. It stores attributes of OpportunityCoverage(s) pending creation of the actual instances.
Preview a length of the text.
Actual Client/Potential client this opportunity is for. Usually a company.
Priority of Opportunity (eg. High/Medium/Low)
Probability of the opportunity closing.
Probabilty bucket for aggregation
; delemited list of product names.
Attribute created of a non-persisted class QuickNoteDisplayOpportunity. For UI to enter value to text and saved when switching between screens.
Overridden for bypass privilege
Used by the ObjectHistory read API. Should implement the same security as the standard readable attribute, except that deleted instances should also be returned (as long as they would be readable if they were not deleted).
Reason code for failed/won opportunity
Collection of related enties, not including users. E.g. a Lawyer involved.
Reporting type, e.g., pipeline or forecast.
link to the rollup hierarchy.
collection of nodes used to efficiently calculate aggregate values for the entity hierarhcy.
Stage of the opportunity - e.g. Close - Lost, Closed - Won
Audit history of all stages this opportunity has been through.
UI only collection of milestones - a summary of current stage plans.
Plan for the current stage.
Date the opportunity began
The year in which opportunity is started
Dummy attribute to be modified in processWhere
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
Display icon for workspaces
Prints opportunity actual amount and close date.
Prints actual close date.
Prints opportunity expected amount and close date.
Prints expected close date.
Prints opportunity expected amount and close date for tablet.
Prints the lead source type and source. Returns "None" if no there is no lead.
Summary string to append the opportunity's stage to its title.
Prints opportunity outcome and reason.
Prints opportunity outcome and actual revenue.
Prints opportunity reporting type.
Prints opportunity stage and probability.
Prints opportunity stage and expected revenue.
Prints current stage progress of the Opportunity
Display name for workspaces (sub-heading)
(fixed) targetted revenue from this opportunity.
Template describing the type of opporutnity as well as initial values and valid stages.
Long description/notes about the opportunity.
Name or description of the opportunity
Name of the display string for the opportunity type.
Overridden for bypass privilege
UI only attribute to store a user for filtering charts
Overridden for audit
The expected revenue of a single opportunity (the oppty's expected amount multipled by it's probability)
Adds a product unless it already exists.
Update the PRIMARY related entity.
Overriden to assign instance as opportunity for Act created by rule trigger.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Factory for creating an opportunity from a given template. The primary entity is dependent on the target entity type set in Admin. If the target type is not found as either the current entity or a parent of the current entity, the current entity is used instead.
setPrimaryEntity : before
Sets the Primary Entity based on the target entity type and the passed in entity.
setTemplate : before
Extracts the opportunity template from the parameter arg.
For auditing
Get all the visible badges for the selected opportunity
Ensure all the proper hierarchy values are sets for the given node.
Ensure the rollup hierarchy exists to the parent. However, don't up
Logic when stage changes, such as starting activity plan of new stage and auditing.
processHouseholds : before
Process where clause for Households. Change where clause to search for all household members.
Overridden to set object class
Abstract object that calculates a premium and holds relationships to all the objects that will provide insight into how the premium was calculated
Risk description, for example, for personal autos, a concatenation of the year, make and model, for property, the property address, for umbrella, the insured amount etc.
Product type code. For example: FPPA, SPPA.
Abstract base class to allow re-use of recurrence pattern and recurrence rule logic outside of action items.
Internal helper class used during Ad Hoc report (ReportDefinition) generation. Represents a nested section in the generated report. This class can not be created by itself, instead, child classes ReportDefinitionSection or EditReportDefinitionSection should be created.
The aggregate function for a Trend Report.
The BIAttributeAssoc for the Column (Key/Category)
The BIAttributeAssoc for the Row (X-Axis)
The BIAttributeAssoc for the Value (Y-Axis)
Ad Hoc Report Wizard enhancement. Each section of the report will be bound to only one biClass. Once this functionality is implemented, we should NOT need the biClasses attribute anymore.
The list of classes belonging to this section
This is the BIClass of the report definition, from the old Ad Hoc reports, this is storing the root node. Also used to retrieve the RDHA.
Compute the string to show for selected chart column (Key/Category in UI)
Compute the string to show for selected chart row (X-Axis in UI)
Compute the string to show for selected chart value (Y-Axis in UI)
Children section of this section. Any subreports of this section are stored here.
Computing the fields display string to show on the UI.
The collection of filters that are applied
The list of attributes used for groupings and aggregate computation for this section
Whether the current user has access to a BIClass based on privileges.
An indicator whether the class is available for viewing in Ad Hoc Reports or not
Flag to see if we are working with a copy of an existing report definition. This is used to skip the create filters step in the create event, because when we call copySection from withing reportDefinition we create the filters for each section manually and thus, we do not need to execute the create filters step in the create event.
Flag to indicate if this section is part of a Summary type report
Flag to indicate if this section is part of a trending chart type report
The nesting level of this section
The parent section
Assoc path for stored from tempRDHA. To be used when retrieving the RDHA.
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
The list of data attributes for this section
The type on the section, similar to that of reportDefinition.
Computing the title on the form when editing this section
Steps created for this section
Collection of all the attributes the user has selected to report on for this section.
Possible sub reports for this section
Temporary RDHA that is set on the UI and we use it (on the client side) to retrive the biClass and assocPath of the RDHA and set it on the section.
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
Adjusts the display strings for both fields and filters and appends the ellipses if they are longer than the size declared by the attribute PREVIEW_LENGTH.
str String The updated string
Displays the hierarchy of the attributes below this section
Sorts the grouped attributed in this section in the order in which they need to be processed
Takes a collection of strings and formats them into the display string showing all the fields
Takes the collection of selectedAttributes and gets the displayCaption of each of the selected attributes
Returns the display string to show all the filters
Returns the nesting level of this section
Since the ReportDefinitionHierarchicalAttributes are recreated on every sysUpgrade'upgrade, we cannot persist them, rather persist an alternate key for it, which is the biClass, centreClass and assocPath and then we read the instance based on these.
Given a report definition section, either returns #t or returns a collection of ReportDefinitionSection validation error strings.
section BaseReportDefintionSection TheReportDefinitionSection or EditReportDefinitionSection to create the collection on.
reportSubType ReportDefinitionSubTypeEnum The ReportDefinition report sub type.
collection Returns a collection of error strings, empty when valid.
Returns the ancestor section which has no parent
Returns the display string to show the subject area with indentation
Builds a report where clause from all the filters
Produces a where clause for this section where all association paths are relative to the root report class
Returns #t iff this section has either a grouped or sorted attribute
Returns #t iff section1 has identical structure as section2
Sets the parent section
Validates: ReportDefinitionSection and EditReportDefinitionSection
section any The ReportDefinitionSection or EditReportDefinitionSection to validate.
reportSubType ReportDefinitionSubTypeEnum The ReportDefinition report sub type.
anyTrue when valid, when invalid throws an error.
All transaction classes should inherit from this (e.g. Entity, Act, etc). Provides a level of indirection between the transaction classes and the security model they are inheriting.
For soft deletion.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
Abstract base class for associating users with entitlement objects.
Batch command class to rebuild ACL entries
determines when the process should deliberately cancel itself. Multiple of the page size. this is used to simulate the behaviour and should not be used in production use -1 to disable cancellation. NOTE: test harness cancellation causes us to lose an entire page of processed entities when cancelled. A normal cancellation request through the application will not do this however.
A Scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. This is only for testing and should not be used in production. Use -1 to prevent deliberate failures.
Maximum permissible errors on which the process should be aborted and retried later. value should be -1 when not used
The name of the command
The page size to use for updating entities
Checks if the maximum error count has been exceeded and if so throws exception
Rebuild ACL entries for the given class. Where clause can be null
Default event to begin ACL rebuild process. Called from 'updateACL' event by BatchBrokerProcess
Throws errors or cancellation requests are predefined instance counts
Static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the rebuild operation.
The intersection class between BatchActionCommand and ActTemplateDateTouchType to indicate if the touchType is attached
The touchType that will be attached to the batch email
association to BatchMail
Defines if the BatchMail item will affect the associated actReportType dates
Super class for implementing batch print and batch email on entities.
Overridden to match subclass behaviour
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
Used to determine if attachments should be appended to the log item description
Used to determine if log item is added to each recipent's Journal with personalized files as attachments
Used to determine if subject should be appended to the log item description
Used to determine if logging options are enabled/disabled based on the userBlockOption.
Determine if a followup has been assigned.
Overridden to set asyncThresholdFactor to attachments size
Attachment to batch print/email.
Count of attachments to be processed
Attachment link to batch print/email. Should not exist if attachment exists.
Collection of attachments on the mail
Collection of attributes to query from in iterableClass
TouchType link to batch email.Should not exist if enableTouchType is false.
BatchView Transaction OID
Campaign to relate to the followups and logs.
select by category
The search context for category
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
Determines if batch operation should be applied to a list of users or category of users. Initialized to List.
body for batch emails
subject for batch emails
enable the ui for picking the category.
enable the ui for picking a contact
enable the ui for picking a document
Boolean to indicate if to enable notification for processed contact
enable the ui for adding TouchType.
For single entity, set this attribute.
Count of entities to be processed
How is the log tied to the contacts - e.g. Shared by contacts or Unique for each contacts.
Single instance of follow up, to support batch mail
Assign a followup with the given template.
Collection of follow ups, links to log item is logging is enabled, otherwise follow ups are standalone.
Array of Object instances selected in the UI.
Determine if personalizable when document is of type word or pdf.
Set to true when calling from journal.
The iterable collection to page over when executing 'run on the batch command
Conditional orderby, depending on if the list size is known.
When using ListPassingInterfaceEnum.OIDLIST as the ListPassingInterface, the raw OID List.
If set, specifies a List Passing interface. The default List Passing interfaces are XMLBlobs and Web Service Call Backs. This functionality is provided only as a framework, the implementation for List Passing must be customized.
Setting this value will initialise listPassingInterface in the create event. Useful for when you cannot pass an Enum/string.
Specifies the List passing interface.
The string based on the log item description input from the UI.
Maximum number of errors allowed during this operation
Overridden to support multiple attachments
Text String to display number of selected recipients of this batch email
Opportunity to relate to the followups and logs
Overridden because we want to do all the contacts at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail.
A meaninful summary of report parameters to allow identification in a queue.
Do not actually log the event, but generate the document for printing (basically only for client side printing)
Text for the hyperlink to preview the mail merge. Used for UI column binding.
Priority of Email log.
The total number of records that have been processed
Product to relate to the followups and logs
The name of the queue to submit the batch operation to
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not
Boolean added to set contactSelectionOption from UI (EntityList.form) because enums can't be accessed from UI.
ServiceRequest to relate to the followups and logs
SysProcess to log information to
A set of Tags associated to this batch action. Would be transferred to the log action item when event logging is enabled
Where clause to use when reading "ITERABLE_CLASS"
Send batch email to the contacts read using the where clause.
Create factory for this command. Passes arguments to BatchEmailCommand.
Creates a static record list for a queued process. Returns the total number created.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email attachment command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a folllowup.
logEmail : after
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
commit this to avoid situation where email is sent (non-transacitonal) and the transaction is rolled back (for another reason)
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email document command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a followup.
cleanupOnError : after
Delete the log if email hasn't been sent.
logEmail : before
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
Commit after each sent email.
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Retrieves the bcc email list and returns the bcc expression in the format expected by SysMail'send method
Create a BatchActionCommand using given args
Gets the entity count from where clause base on contact selection option
Returns disclaimer to be attached to all emails sent out
Get the entities based on the where clause arg.
Get the entityCount from args
Gets a list using the List Passing method specified in the listPassingInterface attribute.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Sets the where clause based on the forContact enum value
Logic that determines whether to log attachment or not.
Logs a batch event.
Static function to create a task log when sending and logging a batch email.
Logs an error for the queuedProcessEntity and set the status to FAILED.
Logic that determines whether to log event or not.
Personalize print and check for errors.
Create log and follow-up for entity.
Process the batch command and actually perform the email action for the collection passed in.
Update listArgs given a collection of OIDs
The intersection class between BatchActionCommand and ActAttachmentLink to indicate if the attachment should be printed by the command
The attachment that will be printed by the command
The command that will print the attachment
Text for the hyperlink to preview the mail merge. Used for UI column binding.
Style to use in UI depending if the attachment supports personalization.
Provides classification for batch commands. This is nonpersisted, and is needed because the many-to-many type-ahead tag picker used with the BatchCommand class requires an intersection class.
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified.
The taxonomy that the object belongs to.
Provides classification for batch mail/print followups. This is nonpersisted, and is needed because the many-to-many type-ahead tag picker used with the BatchFollowupTemplate class requires an intersection class.
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified.
The taxonomy that the object belongs to.
Unpersisted class for setting batch mail/print followup options.
Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Special endTime formatter used in various grids
Number of minutes prior to the startTime that the alarm should go off.
used in the UI to determine if the security can be modified.
allows assignment to specific user.
allows follow up to be assigned using a specific assignment model
specifies which role in the assigned model should be used
allows the assigment to be current user/owner/or specific user (see followupAssignTo)
Default Edit Principal of an Act.
overrides the default end time of followup
Make the follow up header say <Task Template> Template
Priority of act. 3 represents Routine.
The time at which the alarm should go off (used for Task templates)
overrides the default start time of the followup (now)
The status of the followup.
A collection of Tags associated with this act. Uses the taxonomy model
Assign a followup with the given template.
The text associated with the followup.
overrides the default title of the followup
Default View Principal of an Act.
enable the ui for picking coverage roles.
enable the ui for picking specific users.
enable picker for UI
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable editPrincipal picker.
enable picker for UI
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable viewPrincipal picker.
Special startTime formatter used in various grids
String Value of Status
Calculated collection of act status enums. Appends the act's current followupStatus to values taken from followupTemplate's status collection (if the current followupStatus in not already included in the collection)
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Overridden to support validation on command attributes
validateCommandAttributes : before
Check that one and only one of the two command attributes is non-null
Create factory method to support batch email followup
Create factory method to support batch email followup
This is called after a followup is created to perform the assignment.
buildFollowupArgs : before
Build list of initialization arguments for followup
This is called after a followup is created for a lead to perform the assignment.
buildFollowupArgs : before
Build list of initialization arguments for followup
Used for manual validation of the class in nested popups, before followups are actually created
Environment level flag to enable pushing notifications for bacth actions.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
The corresponding act for this batch command.
Name of the act.
Generates tasks in batch by calling the base queueJob event, for entities that match the where clause, or match the given OID list, depending on the listPassingInterface. Tasks are based off the given prototype
where Pair Main where to get the entities that will be assigned the Act.
prototype Act The act that will be added for this batch event.
listPassingInterface Symbol Can be undefined. Corresponding enum symbol for a ListPassingInterfaceEnum value, if needed.
listArgs Can be undefined. Argument values for the ListPassingInterface.
string The delocalized logical expression
adding batch of entities to a campaign.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with categories.
Campaign to add batch to.
Name of the campaign.
Add the entities to the campaign and queue the job.
Override because we need campaign title in the warning message
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
run the actual process of adding participants to a campaign.
Batch Command class to add leads to a work queue
The batch process type
Check if the work queue is Favoured
The name of the batch process
The name of a new work queue to create when workQueueOption is set to New
The next date that the lead should be called by
The work queue to batch add the leads to when workQueueOption is set to Existing
The type of work queue to use (new or existing)
Add Batch command to Queue job
setWorkQueue : before
Sets the workQueue to point to the new queue if new queue option is selected and if the maximum user threshold has not been exceeded.
Check if there are any Person instances associated with the related object, returns boolean
Factory creation of class instance using a related object
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Entities
The corresponding document for this batch command.
The type of batch command being executed.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
type of batch action we are making with categories.
the name of the entity type the batch action is processing
Filter the list of entities and queue the job.
Override to use a different warning message that includes the saved list name
Function to use a different warning message that includes the saved list name and entity type caption
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Runs batch action on list of entities
Batch Command class to add leads to a work queue
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The name of a new work queue to create when workQueueOption is set to New
The next date that the lead should be called by
The work queue to batch add the leads to when workQueueOption is set to Existing
The type of work queue to use (new or existing)
Add Batch command to Queue job
setWorkQueue : before
Sets the workQueue to point to the new queue if new queue option is selected and if the maximum user threshold has not been exceeded.
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Leads
The corresponding task for this batch command.
The type of batch command being executed.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Batch apply selected action on import person
Static flag to create an error during creation of entities.
Base where clause that returns entire set of unprocessed import items
Text message prompting user to send notifications
Calculated full where.
User on whose behalf the import matching is running.
The import type name in lowercase
User running the import matching
Used to set static debug mode flag asynchronously.
Number of records marked to be processed by this command's queuedProcess.
Queued process running the command.
Preliminary count of how many records are matched by the where clause, shown to the user in the warning message. Set by getWarningText.
Preliminary count of how many records are left in total to process.
Warning text to display when invoking command.
around : around
Around action used to return an error message when trying to process a contact that has already been marked as processed.
On error, restored the match results to an unprocessed state.
Gets the warning text in the confirmation window, saves the count of the estimate in toBeProcessedCount.
Begins processing import entity action
removeProcessedStatus : around
Around action used to remove processed status from import entities if an exception is thrown during processing.
Batch Command class to assign an owner to a list of Leads
The owner that will be assigned to the leads in the batch operation
Event to assign an owner to a lead in a batch operation
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Leads
Batch job used to process new BatchBrokerRequests.
Name of the batch job
How often the batch job runs
Seed in BatchBrokerBatchJob
Called by timer
Command class for executing Batch Broker Process from Admin
Class to store arguments to be passed into a Batch Broker Process.
exposes a static event on a class to the batch broker service
User under which event will be executed
Enables auditing
A request created to invoke the Batch Broker Service. Mainly to be used by the NJBATCH_BROKER_REQUEST stored procedure.
List of arguments to pass when invoking the class event
The class to invoke
The time the request was created
The event to invoke on the class
The name of the process
The time the request was processed. Null if unprocessed.
The name of the source that created the request
The state of the request
Part of a collection of arguments that will be passed to the Batch Broker Request. Contains a name and value.
Name of argument
Associated request
Value of argument
The name of the command
Add the owner of Schedule Items and Schedule Item Series if the owner has Exchange Sync and meeting invites are enabled
main : main
Add the owner of Schedule Items and Schedule Item Series if the owner has Exchange Sync and meeting invites are enabled
Batch Command class to handle batch operations on leads from a Call List
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
This is a dynamic batch operation as contacts could be deleted or updated before the batch process is run
The actual metaclass resolved based on (
Returns the number of running processes requested by the current user that have not completed yet.
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
adding batch of entities to a campaign.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with categories.
Campaign to add batch to.
Symbol indicating the type of operation.
Name of the campaign.
Add the entities to the campaign base on the selection criteria and queue the job.
Add the entities to the campaign and queue the job.
Override because we need campaign title in the warning message
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Remove all participants from the campaign.
run the actual process of adding participants to a campaign.
Start all the participants in a campaign.
adding/removing of a category for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with categories.
batch process Type.
Category to add or remove from batch
Name of the command.
Used to filter the category combo on the UI.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
run the actual report for creating/removing categories from contacts.
Batch Command class to change call date for contacts on a work queue
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The new Call Date to assign to all the items
The message to display in the UI popup
The work queue to batch change the call date from
Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of WorkQueueItemContact
Batch Command class to change call date for leads on a work queue
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The new Call Date to assign to all the items
The message to display in the UI popup
The work queue to batch change the call date from
Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of WorkQueueItemContact
A generic batch command that all batch commands must inherit from
The default channel to submit the QueuedProcess for async/sync execution
This default queue is used if one is not supplied
A threshold value that will determine whether we should display a performance warning popup prior to displaying the target list for a batch process. Currently used in batch email processes.
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
Maximum number of objects to display before switching to BatchViewObject
Factor mutiplied by the number of iterableClass instances to determine async process. Added to support multiple attachments for batch print.
Collection of attributes to query from in iterableClass
The type of batch operation
The name of the batch queue to submit the operation to
BatchView Transaction OID
Boolean to indicate if to enable notification for processed contact
Count of entities to be processed
The total number of records with errors
When set to true, the batch command will run asynchronously regardless of configuration
Array of Object instances selected in the UI.
Determines whether the batch command should run asynchronously or not
The actual metaclass resolved based on (
The iterable collection to page over when executing 'run on the batch command
The attributes to read for each iterableStaticRecord
The order by used for paging through the iterable static record
When using ListPassingInterfaceEnum.OIDLIST as the ListPassingInterface, the raw OID List.
If set, specifies a List Passing interface. The default List Passing interfaces are XMLBlobs and Web Service Call Backs. This functionality is provided only as a framework, the implementation for List Passing must be customized.
Setting this value will initialise listPassingInterface in the create event. Useful for when you cannot pass an Enum/string.
Specifies the List passing interface.
Maximum number of errors allowed during this operation
The name of the batch operation
The order by used for paging through the iterable class
The page size to use when reading the "iterableClass"
A meaninful summary of report parameters to allow identification in a queue.
The total number of records that have been processed
The name of the queue to submit the batch operation to
The user who requested the operation
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not
A set of Tags associated to this batch action. Would be transferred to the log action item when event logging is enabled
The total number of records to process
Boolean to indicate if to use the batch queue
Boolean to indicate if to use the user queue
Where clause to use when reading "ITERABLE_CLASS"
Creates a static list of data for this batch operation. Should create an intersection class with queuedProcess
Gets a list using the List Passing method specified in the listPassingInterface attribute.
Override this method to handle any records that throw an error during the batch operation
anything else that needs to be done after batch.
Queues this object into the queueName specified (if it does not meet the asynchronous threshold)
Override this method with the logic that needs to be run by this command object
Override this method with the logic that operates on a particular page of (
Determines whether the process should be async based on threshold
Provides classification for batch commands. This is nonpersisted, and is needed because the many-to-many type-ahead tag picker used with the BatchCommand class requires an intersection class.
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified.
The taxonomy that the object belongs to.
Iterates over a collection of records associated with a queued process
The command object to execute.
Percent of records completed
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not
SysProcess to log information to
Update of Coverage Group for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with update coverage
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_COVERAGE
Name of the batch command.
The coverage group to add or remove in batch
Validate the required attributes and queue the batch job
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Run the actual report for adding/updating/removing coverage for contacts.
Update of Coverage for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with update coverage
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_COVERAGE
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
Last effective date of the Coverage
Name of the batch command.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
The coverage role to add or remove in batch
Effective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
The userPerson to add or remove in batch
Validate the required attributes and queue the batch job
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Run the actual report for adding/updating/removing coverage for contacts.
update of custom fields for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with custom fields.
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_CUSTOM_FIELD
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Custom field type to be updated to the batch of entities
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Name of the batch command.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Used to filter the custom field type combo on the UI.
Custom field value unit. For example, for currency it specifies the currency code, for datetime it specifies the time zone.
Returns string used in name attribute
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
run the actual report for creating/updating/removing custom fields from contacts.
Batch Command class to delete leads
Name of the WorkflowProcessQueue used by this batch process
Overridden to define batch process type as BATCH_DELETE_LEAD.
Overridden to define name of the batch job to delete leads.
Event to delete leads in a batch operation
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Leads
Overridden to define batch process type as BATCH_DELETE_SERVICE_REQUEST
Overridden with the appropriate name
Produce and queue the batch job to delete service requests
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch delete operation on a page of ServiceRequests
Batch Command class to distribute leads based on a ruleset
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The ruleset used to distribute the leads
Event to distribute leads based on a ruleset in a batch operation
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Leads
Batch Commands that apply to entities
Conditional orderby, depending on if the list size is known.
Create factory for this command.
Creates a static record list for a queued process. Returns the total number created.
Returns the number of running processes requested by the current user that have not completed yet.
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
Intersection class mapping a Document Manager Item to an Enity. Used by BatchFolderActionCommand for template matching.
Comma separated attachment names of Attachments supported by command class.
Command class linked to Entity DocMgrItem mapping
DocMgrItem mapped to entity
Entity mapped to DocMgrItem
determines when the process should deliberately cancel itself. Multiple of the page size. this is used to simulate the behaviour and should not be used in production use -1 to disable cancellation. NOTE: test harness cancellation causes us to lose an entire page of processed entities when cancelled. A normal cancellation request through the application will not do this however.
a scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. this is only for testing and should not be used in production use -1 to prevent deliberate failures
max number of permissible errors on which the process should be aborted and retried later. value should be -1 when not used
The name of the command
The page size to use for updating entities
determines whether thumbnails should be generated for contacts with images but no thumbnails
determines whether existing Obj images should be resized to a predefined size
whereClause to apply on the Entity class during paging
checks if the max error count has been exceeded and throws exception if so
Update current images that are too large and resize them to a predefined height and width
default event to begin image resizing process. called from 'updateImages' event by batchbrokerproces
throws errors or cancellation requests are predefined instance counts
static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the resize operation.
Command class for executing entity merge through a asynchronous batch process.
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
The type of batch operation
Flag to trigger attribute copying
Maximum number of errors allowed during this operation
The name of the batch operation
QueuedBatchProcess this instance is operating on
Source entity instance
Target entity instance
The User instance who launched the merge
Holds a collection of FileImports
Set of principals that can view the EntityList generated by this batch import
General association between an BatchFileImport and a Principal representing that the principal can access the imported EntityList
Name attribute
Used to help calculate MM picker uniqueness when selecting user person
determines when the process should deliberately cancel itself. Multiple of the page size. this is used to simulate the behaviour and should not be used in production use -1 to disable cancellation. NOTE: test harness cancellation causes us to lose an entire page of processed entities when cancelled. A normal cancellation request through the application will not do this however.
a scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. this is only for testing and should not be used in production use -1 to prevent deliberate failures
max number of permissible errors on which the process should be aborted and retried later. value should be -1 when not used
The page size to use for updating entities
checks if the max error count has been exceeded and throws exception if so
Convert string where to scheme.
Updates question value formulas be setting evaluation trigger based on reference name of the question of the formula. Where clause can be null.
Validate flow pages. Where clause can be null
default event to begin flow page validation process. called from 'updatePageValidations' event by batchbrokerproces
throws errors or cancellation requests are predefined instance counts
static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the rebuild operation.
static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the update operation.
Implements template matching and actions on a Document Manager Folder.
Supported file types for template matching.
Indicates the number of attachment files to be printed in this batch action
Batch process type of the folder action
Collection of intersection class representing matching result between entity and document manager items
Folder on which to apply batch action.
The string based on the log item description input from the UI.
Count of matched entities.
Folder against which matchTemplates has run.
Overridden because we want to do all the contacts at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail.
Factory method for initializing the batch action command.
Returns all DocumentMgrItems from this folder and all its subfolders
Gets list of entities for the BatchPrintForOptionEnum'LIST option
Validates whether the file type of the attachment is supported by this action.
Implements template matching algorithm and updates instance of BatchEntityDocumentMgrItem for each mapping.
Overriden to implement custom setter actions for log title and attachments
Runs matchTemplates when selected folder does not match matchedFolder.
Provides classification for batch mail/print followups. This is nonpersisted, and is needed because the many-to-many type-ahead tag picker used with the BatchFollowupTemplate class requires an intersection class.
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified.
The taxonomy that the object belongs to.
Unpersisted class for setting batch mail/print followup options.
Command class associated with batch followup template.
Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Special endTime formatter used in various grids
Number of minutes prior to the startTime that the alarm should go off.
used in the UI to determine if the security can be modified.
allows assignment to specific user.
allows follow up to be assigned using a specific assignment model
specifies which role in the assigned model should be used
allows the assigment to be current user/owner/or specific user (see followupAssignTo)
Default Edit Principal of an Act.
overrides the default end time of followup
Make the follow up header say <Task Template> Template
Priority of act. 3 represents Routine.
The time at which the alarm should go off (used for Task templates)
overrides the default start time of the followup (now)
The status of the followup.
A collection of Tags associated with this act. Uses the taxonomy model
Assign a followup with the given template.
The text associated with the followup.
overrides the default title of the followup
Default View Principal of an Act.
enable the ui for picking coverage roles.
enable the ui for picking specific users.
enable picker for UI
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable editPrincipal picker.
enable picker for UI
Calculated attribute used in UI to enable/disable viewPrincipal picker.
Command object when batch process is operating on leads
Special startTime formatter used in various grids
String Value of Status
Calculated collection of act status enums. Appends the act's current followupStatus to values taken from followupTemplate's status collection (if the current followupStatus in not already included in the collection)
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between private, group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Overridden to support validation on command attributes
validateCommandAttributes : before
Check that one and only one of the two command attributes is non-null
Create factory method to support batch email followup
Create factory method to support batch email followup
This is called after a followup is created to perform the assignment.
buildFollowupArgs : before
Build list of initialization arguments for followup
This is called after a followup is created for a lead to perform the assignment.
buildFollowupArgs : before
Build list of initialization arguments for followup
Used for manual validation of the class in nested popups, before followups are actually created
Batch Command class to assign an owner to a list of Leads
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
This is a dynamic batch operation as leads could be deleted or updated before the batch process is run
Count of leads to be processed
Returns the number of running processes requested by the current user that have not completed yet.
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
Duplication of BatchMailActionCommand to support batch email on leads
Overridden to match subclass behaviour
Used to determine if log item is added to each recipent's Journal with personalized files as attachments
Used to determine if subject should be appended to the log item description
Overridden to set asyncThresholdFactor to 1 to run the process async if more than 1 attachments are emailed.
Append current user's email signature to email body
Batch process type.
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
The email address this batch email is sent from.
Used to determine if an Act should be created for each lead
The string based on the log item description input from the UI. Note that this attribute is a required field.
Overridden to support multiple attachments
Overridden because we want to do all the leads at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail. Matches behaviour in BatchMailActionCommand.
Calculated attribute to access all emails for logged-in user.
Send batch email to the leads read using the where clause.
Create factory for this command. Passes arguments to BatchLeadMailCommand.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email attachment command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a folllowup.
logEmail : after
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
commit this to avoid situation where email is sent (non-transacitonal) and the transaction is rolled back (for another reason)
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email document command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a folllowup.
cleanupOnError : after
Delete the log if email hasn't been sent.
logEmail : before
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
Commit after each sent email.
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Retrieves the bcc email list and returns the bcc expression in the format expected by SysMail'send method
Returns disclaimer to be attached to all emails sent out
Returns approriate caption for label representing recipients
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Function to create a task log when sending and logging a batch email to leads.
Process the batch command and actually perform the email action for the collection passed in.
Duplication of BatchActionCommand to support mail merge on leads
The default name of the batch job if there is no subject or document selected.
The maximum number of leads to operate on
Used to enable/disable the Act Association block in the batch Print/Email dialogue based on if a follow up or log action is specified.
Used to determine if batch print is possible based on if there is a word or csv document as an attachment.
Used to determine if logging options are enabled/disabled based on the userBlockOption.
For UI lead selection option enabling/disabling.
Determine if a followup has been assigned.
Attachment to batch print/email.
Attachment link to batch print/email. Should not exist if attachment exists.
Collection of attachments to print
Batch process type.
Campaign to relate to the followups and logs.
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
Overriden to create a batch process
body for batch emails
subject for batch emails
enable the ui for picking the category.
enable the ui for picking a document
Hide/Show the UI Label ("Log and Followup Options") for Act Follow Up Association Options (i.e. Associations to Campaigns, Opportunities, Products, and Service Requests).
How is the log tied to the leads - e.g. Shared by leads or Unique for each lead.
Single instance of follow up, to support batch mail
Assign a followup with the given template.
Collection of follow ups, links to log item is logging is enabled, otherwise follow ups are standalone.
The information string that depends on the followups' attributes.
Determine if personalizable when document is of type word or pdf.
True if rich text editor is used for the body of the email
Set to true when calling from journal.
For single lead, set this attribute.
Determines if batch operation should be applied to a list of lead or category of lead. Initialized to List.
The name of the batch command.
Opportunity to relate to the followups and logs
Do not actually log the event, but generate the document for printing (basically only for client side printing)
Text for the hyperlink to preview the mail merge. Used for UI column binding.
Priority of email log
Product to relate to the followups and logs
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not.
ServiceRequest to relate to the followups and logs
Where clause for selecting lead list.
Command. Will do the appropriate tasks depending on the settings.
On create, check document/attachment for links.
Creates a static record list for a queued process. Returns the total number created.
Allows the client to query for a csv from a template
Gets the lead count from where clause base on contact selection option
Get the entities based on the where clause arg.
Sets the where clause based on the forContact enum value
Logic that determines whether to log attachment or not.
Logs a batch event.
Static function to create a task log when sending and logging a batch email.
Logs an error for the queuedProcessLead and set the status to FAILED.
Logic that determines whether to log event or not.
Personalize print and check for errors.
print preview with one entity.
Overridden to assign the queued process to the transient attachments
setQueuedProcess : after
Set the queued process on the transient attachments to the queued batch process that is governing their life time.
Process the batch command and actually perform the print/email action for the collection passed in.
Duplication of BatchActionCommandAttachment to support batch print on leads
The attachment that will be printed by the command
The command that will print the attachment
Text for the hyperlink to preview the mail merge. Used for UI column binding.
Style to use in UI depending if the attachment supports personalization.
Duplication of BatchPrintActionCommand to support batch print on leads
Overridden to match subclass behaviour
Used to determine if attachments should be appended to the log item description
Used to determine if log item is added to each recipent's Journal with personalized files as attachments
Used to determine if batch print is possible based on if there is a word or pdf document as an attachment and log item description is specified.
Overridden to set asyncThresholdFactor to attachments size
Batch process type.
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
Used to hide/show an error message
Used in UI to display an error message
Used to determine if an Act should be created for each lead
The string based on the log item description input from the UI. Note that this attribute is a required field.
Overridden to support multiple attachments
Overridden because we want to do all the leads at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail. Matches behaviour in BatchPrintActionCommand.
Basically logs the batch print.
Create factory for this command. Passes arguments to BatchLeadPrintCommand.
Function to get LogAttachmentName for batch Lead print.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Mostly for logging
assignFollowup : after
Assign a followup.
Process the batch command and actually perform the print/email action for the collection passed in.
Act whose entity participants are the target of the batch email.
All the file names of the attachments as a string.
Overriden to use the list of contacts on the act.
Document from which the subject, body and attachments of the email will be obtained.
Overridden to default the value to "Notes" of the act
Overridden to default the value to "Description" of the act
Overriden to use value from act's template
The information string that depends on the followups' attributes.
Overridden to add initializer
Overriden to get the list of contacts on the act.
Send batch email to the contacts read using the where clause.
Overriden to suppress actions
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Override to set listPassingInterface and listArgs from the selected recipients.
Overridden to match subclass behaviour
Overridden to set asyncThresholdFactor to attachments size
Append current user's email signature to email body
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
The email address this batch email is sent from.
True if the recipient picker is to be shown in the batch email form.
True if rich text editor is used for the body of the email
The string based on the log item description input from the UI.
Overridden because we want to do all the contacts at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail.
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not.
Calculated attribute to access all emails for logged-in user.
Add recipients to the batch email from a selected entity list.
Send batch email to the contacts read using the where clause.
Batch print event which is used for AFL. This will update the instances attribute given a collection of recipients then process the batch email.
On create, check document/attachment for links.
createBatchActDate : before
Create batchActDates only if TouchType is enabled for this batchMail and batchActDates are empty.
Create factory for this command. Passes arguments to BatchEmailCommand.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email attachment command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a folllowup.
logEmail : after
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
commit this to avoid situation where email is sent (non-transacitonal) and the transaction is rolled back (for another reason)
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email document command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a followup.
cleanupOnError : after
Delete the log if email hasn't been sent.
logEmail : before
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
Commit after each sent email.
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Retrieves the bcc email list and returns the bcc expression in the format expected by SysMail'send method
Returns disclaimer to be attached to all emails sent out
Returns approriate caption for label representing recipients
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Function to create a task log when sending and logging a batch email to contacts.
Logic that determines whether to log event or not.
Personalize print and check for errors.
Process the batch command and actually perform the email action for the collection passed in.
Intersection between a BatchMailActionCommand and an Entity.
The associated command.
The associated entity.
Batch Command class to move contacts to another work queue
Collection of attributes to query from in iterableClass
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The work queue to batch move the contacts to
Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Contacts
Batch Command class to move leads to another work queue
Collection of attributes to query from in iterableClass
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The work queue to batch move the leads to
Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of Leads
Batch command class to archive old notifications
A Scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. This is only for testing and should not be used in production. Use -1 to prevent deliberate failures.
Archive notifications that are older than this number of days
Maximum permissible errors on which the process should be aborted and retried later. Value should be -1 when not used
The name of the command
The page size to use for archiving notifications
Clear old notifications. Default archive behavior is to delete.
Checks if the maximum error count has been exceeded and if so throws exception
A subclass of BatchPrintActionCommand specifically to batch print an attachment of an Act to the participants of the Act.
Entity participants of this Act is the target of the batch print
Overriden to be set by the eventLogType attribute.
Overriden to use the list of contacts on the act.
Document whose attachments will be used if the act has no attachments. Defaults to act
For print preview, set entity to the first entity in the participant list.
Overriden to use value from act's template
Overriden to get the list of contacts on the act.
Calls batchPrint from the UI if the user tries to use Action Item verb Print on an act that only has one attachment.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Overridden to match subclass behaviour
Used to determine if attachments should be appended to the log item description
Used to determine if batch print is possible based on if there is a word or pdf document as an attachment and log item description is specified.
Overridden to set asyncThresholdFactor to attachments size
Command to execute should be either 'print, 'email
Used to hide/show an error message
Used in UI to display an error message
The string based on the log item description input from the UI.
Overridden because we want to do all the contacts at once..that way if it fails, it'll all fail.
Text for the hyperlink to preview the mail merge. Used for UI column binding.
A boolean flag indicating if the entire transaction for a page should rollback on an error or not.
Batch print event which is used for AFL. This will update the instances attribute given a collection of recipients then process the batch email.
Basically logs the batch print.
On create, check document/attachment for links.
createBatchActDate : before
Create batchActDates only if TouchType is enabled for this batchMail and batchActDates are empty.
Create factory for this command. Passes arguments to BatchPrintActionCommand.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email attachment command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a folllowup.
logEmail : after
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
commit this to avoid situation where email is sent (non-transacitonal) and the transaction is rolled back (for another reason)
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Validate, log, and assign followup for this email document command.
assignFollowup : after
Assgin a followup.
cleanupOnError : after
Delete the log if email hasn't been sent.
logEmail : before
Log the email event.
updateQueuedProcessStatus : after
Commit after each sent email.
validateEmail : around
Ensure a reasonably valid email address before sending. Note this is an AROUND type.
Retrieves the bcc email list and returns the bcc expression in the format expected by SysMail'send method
Returns disclaimer to be attached to all emails sent out
Function to get LogAttachmentName for bactch Contact print.
Used to return the number of recipients from the entity list.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Logic that determines whether to log event or not.
Personalize print and check for errors.
print preview with one entity.
Overriden to implement custom setter actions for log title and attachments
Process the batch command and actually perform the email action for the collection passed in.
Validate file type of transient attachments
Intersection between a BatchPrintActionCommand and an Entity.
The associated command.
The associated entity.
Reminder created to alert the user of the completion of a batch process
Default action item template for this action item.
Set format of date for Batch reminders
Must assign to at least one user
Returns a message with the reminder's attachment data and mime type so that it can be downloaded
main : main
Finds the attachment of the corresponding reminder. Returns a message with the attachment's data and mime type so that it can be downloaded.
Class to seed in Batch Processes
Reload BI model (for Legacy Ad Hoc Reports)
The name of the command
Static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the reloadBIData operation
Reload the BI context to refresh the Legacy Ad Hoc Reports tree
Default event to reload BI Data. Triggers 'reloadBIData' event. Called from 'reloadBI' event by batch broker process.
Batch Command class to remove contacts from a work queue
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The work queue to batch remove the contacts from
Remove Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of WorkQueueItemContact
Batch Command class to remove leads from a work queue
The batch process type
The name of the batch process
The work queue to batch remove the leads from
Remove Batch command to Queue job
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Batch operation on a page of WorkQueueItemContact
Command class to reset taxonomy ordinals for Holdings.
The name of the command
Default event to begin taxonomy reset process. Called from 'resetOrdinals' event by BatchBrokerProcess
update of tier for a batch of entities.
The max number of contacts to run this for
The type of batch process to initiate
Count of entities to be processed
The attributes to read for each iterableStaticRecord
The name of the command
Count of entities selected for this command including ones that are filtered out
The service level to update contacts to
A calculated collection of service model configurations to use for updating contacts' SLM
Warning text message for UI
updates serviceLevel for entities that match the where clause.
Invokes the batch command in a static context
Creates a command that will update the service level for contacts that don't already have the specified service level
Creates the instances of service model
override to use custom warning message
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Changes the whereClause to exclude entities with already assigned service levels and entities in listArgs
setting tier for a batch of contacts
Updates start dates of service models based on distribution
The maximum number of records to process per batch operation
A boolean to indicate whether this is a dynamic batch operation or not; it is dynamic (and hence false) in this case, as Service Requests could be deleted or updated before the batch process is run.
The class the batch request is operating on (Service Request)
Returns a warning message for a hypothetical batch action
Determine if the Batch Command for a given BatchProcessTypeEnum and SR count should be run asynchronously
Returns the number of incomplete running processes requested by the current user
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
The latest email body associated with the service request
Set email priority to be the priority of service request
The related service request
Update of Tier and Rank for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with update coverage
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_TIER_RANK
Name of the batch command.
Related TierRegionEnum (e.g. US, Canada).
Rank based on the revenue value of the Entity. It is not related to the tier.
Client tier in the region.
Validate the required attributes and queue the batch job
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
Run the actual report for adding/updating/removing coverage for contacts.
update of tier for a batch of entities.
updates tiers for entities that match the where clause.
override to use custom warning message
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
setting tier for a batch of contacts
Batch update touch intervals of a given touch type.
The maximum number of contacts the command can run against
The action the command will execute, set or reset interval
The type of batch command
The interval the touch type will be set to
The name of the batch operation
The target touch type the command will update against
Batch command class to update textHTML fields and convert into plain text for email
A Scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. This is only for testing and should not be used in production. Use -1 to prevent deliberate failures.
The name of the command
The page size to use for updating HTML text
Convert string where to scheme.
static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to sanitize textHTML
Batch command class to sanitize textHTML fields for all acts (from unsafe HTML to safe HTML)
A Scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. This is only for testing and should not be used in production. Use -1 to prevent deliberate failures.
The name of the command
The page size to use for updating HTML text
Convert string where to scheme.
static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to sanitize textHTML
Command class to page DocumentMgrItem and convert any plain text notes in the document to rich text.
A Scheme list of index numbers at which the process should deliberately fail to simulate production. This is only for testing and should not be used in production. Use -1 to prevent deliberate failures.
Name for SysProcess
The page size to use for updating HTML text
Convert string where to scheme
Static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to convert plain text to rich text.
Max number of permissible errors on which the process should be aborted and retried later. Value should be -1 when not used
The name of the command
The page size to use for updating entities' emails
Checks if the max error count has been exceeded and throws exception if so
Convert string where to scheme.
Default event to update sendToEmailData. Triggers 'updateSendToEmail' event. Called from 'updateEmail' event by batchbrokerproces
Static method invoked by the BatchBrokerProcess to begin the updateSendToEmail operation
Recalculate and update the sendToEmailData attribute for all entities
update of custom fields for a batch of entities.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with custom fields.
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_CUSTOM_FIELD
Determines if a new user field type needs to be created.
Name of the batch command.
Used only for REPLACE batch action. This newValue replaces the value attribute in the action.
User field type selected to be added to the list of entities
Method called from the UI to queue the batch job.
Returns warning text to show before generating tasks
run the actual report for creating/updating/removing custom fields from contacts.
BatchViewObjects specific to Entity. Used for temporary persistence when invoking a batch operation that requires to display large amount of entities.
Associated Entity
BatchViewObjects specific to ilm:Lead. Used for temporary persistence when invoking a batch operation that requires to display large amount of leads.
Associated Lead
Intersection class between any generic object and unique transaction that assists the UI to display objects on a grid beyond query list expression limit
Key value pairs of all sub classes and corresponding attribute type and name
Unique id for the batch transaction
Associated object. Type should be overridden in child classes
Creates instances of BatchViewObject given a collection of OIDs. Generates transactionOID if null
transactionOID binary The transactionOID for the newly created BatchViewObject instances. Null '() to generate a new one
objectOIDs collection Object OIDs to create new BatchViewObject instances
objectClassName string Class name of the objects. E.g. "Entity", "ilm:Lead"
binary The transactionOID of newly created instances
Hard deletes all instances of BatchViewObject with transactionOID
Updates BatchViewObject instances to align with objectOIDs
transactionOID binary The transactionOID of BatchViewObject instances being updated
objectOIDs collection Object OIDs to update
objectClassName string Class name of the objects. E.g. "Entity", "ilm:Lead"
boolean True if successful, false otherwise
This class represents a Batch job that cleans up BatchViewObject instances that are over 7 days old
Only delete BatchViewObjects that are older than this value (in days)
Page size of 500
Flag to indicate if the batch job process is enabled
Name of the batch job
Batch job runs weekly
Start time of the batch job. Overridden to start now.
Invoked during initial data loading to seed an instance of this batch job
Executes the batch job to delete BatchViewObject instances. Event secured by the BatchJobRun privilege through the SysBatchJob base class.
Batch command class to assign work queue items to a user.
The batch process type
The actual metaclass the batch process will iterate on.
The name of the batch process
The UserPerson we want to assign the items to
The work queue we wish to pull items from
Batch command to queue a job for User Choice queue type.
Batch command to queue a job for FIFO queue type.
Batch operation on a page of WorkQueueItems.
Total Account Balance
Due Date/Adjusted Minimum Due
The class represents a BlackBerry target information associated with a user
The length of the preview text in the BlackBerry native message list.
BlackBerry PIN represented as an integer
bbPIN converted to a hexidecimal
The classCode for this NotifyTarget subclass.
Push server that this BlackBerryNotifyTarget is associated with
Converts an integer (base 10) number to a hexidecimal number that is returned as a string.
Deletes the BlackBerryNotifyTarget with the specified bbPIN.
Creates a QueuedNotifyMessage and sends it to the queue to be processed (sent to the target).
Registers a BlackBerryNotifyTarget with the specified bbPIN on a push server of the specified type. If a target with that bbPIN already exists on the server specified, then we don't reregister. If a target with that bbPIN exists on a different server, then we deregister that target and reregister with the specified target. Returns, in the form of a message, information about the RIMPushServer that it was registered to.
This class represents BlackBerry Push messages that are sent to notify targets.
The sent time of the BlackBerryQueuedNotifyMessage
Command class to generate the Briefing Book Report for the mobile client.
File extension of the report. The only supported mime type is currently "pdf".
Used to determine whether the detailed or summary report should be generated.
Generates two briefing book (detailed and summary) and emails the reports to the user.
Join class containing all the selected interaction types to include in a briefing book report.
ActTemplate associated with a BriefingBookReportCommand
The BriefingBookReportCommand associated with the ActTemplate
Command class to generate the Briefing Book Report
Link to the intersection class for the many to many type picker
The filter string that is being used to query
The currently selected schedule item to run the Briefing Book report against.
Displays the full note of the schedule item on #t. Displays the preview note (the first 255 char of note) on #f.
Report format
Show the Bio field of each entity on #t Hide the Bio field on #f
Show the quick notes for each entity on #t Hide quick notes for each entity on #f
Generate report based on the currently selected schedule item, and pass any additional filters to the report.
Generate the where clause based on what types were selected on the report paramter page.
A queued SysMessage that corresponds to the task of registering one business component. Used to register business components during server startup by invoking the SOA Subscription Service asynchronously.
The name of the queue that new instances of this class should be sent to
base time in milliseconds to delay before resending when receive failed
maximum time in milliseconds to delay before resending when receive failed
Name of the business component
Version of this registration configuration for the business component
nexj:soa:SubscriptionEngineService:1.0:type:Event collection of events this business component has
called when "receive" transaction unexpectedly rolls-back, or when recovering from system crash
called by receiver thread: process message. registers business component through SOA interface
Creates a SysMessage with the parameters passed in and sends it to a queue
This class keeps track of the current valid version of the configuration for a business component to register with the subscription engine
Name of the business component
A unique identifier for the version of configuration that is currently valid to register
Queues a request to register business components with the subscription engine
A queued SysMessage that corresponds to the task of sending a message from one business event. Used to send message by invoking the SOA Subscription Service asynchronously. The task is invoked by the a method that creates an instance of this class and submits it to an object queue.
Static attribute to hold the default queue as the getQueue event does not cache the SysQueue
The queue that new instances of this class should be sent to
The BusinessComponentSubscriptionMessageCommand object associated with this message. Will be an instance before serialization and a transfer object after deserialization
called by receiver thread: process message. invokes Subscription Service through SOA interface
Creates a SysMessage with the parameters passed in and sends it to a queue
This class encapsulates the structure of the message data, to isolate the complexity of the data from the queuing.
collection of strings. Arguments to the body of the message
Any secondary business components of this message
Identifier of event
Object containing sender of the message.
A unique identifier of the message
The business component which sent the message
Parent business component (i.e. Conversation for a ConversationMessage)
The primary business component of this message
collection of transfer objects transfer object containing recipient data of users where this message is directed to
Time the message is sent
collection of strings. Arguments to the title of the message
Abstract Base class for the Business Process. Contains all the stages and steps that are involved in this business process. BusinessProcesses are NOT deletable, unless you have AdminBusinessProcessUpdate, or the BusinessProcess has never been editted before (deleted in this case via the deleteUnchangedProcess event)
Acts that have been instantiated for this process.
Collection of document bundles associated with this BusinessProcess instance.
Abstract class.
boolean that depends on the Template createable Principal to see if the business process of that template can be created.
Points to the stage in the 'stages' collection that is currently active.
Checks to see if the user can delete a business process. Need the "AdminBusinessProcessUpdate" privilege to do so.
All entities that this process may be for. Initialized to hold the 'entity' for this process.
The entity that this business process is for. I.e. for an Account Opening, the entity is the one this account is being opened for.
Calculated attribute of the entity's full name
Calculated attribute to retrieve the freeform flag from the process' template.
Calculated from the Template
Initialized to #f, set to #t whenever a non new business process is updated. This allows deletion of Business Processes that haven't been modified since new.
The unpersisted attribute 'isVisibilityCorrect' is used for the 'update' event. When a staging model object wishes for the BusinessProcess to recalculate the visibility of the steps, it sets this attribute to false. The 'update' event will then call 'recalculateVisibility' if this attribute is changed (ensures that recalculate is only called once per update, not for every single attribute change).
Points to the latest bundle in the bundles associated with this Busniess Process.
The User that owns this business process. Typically, this is the user that instantiated the business process.
The priority of this process. Defaults to Medium.
This attribute is for easier overriding for subclasses of BusinessProcess. By default, this instance is always readable.
This attribute is for easier overriding for subclasses of BusinessProcess. By default, this instance is only updatable if the currentStage is updatable, or the currentStage is not set. (indicating that this process is either completed or abandoned).
Overridden to provide access to processReadSecurable
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
Stores the history of BusinessProcessStage changes.
The stages in this process
The staging model associated to this process. Instantiates on create to a blank staging model.
The list of steps that are in this process. This should be populated from the steps within the stages.
The template that this process is using. Determines what stages, steps, and staging model this process will use.
The name of this Business Process
Overridden to provide access to processUpdateSecurable
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Overridden to allow for BusinessProcessStagingHistory to log the creation of the process.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Deletes the business process if its isEdited attribute is #f, i.e. it hasn't been updated since new. Note: Passing OID because passing the process object itself seems to result in weird behaviour
Finds the first stage in this process, by ordinal. Null if no stages exist.
Finds the next stage in this process chronologically, after the 'currentStage'. Null if the currentStage is the last stage.
Finds the appropriate stage, given an ordinal. #f if the stage doesn't exist.
Given a stageType (from the BPStageEnum), it will return the instance from stages collection. #f if not found.
Initializes and returns a Business Process with the given BusinessProcessTemplate (in 'parameter') and arguments. Initializes any associated stages as well.
Function used by staging objects to invalidate the Process' Steps validation.
Checks the current stage to see if it is completed or rejected, and proceeds to the next stage accordingly.
Performs stage change when the last stage ended with a state of 'Completed'.
Performs stage change when the last stage ended with a state of 'Rejected'.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Loads the visibility of all steps, and recalculates their visibility.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
fireTasks : before
When the currentStage changes, and there is a notification defined for the task, create it.
setIsEdited : before
Sets isEdited to true to indicate the Business Process has been modified since it was created. This means it will not be deleted when deleteUnchangedProcess is called.
updatePrimaryEntity : before
Updates the BusinessProcessEntity whenever the 'entity' attribute is changed
Used to instantiate and persist collections of BPBundleDocuments.
Collection of BPBundleDocuments associated with this bundle.
Collection of the BPFormBundleDocuments associated with this bundle.
businessProcess associated with this bundle.
Overridden to enforce security.
Stores a collection of diffPairs that is generated when the bundle is generated. Used for unit testing. It is not persisted as the DiffReport itself can be reffered to for future diff information.
Diff Report for this bundle, there is logic in place to ensure only 0 or 1 Diff Reports are associated to a bundle.
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Calls the createCustomBundle event with no docTemplates specified so it will use the logic on BPDocTemplate to determine which forms to include in the bundle.
Creates a new BusinessProcessBundle instance for the current BusinessProcess. The logic will either call the getBPFormBundleDocs event of BusinessProcessTemplate to figure out which BPFormDocTemplates to include in the bundle based on their rules or the calling process can pass in a collection of Strings with BPFormDocTemplate titles. Avoid calling this directly except for testing purposes. Instead use 'createBundle'.
Overridden to enforce security.
Calls generateDiffStrings to get a collection of formatted diffStrings and then calls BPDiffBundleDocument to write them to a new Diff Report Document.
Generates a Diff string by parsing the provided DiffPairs into a readable format.
Returns a message containing a binary of all the BPFormBundleDocuments in a bundle merged into one PDF and ordered by their printOrder attribute.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Intersection between the Business Process and all entities that may be related to it.
Type of Business Process Step, used for viewing/editting the properties of the Business Process. This step is special in that it is editable if the process is editable, not the stage it happens to be within.
List of attributes that are displayed on this screen.
This instance is only editable if the process is editable.
Protected class, representing a stage of the business process. Typically governs the user that can currently do work on the process, as well as the editability of the different steps within.
Acts that have been instantiated for this stage.
This string is filled in from the UI. When BusinessProcessStage's update event is called and this is not null, a new BusinessProcessStageNote is created and added to the bpStageNotes collection.
A collection of BusinessProcessStageNotes asssociated to this BusinessProcessStage.
Overridden to default the principal to be the one from the template
A stage has errors if any of it's steps have errors (discluding the invisible ones).
A stage has warnings if any of it's steps have warnings (discluding the invisible ones).
The order that this stage will be executed in it's process.
The process this stage is a part of.
Overridden to provide access to stageReadSecurable
The processes that this stage is the 'currentStage' for. Should only ever be a single process (the same in the 'process' relationship).
This attribute is for easier overriding for subclasses of BusinessProcessStage. By default, this instance is always readable.
The Stage type that this object represents. Denormalized from the Template.
This attribute is for easier overriding for subclasses of BusinessProcessStage. By default, this instance is only updatable if the process' currentStage is this stage (the currentStage from the beginning of this unit of work).
The current state of the BusienssProcessStage derived from its current status.
The status of this stage. Starts as defaultStatus. Once finished, the stage moves to one of its completed or rejected state statuses. This drives the associated process' currentStage.
The steps that are a part of this stage.
The template for this stage.
Holds the status before it has been submitted. Used for UI binding.
Overridden to provide access to stageUpdateSecurable
Overridden to default the principal to be the one from the template
Overridden to allow for BusinessProcessStagingHistory.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Gets the first step of this stage, based on index, or null if there are no steps.
Gets the last step of this stage, based on index, or null if there are no steps.
Gets a step in this process by its index, or #f if it doesn't exist
Initializes and returns a Business Process Stage with the given BusinessProcessStageTemplate (in 'template') and arguments. Initializes any associated steps as well.
Returns true if submitting this stage will cause the Business Process to be abandoned.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Returns null if the stage submits correctly. Returns a string if the stage cannot submit. Possible reasons are: validation exceptions if trying to complete, or the state is still 'outstanding' bug 65656: if a Business Process Step is passed in (with argument name "step"), it will be marked as visited.
Overridden to check the status of this stage. If it has changed, it will call the 'proceedStage' method of the associated process.
Auditing Class to keep track of the Stage changes of Business Processes. The current Stage is logged when the BusinessProcess is instantiated. Stages are then logged as they are Completed.
BusinessProcess instance associated to this entry.
Overridden to enforce security.
The user who initiaed the init or proceed stage.
Override read only attribute to #t as BusinessProcessStageHistory instances should be read only.
Date / Time the business process ended the stage.
Status of the BusinessProcessStage.
Type of the BusinessProcessStage.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Holds a BusinessProcessStage note.
The user who created the note.
Overridden to enforce security.
Summary string shown in bp stage note viewer
Text stored in the note.
Up to a 255 character preview of what is in the note.
Overridden to provide access to stageUpdateSecurable
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
The template used for the stages of the business process.
The task to create when this stage begins.
The BPStage's default status, this will be the status the stage is set to when it is instantiated.
The task to create when this stage completes and there are non-critical deficiencies in the process
Statuses available for this stage in the UI when submitting the stage.
The order that this stage will be run in.
The principal that can edit stages that use this template. Used by the instances of BusinessProcessStage for its updatable check.
The type of stage that this template is for.
The principal that can view stages that use this template. Used by the instances of BusinessProcessStage for its readable check.
Business Process Stages that are instantiated from this template.
Adds the given statuses to the displayStatuses collection provided they are not already there. Statuses are passed in as a list of Enum value symbols, not the Enums themselves.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Creates a template, given an instance of the BusinessProcessTypeEnum.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Initializes the BusinessProcessStage's display with the 3 generic statuses COMPLETED, REJECTED and OUTSTANDING.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
The Staging Model used by a Business Process. Used only as a link between the process, and the tables used in staging. Subclass for the specific Business Processes you wish to instantiate, with an extension table to hold links to other objects that are in the staging model. In addition, override the methods: retrieveMergeModel, initializeStaging, and retrieveStageForObject You may also override the methods: syncToCRM, syncFromCRM, if you require sync to/from CRM
The associated Process to this staging model.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Initializes a new staging model for the given business process, as well as the security for each of the staging model objects. Returns the newly created BusinessProcessStaging object. Event must be overridden.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Given a formNameEnum (from BPDocTemplateFormNameEnum. Returns the staging model object and whether it is repeatable or not. An error should be thrown for unsupported documents. The expected return value should look as follows: (head: collection of staging objects) (tail: isRepeatedDocument) If this document does not need to be generated, an empty collection should be returned. If this document needs to be generated but is not repeatable, there should only be a single object in the collction, with the isRepeatedDocument flag set to false. If this document needs to be generated for a repeated object, this method should return a collection of all the objects that need to be iterated over, and isRepeatedDocument should be set to true. This event must be overridden.
Retrieves the document templates and associated staging models for all possible document templates associated to this process. The collection will appear as follows: (collection (head: doc template) (tail: (head: collection of staging objects) (tail: isRepeatedDocument) ) ) If this document does not need to be generated, an empty collection is returned. If this document needs to be generated but is not repeatable, there should only be a single object in the collction, with the isRepeatedDocument flag set to false. If this document needs to be generated for a repeated object, this method should return a collection of all the objects that need to be iterated over, and isRepeatedDocument should be set to true.
Given a classMeta, returns the stage that it should be instantiated for. Mostly used for objects not made at init, so they know which stage to bind to. Event must be overridden. IMPORTANT NOTE: If this event returns a stage other than the current stage, and you attempt to create a staging object with it, it will likely fail since only objects on the 'currentStage' can be editted or deleted.
Created to set security, needs to be overridden in each child class of BusinessProcessStaging that will support sync To/From CRM.
Created to set security, needs to be overridden in each child class of BusinessProcessStaging that will support sync To/From CRM.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
A step in the Business Process Wizard. Is the link between what is shown on a wizard page, and the staging model. Must be subclassed per wizard page that needs to be shown.
List of attributes that are displayed on this screen. Must be overridden in subclasses.
Indicates whether this step is supposed to be repeatable or not. Default set to false.
This is an abstract class, so the classcode is not set. The Process Properties subclass' classCode is "SP" The Validation subclass' classCode is "SV"
calculated attribute to show on the dashboard. Is calculated from the stage name.
Calculated from the Template
Used for determining if this step should be visible.
The name of this step. Taken from the Template's caption
The process this step is within (calculated from the stage this step is associated to).
The stage that this step is a part of.
Holds a copy of the stage's ordinal number. Needed for sorting steps inside of a process.
Icon indicating the status of this step.
The index of this step, in respect to the stage it is within.
The template for this step.
This instance is only editable if it's stage is editable.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Will determine the validity of this step. Attribute 'type' must be either 'isError' or 'isWarning' Makes use of the attribute "DISPLAYED_ATTRS" to determine which fields to validate.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege. Also initializes the index of this step, based on whether it is repeatable or not.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Initializes and returns a Business Process Step with the given BusinessProcessStepTemplate (in 'template') and arguments.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Event used for setting the visibility of this step, if it is not correct. Override on subclasses for custom logic: by default simply sets the visibility to true.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Given a step, will mark it as visited.
The template used for creating business processes.
derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Determines if this step is repeatable or not.
collection of localizations. One for each supported locale.
The ordinal of this step, in respect to the stageTemplate it is within. Set in the 'create' event.
The parent stage template that holds this step template
The class of the BusinessProcessStep this template is for.
The type of Business Process Step that this template represents.
Calculated attribute, retrieves the type of the class by it's classcode.
Collection of all the Business Process Steps that use this template.
Overridden to assign the ordinal to this step.
Creates a step template, given an instance of the BusinessProcessTypeEnum.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Gets the next ordinal available in the Business Process Step Template for the next stage.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Localization of BusinessProcessStepTemplate caption and description.
Overridden to remove validation
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
The template used for creating business processes.
The class of the BusinessProcess this template is for.
The type of Business Process that this template represents.
Collection of BPDocTemplates associated with this class.
Calculated attribute, retrieves the type of the class by it's classcode.
if current user can create business process instances of this template
Whether this template can be deleted. Based on whether there are instantiated processes.
Principal that can instantiate this business process template type.
Enumeration Allows UI to change security between group, and public security principals using an enumeration.
derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Indicates whether this process is freeform or not (drives whether steps can be clicked on in any order, versus being navigated in the order they appear in the process only).
Opposite of hasProcesses. Used as an access attribute.
True if there are instantiated processes based on this template.
enable picker for UI
collection of localizations. One for each supported locale.
Collection of all the Business Processes that use this template.
Defines whether the process is resumable or not (technically, this means that whenever the process window is closed, it is deleted, regardless of what state it was in). This is not editable if the template has processes instantiated.
The stages that are a part of this process template.
The task to create when this process completes or is abandoned.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Creates a template, given an instance of the BusinessProcessTypeEnum.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
validateCaptionOnActivate : before
When the template is switched to active, check that the localizations are still valid.
Localization of BusinessProcessTemplate caption and description.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'BusinessProcessView' privilege.
Overridden to grant 'AdminBusinessProcessManage' privilege.
To make sure there is no duplicate captions (only considering active templates)
main : main
checks for duplicate log in names that are active
Type of Business Process Step, used for approving or rejecting a stage of the Business Process. This MUST ONLY be the last step of every stage for any Business Process.
List of attributes that are displayed on this screen.
A non-persisted class that represents a Grid's column whose value will be exported to a CSV file. Normally used in a collection.
The value bind converted into a list of symbols.
#t if the unit bind is an attribute instead of a descriptor.
Formatted value of the column's caption.
The name of the grid column.
Integer used to specify the order of columns in the resulting CSV export.
The transformation argument name for the transformation mapping that will process this column's value.
The transformation mapping name that will process this column's value.
The name of a supplemental transformation argument used when a unit bind is an attribute (see isUnitBindAttribute).
The name of the type of this column's value.
The unit bind used to format this columns value in the UI.
The unit bind converted into a list of symbols.
The value bind of this column.
The value format of this column as specified in the UI metadata.
The pattern string of the valueFormat.
Returns a format pattern that can by used by the message formatter if one exists.
Returns a format pattern that can by used by the message formatter if one exists including non-unit bind currency formatting.
A command class used to process a CSV Export request made from the UI. Can fulfill the request synchronously or asynchronously depending on the volume of data.
The size of each page of data to process during the export process.
Indicates if the async export will generate a notification or an alarm. #t for a notification.
Indicates if all columns or only visible columns will be exported.
Collection of columns whose values will be included in the CSV file.
Name of CSV file. When null filename defaults to class name.
#t if the export process will run asynchronously.
Adds a new column instance to columns.
Asserts public read access for a class and attributes.
Determines if the user has changed the order of grid columns in the UI and adjusts the columns' ordinals accordingly.
Returns the number of rows that will be returned by the CSV export.
Generates a CSV File and optionally notifies the user when complete.
Asynchronously generates a CSV file.
Synchronously generates a CSV file.
Returns the contents of a CSV File to the UI.
Represents a CSV file. The data is stored in chunks so that the potential exists to read the contents one chunk at a time without ever storing the entire file in memory.
Returns the entire contents of the CSV file.
Returns the entire contents of the CSV file and prepends the utf-8 BOM.
The readable CSV file name with extension.
Returns the contents of the file chunk for the specified file and chunk. Optional addBOM argument to append BOM.
Returns the entire contents of this CSVFile with the utf-8 BOM appended.
Invokes Contact to VCard message tranformation
Object representating a notification from the application regarding Create, Update, or Delete notifications.
Event to notify users of new notifications
Name of the business component that represents this class
Event to notify users of a new notification
Denormed list of associated actions. Used in the UI to toggle action visibility.
A collection of quick responses that have been associated to a specific notification action.
Avatar style conditional on (
Notification card background color
Boolean value that indicates whether this CUDNotification instance is being sent as part of a batch
UI bind for notification caption
The creation time of the instance.
Section name for UI, consistent with Act'getSummaryGroupName
Name of the group caption when displaying notifications.
Denormed list of associated actions that are disabled. Used in the UI to toggle action enablement.
Who the notification is for.
The functional area this notification is about
Functional areas only supported in MDA.
The id of the instance that caused the notification (and thus the instance that will be navigated to).
The name of the instance that caused the notification.
Whether notification is for a mandatory rule action.
Whether the notification was read
Whether the user is subscribed to the action associated with the notification. Used in the UI.
Whether the user is unsubscribed to the action associated with the notification. Used in the UI.
Boolean value that indicates whether this instance is rule based.
Whether the notification is unread
Localized caption based on the user's preferred locale. Defaults to the related object's caption.
The localized message based on the user's preferred locake for this notification
Overidden to set unique name for notifications to avoid recalculation in LOCALIZABLE_CAPTION#getRefName. Time taken to compute LOCALIZABLE_CAPTION name grows linearly depending on how many notifications are created across threads.
Notifications are only readable when the current user is the entity represented by 'for'
Used by UI to determine if related object is available.
Calculated ui component instance object for the notification
For filtering in the notification sidebar
Calculated ui component instance object for the subject area specific notification
For rule based notification, Id of the originating action For subject area specifiv notification, Id of the orininating action, class name of the object, and id of the object.
Mark all of a user's notifications read with paging
main : main
Mark notifications read
batch send CUDNotification to all passed in recipients
recipients list of userPersons who are to recieve the notification
instanceId string The string representation of oid of the relatedObject that is triggering the creation of this CUDNotification
instanceName String The class name of the related Object
functionalArea NotificationFunctionalArea The subject area of this CUDNotification
localizations Collection of localization messages of the following form: (message (: localeName "en") (: message "test") (: emailSubject "Subject") (: emailBody "Test"))
s Optional arguments Currenlty supported optional arguments: 1. actionId - Specified the OID of the action that triggered this CUDNotification 2. associatedActions - A collection of strings representing the associatedActions that need are to be linked all CUDNotification instances 3. isRuleBased - Boolean value that indicates whether the action execution type is rule based.
Factory to create a single instance of CUDNotification
for UserPerson The user that this CUDNotification is for
instanceId string The string representation of oid of the relatedObject that is triggering the creation of this CUDNotification
instanceName String The class name of the related Object
functionalArea NotificationFunctionalArea The subject area of this CUDNotification
localizations Collection of localization messages of the following form: (message (: localeName "en") (: message "test") (: emailSubject "Subject") (: emailBody "Test"))
s Optional arguments Currenlty supported optional arguments: 1. actionId - Specified the OID of the action that triggered this CUDNotification 2. associatedActions - A collection of strings representing the associatedActions that need are to be linked to this CUDNotification instance
Determines whether notification functional area is supported only in MDA application.
Returns #t if the user is unsubscribed to the action, false otherwise
Static method for marking a notification read
id the OID of the notification to mark read
Wraps markRead for flyout notification menu
s id The OID of the notiifcation as an OID object
main : main
Marks notification read through SOA
Marks a notification as unread.
Process where clauses from the NotificationQuery form
where The where clause on the form
ret A where clause
processShowUnread : before
Process the where from the showOnlyUnread checkbox so it queries for only unread notifications or all notifications
Subscribe notification action
Unsubscribe notification action
Class to represent actions that can be exectued from a CUDNotification
The caption value of the associated action
The disabled tooltip of the associated action
Determines whether the action is disabled.
Represents the order of the associated actions for an action
The enabled tooltip of the associated action
The type of associated action
Object representating a notification from the application regarding Create, Update, or Delete notifications. Only used in recent notification list.
Id of the notification
For toggling the icon of the button to mark read
For toggling the tooltip of the button to mark read
Summary string to display the absolute time the notification was created
Summary string to display the time ellapsed since the notification was created
Represents a period that is based the calendar year. E.g., July 2008, Q3 2008, or Year 2008.
Given a date range, generates monthly, quarterly and yearly financial periods in that range. It extracts the year from the startDay, endDay and creates all the periods for that year. E.g. (CalendarFinancialPeriod'generateFinancialPeriods #m2005-03-03 #m2005-03-06) will check entire year 2005 and, unless they are already there, generate 2005Y, 2005Q1 - 2005Q4, 2005_01 - 2005_12. Conversely, (CalendarFinancialPeriod'generateFinancialPeriods #m2005-03-03 #m2008-03-6) would do the same for years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008.
Helper to generateFinancialPeriods. Generates a list of months.
Helper to generateQuarterlyFinancialPeriods. Generates an instance of month.
Helper to generateQuarterlyFinancialPeriods. Generates an instance of quarter.
Helper to generateFinancialPeriods. Generates a list of quarters.
Helper to generateFinancialPeriods. Generates years.
Given a calendarFinancialPeriod 'calFP' and integer 'position', returns the name of a calendarFinancialPeriod 'position' times before calFP. E.g. calFP = 2008Q2 && position = 3 should return 2007Q3.
Controls visibility of the inbound call beacon defined in SysPortal. Call module will pointcut into this class to modify visibility.
Event called by UI to determine inbound call beacon visibility. Can be pointcut into by the call module.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
Subclass of action used to represent call records. Instances can stand on their own or be related to a single existing act.
Static attribute that identifies if Call Record is enabled.
Subclass class code.
Overridden to read audit and add validation to Call Records - must set for field to at least one entity or lead.
True if this is of type CallRecord
Overridden to prevent Exchange Sync.
The parent act that this call record is associated to.
Overridden to show "Contact Date" caption.
Overridden to display the call record's contact date.
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Overridden to read audit
String for displaying date in journal tile on tablet
Overridden to read audit
Users related to this act. "Assign To" field in the UI. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Creates a call record instance and associates it with an existing act.
Returns warning text if the For field a given act contains entities invisible to current user. Returns #f otherwise.
Used for Batch Instantiation of Activity Plans. E.g. Mass Email Marketing Campaign.
Max number of entity members for a batch
Page size used for adding members to a campaign
Template to be instantiated for each participant in the campaign
Action Items & Documents related to this campaign.
Derived association to the rollup for actualRevenue.
Assignment Model responsible for assigning the campaign entities to users.
Determines if users can add to participant list.
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the users in the campaignUsers colleciton
End Date of the Campaign
Derived association to the rollup for expectedRevenue
Folder to hold supporting materials
True if (user) is a campaignUser
Icon to use when displayed on the dashboard
Icon to use when displayed on the dashboard
Program Manager
used for ui binds
Indicates that the campaign is not started. Used for UI enabled binds.
Collection of entities the campaign is targetting.
; delemited list of product names.
National, Regional, Market, etc.
Role used by the model for assignment.
collection of nodes used to efficiently calculate aggregate values for the entity hierarchy
Selection criteria used to select the participants.
Start Date of the Campaign
Overall status of the campaign
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
Display icon for workspaces
used in Campaign Dashboard
Display name for workspaces (sub-heading)
Revenue the campaign is trying to generate.
Campaign purpose and additional information about the targeted audience.
Subject or Name of the campaign.
Eg. Telephone, mail, media, event, etc.
Adds the entites in the where to the campaign
Retrieve entities and add them as participants
filterExistingMembers : before
filters out entities which are already participants in the campaign
Adds an instance of Entity (ie. Person) to campaign and calculates the owner/role based on the rules on the campaign
main : main
Add an entity to a campaign
Adds an instance of Entity (ie. Person) to the campaign as a participant and assigns the owner to the argument passed in
Adds the given userPerson to the campaignUsers.
s where - the where clause to use when querying Entity This method evaluates whether the following where clause is refined enough to add all resulting entities to the campaign. This method takes a where clause to apply to a query on Entity. It will then evaluate the number of entities returned and check if they exceed the max member size. If the max member size is exceeded, then the entities can not be added based on the passed where clause and instead the where clause needs to be refined in order to return a count of entities less than the max member size.
Searches the campaign users for the given userPerson. Returns null if not found.
Public Interface to call generateParticipants
Generate the participants based on the selection criteria
Returns true if the campaign is inactive
Returns #t if the entity is a participant of the campaign, false otherwise
processWhereClause : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Intantiate the campaign - batch instantiates the activity plan for each participant.
Public Interface to call start
Class based a on view that aggregates expected reveunue and opportunity counts for Campaign related Opportunities
Class based a on view that aggregates expected reveunue and opportunity counts for Campaign related Opportunities
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to main class.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
Class based on a view that aggregates and groups Campaign Participants by status
Association to the Campaign
Participant Count. This attribute is a sum on the underlying view.
Participant status
Class based on a view that aggregates and groups Campaign Participants by status
Association to the Campaign
Participant Count. This attribute is a sum on the underlying view.
Participant status
Intersection between Campain and Entity.
Derived association to the rollup for actualRevenue.
When this participant starts the campaign plan, maintain a reference to the plan.
Campaign User assigned to this participant. Note that this is going through campaignUser to simplify maintaining the campaignUser table.
Determines if the current user can remove participant from campaign
Derived association to the rollup for expectedRevenue
Calculated string for debugging.
Reason why this entity was included in the campaign - e.g. matching selection criteria.
Calculated attribute indicating wheather this particpant has started the campaign. used by ui binds
Opportunities generated from this campaign participant.
Virtual Attribute to set and update the campaign user property.
Calculated Security permission,based on Campaign
Since the time it takes for a contact to respond to the campaign is important, the history of status changes is stored.
Status of the response of the entity to this campaign. E.g. if the entity responds to a marketing email, it should be set to "Responded"
link to the rollup hierarchy.
collection of nodes used to efficiently calculate aggregate values for the entity hierarhcy.
Assigns the owner attribute to a user using the given assignment model and role.
Factory to create a campaign participant. Runs assignOwnerFromModel to default the owner as is done when generateParticipants is called.
Factory creation to create from a Campaign User instance.
Ensure all the proper hierarchy values are sets for the given node.
Ensure the rollup hierarchy exists to the parent. However, don't up
Resolves the owner to a user using the given assignment model and role.
Starts the activity plan for this participant
Invokes start on the given participant.
Audit history of Changes to the response status field in CampaignParticipation
Parent Campaign Participation
Value of Response Status
Time of Change
Extension of RollupNode for the Campaign User class.
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to main class.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
Definition of a Campaign but without status or selection criteria. Used for a library of campaign defintions, marketing materials, etc. that can be instantiated against a selection criteria/segment.
Intersection between Campain and User Person. Drives "My Campaigns". Probalby will be extended to roll up stats and other usage. Each user that owns at least one participant in the campaign is added here.
Derived association to the rollup for actualRevenue.
Derived association to the rollup for expectedRevenue
Calculated Security permission,based on Campaign
link to the rollup hierarchy.
collection of nodes used to efficiently calculate aggregate values for the entity hierarchy
Ensure all the proper hierarchy values are sets for the given node.
Deletes the CampaignUser if no participants left. Removes the given participant from the campaignParticipants associated with this CampaignUser.
Extension of RollupNode for the Campaign User class.
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to main class.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
Represents a cash holdable.
Reverse association.
Represents a holding of a cash holdable.
A cash holding should only hold cash holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Overridden to make required.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be cash transactions.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the cash holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
Overridden to set holdable price
Represents a snapshot of a cash holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents a transaction on a cash holdable.
Deposit source, e.g., client cheque, external loan.
EFT type, e.g., one time.
The holding this transaction is made on.
prints the wire deposit source of order
Represents a list of facts to which an Entity can be associated.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Configuration Group (UserGroup) attribute.
Configuration Group (UserGroup) where for association to Categories
The maximum number of categories visible in rule conditions. Must be less than 4096 since paging cannot be used.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Compatibility layer for description
Association to configuration group.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
shortcut to initialize all locales with a caption
overridden to default localization descriptions based on comments
list of entity types for which this category is valid
the group this category belongs to
overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Unique name for the type. This name should be referencable in merge fields, integration, etc.
Whether the category will be available for use in rules. Used to solve paging problem.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
checkIfInUse : before
Prevent categories in use in rule conditions being removed from rule conditions
validateVisibleInRules : before
Prevent too many categories from being visible in rule conditions at one time
checkIfInUse : before
Prevent categories in use in rule conditions from being deleted
setEntityCategoryReadOnly : before
sets readOnly flag appropriately for EntityCategory instances of this category
To group categories.
collection of categories in this group
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
collection of entity types for which this category group is visible
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to set access.
Access for name attribute. Name should not be changed because it is mapped in the CategoryGroupEnum.
reverse to UserGroupTYpe
display list of captions for category groups
main : main
returns a list of CFType Group captions
Localization of CategoryGroup caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Localization of Category caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Date Claim is Closed
Entities (typically from the Policy) that this Claim is associated with
Affect this Claim has on the Policy owner's rating. This might need to be on the intersection but is
Date Claim is Opened
Represents a KYC associated with a contact.
The client's annual income range.
The country associated with the client's citizenship.
The client with which the KYC is associated.
The date the KYC was created.
The description of the KYC.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with alternate investments.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with bonds.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with commodities.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with interest rates.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with listed derivatives.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with margin lending.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with margin trading.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with the money market or GICs.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with new shares.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with options.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with precious metals.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with preferred shares.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with real estate.
Indicates whether the client is experienced with short selling.
Yes/No; whether the client has a substantial ownership in a government-owned business/entity.
Issuing country of the verification ID.
Type of ID used for client verification.
Yes/No; whether the client's ID has been verified.
The client's investment knowledge, e.g. poor, good.
Indicates whether the client's ID has been verified.
Marital status of the client, e.g. single, married.
The client's net fixed assets.
The client's net liquid assets.
The client's net worth.
Yes/No; whether the client is part of a non-profitable organization.
The client's number of dependents.
The number of years the client has been investing.
The client's Portfolio Level Risk, e.g. high, low.
The name of the client's primary bank.
The address of the client's primary bank.
Yes/No; whether the client maintains residences in any other countries.
String value of annual income.
String with audit information for the KYC.
String value of citizenship country.
String value of whether client has a substantial ownership in a government-owned business/entity.
String value of the issuing country of the verification ID.
String value of the type of ID used for verification.
String value of whether the client's ID has been verified.
String value of investment knowledge.
String value of marital status.
String value of whether the client is part of a non-profitable organization.
String value of portfolio risk.
String value of whether the client maintains residences in any other countries.
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
Display icon for workspaces
Determines whether the client KYC can be updated
Override to use isUpdated
Create factory invoked upon successful manual approval create
Factory for creating a KYC for the given client.
Ensures all required fields have been filled in. Called when a user attempts to lock a KYC.
Function to return the initializers for attributes in a class. Typically this method is used from client UI.
Function to return the formatted caption for a given metaclass. Typically this method is used from client UI.
Function to force recalculation of attributes in a class from its initilizers. Typically this method is used from client UI.
main : main
Function to force recalculation of attributes in a class from its initilizers. Typically this method is used from client UI.
Group of user client options
flag indicates the option block for enabling the native message integration.
Event to update the option block given the type and the booleanOption
Initiate the addition of a new client to a registry.
Request demographic data when the client identification is known.
Initiate the linking of two records (both records remain active).
Initiate the merging of two records.
Request a list of clients matching the query parameters.
Initiate the unlinking of two records in a registry.
Initiate the unmerging of two records.
Initiate the update of client data in a registry.
Merges the people in the collection into person1 according to the rules in the ruleset <mergeRuleSet>
MergeAddr : after
calls the Merge method on the person class
Queries the registry for people matching the addtributes set in the person class, and returns the attributes listed in attributes list.
Returns the version history of the client
Reads a record from the client registry
setOutcome : before
Overridden to include only closed opportunities.
Allows the administration of a class with the COMMIT_NOTIFY aspect, setting its state to START or STOP. When stopped, AsyncCallbackCommand messages for instances of that class will not be enqueued.
Name of the aspect that has been applied - must itself apply COMMIT_NOTIFY aspect.
Name of the class that has the aspect and is therefore being configured.
State of this class with respect to this aspect. This affects whether or not notifications for objects of this class will be sent out or not.
Display name of the subscriber that the notification is sent to, as identified by the aspectName.
Returns the CommitNotifyConfig object a specific class with regards to a specific aspect. The object is created if a persisted object is not found.
aspectName string The name of the aspect. This must be an aspect that has COMMIT_NOTIFY.
classname string The name of the class. This class must have the aspect named in the arg 'aspectName'
CommitNotifyConfig Returns the CommitNotifyConfig object. Throws an error if the aspectName or className are invalid.
This class represents companies.
Overridden to set taxonomy class
Accounts associated with this company
Overridden to read audit
List of analyst user entities covering the company
Overridden to read audit
Roadshow schedule items this entity booked
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
Overridden for audit to set caption
For Multi-Company Roadshow
Coverage icon to use for securities issuer.
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to add default company icon
Overridden to disable auditing. Primary language of an entity. Added to Entity class to support filtering on subclass attributes.
Derived association off of companyMembers to limit to only Departments
Overriding the audit flag
Securities issued by this company
Overriding the caption
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
Company's primary security
Roadshows that were for this company
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to set caption
updateCompanyDenorm : before
Update any Contacts that have the Company's name denormalized.
Extended to grant CompanyCreate privilege.
Extended to grant CompanyDelete privilege.
mergeCompanyMembers : before
move companies. note if they have a department set, it's ok since the dept. should now be in this company too.
mergeCompanySecurities : before
change security issuer to the target company
Extended to grant CompanyView privilege.
changeName : before
Organization name (lastName) is denormalized to in all Department descendants. If it changes, we need to push the change down.
Update any Contacts that have the Company's name denormalized.
Used to update coverage rolldown when company changes industry
Wrapper for the CompletionSemaphoreRegistry Java class, used by the parallelized Data Match Service to detect completion of all subtasks. This class, and the underlying Java class, were both derived from the UnitTestSignaller metaclass and the class in the core project.
Sends a signal to a semaphore, and data to waiters of said semaphore
name any The name of the semaphore to signal
data any Data to be passed to those threads waiting on the semaphore
Wait on a semaphore until another thread signals completion on it, or until the timeout expires.
name any The name of the semaphore on which to wait.
timeout long The maximum time to wait, in milliseconds
any Data passed from the signalling thread
Retrieves the startDate and endDate from period, sets the where clause and generates the report
The canonical conversation
Event to notify users of unread conversations
Name of the business component that represents this class
Image to be used in the banner of the email notification.
Event to notify users of a new message
Symbol of current list view type.
Current related context (e.g. entity, opportunity).
Event to refresh conversation stream
Active participants of the current conversation
The related object of this conversation.
The serialized ID of the related object.
The UIComponent type of the related object.
The object used to hold the object related to this conversation.
Conversation messages within this conversation
Current user's copy of ConversationUser
User's copy of conversations that's based of this conversation
The entity that initiated the conversation
The attachment of the initial message, used when creating the conversation
The message body of the initial message, used when creating the conversation
Indicates if the conversation should only be visible by its participants.
Attribute to allow creating non-committed instances before the security has been set.
All participants of the current conversation
Readable based on related context. Used by the readable for ConversationMessage so that ConversationMessages can only be read using context-related security.
readable based on user's participation
Recipients of the current conversation
The subject of the conversation
Sends a message to all members of the conversation when additional participants join.
addInitialParticipant : before
Add the entity specified in the initialUser attribute to the participant collection
createInitialMessage : before
creates the first message of the conversation using the initialText specified
setSecurityContext : around
Around action to temporarily set the SECURITY_CONTEXT and SECURITY_RELATED_CONTEXT variables on Conversation to allow for dynamic security optimizations.
Command class to add participants to a conversation.
Collection of entities to be added to the conversation.
The conversation to which participants are to be added.
The conversation's oid as a string. To be passed in from the UI.
addConversationParticipants : before
Adds participants to a conversation through a call to the ConversationService.
Intersection class between ConversationAddParticipantsCommand and Entity. Indicates the entity to be added as a participant of the conversation.
The command object that will create the conversation participant.
The entity to be added as a conversation participant.
Entity's full name in <first name> <last name> format
Base intersection between Conversation and context without locking to avoid optimistic locking, modeled as extension class of Conversation Contains attributes of Conversation that needs to be updated by multiple threads, as well as attributes needed to be indexed with them
The related context of the conversation
The id of the conversation's context object
The UIComponent name of the conversation's context object
The conversation the context is related to
The time when the last message was sent in the conversation
Command class to create a new Conversation
UI bind for selecting base context type for conversations.
Used as a UI bind to determine if a user can set/modify the isPrivate flag.
The conversation context.
The id of the initial related object, used when creating the conversation
The type of the initial related object, used when creating the conversation
The conversation context. This is a collection to support binding to a collection label in the UI.
Required for UI bind to create initialAttachment
Required for UI bind to create initialAttachment
The participant that is initially set when trying to add a conversation (does not include the logged in user)
The message body of the initial message, used when creating the conversation
Flag indicating if the conversation is to be private between the participants.
Participants to add to the conversation
The subject of the conversation
Used as a UI bind to determine if it is removable
Override to add privilege and to create intial participants
Used by the mobile client to update and refresh context.
Override to add privilege
The intersection class between ConversationCreateCommand and Entity to indicate if the entity is a participant of the conversation
The conversation the entity is a participant of
The entity that is a participant of the conversation
The entity's full name
Entity's full name in <first name> <last name> format
Proxy class for reading conversations by entity
Style on the UI for read/unread conversations.
The messages within the conversation.
Helper function for reading from service with bookmark. Used in service persistence mapping.
The canonical message of a canonical conversation
Maximum character length of a conversation message
The attachment of this message
The message body
The conversation this message belongs to
User's copy of messages based on this message
Message can only be created if the conversation is updatable.
The name of the event used to create this message.
Attribute to allow creating instances before the security has been set.
The sender of the message
Calculated message sender's full name
Calculated message sender's full name in <firstname lastname> format
The timestamp of when the message was sent
createConversationMessageUser : before
Create user copies of the message
Proxy class for reading messages of a conversation.
attachment is assigned with the value of the attachment oid in the conversation message.
attachmentIcon is to indicate the last message of the conversation has an attachment.
The message body.
Access attribute for create event.
Flag indicating if this message is read/unread.
Style on the UI for read/unread message.
The name of the sender
The timestamp of when the message was sent.
Access attribute for update event.
Helper function for reading messages by context from service with bookmark. Used in service persistence mapping.
Helper function for reading messages by user from service with bookmark. Used in service persistence mapping.
User's copy of conversation message
Denormalized attachment of this message
Denormalized message body
The canonical message this message is based on
Calculated oid of conversationMessage. Used to avoid evaluating the readable of conversationMessage in the Conversation Service for performance.
User's copy of conversation this conversation message belongs to
The name of the event used to create this conversation message.
Indicate if the message is read
The entity this ConversationMessageUser belongs to
Overridden for read access
Denormalized association to the sender of the message
Calculated message sender's full name
Calculated message sender's full name in <firstname lastname> format
The timestamp of when the message was sent
updateConversationUserStatus : before
Updates the conversation user's status when a new message is created
The intersection class between conversation and entity to indicate if the entity is a participant of the conversation
The conversation the entity is a participant of
The entity's copy of conversation
The entity that is a participant of the conversation
Entity's full name in <last name>, <first name> format
Entity's full name in <first name> <last name> format
Factory method used to create conversation participants.
Proxy class for participants within a conversation.
Access attribute for create event.
Access attribute for delete event.
The entity that is the participant.
The full name of the participant.
Flag indicating if the entity is the sender
Access attribute for update event.
User's own copy of conversation
The canonical conversation the user's copy is based on
User's copy of conversation messages related to user's copy of conversation
The entity's participation to the conversation
Extension of this class to contain attributes that does not have locking or needs to be indexed
The denormalized user who initiated the conversation
Indicate if the associated conversation participant is active.
Calculated public attribute to expose isRead flag from conversation user status.
The time when the last message was sent in the conversation
The entity the ConversationUser belongs to
Overridden for read access
Denormalized conversation subject
Mark all conversations as read
clearConversationParticipantReverse : before
Clears the reverse of conversationParticipant
Mark conversation as read
Mark conversation as unread
Update lastMessageSentTime
Proxy class for reading conversations by user.
Style on the UI for read/unread conversations.
Mobile Style on the UI for read/unread conversations.
The messages within the conversation.
Calculated attribute used to display related context without "About: " prefix.
Helper function for reading from service with bookmark. Used in service persistence mapping.
Helper function for returning the context of a conversation.
Helper function for returning a collection of entities involved in a conversation.
An extension of ConversationUser without locking to avoid optimistic locking. Contains attributes of ConversationUser that needs to be updated by multiple threads, as well as attributes needed to be indexed with them
The canonical conversation the ConversationUser is based on
The conversation user this belongs to
Indicate if the associated conversation participant is active.
Indicate whether the conversation is read
The time when the last message was sent in the conversation
The entity the ConversationUser belongs to
clearConversationDerivedReverse : before
Clears the reverse of conversation's derived reverse.
Intersection class between Currency and Country.
Country enumeration.
Concatenated string used for name attribute.
Base class of Country.enum for converting between ISO 3166 alpha 2 to alpha 3 values to support telephone number formatting.
ISO 3166 alpha 3 to alpha 2 mapping found on
alpha 3 to country phone code mapping retrieved from CountryCodeEnum
ISO 3166 alpha 2 value of country enum
Phone code value of country enum
To filter out countries that are not supported by Google libphonenumber
Overriden to support retrieving enum based off alpha 2 code.
convertAlpha2ToAlpha3 : before
Supports retrieving enum by two letter code symbol or string
Get the transformed value from the mapping passed in the function. If the mappping is ALPHA2TO3_MAP, it retrieves transformed alpha 2 iso code from alpha 3 iso code for Telephone number formatting support. If the mapping is COUNTRYPHONECODE_MAP, it retrieves the country's phone code from alpha 3 iso code.
Base class for entitycoverage, opportunitycoverage, and any future coverage relationships between some class and userperson with a coverage role.
Defines the role being played.
Non-persisted association for UI editing
If the role as added from a coverage team, keep a link to it for updates.
symbol of reverse association from coverageTeamMember to this instance.
User's contact record that covers this entity.
Add an "entity" coverage for "userPerson" of "coverageRole" if it doesn't exists. Returns the new or the existing instance.
Adds a coverage team the the coverage of the given entity.
Remove an "entity" coverage for "userPerson" of "coverageRole". Optional boolean argument teamOverride. Set teamOverride to #t to remove this coverage regardless of whether "userPerson" of "coverageRole" is a member of a coverage group. eg. (: teamOverride #t). Default behaviour for teamOverride is #t (to keep legacy behaviour unchanged).
Remove a coverage group "team" from an "entity"
Used by UI Component to display on UI.
Reverse association to prevent bad data.
Should not be edited. Provides a caption for the classCode.
Used by UI Component.
the assignment role name calculated from role
Retrieve an instance of CoverageRole for the given RoleEnum.
Generates coverage search contexts. i.e. the "My lists" such as "My Contacts" "My Households" etc.
Gets a clause to return the given list. Accepts an instance or an OID.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Whether new members can be added to this list.
Association to configuration group. Overriden from
Metaclass for the coverage collection for the functional area. If DealTeam then OpportunityCoverage, if Client then EntityCoverage.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Name of flag that checks if coverage team has been soft deleted.
Caption that will still work after soft deleted.
Updatable attribute used in Client Coverage group where clause.
Updatable attribute used in Opportunity Coverage group where clause.
Updatable attribute used in Roadshow group where clause.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
Clears the coverageTeam attribute of other coverage classes that are using this coverage team
generated collection of distinct entity members.
generated collection of distinct opportunity members.
Manual Override of timeout for CoverageTeam workflow
Called from create of CoverageTeamMember to update existing entity coverage.
Asynchronously calls the onMemberAdd event to add a CoverageTeamMember to a CoverageTeam.
Called from delete of CoverageTeamMember to update existing entity coverage.
Asynchronously calls the onMemberRemove event to remove a CoverageTeamMember from a CoverageTeam.
Called from update of CoverageTeamMember to update existing entity coverage.
Asynchronously calls the onMemberUpdate event toupdate a CoverageTeamMember of a CoverageTeam.
Localization of CoverageTeam caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
If the team's functional area is 'Entity', then this is the collection of entities that this team member covers. Cascade delete is done through an asynchronous call.
If the team's functional area is 'Opportunity', then this is the collection of opportunities that this team member covers. Cascade delete is done through an asynchronous call.
Must inherit parent security.
Must inherit parent security.
isInstanceUnique : before
Enforce uniqueness cardinality.
addCoverageRole : before
Add coverage role when not initialized and user has a default role.
onUserUpdate : before
If the user associated with this member intersection class is updated, we need to update client coverage.
Command for creating a basic WorkQueue with uiComponentName of "Lead"
Check if the work queue is Favoured
The name of the work queue to be created
Create a lead work queue with name specified on the command class
Representation of a currency, e.g., CAD, USD, EURO. Characteristics: Initial Size = Small; Row Growth = Minimal; Type = Look up
Static attribute that identifies the symbol for the system base currency. The base currency is CAD by default.
Static attribute that identifies if currency conversion is enabled.
Reverse association.
Countries that use this currency.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Icon that associated with the currency, e.g., Canadian flag or US flag.
Calculated attribute on the symbol caption for easy reference to the currency name.
Reverse association.
The actual symbol, e.g., $ or E (Euro), is handled automatically by the system.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Retrieve the system base currency. All normalized currency amounts in the financial model are stored in this system base currency.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache if system base currency is modified.
Custom fields are used to store typed extension fields that are not available in the model.
Overridden to expose as UI Component
Used by subclasses to identify the value attribute it is populating
The diplay string for the converted currency value. Attribute is overridden in CustomFieldConvertibleCurrency.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Formatted string to display the field type and its data
Used to disable text editing on the custom field list
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Custom field value unit. For example, for currency it specifies the currency code, for datetime it specifies the time zone.
Overridden to check entity updatable
inheritTypeEditSecurity : before
Inherit Type Edit Security (only if non-public).
inheritTypeViewSecurity : before
Inherit Type View Security (only if non-public)
parseValue : before
Parses the string value
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
Factory method to create an instance of CustomField
main : main
Creates a new CustomField based on template from CustomFieldType class
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
Calls parseValue and handles the exceptions.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
parseValue : before
Parses the stirng value
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
The converted currency value.
The currency unit of the converted value.
The converted currency value and unit displayed on the UI.
The unit of the source currency.
Override value for UI display in custom fields table
Custom Field which holds a currency value.
Create a new instance of CustomField with value from the source, the source could be another instance of CustomField or a transfer object representating a CustomField.
Custom Field which holds a date value.
Association between CustomFieldDate and EntityDate.
createEntityDate : before
To populate EntityDate table when a custom Field is created - to support search on date type custom field
Create a new instance of CustomField with value from the source, the source could be another instance of CustomField or a transfer object representating a CustomField.
updateEntityDate : before
To update EntityDate table when a custom Field is created - to support search on date type custom field
Custom Field which holds an entity value.
Rollup nodes hierarchies associated with this custom field.
The EntityType of the value attribute when it's an object
Creates a new CustomeFieldEntity that copies the info from the given CustomeFieldEntity
Create a copy of this custom field with the argument as the value
Create all the necessary rollup hierarchies associated with this instance.
On change of entityValue, ensures any rollupHiers's parent hierarchies are locked.
Custom Field which holds a number value.
Create a new instance of CustomField with value from the source, the source could be another instance of CustomField or a transfer object representating a CustomField.
Custom Field which holds a string value.
Create a new instance of CustomField with value from the source, the source could be another instance of CustomField or a transfer object representating a CustomField.
Gets the string value set in (
User Defined Custom Field Types.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Configuration Group (UserGroup) where for association to CustomFieldTypes
The maximum number of custom fields visible in rule conditions. Must be less than 4096 since paging cannot be used.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
whether CF value must be a quick pick value
Association to configuration group. Overriden from
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
to store the valueCode when a new CustomeFieldType gets created
The order in which to sort custom field types
hide/show of the extended currency row in the edit screen
list of entity types for which this custom field type is valid
Non-persisted, used in filters
the group this custom field type belongs to
overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Flag to indicate if this is a convertible currency custom field type.
Flag to indicate if this is a currency custom field type.
Custom field only set through denormalilzed fields on the entity. not in general custom field list.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
override to add a validation
Returns true if the type is not an entity custom field type.
Dynamic query field metadata
Rollups configured with this custom field type.
hide/show of the extended custom field feature
Whether this custom field will be available in rule conditions
Custom field type value unit. For example, for currency it specifies the currency code, for datetime it specifies the time zone.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
displayOrder : before
Avoid duplicate display orders (particularly the case where multiple users create new custom field types at the same time)
createEnumCode : before
Creates an EnumCode and an EnumDisplay when a customField is created in Admin Application.
createEnumType : before
Creates EnumType if CustomField is text type
Create a new custom field picklist enum type.
deleteBIAttributes : before
Need to delete all related BIAttributes and report filters. As they have a security which current user might not have, need to invoke deletion in (begin-privileged) block
deleteEnumCode : before
Deletes the EnumCode and EnumDisplay when the customField is deleted.
Return a string containing the list of report names that use this custom field type. Used in delete message in UI. Given a subjectArea, looks only for reports containing this custom field type coming from that custom field entity type.
Get all report names that use this custom field type regardless of path
Updates displayOrder of custom field types starting from the given point, to eliminate duplicates and gaps in the displayOrder sequence.
changeType : before
can only change the type if there are no instances of the type already
isExtendedField : before
checks to see if there are instances of this type with extended values before setting to false
isQuickPick : before
Checks to see if existing customfields exist for textType
setCFReadOnly : before
sets readOnly flag appropriately for Custom Field instances of this type
main : main
Updates the name of a custom Field, when one makes the corrosponding change in Admin Application.
To group custom field types.
collection of custom field types in this group
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
collection of entity types for which this custom field type group is visible
true if this group is the default custom field type group
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to set access.
Access for name attribute. Name should not be changed because it is mapped in the CustomFieldTypeGroupEnum.
Reverse assoc.
main : main
returns a list of CFType Group captions
Localization of CustomFieldTypeGroup caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Localization of CustomFieldType caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Dashboard page information with caption and four quadrants
Enabled for the principal
Generates unique dashboard name by concatenating app name, screen name, and principal OID(s).
Enabled for the principal
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single date
Factory method to create an instance of DateDisplay. Display order MUST be unique within the collection.
Maps DefautlActTemplateType to actual Act Templates so they can be references from business logic. E.g. ERROR, LOG, EMAIL, etc.
Subclass of act that should be created for the given default.
Act template for this default.
Flag to indicate if this default is deletable at runtime.
Flag to indicate if this template is updatable at runtime.
May implement subclasses for each subclass of ActTemplate.
Template Type. Referenced by code.
Access attribute for delete event
Name attribute for delete confirmations.
Overrride of updatable.
Factory to create a default act template instnace for a given type.
Returns an act template given a defaultType. Also accepts the symbolic name for a DefautlActTemplateEnum (e.g. 'ERROR)
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Seeding default templates for Acts.
Maps DefautlSRTemplateType to actual Service Request Templates so they can be references from business logic.
Flag to indicate if this default is deletable at runtime.
Flag to indicate if this default is updatable at runtime.
Template Type. Referenced by code.
Access attribute for delete event
service request template
Overrride of updatable.
Returns the template associated to the template enum
Default user group links for a user based on user template.
Set of permissions to assign to the user
Overriden to update template triggering sync if necessary
Overriden to update template triggering sync if necessary
Overriden to update template triggering sync if necessary
Set of default permissions to assign to a user based on User Type.
Default permissions for a user group. Each new user in the group recieves these permissions.
Command class to defer a next touch target date in EntityTouchTypeDate class
The base time to use for deferral
New touch target date for deferral
Reference to the EntityTouchTypeDate to defer
Defers a report that matches the given argument spec
Updating reports when deferring a touch
Undefers a report that matches the given argument spec. Sets overdue to '0' because we only allow defers to future
Validates that the deferral parameters are set correctly
Overridden to make required.
Overridden to show department name only (i.e., no company name).
Overridden to show department name only.
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
Overridden to display department name in workspace main heading
Overridden to display company name in workspace sub-heading
updateDepartmentDenorm : before
Update any Contacts that have the Department's name denormalized.
Extended to grant CompanyCreate privilege.
Extended to grant CompanyDelete privilege.
mergeDeptMembers : before
Only field on org.
validateDept : before
Ensure target dept. is in the same company as the source dept.
Extended to grant CompanyView privilege.
main : main
Update any Contacts that have the Department's name denormalized.
Represents a task that is divisible into DistributedTaskUnits so it may be performed in parallel on a cluster.
The code to run (passed a single argument: the collection of data to process)
The count of completed units.
The time this task was created.
Class to notify when done.
Event to call (on notification class/object) when done.
Object to notify when done.
Event to call when error encountered by a task unit.
The time this task completed or failed.
The time that run was invoked.
Task status.
The total number of task units.
The task units.
Adds attribute serialization.
Called by a task unit when it has completed successfully.
Called by a task unit when it encounters an error.
Runs (asynchronously) all the task units associated with this task.
Configure notification of the given object for task completion and errors.
Set the total number of units in this task. When count reaches this total, the done notification is sent.
Adds attribute serialization.
Represents a unit of a DistributedTask that may be performed independently of and in parallel to other units of the same DistributedTask.
The time this task unit was created.
The time this task unit completed or failed.
The time this task unit was executed.
The task to which this task unit belongs.
Runs the code, passing in the collection of items to process.
Runs the task unit, notifying the task when done.
OVERRIDE to put actual task unit run method here.
Document Mailing Transactions including related documents and document recipients.
Calculated attribute to enable UI events.
Calculated attribute to enable sendDocDistribTestEmail event
Calculated attribute to hold the current recipient for test email
Collection of documents associated to this document disitribution transaction
Source email address for batch email
Set after recipients are generated
True if this record is ready to send. Used to enable/disable the send event.
Defines if we want to log an email act item for each email sent out during batch
Calculated attribute for UI to disable events
Calculated Attribute that returns true if all recipients have a status of sent
Calculated attribute that defines the range of recipients used in test.
Collection of document distribution recipients
Date that the Document Distribution record was sent out on
Status of the Document Distribution record
Displays name for the workspace
Calculated attribute to hold Test Email address to be sent to.
Static event called from the UI. Remove specified document from distribution and update recipient list.
static event called from the UI
static event to retrieve a Document Distribution records SysWorkflowAssignment instance
Hook for workflow transitions
static event called from the UI
static event called from the UI
checkEmailAddress : before
Validate test email address specified.
checkRecipientDocuments : before
Ensure that all recipient documents exist in documents to distribute.
updateQueue : after
Update the coresponding queue caption to ensure they are in sync
Document Mailing Transaction intersection class betwen Document Mailing object and Document
Reference to parent Document Distribution Transaction objecct
Reference to Document MgrItem object
Non-persisted attribute for rule set evaluation
Document mailing transaction recipients including their related documents and their current stat
Collection of documents specific to this recipient and Document Distribution Transaction
Email address of recipient. Defaulted to
Calculated attribute defining if the recipent email was not sent
Used to retrieve the full name of a recipient for display on delete prompt.
persisited attribute indicating to include in current distribution
Calculated attribute used by ruleset to define collection of entities that the log entry will be assigned to.
Returns the name of a icon based on the included value.
Recipient that will recieve the email during the Document Distribution
Status of Recipient - i.e. Sent, Error, In progress ...
main : main
static event that creates and associates a recipient to a doc
Used by UI to set DocDistributionRecipient as included using invokeMethod.
Document Mailing Transactions intersection between Recipients and Documents
Reference to document mgr item object
Calculated attribute defining if the recipent email was not sent
Defines if document will be included to batch distribution.
Returns the name of a icon based on the included value.
Reference to recipient object
main : main
static event that creates and associates a doc to a recipient
Used by UI to set DocDistributionRecipientDoc as included using invokeMethod.
Overridden to cascade-none bpDocs when softDeleting
overridden because it doesn't apply to documents
Person who authored the task
Each act subclass has a different classCode.
Person who delegated the task. Often the creator.
Whether the Act's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
Should this document display in a list of roadshow quick notes.
When creating documents from the UI, the template chosen for the document will be stored here so it is not lost over RPC. The parameter for createAct for documents is always a "Document Template" but this serves simply as a pointer to a "Document Type". However, we need to know the template on the "real create", so we store it here.
Overridden for initializer.
Overriden to show caption "Due Date"
Overriden to add validation to documents - must assign to at least one entity or a lead or a roadshow.
This field is to allow the UI to set the default user for tasks and schedule items. For example, when creating an item on another user's schedule, this UserPerson will be added to the userParticipants collection.
True if this is of type Document
Overriden to add validation to documents - must assign to at least one entity or a lead or a roadshow.
Prints the document date and due date.
Prints only the document start date
Note that docs use DocTypes which have no attachments as their template. They are created using DocTemplates.
Overridden to read audit
Short description of act for display in grids and headers.
Overriden to add validation to documents - cannot assign to users
Overridden for initializer.
Create an email from received parameters
calculates the date-time summary string for documents
Creates a copy of the document and personalizes the note and attachments.
Overridden to change the privilege to DocumentView.
Folders for the Document Manager.
Reverse Assoc to Campaigns referencing this fodler.
Each folder subclass has a different classCode.
Overridden to add relationships specific to Document Manager items.
Reverse assocation to links from activity plan steps
Each act subclass has a different classCode.
Description of matching criteria for UI
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
Overridden to add validation specific to document manager items
Overridden because all document manager items must be in folders
Overridden to add validation specific to document manager items
Overridden to add validation specific to document manager items
Prints the Document Mgr Item's effective start and end dates.
String to show in the UI for matching criteria
Where clause describing the template matching criteria.
Reverse assocation to links from act templates.
Overridden to read audit and UIComponent facet.
Short description of act for display in grids and headers.
Overridden to add validation specific to document manager items
Called from the UI to determine whether the plain text attribute is being modified.
These are the templates of actual items that get created in a Journal. They are a bit like Reference documents from Document Manager
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Overriden to be #f if the document type is specific to Event/Roadshow.
Is this a document template specific to Event/Roadshow.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Returns an instance of the default doc template.
main : main
Initializes an act with any defaults set in the act template.
setTemplateToDocType : before
Set the act's template to the document type.
Localization of DocumentTemplate caption and description.
These are the primative types: They only consist of a TypeName, Icon and Default Description. These can ONLY be created in Document manager.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Overriden to be #f if the document type is specific to Event/Roadshow.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Reverse association.
Localization of DocumentType caption and description.
Mail recipients by document type.
Caption that identifies the type of recipient.
Static event called from UI.
Email-to-Service-Request model of blacklisted email regex patterns
The regex pattern for the blacklisted emails
Email-to-Service-Request model of email restrictions
Maximum size of attachments in KB
Used to trigger client side script to copy externalStr to localStr
Transient set of subscriptionIds that have errors on the current streaming notification connection
Transient map of subscriptionIds to ExchangeFolder objects
Builds the PidLidAppointmentRecur property from the recurrence pattern
Builds the PidLidAppointmentTimeZoneDefinitionRecur property from the time zone.
Builds the PidLidTimeZoneStruct property from the time zone.
Executes the read or write specified by the cmdMsg and returns the result of the operation
Finds a java timezone with corresponding behaviour to that specified by Exchange
main : main
; @param msg An ExchangeEWSTimeZoneDefinitionType message. ; @return A java timeZoneId corresponding to msg, or UTC if none can be found.
Get the day value based on the spec for the PidLid*TimeZone* properties
EWS protocol interface to retrieve the Exchange folder id. The 'folder' is the value specified in the sync class (e.g., Calendar/NexJSubFolder), and it returns the binary Id
Returns a message with the necessary properties from the passed in time zone rule
Recovers a set of attachments, provided a set of attachment ids returned by a read on this interface.
Calls the GetStreamingEvents operation for a batch of folders and will process the messages as they arrive.
Parses props to contruct the stDaylightDate portion for a PidLid*TimeZone* property
Parses props to contruct the stStandardDate portion for a PidLid*TimeZone* property
Writes the date and time arguments in the format of Microsoft's SystemTime to the passed in stream
Returns a meeting in binary form for use with the UploadItems operation.
EWSProtocol using delegate access instead of impersonation
builds distinguished folderId message
creates a SOAP header attribute for an EWS operation without impersonation
Executes the read or write specified by the cmdMsg and returns the result of the operation
EWSProtocol using delegate access instead of impersonation
builds distinguished folderId message
creates a SOAP header attribute for an EWS operation without impersonation
List of Exchange EWS error codes that should trigger refreshing autodiscover cache for the mailbox.
The (local) hour to set on all timestamps representing dates in Exchange.
Named field for contact names and e-mail addresses.
Compiled regular expression to match invalid XML 1.0 characters.
Map between the canonical invite send type and EWS invite send type.
List of Exchange EWS error codes that are transient and should be retried.
Sends an autodiscover message and if successful will return an ExchangeCAS object. Follows redirects up to a limit.
Executes the read or write specified by the cmdMsg and returns the result of the operation
EWS protocol interface to retrieve the Exchange folder id. The 'folder' is the value specified in the sync class (e.g., Calendar/NexJSubFolder), and it returns the binary Id
builds a SetItemField message for a contact PhysicalAddress property
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for an extended property with a custom namespace
builds property URI from an extended MAPI uri definition with a custom namespace GUID
builds a SetItemField message for an extended property with a custom namespace
builds distinguished folderId message
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for a standard property
builds a SetItemField message for a standard property
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for an extended property with a distinguished namespace
builds property URI from an extended MAPI uri definition
builds a SetItemField message for an extended property with a distinguished namespace
creates a SOAP header attribute for an EWS operation
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for a standard property
builds a SetItemField message for an indexed property
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for a MAPI Property
builds property URI from a MAPI uri definition
builds a SetItemField message for a MAPI property
builds a DeleteItemFieldMessage for an extended property with a distinguished namespace
builds property URI from an named public string uri definition
builds a SetItemField message for an named public string
Converts a value from EWS using the supplied discrete mapping
Converts a value to EWS using the supplied discrete mapping
returns true iff msgUri is an instance of uriDef
returns true iff msgUri is an instance of uriDef
returns true iff msgUri is an instance of uriDef
returns true iff msgUri is an instance of uriDef
returns true if (source'attr) is to be removed from the corresponding destination attribute in a message transformation.
returns true if (source'attr) is to be updated from the corresponding destination attribute in a message transformation.
Translates from a day-of-week value to a list of Java calendar days.
main : main
@param name A string representing one or several days of the week. @return A list containing the numerical values of the represented days, according to java.util.Calendar.
Translates from a space-separated string of days-of-week to a list of Java calendar days
main : main
@param names A space-separated string of tokens, each representing one or more days of the week. @return A list of numerical values for the represented set of week days, according to java.util.Calendar.
Translates from a month value to a Java calendar month
main : main
@param name The EWS string name of the month. @return The numerical value of the month used by java.util.Calendar.
Translates from an ordinal ("First", "Second", etc) to a number
main : main
@param name A string representing an ordinal value. @return The corresponding number.
Converts a duration string into a duration in milliseconds
main : main
@param offset A duration in standard xsd format, including only hour and minute fields. @return The duration in milliseconds.
Throws a CompoundIntegrationException containing each of the items from the request that a transient error occurred for.
Recovers a set of attachments, provided a set of attachment ids returned by a read on this interface.
formats and sends autodiscover request, receives and parses the response and returns the correct EWS URL to use.
formats and sends requestXMLMsg on channel, receives and parses the response of type requestTypeName
Sets the time portion of date to HOUR_OF_DATES in the local time
Builds a canonical recurrence message from an EWS recurrence message and some associated attributes
Builds an EWS recurrence rule from a canonical recurrence message
EWSProtocol using delegate access instead of impersonation
builds distinguished folderId message
creates a SOAP header attribute for an EWS operation without impersonation
EditReportDefinitionSection represents the temporary editing copy of a ReportDefinitionSection. This class only exists during the lifetime of the edit subject area pop-up.
The user that owns this edit report definition section.
Copy the contents from one report definition section to another report definition section.
srcSection BaseReportDefinitionSection The report definition section to copy from
dstSection BaseReportDefinitionSection The target report definition section to overwrite
Used by UI to create an editCopy using invokeMethod. Requires a source report definition section.
srcSection ReportDefinitionSection The report definition section to copy from
EditReportDefinitionSection The newly created edit copy
Used by UI to delete an editCopy using invokeMethod
editCopy EditReportDefinitionSection The edit copy to delete
Used by UI to copy the contents of the editCopy to a report definition section with a valid locking value.
editCopy EditReportDefinitionSection The source edit copy
dstSection ReportDefinitionSection The target report definition section to overwrite
dstLocking integer The locking value of the section
The milliseconds to wait until the next retry for fetching the attachments from the mail server.
The number of times to retry the attachments' transmission from the mail server.
Indicate the transmission status when fetching the attachments of the email from the mail server asynchronously. PENDING: Attachments are being transmitted from the mail server. DONE: Tranmission is done and attachments are included in the email. ERROR: Error happened when fetching the attachments from the mail server.
'Bcc' field of email
'Cc' field of email
The classification of the email as provided by MS Exchange
Indicates the email address the user is synced with the mail server.
Overriden to add validation to emails - At least one entity should be in "For", associated with a service request, or associated with a lead when the Email is created.
'from' field of email
Indicate whether the email has a follow-up waiting for the attachments.
flag indicates whether to overwrite the email instance in the database when a new email act with the same msgId is committed.
Indicate the email passed in from the application client has attachment(s).
'replyTo' field of email
The time that the email was sent
Overriden to show caption "Date"
Indicates the original subject passed in from the application client.
Prints the date the email was sent or recieved.
Prints "Sent", "Received", or just "Date"
The unique id associated with emails that are logged from external clients (ie. Outlook Add-In, BlackBerry)
Overridden so that we use EmailActionItemTemplate.
Overriden to handle Audit
Overriden to handle Audit on "Notes"
'To' field of email
Must assign to at least one user
Asynchronously append the attachments to the email by calling to the Exchange Server.
main : main
Asynchronously append the attachments retrieved from the mail server to the email act.
Called when the email get the attachments from Exchange Server, checking whether the email has followup waiting for the attachments. If so, copy the attachments from the parent email to the followup task.
main : main
Copy the attachments from the parent email to the follow-up which is waiting.
overwriteExistingEmails : before
Overwrite the existing email instance once the new email act with the same msgId is being committed.
setAttachments : before
Before commit the email, check whether the email has any pending attachments (pendingAttachment attribute is #t). If so, asynchronously fetch the attachments from the mail server.
Create an email from received parameters (for version 2.0 clients and up). The Outlook Add-In currently calls this event for creating emails. In the future it will call the 'createEmailAct' event instead Client Version 1.2 and up: Required Params: fromEmail (string email address) toEmails (string email addresses) forEntities (list of oids the email is for) assignToEntities (list of oids the email is to be assigned to) msgId (unique id of email) emailDate (timestamp date of the email) status ("SENT", "RCVD", or "DRAFT") clientVersion Optional Params: replyToEmail (email address) bcc (email addresses) cc (email addresses) body subject opportunityId campaignId overwrite (defaults to #f) priority (0 being HIGH, 1 MEDIUM, and 2 LOW) attachments '( <fileName> . <data>) sentDate classification
Create an email from received parameters. Should be used when the client does not have the OIDs associated for the entity participants Client Version 2.3 and up: Required Params: fromEmail (string email address) toEmails (string email addresses) forEntities (list of email addresses the email is for) assignToEntities (list of oids the email is to be assigned to) msgId (unique id of email) emailDate (timestamp date of the email) status ("SENT", "RCVD", or "DRAFT") clientVersion Optional Params: replyToEmail (email address) bcc (email addresses) cc (email addresses) body subject opportunityId campaignId overwrite (defaults to #f) priority (0 being HIGH, 1 MEDIUM, and 2 LOW) sentDate forEntityOIDs classification
Determines if an email already exists based on the syncId
Accepts a list of email addresses and returns a collection of Entities. This is useful to call before createEmailAct in order to determine if there will be any entity participants for the email.
main : main
Retrieve the email mailbox that the user is synced with the mail server. Return null if the user does not have synced account.
Make sure at least one of to/cc/bcc are filled
main : main
Test that at least one of to/cc/bcc are filled
Command Class for executing email act item operations from the UI.
act whose attachments should be used for email
Append current user's email signature to email body
List of email attachment filenames
body for emails
semi-colon delimited string of email addresss in the CC field
subject for emails
semi-colon delimited string for email addresses in the To field
mark the event as completed, if checked.
Priority of the email log
Emails the Action Item
logEmail : after
Create an Email Action Item to log the email for all persons in the To and CC fields of the email.
main : main
Takes a list of entities and returns a semi-colon delimited list of their default email addresses
Command Class for executing email act item operations from the UI.
act whose attachments should be used for email
Append current user's email signature to email body
List of email attachment filenames
body for emails
semi-colon delimited string of email addresss in the CC field
subject for emails
semi-colon delimited string for email addresses in the To field
mark the event as completed, if checked. Not implemented for the series.
Emails the Action Item
main : main
Takes a list of entities and returns a semi-colon delimited list of their default email addresses
Template to be used for EMail Action Items
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to only show 'Sent', 'Received', or 'Draft' statuses.
Localization of EmailActionItemTemplate caption and description.
Represents an email address associated to an Entity (eg: test
Extracts only a valid email address from the address field. If not a valid email address, returns null.
Used in EmailDetail frm to hide "Send To" checkbox for Users
Indicate whether email should be sent to this EmailAddress
Set sendTo checkbox to be disabled if it it the default address
Returns true if a normal email format.
Proxy class to get user's private email addresses and the group email addresses that this user has permission to use.
String email address of email object.
The user that we want to get private and group emails for.
Command class for executing email operations from the UI.
Attachments that will be personalized.
Email body. This will be personalized.
Email address of sender (i.e., the "from" field).
Email subject.
Email address of recipient (i.e., the "to" field).
Entity for whom the attachments are personalized for.
Log email if true. Replace this attribute when more logging options are introduced.
Entities that the log is created for.
Attachments that will not be personalized.
Create error log item.
Send email event. Returns true when sent successfully.
addStaticAttachments : before
Add static attachments to list of attachments to email.
checkEntity : before
Check that entity to personalize exists.
initVariables : before
Initialize variables.
logEmail : after
Log email.
main : main
Try to send the email.
personalizeAttachments : before
Personalize attachments and add to list of attachments to email.
personalizeBody : before
Personalize body.
validateEmailAddresses : around
Validate destination email address. Note: this action is an AROUND type.
Sends a preview email to user.
command The mail command for the composed email
Represents Email Recipient on the BlackBerry
create2 This should only be used for forms within NexJ (ie. BlackBerry). External clients that are logging emails to NexJ (ie. Outlook) should use the "addContact" event to create new contacts from email recipients.
create2 Given an email's sender and recipients, the corresponding list of EmailRecipient instances that do not have corresponding Entity records in NexJ
create2 Parses a display name and returns a pair consisting of the first and last name eg. "Tim Lamont" => ("Tim" . "Lamont") eg. "Lamont, Tim" => ("Tim" . "Lamont") eg. "CIBC" => ("CIBC" . "")
Abstract class that represents the enterprise component (e.g. services, portlets) that is registered to the system registry.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
The id of the component for external systems.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Localization of EnterpriseComponent caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Maps a given enterprise role to the privilege group. Roles may only be mapped to RoleUserGroups.
Enterprise role name
Privilege group
Overridden to invalidate affected users' privilege caches.
Overridden to invalidate affected users' privilege caches.
Invalidates the users selected by the where clause.
Invalidation is performed asynchronously, and only one invalidation will be queued per unit of work, even if this method is invoked more than once.
Overridden to invalidate affected users' privilege caches.
Class representing a team. The 2nd tier of the Entitlement Hierarchy. Every team must belong to a Market Area.
View security based on privileges and UserEntitlements.
Denorm for readable lookup.
Asynchronously refresh aclEntries records when parent is updated
Class representing a market area. The 3rd tier of the Entitlement Hierarchy. Every market area must belong to a subfirm.
View security based on privileges and UserEntitlements.
Need to override the Commit to trigger the rebuildACL
Asynchronously refresh aclEntries records when parent is updated
Intersection class between BaseEntitlement and Principal. This is used to grant additional principals to the user based on the user's entitlements.
Class representing an RM Code. The lowest tier of the Entitlement Hierarchy. Every RMCode belongs to exactly one Team.
Whether a user can pick this in the primary rep code picker
Division who owns the rep code. Denormed for lookup.
Entities entitled to this rep code.
Branch who owns the rep code
View security based on privileges and UserEntitlements.
SubFirm who owns the rep code. Denormed for lookup.
List of users who owns this RepCode
Given a repcode, find all the userGroups associated with the parent hierarchy
Asynchronously refresh aclEntries records when parent is updated
Does a full text search returning a singular repcode or false in any other case
The highest entitlment level that a user can pick. ex: - A user that has data entitlement to only 1 division will not be able to open the picker to choose a division. His division will be automatically assigned.
Class representing a subfirm. The highest tier of the Entitlement Hierarchy.
View security based on privileges and UserEntitlements.
Represents the base persistence class for all "Things" in the domain model. Most of CRM logic and data is centered around Entity objects. (e.g. Person, Place, Organization)
List of address default fields.
Collection of telcoms to be displayed on the dashboard
Association list of date/time attributes that are tracked in the dates collection. each pair is in the form (<attrSymbol> . <DateTypeEnumSymbol>)
Delimits the list of email addresses in sendToEmailData.
List of associations to hard delete even when soft deleting the current instance.
Whether historical audit functionality is currently enabled for this class
Name of historical audit class for Entity
OID of current "queuedProcessEntity". For customized read.
Max length of the preview text for notes.
Forces cascade_none behavior for entityParticipations when soft deleted
List of telephone default fields. Should be overridden in subclasses.
UIComponent field name for a category collection.
UIComponent field name for a customfield collection.
UIComponent field name for a entityTouchTypeInterval collection.
List of attribute symbols that do not exist in the domain model and is only on the UI Component Client
A list associating UI field tags to a list of pairs Format: (list (: tag (list (class . metaClass) (attribute . attributeSymbol) (uniqueAttribute . uniqueAttrSymbol))) ) eg. (: _tt_ `((class . ,EntityTouchTypeDate) (attribute . actTouchTypeDates) (uniqueAttribute . touchType)))
Overridden to set sub
Act rollups for the given Entity based on it's entity hierarchy and configuration.
All processes this entity participates in, in any capacity (as well as being the entity the process is opened for).
Attribute to provide proper dependency of all address default (defaultAddress, businessAddress, etc.) for Address.tooltipText
<,<=,=,>,>= operators related to Age filed shown in Quick Fiind, in Contact application - where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
An integer age a user enters in Quick Find of Contact application - where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
The coverage team for the entity including "inactive" and "active" coverages. This attribute is equivalent to the previous "coverage" attribute.
Articles in the feed of this entity
Collection of batchViewObject the entity is associated with
Collection of billing accounts for this entity.
Only applicable for Person class.
The collection of Business Processes opened for this entity.
Filters a list of children. Companies/Households are rolled up. Persons are not.
Indicated whether class supports merging.
Used in UI to enable the visibility of the Active/Inactive uiaction
Used in UI to enable the set active action
Used in UI to enable the set inactive action
Roll-up collection of all children, grandchildren, etc. relationships including self.
Collection of insurance claims
All tags between entities to taxonomy instances
Leads with direct association to this company
Either the company name as a string or the denormalized company name
The "active" coverage team for the entity. Changed to a calculated attribute which filters only "Active" coverages.
When true, user can edit parent's coverage from child (i.e., this entity) on UI. Otherwise, coverage is read only.
Reverse association. Clear associations when entity is deleted -- coverageParent for children will be recalculated.
Icon to be displayed depending on whether or not taxonomy has coverage
Identifies coverage for entity to inherit. Entity uses the coverage belonging to entity specified. Attribute points to self when there are no parents to inherit coverage.
TODO: remove this field when proddata feature #5671 is implemented. Needed for PDF merging - a very common requirement is to auto-generate today's date
TODO: remove this field when proddata feature #5671 is implemented. This field is a workaround for a limitation of Merge Fields. Currently we can only access information from the selected Entity. This value allows putting the current user's name (i.e. the agent's name) into a personalized document.
Daily revenue summary related to this entity
Collection of badges to be displayed on the dashboard
Collection of dates associated
field used for salutations in mail merge - e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Doe. ' Currently used by Person and Household.
The default iimage to show for the given entity
Primary language of an entity. Added to Entity class to support filtering on subclass attributes.
URL to be displayed in the banner
Access attribute for delete event
Either the department name as a string or the denormalized department name
Collection of dates to be displayed on contact detail form
Collection of (inherited) RankedTier objects which are related to this Entity.
Used in UI to display tiers if they are inherited.
Derived association to document entity participants. Adds cascade delete.
Used by mobile applications to allow quick creation of contacts.
ACL relationships (Deprecated and to be removed within 2 releases. Use the aclEntries attribute instead.)
Derived association for entity account relationships where the role is owner.
Relationships between entity and accounts.
Collection of lists this entity is associated with
Association to Action Items and Documents "For" this contact. Does not cascade delete, as entities are soft deleted.
Attribute used by UI to specify entity search context.
Client, Prospect, Ex-Client or Other
Used by mobile applications to allow quick creation of contacts. Also being used in the Contact list report to retrieve communication information directly from Entity.
An integer age, used in conjunction with processWhere to implement age filtering for Enhanced Filtering
A timestamp used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on the date of birth for Enhanced Filtering
An enumeration used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on the day of birth within a month for Enhanced Filtering
A string used in conjunction with processWhere to filter on the full name for Enhanced Filtering
An enumeration used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on Household roles for Entities
A timestamp used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on the Last Updated Date for Enhanced Filtering
An enumeration used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on birth month for Enhanced Filtering
An integer year, used in conjunction with processWhere to implement filtering on birth year
Value of the filter written in Scheme - where clause gets modified based on this value to do the query.
A set of financial accounts where the entity acts as the custodian
A collection of account/entity relationships
The first day field to search upon when running a query based on Anniversary in Quick Find in Contact. where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
The first month field to search upon when running a query based on Anniversary in Quick Find in Contact. where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
> and >= operators related to Date Type shown in Quick Fiind, in Contact application - where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
Used in Quick Find of Contact application - used in Date Type query to imply "search FROM this Date"- where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
Friendly short name to be used for UI
Attribute used for reading by birthdate in form MM/DD/YYYY.
The calculated full name for display
Calculated display name for dashboard (specific implementation in subclasses)
Calculated display name for details form (specific implementation in subclasses)
Calculated full name for hierarchy tree nodes.
Default format for participant lists (for field)
Attribute used for searching by phone number.
Attribute used for reading using advanced full text search. e.g. tat, w => (and (like? (
TODO: move to InvestmentAccount when subclass query support is implemented.
Applies to Capital Market funds. The type for this fund.
Gender of a Person. Added to Entity class to support filtering on subclass attributes.
goes by string for a contact
Has additional business processes.
Indicate if the entity has any badge
Flag to indicate there is a default business address with the entity, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
True if Entity is a member of a campaign.
Enable bind for selecting a department on UI
Flag to indicate there is a preferred address with the entity, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Returns true if a default email address is specified for the entity. Used to enable/disable sendEmail event.
Returns true if a default email address is specified for the entity and that email address is properly formatted.
Enable bind for selecting a householdPlayerRole on UI
Whether the fund has an investment approach
True if the entity has leads.
True if the entity has notes (Bio), read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
True if Entity has open related service requests.
True if entity has a related opportunity.
True when entity has its own coverage (i.e., its coverageParent attribute points to itself).
Calculated attributed indicating whether or not the Entity has a portfolio. This is used for a UI visibility bind.
True if there are any Subscriptions.
Flag to indicate there is a default work phone with the entity
calculated attribute for a single parent to show in the hierarchy.
Historical records for entity
Person only attribute, on Entity for performance reasons
Indicates the household role given the entity is part of a household
Denormalization of the image file name for audit purposes.
The import entities for whom the entity is a potential match.
Collection of insurance assets for this entity.
The entity's interests (for Client Insights purposes)
Interests that are explicitly excluded from Client Insights searches
Investment approach of fund
True if the entity is a current client.
True if the entity is a company.
Whether or not this company is a "Consulting" company. similar to isClient. Only applies to companies, not to all entities.
Set to true if the user is on the coverage team for this Entity.
Used to limit to active External UserPerson records.
True if the entity is a former prospect.
True if the entity is a household.
Indicates whether the given entity is in the current user's sync list
Indicates the entity is an investing company. Similar to isClient.
True if the entity is a lead.
Defines whether an entity is a household or company
Set to true if the user is the owner of this Entity.
Used to display additional info in MCEntityList for different types of Entity
True if the entity is an "other" flag to be customized by clients.
True if the entity is a prospect.
Entity status placeholder.
Entity status placeholder.
Entity status placeholder.
True if using companies as strings. False if using entities.
True if the entity is a person, company or household - only these entities should have the tier and rank (RankedTier) objects.
Used to limit to active Internal UserPerson records. TODO: move back to UserPerson once polymorphic queries are supported.
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
Telephone number used for populating the phone number for leads. Uses the workPhone by default, otherwise uses the preferred phone number if there is one.
Display name for detail screens and reporting. Overridden in some subclasses.
Attendees of a Roadshow meeting request.
non-persisted value of target of merge. IF set, will call mergeWith with mergeTarget as the argument.
Person only attribute, on Entity for performance reasons
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Entity detail summary string. Can be overriden as needed in subclasses.
Temp Attribute for adding a coverage team in the UI.
Opportunities where this entity is the primaryEntity
other parents other than the hierarchyParent
This is the User that owns this entity -- used for simple coverage only, more complex coverage is handled through other relationships
Parent entity. Sumulates parent taxonomy of a taxonomy instance.
Roll-up collection of all parent,grandparent,etc. relationships including self.
The M1 typeahead picker in the add entity coverage ui binds to this collection. It stores attributes of EntityCoverage(s) pending creation of the actual instances.
Used as a temporary holder for security
Used as a temporary holder for list
parent roles e.g. company, household, etc.
Represents the entity's portfolio of accounts and holdings.
Insurance porfolio for this entity.
Persisted single position. Relates to Company field. Added to Entity class to support filtering on subclass attributes.
Collection of insurance premiums for this entity.
Preview a length of the notes.
Accounts where the entity is the primary owner.
A set of financial accounts where the entity is the primary legal owner
Primary rep code. Initialized default rep code for users with only 1 rep code.
public attribute used to access searchBatchProcess
Queued processes operating on this entity
Attribute created of a non-persisted class QuickNoteDisplay. For UI to enter value to text and saved when switching between screens.
Type used for date range search.
The entity's revenue rank in Africa
The entity's revenue rank in Asia Pacific
The entity's revenue rank in Canada
The entity's revenue rank in Europe
The entity's global revenue rank
The entity's revenue rank in UK
The entity's revenue rank in US
Collection of RankedTier objects which are related to this Entity.
Overridden for bypass privilege
Equates checks the entitySet of the current user, to see if this is an entity that can be read. NOTE: updatable is not overridden, because it is not allowed for external users.
Subscribed Mailings.
An entity has 0 or more registered plans that have to do with RRSPs, RESPs, etc
Document Distribution records relaed to this entity (batch emails)
Opportunities related to this entity. e.g. lawyer. Cascade is none as these are deleted in a before action in the delete event.
Service requests where this entity is associated as a contact.
The active relationship manager coverage to be displayed in banner
Collection of rep codes assigned to the entity.
Revenue summaries related to this entity
Derived association to the CFs of type "InvestmentAccount Owner" where this entity is the entityValue.
collection of nodes used to efficiently calculate aggregate values for the entity hierarhcy.
Derived Association of scopedRoles for only players who are instanced of Organization.
Derived Association of scopedRoles for only players who are instanced of Person.
children roles. entities whose parent roles is this entity.
used in the where clause. Do not override.
The first day field to search upon when running a query based on Anniversary in Quick Find in Contact. where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
The second month field to search upon when running a query based on Anniversary in Quick Find in Contact. where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
< and <= operators related to Date Type shown in Quick Fiind, in Contact application - where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
Used in Quick Find of Contact application - used in Date Type query to imply "search TO this Date"- where clause gets modified based on this attribute.
Lists of securities person or company is interested in
All of the sendTo EmailAddresses of the entity denormalized, semicolon-separated
A list that contains the formatted sendTo email addresses of Entity.
Formatted sendTo email addresses of Entity. Internally represented as a semi-colon spearated addresses in a string.
A collection of email addresses to send to.
Service Provider for a roadshow Schedule Item
Service Requests where this entity is the primaryEntity
Used to drive the "Show Inactive" ui component in EntitySearch to toggle between searching for active entities and inactive/active entities.
Used to hide Securities tab in EntityDetailPortlet
Override to enable softDeletes for all entities.
Securities Person or Company is interested in
Display a list of taxonomy subscriptions
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
A calculated string containing the aggregated tooltip text of all badges that are hidden in the Entity Dashboard.
A calculated string containing the aggregated tooltip text of all badges that are hidden in the cm:Call List Dashboard.
Display icon for workspaces
A formatted Pair list of telcoms to display in dashboard. Hyperlink is added for telephoneNumber to generate a clickable phone number.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Prints person's birth date and age.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
String with company and indication if the entity is inactive
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Summary string to be displyed for different types of entities in Entity Detail Hierarchy
Summary string for household section of contact detail. Prints household and role.
Summary string for language section of contact detail.
Used for UI: displays the rank of the entity based on whether regionalized tiers are enabled or not.
Used for reports
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate, to support reporting
Prints person's status, position and company.
Display name for workspaces (sub- heading)
Collection of sync list memberships this entity has
Related taxonomy. For entities created as wrappers around a taxonomy instance
Overridden to disable taxonomy for entity classes
Attribute to provide proper dependency of all telcom defaults (defaultTelcom, workPhone, etc.) for Telcom.tooltipText
Collection of telcoms that are of type EmailAddress
Collection of telcoms that are of type TelephoneNumber
Collection of telcoms that are of type URL
Ways to get in touch with this entity (Phones, Email, ...).
The resized entity profile image used for thumbnails
The data for the resized entity profile image used for thumbnails
Applies to Capital Market funds. The symbol for this fund.
A rank or classification for an entity. Logically groups entities.
The entity's tier in Africa
The entity's tier in Asia Pacific
The entity's tier in Canada
The entity's tier in Europe
The entity's global tier
Used in UI; for use of creating Ranked Tiers
Used in UI; for use of creating Ranked Tiers
Used in UI; for use of creating Ranked Tiers
Used for searching Tier. Process where will account for regional tiers and inherited tiers. Does not support conjunction.
The entity's tier in UK
The entity's tier in US
Transactions associated with this entity
Currency unit for the totalInvestments, totalAssets attribute value formatting.
Overridden for bypass privilege
Used to trigger the update of the sendToEmailData string.
Support for isUser in EntityList query. TODO: move back to UserPerson once polymorphic queries are supported.
A collection of user defined fields for a person.
The sync list membership relating to the current user's sync list
The sync list membership relating to the current user's sync list
A collection of user fields (derived from userFields attribute to secure contact searches by private user fields).
Used by mobile applications to allow quick creation of contacts. Also being used in the Contact list report to retrieve communication information directly from Entity.
Used in Tablet application to allow quick creation of contacts.
Add entity's portfolio to its household's portfolio.
playerRole is optional hierarchyRole for the parent role's playerRole attribute.
add/update entity dates.
beforeSetListContext : before
Overriding the beforSetListContext event from ENTITYACL_SECURABLE to position the processWhereClause before the setListContext around action.
Append "- merged" to name of merged object
Used to calculate the dashboard icon to correspond with this entity's icon. If that particular dashboard icon doesn't exist, the default icon is used as the dashboard icon (this is to make sure there never are any empty dashboard icons).
returns the notes
Helper for clearing defaults
Clears the preferred attribute denoted by "preferredAttr" of the entity.
updateDenormForAssignTo : before
Update any action items that have the name denormalized.
cacheSetterAttrs : before
Cache calculated attributes used as setters
checkNullNames : before
For indexing reasons we don't allow nulls in names. we should fix the firstName, but not the last since it should be
deleteEmptyAddressesTelcoms : before
Deletes any empty addresses and telcoms of this Entity when committing the create event, based on the deleteEmpty attribute, which should be set to true only when creating the Entity from the UI.
setCoverageParent : before
Specify the entity whose coverage is used
updateEntityDate : before
To create EntityDate attributes upon creation of a new entity
Creates a new entity that copies much of the info from the given entity.
Factory for creationg based on type.
Wraps createEntity for Add Contact process in UI
parses the parameter for the where clause to create the entity
Creates a log entry upon successful merge.
deleteDocuments : before
performs deletes in a begin privilege block. Documents are deleted directly to get around the for field being a required attribute.
Evaluate the selected entity's portfolio by calling the VirtualPortfolio's getPortfolioSnapshot with latest financial date. The event checks 1. if the entity has a portfolio and 2. if the user has FinanceView.
Finds the value of a custom field by type.
For the context specified, return a collection of all roles where the entity hierarchy role matches the one specified.
Determine which parent's coverage to inherit.
returns the first instance of type "type" travelling up the specified hierarchy tree
Parses parameter to return lastName, firstName and type
returns a DateDisplay collection
main : main
builds a collection of DisplayDates fro this entity
Returns latest value of hasSubscriptions calculated attribute.
Return calculated string containing the aggregated tooltip text of all badges that are hidden in the Entity Dashboard.
Return calculated string containing the aggregated tooltip text of all badges that are hidden in the cm:Call List Dashboard.
Returns a warning message when merging if applicable.
Get the for/assignTo name given the participant count. May show a shorter version if the count is greater than 1.
Gets the sync list membership relating to the current user's sync list
inst Object Instance of UI Component
fieldNode pair Node containing fields to return value for and nexj:ui:UIComponent:1.0:type:UIField
Ensure all the proper hierarchy values are sets for the given node.
main : main
lock the entitie's currrent hierarchy. only locks the highest
Sets the active attribute to true for the given entity
Sets the active attribute to false for the given entity
Merge two entities together.
Checks if the provided sourceAddress is set to a default address, and if that default is not set on the target, then it sets the target default address to the provided target address.
Copies attribute from this to target if null (or blank in the case of strings) in target.
Copies attribute from this to target if null (or blank in the case of strings) in target.
returns list of attributes to load on source entity for merge
returns list of attributes to load on target entity for merge
Checks if default telcoms have been reassigned.
Merge the instance the function is invoked from to the specified target instance
disableActionItemSync : before
Disable outbound Exchange sync for this update to avoid massive sync of action items
mergeActs : before
Merges action items. Note that we need to be aware that both the target and the current entity could participate in the same act.
mergeTierRank : before
merges the RankedTier objects from this instance to target entity.
setInactive : before
Sets the entity instance to be inactive.
Merge the given source to the specified target instance
mergeActs : before
Merges action items. Note that we need to be aware that both the target and the current entity could participate in the same act.
setInactive : before
Sets the source entity to be inactive.
beforeSetListContext : before
Overriding the beforSetListContext event from ENTITYACL_SECURABLE to position the processWhereClause before the setListContext around action.
parses out the first name, last name and class of contact from where.
Process where clause manipulation for collection associations specific to Entity
processEntityDate : before
parses the attributes related to EntityDate
processEntityStatus : before
Switch from EntityStatusEnum to proper isClient,isFormerClient, etc. boolean where clause.
processFilter : before
appends the filerValue (new where clause), set by admin, to the current where clause
processRankedTierSearch : before
Process tiers when using ranked tiers in combination with conjunction on query form.
processTierSearch : before
Process the tier search used by UDF, and by the query form when it is not using ranked tiers.
beforeSetListContext : before
Overriding the beforSetListContext event from ENTITYACL_SECURABLE to position the processWhereClause before the setListContext around action.
processWhere : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Remove enity dates.
Remove entity's portfolio from specified household.
parent Entity
context HierarchyContext
addParentsParents : before
add all the parents from the parent's hiearachy rollup (includes the parent itself)
fixupChildren : before
Now that parents are reset, must go through all children and fix their parents. Exclusive Lock should be set due to add/removeParent roles code.
lockOldHierarchy : before
Lock the hierarchy before denorm.
prefetchAndCheckCircular : before
prefetches department parents and checks for circular refs. (no commit needed)
returns search results for in place picker
Set coverage parent and clean up dependencies.
Used to set entity status to client, prospect, other or ex-client
main : main
Used to set entity status to client, prospect, other or ex-client
Sets the preferred attribute denoted by "preferredAttr" of the entity.
inst Object Instance of UI Component
fields nexj:ui:UIComponentClient:1.0:type:UIFieldValue[] Values to set on instance
Used to recalculate sendToEmailData after add/update/delete of EmailAddress
checkNullNames : before
For indexing reasons we don't allow nulls in names.
syncWithPreferredTier : before
If the 'tier' attribute changes, update the 'preferredRankedTier' attribute.
updateEntityDate : before
To update EntityDate attributes only if the corrosponding Person attributes have been updated
updateHouseholdPortfolio : before
Update portfolio of household if relationship changes.
Updates the value of a custom field by type. Adds new custom field if none of that type exits.
Updates the denormalized names on the Act. Called asynchronously when the entity's name is updated.
Updates the thumbnail of the Entity based on the given image binary
Validation of target before mergeWith, must be validated before performing a batch process
Defines access control list for viewing entities. The visibility is procted as this should only be modified on the server as a side effect of the business logic. For example, if there is a rep code model, only changes to the rep code model should cause changes to the ACL.
Represents a relationship between an entity and an account, including details such as the role of the entity for the account.
The account that is related to the entity.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
The entity that is related to the account.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attribute on entity fullName used for name attribute.
Calculated attribute for the amount owned by the entity. The amount is in the account reporting currency.
Percentage of the account that the entity owns.
When Canada Learning Bond was requested. For beneficiary relationships only.
Canada Learning Bond status for the beneficiary on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Percentage of contribution split for the benefiary on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has eGrant requested for the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has 8-year provincial grant on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has 11-year provincial grant on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has 14-year provincial grant on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has grant requested for the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
HRSDC registration status for the beneficiary on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Flag indicating whether or not beneficiary has initial provincial grant on the account. For beneficiary relationships only.
Province for provincial grant. For beneficiary relationships only.
The relationship role of the entity to the account, e.g., owner.
createPortfolioAssociations : before
Create new associations from account and its holdings to all related portfolios as well as update their valuation totals.
Factory to create a beneficiary relationship for an entity to an account.
Factory to create an owner relationship for an entity to an account.
Create new associations from account and its holdings to all related portfolios as well as update their valuation totals.
checkPrimaryOwner : before
Throw an error is the primary owner is being deleted.
updateValuations : before
Update affected portfolios and delete obsolete associations. This logic is not run on a cascade delete from entity or account.
Return the ownership percentage used to calculate valuations.
updateValuations : before
Update affected portfolio valuations and holding valuations if ownership percentage changes.
Provides an explicit relationship for action item rollup queries such as the journal roll up allowing for an optimized, properly indexed query to retrive the journal rollup.
The hierarchy context for which this rollup was added (based on the contributor's context)
Denorm of EntityParticipation.entity
The entity participation record that is the contributor of this act to the rollup
Rebuilds entity act rollup for an EntityParticipation. Called when the entity attribute is updated on the EntityParticipation.
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of the lead active task
Non-persisted disposition of the lead
Task template input from the UI
text input from UI.
Update the lead's active task and work queue item
Not persisted, holds entity context and a badge config. Passed to dashboard ruleset to set the visible flag.
Name of association attribute.
Dashboard badge information.
The badgeConfig condition will be evaluated against this entity to determine visible flag.
Whether the badge should be displayed or not.
Badge configuration for entities.
meta class name for badges
name of dashboard badges rule set
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to initialize for entities.
setVariables : before
Overridden for entities.
Overridden to set privileges.
Localization of EntityBadgeConfig caption and description.
Persistence initializer to seed EntityBadgeConfigs. The badges here are seeded in after three from the scheme dump (seed.scm): entityLockedBP, entityHasBP, entityHasLateTouchType.
Links entities to categories (i.e. IntCodes from XJ Contact)
inheritTypeEditSecurity : before
Inherit Type Edit Security (only if non-public).
inheritTypeViewSecurity : before
Inherit Type View Security (only if non-public)
Creates a collection of EntityCategories given categories for an entity.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
shouldn't be able to update the instance from the categories collection of a contact that is not editable by the current user.
Abstract class for all subcollections of entity. Examples include Telcoms, Categories, and Addresses. These subcollections inherit the entity's security and enforce updates to the entity when they are updated, deleted, or added.
The list of default attributes in the Entity.
Attribute on the inherited class that points to the default in Entity.
The maximum number of default phrases on the same tooltip line (2<=TOOLTIP_DEFAULTS_PER_LINE<=3, otherwise the unit test will fail). For example: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ TOOLTIP_DEFAULTS_PER_LINE= 2 => Default Home Address, Default Mail-To Address, Default Business Address, Default Home Address TOOLTIP_DEFAULTS_PER_LINE= 3 => Default Home Address, Default Mail-To Address, Default Business Address Default Home Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Note that the html version auto-wraps based on a certain line length, so the tooltip will not format properly if you use a value >=3.
Used for enabling/disabling menu items.
Opposite of allowSetPreferred. Used for enabling/disabling menu items.
A flag to signify if this instance should be deleted if it is empty.
Represents the list of attributes that will be validated when determining if an instance is empty.
This should be overridden in subclasses
Determines if this instance is empty.
True if the current address is the default of the entity.
Contains nothing if this is not the preferred EntityCollection, or the name of the icon if this is preferred.
For tooltips on address and telcom records (specific implementation in subclasses)
All "EntityCollection" subclasses inherit the entity's updatable attribute. They also may have their own.
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
clearDefaults : before
If any of the associated entity's 'default' are this one, then reset them
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
Intersection between entities and users to define coverage.
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
Defines the role being played.
If the role as added from a coverage team, keep a link to it for updates.
Tooltip Dashboard text
Last effective date of the Coverage
Entity (Client) being covered by the given user
Instance name attribute
For coverages created via rolldown this stores the root entity
For coverages created via rolldown. Shows whether coverage originated from Sector/Industry/Company.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Effective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
Needed to deny access to coverages created via rolldown
User's contact record that covers this entity.
checkCoverageParent : before
Check that entity can have coverage (i.e., it does not inherit from another entity)
Here to add privilege based security
addCoverageRole : before
Add coverage role when not initialized and user has a default role.
Factory method to create a new entity coverage.
Deactivates an "entity" coverage for "userPerson" of "coverageRole". Sets the status to inactive and the end date to today. If the start date is later than today, set the start date to today.
Here to add privilege based security
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Used to set coverage status "Active"/"Inactive"
Here to add privilege based security
Called in the UI to throw a ValidationException without needing a commit
Coverage Roles for Entity Coverage.
reverse association to prevent deleting assignment roles already associated with entity coverage.
Custom filter operators
Association between CustomFieldDate and EntityDate
Date type - this super set includes activity date touch types
Time Zone
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Retrieves the startDate and endDate from period, sets the where clause and generates the report
Stores the roles between an entity and a financial account
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
True if legal owner instead of interested party
Provides a roll-up of the entity hierarchy. Provides all parents, grandparents, etc. including the self relationship. Similarly can be used to provide all children, grandchildrent, etc.
Note, the "parent" may be the grandparent, great grandparent, or even the "self". The type attribute can distinguish between "self", "direct-parent" and "indirect-parent".
Used to distingish between Self ("S"), Direct-parent ("D"), and Indirect-parent ("I") relationships.
This is not so obvious with the new h model - will require a type for non-self relationships.
Helper to quickly add a self hierarchy
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Locking table for the entity hierarchy to prevent changes to a hierarchy while denormalizing or aggregating data based on the hierarchy. This should only be accessed through the static helper methods.
Hierarchy context to lock.
Create time of the lock.
Head of the hierarchy to be locked.
Reason the lock was last aquired.
Last time the lock was aquired.
Rollup engine holding a long time lock.
Tries to create a new lock. may throw an exception (that should be caught)
Reads the lock then deleted it.
Reads the lock for the given head/context with locking set to #t
Used to manage roles for entities based on hierarchy context
Description of the HierarchyRole in the context
hierarchyRole enumeration display
Used for filtering HierarchyRoles on UserPerson, Person, and Company Details
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
History class for Entity.
The name of the attribute of this class which contains the reference to the live instance of the class for which changes are being tracked
How this class should behave when the history is unknown
List of attribute names being tracked
The class for which changes are being tracked by this history class.
The entity for which this is a historical record.
The value of entityStatus prior to the time of this history record
The value of lastName prior to the time of this history record
The value of notes prior to the time of this history record
Used for patient identifiers such as OHIP number or internal hosptial IDs
This represents the resized images relating to Entities
The default quality of the resized image
The maximum height of the image
The max size of the data column in the persistence model
The maximum width of the image
The fallback quality of the resized image if the initial resize is too large
The related entity of the image
The image data to resize. This is unpersisted an required to initialize the object only
Override commit to do resize logic
Creates the batchbrokerservice for image updates upon reseed
Read event overridden to add EntityView privilege
A subclass of EntityImage to represent thumbnail images relating to Entities
The maximum thumbnail height
The maximum width of the image
The related entity of the image
Generate SubReport for just this Act
Create 'where' clause based on attribute
generates the SubReport Where
Lists that entities can be part of to support List Management
Max number of entity members for a batch
Determine if the user can view security configuration in the UI.
Class Code for EntityList
Count of number of users in the list
Attribute used by UI to specify entity search context.
Icon representing search context. Shown in menu next to search context aware items such as Entity Lists, etc.
Entity where clause to apply new list to
Specifies whether entity search context is editable or not. By default, it is editable for new instances but not for existing instances. However, this value is overridden for lists that are created directly from the contact list because they force an entity search context that users should not be able to change.
Smaller version of icon
Larger version of icon for dashboard.
Collection of entities for the current list.
Overridden to check admin privilege
OVERRIDDEN for AUDIT: Remove when ECRM-20381 and 20388 are fixed
Overriden to always equal to entitySearchContext
Subject area caption
Used for showing this entity list in the history menu, when modified
Used for showing this entity list in the history menu, when modified (references the entitySearchContextIcon)
Used for showing this entity list in the history menu, when modified
Overridden to check admin privilege
Add the given entity to the entityList.
main : main
Add participant to a list
generateMembers : after
If a where clause is specified when creating a list, we will use it to create the association
Factory forces an entity search context.
setEntitySearchContext : before
Set entity search context based on parameter.
Generate a where clause to exclude existing list members
Public Interface to call generateMembers
Public Interface to call generateMembers and add to the current user's sync list
Generate the list members based on the where clause. returns false if success, or error message.
Returns the collection of list member entity objects.
Intersection table between Entity and EntityList that maintains a collection of entity members of a list
Entity member of the list.
The entity name to be used as a caption for this class
List entity is a member of.
Name of the list.
Inherits from list.
Inherits from list.
Factory method to create an instance of EntityListMember
Search Context for Entity Lists.
Defines the maximum number of EntityList objects that will be returned by the read event.
Used for orderBy in UI
Gets a clause to return the given list. Accepts an instance or an OID.
Supported set of SecurityRuleEnum for EntityList
Non-persisted, used to hold collection of entities for export
Collection of entities (contacts, companies) related to the opportunity that are not users.
If the entity opportunity is only here because it is the "Primary Entity" of the opportunity, then it must be marked with this flag.
Role describing how the entity is related to the opportunity. e.g. Lawyer.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Associate Acts to the the contact/company that their are for.
Symbol of the association attribute for the associatied instance (could be null)
List of association attributes copied between item and series associations
List of attributes that when dirty, requires markModifiedCollections to be called again. Currently used for alarms.
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
Collection of booking owners for this participant
True if the current user can mange the roadshow meeting attendee, i.e. if they are the meeting request creator, sales owner or booking owner.
True if associated act should be displayed in Quick Notes in Contact workspace
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Company of entity. Used by notification rules super picker for generating custom tree.
Formatted email address of entity. Does not require visibility to entity.
Full name of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
The string used to set the "For" column label for entity participants. Used in Blackberry.
Whether this entity has an email address
Roadshow. EntityParticipation does not have own notes for each act in roadshow
The current logged in user used in initializing the salesOwners.
Whether this entity is a company
Whether the entity of this participation is the current user.
Whether this entity is a person
True if associated act (document) is pinned. Used for collection sortng in quick note grids
True if associated entity is on target list of roadshow that is associated with this entityParticipation, false otherwise
Meeting notifications to be sent to this entity
Roadshow: Participant status
For RoadshowMeeting, the UserPerson who added this participant
Flag specifying whether this entity (person) is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this entity (person) is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
Denorm of Act.startTime
Shows target icon is isTarget is true, null otherwise
Tooltip for target icon
Factory event to add associated companies.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the act's ACL when new entities are added to the act
cascadeDocuments : before
If a contact is deleted, its documents will be orphaned, so they should be cascade deleted. However, if there exist other participants on the same document, it should not be cascade deleted. It is very important not to react to the cascade delete from acts as this causese an infinite loop when soft deletes are involved.
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the act's ACL when entities are removed from the act
updateTargetListEntry : before
If the entity is in the target list, set the target list entry status to declined if the entity is not a confirmed attendee of any other meeting.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Toggle the pinned state of the entity participation for the document
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the act's ACL when entities are changed for the act
If the entity is in the target list, update its status if necessary. Optional arguments: (: isDelete boolean) Is this EntityParticipation being deleted. (: meetingCascadeDelete boolean) Is the delete a cascade delete from RoadshowMeeting.
Validates this instance for roadshow nested popup
Virtual class to allow efficient UI binding to a collection of entity participants with navigation ability to entity.
reverse to entity
Represents a query that is specific to the entity search. A query is always based on a search context.
Name of the privilege for the super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing private types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Icon representing search context that is shown in menu.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
Enum value. (for simplicity)
Factory creation for query. Overridden to set the base entity search context.
setBaseEntitySearchContext : before
Sets the base entity search context using the searchContextOID from the assocList. If the searchContextOID is missing, then an error is thrown.
Specialized version of getAssocList for the UI that includes the search context caption in the assoc list. This avoids making two invokeMethod calls to the server. The type is not needed because this event is specifically for the Entity Search.
setBaseEntitySearchContext : before
Set the base entity search context if the property map has changed.
Localization of EntityQuery caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
Intersection class between Entity and EntitlementRepCode.
Used to provide the auditLog with a name for this repCode
updateACL : before
Indicate that the ACL records must be recalculated
Command class to generate Entity-based reports
Sets end date for the interactions sub-report
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
Sets start date for the interactions sub-report
Filters the interactions by status
Filters the interactions by type
The filter string that is being used to query
Generate report for this contact
Generate report with this where clause
if False does not allow the user to select the type
Used for displaying or hiding fields on the Contact List Report.
Used for displaying or hiding fields on the Contact List Report.
Used for displaying or hiding fields on the Contact List Report.
Used for displaying or hiding fields on the Contact List Report.
If true, generate page break after each Entity
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Specifies whether the current contact, or current contact list is used
If true, show the interaction filter options.
Anding of showInteractions and showFilterOptions. If true, show the interaction filter options.
If false, suppress the Interactions sub-report
If true, show the entire Interactions Description
Generate Subreports with this where clause
Tag to filter Acts by in the report
User Name
gets the End Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
gets the search context from the UI
gets the Start Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
gets the ActionStatus from the UI
generates the SubReport Where
gets the Action Type from the UI
Used to validate actEndDate. Returns #t if actEndDate is not null and actEndDate is >= actStartDate.
Used to validate that actStartDate. Returns #f if actStartDate is null.
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to main class.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Holds the configuration for entity search contexts, replacing hard coded UI logic. One to one mapping
Where clause for the context. Usually simply an instance clause.
Icon representing search context. Shown in menu next to search context aware items such as Entity Lists, etc.
secondary entity search context
Enum value. (for simplicity)
expands the (in? (
Gets the base search context from the OID. Used by entity queries when updating their property maps. Returns an EntitySearchContextEnum.
Gets the caption from the OID. Used by saved entity queries to retrieve the search context caption. Returns a string.
Gets the clause from the OID. used by processWhere.
retrieves the entityType by oid of entity search context
Gets the value from the OID. Helper for UI.
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single entityTouchTypeDate and the reports associated to it.
Number of days until next touch target
Caption of the touch type
Entity that is associated to the service model
EntityTouchTypeDate associated to the service model
EntityTouchTypeInterval associated to the service model
Indicates whether this instance is based off a report (if not, the batch job has failed)
Used in UI to enable/disable navigation to last touch act
Indicates whether the service model is locked
Indicates whether the associated report is unscheduled
Act associated to the last touch date
Scheduled act for the report for the target touch date
Caption displayed in Scheduled column of the grid
Target date displayed in UI
Column style based on daysUntilTouch
Used in UI to enable/disable navigation to scheduled act
The touch status of the report for the target touch date
Touch type of the service model
Tooltip for the Touch Type column of the grid
Factory method to create an instance of EntityServiceModels.
Class to bind to UI elements to display entity touch types
act associated with report (schedActItem)
whether or not the associated report is marked completed
days until next touch from today. calculated so value can be cleared when touch is completed or deferred
whether or not the associated report is marked deferred
The displayed next touch target. Calculated so it can be set to not show up if the touch is completed or deferred
Reference to object for next/last touch dates
first name of related entity
full name of related entity
Used in UI to enable/disable navigation to last touch act
indicates whether report is unscheduled or not. Needed for data action on form
last name of related entity
last act that counted as a touch
date of last completed touch
whether or not the associated report is marked missed
The actual next touch target date
period the touch alert falls into
whether or not the associated report is marked scheduled
style of other columns in form, based on daysUntilTouch
tier of related entity
determines whether the touchProperties event should be enabled on the Touch Status column\
touch status of related report
caption displayed in "Touch Status" column. Changes depending on touch status
Returns last touch act instance
Returns next touch act instance
Duplication of EntityDate for SLM use only (for now)
Overriden to expose in UIComponent
Entity that is associated to the service model
Service model interval
most recent completed act that counts as a touch for the entity
Date of last touch
Period associated to lastTouchDate
Rule to calculate last touch date
Date of next target touch
Period associated to nextTouchDate
Rule to calculate next touch date
TouchType of the service model
Extended to update period and next touch date attributes when date attributes are updated
updateNextTouchDate : before
Updates the next touch date when the last touch date has been updated, indicating that a touch has been completed.
Calculate whether a touch has not been scheduled
Returns last touch act instance
Returns next touch act instance
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Sets the next touch date to a given date. The date is coerced to a more correct value is necessary
Overidden in order to update Entity
Update last touch date and last touch act based on completed act
main : main
Update last touch date and last touch act based on completed act
Updates the current report status. Usually called when the next touch date is changed
defines an interval for a touch type per entity
Entity that associated to the service model
Associated entity touch type date
Interval associated to service model
Localized caption of the interval. Used as the caption attibute by UI_COMPONENT_OBJECT_AS_ENUM
Name of the interval. Used as the name attribute by UI_COMPONENT_OBJECT_AS_ENUM
UI bind for if touch has not been scheduled yet, used to determine whether we can defer
TouchType of the service model
The tooltip for the service model.
Overridden to add ServiceLevelManage privilege
Overriden to clear next touch date and reports
clearFutureServiceModel : before
remove Entity Touch Type Interval reports and update Entity Touch Type Date
set isLocked to true
Overridden to add ServiceLevelView privilege
set isLocked to false
Overridden to add ServiceLevelManage privilege and do some logic
updates the interval and triggers necessary workflow
This class facilitates user specific Entity Type definitions at run time. These types are mutually exclusive, and typically can not be changed. Every Entity type must be based on an Entity sub-class. On a given Entity Type, the following represents: + categories: a set of allowable categories + categoryGroups: a list of sub-group associations allowed per category + customFieldTypes: a set of allowable custom field types + customFieldTypeGroups: a list of sub-groups per custom field type + addressTypes: a set of allowable address types + telcomTypes: a set of allowable communication types
Address types that are compatible (and thus visible) with this enity type.
Persisted explicit setting for types to appear in menus (typically Add menus).
Specifies whether a certain entityType is allowed to be instantiated.
Address types that have the allowNew flag set to true, used for new instances
Telcom types that have the allowNew flag set to true, used for new instances
Persisted explicit setting for types to appear in toolbar as one touch items.
Persisted explicit setting for types to appear in mobile application toolbar as one touch items.
This is the base entity type -- corresponds to classes for instantiation
Categories that are visible for Entity Type.
Category Groups that are visible for Entity Type.
The representation of a company. Either Strings or Entities.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Custom field type Groups that are visible for Entity Type.
Custom field types that are visible for Entity Type.
Default setting for IsClient when new Entity of this type is created
Default setting for IsFormerClient when new Entity of this type is created
Default setting for IsLead when new Entity of this type is created
Default for other boolean value for Entity --> This will need to be specialized at design time per customer
Default setting for IsProspect when new Entity of this type is created
Default setting for IsStatus1 when new Entity of this type is created
Default setting for IsStatus2 when new Entity of this type is created
Default setting for IsStatus3 when new Entity of this type is created
To support arbitrary order of icons in one touch areas.
Metaclass determined by baseEntityType.
Calculated attribute that checks if the logged in user has the create privileges to instantiate this entityType.
shouldn't use this. this for now is linked to default icon.
Icon used for toolbar creation.
Used to create large size icons for the toolbar.
Used to create medium size icons for the toolbar.
Used to create small size icons for the toolbar.
Base icon --> this may get overridden by hierarchical logic depending on the boolean flags
Icon for Clients
Icon for former prospects
Icon for Leads
Icon for Other
Icon for Prospects
Icon for Status1 placeholder
Icon for Status2 placeholder
Icon for Status3 placeholder
Use for binding the caption of insert menu items. e.g. Household becomes Household...
Allow this field to be editable
Allow this field to be editable
True if this EntityType corresponds to Fund Entitys. False otherwise.
should this show in an "add items" menu. This is not for toolbars (see isOneTouch/allowOneTouch for that). calculated field - can be based on multiple settings - allow is a persisted way of setting this explicitly.
Allow this field to be editable
Set if the instance is new. Used to secure isStringCompany.
should this show in the one touch area - i.e. main toolbar for creation. calculated field - can be based on multiple settings - allow is a persisted way of setting this explicitly.
True if the entity type should be shown in the one touch area - i.e. bb toolbar
Allow this field to be editable
Allow this field to be editable
Allow this field to be editable
Allow this field to be editable
Allow this field to be editable
True if using companies as strings. False if using entities.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Use for binding the tooltip of one touch toolbar items. e.g. Household becomes Add new Household...
Related tab visibilities of this type
Telcom types that are compatible (and thus visible) with this enity type.
Return a list of tabVisibility information.
Represents the intersection between EntityType and AddressType. Instances of this class represent that for the specified entity type, the specified address type is compatible or appropriate.
Links entity types to categories
Links entity types to category groups
Links entity types to custom field types
updateCustomFieldsForBI : after
Asynchronously populate the Legacy Ad Hoc Reports tree for the new custom field type
Get all report names that use this custom field entity type
Links entity types to custom field type groups
Localization of EntityType caption and description.
use object's updateable
Seed in new Entity Types.
Represents the intersection between EntityType and TelcomType. Instances of this class represent that for the specified entity type, the specified telcom type is compatible or appropriate.
Required for ActTemplateStatusPicker uniqueness since duplicates were being allowed.
read a single instance and retrieve the behaveAsValue
read a single instance and retrieve the caption.
reads a single instance by value
Base attribute overridden to apply additional security.
Allows you to determine the business behaviour of a code. I.e. you could create 3 different closed values, but have them all point to the same behaviour value (closed). Set this to code for most items. This field should always be filled in. In most cases, it will be the same as the Value. ALL BUSINESS logic should operate on the behaveAsValue NOT the value attribute.
Classification of the code itself
Is the Code editable at run time? Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
Virtual Attribute to simplify setting captions on all locales on create.
Sets an alternate style when enum code has custom captions.
Determines if the code can be deleted. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
Localized Display value
Specifies the order that the items appear in a drop-down
Determines if this value's display text is editable at Run time. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
Localized Display values
Allows clients to set a SINGLE external code that this relates to for integration purposes
Indicates if behaviour is associated with this value. If you have added business logic against a particular value, than you should set this flag to TRUE.
True if enum code has captions that differ from the default.
True if captions are runtime editable (i.e., enum type classification is system design time display, system design time editable or custom field picklist).
True if parent is not null and not a system enum, false otherwise.
True if its enum type is runtime editable (i.e., enum type classification is system design time editable or custom field picklist).
Determines if the code can hidden. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
True if enum code is a new instance.
True if enum code is runtime deleteable (i.e., enum type classification is custom field picklist).
This field is to persist the code tag used in the repository (or rules engine) to build business logic against this value. Only required for system enums.
Simple dependency parent
Exposed parent typeCode foreign key part
Exposed parent valueCode foreign key part
PART OF THE MULTI-PART PK --> exposed here as a workaround
During an upgrade, disable updates to this entry. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
This is the coded value for the list element
addDefaultDisplayValues : before
Initializes all the displayValues to a default caption.
initBehaveAsValue : before
Initialize behaveAsValue
initDisplayOrder : before
Sets the display order to the next value in order.
Returns #f if display doesn't exist.
Finds the next displayOrder.
updateDefaultCaption : before
Reset all captions when the defaultCaption attribute is updated. Only update new instances if default caption is not null.
updateDisplayOrderDenorm : before
Update Denormalized Display Order
Sets the caption for all supported locales. Creates the displayValue for any locales that do not exist.
Gets an enum display by typecode and value code. Not to be used for subclasses of EnumBase such as the metadata enumerations.
Abstract base class for the EnumDisplay and EnumBase classes.
DENORM of parent/child relationship on codes
DENORMALIZED from code -- Please do NOT change here.
True if this is runtime editable (i.e., enum type classification is system design time display, system design time editable or custom field picklist).
DENORM of parent/child relationship on codes
PART OF THE MULTI-PART PK --> exposed here as a workaround
PART OF THE MULTI-PART PK --> exposed here as a workaround
Specifies whether or not you can add new entires to the Enum at Run Time. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
This is used to differentiate between different kinds of enums such as those defined for custom fields. I.e. System Defined, vs Custom Field Type
Non Localized Description
True if captions are runtime editable (i.e., classification is system design time display, system design time editable or custom field picklist).
True if classification is custom field picklist.
True if enum type is a new instance.
True if enum type is runtime editable (i.e., classification is system design time editable or custom field picklist).
The type of its parent if it has a parent.
Determines whether or not the whole type will get upgraded in subsequent deployments. Important: This field is not used in enumeration logic; its usefulness needs to be discuss the next time the enumeration model is evaluated.
Allow users to add values to this type
Localized display values for EnumTypeDisplay
Localized Caption
Localized Description
Represents an equity holdable.
Country code.
CUSIP number.
Indicates equity is eligible for dividend re-investment plan.
Reverse association.
Stock exchange that is equity is traded on.
Calculated attribute which overrides the supplierCode on a holdable to display the CUSIP
Stock symbol.
Represents a holding of an equity holdable.
An equity holding should only hold equity holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Overridden to make required.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Overridden to make required.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be equity transactions.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the equity holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
Represents a snapshot of an equity holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents a transaction on an equity holdable.
Dealer price.
The holding this transaction is made on.
SEC fee.
Stock exchange transaction was made on.
prints out the redemption and SEC fees for transaction
This is the placeholder class for when we implement "send error report" via email functionality.
End date for date range filter use in the report.
Whether the report will be filtered by leg or date range.
Publically accessible location for icons used in the report.
Where clause for participants sub report.
Roadshow for which the report will be run.
Where clause for schedule detail sub report.
Where clause for schedule summary sub report.
Leg used to filter the report
Hide or show the attendees section of the report.
Hide or show the title page of the report.
Hide or show the schedule detail section of the report.
Hide or show the schedule summary section of the report.
Hide or show the transportation section of the report.
Start date for date range filter use in the report.
Where clause for transportation sub report.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
Attribute list of attributes required to execute the "getWeight" event. Used to optimize outbound snapshot.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
When an update is received from this link, ECHO_MODE specifies when an echo update should be sent to the same target. It is a bitmask, see values in nexj.core.integration.sync.SynchronizationCommand
Scheme expression that, being applied to an instance of the metaclass, producess a list of instances of type SysSyncLink that need to synchronize this instance.
Maximum number of items retrieved per call.
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs transfer objects (newVlaue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Returns whether the given instance should be ignored during outbound synchronization. This event occures for every modified instance of this class on every unit of work, so the implementor should take special care of robustness and speed of this event implementation
Batch Job for polling EWS autodiscover service.
The target cluster partition.
Called by timer
Run the given job asynchronously
A batch command that queries the Exchange Auto Discover service for all mailboxes passed.
List of mailbox IDs used to query autodiscover service for.
The target cluster partition.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Exchange target that gets serviced by this job
Last time we checked whether UDP listener failover is required
Called by timer
Last time the lock was acquired
ActionItemSeries that is blocked from syncing to/from Exchange
Object used to model an Exchange 2007 Client Access Server. For use in caching autodiscover responses for each mailbox, and later all Exchange Web Services Requests.
Mailboxes using this CAS.
Exchange EWS Server associated with this CAS.
URL used to contact this CAS
Reads for a CAS matching the given url and target. Otherwise creates it.
Returns true if the CAS can be reached. Sends a bogus Resolve Name request to test that the given url responds to Exchange Web Services requests.
Abstract superclass for Exchange class-specific functionality
List of attributes that should be deleted from Exchange in a separate PROPPATCH request when their values are null
Name of the canonical Exchange collection message for this class
Default folder under the mailbox root, that keeps instances of this class
Attribute values that should be set when creating an item in the external system
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the transformation from an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format into an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Name of the canonical Exchange item message for this class
Maximum number of items retrieved per call.
Name of the transformation from an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format into an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Name of the template to use when creating new action items
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs transfer objects (newVlaue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Returns whether given instance (obj) is visible for the given link
Sets default values on the given message
Returns whether given instance (obj) can be edited by the owner of the given link
A transient cache of series sync objects for this folder. It is used by Exchange outbound sync service to store the values between invocations, which could be done on different units of work (since ClassSynchronizer uses new UoW for each link-class).
Number of hours transient failures can be retried until links are disabled.
Folder name used for display purposes.
Returns all internal e-mails for the folder owner
Serialized folder id that is used by all protocols
Full folder path on the Exchange server
NexJ user, mapped to this folder (in a private mailbox)
boolean for filtering out expired sync links
Records the last subscription error received from Exchange, if any
Actions when an instance is committed
disableInbound : before
Ensure inbound sync of contacts is disabled
Actions when an instance is created
Get full snapshot
Processes a timer event
Refresh Exchange folder asynchronously; apply = true.
Refresh Exchange folder; apply = true.
Refresh Exchange folder asynchronously; apply = true.
Call resetFolderStateSynchronous asynchronously.
Reset folder state for specified link.
Refresh Exchange folder; apply = false.
Subscribe to notifications for this folder.
State of the given Exchange folder for the given class
Exchange folder state token
Synchronize all changes from this folder / class inbound
Read a folder for all content, or for state token.
Update the state information for this folder / class without applying any changes
Singleton Object containing systemwide settings to be used in autonomously determining which objects to add to block from synchronizing in an attempt to preserve performance.
Calculated Attributes which returns #t if and only if future expanding snapshots can be performed
Flag indicating whether inbound expanding filtered snapshots should be used
True if exception invitation threshold settings are in effect. False otherwise.
Flag indicating whether outbound expanding filtered snapshots should be used
Calculated Attributes which returns #t if and only if past expanding snapshots can be performed
True if optimization settings are in effect. False otherwise.
Maximum number of exception invites allowed in a synchronized action item series
Maximum number of exceptions allowed in a synchoronized action item series
Calculated attribute which returns #t if and only if the expanding snapshots are enabled
Will not perform security checks for for-contacts in meetings whose number of participants exceed this threshold.
Maximum number of future iterations to perform with expanding snapshots
The multiplier between future subsequent expanding snapshot windows
Snapshot window length after the batch job runtime (in days)
Maximum number of synchronization activation or deactivation attempts
Maximum number of snapshots to perform per minute
Used for uniqueness constraint
Maximum number of past iterations to perform with expanding snapshots
The multiplier between past subsequent expanding snapshot windows
Snapshot window length before the batch job runtime (in days)
Maximum product of meeting participants and exception count allowed. Configurable by administrator. Participants receiving invitations are not counted toward this value. Series with a meeting participants by exception count product that exceeds this value will be automatically blocked in the synchronization step.
Maximum number of users allowed in a syncrhonized action item or series.
Returns true if number of user participants exceeds threshold.
Loads singleton optimization settings and applies them to a transfer object. Returns true if enableRestrictions is true and obj's properties exceed optimization threshold settings. False otherwise. Provides a single simple interface for determining which objects belong in the SyncBlockList. If any of the following statements are true the userThreshold < act/series effective user count exceptionThreshold < series exception count (only applies to series) productThreshold < series exception count * effective user count (only applies to series) note: effective user count is the number of users that are not receiivng the next change via email. userThreshold, productThreshold and exceptionThreshold are attributes on the singleton object.
An exchange mailbox, containing ocmmon attributes for a user's related folders.
Grouping information returned from autodiscover. Concatenation of ExternalEwsUrl and GroupingInformation user setting fields.
The version to set on the RequestServerVersion. If version attribute is not set, defaults to the target's version.
The newest version (based on mailbox schema) that is currently supported. Set when autodiscover runs against a 2016 or higher server to the highest supported version of Exchange.
Creates a linked CAS object if one doesn't exist
Asynchronous invocation of a command using the Exchange Service Queue
Refreshes the CAS for this mailbox.
Batch Job for polling EWS autodiscover service.
The target cluster partition.
Called by timer
Run the given job asynchronously
A batch command that queries the Exchange Auto Discover service for all mailboxes passed.
Staging objects older than this limit (in days) will be deleted, logic to create syncObject will not be triggered.
The singleton process used to run ExchangeMaintenanceBatchJob.
Process ExchangeStagingObjects, create sync objects if needed.
List of attributes that should be deleted from Exchange in a separate PROPPATCH request when their values are null
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
Name of the canonical Exchange collection message for this class
Default folder under the mailbox root, that keeps instances of this class
Attribute values that should be set when creating an item in the external system
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Flag whether full image should be sent to the external system versus only delta (difference between current and "before" images)
Name of the transformation from an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format into an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Name of the canonical Exchange item message for this class
Scheme expression that, being applied to an instance of the metaclass, producess a list of instances of type SysSyncLink that need to synchronize this instance.
Name of the transformation from an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format into an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound
NexJ metaclass name
External class name
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs transfer objects (newVlaue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
NexJ user to be synced up during the next Exchange prospect batch job
Boolean flag specifying whether a user should be set up for synchronization or removed from synchronization
Timestamp that specifies when the user was added for synchronization activation or deactivation
NexJ user that is going to be synchronized to Exchange server target
Integer value that specifies the number of performed attempts to set up the user for synchronization or disable user from synchronization
Exchange server that prospectiveUser is going to be synced to
Batch Job for enabling Exchange sync for users in a large scale.
Calendar Snapshot filter to be used during the Exchange prospect batch job
Flag to indicate if the batch job process is enabled
The target cluster partition.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Task Snapshot filter to be used during the Exchange prospect batch job
Called by timer
Exchange rate between two currencies at a date in time. currencyFrom x rate = currencyTo. This is for system exchange rates only. Transactional level exchange rates are denormalized into the Transaction object for performance reasons.
The exchange date in the format of a timestamp so that it can be used for comparison operations.
Source currency.
Target currency.
Point in time where the exchange rate is taken.
Exchange rate. currencyFrom x rate = currencyTo.
Given an amount, the currency it is based on and the target currency, convert the amount
Given an amount, the currency it is based on and the target currency, convert the amount if currency conversion is turned on.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache of a current exchange rate.
Factory that should be used to create back dated exchange rates. Triggers snapshot invalidation logic.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache of a current exchange rate.
Delete all historical portfolio snapshots from 'fromDate' (inclusive) to 'toDate' (exclusive).
Return the current exchange rate as a decimal given a currency from and currency to.
Returns the exchange rate as a decimal given a currency from, a currency to, and an exchange date.
Return the financial date closest to the given date (in the past) where there exist an exchange rate
Get the date of the next exchange rate that is greater than the specified date. This function is used determine the affected date range of an exchange rate correction.
Invalidate cache of a current exchange rate.
Helper function to createExchangeRate and updateExchangeRate.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache of a current exchange rate.
Function that should be used to modify historical exchange rates. Triggers snapshot invalidation logic.
List of attributes that should be deleted from Exchange in a separate PROPPATCH request when their values are null
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class when preparing a delete for synchronization. These attributes are loaded in the main unit of work and are persisted to be used by the synchronization unit of work.
Name of the canonical Exchange collection message for this class
Default folder under the mailbox root, that keeps instances of this class
When alarm is not set, Exchange remindernexttime property is set to 12/31/4500 7:00:00 PM (start of year 4501 UTC).
Attribute values that should be set when creating an item in the external system
Name of the transformation from an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format into an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Name of the canonical Exchange item message for this class
Scheme expression that, being applied to an instance of the metaclass, producess a list of instances of type SysSyncLink that need to synchronize this instance.
Name of the transformation from an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format into an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format
Mapping from NexJ schedule item priority to Exchange. First entry in the list is used as default.
NexJ metaclass name
External class name
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Returns a vector containing association information pertaining to the parent and root instances: (vector rootInstance parentInstance associationCode)
Returns a replacement root instance to synchronize instead of the given child instance.
Returns whether the given instance should be ignored during outbound synchronization. This event occures for every modified instance of this class on every unit of work, so the implementor should take special care of robustness and speed of this event implementation
Returns whether the given business logic updates, which happened after the inbound sync, should be echoed outbound to the same target.
updates is a tree (a list with sublists) of message part names whose values have been updated.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
Attribute list of attributes required to execute the "getWeight" event. Used to optimize outbound snapshot.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class when preparing a delete for synchronization. These attributes are loaded in the main unit of work and are persisted to be used by the synchronization unit of work.
Attribute values that should be set when creating an item in the external system
Name of the transformation from an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format into an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Scheme expression that, being applied to an instance of the metaclass, producess a list of instances of type SysSyncLink that need to synchronize this instance.
Maximum number of items retrieved per call.
Name of the transformation from an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format into an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first. Series priority is set higher than item to ensure series are synchronized to Exchange before series exceptions updated on the same unit of work
NexJ metaclass name
External class name
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Returns whether the given instance should be ignored during outbound synchronization. This event occures for every modified instance of this class on every unit of work, so the implementor should take special care of robustness and speed of this event implementation
Returns whether the given business logic updates, which happened after the inbound sync, should be echoed outbound to the same target.
updates is a tree (a list with sublists) of message part names whose values have been updated.
Synchronizes data from Exchange server to NexJ
Maximum number of changes to be passed to this target in a single request. Use this attribute for performance optimization. Smaller values mean smaller request sizes, which allows multi-threading multiple requests in parallel, which improves RPC with the external system. Larger values mean smaller request number, which improves NexJ processing and NexJ database RPC. This also increases a possiblility of transaction timeout.
Default path part of an EWS url.
Used for uow to check if syncing of an instance should be ignored
Specifies the kind of locking to use to protect synchronization transactions: - No locking ('none) - Lock Link ('link) - Lock LinkClass ('class)
Seconds to wait for a lock before cancelling the invocation context. Null to wait forever.
Maximum number of characters to send to Exchange in an extended field
Protocol type for UI
Name of the queue to be used by the synchronization engine for this target
Name of privilege group for the inbound synchronization user
Alias of the Inbound Exchange Synchronization user
Login of the Inbound Exchange Synchronization user
Workflow queue name for expanding windowed snapshots
Do not delete exchange sync'd items more than X days in the past. This is so that auto-archived items are not deleted from NexJ.
Time out in minutes for Exchange subscription batch job. Used to check the elapsed time since lockingTime of the batch job to detect a stale batch job.
Collection of classes synchronized for this server
Service called to refresh status of an individual folder
Exchange server host
Batch job servicing this Exchange server synchronization
URL to which Exchange server should forward EWS push notifications to our channel
Maximum synchronized attachment size, in kilobytes
Maximum allowed request rate, requests per second
Maximum number of subscribe requests allowed each minute
Returns the number of links on this server for UI
True to try the internal server returned by the autodiscover service.
Channel to receive notifications from Exchange
Channel to send messages to Exchange
Time in milliseconds to wait for each subscription of a page to be committed so that we do not prematurely unsubscribe recently issued subscriptions
Maximum number of ExchangeFolder instances to load for each page
The amount of time after which to re-subscribe a folder if no push notifications have been received. Default initial value is set to 4 hours. Normally SEARCH and full SUBSCRIBE should only be done when re-synchronization is required, e.g. on NexJ cluster startup.
Period for re-subscription in minutes for UI
Type of subscription used to receive changes from the Exchange server.
A target group. Inbound change from a target is not synchronized outbound to the targets with the same group
Service called on timer events
Enable autodiscovery of CAS for mailboxes on this server.
Flag whether this server uses push subscription
Used to lookup recurring sync configs
Use the Exchange Autodiscover service to fetch the correct cas for this mailbox.
Asynchronously calls autodiscover for given mailbox. Uses ExchangeMailbox'AUTODISCOVER_QUEUE
Called by ExchangeAutodiscoverBatchJob. Optional instance oid to query for rather than all EWS servers.
Actions when an instance is committed
subscribe : before
Re-subscribe when inbound sync is enabled or subscription info changes
Initializes associations upon creation
Creates a batch of links - used for large scale configuration of Exchange sync
Creates ExchangeFolder instances for the given NexJ user and given link classes. CAS is optional if found.
Creates ExchangeFolder instances for the given server and given NexJ user
Creates ExchangeFolder instances for the given server and given NexJ user, setting its inbound and outbound flags to the given boolean values.
Creates sync objects from Exchange Staging Objects
Creates an Exchange Server instance
Disables synchronization for a specified list of user-target pairs
Deactivates a specified user from a specified target
Generates a value that can be used as an externalURL for this target, including the given binary value
Generates a value that can be used as a groupId for this target and the given metaclass, including the given binary value
Returns the attachment groupId.
Retrieves folder id through a protocol call to the Exchange folder
Extract Exchange item ID from the given sync object
Retrieves folder id from the specified ExchangeFolder instance
Migrates synchronized entities from the given Exchange Sever instance to this server
Migrates synchronized entities from the given link and all other associated user links to this server
Processes a timer event
Read attachments with the given IDs from the given link using Exchange API
Reads items of the given class from the given link using Exchange API. "True" stateOnly flag value indicates that only current state must be read, not the items.
exceptionHandling : around
Catch a protocol failure and attempt to autodiscover. If autodiscover was successful retry write command
Reads a single Exchange item specified by the given SyncObject using Exchange API
exceptionHandling : around
Catch a protocol failure and attempt to autodiscover. If autodiscover was successful retry write command
Resubscribe to all Exchange folders that are enabled
Sends snapshot of all the synchronized entities to the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
main : main
Select EWS url, using either cas url or default url for this server
Updates the tobj with the given Exchange itemId.
Create sync links and get/send snapshot for a user or enable sync links.
Subscribe for notifications for this folder.
Synchronizes changes with the external system.
Throttles the current thread before running the given function while current request rate exceeds the maximum and application-level throttling is required
Actions when an instance is updated
Updates the sync objects from the old folder to this server's link and returns the destination link
Verify that we are able to access the exchange folder by subscribing
Execute the given create, update or delete message for the Exchange item defined by the given syncObject, using Exchange API
exceptionHandling : around
Catch a protocol failure and attempt to autodiscover. If autodiscover was successful retry write command
Used to pessimistically lock for creating/updating existing ExchangeCAS instances on ExchangeServer
Statistics of calls on ExchangeServer sendChannel
Time count completed
Count of calls on sendChannel between startTime and endTime
Time count started
Request rate statistics for the Exchange outbound channel
Statistics aggregation interval, in seconds
Statistics counter value
Returns current request rate (req/sec)
Batch command for expanding snapshot feature. Encapsulates snapshots related to the inbound past/future and outbound past/future for the given iteration. Performs the actual snapshots for the iteration.
Returns the calendar snapshot filter for the future in the current iteration
Returns the calendar snapshot filter for the past in the current iteration
Instance of Exchange Global Options
Returns from limit of the days in the future for the current iteration
Returns from limit of the days in the past for the current iteration
Current iteration count
Returns the message priority to use for the current iteration
Target on which the expanding snapshot iteration is being done
Returns the task snapshot filter for the future in the current iteration
Returns the task snapshot filter for the past in the current iteration
Returns to limit of the days in the future for the current iteration
Returns to limit of the days in the past for the current iteration
UserPerson for which the expanding snapshot iteration is being done
Provides an expanding snapshot boundary in days based on snapshot size, multiplier and iteration count.
main : main
Provides an expanding snapshot boundary in days based on snapshot size, multiplier and iteration count. @arg number of days in initial snapshot period. @arg multipler size increase between iterations. @arg the iteration to calculate
Performs the inbound snapshots for the current iteration
Performs the outbound snapshots for the current iteration
Called by the process queue engine when the batch command is being ran
Queued Batch Process for expanding filtered snapshots. Encapsulates the batch command related to the inbound past/future and outbound past/future for the given iteration.
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
The name of the process
Human readable representation of filter.
Flag indicating whether non-recurring items should be captured
Flag indicating whether recurring items should be captured
Creates the where clause to be used by the framework for the outbound windowed snapshot filtering
Converts the snapshot date filter option enum value into a symbol to be used in the protocol
Human readable representation of filter.
Changes will be captured from this date
For UI purposes: shows the filter by options for snapshots
Changes will be captured to this date
Creates the description string for this filter to be used in logging.
Strictly for UI purposes - aggregates all attributes from Calendar, Tasks, and Contacts windowed snapshot filter commands.
Converts the snapshot date filter option enum value into a symbol to be used in the protocol
Converts the snapshot date filter option enum value into a symbol to be used in the protocol
Converts the snapshot date filter option enum value into a symbol to be used in the protocol
Changes will be captured from this date
Changes will be captured from this date
Changes will be captured from this date
Flag indicating whether items with no due date should be captured
Flag indicating whether items with no start date should be captured
Flag indicating whether non-recurring items should be captured
Flag indicating whether recurring items should be captured
For UI purposes: shows the filter by options for snapshots
For UI purposes: shows the filter by options for snapshots
For UI purposes: shows the filter by options for snapshots
Changes will be captured to this date
Changes will be captured to this date
Changes will be captured to this date
Creates the where clause to be used by the framework for the outbound windowed snapshot filtering
Human readable description of this filter
Flag indicating whether items with no due date should be captured
Flag indicating whether items with no start date should be captured
Creates the where clause to be used by the framework for the outbound windowed snapshot filtering
Preseves information about an Exchange meeting needed to create a SyncObject at a later time, for inbound participants whose inbound sync is triggered before an Act is created in NexJ.
Class of the external object
External unique ID
Entity URL in external system. Optional (required for Exchange)
External version indicator; version number changes every time an entity is updated.
Group ID used by the external systems to group multiple objects together.
Whether this staging object is for a distribution list attendee.
Link to which the external object belongs
Creates a stagingObject for an inbound participant to preserve information about the exchange meeting.
A cookie received when subscribing to maintain affinity to an exchange server.
Counts number of errors encountered when attempting to stream notifications for the folder.
Last time subscriptions have been renewed
subscription ID for this folder
A watermark for the EWS push subscription
Virtually persisted class used to show the status of Exchange Synchronization
Access attribute for create event.
Access attribute for delete event.
True if Exchange Synchronization is paused.
Access attribute for update event.
Invoked after the instance has been created and initialized.
Invoked to delete the instance.
Pauses real-time Exchange Synchronization
Reads specified instances of this class.
Resumes real-time Exchange Synchronization
Invoked to update the instance.
List of attributes that should be deleted from Exchange in a separate PROPPATCH request when their values are null
Name of the canonical Exchange collection message for this class
Default folder under the mailbox root, that keeps instances of this class
Attribute values that should be set when creating an item in the external system
Name of the transformation from an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format into an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Name of the canonical Exchange item message for this class
Name of the transformation from an Object message containing instance data in NexJ format into an XML message containing instance data in Exchange format
Mapping from NexJ schedule item priority to Exchange. First entry in the list is used as default.
Mapping from NexJ schedule item status codes to Exchange. First entry in the list is used as default.
NexJ metaclass name
External class name
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Instance of the ExchangeTaskSeriesClass for the same target
Returns whether the given instance should be ignored during outbound synchronization. This event occures for every modified instance of this class on every unit of work, so the implementor should take special care of robustness and speed of this event implementation
Returns whether the given business logic updates, which happened after the inbound sync, should be echoed outbound to the same target.
updates is a tree (a list with sublists) of message part names whose values have been updated.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
Attribute list of attributes required to execute the "getWeight" event. Used to optimize outbound snapshot.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class when preparing a delete for synchronization. These attributes are loaded in the main unit of work and are persisted to be used by the synchronization unit of work.
NexJ metaclass name
External class name
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Command class to handle export/import of Approval Plan Template. The current version of the approval plan template is exported to a dump file and can be imported back to the server.
Determines whether scheme export should be enabled
Name of the approval plan template imported from the dump file.
;options: "DUMP", "SCHEME"
Determines whether templates should be versioned on import
Overridden to add privilege
Exports an object to scheme
Overridden to define a more specific query
Overridden to add privilege
Overridden to default templates to inactive
Overridden to add pre-processing
Validates the binary data from dump file before import. Processes the dump information and updates the processedDumpBinary, message and canImport attributes.
A user participant who is not a NexJ user, e.g. an Exchange user for ActionItems synchronized with Exchange
List of association attributes copied between item and series associations
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
The ActionItem in which this external user participates
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
User email address. It could be not well-formed.
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Formats the external participant in the format "name (email)" if the name doesn't match the email, otherwise it will just show the email.
Whether this participant has a valid email address
Whether this participant is a person or not
User name
Meeting notifications to be sent to this participant
Flag specifying whether this user is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the user is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this user is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Records the result of a single step of a Financial Model import.
The time this record was created.
The time this process finished, for any reason.
Human-readable message of processing result.
The import name.
The number of items processed by this step.
Current status for the process. (Running, Paused, Waiting, Completed, ...)
The step number.
The total number of items provided in the input to this step.
Abstratcs the UI from SysExternalReport. Allows for the addition of arbitrary attributes to be used in UI logic or additional captions for different use cases.
The command class used to collect the reports parameters
The name of the screen used to collect the reports parameters.
The report caption that will appear in a grid toolbar menu item.
Used in the read of SysExternalReport.
The name of the SysExternalReport
How paratemers will be supplied to the report. Class vs Screen.
The report caption that will appear in a grid context menu.
Represents the customer, or client, user object in the application. Users of this type can typically log into the Portal application. They are represented by the Person Entity.
Overridden to set the initial loginname. Is made by putting the first initial followed by the last name, all in lower case. For example, "John Smith" would turn into "jsmith".
Points to the Person associated to this external user. Validation set (to prevent this attribute from being a 'UserPerson' instance).
An intersection between User and ActAttachmentLink for a user to have favourite attachments to select from batch print.
Page size to use when deleting this through ActAttachmentLink
Attachment the user keeps in a favourite list
Override to only let the owner to read it
Override to only let the owner to update it
The owner of this favourite attachment
This intersection class is used to implement a many-to-many relationship between Users and EntityLists. It keeps track of which User has what EntityLists as favourites.
Wrapper class for Favourite Entity Lists. It is a non-persisted class with overridden read, create, delete, and update events. It keeps the reference to the EntityList to drive the UI correctly.
The EntityList which is a favourite of the associated user
Favourite EntityList which this class is wrapping.
Used by the UI to show only EntityLists of type Contact
Ordinal used to order favourite EntityLists
When a new instance of this proxy class is created: 1. User-specific favourite does not exist - we create one with the visible flag set to #t 2. User-specific favourite exists - we switch the flag to #t
When a proxy wrapping a SystemUserTemplate instance of FavouriteEntityList, user-specific copy of FavouriteEntityList is created with a visible flag set to #f. When a proxy wrapping a user-specific favourite is deleted: 1. We switch the visible flag on the favourite to #f, if there exists a corresponding system favourite or 2. We delete the user-specifc favourite as well, if there is no system favourite Additionally, the delete cascade deletes the referencing FavouriteEntityList - favouriteEntityList.
Iterates over EntityList userFavourites and checks whether there is a FavouriteEntityList (FEL) with no OID. If so, that means the user-specific FEL was created and not committed yet. We should use this instance instead of creating a brand new FEL.
Returns the collection of proxies wrapping the system favourites or the corresponding user-specific favourites with visible=#t
The update on this class happens only when the ordinal is changed in the favourite picker popup. There are 2 cases: 1. The update occurs on the proxy wrapping a system template - user-specific favourite is create with the ordinal coming from the update event 2. The update occurs on the proxy wrapping a user-specific favourite - the new ordinal is set on this favourite
This intersection class is used to implement a many-to-many relationship between Users and SavedFilterRules. It keeps track of which Userhas what SavedFilterRules as favourites.
ordinal used to order favourite saved filters
Users should only be permitted to see their own Favourite Filter Rules
The Saved Filter Rule which is a favourite of the associated user
Users should only be permitted to update their own Favourite Filter Rules
The user to whom this Favourite Filter Rule belongs
The flag indicating whether this favourite saved filter rule is visible for the current user. The system (SystemUserTemplate'instance) favourite saved filter rules have the flag always set to TRUE. When the user removes this rule from their favourites, a user-level copy of the favourite is created with the flag set to FALSE. During the read, the user is presented with the system-level template favourite filter rules and visible=TRUE user-level favourite filter rules.
Initialize ordinal for FavouriteSavedFilterRule
Wrapper class for Favourite Saved Filter Rules. It is a non-persisted class with overridden read, create, delete, and update events. It keeps the reference to the SavedFilterRule to drive the UI correctly.
Favourite saved filter rule which this class is wrapping.
Ordinal used to order favourite saved filters.
The Saved Filter Rule which is a favourite of the associated user
When a new instance of this proxy class is created: 1. User-specific favourite does not exist - we create one with the visible flag set to #t 2. User-specific favourite exists - we switch the flag to #t
When a proxy wrapping a SystemUserTemplate instance of FavouriteSavedFilterRule, user-specific copy of FavouriteSavedFilterRule is created with a visible flag set to #f. When a proxy wrapping a user-specific favourite is deleted: 1. We switch the visible flag on the favourite to #f, if there exists a corresponding system favourite or 2. We delete the user-specifc favourite as well, if there is no system favourite Additionally, the delete cascade deletes the referencing FavouriteSavedFilterRule - favouriteSavedFilterRule.
Iterates over SavedFilterRule userFavourites and checks whether there is a FavouriteSavedFilterRule (FSFR) with no OID. If so, that means the user-specific FSFR was created and not committed yet. We should use this instance instead of creating a brand new FSFR.
Returns the collection of proxies wrapping the system favourites or the corresponding user-specific favourites with visible=#t
The update on this class happens only when the ordinal is changed in the favourite picker popup. There are 2 cases: 1. The update occurs on the proxy wrapping a system template - user-specific favourite is create with the ordinal coming from the update event 2. The update occurs on the proxy wrapping a user-specific favourite - the new ordinal is set on this favourite
An intersection between User and Taxonomy for a user to have favourite taxonomies to select
Override to only let the owner to read it
Taxonomies the user keeps in a favourite list
Override to only let the owner to update it
The owner of this favourite taxonomy
Overridden to add privilege
Static factory to create a link between the currently logged in user with a favourite taxonomy. It expects argument as a Taxonomy. Note that the framework hardcoded the name to be "createFavouriteUserGroupLink" so this name cannot be changed
Overridden to add privilege
Overridden to add privilege
Intersection between a user and a Favourite user list
Overridden class code from UserGroupLink
A calculated attribute to check if the user group of this intersection is the favourite user list for the currently logged in user.
Overridden to associate with FavouriteUserList
Points to the UserPerson associated to the external user. Used in the MM picker in order for the unique flag in the framework to work
Static factory to create a link between the currently logged in user's favourite user list and another user. It expects argument as either a User or a UserPerson.
A special UserList associated with a user to hold its list of favourite users to assign schedule items to.
Overridden class code to allow sub classing of User List.
Only an Admin can delete a favourite user list.
Overriden edit principal initialized to the owner of the list.
The owner of this favourite user list.
Either the owner of the list or an admin has update rights for this class.
Overriden view principal initialized to the owner of the list.
Overridden to set "FavouriteUserListManage" privilege and suppress adding default permissions.
createDefaultPermissions : before
Overridden to suppress adding default permissions.
A factory to create a favourite user list for a given owner.
Localization of Favourite User List caption and description
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
Represents a fee-based group that accounts are part of.
Accounts that are part of this fee-based group.
Fees that are collected for this fee-based group.
Frequency of the fees.
Unique identifier for the fee-based group.
Fee payment method.
Annualized percentage rate.
When the rate is effective.
Starting month for fees.
Represents a fee collected for a fee-based group.
The account fees collected that make up this fee.
When the fee is collected.
Fees collected for the period.
The fee-based group the fee is collected for.
Taxes collected for the period.
Total amount collected for the period.
Represents a downloadable file. The data is stored in chunks so that the potential exists to read the contents one chunk at a time without ever storing the entire file in memory.
Returns the entire contents of the File.
Collection of file chunks that make up the file contents.
The file name.
The readable file name with extension.
The first chunk of the file contents.
The total number of CSVFileChunks that make up the CSV file.
The unique file name.
The create time formatted for UI consumption.
The total file size formatted for UI consumption
The user that generated the file.
All UserFiles associated with this instance
Adds a new chunk of file data to this File.
Returns the the specified chunk of this CSVFile.
Returns the contents of the file chunk for the specified file and chunk.
Returns the entire contents of this CSVFile.
Returns the size of the entire CSVFile.
Represents a chunk of File data.
The contents of this chunk of a File.
String of the oid used to look up the chunk data.
The parent File.
The size of this file chunk.
The ordinal position of this chunk in it's parent File.
Overridden to clean up the file data upon delete.
Returns this chunk's contents.
Sets the contents of this chunk.
Contents of the parent FileChunk.
The FileChunk file data of the parent as specified by id.
The shared id of this file chunk data and the parent FileChunk.
Periodically checks for old downloadable files and deletes them. By default, runs every day and purges records older than 7 days.
Named of seeded batch job.
How many days after a downloadable File is created should it be automatically purged.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Called by timer
Used to process CSV file import
The name of the company list implicitly created to hold the newly created companies for this import.
The name of the entity list created implicitly to hold the contacts imported.
Set of principals that can view the EntityList generated by this batch import
Imports a file given the fileName and binary, and begins the ExternalDataLoad service on it
General association between an FileImport and a Principal representing that the principal can access the imported EntityList
Represents the filters uder Quick Find in Contact application. It contains the scheme valued filters generated in Admin applicaiton and the corresponding tab (contact,company, household) they apply to.
Reverse to maintain integrity
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
This forces the filters to show up in the specified order in the Contact application.
The subject area to used to generate the where clause for this filterin addition to the filterValue entered by the user. Filters no longer rely on EntitySearchContext but instead use the subject areas.
Association between Filter and FilterUserGroup Class.
Value of the filter written in Scheme - where clause gets modified based on this value to do the query.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Compiled Selection Criteria - It combines the where clause from the subject area of the filter with a filterValue against the OID of this filter (this is done to ensure the filter only gets expanded on the server, in the processWhere event of the Entity class)
Validates filterValue by first compiling the expression and then calling a read on Entity with a count of 0.
This class represents a form for defining a ReportDefinition filter clause
The caption of this filter form
Each FilterForm subclass has a different classCode
A reverse-association to the parent ReportFilter object
The name of this filter form
The type of the filter
Localization of Filter caption and description.
use object's updateable
The args passed in is a list of list of data which consists of a pair. The head part is a symbol and the tail is a list of symbol, the transfer object, or idstring or text and attribute to look for. the symbol in the tail is of three types 'class, 'selectionCriteria and 'input ie: ( ( 'types<--head '(class #<DO<ActionItemTemplate,OID:1:V32:00000000000010008000CEEDED000013>{} caption> <--tail ) ( 'description '(text "value in description" ()) ) ( 'dates '(stringId ids.userSelectionCriteria.emptyCriteria descriptionIdentifier) ) ) ;returns list of pairs consisting of symbol and actual string
Represents client model for a single Quick Filter. Each rule consists of list of expressions.
SavedFilterRule'seedSavedFilterRules needs entity type
Contains the advanced expression when the advanced expression checkbox is checked. Empty, otherwise.
Calculated attribute for viewing and editing the expression.
The flag to indicate whether to use the custom logical expression from the user.
Collection of expressions representing condition
True if the FilterRule is recreated from a serialized version from client state, and could therefore contain stale (sub)-attributes. Otherwise it has probably been newly created/recreated from scratch on the server when loading a SavedFilterRule. e.g. re-read of FilterRuleAttribute may be required.
Rule name
A reference to the subject area which this Filter Rule is using.
Calculates condition expression. Facade for (this'createExpression).
Converts the infix string filter to scheme prefix notation
infixInput string The infix notation to convert into prefix
any The prefix scheme expression
calculate the logical expression for attribute junctionExpressionUI
Create the where clause based on the advanced logical expression entered by the user.
The main method for creating where clause type expressions for use outside the popup.
The main method for loading SavedFilterRule instances for use outside the popup, without actually opening the popup.
Create the where clause based on the expressions entered by the user in the grid only.
Takes a localized logical expression and returns a delocalized generic logical expression.
input string The localized logical expression to delocalize
string The delocalized logical expression
Takes a generic logical expression and returns the localized version.
input string The unlocalized logical expression to localize
string The localized logical expression
Event called during a database reseed (by virtue of the PERSISTENCE_INITIALIZER aspect applied to this class) that will add in SavedFilterRule, FilterRuleSubjectAreas and FilterRuleAttributes defined in this event
Factory event.
state FilterRule The deserialized initial state.
An event that determines if the filter applied to a given grid by its Saved Filter Rule (if any), unsaved Filter Rule and non-Filter-Rule-based filter is suitable for Jasper-reporting purposes
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule The SavedFilterRule from the grid
unsavedFilterRuleExpressions FilterRuleExpression The collection of Filter Rule Expressions belonging to the unsaved Filter Rule on the grid (we use this, and not the actual Filter Rule, because passing the FilterRule instance itself via a SysReportCommand seems to leave out the expressions)
filterRuleExcludedWhere any The where clause on the grid, excluding any subclauses added by the SavedFilterRule or Filter Rule (these subclauses should be replaced by nulls)
boolean True if the filter that would be applied to the grid by the components in the arguments (Saved Filter Rule, unsaved Filter Rule and other filters) is usable for Jasper-reporting purposes (essentially, if the filter has a non-zero probability of reducing the number of items from the unfiltered state on that grid)
Given an instance of SavedFilterRule, creates a corresponding FilterRule instance to be used for editing the filter definition or applying it to a grid
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule The instance to be converted
FilterRule The resulting FilterRule instance, which can be used in the UI
Refresh any values from the serialized state that may no longer be valid, due to a later change e.g. a locale switch.
Given an instance of FilterRule, creates a corresponding SavedFilterRule instance to be used for persisting it in the database only if the FilterRule is valid. If the FilterRule is invalid an exception is thrown. By default, it creates a new instance of SavedFilterRule which contains the contents of the FilterRule but no name or caption. However, given an optional second argument (savedFilterRule) it will be updated with the contents of the given filterRule
filterRule FilterRule The instance to be persisted
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule (optional) If given, this SavedFilterRule's contents will be overwritten by the filterRule (but the name, caption and description will be preserved)
SavedFilterRule The resulting SavedFilterRule instance (either newly-created, if no second argument was given, or an updated version of the SavedFilterRule given in the second argument)
Substitutes the number in the expression with the where clause equivalent. We get the where clause as a list from FilterRuleExpression'getExpression. Returns in list format
expr any a list of scheme expression to substitute
lsit The list version with the where clause in place of the number representation
Replaces the expressions on this FilterRule with new ones that match those of the SavedFilterRule passed in as an argument
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule The Saved Filter Rule from which to take the set of expressions to replace the set on this FilterRule
FilterRule This instance, as modified by this event
Validates the advanced logical expression for bad characters and returns #t if valid, #f if empty string (and throws an exception in addition), otherwise throws the exception. validateBrackets is called later, separately.
infixInput string The infix notation of the logical expression to evaluate ie. "1 and 2"
Validates proper bracket pairings.
input string The string to check bracket validation against
boolean Returns #t if brackets are opened and closed properly, #f otherwise.
Validates a filter rule. It validates both the expressions as well as the advanced logical expression (including missing brackets, wrong ordinal values) when it is being used.
boolean Returns #t if the filter rule is valid including both the expressions and the ALE when the ALE is enabled. It return #f when any one of the expression from all the expressions or the ALE is invalid.
Validates filter rule expressions. It validates one filter rule expression at a time and continues validating all expressions until any one of them is invalid which in turn causes the filter rule to be invalid.
boolean Returns #t if all the filter rule expressions are valid. It return #f when any one of the expression from all the expressions is invalid.
Defines an individual attribute in a Filter Rule Subject Area
Association path for attribute, relative to classes matched by subject area
Attribute to display association attribute on the UI. Needed because the association attribute was made protected to enforce its uneditability from the UI, which also makes it unreadable.
The attribute containing the caption on the type class
A string representation filter condition to be run on the typeClass, to determine which entries will be used to create dynamic Filter Rule Attributes
True if this instance has been customized at run time.
Class on which this Filter Rule Attribute is defined (used to extract dynamic information)
An optional caption, containing a "{0}", in which the captionAttribute will be spliced
The attribute to use for displaying the caption for the enum. It is set to caption by default but could be set to the enum's value or shortCaption etc.
Holds the name of the enum class. Only set if different from "type", which could also be an enum class.
The filter type of the attribute. Attributes can only be assigned to Subject Areas of the same filter type
True if this attribute represents a collection, false otherwise
If true, indicates that this attribute has virtual attributes dynamically defined
True if instance is new. Used to prevent modification of filterType attribute on existing FilterRuleAttributes
The set of operators that can be applied to this attribute in a Filter rule
Indicates the privilege that a user must have to filter against this attribute.
The subject area to which this attribute belongs
True if this instance was created by seeding done by SysUpgrade.
The data type of the attribute
The association path used to refer to the type on the collection containing the values
Attribute to display a localized type caption on the UI. If the type is a primitive type (tested via the Primitive'find method), a string ID will be constructed and used. If the type is a class with a non-null caption, the caption of the class will be used. Otherwise, the type string will be used as-is.
If this Filter Rule Attribute is used to create dynamic Filter Rule Attributes, the name of the class for which each entry will correspond to a dynamic Filter Rule Attribute
For dynamic fields that use Enums for a "Quickpick"-style selection, this contains the attribute on the Type table that contains the enum type code
A unique string identifier on the typeClass used to distinguish dynamic Filter Rule Attributes
The unit of the attribute
Association path to the unit attribute. This attribute is used only in the CustomFields currency attributes.
If this is true, then when this field is used in a filter, the enum's value will be used instead of its OID
Returns the association path of the given Filter rule attribute
Sets unit defaults for specific types
Localization of FilterRuleAttribute caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
This intersection class keeps track of which comparison operators can be used with a given FilterRuleAttribute.
The attribute for which this operator can be used
An operator that is permitted to be used with this attribute
A single expression in a Quick Filter rule.
For dynamic types, a reference to uniquely identify the child type (e.g. a particular CustomFieldType for Custom Fields)
A filter used to select a specific child type for dynamic types (used when generating where clauses)
Optional filter expression used to filter selectable values in Filter Rule pickers (for example, to restrict the Category filter on Contacts so that non-Contact categories cannot be selected when using a Contacts subject area)
Conjunction: one of "and", or "or".
The ordinal to be displayed in the UI. Starts from 1.
Calculated attribute, the user's preferred currency; system currency if user does not have a preferred currency
The Filter Rule Attribute corresponding to the selected operand (used for saving the Filter Rule)
For non-dynamic fields, equal to this'operand. For dynamic fields, equal to this'operand, followed by a "|" sign, followed by the name of the child type. This is necessary to distinguish the dynamic fields (which have the same attribute) on the UI
True to invert result.
Association path.
For sorting. Could be fractional. e.g. when inserting new expression between two other expressions.
Used to initialize ordinal
The resolved type
String representing the unit.
If true, the where clause generated for an enum will use the enum's value, instead of its OID (used for e.g. Quick Picks, which are Enum-driven but interpreted as strings)
Generates the where clause to be applied for querying for a timestamp type field, for a filter rule expression
operand string used for the filter rule expression
unit string used to provide the user's timezone. If the string is empty, the unit is defaulted to the local time zone otherwise the specified value is used.
any whereClause for a given filter rule expression
Generates the where clause to be applied for querying based on the field, operator and value selected by the user for a filter rule expression
any whereClause for a given filter rule expression
Determines the correct operand to apply to the where clause. For enum's uses the enum's value, for object collection uses the object's oid.
any operand in the required format to form the whereClause
Determines the metaclass of the operand. Returns '() if the operand is primitive or the metaclass cannot be found.
Determines the correct operator to apply to the where clause based on the enum value selected from the operator's combo in the UI
any operator the actual mathematical operator to apply to the whereClause
Determines the parent collection association of the given expression and its requiredness. The parent collection association is the first collection encountered in the association path. Return null if not found.
Formats the value entered for the FilterRuleExpression to the correct format depending on the actual data type of the field picked to filter on. Also based on the operator selected, changes the value to meet the requirements for the operator. Changes the value to either *value or value* based on whether the ends with operator is selected or the starts with operator is selected respectively. In case of the "is one of" operator being applied (which is the "IN" operator internally), creates a collection of objects by either taking their value or oids for Enums and Objects respectively. For the "equals me" operator sets the value to be the current logged in userPerson's oid to generate the correct where.
any value the value to be used by the whereClause in order to search
Process where clause manipulation for general collection associations.
Validates a filter rule expression. It validates all scenario's including when an operand is not specified, when an operand is specified but an operator is not specified and also when an operand and an operator are specified but a value is not specified. It considers the special operators like "specified" or "unspecified" which do not require a value to be specified. For operators like "contains" or "does not contains" we need to check the value to see if it matches "*" or "**" as the astreiks are inserted to generate the where clause correctly.
boolean Returns #t if the filter rule expression is valid, #f otherwise.
Reference to string ID for child type (i.e. CustomFieldType, UserFieldType, etc.)
Where clause matching the childType to be AND-ed with the where clause generated by the FilterRuleExpression that refers to this field
Optional filter expression used to filter selectable values in Filter Rule pickers (for example, to restrict the Category filter on Contacts so that non-Contact categories cannot be selected when using a Contacts subject area)
A collection of enum values for this field
Contains the enumeration's MetaClass type
The Filter Rule Attribute from which this Filter Rule Expression Field is derived
For non-dynamic fields, equal to this'attribute. For dynamic fields, equal to this'attribute, followed by a "|" sign, followed by the name of the child type. This is necessary to distinguish the dynamic fields (which have the same value for the "attribute" attribute) on the UI
Collection of operators applicable to the current field
The resolved type
String representation of enum type code OID.
String representing the unit.
If true, the filter expression generated from this Enum will use its value, rather than its OID. Used for mandatory Quickpicks, whose values are constrained by an Enum but which still filter on strings.
To create objects(of type FilterRuleObjectValueTransient) in order to drive the values available in the value drop-down for a given a filter rule expression
enumeration string The name of the enum class
enumCaption any The display caption attribute (either in symbol or string form) to use for the enum which could either be the enum's caption or its value
condition any The condition filter from the metadata for the FilterRuleAttribute, used to filter the enum. For condition-less attributes, this should be null.
FilterRuleObjectValueTransient A collection of these objects one for each enum value
Returns a collection of objects of type FilterRuleObjectValueTransient, one for each enum value belonging to the Enumeration with type code enumTypeCode. This is similar to loadEnums, but takes a type code instead of an Enum class name.
enumTypeCode string The type code of the Enumeration
enumCaption A string representation of the attribute on the enumeration which will be used as the caption
FilterRuleObjectValueTransient A collection of FilterRuleObjectValueTransient instances
Stores expresion object values.
Serialized representation of object.
Defines a Subject Area for use with theEnhancedFiltering feature. Each FilterRuleSubjectArea contains a clause to be applied against all objects in the system. Each FilterRuleSubjectArea also has a collection of FilterRuleAttributes, which represent a set of attributes that are common to those objects that are matched by the FilterRuleSubjectArea, and which can be filtered on. The purpose of this class is to replace the functionality provided by the SearchContexts.
The collection of attributes that can be used for filtering with this Subject Area
Base class name corresponding to this subject area.
A string version of a scheme fragment to match a subset of objects in the system on which a consistent set of attributes (those in the FilterRuleAttributes collection) can be applied
Attribute to display clauseString attribute on the UI. Needed because the clauseString attribute was made protected to enforce its uneditability from the UI, which also makes it unreadable.
True if this instance has been customized at run time.
The filter type of the subject area. Used to restrict subject areas to those grids where they are appropriate (i.e. Contact subject areas for EntityLists, Interaction subject areas for Acts, etc.)
Icon used in Subject Area displays and dropdowns
True if instance is new. Used to prevent modification of filterType attribute on existing FilterRuleSubjectAreas
The matching search context to set when running this filter. Could be null if not applicable.
True if this instance was created by seeding done by SysUpgrade.
Returns the where clause (as stored in the clauseString attribute) for the given Filter Rule Subject Area. Accepts an optional argument containing an association path if the caller needs to apply it to a grid that is bound to a class that is different from the class that needs to be filtered.
association any An optional association path that can be used to adjust the where clause if the grid to which it is being applied is not the correct class
any A Scheme list containing the where clause, optionally adjusted by the association attribute
This intersection class is used to implement a many-to-many relationship between FilterRuleSubjectAreas and FilterRuleAttributes. It keeps track of which FilterRuleSubjectAreas use a given FilterRuleAttribute and vice versa.
The attribute for which this operator can be used
An operator that is permitted to be used with this attribute
Localization of FilterRuleSubjectArea caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Defines a filter type for use with the EnhancedFiltering feature. Each FilterRuleSubjectArea and FilterRuleAttribute is associated with a FilterRuleType.
Localization of FilterRuleType caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Intersection between Filter and UserGroup class. Used in showing filters based on different User Groups.
Class to represent financial accounts
A financial account has an account executive
Account number
Current balance in account
A description of the account
This is the string to be used at the bottom of detail forms to show the creator and the date of creation of the account
Currency for account
Account has a custodian to manage the physical account for the entity
This is the string to be used at the bottom of detail forms to show the last editor and the date of edit of the account
One account may have several joint account holders or interested parties
Name attribute for automatic error messages.
All financial accounts use the same icon for now
Larger version of Icon for dashboard
Date of inception for account
One account may have several joint account holders or interested parties
One account may have several joint account holders or interested parties
An account has a single primary client that must be a human being
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
An account has a single primary legal owner that is an entity
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Ratio of equity to fixed income assets in account
Account status
Last time status was changed
This is used on detail forms to summarize the account number and type of account in the format: <account #> (<type>)
This is used on detail forms to summarize the account balance and currency in the format: <balance><currency>
This is used on detail forms to summarize the account inception date and Equity:FI Ratio in the format: <inceptionDate>, Equity:FI Ratio <equity:FI ratio>
This is used on detail forms to summarize the account status and status changed date in the format: <status>, changed <statusChangedDate>
Type of account
Helper for adding a legal owner - automatically checks if it is already there.
Factory for creating financial accounts
Fires when Financial Account is updated
updateStatusChangedDate : before
When FA status is changed, must update the status changed date as well
Represents a financial date, independent of time and time zone. Used to uniquely identify the day for historical records, such as snapshots. A date is always stored at 00:00:00 UTC. The dated attribute is used as the primary key so that classes that use FinancialDate can use the foreign key as a timestamp instead of join to it.
Key to latest financial date in cache.
The date that this record represents. This value forms the primary key with the partition id. It is read-only, but is initialized using the initializer date.
List of all exchanges rates for this date
Attribute used to initialize the dated attribute.
Boolean flag used to mark a Financial Date as latest (as used by the application). NOTE: Can be nullable!
invalidateAllDatesCache : before
Invalidate the all dates cache.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache for latest date.
Create a new FinancialDate instance for the timestamp specified. If one already exists for that timestamp, the existing instance is returned instead.
invalidateAllDatesCache : before
Invalidate the all dates cache.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate cache for latest date.
Return the date (as a timestamp) of the latest FinancialDate as at the specified date. Throw an error if no date is found.
Return the latest FinancialDate instance as at the specified date. Throw an error if no date is found.
Return the latest date as a timestamp.
Return the latest financial date. The latest financial date is cached.
Invalidates the dates cached in the getLatestsAsAtDate
Invalidate cache for latest date.
Update/mark the given date as the date to use as latest financial date
This class represents a financial period. There are two types of financial periods: calendar periods and historical periods. Calendar periods are based on the calendar year while historic periods are set durations at arbitrary points in time.
the end date of the period
The type of financial period. E.g., Quarterly, Annually, Three Month, Six Month.
Descriptive name, such as "2008Q1" or "two years ending Dec 31, 2005".
the start date of the period
Returns the latest monthly period as of the time specified.
Returns all instances of CalendarFinancialPeriod that end on timestamp.
Returns all instances of CalendarFinancialPeriod that contain a single day (dated is a timestamp), not including the current FinancialPeriod that we are in, sorted by startDate ascending.
Returns all instances of CalendarFinancialPeriod that contain range between startDayt and endDay, not including the current FinancialPeriod that we are in, sorted by startDate ascending. If no endDay is specified, assumes "now".
main : main
Date range (startDay-endDay) falls into 4 cases with regards to FinancialPeriod: 1) date-range is wholly contained within a FinancialPeriod 2) date-range starts in one FinancialPeriod but ends in another 3) date-range ends in one FinancialPeriod but starts in another 4) date-range completely contains a FinancialPeriod
Represents a fixed income holdable. E.g., a bond.
Coupon rate of the bond.
CUSIP number.
Face amount of the bond. This is on the holdable because every holding of this holdable has the same face amount.
Reverse association.
Frequency of interest, e.g., weekly, monthly, annually, maturity.
Represents a holding of a fixed income holdable.
A fixed income holding should only hold fixed income holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Overridden to make required.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Overridden to make required.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be fixed income transactions.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the fixed income holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
Represents a snapshot of a fixed income holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents a transaction on a fixed income holdable.
Accrued interest.
Client price.
Dealer price.
The holding this transaction is made on.
prints the client and dealer prices
Overwrite to query for merge fields in Flow
Command class for printing documents from flow
Create Print Command class to bind to a form
Personalize the document based on flow information
Personalize all PDF attachments in the document and stitches them into one PDF
Print to generate a report for a flow.
Intersection between FlowPrintCommand and Attachments that can be printed in the associated flow
Base class for all folders.
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Folder edit security cannot change if its parent's edit security is not public or if user cannot view and edit all subfolders and items. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting. Edit security for the root folder cannot be modified.
Folder parent cannot change if it is the root folder or if user cannot view and edit all subfolders and items.
Folder view security cannot change if its parent's view security is not public or if user cannot view and edit all subfolders and items. This ensures folder security integrity, i.e., if security for a folder is non-public, all its content must have the same non-public setting. View security for the root folder cannot be modified.
Used in the UI to disable adding to a folder that the user does not have permission to add to
Each folder subclass has a different classCode.
Association to configuration group.
Number of subfolders and items in the folder. Attribute currently not used.
Determines if creation of folder is for another user.
Access attribute for delete event.
Short description of folder for display in grids.
Overridden for initializer.
Folder security settings cannot change if user cannot view and edit all subfolders and items
Only empty folders can be deleted
Indicates root folder of a folder set
Child items; folder subclasses can have different types.
Name of folder for display in grids and headers.
Parent folder in folder tree hierarchy. Root folder parent points to null.
Checks if this folder is updatable as a parent of another folder.
Used in UI to switch security form
Enable soft deletes for folder
Child folders in folder tree hierarchy.
Overridden for initializer.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
Check that folder f is not set as itself or its own descendant
checkParent : before
Check that user has valid permissions to parent folder.
creates folders for a principal in privileged mode.
checkEmpty : before
Non-empty folders cannot be deleted.
Setting up the tab layout for security of folder
Calculates the initial edit principal
Calculates the initial view principal
Inherit parent folder security settings
checkParent : before
Check that folder is not set as itself or its own descendant
rollDownEditSecurity : before
Roll down edit security to all subfolders and items if non-public.
rollDownViewSecurity : before
Roll down view security to all subfolders and items if non-public.
updateSecurity : before
Inherit parent security settings.
Represents a personalized form.
Individual personalized form reference for the screen. Essentially a holder for grids atm.
Grids in the form.
Overwritten because the validation of the name of a formRef depends on the screen as well.
for fixing bad metadata
fixes invalid formRefs by comparing to current metadata.
find a grid meta by name from a given formMeta
create a new personalization for FormRef
Override the validateName of parent class because requires that the ScreenName is different as well.
Represents form reference metadata.
Name of the screen.
returns the personalization record (FormRef) for the given formRef/screen/user combo, or #f
Personalizes the meta. will personalize parent if not already personalized.
Abstract class to represent a generic expression. Note: It should be subclassed for implementation, and override the classCode and object attributes.
Determine if formula should be evaluated based on value.
Cached scheme expression (Prefix notation), which can be evaluated to provide a result
When true re-evaluate the expression lazily, when any field value within the expression changes. Default behaviour is to re-evaluate when all field values are known. For example, if an expression depends on multiple form fields with conditional logic, the expression may be valid when any field value changes. In other expressions (and by default), the result may always evaluate to null until all field values are non-null, so lazy evaluation is not done.
The object which refers to this formula
Raw text as entered by the user (Infix notation)
Evaluates the formula based on the given arguments, to return a specific value (or throw an error if the scheme engine encounters a problem during the evaluation process)
Converts an expression in infix notation to prefix notation, storing the result in the expression attribute.
Validates the formula's infix expression.
Validates a list of given FieldDefinitions for type and field name existence within the global field definition table
Validates the return type, and returns it's type.
Class to allow showing list of fragments in the UI.
Fragment Name
Funds are a specialized type of product for financial service industry.
Represents a holding of a fund holdable.
Certificate units.
A fund holding should only hold fund holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Overridden to make required.
Calculated attribute that is true when holding is for a segregated fund and is not in a tracked account. Used to show/hide fields that are specific to segregated funds.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Overridden to make required.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
Segregated fund reset amount. Only applies to segregated funds.
Segregated fund reset date. Only applies to segregated funds.
Segregated fund reset maturity date. Only applies to segregated funds.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be fund transactions.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the fund holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
Represents a snapshot of a fund holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Investment of in a fund by an InvestmentAccount.
Amount Invested
Date investment ended.
Date invested
Status of investment. e.g.At Risk (Low)
addFundRecipientAccountLevels : before
Subscribe to this fund investment for all entities subscribing to the account.
Localization of Fund caption and description.
Abstract base class for mail recipients by fund.
Command object for creating fund recipients at the account level.
Mail recipients by fund designated at the account level.
Caption that identifies the type of recipient.
Static event for UI. Add entries for given entity, account, and document type.
removeFundRecipientFundLevel : before
Remove duplicate fund recipient at fund level if one exists.
Static event for UI. Remove all entries for given entity, account, and document type.
Mail recipients by fund designated at the fund level.
Caption that identifies the type of recipient.
Enables/disables fund picker in UI.
Represents a transaction on a fund holdable.
The holding this transaction is made on.
Description of taxable event associated with transaction, e.g., At Cost, At Market.
Represents a generic holdable, such as a house or a car.
Reverse association.
Represents a holding of a generic holdable.
A generic holding should only hold generic holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Overridden to make required.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the generic holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
Represents a snapshot of a generic holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents personalized Grid.
Columns in the grid.
Parent form
fixes invalid grids by comparing to current metadata (passed in as meta argument)
Represents an individual element within a personalized layout.
Read only attribute for human readable caption.
fixes invalid gridMeta by comparing to current metadata (passed in as meta argument)
Represents grid columns
Allow load to work on update.
UserBase associated with this personalization.
Is the column required in metadata (not persisted)
Access attribute for used. (not required)
Factory for creating the column from the metadata with personalization.
Personalizes the meta. will personalize parent if not already personalized.
Represents grid metadata.
The grid's caption, if it has one, else the grid's name.
The name of the form the grid is in.
Personalizes the meta. will personalize parent if not already personalized.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of transfer objects, className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Applies class-specific custom synchronization logic.
Provides a context for the parent/child relationships. Examples include Company hiearchy or Household hierarchy.
Should Act rollup be maintained for this hierarchy context.
Should Act rollups be fixed up when a new parent is added to the hierarchy.
Should Act rollups be fixed up when an existing parent is removed from the hierarchy.
Name of the child relationship. E.g. employee.
Determines under which context a child should inherit coverage from parent when a child has parents relationships in more than one context. Priority is determined from lowest to highest. When priority is null, a child will not inherit coverage from a parent under this context.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Reverse association.
Calculated Hierarchy Context Icon.
Persisted attribute to distinguish between internal (HR) hierarchy contexts and external contact contexts.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Name of the parent relationship. E.g. Company.
Reverse assoc to RollupEntityHierarchyConfig
Returns an instance of this with the given name.
Returns all instances of HierarchyContext (cached)
Removes this instance and the collection from the cache.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Localization of HierarchyContext caption and description.
use object's updateable
Locks the entire hierarchy context against changes. Used when batch updating rollup nodes and perhapse elsewhere.
Which context is being locked.
Represents a set duration at an arbitrary point in time. E.g., two years ending July 31 2008, or three months ending August 31 2008. The end dates are always on month ends.
Financial instrument representing ownership. E.g., stock, fund, GIC, bond, house, car. In other words, this would represent a stock itself, not a quantity of shares.
Calculated attribute that returns a Sector of type Asset Class, if one exists.
Calculated attribute that references a HoldableSector for a sector with the asset class sector type.
Support simple parent-child relationship for holdables.
Calculated attribute that returns the current price in the currency of the Holdable. It takes the most recent price from the Holdable price history.
Calculated attribute that returns the date associated with the current price. E.g., the latest price may have been from a week ago.
Calculated attribute that returns a Sector of type Detailed Asset Class, if one exists.
Calculated attribute that references a HoldableSector for a sector with the detailed asset class sector type.
Identifier code for the Holdable.
Price of Holdable at dates in time. Refer to the currentPrice calculated attribute for the current price in the currency of the Holdable. Use the getHoldablePrice function to obtain the price for specific times and currencies.
Applicable sectors for this Holdable.
Calculated attribute that maps to the holdable subclass.
Reverse association.
Calculated attribute that is true when holdable is internal (i.e., created in NexJ).
Calculated attribute that is true when holdable is not internal (i.e., not created in NexJ).
When the holdable is issued, e.g., for a bond or term product.
Name of the issuer.
Reference to the latest holdable price.
Localized Holdable name. Note: Used as part of where clause.
When the holdable matures. Maturity date is only for term and fixed income holdables, but is on the base class to support searching on this attribute.
Holdable name.
Holdable french name.
Area for additional notes on the Holdable.
Support simple parent-child relationship for holdables.
Reverse association to a metaclass that supports the Portfolio Summary Report.
Primary currency of the Holdable.
Level of risk related to the fund, e.g., low, medium, high. Prospectus risk is specific only for funds, but must be the base class to support searching on this attribute.
Checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User, or in the same household. NOTE: updatable is not overridden, because it is not allowed for external users.
Reverse association.
Sales option for the fund, e.g., front load, back load. Sales option is specific only for funds, but must be the base class to support searching on this attribute.
Short name for Holdable.
Status of the Holdable. E.g., Active, Closed.
Specifies the sub-type. Only funds, equities, and fixed incomes have sub-types.
Calculated attribute which displays the supplier code. Overridden in the following subclasses: Fund - Management Code Equity - CUSIP
Reverse association.
Tracked Price Date field for Tracked holdables only.
Indicates the quantity in a price. E.g., price is per 100 units instead per 1 unit.
initHoldableCode : before
add initialization logic to populate empty string when the code is null.
updatePriceDate : before
For internal holdables, the price date must match to the date of price. This action make sure to update the latest price's date (Financial Date) to the same date as trackedPriceDate.
Return the price of the holdable at the date (of type timestamp) specified in the holdable currency.
Returns the date of the price history prior to the given date.
Return the HoldablePrice of the holdable at the date (of type timestamp) specified in the holdable currency.
Return the holdable return for given Return type with closest prior range with given date
Return the date of the holdable for given Return type with closest prior range with given date
Return the rate of the holdable for given Return type with closest prior range with given date
updateAssetClasses : before
Updates detailed asset class and asset class at the same time. If both are updated in seperarate actions, the condition for the second one will be false and it will not be updated. This is because both check if assetClassHoldableSector is updated.
updatePriceDate : before
For internal holdables, the price date must match to the date of price. This action make sure to update the latest price's date (Financial Date) to the same date as trackedPriceDate.
For all holdings that hold this holdable, update their valuations (when the 'latest' argument is true) and delete historical valuations from 'fromDate' (inclusive) to 'toDate' (exclusive). Optional 'updatePerf' argument to indicate whether performance should be corrected.
Price of a Holdable at a date in time. Most Holdables should have one of these per day.
Price of Holdable that the seller is asking for.
Price of Holdable that the purchaser is willing to pay.
Price of Holdable at end of day in currency specified (by the currency attribute).
The price date in the format of a timestamp so that it can be used for comparison operations.
Calculated attribute. If priceCurrency is empty, use primary currency of holdable.
Date timestamp of when the price was taken.
The holdable that this price is for.
Reverse association.
Business logic to drive main price between bid, ask, or close. Main price is calculated based on a system level default.
Currency of the price. Populate this attribute if currency is different from primary currency of holdable.
If true, valuations will not be updated when this price is created.
setLatestPrice : before
Set price as the latest price for the holdable when applicable.
setLatestPrice : before
If price is the latest price for the holdable, find a replacement.
Get the date of the next price that is greater than the specified date. This function is used determine the affected date range of a price correction.
setLatestPrice : before
Set price as the latest price for the holdable when applicable.
updateHoldingValuations : before
Update valuations for all holdings that hold this holdable.
Helper method to update latest price pointer on holdable if instance is the most recent price.
Collection for Holdable Return to store peroformance i.e. 1, 3, 5 years.
return for given holdable
the date on which the return is valid
the rate of return
the type of return
Intersection between Sector and Holdable.
Overridden for unique aspect. Indicates the other key in the uniqueness constraint.
Overridden for unique aspect. Indicates the value for the error parameters passed for the validation exception.
Overridden for unique aspect. Identifies the type that can have a uniqueness constraint.
When the sector is effective for the holdable.
Percentage of sector on holdable by sector type. E.g., a holdable can be 60% Canada and 40% US for Geographic Allocation.
Calculated attribute on Sector name used for easy reference and as name attribute.
Unique constraint on holdable and sectorType.
Represents a holding generated from the book of record. E.g., a stock in an account. The Holding class only persists static properties, i.e., properties that remain the same for the duration of the holding life, such as account and holdable. Dynamic properties are stored in holding snapshots, and can be obtained via the latest holding snapshot (e.g., quantity).
Default page size used for calculating holding snapshots in batch.
The account where this holding is held.
Calculate attribute for reporting purposes that returns the systematic plan type when holding is tied to an active systematic plan, otherwise null.
Calculated attribute in BlackBerry for the asset code of the holding (assetCode = holdable issuer + holdable holdableCode)
Book value of the holding in the currency of the holdable.
attribute for current value of the holding in currency of the holdable.
Timestamp of current holding
Calculated attribute used for edit binds on holding attributes.
Indicates whether or not holding has a tracked holdable.
The holdable that is held by this holding, e.g., the stock.
Calculated attribute on holdable name is used for the name attribute.
Reverse association.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Icon that represents a holding in a list.
Icon that represents a holding in the dashboard.
When the first transaction on this holding occurred. This is a persisted value, so it is not calculated based on the transactions.
Last modified date field exposed to the User, which allows them to manually keep track of data changes.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Reference to the latest position (note that PositionLatest based on a view).
The number at the manufacturer.
Value equivalent to invested minus withdrawn.
attribute for current value of the holding in the system base currency.
Amount invested when account opened.
Amount withdrawn when account opened.
Reverse association to a metaclass that supports the Portfolio Summary Report.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
The positions that are on this holding over time.
Current quantity of the holdable in the account.
Checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User, or in the same household. NOTE: updatable is not overridden, because it is not allowed for external users.
Field specifically used for end users to provide a comment for the holding in reports.
Status of the holding, e.g., active, inactive.
A summary string to display on the dashboard.
A summary string to use as a subheader in the dashboard.
A holding can be the recipient/source of a systematic plan.
The transactions on this holding.
Valuation Status of the current holding
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency. The holding valuation formula must be overridden in the subclass. Quantity can optionally be passed in, and the calculation will use this value instead of trying to retrieve a quantity.
calculateExchangeRate : before
Calculate the exchange rate from holdable currency to system base currency when necessary.
setQuantity : before
Set the quantity when specified.
Calculate valuations for all the latest holding snapshots. A page size can optionally be supplied (otherwise the default page size, PAGE_SIZE, is used). This function is used in the night load process and only calculates holding valuations -- it does not roll up the valuations to the portfolio level. Note that only holding snapshots at the latest financial date are calculated, i.e., older snapshots are not affected.
Performs batch calculations on a page of HoldingSnapshots.
createPortfolioHoldings : before
Create new associations to all portfolios that this holding is part of and update their valuation totals.
Factory to create a holding of a new holdable specifically from NexJ. It will automatically create a holdable and a holding snapshot. The type argument specifies the holding subclass. It should not be used if holding snapshots are loaded for this holding. Note that required attributes on the new holdable and holding snapshot must be populated (e.g., quantity).
createHoldable : before
Create new holdable for the holding.
Factory to create a holding with the passed in holdable, specifically from NexJ. It will automatically create a holding snapshot. The type argument specifies the holding subclass. It should not be used if holding snapshots are loaded for this holding. Note that required attributes on the new holding snapshot must be populated (e.g., quantity).
Create new associations to all portfolios that this holding is part of and update their valuation totals.
updateValuations : before
Update valuations of all portfolios that hold this holding.
Event used to delete a holding from the UI.
Obtain the metaclass representing the subclass corresponding the given type. Use classCode as the type.
Return the value for the date (of type FinancialDate or timestamp) specified of the holding. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency. Note that if a holding is in a tracked account, the current value is always returned regardless of the date specified, as tracked history is not maintained.
Return the quantity on the date (of type timestamp) specified. Note that if a holding is in a tracked account, the current quantity is always returned regardless of the date specified, as tracked history is not maintained.
A wrapper event around the getHoldingValue event, used for Jasper reporting (specifically, the Portfolio Summary Report). This event will return null if the specified date is not a valid FinancialDate in the system, rather than throw an error like the underlying event.
A wrapper event around the getQuantity event, used for Jasper reporting (specifically, the Portfolio Summary Report). This event will return null if the specified date is not a valid FinancialDate in the system, rather than throw an error like the underlying event.
Update all portfolios that hold this holding.
Update the valuation of the latest holding snapshot as well as the valuations of all portfolios that hold this holding.
Represents the snapshot of a Holding at a particular point in time. Typically one snapshot is created per day, based on the book of record. Only the most recent snapshots are retained for reconciliation purposes (e.g., the past two weeks). There audit fields are not on this class to conserve space -- this is a high volume class.
Default division count used for calculating holding snapshots in parallelized batch.
Default page size used for calculating holding snapshots in batch.
Account is obtained through the holding.
The snapshot date in the format of a timestamp so that it can be used for comparison operations.
Value of the holding at the time of the snapshot in the currency of the holdable.
Timestamp of when snapshot is taken.
Holdable is obtained through the holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Reverse association.
If true, valuations will not be updated when this snapshot is the latest snapshot.
Indicates whether or not the snapshot is archived. When true, the snapshot is not deleted during purges of old records. Snapshots are typically archived on month ends and on asset flows.
Calculated attribute indicating whether or not snapshot is the latest snapshot on the holding.
True when snapshot is original, i.e., loaded from back office or created from UI. False when snapshot is regenerated from position records (e.g., historical valuation is desired but original snapshot was already purged).
Used for name attribute.
Value of the holding at the time of the snapshot in the system base currency.
Quantity of Holdable held at snapshot.
Value of holding taken from external source at time of snapshot (e.g., book of record).
Calculate valuations for all the latest holding snapshots. A page size can optionally be supplied (otherwise the default page size, PAGE_SIZE, is used). This function is used in the night load process and only calculates holding valuations -- it does not roll up the valuations to the portfolio level. Note that only holding snapshots at the latest financial date are calculated, i.e., older snapshots are not affected.
Performs batch calculations on a page of HoldingSnapshots.
Parallelized version of calculateLatestHoldingValuations.
Parallelized version of calculateLatestHoldingValuations using a stored procedure to generate distributed task units.
setLatestSnapshot : before
Set snapshot as the latest snapshot for the holding when holding has no latest snapshot yet.
updateLatestSnapshot : before
Update latest snapshot of holding if this snapshot is the most recent.
setLatestSnapshot : before
If snapshot is the latest snapshot for the holding, find a replacement.
updateHoldingValuation : before
Update holding valuation if the quantity changes.
Calculate and update the valuation of the holding at this snapshot. Create a new valuation if one currently does not exist. Return the change in value (from the beginning of the unit of work) in the system base currency.
Class based on a view of intersections between HoldingSnapshots and PortfolioSnapshots.
The snapshot date in the format of a timestamp so that it can be used for comparison operations.
The date of both the holding snapshot and portfolio snapshot.
The holding snapshot is for this holding.
The holding snapshot that is in the portfolio snapshot.
Ownership percentage of the holding in the portfolio.
The portfolio snapshot that contains the holding snapshot.
The portfolio snapshot is for this virtual portfolio.
Overridden to add default Household icon
Overriding the caption
Extended to grant HouseholdCreate privilege.
Extended to grant HouseholdDelete privilege.
Extended to grant HouseholdView privilege.
Extended to grant HouseholdUpdate privilege.
Maximum length of the message
Most updated time when the device registers
IOS Notify Server to deliver the message
Device token ID to register to Apple push server
Class representing a IOS Push Server
Amount of time that the message will be expired on the Apple Push Notification Server. Set to a day later
Apple push server port
Apple feedback server port
Apple feedback server host
The targets associated with this server
Apple push server host
Sends a subscription query to APNS to check which targets are active. Deletes any targets that belong to this server and that are not listed as active. Returns true if the cleanup was successful.
Parse the response from Apple feedback server and clear the notify target
Processes the response from Apple push server.
Sends a push message to the server and processes the response.
Sends a push message to this server. Returns a responsePair that has a code and a description.
Sends a push request to the APNS
An Act imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "Act" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
The default action item template.
DEFAULT_TYPE is depreciated. Use DEFAULT_TEMPLATE instead.
Max length of the previewText field.
Temporary attribute used to indicate the type of Act; the attribute is used to pick the correct template for the Act during import process.
Each act subclass has a different classCode.
scheduled end time of act. Mostly applicable only to schedule items.
This field simplifies the creation of an act for a single contact. By assigning this calculated attribute in the create, the entity is automatically added to the entity participants.
Indicate if the activity was a recurring item in source system.
Priority of act. Set from ActPriorityEnum.
Summary string shown in quick note viewer
Default read-only flag taken from the act template.
scheduled start time of act. actual start time stored in activitystarttime.
Enum value representing the status of the Act. Valid values determined from the template's ActTemplateStatus collection.
Virtual attribute implemented by subclasses, if appropriate.
Prints act's status and priority.
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc.
Free text area for notes about the act.
Truncated version of text for showing in interaction summary and other lists.
Removes line breaks and tabs from text to use for Quick Notes
Short description of act for display in grids and headers.
Delete when size independent icons are implemented
returns quick note text
returns the import act class name based on given ActTemplate
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc.
Command class to generate Import Activity Report which shows all the ativities of each imported contact
Generate report for this ImportProcess
Boolean for checking if the report is going to be attached to the journal or not.
The maximum report count limit.
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Passes the oid of the selected Import Process into the run event.
Service Persistence class containing data for the Import Activity Report.
Then time when the Imported Act was created.
First name of the staged contact.
The full name of the staged contact
The ID of the Import Act
The Import process that the data belongs to.
Flag for recurring act.
Last name of the staged contact.
The name of the Import Process that the data belongs to.
The start time of the Imported Act.
The notes within each of the Imported Act.
The name of the Act from the Imported contact.
An address for an entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "Address" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
for the reverse so that this instance knows what type it is
1st address line
2nd address line
Address' country, if unset during commit it will be initalized to the value of the countryValue Country Enum. Setting the country will set the countryValue to "Other" during the commit event.
Initialized to USA. Specifies the Country Value associated with this Address. Each Country Value has a parent CountryType which is used in the UI to determine which CountryType specific form to display. Setting the countryValue will automatically set the country attribute to the caption of the countryValue when the Address is commited.
List of attributes that will be validated when determining if this Address is empty.
Summary string version of the fullName attribute.
Determines if this instance is empty.
Overrideent for Telcom specific dependencies to avoid lazy loads.
updatecountryValue : before
Determines if setting of the country or countryValue is required. The following logic is used: - If the Address is new and the user does not set its country attribute, the default countryValue USA will be set and its caption copied to the value of the Address' country attribute - If the user sets the country attribute, its countryValue will automatically be set to OTHER - If the user sets the countryValue to something other than OTHER, the country attribute will be set to the caption of the countryValue - If the user just changes countryValue to Other, no action is performed This logic is applied to preserve existing Address functionality with or without the countryValue attribute being explicitly specified.
onNullName : before
If someone sets the name to "", set the name to the type's name instead of throwing an exception.
An attachment that belongs to an Import Process Import Stage.
Intersection class between Import Process Import Stage and Attachment.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessView privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Command class to generate Import Completion Report
Generate report for this ImportProcess
Storing the name of the ImportProcess here and passing into the report
The maximum report count limit.
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Service Persistence class containing data for the Import Completion Report.
The action performed on the staged entity.
First name of the staged contact.
The first name of the matched contact.
The id of the staged entity.
The Import process that the data belongs to.
Last name of the staged contact.
The last name of the matched contact.
The match quality.
The type of match result.
The processed status of the staged entity.
The time when the action was performed on the staged entity.
A Custom Field imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "CustomField" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Formatted string to display the field type and its data
For searching ONLY. TODO: remove when polymorphic queries are supported.
Custom field value unit. For example, for currency it specifies the currency code, for datetime it specifies the time zone.
Gets the string value set in (
An imported Quicknote. Mirrors all attributes of 'Document', except that the DEFAULT_TEMPLATE type is set to 'NOTE' not 'DOCUMENT'
For the purposes of Import, this will be the Quicknote template
Each act subclass has a different classCode.
Overriden to show caption "Due Date"
Prints the document date and due date.
calculates the date-time summary string for documents
Regular expression that represents a valid email address pattern. example of valid pattern "nexjTo
Email address of a contact being imported.
Returns true if email address is of the right format
An entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "Entity" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
Attributes to load when matching.
Flag to indicate if tokens should be ignored in fullTextSearch
Name of message used as the intermediate format of the matching source object.
Subcollection attributes to load when matching.
Flag to indicate if search strings should be processed the same way as search on Contacts
Association to Action Items and Documents "For" this contact. Does not cascade delete, as entities are soft deleted.
Either the company name as a string or the denormalized company name
field used for salutations in mail merge - e.g. Dear 'John' or Dear 'Mr. Doe. ' Currently used by Person and Household.
Access attribute for delete event
Either the department name as a string or the denormalized department name
Derived association to import document
Client, Prospect, Ex-Client or Other
The calculated full name for display
The calculated full name for display
Attribute used for reading using advanced full text search. e.g. tat, w => (and (like? (
goes by string for a contact
The associated process that imported this entity.
True if the entity is a current client.
True if the entity is a former prospect.
True if the entity is a lead.
True if the entity is an "other" flag to be customized by clients.
Indicates if the processing of the record has completed.
True if the entity is a prospect.
Entity status placeholder.
Entity status placeholder.
Entity status placeholder.
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
The selected match and action to be applied to the import entity.
Denorm of matchResult.maxMatchQuality for sorting.
The quality range for where clause
Persisted single position. Relates to Company field.
The potential matches returned by the matching process.
Overridden to hide records that are being processed.
A collection of repcodes to be used to secure the entity.
The id of this instance in the external system.
Ways to get in touch with this entity (Phones, Email, ...).
Short text description
A rank or classification for an entity. Logically groups entities.
Indicates if the record has not been processed.
Overridden to disable editing on records that are being processed.
A collection of user defined fields for a person.
Add the match to the matches hash table based on rules specific to the type being imported
The potential match classes to use
Delete/discard imported entities.
Deletion event, to be invoked from UI.
To be invoked from UI. Throws error if user tries to edit import entity from review stage after review stage has already been completed.
Adds another potential match record to the import entity and initializes it to the selected match result. If potential match already exists, it is chosen as the selected match result
Saves the selected match result to be used for this import entity instance.
ImportEntity primary
ImportPotentialMatch potentialMatch
A category for an entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "EntityCategory" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
used for the instance's default name for event captions.
Added to help facilitate an import transformation.
Validates that category exists with given name.
Base class for all imported entity collections. Has logic to facilitate the import of those classes.
Overridden to use ImportProcessManage privilege
Overridden to use ImportProcessManage privilege
The entity
This should be overridden in subclasses
For tooltips on address and telcom records (specific implementation in subclasses)
A repcode for an entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "EntityRepCode" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
Entity to secure
Added to help facilitate an import transformation.
Entitlement to use to secure the entity
Information regarding errors that occur during the import process
A description of the error that occurred.
The exception causing the error.
The name of the file containing the error.
Import stage running the import process.
Queued process running import process. Used for incrementing error count. Non-persisted. Must be set on create.
The number of the row containing the error.
The header name of the column containing the error.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessView privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Command class to generate Entity-based reports
Generate report for this ImportProcess
Storing the name of the ImportProcess here and passing into the report
Max report record to output
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
The generated import definition XML in binary format.
The owner of the definition file, might be different from the created user.
The generated import definition in XML format.
Extracts attribute metadata from a message with an object mapping
Extracts attribute meta from a message containing object mappings
Creates an ImportDefinitionFile message containing attribute metadata for all classes that may be imported.
Extracts value type metadata
Creates an XML file containing attribute metadata for all classes that may be imported
Regular expression used for validating email
Attributes to load when matching.
Flag to indicate if tokens should be ignored in fullTextSearch
Name of message used as the intermediate format of the matching source object.
Maximum number of matches to display/persist
Subcollection attributes to load when matching.
Flag to indicate if search strings should be processed the same way as search on Contacts
Overriden to remove validation on company as a string.
The unit bind attribute to drive telcom format.
Phone number displayed with country code and extension
The calculated full name for display
Full name first last.
Market segment this lead is for.
Matched Entity
Matched Lead
Extension of telcomWorkNumber
Sales concept that this lead relates to.
Flattened Telcom Email.
Flattened Phone Number.
Defaulting to Contact as Leads are contact in the making.
Zip code associated with this lead.
Returns true if a normal email format.
Create Lead based on given ImportLead collection
Lead import process
validateSource : before
Need to ensure source is correctly set before proceeding.
Binary data for the zip file containing csv and document templates
File name of the zip file, to be shown in the UI
DocumentMgrFolder where templates will be imported
Creates DocumentManagerItems with attachments from a zip file containing csv and document files
Validates the where clause specified for a particular document
Stores the selected match and action to be applied to an import entity in the de-duplication process.
The action to be applied to the import entity.
True if processedStatus is Processed.
True if the entity has been reviewed.
True if processedStatus is Unprocessed or null
Returns checked checkbox if item is marked as completed, otherwise unchecked checkbox
Initially, the number of matches found by the matching algorithm. If the user selects additional matches (i.e. unidentified by the matching algorithm) or removes matches, this count will be updated.
Display string for match qualities in search list of review matches stage.
The quality of the highest rated match.
The result code for the highest rated match.
This field simplifies the select match process. By assigning this calculated attribute, the entity is automatically set as the selected match.
The import entity for whom the matching process was run.
Indicates the status of the selected action on the primary entity. Unprocessed - No action has been queued Queued - The action is queued to be processed Processed - Action has been processed
Indicates the time it was processed
The queued process applying the selected action to the primary entity.
The selected match for the import entity. This will initially be the potential match with the highest match quality.
denormMaxMatchQuality : before
Denormalizes the maxMatchQuality to ImportEntity.
Used by UI to set import entity as reviewed using invokeMethod.
Command class to generate Entity-based reports
The filter string that is being used to query
Generate report for this contact
Generate report for this ImportProcess
Generate report with this where clause
Range to filter based on match quality percentages
Overriding attribute to set the maximum number of records for this report
Setting the report pages cap to stop running the report past this value.
Get the user's choice in selecting the import status to show in the report
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Flag set by the user to show/hide Create actions
Flag set by the user to show/hide Delete Actions
Flag set by the user to show/hide Merge actions
Sub-Report where clause for the matches subreport. Based on the user selection for Upper range and lower range
Sub-Report where clause for unprocessed subreport. Based on user selection of Merges, Creates and Deletes checkboxes
Range to filter based on match quality percentages
Set the where clause for the matches subreport
Set the where clause for the unprocessed subreport
Attributes to load when matching.
Name of message used as the intermediate format of the matching source object.
Subcollection attributes to load when matching.
Flag to indicate if search strings should be processed the same way as search on Contacts
primary language of person
The calculated full name for display
Calculated display name for details form
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
Prints person's age, gender, and primary language.
Prints person status and tier.
Create Contacts base on given ImportPerson collection
main : main
Create new person object based on the staged import person object
Merge imported contact into target contact
main : main
Merge to person object from the staged import person object
Person import process
Import NexJ flat web Portlets in library command class.
True to import system portlets.
The list of system portlets.
Optional path prefix. For example "/form" or "/anon"
Whether importing from remote server.
The server URL. For example "http://server/nexj/"
Import portlet groups and portlets for integration with other application servers.
Import portlets from a remote or local server. All imported portlets will be associated with a portlet group instantiated with the specified name.
Contains matching algorithm entity results for de-duplication process.
The class to match against
The object to hold the matched class
The attributes to match against
The where clause when reading target class
The target match name
Contains matching algorithm lead results for de-duplication process.
The class to match against
The object to hold the matched class
The attributes to match against
The where clause when reading target class
Overridden to point at the lead
The target match name
Contains matching algorithm results for de-duplication process.
The class to match against - must be set in subclass
The name of the match object Must be customized in child classes
The attributes to include in the match targets read Must be customized in child classes
The where clause for the match targets read Must be customized in child classes
The entity found to match the primary import entity.
True if this potential match is the selected match.
Icon for selected match flag
The lead found to match the primary import lead
The name of the class being matched against
The company of the potential match.
The email of the potential match.
The full name (first, last) of the potential match.
The market segment of the potential match. Only applies to matched leads.
The matched instance name. Set in child classes
The phone number of the potential match.
The position of the potential match.
The quality of the match, determined by the matching process.
The match result that indicates this as the selected match.
The sales concept of the potential match. Only applies to matched leads.
The zip code of the potential match.
The import entity for whom the matching process was run.
The result code returned by the de-duping interface
Create ImportPotentialMatch with appropriate match type - must be set in subclass
Used for the representation and orchestration the overall import process.
The name of the default import template.
Icon to be displayed for the current stage
Holds the current active stage name or null when inactive
First summary string to be shown for an inactive stage
Second summary string to be shown for an inactive stage
If true, the initializer event on the first stage in the import process will be invoked during creation of the import process.
boolean that depends on the Template createable Principal to see if the import process of that template can be created.
The stage in the 'stages' collection that is currently active.
Contents of zip file containing exported data and mapping files.
The definition's create time
The alias of user who created the definition
The description of the definition
The locale of the definition
The meta version when the definition is generated
The namespace the definition is generated
The definition owner's full name
The definition owner's login name
The definition version
True if the process is deletable (i.e. the process is updatable and not in an asynchronous state).
Overrides the default notification behaviour for each stage.
End time of the overall import process
Name of zip file containing exported data and mapping files.
True if current stage is "Review Match Results".
True if errors occurred during import stage.
True if current stage is "Review Match Results" and status is either "Waiting on User" or "Failed"
Icon for the import process.
The import entities created during this process. Cascade delete is handled via the 'purgeImportedData' event.
User on whose behalf the import is running
Type to indicate if it is Contact Import, Lead Import, etc.
User running the import
True if import process is considered completed, false otherwise.
The specified lead source type in this import process. Only applies to lead import processes.
The source of the leads being imported
The mapping's create time
The description of the mapping
The source system of the mapping
The mapping tool version used to create the mapping
The version of the mapping
Name of the import process.
Overridden to allow AdminImportProcessUpdate privilege
The stages in this import process.
Start time of the overall import process
The template used by this import process.
Derived association to only import entities whose processedStatus is in Unprocessed.
Overridden to allow AdminImportProcessUpdate privilege
prevalidateStages : before
Validates parameters in import process that are specific to each stage
Trigger event for import workflow
Finds the next stage template in this process chronologically, after the 'currentStage'. Null if the currentStage is the last stage.
Completes the import process if the current stage is the final stage. Otherwise, proceeds to the next stage.
End the import process.
Cleans the process of all imported data (used when errors are thrown mid-import)
Used by the UI to invoke initializer event on first stage in import process during creation of the import process.
Updates the name of the import process if importing leads
Subclass of BatchCommand that's used during the import process.
Do not notify stage completion if it is set to automatically run in the background
Import stage calling the command.
Command for deleting data from an import process.
Import stage running delete operation.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Removed begin-transaction
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessView privilege.
Calls the stage to abandon the process
Pre-validates import files and queues process.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Command for importing data from an import package.
Contents of zip file containing exported data and mapping files.
Name of zip file containing exported data and mapping files.
User on whose behalf the import matching is running.
Import stage running import operation.
The name of the import type in lowercase
User running the import matching
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Removed begin-transaction
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Extended to add ImportProcessView privilege.
Begins import process.
Pre-validates import files and queues process.
Extended to add ImportProcessManage privilege.
Represents the first stage in the import process: importing exported data into staged contacts.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Act objects, in the file mappings file.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Address objects, in the file mappings file.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Telcom objects, in the file mappings file.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Contact objects, in the file mappings file.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create custom field objects, in the file mappings file.
The default number of errors that may occur before the import process aborts.
The current definition version
Rows will be processed one at a time after the number of errors surpasses this threshold.
Name of the message used to house field mappings file.
Name of message used to parse the fileMappings file.
Name of the file indicating which mapping and source files are to be processed together.
Name of message used to parse source files.
List of pairs containing the following information: Key: The metaclass of an object that can be imported. Value: The category type name
List of pairs containing the following information: Key: The metaclass of an object that can be imported. Value: The path to where the object's parent attribute is stored.
List of pairs containing the following information: Key: The metaclass of an object that can be imported. Value: The path to where the object's typeName is stored. The typeName is the reference name of a type object (e.g. AddressType) used in subclassing.
Name of message collection containing intermediate act messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate address messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate category messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate contact messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate Lead messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate repcode messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate telcom messages.
Name of message collection containing intermediate user field messages.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate act format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate address format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate category format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate contact format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate Lead format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate repcode format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate telcom format.
Name of message used to tranform source data into an intermediate user field format.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Lead objects, in the file mappings file.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create EntitlementRepCode objects, in the file mappings file.
Collection of object types supported by the import process.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create Telcom objects, in the file mappings file.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ Acts.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ address.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ category.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ contact.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ Lead.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ user fields.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ telcom.
Name of transformation from intermediate format to NexJ user fields.
Identifier for source and mapping files used to create UserField objects, in the file mappings file.
Maximum number of rows to process at once.
Files extracted from the import package
The maximum number of errors that may occur before the import process aborts.
Imports contacts via Import Process Import Command.
Batch Command that launches the find import match process.
User on whose behalf the import matching is running.
The name of the import type with first letter capitalized
User running the import matching
Begins mathcing process.
Validates that the number of target contacts does not exceed the max match target count.
Represent the final stage in the import process: reviewing matched contacts. Also initiates process for merging, creating and deleting import entities.
Check if the on behalf of user has entity list privileges
List containing the contacts created/merged during the import process
Applies merge/create/delete action on selected import entities.
Represents the second stage in the import process: reviewing staged contacts. Also initiates matching process.
Name of default match configuration.
Version of default match configuration.
A configureable number that sets the maximum number of leads/contacts to be imported that can be processed in one matching transaction.
A configureable number that sets the maximum number of leads/contacts to be matched against in one matching transaction.
Auto run through this process for Lead import processes.
Stores the last accessed OID of the contact/lead to be imported in the previous phase of execution
Stores the last accessed OID of the contact/lead to be matched against in the previous phase of execution
The target class against which the contact/lead is matched against in the current phase of execution
Index of the target classes starting at zero
Data match service will use this AddressType to match against.
Target classes
Name of match configuration used in data match service.
Version of match configuration used in data match service. If null, default version will be used.
Name of message used to build the source collection to pass into the matching service
Name of service that calls the data match service
The count of elements matched againtst for all the Target classes prior to the current execution
Number of lead/contacts to be imported that have been processed
Number of leads/contacts that have been matched against the source
Trigger for ParellelMatching Workflow
Abstract class representing a stage in the import process.
Set to true when the import stage is to be automatically run. Usually for Lead import processes.
Abstract class.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
The time at which this stage was completed.
Indicates whether errors occurred during the stage's process.
Errors that occurred during stage's process
Denormalization of importOwner from stage's ImportProcess
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
UI bind for switching between limbo and non-limbo displays.
True when the process is processing data for the next stage (either queued or running)
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
The name of the stage, taken from the template's caption.
The order in which the stage will be run in the import process.
The process that will run this stage.
Collection of queued processes running the batch import operation.
User running this import process stage.
The time at which this stage was begun.
The status of this stage.
The template for this stage.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow security to importUser or importOwner
Activates stage.
Factory method for creating import process stage with the given ImportProcessStageTemplate.
Returns true if this stage currently has any queued processes waiting to be processed. Optional argument part: 'ignoredProcess' - if filled in, it will not be matched as a potential running process
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
Validates parameters in import process that are stage-specific. This event is called when the import process is first committed.
Abandons the process at this stage
Override this method with the logic that needs to be run by this stage.
Updates status based on status of queued process.
The template used for creating import process stages.
Used to store the default edit principal for this user group type.
Used to store the default edit security type for this user group type. See ImportProcessSecurityTypeEnum
Used to store the default view principal for this user group type.
Used to store the default view security type for this user group type. See ImportProcessSecurityTypeEnum
The maximum number of errors that may occur before the stage's process aborts.
The order in which this stage will be run.
The import process that uses this template.
The ImportProcessStage subclass that this template is for.
The classCode of the stageType that this template represents.
The type of stage that this template is for.
Import Process Stages that are instantiated from this template.
The template used for creating import processes.
The ActTemplate for archiving imported schedule items
The ActTemplate for archiving imported tasks
Principal that can instantiate this import process template type.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization.
The AddressType to match against in data match service.
The ActTemplate for importing documents
Icon for the import process.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Name of configuration to be used in data match service.
Name of configuration to be used in data match service.
Maximum number of target objects to be matched against.
Maximum number of source records that can be imported.
Collection of import processes using this template.
The ActTemplate for importing schedule items
Collection of stage templates that are part of this template.
The ActTemplate for importing tasks
The name of the type being imported
Localization of ImportProcessTemplate caption and description.
Seed in ImportProcessTemplate
updateContactImportTemplate : before
Updates the Contact Import Template instance to use "Business" address type as the default address type and also sets the match configuration name and version.
Curren't User's Alarm Lead Minutes
overriden for requiredness and validation
Used to indicate one wants to use the start time from the template, on the date given here. The date part of this timestamp will be used in conjunction with the time part of the default template start time. See startTime initializer.
overriden for requiredness and validation
Print's the Schedule Item's startTime and endTime (date and times)
Print's the Task's start date and due date.
A telcom for an entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "Telcom" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
Extension field for telephone numbers
Displays the telcom address followed by the extension
Overrideent for Telcom specific dependencies to avoid lazy loads.
Given the name for a telcom type, returns the metaclass that it represents (A subclass of ImportTelcom).
onNullName : before
If someone sets the name to "", set the name to the type's name instead of throwing an exception.
A user field for an entity imported through Data Import. The attribute definitions that mirror "UserField" should match it exactly, including the persistence mapping definition.
The person that this user field belongs to.
The name of the user field shown on the UI.
Tooltip text used for the UI.
The description of the user defined field shown on the UI.
Calculates the tooltip string for UI
Value Type Class for Imoprt
Binary caption
Binary value type
Boolean caption
Boolean value type
Currency caption
Currency value type
Collection of value types which requires format.
Date caption
Date Format List
Date value type
Decimal caption
Decimal value type
Double caption
Double value type
Float caption
Float value type
Integer caption
Integer value type
Long caption
Long value type
String caption
String value type
Collection of value types supported by the import process.
Collection of value types which requires text converter.
Textconverter Format List
Collection of value types which requires unit.
Timestamp caption
Timestamp Format List
Timestamp value type
get caption for type
checks if type requires date format
checks if type requires text converter
checks if type requires time format
This is the name of the contact that we retrieved this application for.
Example of an underwriter question
Example of an underwriter question
Original quote, if applicable
Link to the Policy created once this Application is completed
Date Application is initially Taken
Promotes this application to a policy
An insurable 'property/risk'
Represents an insurance holdable.
Reverse association.
This attribute refers to plan sub-type, e.g., Whole Life, Short Term Disability, Medical. The enum has a parent-child relationship with the plan type, which uses values from HoldableSubTypeEnum. In other words, each plan sub-type value has a parent plan type value. Note that the plan type is stored as the subType attribute on Holdable.
Represents a holding of an insurance holdable. There are no transactions associated with an insurance holding.
Benefit amount.
Benefit frequency, e.g., monthly, quarterly, lump sum.
Cash value. Only for Life plan types.
Employment status, e.g., yes, no. An enum is used to support additional values.
When the insurance expires.
Face amount of the insurance.
An insurance holding should only hold insurance holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Calculated attribute that is true when insurance is a life plan type. Used to show/hide fields that are specific to life plan types.
When the holding was issued. Issue date is on the holding instead of holdable because is it on a per-individual basis.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
Premium amount.
Premium frequency, e.g., monthly, quarterly.
When the insurance was renewed.
Date of cash value. Only for Life plan types.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the insurance holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
setQuantity : before
Overridden to avoid unnecessarily querying for quantity.
Represents a snapshot of an insurance holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents the Main user object in the application. Users of this type can typically log into the Admin and Contact application. They are represented by the UserPerson Entity.
Points to the UserPerson associated to this external user.
Collection of the user's task template default user personalizations.
Framework event extension.
addTaskView : before
Add exposed task view for this user.
Framework event extension.
disableExchangeSync : before
Disables any Exchange Sync links associated with this user.
removeScheduleViewStates : before
Remove all exposed schedule views for this user.
removeTaskTemplateDefaultUserParticipations : before
Remove all task template default user participants for this user.
removeTaskTemplateDefaultUserPersonalizations : before
Remove all task template default user personalizations for this user.
removeTaskViewStates : before
Remove all exposed task views for this user.
Describes an interval and gives it a user-friendly name.
period type * multiplier = boundary length
The caption value for this interval in the current localization
period type * multiplier = frequency period length
checks that boundary is setup correctly
main : main
checks the boundary length is less than frequency length
Localization of Interval caption and description.
Command class to invalidate all the users in the system. Used for major updates to users such as changes to enterprise role->privilege group mappings. Used for asychronously calling invalidation.
Runs the invalide caches command asynchronously.
Was Limited Partnership.
Constant list of attributes that are denormalized into attributes on the entity. List is an assoc list of Attribute Value . CFTypeName pairs. CFType Name may be a symbol refering to a CustomFieldTypeNameEnum value.
Must be a company or contact with "isConsultant" set to true.
Must be an Entity with "isInvestingCompany" set to true. Note, owner is a field on Entity and therefore cannot be used.
updateCFAttrs : before
Updates the value of the custom field that has been denormed into this class.
updateCFAttrs : before
Updates the value of the custom field that has been denormed into this class.
Represents a fund holdable.
Category of the fund as defined by the prospectus.
Fund code, e.g., 649.
Reverse association.
Percentage load amount.
Management code, e.g., CIG.
Prospectus risk description.
Calculated attribute which overrides the supplierCode on a holdable to display the management code.
Real-time JMX statistic.
The attribute name for enabling persistence in the configuration MBean.
The attribute name for the persistence timeout in the configuration MBean.
Whether the value of this attribute is editable.
The class code.
The attribute description.
The attribute name.
The JMXProperty this attribute is associated with.
The tooltip for this attribute (used in UI).
The attribute type.
The attribute value.
Localized string for displaying the value.
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Real-time JMX operation.
The operation description.
The operation name.
The JMXProperty this operation is associated with.
The operation result
The operation return type.
The operation signature.
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Invokes the operation
Invoke operation helper
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Describes an argument of an operation exposed by an MBean. It is used by JMXOperation to contain the information of parameters.
The parameter description.
The placeholder for integer parameter in the UI.
The parameter name.
The placeholder for decimal parameter in the UI.
Indicates if value is required or optional.
The placeholder for timestamp parameter in the UI.
The parameter type.
The place holder for parameter in the UI.
The associated attributes.
The class code.
The icon to show in the UI.
The name of this property.
The object name of the MBean. Can be null if this is property has no attributes or operations.
The associated operations.
The parent property, or null if this property represents a domain.
The full path of this property.
The associated sub-properties.
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Special event for handling customized UI feature.
Overrides the privileges
Refreshes clustered stats
Overrides the privileges
Represents a JSON file. The data is stored in chunks so that the potential exists to read the contents one chunk at a time without ever storing the entire file in memory.
The readable JSON file name with extension.
Uses to provide structure toJasperServReport seeding
Represents a KYC that can be associated with an account.
The accounts that are associated with this KYC.
KYC control number.
When the KYC is effective.
High risk tolerance percentage.
Investment objective percentage for income.
Investment knowledge, e.g., poor, fair, good, sophisticated.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Investment objective percentage for long term growth.
Low risk tolerance percentage.
Medium risk tolerance percentage.
Investment objective percentage for medium term growth.
Investment objective percentage for short term growth.
Used in the BlackBerry to displays either "Low", "Medium", or "High" for the KYC's risk based on which of the three risks has a higher percentage.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Target that gets serviced by this job
Called by timer
A filter string to be used for search. It must not be null or empty.
Name of the transformation used to convert LDAP message to Object Message
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncLink instance
The fixed distinguished name to the search context
A filter string to be used for search. It must not be null or empty.
The name of LDAP attribute containing external ID
Name of the message containing information retrieved from this LDAP link
A collection part of the inbound message (the top level collection)
A name of the inbound message top level collection
A part iterator of the inbound message top level collection
Name of the transformation used to convert LDAP message to Object Message
The name of membership attribute in this context. This could be either a group identifier or a user identifier. For example, if user membership should be searched in the user contextDN, this is a group identifier matched against the group memberAttribute in the group contextDN to find the group. If user membership is searched in group contextDN, group memberAttribute is a user identifier, that is matched to the user memberAttribute in the user contextDN to find users-members of the group.
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this link) is required
Search scope. The default is ONELEVEL_SCOPE.
Return a String[] of names of LDAP attributes read for this link.
Processes a timer event: get changes on the link
Parses the given LDAP instance ( instance) into a message in the format of inboundMessage top level collection
Process synchronization callback for the given instance. objMessage contains external image, oldObjMessage - the previousely synchronized external image, syncObject is the SysRootSyncObject instance corresponding to the instance being synchronized, and conflicts is a list of conflicting attributes.
Read LDAP entities ( instances) from this link and process them using the given processor. A processor is a lambda taking 2 arguments: ldapInstance and parsed ldapMessage.
Actions when an instance is updated
disableOutbound : before
Ensure outbound sync is disabled
Telcom type to be used to create EmailAddress instances
Name of the queue to be used by the synchronization engine for this target
Authentication type. The default is KERBEROS
Group link for this server (calculated)
Batch job servicing this server synchronization
LDAP login
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this target) is required
The number of entries to return in a page
LDAP password
The timeout in milliseconds for the user/group searches. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds).
UI only attribute used to take user's input.
LDAP server URL
User link for this server (calculated)
Calls Scheme function manipulating LDAP data, passing it an initialized LDAP context for this server.
Initializes associations upon creation
Creates an LDAP Link instance - no-op (the single link is created together with the target)
Creates an LDAP Server instance
Returns a LdapContext instance for this server. Caller must close it once done.
Return a link for this server that is an instance of the given metaclass
Returns LDAP search scope constant for the given instance of LDAPSearchScope.enum
Disable logging on the Instance level during the load so that the password is not exposed in the logs.
Processes a timer event
Parse the given attribute of the given instance. isCollection specifies whether the attribute should be a collection, and useMessageWrapper specifies that individual values should be wrapped into messages.
Process all values of the the given LDAP attribute ( instance) using the given processor
Actions when an instance is updated
disableOutbound : before
Ensure outbound sync is disabled
Format string used to 'and' the link filter with a memberOf clause to enable searching by synchronized sync groups.
A filter string to be used for search. It must not be null or empty.
Name of the transformation used to convert LDAP message to Object Message
The name of membership attribute in this context. This could be either a group identifier or a user identifier. For example, if user membership should be searched in the user contextDN, this is a group identifier matched against the group memberAttribute in the group contextDN to find the group. If user membership is searched in group contextDN, group memberAttribute is a user identifier, that is matched to the user memberAttribute in the user contextDN to find users-members of the group.
A list of external user groups existing on this link. It is populated by the link.
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncLink instance
Assign existing NexJ users to this Link.
Process synchronization callback for the given instance. objMessage contains external image, oldObjMessage - the previousely synchronized external image, syncObject is the SysRootSyncObject instance corresponding to the instance being synchronized, and conflicts is a list of conflicting attributes.
Represents personalized layout.
fixes invalid layouts by comparing to current metadata (passed in as meta argument)
Create personalization for the given meta linked to the parent personalizeableLayout.
Add personalization for each layout element.
Represents an individual element within a personalized layout.
Read only attribute for human readable caption.
fixes invalid layoutElement meta by comparing to current metadata (passed in as meta argument)
Factory to auto create layout meta with proper OID and initial values.
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of the lead active task
Date input from UI
Non-persisted disposition of the lead
text input from UI.
Factory method to create the Lead's active task command
Update the lead's active task and work queue item
Singleton Object containing systemwide settings to be used in call logging workflow for leads.
Number of attempts to try contacting a lead before automatically archiving them.
True if lead archive threshold settings are in effect. False otherwise.
The schedule item template created once an appointment has been scheduled for a lead
Overriden to prevent creation of multiple instances. Enforces singleton object.
Instantiates the object if one does not already exist.
Proxy class for reading Leaflets.
The localized caption.
The unique identifier for the Leaflet Configuration used for data filtering.
The icon.
The sort order.
The Id of the vendor that created Leaflet Configuration.
Proxy class for reading Leaflets.
The localized caption.
The list of Leaflet Configurations to facilitate data filtering, security, and branding.
The data type for which the Perspective is designed to view.
The Id of the data for which the Perspective is designed to view.
The default Leaflet Configuration to load.
The icon.
The name of the layout to use when displaying the Perspective. The layout is resolved by the implementation of the platform (e.g. Portal).
The sort order.
The platform in which the Perspective is designed to load.
Helper function for reading from Perspectives via service. Used in service persistence mapping.
Base class for lightweight versions of intersection classes that have been denormalized to save joins. Currently used for EntityParticipation and UserParticipation denormalization to the Act class.
Map of lightWeight attribute paths to the attribute on the holder class where it will be persisted.
Maximum size of the lightweight collection. (used to avoid overloading the serialized state string)
which attribute(s) on the lightweight instance should be used to build the fake OID.
used as part of generated OID, indicating only Act OID is real
used as part of generated OID, indicating both Entity and Act OID are real
used as part of generated OID, indicating only Entity OID is real
used as part of generated OID, indicating both Entity and Act OID are generated
Order By Clause for sorting this Lightweight collection (which will be used with sort-order-by)
Attribute on holder inst that holds the serializable property map
Generate instances from the original collection. This is an abstract method to be implemented by the specific lightweight subclasses.
persist the collection to the holderInst acording to the ATTR_MAP. Will first sort the lightCol to ensure proper ordering.
persist the collection to the holderInst acording to the ATTR_MAP. Will first sort the lightCol to ensure proper ordering.
Factory to create an instance from the generated instances.
Factory to create an instance from the generated instances.
re-generate instances form the persisted denorm lists on the given holder instance
re-generate instances form the persisted denorm lists on the given holder instance
re-sorts the lightweight collection based on the order by
calls to update asynchronously when some objects are not yet persisted and therefore are missing OIDs.
Represents the system user object in the application. Users of this type typically should not be able to login to the application, but should be used to run the server or any background processes.
System user's alias
Class code
System user's first name
System user's last name
Wrapper class around docDistributionRecipients used to calculate the collection of participants to create logs for.
calculated non persisted attribute
Base class for Master Index
main : main
checks for matches on unique keys
This class stores metadata relating a given source attribute to a given target attribute for the Data Match Service. Each instance of this class configures a comparison, including the match algorithm to be used, between an attribute in the source schema to the attribute in the target schema, for a given Match Process configuration.
Match algorithm to be used to compare the source and target attributes.
Reference to the Match Process configuration to which this Attribute configuration belongs.
Used to specify the order in which attributes should be compared. Attributes with higher order will be processed before those with lower order.
Reference to the source attribute's Data Set Schema configuration.
Reference to the target attribute's Data Set Schema configuration.
The weight by which the match score should be multiplied, when combining the individual attribute scores to produce the instance score.
This class stores attribute metadata for the Data Match Service. Each instance of this class represents an attribute in either the source or target schemas, for a given Match Process configuration. This class cannot be instantiated directly---one should instantiate one of the child classes, depending on whether the attribute is a source attribute or a target attribute.
Name of the attribute
Attribute type. This should correspond to one of the primitive type names
Indicates if this attribute can be used to uniquely identify a record in a source or target schema. Only one source and one target attribute should have this set to true.
Reference to the Match Process configuration to which this Data Set configuration belongs.
Indicates whether this is a Source or a Target attribute. This should be set on each subclass.
Each instance of this class represents a complete configuration for a Data Match run, for a set of source and target records. It is referred to uniquely by its name and version. It contains references to all of the Data Set schema configurations for the attributes on the source and target record sets, as well as the Attribute configurations that configure how to compare the source and target attributes.
Indicates if this is the default version of the Match Process configuration
The collection of all Attribute configurations associated with this Match Process configuration.
The collection of all Data Set Schema configurations associated with this Match Process configuration.
The source Data Set Schema configuration that is to be used as the source ID when reporting matches.
The target Data Set Schema configuration that is to be used as the target ID when reporting matches.
The maximum number of positive matches between a given source record and target records before moving on to the next source record.
The Match Process Configuration name
If a data instance from the source set and a data instance from the target set have a weighted score above this threshold, the two instances are considered to be positively matched.
If a data instance from the source set and a data instance from the target set have a weighted score above this threshold, the two instances are considered to be possibly matched.
The Match Process Configuration version
A free-form description of the Match Process configuration
Command class used for launching the meeting request report
The report name.
The roadshow that the report will show meeting requests for.
The where clause of the current filtered list of roadshows.
Class to store the document mail merge tokens and expressions -- Initially designed to attach to the SystemTemplate
description of arguments
number of supported arguments
Arbitrary categorization - for UI filtering purposes only
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Equivalent token name for Bill Good templates
Overriding the defaultDescription attribute and assigning a default value.
This is the merge field expression related to the token -- specialized expression types (not scheme)
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
shorter caption
Name of this tokenName.
Always set to SystemTemplate
Returns the string cvs file template that contains the headers only. used for authoring document. optional categories are the names of the merge categories to allow restricting the template.
Resolves expression from tokenName or customToken
Localization of MergeField caption and description.
Overridden to make required.
use object's updateable
Persistence initializer to seed merge tokens
Returns a collection of merge field localization descriptions to be seeded.
Returns a collection of merge fields to be seeded.
This is called in SysUpgrade directly.
Seed merge field localization descriptions.
Seed merge fields.
An attachment that belongs to a ConversationMessage
User copies of messages that this attachment belongs to
Messages that this attachment belongs to
Attribute to allow creating non-committed instances before the security has been set.
The proxy class used for accessing MessageAttachment class
An association map of class names to where clauses. The where clauses select the instances of that class which will be exported by the data loader. If the class name is null then it means the current class.
Access attribute for create event.
The binary data of the attachment
Access attribute for delete event.
The file name of the attachment
Access attribute for update event.
The generated URL to the attachment
Event to read attachments invoked from service persistence
Class to store name/value pair. Used to merge the related object with the document template.
Proxy to merge fields for the MessagingActionCommandClient.
The component instance in context for this action.
The object instance on which the message action is executed, as a component instance.
A collection of name/value pairs representing all the resolved merge fields.
Factory method for this proxy.
Parses the given text for tokens, and populates the fields collection with field tokens.
Merge fields in an attachment.
Merge the token values into the given text, localizing tokens to the given locale.
Merge the token values into the given text.
Resolves the tokens in the fields collection. Does not resolve tokens that have values.
Resolves the tokens in the fields collection. Does not resolve tokens that have values.
The event type associated with the MobilePushMessage. For example, the enum of "newMessage".
The object OID associated with the MobilePushMessage. For example, the OID of the internal message.
The preview of the MobilePushMessage which will be shown in the BlackBerry native message list
The title of the MobilePushMessage
This class represents push messages that are sent to mobile notify targets
The event type associated with the MobileQueuedNotifyMessage.
The object OID associated with the notify message, for example, the OID of the internal message.
The preview of the MobileQueuedNotifyMessage which will be shown in the native message list
The title of the MobileQueuedNotifyMessage
Represents cluster partition. There is a NodeType instance for each cluster partition defined in the system.
Cluster partition name
All the node partitions that are of this partition type
Represents a partition instance that a node is associated with. This class joins NodeType to SysNodeAdapter. For each cluster parition that a node is associated with, there is a NodeTypeLink instance.
Node associated with this link.
Node type associated with this link.
Returns a string representation of the type, e.g. "\"web\""
Returns a set of the existing types associated with the node.
Returns a set containing the types in the given string.
Returns a string representation of the given set, e.g. "\"web\" \"batch\""
Batch job to archive old notifications
Unique class code for NotificationArchiveBatchJob
Batch Job Name
Repeats every 90 days
Invoked during initial data loading, to seed an instance of this batch job
Called by the timer
This class is responsible for defining the list of recipients for a notification.
Indicates whether new recipients can be added
Indicates whether rule based recipients can be removed
Indicates whether the notification contains rule based recipients
Determines whether the notification is a create notification
Boolean value indicating if the enableRegionalizedNotifications option block has been enabled
Object for which notification is being sent
List of participants
Source UIComponent name
Indicates whether the instances can be edited
Adds a given user group's users into the notification recipient list
Sends notifications for non-workflow recipients
Create factory
object Object The object that this notification command instance is being created for
isCreate Whether or not the act is being created
s Additional arguments (Generally consists of collection attributes of acts that are passed for the purpose of keeping the server and client in sync with each other)
Retrieves the component instance required for computing rule conditions given an object and fields. Handles two cases, create and update. On update, old and current values are supplied, whereas 'create only has current values
Notification participants
Indicates whether notification is enabled/disabled
Determines whether the recipient is a new recipient
Source instance invoking notification rule
User creating notification activity
Indicates whether recipient can be removed
User to notify
Base class for a push server configuration. Handles sending of push messages to the push server
The maximum number of permitted assignments set on the queue.
The relative priority set on the queue.
The maximum number of errors allowed on the queue after which a message will be failed
The timeout set on the queue for message processing
The number of errors after which the notify server status check batch job should be started.
The number of seconds before redelivering the message when resendRequired is set to true.
The API Key for GCM server
The name of the channel to be used for sending messages
The name of the notify server
The batch job for checking the current status of the server.
Th collection of notify server error messages logged against the server
The batch job for cleaning up notifyTargets associated with the server
The process associated with this server. Used for logging.
The queue used to hold the messages that are pending for processing
The sender ID for GCM server
The status of the notify server (i.e enabled, paused, disabled)
The targets associated with this server for push notifications
The URL of the notify server.
Pings the server when the server is down. Returns #t if server responds to status check ping message
Cleans up notify targets associated with this server.
Delete all the notify server unavailable errors
Handles the failure of processing and sending of a message
Sends a message to a notify target. Returns #t if the message was sent successfully
Event is called when the server is up and running again
Sets the queue state based on the status attribute of the notify server
Creates a batch job for checking the server status and disables the queue
This class represents a batch job that checks on the NotifyServer it is associated with whether it is available again
Server on which the status check job is done.
Checks the status of the notify server. If server is back up, deletes error messages and enables server queue.
Base class representing a notification target.
If push notifications are enabled for the target.
The last time a push request was successfully sent to the associated notifyServer
The object that used to lock the updates of the target instance
NotifyServer that the NotifyTarget belongs to.
The user that the NotifyTarget is assocaited with
Event to notify the target about the notification content. To be overridden by subclasses.
This class represents a Batch job that cleans up NotifyTargets that are not registered with a NotifyServer anymore
Server on which the cleanup batch job is done.
Class representing a notify target lock used to pessimistically lock creating/updating existing NotifyTarget instances.
The default quality to maintain on the uploaded image
The maximum permitted height an uploaded image can be
The maximum permitted width an uploaded image can be
The chunks associated with the obj instance
Name of the image file
uses java library to determine if the mimedata read is a valid image. If not, will return null.
Loads on demand an undefined attribute. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Resizes the images to the predefined dimensions and compression
notifyEntity : before
notify entity that the image has been changed
Chunk class used to represent chunks associated with an Obj instance whose data can be asynchonously uploaded
Symbol of the parent attribute on which the data is to be set once upload is done
The Obj that the chunk is associated with
Reads specified instances of this class. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Associated objects can be retrieved using nested lists in the attributes argument. Simply specify a non-primitive attribute name then a list of one or more attributes. e.g. (Entity'read '(firstName lastName (addrs city state zip)) These nestings can continue... e.g. (Entity'read '(firstName lastName (addrs city state zip (type name))) Attributes can also be retrieved polymorphically - meaning attributes that only exist on subclasses can be retrieved when reading the base class. (see examples) Attribute names in the where and order by clauses may take the simple form of <attributeName> or (
attributes list The list of attributes, or associated objects, to proactively retrieve. '() retrieves no attributes and any attributes accessed after such a read will trigger a lazy load. See examples for special downcast (
where list The where clause. See examples for information on associations, reverse associations and qualified associations.
orderBy list A list of (<expression> . <ascending>) pairs, by which to order the resulting collection. <ascending> is #t or #f (default #t).
count integer The number of instances to retrieve. null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to 4096 instances.
offset integer The number of top level objects to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. null '() for the default value of 0.
xlock boolean If true, an exclusive lock is set in persistent storage on the matching top level objects until the transaction is finished. null '() for the default value of #f.
instance-collection Collection of instances matching the where clause.
This is the root class in the inheritance hierarchy
Returns the class object of this instance.
class The class object.
Returns #t if the attribute has been updated but not committed since the beginning of the unit of work.
attribute Symbol of the attribute to test.
boolean #t if the attribute has been updated but not committed since the beginning of the unit of work.
Returns #t if the attribute value is loaded, i.e. retrieving the value would not trigger the load event, otherwise returns #f. The main action is implemented by the framework.
attribute symbol Symbol of the attribute to test.
boolean #t if the attribute value is loaded.
Returns the instance OID.
oid The instance OID.
Returns the instance state symbol: init|clean|new|dirty|deleted.
symbol Instance state symbol.
Returns #t if the attribute has been updated since the last create or update event main action (or the unit of work start if none).
attribute Symbol of the attribute to test.
boolean #t if the attribute has been updated but not committed since the beginning of the unit of work.
Runs an aggregate query, returning instances of class Object. The main action is implemented by the framework.
One cannot pass in a larger count than readLimit defined in the data source. A count of -1 will not restrict the count, but if more than readLimit instances are returned, an error will be thrown. In cases where more than readLimit instances are desired, the openCursor method should be used. The helper function for-each-page can normally be used and provides a simplified API to openCursor.
attributes list The list of associations and annotations to compute. The annotations must be aggregate expressions including count sum average minimum maximum unique
where list The where clause, which restricts the results before grouping. See the read method documentation for more information.
groupBy list The expressions on which to group the aggregates.
having list The having clause, which restricts the results after grouping.
orderBy list The expressions on which to order the collection - a list of (<sort-expr> . <ascending?>) pairs.
count integer The number of instances to retrieve. Null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to the readLimit specified in the data source.
offset integer The number of top level instances to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. Null '() for the default value of 0.
instance-collection Collection of instances matching the where clause.
Sets an arbitrary named value on the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
name symbol Annotation symbol.
any Annotation value.
Gets an annotation value from the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
name symbol Annotation name.
Invoked by the framework on a new or an updated instance when a unit of work is committed, after the update cycle, only once per unit of work. The main action is implemented by the framework.
In an instance is updated after commit, update will be invoked again, but commit will not. This event is sometimes useful for starting asynchronous processing.
Invoked by the framework after the instance has been created and initialized. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Deletes the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Returns #t if the attribute has been updated but not committed since the beginning of the unit of work.
Returns #t if the instance is new in an uncommitted unit of work, otherwise returns #f. Equivalent to (eq? (
boolean #t if the instance is new in an uncommitted unit of work.
Returns #t if the attribute has been updated since the last create or update event main action (or the unit of work start if none).
Loads attributes which have not been previously loaded (and so are currently undefined). The main action is implemented by the framework.
If any primitive attribute is loaded, all non-initialized primitive attributes are loaded as well.
attributes list The list of attributes to retrieve. e.g. 'firstName 'lastName
Locks the instance until the completion of the transaction. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Creates and initializes an instance of this class, then invokes the create event. The main action is implemented by the framework.
values Key-value pairs: '(<key> . <value>), (cons <key> <value>) or (: <key> <value>).
Object A new instance of the class.
Returns the value of the attribute as it was in the beginning of the unit of work.
attribute symbol Name of the attribute for which to get the old value.
any The old value of the specified attribute.
Opens a cursor over the results of an aggerate query. The resulting instances are of class Object. The main action is implemented by the framework.
attributes list The list of associations and annotations to compute. The annotations must be aggregate expressions.
where list The where clause, which restricts the results before grouping.
groupBy list The expressions on which to group the aggregates.
having list The having clause, which restricts the results after grouping.
orderBy list The expressions on which to order the collection - a list of (<sort-expr> . <ascending?>) pairs.
count integer The number of instances to retrieve. Null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to the readLimit specified in the data source.
offset integer The number of top level objects to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. null '() for the default value of 0.
Cursor A cursor object which supports 'next, 'next pageSize, 'close, and 'step map.
Opens a cursor over the specified instances of this class. The main action is implemented by the framework. See the read method for more information on the options avialable for attributes, where, orderby, count, offset and xlock
attributes list The list of attributes, or associated objects, to proactively retrieve. '() retrieves no attributes and any attributes accessed after such a read will trigger a lazy load.
where list The where clause. See the read method documentation for more information.
orderBy list The expressions on which to order the collection - a list of (<sort-expr> . <ascending?>) pairs.
count integer The number of instances to retrieve. Null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to the readLimit specified in the data source.
offset integer The number of top level instances to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. Null '() for the default value of 0.
xlock boolean If true, an exclusive lock is set in persistent storage until the transaction is finished. This applies to the top-level instances only. null '() for the default value of #f.
Cursor A cursor object which supports 'next, 'next pageSize, 'close, and 'step map.
beginTransactionIfXLock : around
An optimization. Runs the read in transaction=="required" mode only if xlock is true; otherwise runs in transaction=="supported" mode.
Returns the value of the attribute as it was immediately after the last create or update event main action (or at unit of work start if none).
attribute symbol Name of the attribute for which to get the previous value.
any The previous value of the specified attribute.
Deletes the instance without other side effects, like auditing, synchronization or overridden deletion logic. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Deletes all matching instances without other side effects, like auditing, synchronization or overridden deletion logic. The main action is implemented by the framework.
where list The where clause for selecting the instances to be purged.
Reads specified instances of this class. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Associated objects can be retrieved using nested lists in the attributes argument. Simply specify a non-primitive attribute name then a list of one or more attributes. e.g. (Entity'read '(firstName lastName (addrs city state zip)) These nestings can continue... e.g. (Entity'read '(firstName lastName (addrs city state zip (type name))) Attributes can also be retrieved polymorphically - meaning attributes that only exist on subclasses can be retrieved when reading the base class. (see examples) Attribute names in the where and order by clauses may take the simple form of <attributeName> or (
attributes list The list of attributes, or associated objects, to proactively retrieve. '() retrieves no attributes and any attributes accessed after such a read will trigger a lazy load. See examples for special downcast (
where list The where clause. See examples for information on associations, reverse associations and qualified associations.
orderBy list The expressions on which to order the collection - a list of (<sort-expr> . <ascending?>) pairs.
count integer The number of instances to retrieve. Null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to the readLimit specified in the data source.
offset integer The number of top level instances to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. Null '() for the default value of 0.
xlock boolean If true, an exclusive lock is set in persistent storage on the matching top level objects until the transaction is finished. null '() for the default value of #f.
instance-collection Collection of instances matching the where clause.
beginTransactionIfXLock : around
An optimization. Runs the read in transaction=="required" mode only if xlock is true; otherwise runs in transaction=="supported" mode.
Invoked by the framework when the unit of work is committed. The main action is implemented by the framework. An instance modification after the main action triggers another update cycle that is carried our after all oustanding updates. This includes modifications to newly created instances.
Returns #t if the attribute has been updated but not committed since the beginning of the unit of work.
Helper class for calling association questions from the UI such as checking if an association exists.
Returns the where clause for the reverse association of the passed in attr.
Returns the size of the association. Ignores soft deleted instances explicitly. Also ignores instances in the ignore list.
Returns true if the association specified is empty. Ignores instances in the ignore list.
A more flexible version of isAssocEmpty where you can specify whether you also want to check the association in memory (bad for large collections, error if the collection has more than 4096 instances).
inst any The instance to check against
attr any The symbol of the association to check
inMemory boolean Flag indicating whether to check the association in memory too. #t: the association will be checked in memory; #f: the in memory check will be skipped
ingoreList list The list of instances that will be ignored when checking if the association is empty. Any instances in the ignoreList that are in the association will be treated like they're not in the association
boolean #t if the association is empty, #t otherwise
The instance specified and its parent key has a one to many relationship. Returns true if for the instance specified, its value for the secondary key is unique within the association collection.
The name of the attribute to which this history instance applies
The class history instance of the class to which this attribute belongs
The name of the class this history instance to which applies
The name of the attribute of className which provides the pointer to the instance that changed
Attribute history instances associated with this class history instance
Must be overridden by subclass. The name of the attribute of this class which contains the reference to the live instance of the class for which changes are being tracked
How this class should behave when the history is unknown
Must be overridden by subclass. List of attribute names being tracked
Must be overridden by subclass. Denotes the class for which changes are being tracked by this history class.
Whether the instance can be deleted or not
Updates of ObjectHistory instances are not allowed
Returns a new instance of ObjectHistory based on the given instance
Returns a transfer object representing the state of the snapshotSource instance for the given interval
Deletions of ObjectHistory instances are not allowed
Returns snapshots of the instances satisfying the where clause, at the given point in time
Returns snapshots of the specified object over the given period of time
UI only attribute: The icon to use to represent the opportunity when it is associated with a lead.
UI only attribute: holds the description for a pending OpportunityProductType
UI only attribute: holds the product for a pending OpportunityProductType
UI only attribute: holds the product type for a pending OpportunityProductType
The product types associated with this opportunity. Can have products.
Overridden for validation
how the step is assigned. it can be assigned to a specific user, to the same users as the activity plan, or to a role using an assignment model.
Shows assignment rule in summary form. e.g. Coverage: Role Name
Determine whether the attachment toolbar will be shown
Class code for activity plan step
Shows for contact rule in summary form. e.g. Related Contact: Assistant
Summary of the Create Date offset for the future Activity Plan Step.
checkIfDocument : before
Can't do assign to in document steps so switch it to a default value that doesn't require additional fields
Member of the team of users working on the opportunity.
Addition order of uncommitted instances. Used for sorting.
Used instead of CoverageTeamMember for team information because CoverageTeamMember can be hard-deleted. If a reverse is added to this attribute, it will expose a framework bug that is responsible for deleting coverage teams when they are added to a new Opportunity.
Used for sorting.
Used to sort uncommitted instances after committed instances, retaining the order of addition.
Returns a string tooltip offering to send an email to coverage user
Returns an icon string if this coverage belongs to the owner of the opportunity.
Returns an owner icon tooltip if this coverage belongs to the owner of the opportunity.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
addCoverageRole : before
Add coverage role when not initialized and user has a default role.
Factory method to create a new opportunity coverage.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to continue auditing the instance, false otherwise.
Validate duplicate opportunity role for associated opportunity
Coverage Roles for Opportunity Coverage.
reverse association to prevent deleting assignment roles already associated with opprtunity coverage.
Report command object for Reports that don't need a where clause
Sets end date for the interactions sub-report
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
Sets start date for the interactions sub-report
Filters the interactions by status
Filters the interactions by type
Summary string containing filter paramaters
Set to opportunity selected
Set to current order by of opportunities
Set to current where clause for opportunities grid
if False does not allow the user to select the type of opportunity report (i.e. current opportunity, or filtered list)
set to Opportunity report interaction selection type
if True, run report on selected opportunity
A max count for interaction sub report when "6 most recently updated interactions" option is selected. Uses iReport default max count otherwise.
If true, generate page break after each Entity
Gets the user's first name and last name to display in the report footer. Required as per styleguide for out of box reports.
Specifies whether the current opportunity / deal, or current opportunity / deal list is used
If true, show the interaction filter options.
Anding of showInteractions and showFilterOptions. If true, show the interaction filter options.
If false, suppress the Interactions sub-report
If true, show the entire Interactions Description
if true, show opportunity overview section in report
Generate Subreports with this where clause
A summary of selected parameters to be displayed on the report header
Tag to filter Acts by in the report
From EntityReportCommand - gets the End Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
From EntityReportCommand - gets the search context from the UI
From EntityReportCommand - gets the Start Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
From EntityReportCommand - gets the ActionStatus from the UI
From EntityReportCommand - generates the SubReport Where
generates the parameter summary string for report header
From EntityReportCommand - gets the Action Type from the UI
From EntityReportCommand - Used to validate actEndDate. Returns #t if actEndDate is not null and actEndDate is >= actStartDate.
From EntityReportCommand - Used to validate that actStartDate. Returns #f if actStartDate is null.
UI Only class for the OpportunityFutureStepList form. Shows a summary view of future steps.
Name of the step
Whether the step has an attachment
Icon of the step
The opportunity related to the step
The step sequence number used to sort and group future steps
Name of the stage containing the step
Assignment rule summary
Creation date rule summary
Primary entity rule summary
The name of the attribute of this class which contains the reference to the live instance of the class for which changes are being tracked
How this class should behave when the history is unknown
List of attribute names being tracked
The class for which changes are being tracked by this history class
The actual revenue for the opportunity.
The campaign to which the opportunity belongs.
We do allow deletion of OpportunityHistory records. The reasoning is that because Opportunity is hard-deleted, we allow cascade deletion of the corresponding history records.
The expected revenue for the opportunity.
Pointer to the opportunity for which this is a historical snapshot
The outcome of the opportunity (i.e. 'WON', 'LOST').
The primary company of the opportunity, if applicable.
The probability of the opportunity closing.
The reason for the outcome of the opportunity (e.g. 'price', 'timing').
The reporting type of the opportunity (e.g. 'PIPELINE' for Pipeline, 'FORECAST' for Forecast).
The stage template of the opportunity.
The opportunity template for the opportunity.
Currency unit.
UI Only class for the OpportunityMilestoneList form. Shows a summary view of all stage plans with the already started/completed steps outlined.
startTime of act (if exists)
title of act
icon for type
role of stepTemplate
Sequence number used to sort and group milestones.
Name of stage
name of type
userFullNames of act
Intersection between an opportunity and product type. Product is optional.
Overridden for auditing
Description of the opportunity product type
The reason for deactivating a product (required when product is inactive)
An invalid OpportunityProductType is one that is not active and not progressed, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Whether this OpportunityProductType has been converted into a ProductOpportunity
A valid OpportunityProductType is one that is active and not progressed, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Calculation used to correspond to the localized caption of the product.
negation of the active attribute from the ACTIVE aspect, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
The associated opportunity.
The associated product. Optional.
Type of Product
Summary string with product type and name
Summary string of the status
Type of product for audit, when the product is null, audit the description when the product is not null, aduit the product type
This event will set the Product active attribute to true, and nullify the inactiveReason attribute
createReadContextLogs : before
Creates audit context logs for the related opportunity and primary entity.
This event will set the product active attribute to false;
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to main class.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
Specialized Activity Plan for opportunity stages. The status of these plans drive whether an opportunity may go to the next stage.
Special Activity Plan Template for tracking opportunity stages.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Localization of OpportunityStageActivityPlanTemplate caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
Date / Time the stage was closed.
Number of days between the start and close of this stage
Date / Time the opportunity was set to this stage.
Used for configuring which stages are valid for a given opportunity template.
Override to be used in the getAvailableValues event to help with finding the stage Enum values
Override to be Used in the getAvailableValues event to help with finding the stage Enum values
Activity plan template for this stage.
Addition order of uncommitted instances. Used for sorting.
Helper to get to enum's caption.
Used to sort uncommitted instances after committed instances, retaining the order of addition.
Calculated attribute if a template exists. Can be updated to create/delete the template.
Reverse to opportunities at this stage.
Reverse to template.
Default probability for this stage. Will update the probability when the opportunity reaches this stage.
Order for steps
Actual stage.
Long notes area for description of stage template.
checkLastDelete : before
Check if this is the last stage to be deleted.
Template for opportunities/deals. Defines predefined attributes about the opportunity including the collection of stages & the activity plan templates per stage.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Icon for the opportunity
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
reverse to maintain data integrity
reverse to maintain data integrity
Command class to store the values of the new opportunity template instance before adding it. We have to associate on edit since it doesn't get the command instance if it is in the initial read on load
Valid stages for this type of opportunity
Default text of opportunities created from this template
Default title of opportunities created from this template.
Type of the Opportunity Template
Calculated attribute pointing to the localized caption - for backwards compatibility with previous releases.
Localization of OpportunityTemplate caption and description.
use object's updateable
Group of user options and defaults. Singleton per User. To be cached upon user load. To add an option: 1. Add a value to the OptionBlockEnum with hasBehavior = true 2. Add an attribute to this class. 3. Add the attribute to the list of cachedAttributes 4. If it is a boolean attribute, add it to the BOOLEAN_ATTRS list with its enum name. 5. If it's a boolean attribute whose default value is #f, then add it to the defaultFalseAttributes list. 6. Create an upgrade upgrade to reload the enums. (set version'loaded = 0)
list of boolean attribute/enum symbol pairs.
list of string attribute/enum symbol pairs.
By default have the create folder automatically or not
List of attribute to be cached.
List of boolean attributes to initialize as false
List of attribute/string pairs, with the attribute being a string attribute and the string being the value that it is initialized to.
Enable Auto Assign Team Members
Enables batch email from document manager.
Enable entity merge to run on batch process
Enable the batch print functionality from the Document Manager workspace.
Enable showing/using campaigns
Enable showing/using Address Lookups for Canada, requires Canada Post data imported through the ALCanada service.
Enable Capital Markets Model
Enable copying of the error stack to the client's clipboard.
Enable Contact's Company for Acts
Enable CopyMerge Semantics
Enable Corporate/Commercial Banking model
Enable coverage search area in quickfind.
Enable the Create Folder checkbox
Enable selection of current contact as the default "for contact"
Enables display of external contacts on meetings Attendees tab.
Enable Notifications by Email
Enable showing/using campaigns
Enable show/hide Extended Fields
Enable financial model.
Enable fixup of For/Assign to denormalized lists when editing contact names. On by default. Should only be turned off at the system level.
Enable inbound for contact synchronization
Enable forced logging for batch print and email
Enable Hide empty roadshow meeting in journal
Enable showing/using households.
Enable showing/using leads
Enable legacy business process
Enable showing/using locales
Enable Location Initialization. Used in Roadshow Meetings
Enable meeting alarm synchronization
Enable meetings invitations
Enable the Multi-Select feature in Call List
Enable the Multi-Select feature in Contacts.
Enable the Multi-Select feature in Leads.
Enable syncing private meetings with multiple participants from Exchange to CRM.
Enable the Native Message Integration so that the user can get the push messages shown in the native message list
Enable showing/using opportunities.
Enable parent coverage updates from children.
Enables client portal access.
Enable showing/using products
Enable public sharing of schedules and tasks with all employees.
Enable Saved Query Builder Functionality
Enable the Saved Query Builder AND OR Operator feature
Enable the Saved Query Builder Advanced Logical Expression Feature
Enable Form Page Bulk Edit
Enable Activity Plans showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Approval Plans showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Documents showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Emails showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Schedule Items showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Tasks showing up in the RecentActivityActs list
Enable Regions for Notifications
Enable Regionalized Tiers
Enable Registered Plans.
Enable Related Info Notes
Enable customizing the notification recipients in rules
Enable a where clause on roadshow participants sales owner.
Enable adding self to Favorite User List
Enable showing/using service requests
Enable participantion response synchronization
Enable task alarm synchronization
Enable tier inheritance for contacts. Contacts will inherit the tier of their company, if it exists.
Enable time zones for act start/end times, also enables setting default time zone for events
Enable User Fields
Enable security check during inbound for-contact sync. If any user doesn't have privilege to read a contact, the contact will be synchronized as external instead.
Enable having a single tier with no region specified
Search entity against a numeric-only column in Telcom
Strip out non-numeric characters entered by the user when searching entity by telephone number.
Ensure that users cannot track more time to a schedule item than the duration of the item
Ensure that users only track time for an item on the day of the item
Enable the warning for when a user has exceeded a certain number of hours in a day
Create and initialize the option block.
Generates a hash map from the option block enum to a setter to set the option value.
Retrieves the options as an assoc list.
Singleton Factory Creation.
All entities that have children should inherit from this astract class.
The calculated full name for display
Summary string for Total Investments and AUM
Overridden to remove sub-heading from workspace caption
mergeBranch : before
Only field on org.
Hiearachial Parent. For now a subclass of role until I finish refactoring.
Lightweight participation class. Used for both entity and user participations as they share structure and logic.
The entitie's OID should be used ,wit hthe type code, for ParticipantLite instnaces' OIDs.
Attribute on holder inst that holds the serializable property map
reverse back to act
entity should be added to query to allow for navigation
full name of entity (caption bind in UI)
Generate instances from the original collection.
main : main
Generate instances from the original collection. We want to use real oid if they exist, and append an identifier in front to indicate which oid is real @args heavyCol instance-collection Collection of entityParticipation or userParticipation @ret instance-collection Collection of participationLight
Gets the full name based on the heavy col and the current inst.
Customized read use ONLY for contact preview feature, supports read on entity only
main : main
Customized read used ONLY for contact preview feature, supports read on entity only @ args attributes list The list of attributes, or associated objects, to proactively retrieve. '() retrieves no attributes and any attributes accessed after such a read will trigger a lazy @ @ args load. See examples for special downcast (@@) syntax. @ args where list The where clause. See examples for information on associations, reverse associations and qualified associations. @ args orderBy list A list of (<expression> . <ascending>) pairs, by which to order the resulting collection. <ascending> is #t or #f (default #t). @ args count integer The number of instances to retrieve. null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to 4096 instances. @ args offset integer The number of top level objects to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. null '() for the default value of 0. @ args xlock boolean If true, an exclusive lock is set in persistent storage on the matching top level objects until the transaction is finished. null '() for the default value of #f. @ ret instance-collection Collection of instances matching the where clause.
Class that allows splitting all data into separate partitions for multi-tenant support. All data classes will have a partition attribute added by an aspect and their where clauses will be extended to add the partition clause.
Active flag - indicates if the partition is active (can't delete).
Allow sublassing for system partition.
If non-null, this partition is stored in a separate fragment indicated by the name.
Locking attribute for optimistic locking support
Unique name for the parittion.
Determines if the current user can read the particular instace. Applies to where clause. In this case, the user can only read their own partition. TODO: how do we adjust this to allow sys admins to read all partitions?
Link to the system user for this partition. Not required for now since I commit the partition before creating the user.
Generates a new unique user name based on the default system partition's user name.
Retrieves the current partition instance.
main : main
Returns the current partition instance.
Retrieves the loginName of the system user for this partitoin (e.g. nexjsa)
command class to generating periods
Determines whether new periods should be affixed after the latest period (in which case this should be #f) or before the earliest period (in which case this should be #t). The default behaviour is to add new periods after the latest period.
Batch job command class to automatically generate periods
Constant to convert days to milliseconds
Allows enabling and disabling the batchjob
A horizon (number of years from now) for which periods are generated.
Timer period in days for UI
Fire period generation command
Extend framework event
A horizon (number of years from now) for which periods are generated.
Generates periods for the horizon
Person class.
List of address default fields.
Association list of date/time attributes that are tracked in the dates collection. each pair is in the form (<attrSymbol> . <DateTypeEnumSymbol>)
List of telephone default fields. Should be overridden in subclasses.
List of attribute symbols that do not exist in the domain model and is only on the UI Component Client
Overridden to enable update audit.
Attribute to provide proper dependency of all address default (defaultAddress, businessAddress, etc.) for Address.tooltipText
Overridden to read audit
Returns the age of the person in years
Overridden to read audit
Summary string to be used as a token for notifications.
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
A collection of all of the client's KYCs.
Overridden to read audit
Overridden to read audit
A set of financial accounts where a user is the account exec
The calculated full name for display
Calculated display name for dashboard
Calculated display name for details form
Default format for participant lists (for field)
goes by string for a contact
Flag to indicate there is a default home address with the person, read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Flag to indicate there is a default home phone with the person
Flag to indicate there is a default mobile phone with the person
true if title is Dr.
true if defaultLang is english
true if gender is Female
true if defaultLang is french
true if gender is Male
true if title is Miss
true if title is Mr.
true if title is Mrs.
true if title is Ms.
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
Overridden to read audit
Used to allow quick creation of contacts. Currently used in Tablet and BlackBerry Application. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Prints mobile version of person's age, gender, and primary language.
Prints mobile version of person's age, gender, and primary language.
Prints phone version of person's age, gender, and primary language.
The next brithday of this contact
Overridden to read audit
Calculated class attribute of the contact's household members, for viewing from the portal.
Derived association to the image object related to this contact. Used by externalUsers for the portal.
Calculated attribute, conveying the status of a contact. Is either "Access Enabled" or "No Portal Access"
A person can be a primary client for 0 or more financial accounts
Service Level that can be applied to the entity.
Overridden to read audit
Calculated attribute that grabs the address attribute of smsEmailAddress. Added here so it can be shown as a UIField under the Person UIComponent.
Social Insurance Number (aka Social Security Number)
Prints person's employment info.
Prints person's age, gender, and primary language.
Prints person status and tier.
Prints person status, tier and date of birth.
Prints person's birth date and age.
Prints person's company, position and department.
summary string containing company and city names
Prints person's department.
Prints person's status, position and company.
Attribute to provide proper dependency of all telcom defaults (defaultTelcom, workPhone, etc.) for Telcom.tooltipText
Overridden to read audit
Points to the External User for this person (if they exist). Validation set (to ensure that the instance is only an ExternalUser).
checkNullNames : before
We need to override this to not fix firstName since it is now required
defaultDear : before
Populate "dear" field to first name when empty.
Creates the contact with first and last name populated based on the search string
Enables auditing
Generates a default call task for a given WorkQueueItem
Get the for/assignTo name given the participant count. May show a shorter version if the count is greater than 1.
Creates the household members for viewing from portal.
main : main
Checks if the person is playing the given role.
Loads on demand an undefined attribute. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Merge the instance the function is invoked from to the specified target instance
mergeFinancial : before
Merge FINS specific extensions
mergePersons : before
Merge the full name, title, etc. moving only attributes that are null/empty on the target.
Merge the given source to the specified target instance
mergePersonPrimitive : before
Merge the full name, title, etc. moving only attributes that are null/empty on the target.
API exposed for Outlook Plug-In and similar clients. Creates a contact with minimal info and assigns a task to the user to fill in the contact info later
Enables auditing
Enables auditing
checkNullNames : before
For indexing reasons we don't allow nulls in names. - don't fix firstName since it is now required and should fail.
Base class for the UI personalizations.
used to add a single missing personalization after metadata upgrade
Ensure metadata and persisted personalization are consistent.
Fixes up invalid toolbars after metadata changes.
To make sure there is no duplicatename per user
Base class for metadata elements with personalizeable layouts.
used to fix bad personalization after metadata upgrade
Removes layouts no longer based on the current metadata.
Base class for personalizable metadata that has layouts. e.g. Screen, Form.
Sees if the element is in personalization right now. if so, returns the element's persisted personalization, else #f.
Base class for UI metadata objects for personalization.
Allow load to work on update.
Creates an OID from the parent oid plus the name
Sets the where clause
processWhere : before
Since read isn't called, need to process the where clause manually:
Associate EntityParticipation records for Documents. When associated, the document is considered pinned.
Class representation of a Policy.
This is the name of the contact that we retrieved this policy for.
Link to the completed Application that is the source of this Policy
Policy's status.
The class is used for primarily to keep a record of all Portfolio snapshots which need to be deleted. The deletion will happen on backend (as a stored procedure) after(instead of during) the posting of the Transactions.
Calculated class, holding values used by Portal to show a contact's address.
Calculated class, holding values used by Portal to show a contact's household members.
Get beacon state
Extension of Obj for portal users: simply to grant PersonView to the read event.
Extended to add PersonView privilege.
Calculated class, holding values used by Portal to show a contact's telcoms.
Abstract grouping of Holdables.
Close date of portfolio.
Calculated attribute that aggregate the current value from its accounts.
Used to initialize the allowPerformanceCalc attribute on VirtualPortfolio during creation.
Name of portfolio.
Open date of portfolio.
Currency used for values in this portfolio.
Short name for portfolio.
Calculated attribute that aggregates the source current value from its accounts.
The virtual portfolio provides a level of indirection between this portfolio and its holdings. It is used for optimization purposes.
initVirtualPortfolio : before
Initialize virtual portfolio. In the majority of situations, a new virtual portfolio is created. However, when a client is the only member of a household, the client portfolio and the household portfolio share a virtual portfolio.
deleteVirtualPortfolio : before
Delete virtual portfolio when it only represents this portfolio.
Delete virtual portfolio for portfolio and set new virtual portfolio as the one specified from argument. This is used when merging the client and household virtual portfolios. Returns the virtual portfolio. Event assumes that account relationships on the specified portfolio are correct, i.e., the account relationships on "this" portfolio are adjusted accordingly.
Create a new virtual portfolio that is based on the current virtual portfolio, and associate with this new virtual portfolio. This is used when splitting the client and household virtual portfolio. Returns the newly created virtual portfolio.
Intersection between AggregrateAccountPortfolio and Account.
Default division count used for parallelized batch updating PortfolioAccounts.
Default page size used for batch updating PortfolioAccounts.
The account that is contained in the portfolio.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attribute on account name used for name attribute.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
When the account ceased being in the portfolio. The account value does not roll up to the portfolio for valuations after the end date. If there is no end date, the account is assumed to still reside in the portfolio.
Calculated attribute used for visibility binds for account tax detail, specifically, the maximum payment attributes. True when account is LIF/LRIF account type with nominee designation and dealer management type.
Calculated attribute used for visibility binds for account tax detail. True when account is RIF/LIF/LRIF/PRIF account type with nominee designation and dealer management type.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is a dealer account, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Calculated attribute used to check whether the reportingCurrency is the systemCurrency.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is not tracked, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is referred, false otherwise. Used for visibility binds.
Calculated attribute that is true when account is tracked, false otherwise.
Calculated attribute used for edit binds on account attributes.
The ownership amount used to calculate valuations. If Account'USE_OWNER_PCT, it is the current value of the account multiplied by the ownership percentage, in the system base currency. Otherwise, it is simply the current value of the account.
The ownership amount displayed in the UI, namely, the current value of the account multiplied by the ownership percentage, in the account reporting currency.
Indicates the ownership percentage of the account for the given portfolio.
(Ownership Amount) / (Total Portfolio Value).
The portfolio that contains the account.
Association path to the PortfolioHoldings that are related to this PortfolioAccount.
First checks if the current user is an InternalUser (if so, allows readable). If not, checks if the current user is an ExternalUser, and if so, checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User. Otherwise, readable is set to false.
When the account started being in the portfolio. The account value does not roll up to the portfolio for valuations before the start date.
Summary string containing account information
If the user is external, disables updating
deletePortfolio : before
Delete the portfolio as well when this is the last PortfolioAccount instance.
Return the ownership percentage used to calculate valuations.
Batch update all PortfolioAccounts in the system.
Performs batch update calculations on a page of PortfolioAccounts.
Intersection between PortfolioAccount and PortfolioHolding that is used for simplified association paths (in the UI in particular). This is necessary because the relationship between PortfolioAccount and PortfolioHolding is many-to-many. A PortfolioAccount (account ownership) can have multiple PortfolioHoldings (holding ownership). Conversely, the additional level of indirection from the VirtualPortfolio means that a PortfolioHolding (holding ownership) can be referenced by multiple PortfolioAccounts (account ownership). E.g., a household with one client shares the same VirtualPortfolio, but both the household and the client have their own mutually exclusive set of PortfolioAccounts. There is no base class because this is a denormalized class and audit fields are not included for performance reasons.
The account ownership.
The holding ownership.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Override summaryPriceString to use trackedPriceDate on holdable.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Override summaryPriceString to use trackedPriceDate on holdable.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Calculated attribute that is true when holding is for a segregated fund and is not in a tracked account. Used to show/hide fields that are specific to segregated funds.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Override summaryPriceString to use trackedPriceDate on holdable.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Face Amount Currency
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Intersection class between Portfolio and Holding. Used to provide a common path from Portfolio to Holding.
Default division count used for parallelized batch updating PortfolioHoldings.
Default page size used for batch updating PortfolioHoldings.
When the holding ceased being in the portfolio. The holding value does not roll up to the portfolio for valuations after the end date. If there is no end date, the holding is assumed to still reside in the portfolio.
Calculated attribute used for edit binds on holding attributes.
Indicates whether or not holding has a tracked holdable.
The holding in the portfolio.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attribute used in UI for maturity value (only valid for Term holdings).
Used for name attribute.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
The ownership amount used to calculate valuations. If Account'USE_OWNER_PCT, it is the current value of the holding multiplied by the ownership percentage, in the system base currency. Otherwise, it is simply the current value of the holding.
The ownership amount displayed in the UI, namely, the current value of the holding multiplied by the ownership percentage, in the holdable currency.
Indicates the ownership percentage of the holding for the given portfolio. It is typically 100% -- the exception is when the owner of the portfolio owns less than 100% of the account that the holding is held.
(Ownership Amount) / (Total Portfolio Value).
The association path to the PortfolioAccounts that this PortfolioHolding is part of. This is a collection because of the additional level of indirection from the VirtualPortfolio.
When the holding started being in the portfolio. The holding value does not roll up to the portfolio for valuations before the start date.
priceSummaryString attribute overriden on PortfolioFundHolding, PortfolioFixedIncomeHolding, and PortfolioEquityHolding to generate summary string based on the holdable (uses trackedPriceDate if internal, otherwise uses existing priceSummaryString).
Returns the summary string to be displayed in Column 1 of the Holding in the Holdings List
Returns the summary string to be displayed in Column 2 of the Holding in the Holdings List
The portfolio that contains the holding.
Internal factory to create a new PortfolioHolding. Uses the holding subclass to determine which subclass to create. Return the new PortfolioHolding instance.
Return the ownership percentage used to calculate valuations.
Batch update all PortfolioHoldings in the system.
Performs batch update calculations on a page of PortfolioHoldings.
Attribute to do aggregation over.
Metaclass sourced by a database view to support the Portfolio Summary Report. The existing object model is not designed for optimal reporting of holdable sectors. This underlying view joins the PortfolioHolding, Holding, Holdable, and HoldableSector tables to allow a star schema to form. The grain of the fact table represents a unique holding, holdable sector within a virtual portfolio. The one fact of this table is the percentage field representing how much a weight of a holdable belongs to a particular sector.
Class based on a view that contains aggregate sums of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings, grouped by virtual portfolio and account management type. Allows a virtual portfolio to easily obtain the current total valuation, by account management type.
All the holdings aggregated in the sum are in accounts of this management type.
The aggregate sum of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings for the given virtual portfolio and account management type.
The virtual portfolio this sum is for.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
Calculated attribute that is true when insurance is a life plan type. Used to show/hide fields that are specific to life plan types.
A snapshot of portfolio valuation at a point in time. Snapshots are taken daily. There audit fields are not on this class to conserve space -- this is a high volume class.
The snapshot date in the format of a timestamp so that it can be used for comparison operations.
When the snapshot is taken.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in dealer accounts, in the portfolio reporting currency.
Used to hide/show a literal on the dashboard if a PortfolioSnapshot exists.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in dealer accounts, in the system base currency.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in external tracked accounts, in the portfolio reporting currency.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in external tracked accounts, in the system base currency.
Reverse association.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in internal tracked accounts, in the portfolio reporting currency.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in internal tracked accounts, in the system base currency.
Indicates whether or not the snapshot is archived. When true, the snapshot is not deleted during purges of old records. Snapshots are typically archived on month ends and on asset flows.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in referred accounts, in the portfolio reporting currency.
Used to hide/show a literal on the dashboard if a PortfolioSnapshot exists.
The total value of all the portfolio holdings in referred accounts, in the system base currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings, in the portfolio reporting currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings, in the portfolio reporting currency, formatted as a currency string with the portfolio's unit bind.
The total value of all portfolio holdings, in the system base currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings in managed accounts (dealer and referred), in the portfolio reporting currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings in managed accounts (dealer and referred), in the system base currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings in tracked accounts (both internal and external), in the portfolio reporting currency.
The total value of all portfolio holdings in tracked accounts (both internal and external), in the system base currency.
Used to hide/show a literal on the dashboard if a PortfolioSnapshot exists.
The portfolio of which the snapshot is taken for.
Reverse association.
Create a copy of the specified snapshot for the given virtual portfolio. This is used when splitting the client and household virtual portfolio. Returns the newly created snapshot.
setLatestSnapshot : before
Set snapshot as the latest snapshot for the portfolio when applicable.
setLatestSnapshot : before
If snapshot is the latest snapshot for the portfolio, find a replacement.
setLatestSnapshot : before
Set snapshot as the latest snapshot for the portfolio when applicable.
Helper method to update latest snapshot pointer on portfolio if instance is the most recent snapshot.
Adjust the portfolio value by the delta amount specified. This value represents the total valuation of all holdings in the account management type specified in the portfolio. The total portfolio value is also updated, and is returned. An optional exchange rate argument is available to avoid repeatedly querying for the exchange rate when this event is called multiple times.
Update this snapshot by adding or subtracting each of the amounts from the specified snapshot. Add the amounts when 'positive' is true, otherwise subtract the amounts. The 'percentage' argument may be applied so that only a percentage of the snapshot is applied. There is validation to ensure that this snapshot and the specified snapshot are dated the same.
Subclassed to restrict relationship to holding subclass.
Overridden to ensure subclass relationship.
RIF type. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
The portlet that is registered to the system registry.
Custom read event to filter portlets based on security.
Optional URL that member URLs are relative to
One of the following values: * Zero to load window.onload * One to use API call
One of the following values: * Zero to load sequentially. * One to load the first synchronously followed by the remainder asynchronously. * Two for all fully parallel.
A URL (may be relative)
A URL (may be relative)
The timeout for the login URL in seconds
Whether the login and logout URLs should be GET or POSTed
Represents a position on a holding within an account. A position is effective from a specified date until the date of a more recent position on the same holding in the same account. A new transaction will create a new position - the relationship is one-to-one. E.g., a position of 100 shares of NexJ is held on an account. A transaction to buy 50 shares occurs, which results in a new position of 150 shares of NexJ in the account. The old position is kept for historical and performance calculation purposes. There audit fields are not on this class to conserve space -- this is a high volume class.
Calculated attribute via holding. This position is within this account.
The date when position is effective from.
Calculated attribute via holding. This position is on this holdable. E.g., account has 100 shares of NexJ stock.
The holding this position is for.
Reverse association.
The cumulative quantity of units of the holding in the account.
Dictates an order when the transaction has been reversed or corrected. E.g., original transaction has sequence number of 0, reversal transaction has sequence number of 1, correction transaction has sequence number of 2. This is a denormalized copy of the attribute on transaction, for performance purposes.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If this transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If this transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing. This is actual field used by NexJ for processing transactions - posting/performance calculation.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If the transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If the transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing. This is a denormalized copy of the attribute on transaction, for performance purposes.
The transaction that caused the creation of this position.
Return the quantity for the latest position of the specified holding at the end of the given date (of type timestamp). Note that this function only examines positions that are already persisted.
Return the quantity for the latest position of the specified holding.
Return the quantity for the position immediately before the transaction specified.
Return the quantity for the latest position of the specified holding as at the given timestamp. Note that this function only examines positions that are already persisted. Optional 'inclusive' argument used to specify whether given timestamp is inclusive or exclusive. Default is inclusive.
Class based on a view of the latest position for a holding. I.e., the current quantity of the holding.
Date of the latest position.
The holding this position is for.
Reference to the latest position. This association should not be traversed, and is solely used for reference purposes.
Quantity at the latest position.
Dictates an order when the transaction has been reversed or corrected. E.g., original transaction has sequence number of 0, reversal transaction has sequence number of 1, correction transaction has sequence number of 2. This is a denormalized copy of the attribute on transaction, for performance purposes.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If the transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If the transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing. This is a denormalized copy of the attribute on transaction, for performance purposes.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If the transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If the transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing. This is a denormalized copy of the attribute on transaction, for performance purposes.
EMPI class for candidates
P - Base Class X - Public Principal Z - ReadOnly Principal U - Internal User E - External User G - User Group L - UserList F - FavouriteUserList D - RoleDevCenter M - Team T - User Template S - System User Template
A collection of instances of intersection class FavouriteSavedFilterRule indicating the list of favourite saved filters for this user.
Image associated with the principal
True if principal is in activity plan template set.
True if principal is in activity plan template set.
True if principal is in category set.
True if principal is in coverage team set.
True if principal is in custom field type set.
True if principal is in entity query set.
True if principal is in folder set.
True if principal is in Ad Hoc report set.
True if principal is in principal set.
True if principal is in product set.
True if principal is in report definition folder set.
True if principal is in user list set.
Status of the principal
Used to represent instances of private schedule items in the Schedule and BusySchedule UI.
Overridden to remove reference to act.
Overridden to remove reference to act.
Overridden to remove reference to act.
Used to represent instances of private schedule items. Attributes in this class should not be audited. Attributes persisted in the base class need to be overriden in this class to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Icon used specifically for private schedule items in the UI.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.s
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views.
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views.
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views.
Calculated attribute used to set the style (color/font) of a schedule item in the schedule control.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Overridden to remove auditing.
Implemented to disable auditing.
main : main
This class should not be audited.
Privilege Base Class -- made up of Privileges and Privilege Groups --> Not persisted, sourced from MetaData
Indicates whether this privilege can be inherited by an on behalf of user
Base -- blank - abstract. Primitive -- "P" Group -- "G" AdminGroup -- "A"
The symbolic name of the privilege. As defined in metadata. NOT localized.
Group of Privileges and PrivilegeGroups - Not Persisted
Atomic Privilege Primitives
Holds the process queue window pattern parameters.
Maximum number of days to calculate the next occurrence.
Determines which timestamp attribute used to generate occurrences.
Not actually used by this queue: used to preserve the database consistency
End of processing window. Note only time portion is important. If before start time, assumes it will cross midnight to the next day. If equal to startTime, the process will run all day.
Time of start of window. Note that date portion of timestamp will be ignored.
Getter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Setter for a timestamp used to generate occurrences: sometimes this could be series startTime, and sometimes - endTime
Limit the given time to the recurrence calculation horizon
Recurrence rule used in the recurrence pattern configuration. This loosely represents "normalized" iCalendar rules BYYEARDAY, BYMONTHDAY, BYDAY, BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND, BYWEEKNO, BYMONTH and BYSETPOS
Framework event extension
Framework event extension
Products generally represent items for sale. They are associated with opportunities.
Overridden for audit. Persisted attribute for marking configurations as inactive or deprecated. used for deprecating types. e.g. a custom field that should no longer be used, but has already been associated with contacts will be marked inactive.
Calculated attribute pointing to the current localization's caption. Used for search.
ClassCode for products
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Audit product description
Audit product name
Related Opportunities
Related Action Items & Documents
Related Campaigns
List Price for the Product
Related Opportunities
Related Service Requests
Type of Product
Related Action Item Serieses
Overridden for audit
createReadContextLogs : before
Creates audit context logs for the related opportunity and primary entity.
Override to add view security
Intersection between an opportunity and product.
Symbol of the association attribute for the associatied instance (could be null)
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Intersection between an opportunity and product.
Localization of Product caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Represents a product opportunity.
UI only attribute: The icon to use to represent the opportunity when it is associated with a lead.
UI attribute - used to hold the pending product.
UI attribute - used to hold the pending product type.
The products associated with this opportunity. Can be funds.
Overridden for validation
Factory for creating an opportunity from a given template. The primary entity is strictly copied from the Parent Opportunity, regardless of the target entity type of the template.
setTemplate : before
Extracts the opportunity template from the parameter arg.
Intersection between a product opportunity and a product.
Converted extended price with Opportunity currency using todays exchange rate
Converted unit price with Opportunity currency using todays exchange rate
Formatted converted extended price for Opportunity Detail Report
Formatted percent discount
Formatted value of Product productlistprice for reports
Formatted converted unit price for Opportunity Detail Report
The total price calculated from units * unit price.
Calculation used to correspond to the localized caption of the product.
The associated opportunity.
The discount percentage based on listed price (1 - (unitPrice / listedPrice))
The associated product.
Type of the product. Denormed for auditing
Summary string with product type and name
Price per unit for the opportunity - defaulted from product list price.
Number of units of the product for the opportunity.
createReadContextLogs : before
Creates audit context logs for the related opportunity and primary entity.
Primary Responding Fire Station (in Miles)
Inside City or Village Limits
Hydrant within 1000 feet
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Retrieves and caches the Public principal.
Localization of PublicPrincipal caption and description.
Used as an interface to send push notifications.
Send notifications to a collection of users.
Represents a saved population of search fields. This class is used to save and restore search queries, e.g., Quick Find Advanced Search. Queries are always private to individuals, however, we may consider extending the security scope in the future.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Raw serialized data for the query search fields. See queryValues for more information.
GenericSerializablePropertyMap holding the name value pairs of the search fields, and is serialized by the framework using a hook into queryData.
Factory creation of query using an association list to generate the property map. The parameter specifies the key mapping to use.
createPropertyMap : before
Create the queryValues property map using the assoc list.
Generate a property map of query values with the given assoc list using the type specified. Returns a property map.
Given a Query instance, generate and return an assoc list representation of the property map, in the type specified.
Return the key map for the given type. The key map is a list of elements, where the first value is the Query class property map key and the second value is the key used by the source type. E.g., the type (QueryKeyMapTypeEnum'ENT) retrieves the key map from the Query class property map key to the Entity operational model key. The key map adds a level of indirection to accommodate different mappings, such as the Entity BI model. The key map may also map objects -- when mapping objects, be sure to append the list of attributes that need to be queried on the element, such as the caption.
Set the property map of a Query instance with the given assoc list using the type specified.
Subclass of Query Builder Item, specifically for Date items.
This is to convert the date into a friendly readable format which is displayed on the Output Structure for Ad Hoc reports.
main : main
Formating the date/time values into a readable string.
Subclass of Query Builder Item, specifically for Decimal items.
This is to convert the decimal into a friendly readable format which is displayed on the Output Structure for Ad Hoc reports.
Subclass of Query Builder Item, specifically for Double items.
A class that supports the QueryBuilder UI
The flag to indicate whether to use the custom logical expression from the user. #t Use the logical expression found in attribute junctionExpression
BIClass bound to this query builder filter form
Helper attribute used to trigger the update event. Modified by the QueryBuilderItem class.
The classCode of this class
Whether the current user has a filter that's not accessible by the user.
The collection of individual sub-clauses that define this clause
Contains the junction expression when the "junctionType" attribute is "Custom." Empty, otherwise.
Calculated attribute for viewing and editing the expression.
Helper attribute for getting BIClass
Sub-collection of items collection that have the "ask when run" flag set to true
clears out the items within the filter form
Converts the infix string filter to scheme prefix notation
infixInput string The infix notation to convert into prefix
any The prefix scheme expression
copies the items in the source to the destination
Takes a localized logical expression and returns a delocalized generic logical expression.
input string The localized logical expression to delocalize
string The delocalized logical expression
Takes a generic logical expression and returns the localized version.
input string The unlocalized logical expression to localize
string The localized logical expression
Calculate the logical expression based on the filters from the UI.
construct where clause backwards from the last row num example: Sample items and its resulting Scheme where clause. A = 2 AND B = 5 OR C = 3 (OR (AND (= A 2) (= B 5)) (= C 3)) this algorithm disregards the practice that ANDs are evaluated before ORs. need to enhance this algorithm to support this and enhance the model and UI to support brackets.
Substitutes the number in the expression with the where clause equivalent. Returns in string format
expr any The scheme expression to substitute
string The string version with the where clause in place of the number representation
updateOnFilterChange : before
Update junctionExpressionUI when the filter collection is changed during basic mode.
Validates proper bracket pairings.
input string The string to check bracket validation against
boolean Returns #t if brackets are opened and closed properly, #f otherwise.
Validates the logical expression and returns #t if valid, otherwise the localized string of the exception
infixInput string The infix notation of the logical expression to evaluate ie. "1 and 2"
Subclass of Query Builder Item, specifically for Integer items.
A sub-clause of a QueryBuilder clause
Enable/disable the filter item to be prompted for on run time.
Whether the current user has a filter that's not accessible by the user.
Should the `items' be ANDed, ORed together, or should a custom, user-defined expression, be applied to them?
the left-hand side field
the left-hand-side expression
The operator to be applied to the expressions on the left- and right-hand side
The reverse-association to the parent QueryBuilderFilterForm object
decimal value
double value
the right-hand-side expression, computed based on the instance of the subclass
integer value
string value
timestamp value
An integer that identifies this object; used for referring to this item in a custom expression
this method copies this instance into another new instance, and assigns it to the destination filter form
create the appropriate query builder filter item sub class based on the selected BI Attribute type
main : main
create the appropriate query builder filter item sub class based on the selected BI Attribute type
This method retrieves the attribute to filter on
this method prepares the lhs expression which provides the attribute to filter on, based off of the center BI Class.
this method prepares the rhs expression which could be of any datatype.
main : main
The method is called to prepare the rhs expression which could be of any datatype.
returns the where clause for the item without the application of the junctionType operator (AND OR, etc..). Those are handled in the QueryBuilderFF getWhere method.
Determines if a filter item should be prompted taking into account the advanced filter setting. Returns: #t if and only if (
Validates where clause represented by this single item
Subclass of Query Builder Item, specifically for String items.
This method retrieves the attribute to filter on
Localization of Query caption and description.
use object's updatable
Represents a state of query model for a particular screen form reference.
When true the initial query will run on application start up.
List of all selection criteria for the form reference.
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess used to apply ImportEntity's match result action in async.
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess that also applies the ENTITY_SEARCH_CONTEXT_AWARE aspect.
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess for leads.
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
Assignment, overriden.
The type of batch process
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
The command to be executed
property map for serializing the report command object.
number of days remaining until this instance is purged.
Tooltip for the batch process status when status of the process is "Completed with Errors"
Enabled bind for merge reports command in UI
Enabled bind for showing report in UI.
Icon used by related object proxy.
Whether this batch process supports notification upon completion.
The name identifying this process
String summary of report parameters. Should be provided by callee and provide enough detail to identify the report.
Optional pointer to a batch object that unifiies this report process with others in the same batch.
Resulting report generated by the command.
Time that the request was made.
To support UI grouping
The user who requested this batch operation
serialized string version of the command object - populated by the persistence hook
Title of reminder indicating that the batch process was a success.
An association to SysProcess that logs messages to the Process screen in Admin
Timeout status of the process. Indicates whether process has timed out, or whether the process is itself a resubmission of a timed-out process.
Total failed record in the batch operation
Total successfully processed record in the batch operation
Total record included in the batch operation
Creates an error task for the batch command executor.
Creates a notification for the the batch process.
Creates a reminder for the end user indicating that the batch process was a success
Queue this batch process through the ProcessQueueEngine workflow
Run the command associated with this queued process
Runs this process synchronously or asynchronously, depending on the async flag
Update the serialzable commandParameters based on the updated value of reportCommand.
generates queued process search contexts.
Icon representing search context. Shown in menu next to search context aware items such as Entity Lists, etc.
Used for filter in BatchQueueEntity picker sreen.
second context stored for UI purposes
gets the secondary context by the oid.
main : main
Customized read used ONLY for QueuedBatchProcessList.form @ args attributes list The list of attributes, or associated objects, to proactively retrieve. '() retrieves no attributes and any attributes accessed after such a read will trigger a lazy @ @ args load. See examples for special downcast (@@) syntax. @ args where list The where clause. See examples for information on associations, reverse associations and qualified associations. @ args orderBy list A list of (<expression> . <ascending>) pairs, by which to order the resulting collection. <ascending> is #t or #f (default #t). @ args count integer The number of instances to retrieve. null '() for the default value of -1, meaning up to 4096 instances. @ args offset integer The number of top level objects to skip from the beginning of the retrieved collection. null '() for the default value of 0. @ args xlock boolean If true, an exclusive lock is set in persistent storage on the matching top level objects until the transaction is finished. null '() for the default value of #f. @ ret instance-collection Collection of instances matching the where clause.
Allow subclassing of QueuedImportProcessStage
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess that tracks error objects created during the import process.
Allow subclassing of QueuedImportProcessStage
Import stage running this import process.
The name of the import type with first letter capitalized
Overwrite to run report and create a reportReminder when an import process fails
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess used the run the find import match process async.
Allow subclassing of QueuedProcess
Import stage running this import process.
Subclass of QueuedBatchProcess that tracks error objects created during the import process.
Abstract class.
Import stage running this import process.
Overridden to set value to false.
Overwrite to only pop up the failure notifications and not log the failure as tasks for the user
Overwrite to allow custom success text
Extended to update stage status
This class represents the push message that will be sent to a NotifyTarget.
The notify target which will receive the notify message.
Creates a QueuedNotifyMessage
checkTarget : before
Set the notify server of the QueuedNotifyMessage
overridable, called by receiver thread: process message.
Abstract base class for processes that are queued before running.
Assignment, if it exists, associated with the item.
Indicates the time the process was set to CANCELLED.
Elapsed minutes
Formatted string for elapsed time.
Indicates the time the process was set to COMPLETED.
Indicates the time the process was set to FAILED.
Name of the process. Used as the name of the SysWorkflowAssignment process.
Priority of the process denorm. Lower numbers are higher priority.
Points to the queue name (used by the semaphore block)
Indicates the time the process was added to the queue.
Indicates the time the process was set to RUNNING.
Overall status of the proces. WAITING->RUNNING->COMPLETED
The Channel this queued process will be submitted to
The SysProcess associated with this QueuedProcess
Timeout status of the process. Indicates whether process has timed out, or whether the process is itself a resubmission of a timed-out process.
Workflow queue denorm.
XA Transaction Id when the process is in running status
Returns boolean indicating whether or not the process may be cancelled.
Cancels the request (workflow trigger)
Allows the UI to cancel a process.
Changes the process from one process to another.
Changes the process from one process to another.
Assignment factory for workflow queue step.
Overrides the privileges.
Adds process to the queue (workflow trigger)
Overrides the privileges.
Allows the UI to retry a process.
Runs the process. To be overridden by the subclass.
main : main
To be overridden by implementing classes.
Sets the status to cancelled. Should be called by workflow.
Sets the error when an exception is thrown during running.
Sets the status to running. Should be called by workflow. Unsure if this shoudl be called in new transaction, or if transaction should be managed by workflow.
Sets the status to waiting. Should be called by workflow. Unsure if this shoudl be called in new transaction, or if transaction should be managed by workflow.
Updates the process' attributes.
If a queued process has been running for this number of hours, it will be considered "stuck" and will be cleared from the queue.
Named of seeded batch job.
Abstract class for all subcollections of entity. Examples include Telcoms, Categories, and Addresses. These subcollections inherit the entity's security and enforce updates to the entity when they are updated, deleted, or added.
In some cases we do not need to sort, so we do not need to read the firstName/lastName off the Entity, for performance reasons. Set to #f to avoid retrieving those attributes.
The entity which is the part of this queued batch process
The entity's first name. Calculated and persisted.
The entity's last name. Calculated and persisted.
the reason that this queued Process failed for entity
The queued batch process
Status of this entity in relation to the batch operation
Abstract class for all leads. These subcollections inherit the lead's security and enforce updates to the lead when they are updated, deleted, or added.
In some cases we do not need to sort, so we do not need to read the firstName/lastName off the Lead, for performance reasons. Set to #f to avoid retrieving those attributes.
the reason that this queued Process failed for lead
The lead which is the part of this queued batch process
The lead's first name. Calculated and persisted.
The lead's last name. Calculated and persisted.
The queued batch process
Status of this lead in relation to the batch operation
Batch object pointing to a collection of QueuedReportGenerationProcesses.
collection of batch reports
Deletes the SysReport created by the genReportFromMergedPdfs event.
main : main
deletes the temporarily created sys report
Merges PDFs using PDFBox APIs and returns a new SysReport.
main : main
returns a new SysReport presenting a merged PDF doc from the provided batch
Subclass of QueuedProcess for generating reports.
number of days remaining until this instance is purged.
Name for the assignment.
Optional pointer to a batch object that unifiies this report process with others in the same batch.
Report name being generated.
Resulting report generated by the command.
Cancels all the reports in the same batch as batchMember
Overrided to customize notification caption and message.
Kicks off the request.
Overriden to manage the running of reporting logic
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single quickNote
text input from UI.
Factory method to create an instance of quickNoteInput for Entity
creates an Act for the quickNoteInputText
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single quickNote
text input from UI.
Factory method to create an instance of quickNoteInput for Lead
creates an Act for the quickNoteInputText
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single quickNote
text input from UI.
Factory method to create an instance of quickNoteInput for Opportunity
creates an Act for the quickNoteInputText
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single quickNote
text input from UI.
Factory method to create an instance of quickNoteInput for ServiceRequest
creates an Act for the quickNoteInputText
Enum Code for Quick Picks
True if captions are runtime editable (i.e., enum type classification is system design time display, system design time editable or custom field picklist).
True if enum code is runtime deleteable (i.e., enum type classification is custom field picklist).
Simple dependency parent
generate Value for CustomField
createUniqueEnumCode : before
retrieves a guid and converts it to 24 character value for the enum code.
deletes enum code
checkCustomField : before
Prevents deletion of quickpickenumcode if a customfield has it as a value. Only executed if enumType exists (for the case where deleting a QuickPickEnumType cascade deletes its associated QuickPickEnumCodes).
Enum Type for Quick Picks
Reverse association to CustomFieldType
to override the privilege
defineTypeCode : before
automatically generates a typeCode
checkCustomFieldTypes : before
Prevent deletion of enum type if it is used as a picklist for a custom field type. Ignores system enum types.
Application created from this quote, if applicable
This is the name of the contact that we retrieved this quote for.
Promotes this quote to an application
Class representing a RIM Push Server
The suffix appended onto the BES server URL.
The suffix appended onto the BIS server URL for pushing a message.
The suffix appended onto the BIS server URL for a subscription query.
App ID for Push Initiator.
The url which the device will use to register for push notifications. Only required for BIS push and not BES
Returns #t if push server type is BES.
Returns #t if push server type is BIS Push Plus.
The response notification URL on which push notification acknowledgements will be received
The listening port for the notify targets associated with this server
The queue used to hold sent messages until a response notification is received from the push server.
The targets associated with this server
The type of the RIM Push Server (i.e BES, BIS Push Plus, BIS Push Essentials).
Returns true if the server responds to a push message.
Checks the url constraints for BES/BIS
Sends a subscription query to RIM to check which targets are active. Deletes any targets that belong to this server and that are not listed as active. Returns true if the cleanup was successful.
Create factory for RIM Push Server.
Processes the response from RIM's push server.
Sends a push message to the server and processes the response.
Sends a push message to this server. Returns a responsePair that has a code and a description.
Sends a push request to the RIM's push server.
Specify one or more categories that the channel belongs to. Follows the same rules as the <item>-level category element.
Specify one or more categories that the channel belongs to. Follows the same rules as the <item>-level category element. More info.
A workstation calls the cloud to register. The procedure takes five parameters: the name of the procedure that the cloud should call to notify the workstation of changes, the TCP port the workstation is listening on, the path to its responder, a string indicating which protocol to use (xml-rpc or soap, case-sensitive), and a list of urls of RSS files to be watched. The cloud can determine the IP address of the caller from the request. A workstation cannot make a registration call on behalf of another. The cloud returns true if it was able to do the registration, false otherwise. When a subscribed-to channel changes the cloud calls back to the procedure named in the registration call with one parameter, the url of the channel that changed. At that point the workstation could read the channel, or notify other workstations that the channel has changed, clear a cache, send an email or do nothing. The workstation returns true. By convention registrations expire after 25 hours. Workstations should register every 24 hours for each subscription to keep them current. UserLand is operating a cloud that conforms to this spec at The workstation side is implemented in Radio UserLand.
Copyright notice for content in the channel.
Phrase or sentence describing the channel.
A URL that points to the documentation for the format used in the RSS file. It's probably a pointer to this page. It's for people who might stumble across an RSS file on a Web server 25 years from now and wonder what it is.
A string indicating the program used to generate the channel.
Specifies a GIF, JPEG or PNG image that can be displayed with the channel.
The language the channel is written in. This allows aggregators to group all Italian language sites, for example, on a single page. A list of allowable Attributes for this element, as provided by Netscape, is here. You may also use Values defined by the W3C.
The last time the content of the channel changed. A date-time displayed in RFC-822 format.
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel.
Email address for person responsible for editorial content. NOTE: Should use the regexp definiton of E-Mail Address by Lucadean from the .NET RegExp Pattern Repository at
The publication date for the content in the channel. All date-times in RSS conform to the Date and Time Specification of RFC 822, with the exception that the year may be expressed with two characters or four characters (four preferred).
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
A hint for aggregators telling them which days they can skip.
Explains the text input area.
The URL of the CGI script that processes text input requests.
The name of the text object in the text input area.
The label of the Submit button in the text input area.
The name of the channel. It's how people refer to your service. If you have an HTML website that contains the same information as your RSS file, the title of your channel should be the same as the title of your website.
ttl stands for time to live. It's a number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source.
Email address for person responsible for technical issues relating to channel. NOTE: Should use the regexp definiton of E-Mail Address by Lucadean from the .NET RegExp Pattern Repository at
Allows processes to register with a cloud to be notified of updates to the channel, implementing a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol for RSS feeds.
enum: soap, xml-rpc, http-post
Describes a media object that is attached to the item.
Size in bytes
MIME media-type of the enclosure
URL where the enclosure is located
Class to define an RSS service to provide to the outside world.
Attributes to return to the RSS feed
Class to iterate over for items
Sort criteria used for the items collection
Where clause to limit the contents in the items
The locking attribute should be on all classes shown in the UI. It allows for the implementation of optimistic locking where two users can edit the same record at the same time, but the first one to commit the change will win and the second will be notified that another user has updated that record.
Description for the header of the RSS Feed
Title for the header of the RSS Feed
clears the caches of read-attrib functions for the class instances
calls clearCachedFunctions
clearCachedFunctions : before
Clears the SysCache of all cached compiled functions
calls clearCachedFunctions
caches read-attrib functions for the class instances that reads and evalutes the scheme script
Text that is included in the TITLE attribute of the link formed around the image in the HTML rendering.
The height of the image in pixels. Default 31. Max 144.
The URL of the site, when the channel is rendered, the image is a link to the site. (Note, in practice the image <title> and <link> should have the same Attribute as the channel's <title> and <link>.
Describes the image, it's used in the ALT attribute of the HTML <img> tag when the channel is rendered in HTML.
The URL of the image file.
The width of the image in pixels. Default 88. Max 400.
Email address of the author of the item.
Includes the item in one or more categories.
URL of a page for comments relating to the item.
The item synopsis.
Describes a media object that is attached to the item.
The URL of the item.
Indicates when the item was published.
The RSS channel that the item came from.
The title of the item.
A hint for aggregators telling them which hours they can skip.
Defines attributes for a Tier object related to an Entity. There is a uniqueness constraint against Entity and Region.
Access attribute used to deny updates to the region attribute once the RankedTier is created.
Used for enabling/disabling menu items.
Used in UI: Returns green dot icon if item is preferred, otherwise nothing
Related RegionEnum (e.g. US, Canada).
Used in the UI for conjunction search with Inheritence support.
The caption of the RegionEnum.
Rank based on the revenue value of the Entity. It is not related to the tierRank.
Used in the UI for conjunction search with Inheritence support.
Used for UI: summarizes the region and tier and rank for this instance.
Tier rank in the region.
Used in the UI for conjunction search with Inheritence support.
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
Factory method. Will throw an exception (to be caught in the UI) if a duplicate Tier is created for the associated entity
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
updateParent : before
Update the parent entity's lastUpdated date.
When 'isPreferred' is changed, validate that there is exactly one Preferred tier for related entity.
Retrieves and caches the ReadOnly principal.
This class represents a Batch job that cleans up NotifyTargets that are not registered with a NotifyServer anymore
Only delete RecentActivityActs that are older than this value (in days)
Flag to indicate if the batch job process is enabled
The start time of the batch job
Denormalized version of Act specific for the Recent Activities list.
Returns the current User
The act associate to this recent activity
Denorm of act's search context
Denorm of act activityEndTime
Allows grouping by date functionality on activityEndTime
Denorm of act class code
True if Act is displayable in My Contact's Recent Activities list
Denorm of act editTime
Denorm of act endTime
Special endTime formatter used in various grids
Used for desc filter
Denorm of act's mark completed status
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Returns checked checkbox if item is marked as completed, otherwise unchecked checkbox
Denorm of act's incomplete status
The principal (usually a User) who can see this instance.
Denorm of act priority
Caption of priority attribute for list display
visibility security
Denorm of act startTime
Special startTime formatter used in various grids
Denorm of act.status.state
Denorm of act status
String Value of Status
Used by the UI for searching
References the calculated attribute from the act
Denorm of act template
Denorm of act title
update security
processActSearchContext : before
Replace the actSearchContext expression with the corresponding expression that checks for either instance type or tempate id.
processWhereClause : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Report command object for Reports that don't need a where clause
Inherited from AllReportCommand.meta
Inherited from AllReportCommand.meta
String that describes the filters used. This is displayed in the report.
Determines whether to show detailed notes in the report.
Used as the reports title.
A string version of uiOrderBy that is passed to the jrxml.
Used in the report footer.
Inherited from AllReportCommand.meta, specifies whether the current contact, or current contact list is used.
The order by clause that is passed from the UI in the form of a list.
The where clause that is passed from the RecentActivityActPortlet.
setOrderBy : before
Take the value of uiOrderBy and set rptOrderBy. The value of uiOrderBy should have come from the active node of a a forms collectionModel, and should have only one order by clause.
Abstract base class for mail recipients.
Document type name sorted by class for UI.
Used as a blank in the UI when value in grid column for a recipient is not applicable.
Caption that identifies the type of recipient.
An instance of this class is created for each run of the parallelized Data Match service. It should be set as the "following" message for every RecordChunkIteratorMessage in the run, so that it will only get processed when all other messages are completed. Used to determine if all parallel subtasks have been completed.
Each RecordChunkIteratorMessage corresponds to one parallel subtask of the Data Match service. Used to run a Data Match on a subset of the total seconds, for parallelization purposes. The subtask is invoked by submitting the RecordChunkIteratorMessage to an object queue.
Reference to a message batch, used to keep track of the individual messages and results in a single parallel Data Match run
The OID of the Match Process configuration used for this match. This needs to be an OID (rather than an instance reference) so the message can be serialized
The association list of arguments to be passed to the child RecordIterators. Includes the source record, target record collection, and all other RecordIterator arguments
This code creates a RecordIterator corresponding to the Data Match data subset (and arguments) passed to it, runs it, and stores the results as a RecordChunkIteratorResult.
Class used to keep track of all the parallel subtasks (in the form of RecordChunkIteratorMessages) of each run of the parallel version of the Data Match service. All parallel subtasks in a single run will have the same RecordChunkIteratorMessageBatch. Attributes on the each Batch instance allow one to view the progress of the run.
The number of messages in the batch that have been cancelled
The number of messages in the batch for which processing has been completed
The number of messages in the batch that have been delivered to an object queue (messages that have been delivered but not completed are being processed)
The number of messages in the batch that have failed (and not been resubmitted)
The messages in this batch
Indicates the fraction of messages in the batch that have completed.
The number of messages in the batch that have been sent to an object queue
This class is used to store the Information Model corresponding to the results of each parallel subtask of a parallel Data Match run
Reference to a message batch, used to keep track of the individual messages in a parallel Data Match run
Contains the Information Model corresponding to the results of a single parallel subtask of a parallel Data Match run
serialized message data.
serialized property values.
Non-persisted class used to manage a complete comparison between a source and target record set. A single instance of this class is created for each run of the Data Match service.
The batch size of created/modified RecordMatchers after which a pre-commit should be performed.
The amount of time, in milliseconds, a parallelized invocation of the Data Match service should wait for results to return
When set to true, the match results will include the scores for attribute-by-attribute comparisons.
Reference to the Match Process configuration used by this run of the Data Match service.
The maximum number of positive matches a given source record can have before the Data Match run moves on to the next source record.
References to all the RecordMatchers created for a given run of the Data Match service. There will be one RecordMatcherfor each source/target record pair.
When set to true, the match results will include comparisons between source/target records that do not match.
When set to true, the match results will include source records for which no target records matched.
A reference to an IMmatchInputData information model, containing the collection of source records used for this comparison (the type needs to be set to Any here because we can't set specific SOA types)
A reference to an IMmatchInputData information model, containing the collection of target records used for this comparison (the type needs to be set to Any here because we can't set specific SOA types)
If true, stop comparing attributes in a source/target comparison if it can be unambiguously determined that a match is positive or negative
For the source collection associated with this instance of RecordIterator, create a RecordMatch instance, populate it with every record pair to be matched, execute a Data Match between every pair, and return an Information Model containing the results
IMmatchResult The information model containing the results of the match
For the source collection associated with this instance of RecordIterator, create a RecordChunkIteratorMessage comparing each individual record with remaining records, submit all the messages in parallel, wait for all the parallel processes to complete, aggregate the results, and return an Information Model containing the results
IMmatchResult The information model containing the results of the match
For the source and target collections associated with this instance of RecordIterator, create a RecordMatch instance, populate it with every source-target pair, execute a Data Match between every pair, and return an Information Model containing the results
IMmatchResult The information model containing the results of the match
For the source and target collections associated with this instance of RecordIterator, create a RecordChunkIteratorMessage comparing each individual source record with the target collection, submit all the messages in parallel, wait for all the parallel processes to complete, aggregate the results, and return an Information Model containing the results
IMmatchResult The information model containing the results of the match
Non-persisted class used to manage a comparison between a single source and target record.
The collection of attribute matchers, used for the per-attribute comparisons. The results of the comparisons are aggregated to form the total record comparison weightedScore.
True if the source and target record do not match.
True if the source and target record have a positive match.
True if the source and target record have a possible match.
Reference to the Match Process configuration that controls this source/target comparison.
Reference to the Record Iterator of which this is but one comparison.
An enumeration indicating the results of the match
The source record to be compared.
The unique ID of the source record to be compared. This requires one of the source attribute configurations to have isId set to true.
The target record to be compared.
The unique ID of the target record to be compared. This requires one of the target attribute configurations to have isId set to true.
The weighted comparison score for the sourceRecord/targetRecord comparison, calculated by aggregating the individual attribute scores
Perform a match between the given sourceRecord and targetRecord associated with this RecordMatcher. An information model is then returned with the results.
bounded boolean If true, terminate the match early if it can be unambiguously determined, based on the intermediate score, that a match will be negative or positive. For this option, the matching is done in order of decreasing weight; the order attribute is ignored. Also, since the match may be terminated early, the exact scores returned cannot be relied on for negative or positive matches (possible matches can still be relied on).
IMrelationshipResult The information model containing the results of the match
A horizon (number of days from now) for which recurrent events are generated.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Extends framework event
Called by timer
A strategy that governs matching old and new occurrences during series re-generation
A map between RecurrenceUnmatchedOldActionEnum and RecurrenceMatchActionEnum
A flag indicating whether mismatched new occurrences should be created (when false, they are ignored)
A minimal distance in milliseconds between old and new occurrences that triggers a match for the strategy
A strategy indicating whether mismatched modified old occurrences should be deleted, detached from the series or ignored
A strategy indicating whether mismatched non-modified old occurrences should be deleted, detached from the series or ignored
Extends framework event
Matches existing occurrences with the calculated start times. Looks at one additional occurrence of each type. Offset specifies how much (in milliseconds) the start time of the series has been moved. Returns one of the RecurrenceMatchActionEnum values.
Recurrence rule used in the recurrence pattern configuration. This loosely represents "normalized" iCalendar rules BYYEARDAY, BYMONTHDAY, BYDAY, BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND, BYWEEKNO, BYMONTH and BYSETPOS
Framework event extension
Framework event extension
Each tax year has up to 3 types of registered plans (e.g. RRSP, RESP, Income Funds) for a particular entity
Contribution or pay-out ytd so far, depending on inflow or outflow
Can be either inbound or outbound
A place to put account-specific information or other commentary
If a contribution amount is less than 0, the data should have a red font to attract the attention of the user
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Difference between the plan max and the amount
The registered item is tied to a single entity record
Name attribute for the instance. Used by validation and delete confirmations.
Can be either RRSP, RESP or Income Fund
A set of transactions that show the details behind this particular registered plan
2007, 2006, 2005, ... etc
Plans that are either RRSP or RESP-specific
Subclasses will override this to either IN or OUT
Difference between the plan max and the amount
For plan, what is the limit this year
defaulted to RRSP
A set of transactions that show the details behind this particular registered plan
Plans that are income funds
Subclasses will override this to either IN or OUT
Difference between the plan max and the amount
Minimum payment out of income fund in year
For income funds the plan type is always set
A set of transactions that show the details behind this particular registered plan
Transactions for Registered Plan items for an Entity
Amount of transaction
A place to put account-specific information or other commentary
Net effect to parent Registered Plan item; can be +, -, or 0
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
ending point of transaction
number of multiples of the amount on the transaction
Transaction has a single parent Registered Item that is used to group registered transactions
starting point of transaction
Amount of transaction times the multiplier on it
Date of transaction
Inbound transactions for a registered plan
In transaction
Defaulted to RRSP
Transaction has a single parent Registered Item that is used to group registered transactions
Defaulted to Cheque
Outbound transactions for a registered plan
Out transaction
Defaulted to Cheque
Transaction has a single parent Registered Item that is used to group registered transactions
Defaulted to RRIF
Facade virtually persisted class that interacts with the User Registry
Queue to use to update the user registry
User's alias
User's first name
User's last name
Login name of the user
Roles to map to the remote user
External Key for use in SSO
Status of the principal
Uniquely identifies a user
Creates a RemoteUser instance based on the passed EnterpriseUser. The state of the created RemoteUser will be clean.
Report Branding metaclass, used for placing header images in Jasper reports.
Name of the image file
Loads on demand an undefined attribute. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Periodically checks for old reports and deletes them. By default, runs every day and purges records older than 7 days. Also removes reports generated in a queued process. Will not remove reports associated with ReportDefinitionResults.
Named of seeded batch job.
How many days after report is created should it be automatically purged.
Timer period in minutes for UI
Called by timer
This class supports the UI for Ad Hoc reports
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Default chart height in twips.
Default chart width in twips.
The name of the ReportDefinition object message
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating private types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
The number of charts that will be added to a single row. When this number is reached, another row containing one or more charts is added to the report. The value should be set to an integer > 0.
Height of letter size in twips
Default report margin in twips
The chart width adjustment used in conjunction with REPORT_CHARTS_PER_ROW to ensure that multiple charts in the same row have an optimal width.
Width of letter size in twips
The name of the ReportDefinition XML message
Edit security cannot change if its folder edit security is not public. Allow to change security if folder security is public or it is group
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
View security cannot change if its folder view security is not public. Allow to change security if folder security is public or it is group
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
the selected BIClass (specifies the row level)
Association to configuration group. Overriden from
Used only during the commit process of the create.
Created label text to use on the properties UI
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Overridden to default to folder principal
Calculated edit principal string for Report Definition dashboard
The collection of filters that are applied
If true, wraps columns to fit on the ReportDefinition's current page size, otherwise cuts off columns if they run over the edge of the page
Calculated string to indicate if Fit Columns On Page setting is enabled, for dashboard
The folder this instance is stored in.
Whether the current user can view or edit the report based on BIClasses in the report
Has this report been modified from out-of-the-box state?
Show header for report; on by default.
This attribute is true if the ReportDefinition's paperOrientation is Landscape, false otherwise
The opposite of isAccessible, it's required for the QuickReportOutputStructure form
Returns #f when isNew. Used in Ad Hoc Report Properties UI to show/hide controls.
Returns #t if this ReportDefinition has a source, either an existing item or has a copy reference as the source.
The SysReport results of the last execution.
Last updated label text to use on the properties UI
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Main section or root node for the report definition
Output warning text for when the report is not accessible
The description of the report.
Orientation of report output for this ReportDefinition (Portrait or Landscape)
Calculated paper orientation string for Report Definition dashboard
Paper size of report output for this ReportDefinition (Letter, Legal, etc.)
Calculated paper size string for Report Definition dashboard
A list structure containing the icons that should display for this Report Definition in the Report Definition dashboard
Allowing user to run different report types such as detail, summary, chart, etc. Currently, this is not being used, but chart types will be added in the future.
Icon for report type in Report Definition dashboard
The collection of RunReportDefinitions that use this ReportDefinition as their basis
All the sections for this report definition.
Used in UI to switch security form
The ordinal of the chart in this report containing the initially selected data point
The key of the initially selected data point in the chart with the specified ordinal (see selectedChartOrdinal)
The attributes to report on (the columns)
Used in Ad Hoc Report Properties UI to show/hide main subject area dropdown
All the steps created for this report definition.
Keeps track of the number of steps created and is used when creating new steps to assign them their display order correctly.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
Overridden to default to folder principal
Calculated view principal for Report Definition dashboard
Maps an instance of AggregateFunctionEnum to the name used in the framework
Aligns a given section to the correct indentation level
changes the working report definition's subtype. validates based on type
reportDefinition ReportDefitinition the report definition whose report sub-type is to be changed.
subReportType any the report sub-type to change to
Called from the UI, when the user hits add. Basically, doing all the work to start with a fresh and clean working copy.
ReportDefinition reportDef - the ReportDefinition instance we want to clear. It will usually be the WorkingReportDefinition for the user.
ReportDefinitionFolder folder - selected folder on the UI
copies the captions for all locales into the working report.
Copies the attributes of the source report definition into the destination report definition.
main : main
Copies the attributes of the source report definition into the destination report definition.
checkParent : after
Check that user has valid permissions to folder.
Creates BIAttribute objects for a customFieldType
Creates BIAttribute objects for a customFieldType
Creates BIAttribute objects corresponding to a given customFieldType for a given reportDefinition
Creates BIAttribute objects corresponding to a given customFieldType for the specified biClass and centreClass
Creates BIAttribute objects corresponding to a given customFieldType for the specified biClass and centreClass
Creates BIAttributeAssoc objects that correspond to the given entityTypeCustomFieldType
Deletes BIAttributeAssoc's corresponding to a given entityTypeCustomFieldType
Called from the UI, if the user hits cancel without having clicked on "Save" when the wizard is opened the first time. We want to delete the instance that we created to work with in the wizard.
Exports the given ReportDefinition instance into XML; returns the resulting XML document as a string
Generates an Excel report
Generates an HTML report
Generates an HTML report for Tablet
Generates the bar/line chart report hierarchy that is passed to the report engine
Generates the detail report hierarchy that is passed to the report engine
Generates the pie report hierarchy that is passed to the report engine
Generates the summaryl report hierarchy that is passed to the report engine
Given a report definition and a group, attaches an information header to the report containing its title, who ran it, and the date it was generated.
reportDefinition ReportDefinition The Report Definition which is being generated, to which the headers should be applied
rpt nexj.core.meta.reporting.Report The reporting engine data structure containing the report information
group nexj.core.meta.reporting.Group The specific group that will hold the headers
Generates a Ad Hoc report using a given report definition and output format
reportDefinition ReportDefinition Report Definition which embodies the desired fields and filters one would like to see on the report
outputFormat string Indicates what output format in which the report should be generated (i.e. "XLS" for Excel, "PDF" for PDF)
persist boolean If true, puts the generated SysReport in the lastResult attribute of the ReportDefinition
SysReport A reference to the generated report, encapsulated in a SysReport instance
Generates a Ad Hoc report, with the persist flag set to #t (this is for backwards compatibility)
reportDefinition ReportDefinition Report Definition which embodies the desired fields and filters one would like to see on the report
outputFormat string Indicates what output format in which the report should be generated (i.e. "XLS" for Excel, "PDF" for PDF)
SysReport A reference to the generated report, encapsulated in a SysReport instance
Returns all the attributes selected for this report. Pulling in all these attributes from the sections of the report.
Returns how a chart shoud be scaled to best fit the report paper size.
chartHeight integer The height that the chart will be rendered in twips.
chartWidth integer The width that the chart will be rendered in twips.
double The value used to scale the chart.
Returns a warning message text if the contact link in the generated Ad Hoc report has been deleted.
entityId binary The oid of the entity
string returns a warning text if contact is inaccessible or null otherwise
Returns the string-join expression used to build the value of a non-unique custom field in the report
Returns the paper height of the current ReportDefinition, in twips (twentieths of a point), based on current ReportDefinition's paperSize attribute
integer The paper height of the current ReportDefinition, in twips
Returns the paper height, optionally depending on the paper orientation, of the current ReportDefinition, in twips (twentieths of a point), based on current ReportDefinition's paperSize attribute
ignoreOrientation boolean Ignore page orientation when calculating height.
integer The paper height of the current ReportDefinition, in twips
Returns the paper width of the current ReportDefinition, in twips (twentieths of a point), based on current ReportDefinition's paperSize attribute
integer The paper width of the current ReportDefinition, in twips
Returns the paper width, optionally depending on the paper orientation, of the current ReportDefinition, in twips (twentieths of a point), based on current ReportDefinition's paperSize attribute
ignoreOrientation boolean Ignore page orientation when calculating width.
integer The paper width of the current ReportDefinition, in twips
Returns a list of all the classes references in the given report
Returns a list of classes related to existingClassName
Gets the name of the class against which the report is running
Gets the name of the class in the repository corresponding to the specified BI class
Used to retrieve a list structure containing the icons that should display for a given Report Definition in the Report Definition dashboard widget
Given a report definition, either returns #t or returns a collection of ReportDefinition level validation error strings.
reportDefinition ReportDefitinition The report definition to create the collection on
collection Returns a collection of error strings, empty when valid.
Returns the name of the report that will be passed to the report engine
Returns the informational text of the given report type
getReportTypeInfo string The ReportDefinitionTypeEnum Value
string Informational text of the given report type
Setting up the tab layout for security of folder
Returns the step's display order for the next step to be created.
Returns a style based on the attribute ordinal and the number of attributes
Returns the context variable name corresponding to the class for the column that was clicked on
Returns the textOutputOrdinal'th instance of TextOutput in the given footer
Helper event to apply appropriate formatting based on the field format. Used for pie and trending chart callouts.
valFormat string The format to use (ie. "shortCurrency")
val string The field name in the report structure (eg. in the file)
string The string version of the format expression to use
Generates the name of the value used by the framework for displaying the group label
Returns true iff at least one attribute is being grouped by
Imports the XML document in the file referenced by the specified path into an instance of ReportDefinition; returns the deserialized instance
Determines whether centreClass has a *:1 relationship with attributeClass
Determines whether newClassName has a 1:1 or a *:1 relationship with existingClassName along the given assocPath
Determines whether newClassName has a 1:1 or a *:1 relationship with existingClassName
Loads a SysReport containing a generated Ad Hoc report in HTML format into the user's working copy, along with the report's parameters (as contained within the associated RunReportDefinitino)
reportResult SysReport A generated report in HTML format
SysReport A new copy of the SysReport instance referred to by reportResult
read an instance from the name of a report
main : main
read an instance from the name of a report
Creates and deletes, as appropriate, BIAttributes corresponding to CustomFieldTypes
Creates and deletes, as appropriate, BIAttributes corresponding to CustomFieldTypes
Called by refreshCustomFields event to delete, as appropriate, BIAttributeAssoc's corresponding to BIAttributes which correspond to CustomFieldTypes
Sets a default format string for the given attribute
Returns true or false depending on if there are any dynamic filters defined in the reportdefinition instance passed.
ReportDefinition reportDef - the ReportDefinition the user has selected and run.
checkEditPrincipal : before
Overriding the behaviour from USER_GROUP_CONFIGURABLE, because in our case we create an instance before hand and then need set the view and edit principals. This behaviour is not allowed by the aspect.
checkViewPrincipal : before
Overriding the behaviour from USER_GROUP_CONFIGURABLE, because in our case we create an instance before hand and then need set the view and edit principals. This behaviour is not allowed by the aspect.
Updates BIAttribute objects corresponding to a given customFieldType
Used to update the main section, in the case where the user decides to change their subject area.
main : main
This is called when the subject area on the ReportDefinition is changed (i.e. the root node is updated). In the case where other subreports were added, we need to remove all of them leaving just the rootNode (also referred to as mainSection).
Validates a ReportDefinition instance.
reportDefinition ReportDefinition The report definition to validate.
anyTrue when valid, when invalid throws an error.
An intersection class between ReportDefinition and BIAttribute
The aggregate function
The type of attribute for a chart report
A reverse-association to the BIAttributeAssoc object
Should values of the specified attribute be sorted in ascending or descending order?
A flag to indicate that this is a row attribute (Key/Category) for a trend analysis report section.
A flag to indicate that this is a row attribute (X-Axis) for a trend analysis report section.
A flag to indicate that this is a row attribute (Y-Axis) for a trend analysis report section.
Should grouping based on this attribute be done?
The ordinal number of this attribute in the report
A reverse-association to the ReportDefinition object
A reverse-association to ReportDefinitionSection to see which section this attribute is selected for.
Factory for creating a ReportDefinitionBIAttribute with chart attribute set to Column. If another Column attribute exists for a given section, it will be overwritten instead.
Factory for creating a ReportDefinitionBIAttribute with chart attribute set to Row. If another Row attribute exists for a given section, it will be overwritten instead. All Localized labels are also updated.
Factory for creating a ReportDefinitionBIAttribute with chart attribute set to Value. If another Value attribute exists for a given section, it will be overwritten instead. All Localized labels are also updated.
Helper function for the public factories. Creates a ReportDefinitionBIAttribute with the given section, biAttribute, and axisType. If a axisType already exist for a given section, the existing ReportDefinitionBIAttribute will be updated with the new biAttribute instead.
axisType AxisTypeEnum The type of axis property this intersection class represents
section BaseReportDefinitionSection The section
biAttribute BIAttributeAssoc The attribute association
Deletes and clears the associated report label
rptDefBIAttr ReportDefinitionBIAttribute The ReportDefinitionBIAttribute to delete
Gets the next ordinal value
Each folder subclass has a different classCode.
True iff BIAttributeAssoc object shsould be created for all nodes
True iff BIAttributeAssoc object shsould be created for this node
Whether the current user has access to a BIClass based on privileges. This is to control the tree structure.
Derived associations to filter out the sub report nodes. Used for the UI display of the tree correctly.
Derived associations to filter out the Custom Field and sub report nodes, also filters out calculated fields . Used to correctly display the tree for the UI of Summary reports.
Returns a collection of terminal nodes for the current subject area only, excluding calculated fields. Used for tree display in the select chart attribute UI. Used in Trending reports.
Adds the given instance of ReportDefinitionHierarchicalAttribute to childNodes
Returns the relationship to a BI class somewhere along its assocPath
Returns the next referenced BI class along the given assocPath
Returns a child node with the given name, or null is no such child node exists
Returns the first ancestor with biClass attribute not null, or null if no such ancestor exists
Returns the length of the assoc path to the next referenced BI class in the given assocPath
Similar to getPath(), except this only shows the classes in the association path. Created to accommodate multipathing on the filters screen.
To check if the UI should display the custom field NTHA, by determining if any of the custom field THAs under the custom field NTHA are accessible.
Displays, for debugging purposes, the hierarchy rooted at the given node
Removes the given instance of ReportDefinitionHierarchicalAttribute from childNodes
Localization of ReportDefinition caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Command object to encapsulate a Ad Hoc Report Definition. Used to run an Ad Hoc Report via a Process Queue. Override to add parameters.
The queue (if any) in which this report will be run. Depends exclusively on the system-wide Ad Hoc Report batch process config
A reference to the original ReportDefinition used for this ReportDefinitionReportCommand
Generic reference to a report's localized name. Used for notifications.
The ReportDefinition that will be run by this instance of ReportDefinitionReportCommand
Flag to indicate whether this Ad Hoc Report should be run in a queue. Depends exclusively on the system-wide Ad Hoc Report batch process config
Generates the report and returns the report object. If the queue attribute is non-null, will queue the report command on that queue.
any Either the generated instance (of type SysReport), or a message for the UI to indicate the report is queued (of type string).
A static method that, given a set of arguments, creates a new ReportDefinitionReportCommand instance with those arguments and runs "generate" on it
run the actual report. Called either from generate or from queue.
main : main
Runs the report. Assumes all prep work and valildation is complete.
Report generated by an Ad Hoc report definition
controls whether the last run time will be displayed in the Ad Hoc report viewer
main : main
Delete all the report definition results for a specific report definition
Internal helper class used during Ad Hoc report (ReportDefinition) generation. Represents a nested section in the generated report.
Whether the current user has access to a BIClass based on privileges.
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
The reportDefinition object this step is for.
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
Copies a section into a reportDefinition
ReportDefinitionSection section - section to be copied
ReportDefinition reportDef - the report definition that the section parameter is being copied into
Returns the first non-custom field attribute in this section
ReportDefinitionBIAttribute The first non-custom field attribute
Returns #f iff the given report attribute is the inner-most grouped attribute in the given report definition
Represents each step in the Ad Hoc Report Wizard steps section.
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
The section this step is created for.
Enumeration to store the type of step
Inheriting security from the reportDefinition.
Command class for facilitating drill-in for Ad Hoc Reports
Ad hoc Report to run
Where clause of drill in
A (clause of) the report filter
A collection of FilterForms that can be used to define this clause
Name of the filter shown in Contact application.
A reverse-association to the parent ReportDefinition object
Report Layout governs what gets displayed on a report
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Association to configuration group. Overriden from
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
Localization of ReportLayout caption and description.
The application id.
User's IP address or host name.
The client execution time.
True if the request was an initial request or initiated after a browser refresh.
Number of lazy loads done during the request.
The network time associated with the request.
Number of SQL operations performed.
The popup level. Level starts at -1 indicating no popups.
The source portlet name.
The size of the response, in KB.
The source screen name.
The server time for the request.
The session id.
Request SOA count.
Request SOA depth.
Start time of the request. Will be an approximate if the request is an initial request.
Total time for the request.
User making the request.
The active view.
Overridden for security.
Overridden for security.
Overridden for security.
Overridden for security.
Represents a restriction that can be placed on an account.
The accounts that have this restriction.
Restriction code.
Description of the restriction.
Restriction status, e.g., active, inactive.
The currency symbol
Gets the currency symbol for the given currency code (ie. "USD" -> $)
Used to assign roles to entities. Currenty only used by the subclass Employee to relate employers to persons with a named title.
link to the rollup hierarchy.
Overridden to invalidate users that are moving between households
invalidateUsersForHH : before
If the context is a household, then invalidate all of the ExternalUsers that are potentially in the household.
updatePlayerParents : before
When this is created, need the player's denormed parents updated.
invalidateUsersForHH : before
If the context is a household, then invalidate all of the ExternalUsers that are potentially in the household.
updatePlayerParents : before
When this relationship is removed, need the player's denormed parents updated.
Create all the necessary rollup hierarchies associated with this instance.
Invalidate all of the ExternalUsers that are a part of the household.
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
notifyRollupHiers : before
Notify the associated rollup hierarchy of the change.
updatePlayerParents : before
When scoper is updated, need the player's denormed parents updated.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Localization of RoleDevCenter caption and description.
Intersection between users and user groups, controlled by the enterprise roles to which the groups are assigned. Instances of this class can only be added, edited, and removed by the "rebuildRoles" event on User.
Overridden to specify security.
Overridden to specify security.
Overridden to specify security.
Base class for cross hierarchies. Ensure no loops.
type of node at the source of the custom field relationship (entity attribute)
type of node at the target of the custom field relationship (entityValue attribute)
Ensure no loops are possible in the source/target graph. Should be called from a validation property.
describes rollup nodes associated with the given custom field type (must be entity type)
Ensure no loops are possible in the source/target graph. Should be called from a validation property.
checkDuplicates : around
Requires a validation duplicate check since the index is across the extension table.
Rollup process. Stores values need by the rollup engine workflow.
Allow the scheme interpreter to turn off async calls. If #f, the async engines will by simply added to the fakeQueue.
Some info about this engine for debugging/review purposes.
Node that the process is currently working on. Used for waiting while it's dirty.
Testing variable that forces delay in dirty process. (in ms)
Time the dirty process ended
Nodes this process has marked dirty.
Time the dirty process started
Fake queue for processing async calls manually from the scheme interpreter. should implement the java Queue interface (add, remove, and empty) and should probably be a LIFO queue.
Locks held by the current engine.
If true, the workflow will stop and wait after each update until the stepNode event is called.
OID of this instance, used only in the rollup application to monitor running engines.
Testing variable that forces delay in sum (in ms)
Time the update process finished.
Time the update process started
To track where this engine is in the update process.
Whether the node's value has been updated, or the children.
The new nodeValue for the updatedNode if the type is a source update.
Node that has been updated.
Set the dirty flag. (calls dirtyFlagInternal)
Sets the dirty flag. Should not be called outside this class.
main : main
set the dirty flag.
verifyLock : before
This engine should only unlock nodes it locked.
Lock the given node for this instance of rollup engine.
Locks the node's hierarchy.
Wakes up a waiting engine when lock is released.
This should be called when the hierarchy changes or when a cross entity has been updated.
Notify any engines waiting for this node.
Dirty the parents. Trigger the next update.
main : main
1. seperate thread. 2. commit along the way to avoid db. contention? 3. kick off another async process for updates.
goes through the fake queue and calls startDirtyProcess then commit.
Calls SysQueue to asynchronously invoke the RollupEngine workflow.
Triggers the workflow.
Manually trigger the next update. (for testing).
UI trigger for next update.
Releases the lock on node. If node is not new, calls unlockNodeInternal to perform in a transaction.
Releases the lock on node. If node is not new, calls unlockNodeInternal to perform in a transaction.
Algorithm to release lock (don't call this - call unlockNode)
main : main
Unlocking simply means setting the rollupEngine to '()
notify : after
notify all waiting rollup engines
Algorithm to release lock (don't call this - call unlockNode)
main : main
Unlocking simply means setting the rollupEngine to '()
notify : after
notify all waiting rollup engines
verifyLock : before
This engine should only unlock nodes it locked.
Update the given node (using read lock in new xaction, doesn't release explicit lock on node)
Internal implmentation of update node. call updateNode instead.
updateChildren : before
Update the childrenValue and childrenCount
updateTotal : before
Not sure if I should do this explicitly. Probably. Perhapse put this in main.
updateValue : before
Update the value itself. Only if the node is the updatedNode
configuration for entity hierarchy base rollups.
hierarchy context associated with this type. Note only one hierarchy context allowed per type.
returns a configuration if one exists for the given type and hierarchy context. else #f
configuration for entity hierarchy base rollups.
type of node associated with the hierarchy context. (note: this is unique, cannot associate one type with multiple contexts)
returns a configuration, if one exists, for the given type. else #f
Base class for rollup engine nodes.
Used to bypass business logic when performing batch processes. (e.g. bypassing the triggerUpdateProcess on the commit event). Set to #t to bypass business logic.
Used to show info about this node in the UI.
Link to children that are aggregated to this node.
Aggergate of total count of all child nodes.
aggregate of totalValue of all child nodes.
Inheritance should be used to allow specific references to the related class instance. Still a bite unsure how to do that. Perhapse an extension table. The "type" wil not necessarily match the classcode 1:1 as in the example of campaigns where the expected or actual revenue values are rolled up from Opportunity through CampaignParticipation, CampaignUser, and finally Campaign.
Cross children.
Cross parents. Could have multiple.
Reverse of currentNode. Engine cant' exist without this node.
Reflects the node's current status.
Is this node the "head" of the natural hierarchy?
Natural children
Natural parent. Should only be one.
1 if value is meaningful and should be counted. 0 if only children are being counted. Indicates whether or not this node is a "source" node.
Value for this node. Used for source or non-aggregate values. This value should not be updated directly, but through the updateValue attribute.
Last time the nodeValue was updated.
Object associated with this rollup node. (e.g. Entity)
Link to parents where this nodes aggregates to.
Dirty/Update process holding a lock on this node.
Link to the view.
Indicates the status of the node. Used to mark nodes as "Dirty" while they are being recalculated.
Last time the status was updated.
A generic style string to allow the UI to show dirty nodes in a different colour.
A generic tooltip string to indicate the state and last update time of the node.
Total number of nodes including this one involved in aggregation.
Sum of this node's value and and children's value.
Unit bind.
Dummy attribute to allow easy updates from UI.
Reverse of updatedNode.
updateNodeCount : before
Don't want this to happen again, so do it in commit. This could trigger an update of nodeValue.
Retrieve the object's hierarchy lock. (must be implemented by subclass)
gets an exclusive read lock to this node.
Updates the aggregate values.
Class to be base of all cross parent hierarchies.
This should be sublassed.
What kind of parent/child relationship - to distinguish between natural hierarchy and customfield like relatinships.
Subclass to add links to contact type custom fields
Subclass for campaign participant -> campaign user relationship.
Link to campaign participant
Subclass for campaign participant -> campaign user relationship.
Link to campaign participant
Subclass for oppty->campaign participant relationship.
Link to opportunity
Subclass to add links to role.
Link to role
Extended to add EntityView privilege.
Parent/Child relationship class for Rollup Nodes.
Future use for weighted relationships.
Used to bypass business logic when performing batch processes. (e.g. bypassing the notifyParent on the delete event). Set to #t to bypass business logic.
Where the child is rolling up from.
allow sublassing to add links to crm model.
Last edit time.
What kind of parent/child relationship - to distinguish between natural hierarchy and customfield like relatinships.
Object associated with this node hierarchy. (e.g. Role)
Where the child is rolling up to.
checks if any locks are held on the parent or child nodes. if so, throws an exception.
checkLock : before
Make sure nodes are unlocked before update.
create a new instance of the this RollupNodeHierarchy. automatically finds/create parent and child rollup nodes.
create a new instance of a RollupNodeHierarchy that is a cross hierarchy.
Helper method to set the importMode to #t before performing delete event.
checkLocks : before
If parent or child is updated, ensure no locks are held.
node should be updated though this event to allow getting old value.
To be called by the Role when its scoper is updated.
updates the target object (for cross type parent updates)
Class to be base of all natural parent hierarchies.
This should be sublassed.
What kind of parent/child relationship - to distinguish between natural hierarchy and customfield like relatinships.
View to calculate rollupnode aggregation efficiently.
aggregate count of all children's counts.
aggregate value of all children's totals
node the calculate is for. in seperate class to allow calculation.
denorm'd type of the rollup.
When an Ad Hoc Report is submitted into the queue, a new RunReportDefinition is created, which is a copy of the ReportDefinition being run. This ensures that the Ad Hoc Report will run properly with whatever report filters/fields were defined at the time of submission, regardless of any changes made afterwards to the original ReportDefinition
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Flag to determine whether to activate the buttons and preview tooltip in Ad Hoc Report Output
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Locking number of original report definition at time of copy. Used to detect if original report definition has changed since the copy was made
Reference to the original report definition from which this copy was taken
The name of the report that the working copy represents
Overriding attribute to specify an initializer, as instances of this class are created in the back-end and a sub type needs to be specified. Unlike ReportDefinition, where the user is forced to specify the sub type on the UI.
The user to which this temporary copy belongs
Creates a RunReportDefinition instance for dashboard portlets. The newly created instance is simplay a copy of the ReportDefinition the user selects on the load pop-up.
Localization of ReportDefinition caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
The fully-qualified name of the interface that the current invocation context is serving; null if the current invocation context was created to process a non-SOA request.
The name of the method that the current invocation context is serving; null if the current invocation context was created to process a non-SOA request. The format of the method name is "methodName/argumentCount".
The fully-qualified name of the service that the current invocation context is serving; null if the current invocation context was created to process a non-SOA request.
The list of arguments of the method that the current invocation context is serving; null if the current invocation context was created to process a non-SOA request.
True to enable collecting of stats while responding to a SOA request. Automatically enabled at SOA entry points receiving requests over TRPC, JSON-RPC and SOAP.
Creates stats for a method on the given service.
Command class for kicking off sample data loading scripts
Environment level flag to enable sample data
Available set of subjects to seed
Asynchronously execute the data creation logic for user-selected subjects. Used by Admin UI.
Synchronously execute the data creation logic during recreate. Used by SysUpgrade.
Returns the list of available sample data subjects and the class event that contains the import/generation code
UI binding of the checkbox
Whether this subject should be executed during recreate
Whether this subject has been successfully loaded previously
Grouping of sample data subject
Name of the sample data subject
Display order on the UI
Whether this sample data can be re-run
Whether this sample data can be seeded in, in case it relies on some preexisting conditions
Name of the class containing the seed event
Name of the seed event
Summary string of whether this subject has been loaded
Whether the user can check the checkbox
Look for existing SysProcess and check its completion status
Execute the sample data import process
Generate a process name
Enforcing updatable check
Helper functions to generate test data for CRM
Configuration for B2B (Corporate/Commerial) data generation
Configuration for B2B (Corporate/Commerial) data generation - Large Scale
Configuration for Capital Market data generation
Configuration parameters for SLM data generation. backMonths: the number of months over which SLM data generation is created in the past (now - backMonths) up to now. minimumUsers and maximumUsers: If a person does not have any coverage, then the seeding will assign a number of users for coverage ranging from the minimum to the maximum, inclusively. missRateA, missRateB, missRateC: The probabilty a touch is targeted by tier. For example, (: missRateA 0.9) will tell the seeding to target only 90% of the touches for contacts with TierA.
Configuration for Service Request data generation
Configuration for Wealth Management data generation
Seed for determinstic psuedo-random generator. If this value is null then random generator is seeded randomly, otherwise this value is used to seed the determinstic psuedo-random generator.
Flag for seeding data for max. length field testing.
Flag for seeding data for performance testing.
Generate data for Corporate/Commerical use cases. Includes Company, Opportunity, Act
Generate small number of company hierarchies for development purposes
Generate large number of company hierarchies for performance testing purposes
Generate leads for business to consumer user cases.
Generate small number of leads for development purposes
Generate large number of leads for performance testing purposes
Generate institutions, transactions and holdings for capital markets use cases.
Generate touches for SLM contacts in the past, and up to the present
setupFunctions : before
Functions used to seed SLM data for all active Contacts.
Generate Service Request Data
Generate Service Request Data for development purposes
Generate tags to classify Acts.
Generates an activity
Generate interest Custom Field for Client Insight use cases
Helper functions for seeding sample data Invoked by SampleDataCommand
Default user password for sample users
Adds specified user to userGroup
Create company instance
Create user instance
Enable the Client Insights feature and seed sample data for it
Enable the Birthday Mailer feature
Enables cpm processes
Entry point for enabling Capital Market
Entry Point for enabling Corporate and Commercial banking
Enables rule-based SLA feature and seeds data required by it
Entry Point for enabling Wealth Management
Returns a collection of messages containing the Activity Plans to get seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the Addresses to get seeded
Returns a collection of campaigns to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing categories to be seeded
Returns a collection of companies to be seeded
Returns contact associations to companies to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the Contacts to get seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the Objs (avatar images) to get seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing document manager items to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing email logs to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages mapping Categories to Entities
Returns a collection of messages containing entity coverage to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the firm's hierarchy to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the households to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing notifications to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing opportunity data
Returns a collection of messages containing privilege groups to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the products to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing research emails to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the revenue summary facts to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the roadshows to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing legacy schedule items
Returns a collection of messages containing service request external Ids.
Returns a collection of messages containing tags.
Returns a collection of messages containing teams to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing the Telcoms to get seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing users to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing user groups to be seeded
Returns a collection of messages containing user types to be seeded
Holiday data for workschedules
Returns a collection of messages containing the Work queues to get seeded
Seed legacy acts.
Seed addresses.
Seed Call Records.
seed campaigns.
Seed capital markets sample data
seedChildTradingAccounts : before
Seeds in 3 trading accounts, each of which has a parent account
seedParentTradingAccounts : before
Seeds in 2 trading accounts with no parents
seedResearchSubjects : before
Creates research subjects for all taxonomies of Sector, Industry or CompanyTaxonomy
Seed Categories
Seed sample data for Client Insights
Seed Companies
Seed contact profile images
Seed contacts
Seed Conversations
Entry point for loading core CRM data
Seed Coverage Teams
Seed currencies and exchange rates.
Seed default debug privilege in test environment
Seed direct query
Seed document manager folders and items
Seed Entity Categories
Seed financial date sample data.
Seed firm hierarchy
Seed Business Process and Form Library templates
Seed accounts, holdings, and transactions for contacts.
Seed households
Seed notifications
Seed opportunity templates, parent opportunities, and product opportunities
Seed opportunity coverage roles
Seed privilege groups. Must be seeded before users
Seed products
Seed roadshow sample data
Seed SLM config
Seed sectors
Seed service request business process template. Trigerred from Admin.
Seed service request assessments. Triggered from Admin
Seed service request external ids. Triggered from Admin
Seed stock interest list
Seed tags
Seed teams. Must be seeded before users
Seed telcom data
Seed user groups. Must be seeded before users
Seed user types. Must be seeded before users
Seed users. Depends on privilege groups, user types, groups and teams being already seeded
Seed work queues
Enable default option blocks
A persisted version of the FilterRule class, used to save queries that are edited in the Filter Rule UI
Default page size used for deleting contents of the userFavourites collection
Static name for UPCOMING_BIRTHDAYS filter, used for run-time visibility toggling
Overridden to set appropriate subclass
Determine if the user can view security configuration in the UI.
The custom expression used by this Saved Filter, if "isCustomExpression" is set to true
The collection of expressions that make up this Saved Filter Rule
The filter type of the subject area. Used to restrict subject areas to those grids where they are appropriate (i.e. Contact subject areas for EntityLists, Interaction subject areas for Acts, etc.)
The subject area's icon.
A boolean indicating if the current security rule for this object is "Coverage"
True if this Saved Filter Rule uses a custom expression, false otherwise
True if this Saved Filter Rule is a favourite of the current user, false otherwise. Also used as a UI bind for new SavedFilterRules, such that if it is set to true via the UI during SavedFilterRule creation, it will be immediately assigned as a Favourite
True if this SavedFilterRule is new. Used for UI binds.
True if this SavedFilterRule is not new. Used for UI binds.
Overridden to check admin privilege
Validates whether the user has privilege to read specific instances
Set of principals that can see this SavedFilterRule
Used as a proxy value to access aclEntries which is protected
The matching search context to set when running this filter. Could be null if not applicable.
A reference to the subject area which this Filter Rule is using.
Summary string displayed in UI that explains who can see a covered record
Overridden to check admin privilege
Collection allowing access (via an intersection class) to Users for which this Saved Filter Rule is a favourite. NOTE: cascade is set to none due to the possibility of more than 4,096 users having a given SavedFilterRule as a favourite. Since cascade delete does not do paging, we manually delete this collection in the deleteFavourites action of the delete event.
Determines if the given operator does not need to set a value.
The operator code as a string from the enum value.
boolean True if the operator does not require a value to be set on the expression (as the operator is a macro and will substitute a value).
Overidden to replace savedFilterRuleSearch with aclEntries in the where clause
Calls the FilterRule'saveFilterRule event with the given arguments. This is a WORKAROUND for what seems to be a bug where a popup bound to SavedFilterRule cannot properly use an event on FilterRule as its factory
filterRule FilterRule The instance to be persisted
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule (optional) If given, this SavedFilterRule's contents will be overwritten by the filterRule (but the name, caption and description will be preserved)
SavedFilterRule The resulting SavedFilterRule instance (either newly-created, if no second argument was given, or an updated version of the SavedFilterRule given in the second argument)
When seeding a system filter, if an existing one is found, it will be replaced. If seeding a non-system filter, an existing one will not be replaced, under the assumption it has been modified/customised already.
Helper for the main seedSavedFilterRules method.
class Metadata Class implementing the FILTERRULE_SEED_SAVEDFILTERRULES aspect from which we can get the definitions.
savedFilterRulesDef message The definitions from which to create the saved filters. See FILTERRULE_SEED_SAVEDFILTERRULES.meta getSavedFilterRules for expected format.
SavedFilterRule The resulting SavedFilterRule instance (either newly-created, if no second argument was given, or an updated version of the SavedFilterRule given in the second argument)
Replaces the expressions on this SavedFilterRule with new ones that match those of the FilterRule passed in as an argument
filterRule FilterRule The Filter Rule from which to take the set of expressions to replace the set on this SavedFilterRule
SavedFilterRule This instance, as modified by this event
A persisted version of the FilterRuleExpression class, used to save expressions for queries that are edited in the Filter Rule UI.
The boolean value of the expression, taken from the booleanValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
Name of child type (e.g. for CustomFields, UserFields, etc.)
Conjunction (i.e. AND or OR), taken from the corresponding attribute in the FilterRuleExpression class
The decimal value of the expression, taken from the decimalValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
The double value of the expression, taken from the doubleValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
Collection of enumeration values used in the filter expression, taken from the corresponding collection of FilterRuleObjectValues
The Saved Filter Rule to which this expression belongs
The integer value of the expression, taken from the integerValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
Whether this expression should have a NOT applied, taken from the corresponding attribute in the FilterRuleExpression class
Whether or not the query is on a collection attribute
Collection of instance values used in the filter expression, taken from the corresponding collection of FilterRuleObjectValues
The attribute used in the comparison. Taken from the corresponding attribute in FilterRuleExpression.
The operator comparing the operand to the value. Taken from the corresponding attribute in FilterRuleExpression.
Used to place expressions in the correct order, and as labels in custom expressions. Taken from the corresponding attribute in the FilterRuleExpression class.
If the Saved Filter Rule to which this expression is associated is not readable, the expression should not be readable either
The double value of the expression, taken from the stringValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
The timestamp value of the expression, taken from the timestampValue attribute of the corresponding FilterRuleExpression
If the Saved Filter Rule to which this expression is associated is not updatable, the expression should not be updatable either
A subclass of the SavedFilterRuleExpressionValue class, used to save Enum values
Type code of selected Enum value to which this instance refers
Value code of selected Enum value to which this instance refers
A subclass of the SavedFilterRuleExpressionValue class, used to save Object values
A serialized version of the OID of the selected object
A persisted version of the FilterRuleObjectValue class, used to save non-primitive values used in expressions. This class is never used directly---rather, a subclass is used, depending on the data type of the values.
Name of the class to which this expression value belongs
The expression to which this value belongs
If the expression to which this value is associated is not readable, this value should not be readable either
If the expression to which this value is associated is not updatable, this value should not be updatable either
Localization of SavedFilterRule caption and description.
Overriding base to remove uniqueness validation.
use object's updateable
General association between an SavedFilterRule and a Principal representing that the principal can access the SavedFilterRule
Name attribute
Used to help calculate MM picker uniqueness when selecting user person
Supported set of SecurityRuleEnum for SavedFilterRule
Defines a set of Access Control records for a user's schedule.
True when the current user is the viewee. This field serves as the where cluase when populating the grdCalendarUsers grid in SchedulesUsers.form.
The UserPerson that is sharing their calendar.
A UserPerson that has access to the viewee's calendar. This field is used to populate the grdCalendarUsers grid in SchedulesUsers.form.
Calculated attribute for the full name of the viewee
Used by ScheduleSearch form to remove UserParticipants from the Other Calendars zone based on shared schedules.
Command class to generate daily view Schedule reports
The maximum number of ScheduleItems that can co-exist without needing an overflow box. Note that if one wants this value increased, one will need to modify the jrxml to support the new value.
The filter string that is being used to query
To keep track of the current schedule item that we are creating the temporary data objects for.
Generate report with this where clause
End time for the report
if true, break after each contact
Only used to to display correct end date on the report, as we set the end date to be one day greater than the actual end date with a 12 am timestamp.We then do a < comparison against incremented end date in the where clause.
Used to store the start date and also passed to .jrxml to display on the report.
This is used to store/track the position for all ScheduleDayReportDataAct objects created for one ScheduleItem. This is changes when we have finished creating all the ScheduleDayReportDataAct objects for one ScheduleItem and are starting to create the ScheduleDayReportDataAct objects for the next ScheduleItem.
Used to store the timestamp of the day selected on the Schedule screen. Needs to be passed from the UI Action that invokes this report.
If false, suppress schedule item details
Used to store the day name.
Start time for the report
Sub-Report where clause
User name for the user running the report. Used in the report footer.
Calculates the number of ScheduleDayReportDataAct that need to be created based on the duration of a schedule item.
duration - duration of the scheduleItem
startTime - start time of the scheduleItem
endTime - end time of the scheduleItem
urn returns #f for scheduleItem with duration >= 24 hours
Removing all the ScheduleDayReportData and ScheduleDayReportDataAct objects for a report.
Creates an all day timeslot if one doesn't already exist and then creates a ScheduleDayReportDataAct object within the all day timeslot.
schedItem ScheduleItem - Schedule item we are creating the all day ScheduleDayReportDataAct object for
rptId ScheduleDayReportRun - reference to the ScheduleDayReportRun object
usr UserPerson - User's whose schedule we are creating the data for
team Team - Team whose schedule we are creating the data for
create all the data required for the report
UserPerson usr - The user for whom the report data is being created
returns a collection mixture of ScheduleItem objects and dummy-scheduleItems sorted by start time. NOTE: This event may not return a homogenous ScheduleItem collection. It may have messages mixed in the collection.
schedItemsWithoutOverFlow any The collection of ScheduleItems, sorted by startTime, that need to be displayed in the schedule-grid area of the report.
timeSlotCollection any The collection of ScheduleDayReportData, sorted by startTime, for the report being generated.
schedItemsOverFlow any The collection of ScheduleItems, sorted by startTime, occuring more than MAX_TIMESLOT_WIDTH times in a given time slot.
any The mixed collection of ScheduleItems and messages, sorted by startTime, used to generate the report.
Create ScheduleDayReportDataAct object for each 30 min interval of a schedule item
schedItem ScheduleItem - the ScheduleItem we are creating this ScheduleDayReportDataAct object for.
collecTimeSlots collection - passing in the collection of timeslots so we can find the correct one for this data object.
strtTime timestamp - start time we match against the start time of a timeslot and then use this start time as the start time for the data object as well.
isFst boolean - flag to check if we are creating the first data object for a scheduleItem
isLst boolean - flag to check if we are creating the last data object for a scheduleItem
rptId ScheduleDayReportRun - passing the reference to the ScheduleDayReportRun object for this report to these data objects as well
usr UserPerson - the user's whose schedule were are currently working with
team Team - the team whose schedule were are currently working with
urn dataPosition - the position/column alignment of the data object created
Create all the timeslots for the report with the startTime starting at tempStartTime
rptId ScheduleDayReportRun- reference to the ScheduleDayReportRun object to point out the current report being run - mainly to distinguish between different reports being run
usr UserPerson - usr running the report
team Team - team the report is for
tsCollection - timeslot collection, which is passed in as an empty collection but then returned with all the timeslots we create for the report
tempStartTime - the user selected start time (startTime attribute with the correct date) -- this defines the starttime of the first timeslot and then we just add 30 mins to this to create the remaining timeslots.
tempEndTime - the user selected end time (endTime attribute with the correct date)
urn tsCollection - collection of all the timeslots created for this report
returns collection of schedItems where each item represents an item occuring in a given timeslot more than the valid width.
schedItems any The collection of ScheduleItems, sorted by startTime, in the time range for this run of the Schedule Day Report.
timeSlotCollection any The collection of ScheduleDayTimeSlots, sorted by startTime, used for this run of the Schedule Day Report.
any The collection of ScheduleItems, sorted by startTime, occuring more than MAX_TIMESLOT_WIDTH times in a given time slot.
Finds and returns the first empty position in the timeslot.
timeslot - The timeslot in which we want to find the empty position/column. The positionList of this timeslot is searched.
Generate the report
Computes the end date from the start time Schedule screen's schedule selection
Computes the start date from the start time Schedule screen's schedule selection
Comparing the timeslot start time and the ScheduleReportData object's start time
timeSlotStartTime - slotStartTime of the ScheduleDayReportData retrived
dataObjectStartTime - is the start time of the ScheduleDayReportData object we are currently working with.
urn returns #t if the timeslot's start time and the ScheduleReportData object's start time are equal
Rounds the time to the nearest 0 or 30 minute depending on the direction specified. Round up if direction is #t and round down if direction is #f.
time- timestamp that needs to rounded up or down.
direction- boolean flag indicating whether we want to round up or round down #t - round UP #f - round DOWN
generateData : around
Create all the report data and then delete it. The ScheduleDayReportDataAct objects are deleted as a result of cascade delete from ScheduleDayReportDataAct.
Word Wrap algorithm. The idea is to take a line from the original string, and convert it into a line that will actually fit in the display box. We break the full text to be displayed into three lines (First line will contain Status, Title, Location and For; second line will contain Assigned To; third line will contain Notes) . Then we further break each line by words. Then based on the words break down we compute lines that will actually fit the display boxes. What fits a certain display box depends on the width of the timeslot which further determines the length of each line (LINE_LENGTH) in the particular display box.
integer width - the max width (across all the timeslots that the schedule item spans over)
collection collecSchedRptData - collection of all the ScheduleReportData objects we created for schedItem that will actually display data (i.e. ones that are NOT filler objects)
ScheduleItem schedItem - The schedule item for which the display staring is being set across the ScheduleReportData objects
boolean showSchedItemTime - Flag show or hide the start and end time of the schedule item on the report
Pass in the maxWidth we want to set across all the timeslots in the collTimeslots collection.
maxWidth - maximum width that was determined by looking at widths of all the timeslots that a scheduleItem spans over
collTimeSlots - collection of all the timeslots a schedule item spans over, whose width we want to set to the max width.
This class is used to create the layout with timeslots for the report.
The schedule data to be displayed in this timeslot.
Display order for the timeslots. Used in the jasper report to correctly display the timeslots.
The entity we are creating the report for.
Flag to check if this is the last timeslot to be displayed on the report. Used only for display purposes to display the line showing that we are at the end of the calendar.
Collection to keep track of what positions/columns in the timeslot are occupied. Stores 0 or 1 value; 0 - position is not occupied 1 - occupied.
DEPRECATED: use acts instead.
Start time of the timeslot. Used when placing a ScheduleReportData object into the correct timeslot
Display string for the time slot.
The team we are creating the report for. Note: both team and entity cannot be null
Localized team name used for sorting in Jasper Report.
number of columns (or number of schedule items) this timeslot will display.
Update the positionList at "indx" position to show that it is occupied.
This object represents a 30 min interval of a schedule item.
The schedule item we are creating this ScheduleDayReportData object for.
User whose schedule is being printed
Set to true when we create blank filler objects to ensure every data object gets pushed to its correct position on the report.
Flag to see if this is the first record for a schedule item – used for display purposes when the schedule item duration is larger than 30 mins.
Flag to see if this is the last record for a schedule item – used for display purposes when the schedule item duration is larger than 30 mins.
Horizontal position of the this object in the timeslot
Timeslot this object belongs to
String this object will display on the report.
DEPRECATED: use act instead.
To keep track of the start time of each instance that we create for a single schedule item.
The team whose schedule is being printed. Note: both team and entity cannot be null
DEPRECATED: use reportData instead.
Defines a set of Access Control records for a user's schedule.
Should only be able to create if the owner is the currently logged in user but the logged-in user can't be the delegate.
Delegate who can send meeting invitations on behalf of the meeting owner.
Calculated attribute showing the full name of the delegate.
True when the current user is the owner.
The user that is giving permission to send meeting invitations on his behalf.
Should only be able to update, read or delete if the currently logged in user is the owner.
Performance enhancing intersection class representing an item in a user's calendar. Includes several denormalized fields from Act.
Denorm of Act.endTime
stylized participants string.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
visibility security
pointer to itself for schedule item resource bind.
Denorm of Act.startTime
stylized status string. Simply points to the act's value but formatted to add padding to the grid's scrollbar
stylized time string. Simply points to the act's value (but orderBy is based on this startTime, to make sure denormalization is respected).
update security
Link to "real" participation record.
Factory for inline schedule creation. Calls createAct then returns the ScheduleEntity for the given "initialUser". Prequisites: - Transaction must be committing. - initialUser must either not be specified (defaults to curren user) or non null as one userParticipant must be created during createAct. This will create an act in a begin-transaction block in order to ensure scheudleUserPerson instance is created (on commit).
checkUnboundedQuery : before
Special check against schedule UI bug where no userparticipant filter is added to the query. This should NOT happen, but if it does, this will prevent any major server issues.
includePrivateItems : around
Special 'around' action to handle private items in the return collection for Schedule control.
optimizeResourceQuery : before
Since the resource bind is a calculated attribute, the framework ignores the attributes off of resource. However, we know the resoruce is just a self lookup and should therefore include any attributes off of resource in the base attributes list. e.g. (startTime (resource (entity fullName readable))) should turn into '(startTime (entity (fullName readable)) (resource (entity fullName readable)))
Helper event to update the 'title' of the schedule item caption. Used during in-line schedule item creation.
Default length of schedule item in minutes. Perhaps should be part of act template or some user pref.
List of attributes that are denormalized to ScheduleEntity.
Override to display as UI Component
Used for UI only to display a date as the previous day when isAllDayEvent is true.
Persisted choice of alarm lead time; re-used if Act'startTime is modified
used in the UI to determine if the security for this instance can be modified.
Semi-colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the users in the userParticipants collection; also displays the owner of the schedule item
Whether the act-related changes can be sent in notifications
Curren't User's Alarm Lead Minutes
User who owns the mailbox from which the action item invite will be sent. This typically is the user the invite is being sent on behalf of. If the act is created in NexJ, then this should be the same as the personOwner. Must be a user participant if meeting invitations is enabled.
Whether the Act's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
Overriden from base class. Editing recurrence is allowed when the default template status is not 'Completed' and it is not already recurring.
overriden for requiredness and validation
Displays the time part of end time in recurrence dialog.
Used to indicate one wants to use the start time from the template, on the date given here. The date part of this timestamp will be used in conjunction with the time part of the default template start time. See startTime initializer.
Calculated flag to set Schedule Item as an all-day event. True if duration is greater than or equal to 24 hours (1440 minutes)
Indicates whether the user has clicked the isAllDayEvent checkbox in the UI. Used for UI "All Day Event" behaviour. Initialized to #t if the Schedule Item's template has a duration of 1 day, #f otherwise.
Flag indicating if the item is in Exchange Sync Block List
Attribute to set visibility for a securable object to private
True if this is of type ScheduleItem
Special version of lightUserParticipants for schedule screen.
Used only in the UI to indicate whether to disable the Time Zone inputs on the Schedule Item screen. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
A string specifying the requirements to send notifications for this act
Used only in the UI for storing the original end time when setting a Schedule Item as an All Day Event. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
Used only in the UI for storing the original start time when setting a Schedule Item as an All Day Event. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
Each schedule item has a use who "owns" the item. This allows control over who can modify the meeting.
Whether owner is enabled for exchange sync or not
For a schedule item, the default performer is the current user.
Calculate the reminder time from startTime and alarmLeadMinutes
Pointer to itself for an artificial collection used by the schedule control resource bind.
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "Schedule" screen.
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views of reports
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views for reports.
Calculated attribute used to display schedule item caption in the day and week views.
Association to the denormalized relation between a schedule item and a team.
overriden for requiredness and validation
Displays the time part of start time in recurrence dialog.
Print's the Schedule Item's startTime and endTime (date and times)
Calculate attribute to simplify setting the team from the UI.
Current User's Alarm Lead Minutes
Whether the user has a team or not
Must assign to at least one user
Current User's Reminder Time
clearAlarms : before
Clear all the alarms for each user.
createMeetingInvites : before
Creates meeting invites for updates. Deletes are handled by delete events in UserParticipation, EntityParticipation, etc...
verifyMeetingOwner : before
Disallow removing the organizer if it exists. Ensures that validation is performed on updates.
setAlarmTime : before
Update alarmTime for all participants using startTime and userParticipants
setTeamMembers : before
If a schedule item is made with a team selected, add the members of the team to the assign to list.
updateScheduleTeam : before
Denormalize the schedule item and team relation.
Returns a formatted string corresponding to the day of the week.
Called from the UI to validate recurrence popup and throw an error for each invalid field
addScheduleResources : around
Special around action to ensure all resources in where clause are returned as light entity participants for schedule screen.
Removes a participant from the act if removeFromSeries is false, or from the series if removeFromSeries is true
Converts a timestamp to a java.util.Calendar
updateAlarmTime : before
Update alarmTime for all participants when the ScheduleItem is new, or only update for current user if changed to a time in the future.
updateLeadMinutesOnly : before
If only the userAlarmLeadMinutes are changed, then only update the alarmTime of the current user
updateScheduleTeam : before
Denormalize the schedule item and team relation.
Synchronizes the calculated team attribute with the persisted scheduleTeam attribute.
Overriden for schedule item specific start time and end time validation for the UI.
Command class for sending Email notifications, invitations, cancellations.
Association of the schedule item.
Schedule Item for which the preview is created when sending meeting invitation/notification/cancellation.
Metaclass of the occurrence
Behave as a ScheduleItem
Used for UI only to display a date as the previous day when isAllDayEvent is true.
Whether the series-related changes can be sent in notifications
User who owns the mailbox from which the action item invite will be sent. This typically is the user the invite is being sent on behalf of. If the act is created in NexJ, then this should be the same as the personOwner. Must be a user participant if meeting invitations is enabled.
Displays the time part of end time in recurrence dialog.
Exceptional occurrences from the MS Exchange sync point of view
isAllDayEvent status the schedule item should be set to.
Flag indicating if the item is in Exchange Sync Block List
Location of this meeting
Used only in the UI to indicate whether to disable the Time Zone inputs on the Schedule Item screen. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
Messages shown in the Schedule Item Properties window if meeting invitations are enabled, if the current user is owner, delegate or neither.
A string specifying the requirements to send notifications for this act
Used only in the UI for storing the original end time when setting a Schedule Item as an All Day Event. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
Used only in the UI for storing the original start time when setting a Schedule Item as an All Day Event. Could be replaced with annotations on the Schedule Item Form.
Each schedule item has a user who "owns" the item. This allows control over who can modify the meeting.
Whether owner is enabled for exchange sync or not
Displays the time part of start time in recurrence dialog.
Summary string of audit information to show on UI. Will differ depending if series is opened from the first occurrence or if it is split.
Team that the schedule item could be related to.
Whether the user has a team or not
Current User's Reminder Time
Creates act notifications and recipients. Used when creating or updating the ScheduleItemSeries.
Overridden to get old values from old series
Called from the UI to validate recurrence popup and throw an error for each invalid field
Sort occurrences based on startTime
Overridden to also update ScheduleItemSeries reminderTime for userParticipants that current user has delegate access to
Command class for sending Email notifications, invitations, cancellations.
Association of the series.
Schedule Item for which the preview is created when sending meeting invitation/notification/cancellation.
Command class to generate Schedule Month Report
The filter string that is being used to query
Deletes the temporary data required for this particular run of the Schedule Month Report
Rounds timestamp to midnight at the end of the month
ts timestamp the time used to determine which month end to return
timeZone string the timezone that the calculation should be done in (optional, defaults to local time))
timestamp the time corresponding to midnight (in the timeZone) at the end of the month in which the "ts" argument is contained
Generate the report
Creates the temporary data required for this particular run of the Schedule Month Report
Rounds timestamp to midnight at the beginning of the month
ts timestamp the time used to determine which month start to return
timeZone string the timezone that the calculation should be done in (optional, defaults to local time))
timestamp the time corresponding to midnight (in the timeZone) at the beginning of the month in which the "ts" argument is contained
An instance of this represents a single week's worth of data.
Vector that maps day of week to date attr
A collection of all the ScheduleItems in the week
The UserPerson whose ScheduleItems are contained in this week - team and entity can not both be null
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Friday
Day of the month
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Monday
Day of the month
Used to split up weeks into calendar "pages"
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Saturday
Day of the month
Time that this week begins. Used as an order by
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Sunday
Day of the month
The Team whose ScheduleItems are contained in this week - team and entity can not both be null
Localized team name used for sorting in Jasper Report.
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Thursday
Day of the month
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Tuesday
Day of the month
Derived association, containing those ScheduleItems from "acts" that occur on a Wednesday
Day of the month
Creates the data required for a given run of the Schedule Month Report for a given user. Initializes as many calendar rows as necessary and then fills in data.
command ScheduleMonthReportCommand The command class for a given run of the report---used to get report parameters
scheduleOwner any The user or team for whom the report data is being created (can be of type UserPerson or Team)
reportType string The report type (ie. User or Team)
One of these intances is created for each act in the report.
the icon string used
the display string for the schedule item in month report
Root class for all temporary data generated for a given run of the Schedule Month Report
Association of either the schedule item or schedule item series.
Message shown when sending a meeting cancellation.
From field shown in the preview window.
Message shown when sending a meeting invitation or notification.
Message shown in the UI of the preview.
If true, the user is allowed to choose between sending to everyone, or just sending to added or removed participants.
If true, the user is allowed to choose between sending to everyone or no one.
Command class to generate Schedule-based reportsz
Generate report with this where clause
Used to store the end date.
if true, break after each contact
Only used to to display correct end date on the report, as we set the end date to be one day greater than the actual end date with a 12 am timestamp.We then do a < comparison against incremented end date in the where clause.
The type of report (ie. a user report or a team report) Current values: "USER" - My Schedule tab "TEAM" - Team Schedule tab
If false, suppress schedule item details
Sort order used in Jasper report (differs depending on My Schedule or Team Schedule tab)
Used to store the start date and also passed to .jrxml to display on the report.
Sub-Report where clause
Used for schedule reports: fixes the where clause to get the list of entity OID's
gets the Start Date
gets the end Date
generates the subReport where clause with the start and end date
modifies the currentScheduleWhere to be used to query the userPerson class
Performance enhancing intersection class representing an item in a team schedule.
Act association to this denormalized instance
Denorm of Act.endTime
Determines whether or not the mark completed event should be enabled.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Pointer to the act location field.
Pointer the act's value. Determines if the act is not completed.
Respect act visibility security
Pointer to itself for schedule item resource bind.
Denorm of Act.startTime
Team association to this denormalized instance
Stylized time string. Points to the act's value (but orderBy is based on this startTime, to make sure denormalization is respected).
Respect act updatable security
Defines view control for the currently logged in user to display another user's schedules on the schedule screen. The display of another user's schedule is toggled according to the scheduleVisible boolean attribute bound to a checkbox in the ScheduleViewOthers.form in the UI.
Constant for initializing display order
Should only be able to create if the viewer is the currently logged in user but the logged-in user can't create itself.
A user should not be able to delete the view of his own schedule
Used for sorting in the UI
A boolean that returns true if the Schedule View is for a different user
Should only be able to read if the viewer is the currently logged in user and the viewee is not view private.
Points to a remove icon if the viewState is not the logged in user. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for an icon indicator in a grid.
Points to a Delete tooltip if the viewState is not the logged in user. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for a tooltip in a grid
Should only be able to update if the viewer is the currently logged in user
The user whose calendar is added to the UI for viewing. The collection of these users is bound to the ScheduleViewOthers.form.
The user who has added the calendar to the UI for viewing
A boolean bound to a checkbox in ScheduleViewOthers.form indicating if the scheduleViewee's calendar is displayed on the schedule screen or not.
For a given schedule view, go through the viewer's schedules and make sure that there is at least one other schedule that is visible. Make the primary calendar visible if no other schedules is visible.
Sets the display order for Schedule Views in the UI, whether to reset alphabetically or set order on add and delete
Command class to generate Schedule Week Report
Self-reference to command object---used to allow Jasper report to call events attached to the command class.
Reference to the temporary data generated for a particular run of the report
Parameter flag for Jasper report---used to indicate that Saturdays and Sundays should not be shown.
Deletes the temporary data required for this particular run of the Schedule Week Report
Given a timestamp, returns a timestamp with the same time, but on the end (Saturday) of the week of the original timestamp
ts timestamp the time used to determine which week end to return
timestamp the time corresponding to at the end of the week (Saturday) in which the "ts" argument is contained
Generate the report
Creates the temporary data required for this particular run of the Schedule Week Report
A wrapper for the Scheme date-get-day-of-week function, to allow it to be called by the Jasper report
Given a timestamp, returns a timestamp with the same time, but on the Sunday of the week of the original timestamp
ts timestamp the time used to determine which week start to return
timestamp the time corresponding to at the beginning of the week (Sunday) in which the "ts" argument is contained
Given a timestamp, returns a timestamp, at midnight locale time, on the Sunday of the week of the original timestamp
ts timestamp the time used to determine which week start to return
timestamp the time corresponding to at the beginning of the week (Sunday) in which the "ts" argument is contained
An instance of this represents a single day's worth of data.
A collection of all the ScheduleItems for this day
The UserPerson whose ScheduleItems are contained in this week - team and entity can not both be null
Time that this day begins. Used as an order by
The Team whose ScheduleItems are contained in this week - team and entity can not both be null
Localized team name used for sorting in Jasper Report.
Creates the data required for a given run of the Schedule Week Report for a given user. Creates temporary ScheduleWeekReportData instances corresponding to each day on the report, and then associates the appropriate ScheduleItems with each day.
command ScheduleWeekReportCommand The command class for a given run of the report---used to get report parameters
scheduleOwner any The user or team for whom the report data is being created (either of type UserPerson or Team)
reportType string The report type (ie. User or Team)
This represents a single week's worth of data.
GUID that uniquely identifies the ReportCommand that initially created this report. TODO: Update this to link to the JasperReport generated
The End Time to display in the report
String that appears for each act in the report
The Start Time to display in the report
Helper function that returns the nth day of the current meeting
Helper function that returns the number of days the act spans
Returns the end time for this paticular act with respect to the current day of reportData
timestamp The end time of the act for the current day
Returns the calculated Schedule Item caption
Returns the start time for this paticular act with respect to the current day of reportData
timestamp The start time of the act for the current day
Root class for all temporary data generated for a given run of the Schedule Week Report
Command class for executing Scheme script
UI only attribute: Scheme expression to be executed
UI only attribute: Return value from evaluating the input expression
Execute a Scheme script
Represents a personalized screen.
Adds a missing element to an existing screen.
Fixes personalization that doesn't match the metadata.
Creates the persised personalization for the given screen and principal. (in a new transaction)
meta string Name of the screen to be personsalized.
principal UserBase name of the user/usertemplate/systemUserTemplate the personalization is for.
Used in the Ui to determine if it is an application screen
Used in the UI to determine if a screen is a portlet
Gets the list of screen names that are in applications.
gets the personalizable (persisted) instance of the given oid.
Reads in the persisted personalized screens.
gets the personalizable (persisted) instance of the given oid. if it doesn't exist, create it.
Individual personalized screen reference for the application.
Represents screen reference metadata.
Note: The field is made required, so that the UI gets it after update.
Represents a way of classifying a Holdable. E.g., Cash, Balance, Growth, Canadian, International. Characteristics: Initial Size = Small; Row Growth = Minimal; Type = Look up
Support simple parent-child relationship for sector.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Reverse association.
Calculated attribute indicating if the instance is an asset class.
Calculated attribute indicating if the instance is a detailed asset class.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Support simple parent-child relationship for sector.
Reverse association to a metaclass that supports the Portfolio Summary Report.
Sector type.
Localization of Sector caption and shortCaption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Represents a type of sector. E.g., GICS. Characteristics: Initial Size = Small; Row Growth = Minimal; Type = Look up
Overridden for the unique aspect. Indicates the collection where there can be a uniqueness constraint.
Support simple parent-child relationship for sector type.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Reverse association.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Support simple parent-child relationship for sector type.
Reverse association to a metaclass that supports the Portfolio Summary Report.
Reverse association.
Localization of SectorType caption and shortCaption and description.
use object's updateable
Helper functions for exporting and importing seed data by leveraging messages This framework is designed to minimize development required for simple export/import by automatically inferring the message transformation from message element names See testExecution event for code snippet to execute this framework
Settings for exporting all configuration data
Default message format of the exported data
For UI, the data of the user-uploaded file
For UI, file name of the user-uploaded file
For UI, the message class to format the file
Placeholder collection to bind the result into a grid
Wrapper function to export objects to file
Export all configuration data to ZIP
Function to post-process the export message to sanitize the output and remove unnecessary elements. Intended for customization.
Export a set to objects to the specific message format
Import all configuration JSONs from metadata
For UI only, echo report data binary to client
Perform an import process with rollback to generate a validation report
Wrapper function to import from file system
Main function to import a message into the application in pre-commit state; Returns a transfer object containing the import stats: boolean success? integer numError integer numCreate integer numUpdate integer numDelete csvReport: Detailing the results of the import
Entry function for executing an import. This is executed from UI command popup.
preValidate : before
Check that the environment is properly configured to use SeedDataManager
validate : before
Check that the SeedDataManager instance is valid to import
Function to import and format a message from the metadata
Function to pre-process the import message to sanitize the input and add/remove/modify elements. Intended for customization.
Helper function to reads binary from file; Returns binary data
Helper function to reads binary from metadata resource; Returns binary data
Sample code to execute the export/import process
Helper function to write message to file
Represents a named selection criteria.
Localized description of the selection criteria.
Class to store actDates for the series master
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Temporary fix until constant bind on form for delete attribute works
Name of this act date series
association to act
Defines if the parent action item will affect the associated actReportType dates
Framework event extension
notifySeries : before
updates report for all entity participants in act.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Intersection class between act series and attachments.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
True if Attachment can be displayed in attachment list
updateSeriesAttachmentCount : before
Update Series Attachment Count
updateSeries : before
cause an update of the act.
checkForOrphanedAttachment : before
This action
updateSeriesAttachmentCount : before
Update Series Attachment Count
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Not persisted, holds act context and a badge config. Passed to dashboard ruleset to set the visible flag.
Name of association attribute.
Series dashboard badge information.
The badgeConfig condition will be evaluated against this series to determine visible flag.
Whether the badge should be displayed or not.
Badge configuration for acts.
meta class name for badges
name of act badges rule set
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to initialize for acts.
setVariables : before
Overridden for acts.
Overridden to set privileges.
Localization of ActBadgeConfig caption and description.
The current object
To determine whether the object is updatable
Associate Act series to the the contact/company that they are for.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Formatted email address of entity. Does not require visibility to entity.
Full name of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
Whether this entity has an email address
Whether this entity is a person
Meeting notifications to be sent to this entity
Flag specifying whether this entity (person) is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this entity (person) is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Framework event extension
notifySeries : before
Overwriting to avoid series updates when only lastNotificationSentOn has changed
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the series' ACL when new entities are added to the series
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the series' ACL when entities are removed from the series
This event is called before auditing is started for an instance.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
updateRelatedActACL : before
Update the series' ACL when entities are updated for the series
A user participant who is not a NexJ user, e.g. an Exchange user for ActionItems synchronized with Exchange
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
User email address. It could be not well-formed.
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Formats the external participant in the format "name (email)" if the name doesn't match the email, otherwise it will just show the email.
Whether this entity has an email address
Whether this entity is a person
User name
Meeting notifications to be sent to this entity
Flag specifying whether this user is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the user is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this user is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
The ActionItemSeries in which this external user participates
Framework event extension
notifySeries : before
Overwriting to avoid series updates when only lastNotificationSentOn has changed
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Intersection between an opportunity and product.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Called after each audit log record is created for the audited instance. It can be used to customize the created audit record.
Metaclass of the occurrence (implementing class must specify it)
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Formatted email address of entity. Does not require visibility to entity.
fullNameParticipantList of entity for most purposes. Used for "for" field lists. Allows viewing without access to Entity.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
Whether this entity has an email address
Whether the entity was added through a distribution list.
Whether this entity is a person
Meeting notifications to be sent to this entity
Flag specifying whether this user is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the user is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this user is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization, to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to persist the auditLog instance, false otherwise.
Framework event extension
notifySeries : before
Overwriting to avoid series updates when only lastNotificationSentOn has changed
Creates a SeriesUserParticipation for the given series for each user that is covered by the given entity. Currently used in the BlackBerry.
Factory used to create a UserParticipation instance on the given act series for each member of the team.
This event is called before auditing is started for an instance.
Sets a value of the given attribute. An extension point that can provide custom logic using "before" value
An SOA Service that is regsitered in the system registry.
The binding-specific address at which the service can be found.
The protocol to use to access the service.
True if this service instance is the default.
The HTTP Basic Authentication username to log in to the service.
The HTTP Basic Authentication password to log in to the service.
The fully-qualified name (including the SOA definition name) of the service.
Service level that can be applied to an entity
the display order of the service level in the application
Used to disable touchTypeIntervals.
The caption for the Service level in the user's current locale. Referred to by CAPTION_ATTRIBUTE of UI_COMPONENT_OBJECT_AS_ENUM.
default tier that it is associated to
Service Level Service Model's. Used as default when entity gets a service level.
Localization of Service level caption and description
Intersection of Service Level, Touch Type and Intervals. Default Service Models dependent on the service level.
Maximum allowed offset (in months)
Interval used for calculation of first touch target date after assignment (in months).
The related interval for this configuration
The related service level that this configuration
The related touchType for this configuration
setFirstTouchOffset : before
Setting the first touch offset based on the interval
Intersection class for TouchTypes, Intervals and next touch target dates. Used as configuration object for setting up SLM Contains updated ServiceLevel information (ie: touch type, intervals and target date)
Days to be skipped when staggering touch targets between start and end date
Weekend days calculated from DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAY
String for UI
Describes how touches are distributed during an update
Used in UI to determine whether the end date should be selectable
Used in UI to determine whether the start date should be selectable
End date used for the staggered range
Number of months from today to offset the default start date
The date the start date will wrap around to after it reaches the end date during a staggered update
Updated interval
Makes start date required during validation
Default name of configuration
touch interval between each touch date,this touch interval excludes any weekend specified by DAYS_TO_BUSINESS_DAY
Default first touch date to be displayed in UI
Distribution list which represents the distribution of touch dates among touch interval
Touch Type of the service level
Calculate the distribution list for this service model if it is not set yet. Bucket list is calculated by algorithm such that each element represents the instance counts per touch date.
Calculates the end date which is used by default
Returns the default start date
Updates start date to the next non-excluded date between startDate and endDate
True if end date is not before start date
True if all the days between start and end (inclusive) are excluded assuming that days of the week are excluded in the same way
Returns error code if end date is invalid
Returns error code if start date is invalid
Service Request model
Name of the ruleset used to set dueTime if rule-based SLA is enabled.
Login of system user for Email to service request feature
Name of system user for Email to service request feature
Password of system user for Email to service request feature
If an email is received via Email-to-Service-Request with no subject, use this string in place of the subject
Type of UDF for this class.
Name of the ruleset used to set firstResponseDueTime if rule-based SLA is enabled.
Used by the UI as shortcut to the System Preference
Used by the UI as shortcut to the System Preference
Name of the UI Component
A list associating UI field tags to a list of pairs Format: (list (: tag (list (class . metaClass) (attribute . attributeSymbol) (uniqueAttribute . uniqueAttrSymbol))) ) eg. (: _tt_ `((class . ,EntityTouchTypeDate) (attribute . actTouchTypeDates) (uniqueAttribute . touchType)))
interaction serieses for this service request
interactions for this service request
Selected assessment for a Service Request
Superpicker only attribute: used to show on superpicker to handle value update by rules
Used by tokens in notifications
Comments when service request has been resolved
Service Request end time
Calculated display close time with timezone from invocation-context
Collection of badges to be displayed on the dashboard
Non-perisisted attribute that allows Office Addin to continue to work.
Whether the request's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
Caption for due time relative to now
Calculated display due time with timezone from invocation-context
Overridden for audit
Tier of primaryEntity
External ID for service request.
Target first response time. Set by SLA rules
Caption for expected first response time relative to now
Calculated display first response due time with timezone from invocation-context
Used for searching by expected first response time
The actual recorded time of the first response
Calculated display first response time with timezone from invocation-context
Non-persisted, used in filters
For displaying the icon in UI
Used by audit to show that this is created using the Email to Service Request service
This variable determines whether the stage is closed.
True if Email to Service Request feature is enabled
A boolean flag indicating whenther first response SLA has been satisfied. This can be done by either sending the first response, or by closing the service request
Boolean indicating whether first response has been sent
Flag whether the service request is merged
Boolean indicating whether status can be displayed and interacted with
The ServiceRequestMailbox this ServiceRequest came from (or null if user created).
The email address for pending service requests when contact is not found
Service Request Start Time
Calculated display open time with timezone from invocation-context
Used to highlight overdue service requests in UI
Used to highlight overdue service requests in UI
Deprecated: Stores the impact level on privacy
Products that are involved in service request
Attribute created of a non-persisted class QuickNoteDisplayServiceRequest. For UI to enter value to text and saved when switching between screens.
Overridden to access readableGroupSecurable and readability of the mailbox
Request ID for service request.
Whether the first response should be shown in reports
Used to locate requests in specific time ranges
Stage of the Service request. This is denormed onto the UI as well.
Denormalized from stage so that it will show on the superpicker
What state the service request is in (e.g. open, closed, pending)
Display name for workspaces (main heading)
Display icon for workspaces
Used to display the header in the banner.
Summary for open date and close date
Used to display the Due Date in the banner.
Used to display the Due In/Resolution Time Label in the banner. If the service request is closed, the resolution time label is displayed. Otherwise, the due in label is displayed.
Used to display the Due In/Resolution Label Value in the banner.
Indicates whether first response has been sent or is outstanding
Shown in dashboard
Used to display the request ID and channel for service request in the banner.
Describes whether SR has been closed or is outstanding
Display name for workspaces (sub-heading)
Template describing the type of service request as well as initial values and valid stages.
Subject or name of the service request
Text for icon tooltip
Overridden to access updatableGroupSecurable and updability of the mailbox
Overridden for audit
Overriden to assign instance as Service Request for Act created by rule trigger.
Returns #t if the current user is allowed to batch delete service requests.
Enables auditing
Creates/reads and returns SLA ruleset:DUE_TIME_SLA_RULESET
Creates/reads and returns SLA ruleset:FIRST_RESPONSE_SLA_RULESET
Factory creation of service requests. The primary entity is dependent on the target entity type set in Admin. If the target type is not found as either the current entity or a parent of the current entity, the current entity is used instead.
Enable the Email-to-Service-Request feature
Find a contact associated with any of the given emails.
Find an existing service request based on the given criteria.
Find a service request mailbox that corresponds to any of the given emails.
The Opened and closed date. It is used for the dashboard
For the given service request, get a list of associated entities and the body of the latest associated email.
main : main
Return the Service Request corresponding to the requestIdentifier
Generates next number
Return the corresponding initializer value given the attribute
Given a string, return a list of possible request identifiers
main : main
Calculates the string for the time remaining before the item is due.
Returns the title of a service request based on a template
Return a string with the invocation context's timezone given a timestamp
Get all the visible badges for the selected service request
Merge the source service request with a target
Merge this instance with a target service request
Return the body of a message for attachments not saved
Seed service request templates
updateAssessmentBasedOnAssessmentValue : before
When rule updates assessmentValue, update the corresponding assessment if it is applicable
updateStageBasedOnStageValue : before
When rule updates stageValue, update the corresponding stage if it is applicable
Used for configuring which assessment are valid for a given service request template.
Actual Assessment.
The template for which this assessment is set as the default. Also prevents user from deleting this assessment template if it is set to be the default assessment
Reverse to template.
Command class for the Service Request Detail Report.
Sets end date for the activities sub-report
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
Sets start date for the activities sub-report
Filters the activities by status
Filters the activities by type
This is only used when the report is run from the Person screen.
The filter string that is being used to query
if False does not allow the user to select the type
This item has been deferred for current release from the Service Request model. To be implemented for later release.
String used to display the filtering criteria on the report. This is only computed when the report is run from the Person screen.
If true, show pending service requests
If true, generate page break after each Service Request.
This is only used when the report is run from the Person screen.
Specifies whether the current service request, or current service request list is used
This is only used when the report is run from the Person screen.
If false, suppress the Activities sub-report
If true, show the entire Activity's Description
If true, show all the contacts for the service request
If true, show the activity filter options.
This is only used when the report is run from the Person screen.
This item has been deferred for current release from the Service Request model. To be implemented for later release.
Generate where clause for the Activities subreport.
gets the End Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
gets the search context from the UI
gets the Start Date from the UI and casts the value to a string
gets the ActionStatus from the UI
gets the Action Type from the UI
Intersection of Service Request and Entity
Attribute to check serviceRequest's updatable attribute for create access
Entity is the primary contact for the service request
Attribute to check serviceRequest's updatable attribute for update and delete access
Enabled auditing
A class representing a mailbox to be polled for the Email to Service Request feature.
The name of Email to Service Request channel
The name of the default mailbox
A string representation of whether or not the mailbox is active.
The default template for Service Requests coming from this mailbox.
A description of the mailbox.
The encoded password. Encoded and decoded using nexj.core.util.Base64Util.
The type of encryption used by the host.
The associated UserGroup.
An email associated with the group owner
The URL of the host where the address is.
Calculated attribute based on encryptionType containing the enum equivalent used by core to indicate encryption.
A flag to indicate the mailbox is active
Is this mailbox the default mailbox for the channel
Caption for whether the mailbox is default
A flag to indicate the mailbox is inactive
The mailbox's name.
The owner of this mailbox
A field to hold user entered password when passed in before being persisted in cyphered form in encodedPassword.
The priority for Service Requests created from this mailbox. If null, defaults to the template.
Overridden to access group's readabilty and check for privileges
The severity for Service Requests created from this mailbox. If null, defaults to the template.
How the text attribute of Service Requests from this mailbox should be initialized.
How the title attribute of Service Requests from this mailbox should be initialized.
Overridden to access group's updatability and check for privileges
Make the mailbox active. Return #t if mailbox was activated
Factory to create an additional mailbox
Make the mailbox inactive.
Returns the collections of messages from valid, pollable mailboxes to be passed to SysMailBatchJob'poll.
Returns a message containing the necessary information to poll the relevant Email to Service Request channel.
Overridden to require ServiceRequestMailboxView privilege.
Intersection table between service requests and products
Enabled auditing
Used for configuring which stages are valid for a given service request template.
Name of the UI Component
Reverse to template.
Actual stage.
Long Notes for stage template
checkLastDelete : before
Check if this is the last stage to be deleted.
Template for service request. Defines predefined attributes about the service request including the collection of stages.
The service request template that represents pending service requests
Attributes read in the getTemplate method
Name of the UI Component
Valid assessments for this Service Request
The default assessment for a template
Text explanation for when this template cannot have new instances created. To be used in the edit screen UI.
Non-persisted, used in filters
Icon for the service request
Valid stages for this type of opportunity
Target Primary Entity of the Service Request. E.g. Company, Contact, Household.
Text for icon tooltip
Activate service request template
enable Auditing
Deactivate service request template
Find stage with highest sequence number
Find stage with lowest sequence number
Find stage by sequence number
Localization of ServiceRequestTemplate caption and description.
Localized text for service request templates
Association between Service Request and user
Attributes on this association class that should be exposed via UI Component
The attribute that points to the target instance (from a Service Request)
Enable auditing
setParentDirty : before
Mark the parent (Service Request) dirty when this intersection class changes. This is needed to trigger notification rules when the "Assign To" field of the parent Service Request changes.
checkLastDelete : before
Check if this is the last userParticipation to be deleted.
setParentDirty : before
Mark the parent (Service Request) dirty when this intersection class changes. This is needed to trigger notification rules when the "Assign To" field of the parent Service Request change
Allows creation of a message that can be given the semaphore that it will try to aquire.
Creates a list of pairs that can be used as semaphores from a list of strings.
Returns a new instance of SimpleSemaphoreMessage.
Represents a portfolio for a single Account. Wraps the Account so that it can be managed like a Portfolio. We transact against Account and manage (e.g., performance, analyze, assess risk, charge fees) against Portfolio. As a result, we can pass in a common object (the Portfolio) to perform management functions (parameters). Characteristics: Initial Size = Large; Row Growth = Moderate
Account that this object represents. This portfolio is automatically generated when the account is created. Relationship is always one-to-one.
Source class represent a source of data from external system.
curret financial date for the source (date the source was updated)
name of source
name of source in French
source code for the source (ex: AAA, RPM, IN, EXT)
return all sources
returns the financial date of the current source
return Source instance for given source code
Each instance of this class represents an attribute in the source schema, for a given Match Process configuration.
The date that this record is created in the external system.
The unique ID of this record in the external system.
The external source of this record. (e.g. AAA, RPM)
The date that this record is updated in the external system
Staging Account Sync Link
Fetches snapshot of all the synchronized accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance filtered by sourceId
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance filtered by sourceId
Line 1 of address.
Line 2 of address.
Line 3 of address.
Line 4 of address.
Values: ‘Home’, ‘Business’, ‘Vacation’, ‘Correspondence’, ‘Pro Account’, ‘Other’.
Country of address,
This is the 'externalId' of the StagingEntity class.
Id in external system.
Indicates that it is the default address for the entity.
Date of data being loaded.
Status of the load – initialized to “0”.
Province or State of address.
A string indicating the external source database of this record.
Date of creation in Nexj.
Date of update in Nexj.
Version number of data load attempt. Initially 0.
Zip or Postal Code of address.
Electronic contact value (could be either an e-mail address or a web page).
Values: ‘Email’, ‘Webpage’.
This is the 'externalId' of the StagingEntity class.
Id in external system.
Indicates that it is the default email for the entity.
Date of data being loaded.
Status of the load – initialized to “0”.
A string indicating the external source database of this record.
Date of insertion to Nexj.
Date of update in Nexj.
Version number of data load attempt. Initially 0.
Values: ‘A’ – Active, ‘I’ - Inactive. Note: AAA contacts not linked to an account will be Inactive.
Suffix if entity is a Person, ie Jr., Sr., M.D., B.Sc., M.B.A., etc.
Alternative First Name to be a UDF.
Alternative Last Name to be a UDF.
CIF number of Client.
User in external system that created the contact (Audit). Note: Will use System of creation – ‘RPM’, ‘AAA’.
Date created in external system (audit).
Date of birth, if entity is a Person.
Date of death of a client.
Note: For AAA – Use dealer code from account. For RPM – use dealer code from Agent.
Values: ‘en’ - English, ‘fr’ - French.
Values: ‘P’ – Person, ‘C’ - Company. Note: Entity types must be transformed to be either a Person or Company.
Id in external system.
First name if entity is a Person.
Values: ‘M’ – Male, ‘F’ – Female, ‘UN’ – Unknown.
Flattened Address Model.
Initials if entity is a Person. This can also be the middle name of the person.
Boolean indicating the entity is a client. Note: All AAA contacts are Clients.
Boolean indicating the entity is an ex-client.
Boolean indicating the entity does not have a status.
Boolean indicating the entity is a professional.
Boolean indicating the entity is a prospect.
Date of data being loaded.
Last name if entity is a Person. Full company name if entity is a Company.
Status of the load – initialized to “0”.
Note: For AAA – Use rep code from account. For RPM – use rep code from Agent.
Values: ‘CAD’, ‘USD’.
SIN identification for "Person". Will also be used as BIN for Companies.
A string indicating the external source database of this record.
Date of insertion to Nexj.
Date of update in Nexj.
Mr., Mrs., etc. Note: When title is ‘Concatenate’, firstName and lastName are concatenated for Company entities.
User in external system that updated the contact (Audit). Note: Will use System of updation – ‘RPM’, ‘AAA’.
Date updated in external system (audit). If not present, use sysUpdateDate.
Version number of data load attempt. Initially 0.
The date this record is created in the external system.
ID of this record in the external system
External source of this record. (e.g. AAA, RPM)
The date this record is updated in the external system.
Staging Entity Account Sync Link
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entity-accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance filter by sourceCd
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entity-accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entity-accounts from the given SysSyncLink instance filter by sourceCd
Values: ‘P’ – Person, ‘C’ - Company. Note: Entity types must be transformed to be either a Person or Company.
Id in external system.
Flag to insert Candidate.
Date of data being loaded.
OID generated for the entity to be used in nexj database.
A string indicating the external source database of this record.
Flag to update Candidate.
Staging Notes Sync Link
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncLink instance
Batch job starting for Staging Sync
Timer period in minutes for UI
Called by timer
Staging Entities Sync Link
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncLink instance
Represents Generic System for Inbound Sync
Processes a timer event
Actions when an instance is updated
This is the 'externalId' of the StagingEntity class.
Id in external system.
Indicates that it is the default telephone for the entity.
Date of data being loaded
Status of the load – initialized to “0”.
Actual value of phone number.
A value indicating the external source database of this record.
Date of insertion to Nexj
Date of update in Nexj.
Values: Home, Business, Fax, Cell, Pager, Correspondence, Other.
Version number of data load attempt. Initially 0.
The date that this record is created in the external system.
The unique ID of this record in the external system.
Flag to indicate if the record is to be deleted.
OID for account in nexj.
OID referecing an entity that is the primary owner of this account
The external source of this record. (e.g. AAA, RPM)
The date that this record is updated in the external system
Class interfacing to Staging Database and UpdatedAccountTest table in it. Used by unit tests.
Values: 'A' Active, 'I' Inactive. Note: AAA contacts not linked to an account will be Inactive.
Suffix if entity is a Person, ie Jr., Sr., M.D., B.Sc., M.B.A., etc.
Alternative First Name to be a UDF.
Alternative Last Name to be a UDF.
CIF number of Client.
User in external system that created the contact (Audit). Note: Will use System of creation 'RPM','AAA'.
Date created in external system (audit).
Date of birth, if entity is a Person.
Date of death of a client.
Note: For AAA - Use dealer code from account. For RPM - use dealer code from Agent.
Values: 'en'- English, 'fr' - French.
Values:'P' - Person, 'C' - Company. Note: Entity types must be transformed to be either a Person or Company
Id in external system.
First name if entity is a Person.
Values: 'M'-Male, 'F'-Female, 'UN'- Unknown.
Initials if entity is a Person. This can also be the middle name of the person.
Boolean indicating the entity is a client. Note: All AAA contacts are Clients.
Boolean indicating the entity is an ex-client.
Boolean indicating the entity does not have a status.
Boolean indicating the entity is a professional.
Boolean indicating the entity is a prospect.
Date of data being loaded.
Last name if entity is a Person. Full company name if entity is a Company.
OID generated for the entity to be used in nexj database.
Note: For AAA - Use rep code from account. For RPM - use rep code from Agent.
Values:'CAD', 'USD'
SIN identification for "Person". Will also be used as BIN for Companies.
A string indicating the external source database of this record.
Mr., Mrs., etc. Note: When title is 'Concatenate', firstName and lastName are concatenated for Company entities.
User in external system that updated the contact (Audit). Note: Will use System of updation 'RPM', 'AAA'
Date updated in external system (audit). If not present, use sysUpdateDate.
The date this record is created in the external system.
ID of this record in the external system
Flag to indicate if this record is to be deleted in nexj.
Flag to indicate if this record is to be inserted into nexj.
OID of account in nexj.
OID for EntityAccount in nexj.
OID of entity in nexj.
External source of this record. (e.g. AAA, RPM)
The date this record is updated in the external system.
Class interfacing to Staging Database and UpdatedEntityAccountTest table in it. Used by unit tests.
View onto StagingUpdatedExchangeRatePersisted. Used to demonstrate how mapping is handled from staging into the NexJ domain. Allows both back-updates and back-inserts of exchange rates.
Goes through the view and processes all the rows. External processes reset the view every night, so we do not worry about already processed entries. Both back-inserts and back-updates are processed the same way -- this means that we assume that SQL scripts create new objects for us.
Used exclusively by unit tests - writes to staging datasource and mimics what custom mapping would do for every client. In production, this table would be customized to client's needs.
View onto StagingUpdatedHoldableRecalcPersisted.
FK to holdable with changed attribute(s)
given a holding id, it will update all the holdings of it appropriately.
Used exclusively by unit tests - writes to staging datasource and mimics what custom mapping would do for every client. In production, this table would be customized to client's needs.
View onto StagingUpdatedHoldingRecalcPersisted.
FK to holding with changed attribute(s)
given a holding id, it will update the term holdings appropriately.
Used exclusively by unit tests - writes to staging datasource and mimics what custom mapping would do for every client. In production, this table would be customized to client's needs.
View onto StagingUpdatedPriceHistoryPersisted. Used to demonstrate how mapping is handled from staging into the NexJ domain. Allows both back-updates and back-inserts of prices.
Id to priceHistory record. If none exists in our system, treated as brand new insert.
Goes through the view and processes all the rows. External processes reset the view every night, so we do not worry about already processed entries. Both back-inserts and back-updates are processed the same way -- this means that we assume that SQL scripts create new objects for us.
Used exclusively by unit tests - writes to staging datasource and mimics what custom mapping would do for every client. In production, this table would be customized to client's needs.
A command class to perform import of stock interest from a .csv file
Whether import can be performed, based on validation
Data of the file containing stock interests
The entity that will receive the stock interests
Name of the file containing stock interests
Name of the stock interest list
The string content of validation report
The summary of validation report
The number of warnings found in the import data
Perform import from data
Validate import parameters (listName, fileName, and data)
Returns validation report
This class is used to retrieve support contact information.
The channel connection for which the properties are retrieved from
Retrieves the support email address from environment file
Sync Lists that entities can be part of to support List Management for syncing to Exchange server.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Icon for Sync Lists.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
checkSyncListExistence : before
Check to see if a sync list already exists for the user
Localization of EntityList caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
Adds the specified entity to the current user's sync list (SyncEntityList).
Removes the specified entity from the current user's sync list (SyncEntityList).
Instances correspond to user groups defined in the external system. The LDAPUserLink creates and maintaines these instances in sync with the external system; users can map them to NexJ groups using Admin UI
Child groups. Users that belong to a child group implicitely belong to the parent group as well.
A description of the external group
A unique value identifying the group in the external system, unchanged even if an external group has been moved or renamed. We use it to make sure group mapping stays intact in these cases. If external system does not support such ID, this could be any group identifier; if it changes in the external system, we'll see it as a delete followed by an insert, and user will have to re-map the updated group.
Flag whether users belonging to this group should be synchronized with NexJ. External user is synchronized with NexJ if it belongs to at least one external group with this flag set to "true".
A synchronization link - source of these groups (e.g. an LDAP directory subtree)
A value identifying the group in membership lists of its parent group
A name of the external group, displayed in UI
When external templates are defined for several external groups, the template with minimal "order" value is chosen.
Parent groups.
User template used for users belonging to this external group
Child groups. Users that belong to a child group implicitely belong to the parent group as well.
Parent group
Defines an Application.
Determine if there are bulletins to display.
The Application Broker Portlet instance.
Collection of bulletins to be shown in this portal application.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Collection of Application Service Portlet instances.
Collection of SysSideBarPortletRef
generateName : before
Override to remove auto generated application name.
checkWorkspaces : before
Check if there are user workspaces associated to this application. If so, prevent the delete.
Localization of SysWorkspaceElement caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Application portlet is a portlet that is not associated with a workspace. Instead, it is available as part of an application globally. Service Portlets (e.g. notification), Broker Portlet, and Slide-in portlets are all considered application portlets. They are initialized before any workspaces have been loaded.
True if the portlet is loaded as a system portlet (internal use), without a URL.
Name for the application portlet.
Creation factory
Intersection class for linking Portal Applications and Portal Workspaces.
Audit log class for attribute triggered auditing - uses nexj.core.persistence.sql.AuditSQLStateSerializer persistence hook (see RelationalMapping source) to persist the changes to the state of the Object and nexj.core.runtime.sys.SysAuditLog to load the serialized object back in.
(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) The mode for serializing and deserializing non-primitive values
(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: Changing this attribute name requires a java change) Localized object class name
(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: Changing this attribute name requires a java change) Localized context aware event name
Overridden to set default value to this unused attribute
(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: Changing this attribute name requires a java change) An identifier for grouping audit logs
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the "Single Table Inheritance" and "Class Table Inheritance" patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Class name of the instance observing the audit log
Name of the context of audited instance. Used for constructing action name
OID of the instance observing the audit log
The instance observing the audit log
True if the audit record contains at least one modification that is a result of direct user action
UI-only attribute used for filtering audit logs by event name.
The name of the instance being audited. Used for constructing action name
The class name of the instance being audited. Used for constructing action name
True if this is a context audit record
The locking value of the audited instance.
The localized event name
This log's position when ordering logs for the same UOW
The user's timezone when this log was created
The localized object name
(FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY: Changing this attribute name or type requires a java change) The collection of value changes to show in audit trail view. (This collection is not persisted, instead use the "values" attribute to persist value changes)
This object contains a list of keys (attribute names) with corresponding old and/or new values prior to persisting and serializing the values for the logged object. The following operations are supported on the values object: 1) Adding/overwriting value changes: (
urn string The localized caption of the action class if it exists. Otherwise returns a default caption, "Meta Class Name" for MetaClassName.
urn string The localized context aware event name for the audit log.
Returns a collection of SysAttributeAuditLogValueChange instances.
Overridden to modify the read.
processQuery : before
Modifies the query to 1. Return context logs for the object 2. Generate the contextName for the above 3. Prevent a heterogeneous exception when filtering by user person
Class for changes value of audited attributes in an audit log. Use service persistence to invoke SysAttributeAuditLog#getValueChanges to return a collection of value changes for a given audit klog.
The time stamp format.
The localized name of the changed attribute.
The attribute audit log to which this change belongs.
Whether the change is a result of direct user action.
The new value formatted for UI.
The old value formatted for UI.
The value after the change. (Non-primitives are a message with: :oid, :class and name attributes)
The value before the change. (Non-primitives are a message with: :oid, :class and name attributes)
The name of the changed atttribute.
any The formatted representation for the UI.
Abstract base audit log class
Prevents export to the dump file
The maxium number of instances that are supported when filtering on (user name)
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
SysAuditLog is an Abstract Class so the value of classCode is null. In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Time when the transaction for the audit log entry was created.
Abstract calculated description implemented in subclasses
Icon to indicate the type of log entry (security, process, event, ...)
Short name overridden in subclasses
Indicates the severity level of the log entry (info, warning, error)
Iconic representation of the severity of this log entry (info, warning, error)
Short type name to describe the type in a list - overridden in subclasses
Primary user to track with this log entry
initCreateTime : before
Explicitly requesting the 'createTime' attribute so it would get set when a log is created, instead of committed.
processQuery : before
Modifies the query's where clause to prevent a heterogeneous exception when filtering by user's name
Provides persisted user logon tracking for the authentication service.
The remote IP address of the user's incoming request.
The user's login name.
The time the user logged in.
User instance corresponding to the login name.
Creates an audit record for user logged into the current invocation context.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Recreate timer if nodeType has changed for a batch job
Recreate the timer
Called by the timer
Run the given job asynchronously
Application broker portlet
A portal bulletin, shown to users of a portal application when loaded within the portal container.
The active or inactive status of the bulletin.
A collection of links, connecting a portal application with a bulletin.
The URL to load the bulletin content. Accepts absolute or relative URL.
Derived association to the current invocation context' localization.
The URL to show if the user disagrees to the bulletin.
A collection of localized captions and descriptions.
The ordinal for bulletin display order.
The date to end publication of the bulletin.
The date to begin publication of the bulletin.
The type of bulletin.
Facilitate creating bulletins for multiple portal applications.
An instance of a bulletin, configured for a portal application.
The portal application.
The portal bulletin.
Overriden to enforce view access.
A collection of user responses to this bulletin.
The principal used to indicate which users should view this bulletin. This will be either the public principal or the privilege group corresponding to a user type.
Acknowledge the user's response on the bulletin response object.
Internal use - create a new response object, or return an existing response object for the current user.
Instantiate a bulletin response object, and increment counters.
Read the active bulletins for the current user.
Localization of SysBulletin caption and description
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation.
Use object's updatable.
Proxy class for reading bulletins by SOA.
The active or inactive status of the bulletin.
The portal application name. May be null to represent a system bulletin.
The localized bulletin caption.
The URL to load the bulletin content.
The localized bulletin description.
The URL to show if the user disagrees to the bulletin.
The name given to the bulletin.
The ordinal for bulletin display order.
The type of bulletin.
Helper function for acknowledging a bulletin via service.
Helper function for reading a bulletin via service. Used in service persistence mapping.
Helper function for indicating a bulletin is viewed via service.
A user's response to a bulletin within a portal application, with associated metrics.
The user's response to the bulletin.
The bulletin instance within a portal application.
Overridden to enforce read access to user's own responses.
The user account.
Count the number of viewings of this bulletin instance.
Analyzes and outputs the CSV file.
If the header should be output in the result.
Quote character. Usually 'double quote".
Separator characther. Usually ','.
The global data cache
Invalidates the given key in the cache. On the server side the SysCache'remove API should be used.
Invalidates the entire cache.
Writes the serialized value corresponding to the given cache key to the log
Gets a cached item by key
Gets data from the local cache
Gets data from the transient cache
Returns a cache key from the given input string. Examples: (get-cache-key "(User loginName \"NEXJSA\")") => (User loginName "NEXJSA") (get-cache-key "User 00000000000010008000BEEF0000000C") => (User . #<OID:1:V32:00000000000010008000BEEF0000000C>) (get-cache-key "User") => (User)
Caches a serialized copy of an object
Caches an instance or an instance collection
Adds data to the local UOW cache. The local cache is invalidated upon commit/rollback.
Caches a reference to an immutable object
Caches a reference to an immutable object. The same as putReference(), but the key is not committed. The difference from putLocal() is that the global cache name space is used.
Adds data to the transient cache.The transient cache is invalidated at the end of the request processing by the server.
Removes an item coresponding to a given key
Removes an entry from the local cache
Removes an entry from the transient cache
Persistent counter part of a run-time channel.
This class creates and obtains chart information necessary for displaying charts in the rich web client and flat web client
This method returns the html src property for a chart and the image map markup
Represents an external object, synchronized with a NexJ instance.
Identifies an association in the object mapping
The parent sync object
The root sync object
Loads the object and state attributes
Provides an API for PKI encryption of data.
Persisted value for a null obsolete cipher key during upgrade.
Returns the decrypted binary data.
Returns the encrypted binary data.
Returns the active cipher key prefix and public key used for data encryption.
Returns an iterator for domain classes having persisted encrypted attributes.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Called by DataLoader to set the active cipher key to the one in the environment configuration.
Checkes whether cipher key upgrade is required for a given metadata.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Upgrades the encryption of all persisted domain classes that have encrypted attributes.
isSchemaSupported : around
Checkes whether the Version table has support for cipher keys.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Upgrades the encryption of all persisted domain classes that have encrypted attributes.
Virtually persisted class used to query for collections of classes.
The class caption.
Access attribute for create event.
The class name.
Whether the class has read audit enabled.
Adds class instances constructed with provided factory lambda function that satisfies the predicate to a collection and returns it.
Overridden to disable event.
Overridden to disable event.
Returns all of the classes as messages that satisfy the passed in lambda filter.
Reads specified instances of this class.
Overridden to disable event.
Information about conflict resolution entry on the client.
Conflict attribute name
Data object with conflicts
Icon indicating if there is a conflict
Name of the locking attribute
True when conflict has been resolved
Conflict data object name
New client value formatted string
New client value
Old client value formatted string
Old client value
Result value
Result formatted string
Server locking attribute to apply once conflicts are solved on the data object
Server value formatted string
Server value
Attach to this debug session
Compiles the given parsed expression and return the result
Overridden to make transactions optional
Create a new debug session for a NexJ client. Called by the debug target (NexJ client)
Detach from this debug session
Evaluates an expression in the context of a suspended thread
Gets a value by reference in the context of a suspended thread
Describe the threads in the debug target
Fetch a list of all active SysClientDebuggers
Removes a breakpoint
Resume a suspended thread
Adds a breakpoint
Sets the filter to use when deciding whether to suspend while single stepping. The filter is a list of URL patterns and optionally option pairs. A URL pattern is a string with '?' interpreted as matching any character and '*' as matching zero or more of any characters.
Sets a value by reference in the context of a suspended thread
Overridden to make transactions optional
Stores client state information used to recreate the client state on every time application start up.
Returns a new unique session binary identifier.
Reset (delete) the state for the passed in user for all applications.
Reset (delete) the state of the current user.
Reset (delete) the state for the passed in user.
Implements a persisted and distributed named counter.
Number of counter values to cache on each node prior to handing them out.
The value by which to increment the counter when 'next' is called.
Counter name. Must be unique across all counters. e.g. process.counter
Current counter value.
Increments a named counter and returns the old value
Persistent counterpart of a run-time data source.
Pool type name
Overridden to make transactions optional
Create a new server debug session
Delete this session and clean up breakpoints
Evaluate an expression in the context of a suspended thread
Evaluate an expression in a global context. Note: response is synchronous
Calls evaluateGlobal.
Gets a value by reference in the context of a suspended thread
Describe the threads in the debug target
Fetch asynchronous messages from a queue identified by target
Calls receive
Remove a breakpoint
Resume a suspended thread
Place an asynchronous message in a queue identified by target
Calls send
Adds a breakpoint
main : main
Can be called multiple times with the same parameters. It will use the condition of the most recent call
Sets the users that breakpoints will break on. Expects a list of principal names
Sets the filter to use when deciding whether to suspend while single stepping. The filter is a list of URL patterns and optionally option pairs. A URL pattern is a string with '?' interpreted as matching any character and '*' as matching zero or more of any characters.
Sets a value by reference in the context of a suspended thread
Overridden to make transactions optional
Public API for diagnostic tools.
The cache key input value for dump and uncache operations.
Broadcasts a message to remove the specified key from the cache.
Broadcasts a message to clear caches.
Broadcasts a message to write the cached value to the log
string The pool state
string The pool state
Instructs all nodes to log an informational message.
ETLActivity instance.
ETL Activity type code
Invokes the service with a given message, output channel and arguments
Overridden to use java subclass getFlow() method. Used for parallel execution of Fork/Join branches.
Creates an instance of SysResubmitMessage that when received will repost msgs to queue.
Manages externally defined reports
Holds the process queue for batch requests that this external report should use. Null if this does not have an associated external report.
Compiled report
Localizeable report caption
Class code
Name of command metaclass for report parameters.
Name of Command screen for report parameters
True if the report has been customized at run time.
Report source. Maybe XML format
Tags a report displayable in the user interface menus.
Original report file name
Returns a string to bind to a menu for generating the report.
True if the report has a queue or batchQueue.
Caption localized for user's locale.
Report name
Specifies how the report parameters are supplied.
Report design preview data mime type
Report design preview data
Holds the process queue that this external report should use. Null if this does not have an associated external report.
Report source data mime type
main : main
Compiles report source and stores it in the binaryData
compileBinary : before
Compiles binary data from source
Called from UI, deletes a generated report after the client has closed the viewer window.
main : main
Runs a report based on the command object, and returns a generated object.
Determines if this SysExternalReport instance has been customized. We need to create an event for this since there are some attributes (specifically, queue and batchQueue) for which changes should *not* make the entry customized.
updateBinary : before
Reset the compiled binary when changing the source
Represents persisted UI history.
Maximum number of items to maintain per user
State of the context bus
Value of context state in serialized form
Arbitrary data to assist source portlet restore state
Value of data attribute in serialized form
Key used to identify a unique history record
Value of key identifier used to identify a unique history record
View path to the portlet that added the history entry
Associated MVC state.
Creates a history entry. Returns the new entry.
Removes an item with the specified <key, value> combination
Re-creates a history entry to force moving it to the top of history. Returns the new entry.
Scale and re-encode an image at the desired dimensions and compression ratio. Note: No caching is performed. Aspect ratio is maintained. Output format is jpg.
Scale an image and cache the result argsParam is a list containing a single transfer object that can contain the following fields: class - Name of class of the instance being retrieved oid - oid to be used to retrieve the instance attributes - list of binary attributes to query for. height - height of the target dimension width - width of the target dimension tolerance - the maximum increase in pixels that the client is willing to accept for the specified dimensions
Class used to persist messages sent and received on integration channels.
The address the request was sent to.
The channel name.
The channel type.
Additional notes for this log entry.
The string representation of request.
The string representation of response.
Duration of the request in ms.
The time the response we sent or received.
The error code or exception which occurred including any stack traces.
The node the request was sent or received on.
The inbound transfer object to log.
The deserialized request.
The deserialized response.
The outbound transfer object to log.
The serialized request.
The serialized response.
The time the request was sent or received.
Cleans up integration logs that are past the persistence timeout
Will be subclassed and have things like total rows, currently processed rows...
Maximum errors allowed - throw error if exceeded - "-1" is unlimited
Maximum warnings allowed - throw exception if exceeded - "-1" is unlimited
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Error count
Count of records processed
Count of total records to process
Warning count
The number of rows returned from the database.
main : main
Compiles report source and stores it in the binaryData
main : main
Runs a report based on the command object, and returns a generated object.
Audit table for Pixel Perfect report execution.
Time when the report was executed
Filters the report was run with.
The user's login name.
The report name.
The number of rows that were returned from the database for this report.
The user's full name.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
Overridden to set a privilege.
The jasper server rest api to call to launch the report
The channel name which will be used to connect to the jasper server.
The channel which a jasper server report will use to request the cached data set.
The query to execute if the cacheResult is #t.
Determines if the cacheQuery should be executed and cached.
The relative location of the report on the Jasper Server. Relative to the logged in user's root.
Overidden to allow call to jasper server to generate the report.
Execute the report query and cache as xml before calling jasper server to execute the report.
Call jasper server to execute the report.
Generates the query string with parameters.
Returns a collection of messages containing jasper server report definitions. Used by persistence initializer.
Seeds a collection of jasper server report definitions.
Remap mime types based on what the framework expects.
Ensures that the cache query is the expected format.
List of string ids to format and include in the report data.
Map to the file extensions that Jasper Server expects.
List of attributes that will be passed to Jasper Server as parameters. Overide per report.
The report data in xml format.
Convert a collection of messages into an xml document
Convert a message part into an xml element
Convert a message into a tree of xml elements
Executes the report query and returns and instance collection of results.
Read a collection of instances, convert to xml document and persist returning the SysJasperServerReportData instance.
Convert string query to s-expression and append the where clause if supplied.
The e-mail client wrapper.
Sends an e-mail.
Polls Mail Stores for new items
The class type code
Batch job name
Timer period in milliseconds
Adds additional mail configurations to be polled. If channel is null, it will use the first receivable mail channel found in the metadata.
Called by the timer
The body of a SysMessage. SysMessageBody has overridable behaviour defining how the message is to be processed and accounted for.
Class name of the current instance.
priority of a message for which the deliveryTime has not yet expired.
message data.
flag set by receive method. Set to true to commit transaction upon return, false to rollback.
Time at which the message was created.
delay set by receive method. If resend is true, the number of milliseconds before redelivering this.
time at which this message is to be delivered.
true if any user other than the dispatcher can update this.
string representation of values.
number of previous failed deliveries.
the message that this precedes.
true if the state of the message is PROCESSING.
logger to log message state transitions
the name of the message, for identification in the admin UI.
The node processing the message.
ordinal for breaking ties in deliveryTime, required to ensure fixed delivery order when queue concurrency is 1.
the queue to which this message was originally sent.
the message that this follows.
denormalized queue priority.
the queue to which this message is to be delivered.
queue set by receive method. If resend is true, the queue to which to send this.
flag set by receive method. Set to true to resend this upon return, false to delete it.
id of the resource on which this is waiting.
true if the message has acquired any resources returned by "getResources", or if the message is processing. If resourceHeld is true, the message must be recovered following any server failure unless the message is in dispatching state (since it will be properly handled on the next invocation of "dispatch").
true after message is first dispatched.
serialized message data.
the state of the message.
state name for display in the UI.
true if the dispatcher has enabled updates to this.
name of the user under which this message will be delivered.
serialized property values.
Cancels delivery of this message.
set serialized values.
setValues : before
copy body to values
validateState : before
If the message is new, verify that its state is either NEW or DISPATCHING. Other states could break the dispatcher.
Overrides the privileges.
Invoked to delete the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
overridable: called when "receive" transaction unexpectedly rolls-back, or when recovering from system crash. Exception is the error which caused the roll-back, or null following system crash.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: Return list of semaphore ( resource . count ) pairs which must be acquired prior to delivery. Resource must be binary, count must be an integer.
Wrap in privileged block, so that server code can invoke create.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: called before message is canceled.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: called after receive returns and commit succeeds.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: called before message is delivered to the queue.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: called after receive raises exception or returns and rolls back.
overridable, called on dispatcher thread: called when message is sent to a queue.
Overrides the privileges. Use begin-privileged to read in server code.
overridable, called by receiver thread: process message.
Send this message to queue.
Overrides the privileges.
Update the message's queue depth stat
Message based audit log class. To create a new instance use this'log code values... e.g. code="Error {0}: {1}" values=123 "First name cannot be null." results in a description of "Error 123: First name cannot be null." Uses a PersistenceMapping hook SQLStateSerializer to serialize the values.
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Code for message - any valid argument to format e.g. "Error {0}: {1}" or "ids.err.requiredValue"
Description of the message log. Format's the values using this'code
Icon to indicate the type of log entry (security, process, event, ...)
Short name ("Message")
The persisted serialized values.
Short type name to describe the type in a list
A collection with a value called args contains any parameters needed by this'code to format a meaningful message in description.
Loads the calculated attributes
Creates a new MessageLog. Code is a string id or string used as the first parameter of (format id args), values is a list of args to pass to (format id args)
Creates a new MessageLog with an error severity. Code is a string id or string used as the first parameter of (format id args), values is a list of args to pass to (format id args)
Creates a new error MessageLog based on a single string input.
Creates a new MessageLog based on a single string input.
Creates a new MessageLog with a warning severity. Code is a string id or string used as the first parameter of (format id args), values is a list of args to pass to (format id args)
Creates a new warning MessageLog based on a single string input.
The metadata server
Gets an image resource
Gets application run-time library p-code functions
Gets class metadata for specified classes and requested attributes, InverseDependencyMap included
Gets class metadata for specified classes and requested attributes, InverseDependencyMap optional
Gets class metadata for specified classes and requested attributes factoring the domain set of the list of screens.
Gets a file resource
Get file or package dependencies used by custom controls in a screen or form.
Gets form run-time library p-code functions
Gets the client run-time library p-code functions and the strings used by them
Retrieves portlet screen metadata information
Gets screen run-time library p-code functions
Gets the names of library session variables that are defined using define-session macro.
Gets the userto be used for bootstrapping the application
Gets the requested string values by their ids
Gets list of supported locales
Gets the requested UIEvent by name
Gets the requests UI Test script by name
Gets the product version information
Gets the global symbols, string ids and classes used by given views.
Gets the list of portlet reference models from the System Registry that match the specified names.
Cluster node
Prevents exporting of node instances into the dump file
Node host address
Determines if a node is available
Display style that depends if a node is available
Collection of channels associated with the node
Collection of data sources associated with the node
Determines if a node can be deleted
Determines if a node is the dispatcher
Display style that depends if a node is available and metadata is running in distributed mode
Last heartbeat time for this node
Time the node has last been active
HTTPNode name
FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY. Space delimited string literals of node types to which the node belongs
Collection of pools associated with the node
Node statistics that do not need backing up
any Set of node types to which this node belongs.
Create associated node stat if none is defined.
Invoked during startup
Log an informational message.
Display style that depends if a node is available
Determines if a node is the dispatcher
Display style that depends if a node is available and metadata is running in distributed mode
Node statistics that do not need backing up.
The associated node.
The serialized stats.
Contains the server part of the notification framework.
Informs the framework that the instance set corresponding to a given notification key and a given user has changed
Informs the framework that the instance set corresponding to a given notification key and a given user has changed, with an optional data payload.
Calculates the expiration time in milliseconds for a notification cache key
Sends a push notification corresponding to a given notification key and a given user has changed, with an optional data payload.
Object audit log class - uses nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLStateSerializer persistence hook (see RelationalMapping source) to persist the changes to the state of the Object and nexj.core.runtime.sys.SysAuditLog to load the serialized object back in.
Argument count of the event that is being logged. Persisted.
Class of the serialized object. Persisted.
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Description of changes to the object.
Name of the event that is being logged. Persisted.
Icon to indicate the type of log entry (object, security, process, event, ...)
Short name "<class>.<event>(<argCount>)"
The current version of the object that this log entry is about. Loaded from nexj.core.runtime.sys.SysAuditLog.load
Formatted display of the serialized object.
OID of the serialized object. Persisted.
Persisted serialized logged attribute values.
Short type name to describe the type in a list
Values set prior to persisting and serializing the values for the logged object.
Formatted display of serialized values from the object. From nexj.core.runtime.sys.SysAuditLog.load.
Loads the calculated attributes
Average time to commit a succeeded received message
Average time to commit a succeeded received persistent message
Average time to commit a succeeded received transient message
Average time to process a failed received message
Average time to process a failed persistent message
Average time to process a failed received transient message
Average time to process a succeeded received message
Average time to process a succeeded received persistent message
Average time to process a succeeded received transient message
Average time to send a message
Average time to send a persistent message
Average time to send a transient message
Total number of cancelled messages
Set default value to 4.
The queue depth.
Total number of persistent messages that were dispatched
Number of errors after which a message will be failed. 0 or null for infinite.
If non-null, default fail behaviour is to resubmit to the errorQueue.
Total number of failed messages
Total number of persistent messages that completely failed
True for global concurrency, false for local
logger to log dispatcher logs
Collection of messages on the queue.
Total number of pending messages.
Relative priority to other SysQueue, lower numbers are higher priority.
Collection of statistics on each node for this queue.
False to leave all message in waiting state until receive is re-enabled.
Total number of received messages
Total number of received persistent messages
Total number of received transient messages
False to disable sending to this queue (all calls to send raise an exception).
Total number of sent messages
Total number of sent persistent messages
Total number of sent transient messages
Statistic's path.
The object queue system logger.
The unit of work timeout in milliseconds for message processing. The transaction timeout will automatically be set to double this value. A value of null or zero indicates an infinite unit of work timeout.
Delete a single message (SysMessage) waiting for delivery to this queue.
Deletes all messages waiting for delivery to this queue.
Deletes all messages waiting for delivery to this queue and destroys the queue if necessary.
Notify dispatcher of changes to queue and update queue's concurrency semaphore.
Creates a SysMessage, given a raw ObjectQueueMessage.
Overridden to support clearing the queue.
Finds a queue by name. Returns null if the queue is not found.
Gets a queue by name. Throws an error if the queue is not found.
Return list of semaphore ( resource . count ) pairs which must be acquired prior to delivery of msg.
Get the string id for the given statistic, endpoint and message type.
Invoked to delete the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Initialize statistics for persisted messages.
Initialize statistics.
initialize statistics for the given path.
Initialize statistics for non-persisted messages.
Prepare a SysMessage, transfer object or serializable datum to be sent in persisted mode. Returns the prepared SysMessage.
Resends messages to a specified queue.
Resends messages to a specified queue. Does not throw exceptions.
Send one or a collection of SysMessages, transfer objects, or serializable data.
messageState : before
If receiveEnabled has changed, the stateCode of SysMessages associated with this queue must be modified.
Updates the queue depth stat
Dispatching of SysMessage instances. The SysObjectQueueDispatcher is not thread-safe, and relies on its caller ensuring that each of its methods are only called on one thread of one node at a time.
The maximum number of messages to read at a time for delivery. Should be a fraction of the number of threads available to process deliveries.
The SysNode instance used for dispatch operations.
Prevents exporting of object queue instance into the dump file.
The node type.
Maximum interval at which the dispatcher will run, in seconds.
Name of the dispatcher queue.
Attributes for dispatcher to load when loading a message.
When in distributed mode, the network address of the dispatching node.
The message dispatcher.
logger to log dispatcher logs
When in distributed mode, the network address <address>/<mask-length> on which the host interfaces are. If none specified, all host interfaces are eligible for dispatcher listening.
When in distributed mode, the SysNode of the dispatcher.
When in distributed mode, the port offset of the dispatching node.
logger to log semaphore logs
INTERNAL USE ONLY: acquires a semaphore; returns true if semaphore acquired, else false.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: aquires semaphores for a given message, returning true if all have been acquired successfully.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: mark a message to indicate to dispatcher that the message should be blacklisted.
Called by the framework to prepare message for processing. Returns true if message should be processed by the worker.
Called by the framework to prepare message for delivery followup.
Called by client to send message to dispatching node.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: complete a message delivery.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: mark a message as permanently undeliverable.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: report transaction completion to the component.
Returns a message with the fields "dispatcher-node-name", "address" and "port-offset". If previousAddress is set and matches the current address in the database, assume that we failed to contact the previousAddress and select a new one.
Overrides the privileges.
Overrides the privileges.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: begin delivery of a message.
Called by the framework to get a list of deliverable messages. Completes pending work from completed client transactions and returns pair (nextDelivery[timestamp] . deliverableInstanceList) When safe is true, processes each message in its own unit of work and blacklists failing messages.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: perform post-receive/fail actions on msg.
Gets the dispatcher instance. Lock the instance if locked is true.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: get the next message ordinal.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: availability exception handler
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Runs recovery on a message if ACK is missed by the dispatcher.
Set queue depth for queues with candidate messages
Creates a default object queue instance if one does not already exist.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: acquire an exclusive lock on a message before processing (client) or recovery (server).
INTERNAL USE ONLY: set properties to configure a message to wait for delivery.
Overrides the privileges.
Called by the framework to fail all messages not in the oidList.
Recover message.
msg any Message or oid of message.
transacted boolean Optional flag to indicate whether to start a new transaction. true by default.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: recover node's messages.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: recover this node's messages.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: recover state of persisted messages.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: recover messages of unavailable nodes.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: release a semaphore.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: release all semaphores held by msg and resets msg to wait on first resource.
Restart the dispatcher.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: resubmit a waiting message.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: rollback a message delivery.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: mark a message for dispatch.
Called by client to send a message to the dispatcher's queue. Use with caution, as these messages block the entire messaging engine when received.
Called by SysResubmitMessage to cancel messages.
Called by SysResubmitMessage to resubmit messages.
Overrides the privileges.
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Wait for all messages to be processed. Only effective for threads that have registered to wait via ObjectQueueDispatcher.waitForStartup(true). Does not wait for failed messages that have been retried at least once.
Virtually persisted class used to display an object queue's statistics on all nodes.
Average commit time of received messages that have succeeded
Average processing time of received messages that have failed
Average processing time of received messages that have succeeded
Average send time
Access attribute for create event.
Access attribute for delete event.
The node these statistics are associated with
The queue these statistics are associated with
Access attribute for update event.
Invoked after the instance has been created and initialized.
Invoked to delete the instance.
Reads specified instances of this class.
Invoked to update the instance.
PDF document template analyzer
Holds a reference to the PDF document.
Persistent counterpart of a model resource/consumer pool. Override the template members in derived classes.
List of updatable properties (template)
Pool class code (template)
True if the pool data has been customized
Pool fragment name
Pool name
Cluster node to which the pool belongs
Pool type name
True if the pool data can be updated
updateRuntime : after
Applies the changes to the model
Finds a run-time pool (template)
Finds a run-time pool
Iterates over run-time pools (template)
Gets a run-time pool (template)
Applies changes to the pool on a particular node
Applies changes to the pool on this node
Applies changes to the pool on this node
Applies current values to the pool on this node
Computes the actual value of an attribute
validateChildren : before
Validate that this layout has no child elements of type SysPortletLayoutRef.
Will be subclassed and have things like total rows, currently processed rows...
The category of this process (Batch/Queued/Sync). Used for filtering.
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Time when this process entry was created.
Description for the process.
Time this process finished executing.
Log of events associated with this process. Create new entries using (this'log code values...)
Icon to indicate the type of process (basic, iterative...)
Short name for the process.
Incremental identifier for the process number based on "process.processNumber" counter.
Reverse association purely to allow cascade deletion of the processStatusChange instances. Collection to avoid causing updates to this class when adding/removing the processChangeStatus instances themselves.
Time this process started executing.
Current status for the process. (Running, Paused, Waiting, Completed, ...)
Association to the SysSyncTarget that this process belongs to.
Association to the User invoking this Process
Checks if someone has requested the cancellation of this process.
Override of LOGGER aspect's 'log' event. Logs a message as a SysProcessLog. Usually invoked through the (with-logger) wrapper.
Process audit log class
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Time when this audit log entry was created.
A CLOB of the exception text, if an exception was encountered.
Icon to indicate the type of log entry (security, process, event, ...)
Short name (<processName>:<processNumber> <createTime>)
Process that this entry is associated with.
The category of the SysProcess that spawned this log, for filtering purposes.
The name of the SysProcess that spawned this log, for filtering purposes.
The number of the SysProcess that spawned this log, for filtering purposes.
The description trimmed to 255 characters
The plaintext, non-localized (always in English), and persisted version of the entry.
Short type name to describe the type in a list
Holds the status change notification for a SysProcess instance.
Calculated display name for the instance.
denormed value of parent process's processNumber
Desired new process status.
Time of request.
Parent SysProcess instance.
Add invalidate cache call.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidate the cache on create/update.
Add invalidate cache call.
invalidateCache : before
Invalidates the cache on delete.
Returns a cache key.
Checks if the given process has been cancelled. In a new transaction to ensure the global cache is always hit. The unit of work caches the results of calls to the global cache.
processNumber long The process number of process to cancel.
Invalidates the cache for the current process cancel
Notifies the given process number that it has been .
processNumber long The unique number of the process to notify.
processStatus ProcessStatusEnum The desired new status.
args list Additional arguments to be applied to the 'new event.
SysProcessStatusChange the instance of SysProcessStatusChange.
The message queue wrapper.
The maximum number of assignments on this queue permitted to be in a RUNNING state. 0 or null for infinite.
True if queue altered from its initial seeding by SysUpgrade.
True if this instance may be deleted.
Relative priority to other SysQueue, lower numbers are higher priority.
True if queue was created by seeding done by SysUpgrade.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event with arguments.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event with arguments.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event with a correlation instance.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event with arguments and a correlation instance.
Asynchronously broadcasts an event with arguments, a correlation instance and properties, using a given destination.
Sets customized attribute
Overrides the privileges
Privilege override, prevents deletion of system queues.
Gets a queue by name
Computes the start time of the next execution window for this queue. If time is already within a valid execution window, returns a timestamp <= time.
Invoked to delete the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Initialize statistics.
Asynchronously invokes an event.
object The instance or metaclass to invoke.
event The symbol of the event to invoke.
Asynchronously invokes an event with arguments.
Asynchronously invokes an event.
Asynchronously invokes an event with arguments.
Asynchronously invokes an event with a correlation instance.
Asynchronously invokes an event with a correlation instance, using a given destination.
Asynchronously invokes an event with arguments and a correlation instance, using a given destination.
Asynchronously invokes an event with arguments and a correlation instance, using a given destination. correlator and corevent can be null. A value of -1 for priority or for ttl indicates that the default should be used. properties should be a transfer object or null.
Asynchronously invokes an event with arguments, using a given destination.
Overrides the privileges
Asynchronously sends a message.
Asynchronously sends a message.
Asynchronously sends a message. A value of -1 for priority or for ttl indicates that the default should be used. properties should be a transfer object or null.
Overrides the privileges
The batch job that refreshes this throttle counter every throttle period.
The current task count for this throttle.
The maximum number of tasks that may be initiated in a throttle period.
True if the rate has been reached for the current throttle period.
Overrides the privileges
Privilege override, prevents deletion of system queues, and destroys throttle counter.
Resets the throttle counter. Called once every throttle period by the batchJob.
Overrides the privileges
If throttle permits initiation of a new job, returns true and adjusts count. Otherwise, returns false.
Overrides the privileges; sets customized attribute.
The throttle period (in ms).
The throttle counters managed by this job.
Called by the timer once every throttle period to reset the throttle counters.
The reader command object. Implements paging and first-match correlated reading.
Collection of associations corresponding to the parent SysReader instances, relative to the corresponding parent classes: [(assoc1_1 ...) ... (assocN_1 ...)).
Attribute list to retrieve: (attr1 (assoc1 attr1_1 ... attr1_M) ... attrN).
If set, instances read will be audited
Paging bookmark corresponding to the orderBy clause: (value1 ... valueN).
Symbol of the class to read.
Maximum count of class instances to retrieve. -1 to retrieve all.
Association for retrieving the dispatch value from the first instance of the dispatchParent results: (attrib1 ... attribN). Null to dispatch by class.
Specifies the first element of a grouped SysReader objects.
SysReader object, the first instance from which results is used to determine whether this object should be executed based on dispatchAttribute and dispatchValues.
List of dispatch values to match: (value1 ... valueN). The values should be symbols if dispatching by class.
The value must match the same flag in the dispatchGroup for the reader to be executed. Then it is set to #t.
Event specification: (<name> <arg1> ... <argN>). By default, (read <attributes> <where> <orderBy> <count> <offset> <xlock>).
Cache expiration time offset in msec. Used in combination with the key.
True to include the bookmarked instance in the result.
If set, the query will be executed only if ("read" <((user)':oid)> <key>) key cannot be found in the cache, then session info will be cached under this key.
Paging direction. True to page to the next page relative to the bookmark, false to page to the previous one.
Count of instances to skip from the beginning.
Ordering clause: ((expr1 . bAsc1) ... (exprN . bAscN)).
Collection of parents for a first-match query. Their read events must have been invoked before the one of this object.
Collection of retrieved instances, used in a first-match query.
Session identifier used in combination with the key. Obtained from (SysClientState'createSession).
Where clause - boolean expression retricting the returned instances.
Exclusive locking flag. When true, the instances on the specified class (but not the associated ones) are exclusively locked in the persistence storage until the end of the transaction.
Asserts read security access; returns a list of security attributes that can be appended to the input attributes
Overrides the transaction mode.
Overrides the transaction mode.
Overrides the transaction mode.
Reads the instances specified in the command object.
Invokes total instance count
Overrides the transaction mode.
Creates an instance of SysRemoveQueueMessage that when received will remove the queue.
Report holder for the reporting framework
String representation of the "data" attribute.
File extension of the report. Based on the mime type. e.g. pdf or xls
The name of the report
Reverse association back to queued processes that generated this report (should be just one).
Reverse association to ReportDefinitionResult.
Servlet URL for accessing report from web clients.
Format a report and returns a report definition string.
Runs a report and returns a generated object
Generates a report specified by a given SysReportCommand and returns a report object
Generates a report specified by a given SysReportCommand and report metadata. Returns a report object
Adds security to the system event
Attachments contained within a report.
Adds security to the system event
Command object for running a report with specific parameters. Override to add parameters.
The hashtable that contains the width of each character in terms of apostrophe-width
String representation of the filters used to run the report. Should be overriden by subclasses.
A ProcessQueue for running batch reports asynchronously.
Timezone from the client side
Type of client that is running the report
For grids using Enhanced Filtering support, the where clause of the grid, excluding that portion added by Enhanced Filtering. This value should always be the filterRuleExcludedWhere attribute on the grid's active node
Boolean that indicates if the grid that invoked this SysReportCommand instance has a filter applied to it beyond one of the default system filters. To disable this feature (to ensure that reports will never fail to run solely by virtue of their where clause), this attribute can be hardcoded to #t (this matches the behaviour in Emerald and Sapphire, but not Opal FC)
A ProcessQueue for running the report asynchronously.
Batch identifier for batched reports
External report definition
Report format
The report locale
Generic reference to a report's localized name. Used for notifications.
Maximum number of rows to output
Maximum number of pages
Maximum report size in bytes
Report name
If this attribute is non-null, a SysExternalReport with this name will be executed instead of the SysExternalReport with reportName when the reportFormat is Excel, provided that the report exists.
Timeout in milliseconds
The where clause for the first report group
The OID of the SavedFilterRule applied to the grid from which the report is being run, if applicable
The class name of the search context (e.g. EntitySearchContext), used for where clause checking of old SearchContext-based forms
The OID of the search context, used for where clause checking of old SearchContext-based forms
A reference to the FilterRule bound to the grid from which the report is being run, if applicable
The expressions from the FilterRule bound to the grid from which the report is being run, if applicable
Boolean used to determine if this report should use the associated batch queue to default to. Otherwise, will be created asynchronously.
Boolean used to determine if this report should use the associated queue to default to. Otherwise, will be created asynchronously.
Generates the report and returns the report object. If the queue attribute is non-null, will queue the report command on that queue.
Get the width of the character in terms of apostrophe-widths.
char character the character to get the width of.
decimal the width the character in terms of apostrophe-widths.
Based on the contents of the SavedFilterRule (if available) and unsaved FilterRule on the grid used to invoke this report, checks to see if a filter (either an Enhanced Filter or one of the old advanced filters) has been applied beyond that of the default system Saved Filter Rule alone.
boolean True if a filter has been applied, false otherwise
Get the sum of width of all the characters in the string in terms of apostrophe-widths.
str string the string to find the width of
decimal the width of all the characters in the string in terms of apostrophe-widths.
This event is called by the framework if the query on the associated report contains aggregations passing the report class and the attributes referenced in the data retreival. Based on that, the event should return the metaclass used in the query.
This event is called by the framework when PDF printing if page dimention is not big enough to print the report data.
This event is called automatically by the framework if the query on the associated report runs longer than the timeout set in the reportTimeout attribute. If the event returns a non-zero value, the report query is resumed with the return value as the new timeout. If the event returns a zero value, the report query is killed and a ReportTimeoutException is thrown.
Checks to see if a given single Scheme filter where expression is a usable Jasper reporting filter (returns true if it is, and false otherwise). A "usable Jasper reporting filter" is defined as a filter, when applied to a set of records, has a non-zero probability of returning a set that is smaller than the original set.
expr any An expression (i.e. '(= (
boolean False if the expression is either a) not in the form of a filter, or b) is in the form of a filter, but filters on an attribute (i.e. soundsLike) which will never return a smaller set, and hence is not a usable Jasper reporting filter
Checks to see if a Scheme where expression is a usable Jasper reporting filter (specifically, that it contains at least one subclause that is a usable Jasper reporting filter, as determined by the isFilteringClause event)
expr any A Scheme where clause
boolean False if all the subclauses of the expression are either not in the form of a filter or in the form of a filter that is not a usable Jasper reporting filter. True otherwise
run the actual report. Called either from generate or from queue.
main : main
Runs the report. Assumes all prep work and valildation is complete.
Cleans up stats that are past the persistence timeout
Creates an instance of SysResubmitMessage that when received will cancel msgs.
Creates an instance of SysResubmitMessage that when received will cancel msgs.
Creates an instance of SysResubmitMessage that when received will repost msgs to queue.
Represents an external object, synchronized with a NexJ instance.
Last image received from or send to the external system. It is used in conflict detection and resolution.
Collection of child sync objects that have root as their parent
Class of the external object
Collection of all child sync objects
Link to which the external object belongs
Loads the object and state attributes
Rules engine rule
True if the rule has been customized at run time
True if the rule is enabled
Generates the rule expression from its definition
Named set of rules for the rules engine
Clear cache.
createVersion : before
Ensures that at least one version is available
Generates the rule set expression
Generates the rule set with a given name
clearCache : after
Clears the cache when the current version or the name is changed
Version controlled rule set attribute container
The rules engine
Clears a given rule set from the cache
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Compiles the rules and returns a rules engine constructor taking an object as an argument
Computes the value of a given variable or attribute by backwards chaining the rules
Initializes the rules engine, overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
initialize : before
Initializes the rules engine for a new calculation
Removes a rule of variable object from the active set
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Invokes the rules engine for a specified object, rule set name and attributes
Loads and returns the rules in Scheme format
Overrides the transaction mode (non-persisted class).
Gets the value of an ad-hoc variable and invokes the rules evaluation, if necessary
Sets the value of an ad-hoc variable
Executes SQL queries and catalog functions.
Executes given SQL DELETE query
Executes columns catalog function
Executes foreign keys catalog function
Executes primary keys catalog function
Executes procedure columns catalog function
Executes procedures catalog function
Executes special columns catalog function
Executes statistics catalog function
Executes tables catalog function
Executes given SQL INSERT query
Executes given SQL SELECT query
Executes given SQL SELECT query
Executes given SQL UPDATE query
Security audit log class
ClassCode is a short form used by the object system to differentiate between subclasses.
In classes persisted to Relational Data Sources, the ClassCode is used to support the 'Single Table Inheritance' and 'Class Table Inheritance' patterns. (See Fowler "Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture")
Icon to indicate the type of log entry (security, process, event, ...)
Short name (<userFullName>)
Short type name to describe the type in a list
Service instance
Service type code
Completes the service execution
Cleans up the service instance resources
cleanupCase : before
Clean up the workflow instance resources
cleanupResources : before
Cleans up the resources of the steps referenced by the state
Finds a service by name and version
Returns the activity token for a given step
Invokes the service with a given message, output channel and arguments
Overridden to use java subclass getFlow() method. Used for parallel execution of Fork/Join branches.
Loads the object and state attributes
Returns the service execution result
Sets the activity token for a given step
Application service portlet
True if the portlet is loaded as a system portlet (internal use), without a URL.
Remote service proxy.
The user's password.
The service name.
The remote service url.
The user name.
Invokes a remote service.
Persistent session data
True if the state is compressed
Timestamp of the last session state update
Affinity node
Session id
Serialized session state
updateEditTime : before
Updates the session edit time
Garbage collects the sessions
How many times the garbage collection occurs within the session timeout
The class type code
Batch job name
Timer period in milliseconds
Session timeout in minutes
Recreate the timer
Called by the timer
API to create and read settings. Saves cluster configuration.
Notifies the other nodes to update their values for the given stats.
Overridden to secure event.
Adds a setting.
name Setting's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Setting's type - value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
description Setting's description.
The new setting.
Adds a setting.
name Setting's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Setting's type - value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
The new setting.
Overridden to secure event.
Finds a setting.
name Setting's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
Setting or null if not found.
Finds a setting.
name Setting's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
path Setting's path; must be a string
Setting or null if not found.
Finds the setting value.
name Setting's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
Setting value or null if not found.
Persists the given values for the given stats to the database and notifies other nodes to update their values.
Overridden to secure event.
Reads the specified configuration values from the database.
Overridden to secure event.
Updates the given configuration from the database.
Class for side sliding portlet
reverse reference to SysApplication
behavior of the portlet: bump or overlay
name of the side bar portlet
position of the side bar portlet
size of the side bar portlet
Static methods to define and undefine statistics. Objects are persisted and timestamped statistic values.
Attribute name.
Class code.
Cluster node.
Numeric value.
Partial Structure path.
Pool to which the statistic applies.
Create a persisted statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name.
numericValue Statistic's value.
Persisted statistic.
Overridden to secure event.
Adds a cumulative statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Statistic's type - counter, aggregate, value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
description Statistic's description.
The new statistic.
Adds a cumulative statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Statistic's type - counter, aggregate, value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
The new statistic.
Adds a sampled statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Statistic's type - counter, aggregate, value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
description Statistic's description.
The new statistic.
Adds a sampled statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
type Statistic's type - counter, aggregate, value or flag; must be either a string or a symbol.
The new statistic.
Overridden to secure event.
Find statistic, used to update Statistics. For reading statistics, use SysStat'findValue.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
Statistic or null if not found.
Find statistic, used to update Statistics. For reading statistics, use SysStat'findValue.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
initializer Initializer function with 0 arguments that is called if statistic is not defined.
Statistic or null if not found.
Find aggregate statistic value.
path string Statistic's path.
name any Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
aggregator lambda A function that takes one argument - a collection of values to aggregate - and returns the aggregated value. E.g. sys:sum or average.
any Aggregated value or null if not found.
Find aggregate statistic value.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
Statistic value or null if not found.
Find snapshot value for a statistic from a given node. Snapshot value is periodically updated when this node receives broadcast information. For updating stats use SysStat'find instead.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name; must be either a string or a symbol.
node Node instance or node name.
Statistic or null if not found.
Iterates over all statistics at the given path. The function fun is called for each statistic at the path and passed the path, name and statistic.
path string Statistic's path
fun lambda The function to invoke. Takes 3 arguments.
Increment counter statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name.
delta Increment.
Increment counter statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name.
delta Increment.
initializer Initializer function with 0 arguments that is called if statistic is not defined.
Check whether statistic is defined.
path Statistics' path.
Whether defined.
Extension point to allow custom implementations of persisting statistics. Return true to use service persistence.
Persist statistics of the current node.
Overridden to secure event.
Remove node name from statistic's path.
Resets the values of all statistics.
Save statistics of the current node.
Time function and update the average statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name.
function Function to time.
Time function and update the average statistic.
path Statistic's path.
name Statistic's name.
function Function to time.
initializer Initializer function with 0 arguments that is called if statistic is not defined.
Undefine statistics.
path Statistics' path.
Whether statistics existed.
Overridden to secure event.
Extension point to allow custom persistence implementations.
Extension point to allow custom persistence implementations.
Extension point to allow custom persistence implementations.
Returns the persistence shard.
Cleans up stats that are past the persistence timeout
Last time target has been polled for changes
Represents a class of an external object and encapsulates all class-related functionality
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class to avoid reading multiple instances in separate SQL selects
Attribute list of attributes required to execute the "getWeight" event. Used to optimize outbound snapshot.
List of attributes to be pre-loaded for this NexJ class when preparing a delete for synchronization. These attributes are loaded in the main unit of work and are persisted to be used by the synchronization unit of work.
A Scheme list of Pairs, in which head is a symbol of the metaclass that affects synchronization of this class, and tail is a list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
When an update is received from this link, ECHO_MODE specifies when an echo update should be sent to the same target. It is a bitmask, see values in nexj.core.integration.sync.SynchronizationCommand
Flag whether full image should be sent to the external system versus only delta (difference between current and "before" images)
Scheme expression that, being applied to an instance of the metaclass, producess a list of instances of type SysSyncLink that need to synchronize this instance. This attribute is required for outbound sync.
Filter string that limits scope of instances of the metaclass being synchronized
Class priority defines the order in which objects of different classes for the same target are processed during outbound sync; objects of a class with higher PRIORITY value get processed first.
Flag whether subclasses of the internalClass should be synchronized outbound
Flag whether synchronization is enabled or disabled for this sync class
Collection of SysSyncGroup instances associated with this SysSyncClass instance.
Name of the corresponding NexJ metaclass
Many-to-many association that describes what links synchronize what classes
Name of the external class
Name of the Object message containing instance data in NexJ format. Required for outbound sync.
Collection of all objects of this class that have been synchronized
Target that synchronizes this class
commitCachedObject : after
Record the unit of work in which the commit occurred.
Enable or disable synchronization for a given sync class.
Returns a vector containing association information pertaining to the parent and root instances: (vector rootInstance parentInstance associationCode)
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter links (instances of SysSyncLink) that are affected by changes (represented by transfer objects) in given list. The objList is a list of pairs transfer objects (newVlaue . oldValue), className is the name of the metaclass to which all these transfer objects belong.
Return a Scheme expression to be used for read attributes in the query that filters links
Return a Scheme expression to be used to filter instances that are covered by links in linkList. ObjList is a list of OID holders, and may be null to indicate that all instances are of interest. linkList is a list of links, and may be null to indicate that all links are of interest.
Reurn a list of SysSyncLink instances that are interested in synchronizing the given instance (obj)
Returns a replacement root instance to synchronize instead of the given child instance.
Return the (integer) weight of obj, representing the amount of work required to synchronize obj on all relevant links for (
Returns whether the given instance should be ignored during outbound synchronization. This event occures for every modified instance of this class on every unit of work, so the implementor should take special care of robustness and speed of this event implementation
Returns whether the given business logic updates, which happened after the inbound sync, should be echoed outbound to the same target.
updates is a tree (a list with sublists) of message part names whose values have been updated.
Returns whether given instance (obj) is visible for the given link
Synchronizes changes with the external system.
Returns whether given instance (obj) can be edited by the owner of the given link
Identifies an association in the object mapping for child sync object.
Collection of sync groups that have this sync group instance as their parent.
Class of the external object.
Group ID used by the external systems to group multiple objects together.
Serialized OID of NexJ object
Parent Sync Group.
Creates and persists Sync Group.
Overridden to require SyncManage privilege
Overridden to require SyncManage privilege
Reads SysSyncGroup instance.
Overridden to require SyncManage privilege
Overridden to require SyncManage privilege
A link represents a physical or logical partition of the target data, e.g. folder for Exchange and device for Blackberry synchronization.
Display name of the link (e.g. Exchange folder name)
Flag whether inbound synchronization (from this link to NexJ) is required
Collection describing entities of what NexJ classes can be synchronized with this link.
Lock associated with this that won't cause transactions to block on this.
Name of the link (e.g. Exchange folder name)
Collection of all objects that have been synchronized for this link
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this link) is required
The target to which this link belongs
Get full snapshot
Get full snapshot
Override of LOGGER aspect 'log' event. Logs a message as a SysSyncProcessLog. Usually invoked through the (with-logger) wrapper.
Lock associated with this that won't cause transactions to block on this.
Find syncObjects for which corresponding internal or external instances no longer exist, and delete them.
Represents an external object, synchronized with a NexJ instance.
Collection of child sync objects
External unique ID
Entity URL in external system. Optional (required for Exchange)
External version indicator; version number changes every time an entity is updated.
Group ID used by the external systems to group multiple objects together. For example, Exchange keeps a separate schedule item object in the mailbox of each participant, but links them together using a unique calendar ID, common for all of them. Moreover, this same calendar ID is used between different iCalendar compliant applications, thus we could have multiple targets (e.g. Exchange and Domino) sharing the same calendar ID.
Serialized OID of NexJ object
NexJ object being synchronized (calculated)
Version of NexJ object
Class for storing sync-specific process logs.
Association to the SysSyncLink that created this log.
Represents an external system (spoke) which is the target of one or two-way synchronization with the NexJ Server (hub).
Maximum number of changes to be passed to this target in a single request. Use this attribute for performance optimization. Smaller values mean smaller request sizes, which allows multi-threading multiple requests in parallel, which improves RPC with the external system. Larger values mean smaller request number, which improves NexJ processing and NexJ database RPC.
Flag whether the outbound service expects to receive a collection of update versus a single update
Specifies whether the framework should pass instances instead of transfer objects to the outbound service.
Specifies the kind of locking to use to protect synchronization transactions: - No locking ('none) - Lock Link ('link) - Lock LinkClass ('class)
Time to wait for a lock. Null to wait forever.
Flag whether logging needs to be enabled during unit testing
Message priority to be used in synchronization queue
Target priority defines the order in which targets are processed during outbound sync; target with higher PRIORITY value gets processed first.
Name of the queue to be used by the synchronization engine for this target
Name of the queue to be used by snapshots for this target
Flag whether this target uses SysRootSyncObject instances to link internal and external entities
Collection describing entities of what NexJ classes can be synchronized with this target.
Flag whether inbound synchronization (from this target to NexJ) is required. If set to false, synchronization is disabled regardless of the flag values for individual links.
Last time target has been polled for changes
Temporary, required for picker support in Admin UI to call createLinks
Collection of synchronization links for this target. A link represents a physical or logical partition of the target data, e.g. folder for Exchange and device for Blackberry synchronization
Target system name
Flag whether outbound synchronization (from NexJ to this target) is required. If set to false, synchronization is disabled regardless of the flag values for individual links.
The association to the process of this sync target.
Statistics counters for this target
A target group. Inbound change from a target is not synchronized outbound to the targets with the same group
Performs all locking required to protect a synchronization transaction running against linkClass for instances with oids (null for all oids).
Find syncObjects for which corresponding internal or external instances no longer exist, and delete them.
commitCachedObject : after
Record the unit of work in which the commit occurred.
instantiateProcess : before
Creates an instance of SysProcess that will be used for logging.
Creates link instances for the given target and given NexJ user
Generates a value that can be used as an externalURL for this target, including the given binary value
Generates a value that can be used as a groupId for this target and the given metaclass, including the given binary value
Extract from a key returned by the external system an externalId to be used in SysSyncObject for the given messageName
Extract from a key returned by the external system an externalURL to be used in SysSyncObject for the given messageName
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Gets snapshot of all the synchronized entities from the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Asynchronously invoke the given event on the given object, using queue and priority configured for this target
Asynchronously invoke the given event with the given arguments on the given object, using queue and priority configured for this target
Asynchronously invoke the given event with the given arguments on the given object, using priority configured for this target
Asynchronously invoke the given event with the given arguments on the given object
Returns true if child sync group creation is allowed for the internal class name, false otherwise.
Returns the list syncObjects, excluding all objects for which items are missing in the external system.
Sends snapshot of all the synchronized entities to the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Sends snapshot of all the synchronized entities to the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Polymorphic implementation of sendSnapshot method, which is always called by UI on SysSyncClass.
Sends snapshot of all the synchronized entities to the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Sends snapshot of all the synchronized entities to the given SysSyncTarget or SysSyncLink instance
Polymorphic implementation of sendSnapshot method, which is always called by UI on SysSyncClass.
Synchronizes changes with the external system.
Execute synchronization test suite (temporary)
Target groups extended the "do not echo" functionality: if targets belong to the same group, they take their own care about sync between themselves and do not need NexJ hub to sync between them.
Target group description
Target group name
Collection of targets in this group
Statistics collected for a sync target (e.g. request rate for a channel etc.)
Statistics counter name
The corresponding target
Statistics counter value
Manages template-driven document personalization.
Map of collection associations to the associations which to use to locate by index.
Stores analyzed fields.
Instance (or list of Instances) to personalize for.
Template document binary data.
Stores analyzed fields tokens.
Stores analyzed fields values.
clean : before
Release the hashmaps and binary data allocated during mail merge.
Manages merge field retrieval, and document merging.
Maps mime type to the analyzer instance
Token conversion class name and method symbols: "(classSym . methodSym)". The method should accept a list of tokens and retun a list of "${}" field names. The method must be static. The returned list may also contain " '() " (null) referring to an unknown mergefield encountered during the process.
Class containing information about mapping of classes to template handling classes
Maps class names to template object class names.
Executes local tests on the current server.
Analyzes and outputs the text file.
Stores the template text between the steps.
The persistent system timer. Schedules a delayed event invocation.
The event to invoke.
The metaclass or instance to invoke.
Timer ordinal number needed for triggering the workflow state changes
The period in ms. Null or 0 for an aperiodic invocation.
The account under which to execute the timer, null to use the default.
The start time. Null to use the current time.
Optional workflow instance, with which the timer is associated
Schedules a delayed method invocation and returns the timer object
Schedules a delayed method invocation and returns the timer object
Name of the UI test
Executes the finalizer block of the UI test on the server.
Gets a pair list of arguments to be used in the invoked UI Test.
Executes the initializer block of the UI test on the server.
Stores a pair list of arguments to be passed to the invoked UI Test.
Loads/upgrades the system initial (seed) data.
*** DO NOT CHANGE - All new data sources absolutely should have a Version table, and these three are strictly legacy exceptions to this rule
Drops the tables containing metadata extensions.
Runs the given function for all partitions.
Seeds in privilege groups that are necessary to have in the app.
Get a collection of transfer objects with the initial persistent store data
Loads/upgrades the system initial (seed) data.
dataMatchServiceConfig : before
Creates default configuration for data match service
exchangeProspect : before
Creates a batch job instance to setup sync for a batch of Exchange prospects
fixupPersonalizations : before
Ensure personalizations match metadata. (i.e. if metadata has changed after things were personalized, clean up persisted data) Should run before the seeding code for personalizations.
queuedProcessCleanupBatchJob : before
Seeds the QueuedProcessCleanupBatchJob if it is not already there.
reportCleanupBatchJob : before
Seeds the ReportCleanupBatchJob if it is not already there.
scheduler : before
Seeds the Workflow queue scheduler singleton, if it doesn't already exist. Also seeds the throttle counter batch job.
systemPersonalizations : before
Initialize the System personalizations for the application
Loads/upgrades data from all metadata resources with the given extension.
Loads/upgrades data from a list of metadata resources.
Part of seeding. Separate event so it can be tested in unit test.
preserveQueues : around
Save queues from being lost by a reseed
Upgrades the system.
Updates the metadata extensions.
Resets user accounts that were locked out due to too many login attempts
The class type code
Batch job name
Called by the timer
System upgrade version information
The current/new public key used for column encryption
The data prefix for the activeCipherKey
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
The public key that the data was encrypted with
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
A list of resources with a particular privilege.
Privilege name.
Resource name.
Overrides the privileges.
Overrides the privileges.
string resource Resource to match.
string privilege Privilege.
boolean regex True to treat whitelist resources as regular expressions.
boolean True if the resource has the privilege.
Overrides the privileges.
Overrides the privileges.
Merges Word documents using MERGEFIELD commands
Holds a reference to HWPFDocument
Workflow instance, possibly associated with a specific primary object
Collection of workflow assignments
Child workflow instances, spawned by this one
Primary object class name
Local namespace value for ensuring constraint uniqueness
Optimistic locking attribute
Workflow name
Object, with which the workflow is associated (calculated)
Serialized OID of the primary object
Parent step ordinal number
Parent workflow instance
Serialized workflow state
Serialized workflow variables
Current workflow state (calculated)
Collection of workflow timers
Workflow type code
Workflow version
Adds to the workflow instance a timer with a given ordinal number and wait time in ms
Cleans up the steps and activites on the state
Serializes the state
Completes the workflow execution
Executes the workflow instance after its creation
Cleans up the workflow instance resources
cleanupCase : before
Clean up the workflow instance resources
cleanupResources : before
Cleans up the resources of the steps referenced by the state
Deletes all the workflow instances of a given primary object
Returns true if the workflow has reached its final state
Finds a flow by name and version
Retrieves the workflow instances associated with a given primary object
Retrieves a step with a given ordinal number
Returns the activity token for a given step
Handles an exception thrown by a flow step. If the exception was thrown by a step in a flow try block, then execute the appropriate catch block. Otherwise, clean up the flow state and rethrow the exception.
exception any The exception to handle.
step any The step that threw the exception
state any The flow state.
Used for parallel execution of Fork/Join branches.
Handles a manual state transition
Loads the object and state attributes
Overrides the privileges
Runs the workflow after handling an exception.
Runs the workflow instance from the current state
Sets the activity token for a given step
Starts a named workflow for a given primary object
Creates a new workflow case
Checks if a named step is active
Returns a list of active step names
Handles the workflow timeout
Handles an event that triggers a state change
Resumes workflow execution from Semaphore blocking state.
Tracks the assignment of process steps to users. Represents the flow queues.
Finished Semaphore status constant.
Ready to run in Semaphore status constant.
Running in Semaphore status constant.
The user or group, who can take ownership of the task
String ID of the work item
The user that created this assignment.
Human-readable description of the task
The optional form path to which to navigate
Persistence locking
The last submitted manual workflow state
The collection of manual workflow states, if any
The assignment ordinal number for tracking by the engine.
The user owning of the task. Typically, once the task is owned, it only appears in the queue of the owner.
The priority, lower numbers are higher priority.
Access attribute used to control update of queue attribute.
True if this assignment was created for a Semaphore and should be scheduled for execution.
Semaphore execution status.
The optional target association defining the instance to which to navigate
Cleans up the assignments on flow for step with ordinal number ordinal.
Adds actions to the framework event
createStates : before
Creates the manual states for this work item
creator : before
Sets the user that the scheduler will use to execute the assignment when it pulls it automatically from the queue.
Adds actions to the framework event
Adds actions to the framework event
Overrides the access attribute
Continues the associated workflow. Called by scheduler.
Marks as RUNNING the assignments on flow for step with ordinal number ordinal.
Adds actions to the framework event
lockScheduler : before
Locks the scheduler
updateCreator : before
Sets the user that the scheduler will use to execute the assignment when it pulls it automatically from the queue.
updateState : before
Handles the manual state transition
The Workflow Scheduler instance responsible for scheduling jobs on this queue.
Statistic's path.
The counter for task throttling. Null for no throttle limits.
Reschedules the scheduler if queue changed.
Overrides the privileges
Privilege override, prevents deletion of system queues, and destroys throttle counter.
Gets next item for manual processing
Seeds the workflow queues. Note that this class does not yet implement PERSISTENCE_INITIALIZER (as the seeding order must be controlled) so it still requires an action in SysUpgrade'seed.
Initialize statistics.
Overrides the privileges; sets customized attribute.
The maximum number of assignments for this scheduler permitted to be in a RUNNING state.
Global concurrency control object.
The Workflow Queues managed by this scheduler.
Notifies the scheduler of a new assignment.
Gets the current system time.
Locks this instance until the end of transaction.
Notifies the scheduler that an assignment has completed.
Reschedules the scheduler.
Invoked by the batch job timer. Executes tasks that are valid now. Sets timer for next invocation.
Runs an assignment asynchronously.
Schedules assignments to run.
Sets this timer to be executed at "time", unless already scheduled for an earlier window.
Provides global concurrency control for SysWorkflowSchedulerBatchJob.
Represents the manual decision states
String Id of the decision branch
Human-readable description of the decision branch
Persistence locking
Ordinal number of the next step in the workflow
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Overrides the privileges
Workflow timeout command
Times out the workflow instance
Defines application workspace
Set to true to allow customization. Set to false to restrict customization only to users with the "ShareWorkspaceManage" privilege (usually admins).
For property page workspace specified default context variable name.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Dynamic workspace layout elements
The help path to identify online help location for this workspace.
True if the workspace is user generated. Otheriwse, it is considered seeded by the system.
Collection of links bound to the workspace. Must be deleted when the workspace is deleted.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Collection of preferences for all layout elements.
Reverse to preserve data integrity.
Workspace template. Refers to personalization on the user template level.
The privilege required to view this workspace.
Public event to create a copy of workspace without the template. Assigns the new workspace to the specified user.
Creates a copy of workspace without the template. Assigns the new workspace to the specified user.
Creation factory with default name
Creation factory
Create a copy of workspace with the original source as a template. Assigns the new workspace to the specified user.
Used to delete workspaces without having an associated view. Requires WorkspaceDelete for any workspace and SharedWorkspaceManage for workspaces assigned to a UserTemplate or SystemUserTemplate.
Publishes the workspace to the principal's parent template and makes the copy into the workspace's template. Copies all elements and their preferences. If the template already exists, re-creates it.
Update allowCustomize bypassing update security.
Element of a workspace layout
Chidren elements
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Layout element type
Layout specific data
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Parent element. Self if root element
Element style data. Property name/value pairs separated by ';'. The following style properties are supported. style=[style name] - where style name is metadata defined style. showCaption=[0|1] - to hide/show caption fo the element (default = 1). noresize=[0|1] - to disable splitter resizing (default = 0). Style properties specific for SysWorkspaceLayout: orientation=[0,1] for splitter layout.
Containing workspace
Localization of SysWorkspaceElement caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Key to be used to lookup the preference
Workspace layout
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Layout element type
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
The layout type. One of "SPLT", or "GRP".
loadComponents : after
For each Portlet, resolve any runtime information from the registry.
Loads external components (e.g. portlets) definitions from the system registry.
Localization of SysWorkspaceLayout caption.
use object's updateable
Links workspace tabs and workspaces.
Help path for the referenced workspace. If a portlet layout is loaded which contains a help path, then the help path of the portlet layout will take precedence.
Determines if the workspace link can is removable from the portal container group layout.
Context variable state.
Serialized context state.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
When #t an instance of property pages workspace.
True if the workspace link is user generated. Otheriwse, it is considered seeded by the system.
True if all docked instances of the workspace template share client state. ie. saved state in the docked workspace will be restored in new instances of the same docked workspace template.
Captions for link should be whatever the Workspace name is.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Determines workspace link display order
The principal which has access to this link. Should be one of the SystemUserTemplate, a UserTemplate, or a User.
Reverse to preserve data integrity.
The workspace to be accessed
Using a string pattern which ends with number to match names of instances in sequence calculates index of last name matching pattern
Invoked by the framework on a new or an updated instance, after all the events, before a unit of work is committed, only once per unit of work. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Invoked before the instance is committed. 'commit' is called after all the other events (e.g. 'create' and 'update' resulting from the business logic), and only when a transaction is about to commit. If a transaction does not commit (e.g. there was an exception), 'commit' is not called. Unlike 'create' or 'update', 'commit' is called only once. When 'commit' makes changes to the instance, 'update' will be called again, but 'commit' will not. Thus, be careful in updating instances during 'commit' to avoid undesirable behavior. 'commit' event is well suited for initiating asynchronous processing.
generateName : before
Override to remove auto generated workspace link name.
Creates a workspace link to an existing workspace. Obtains the principal from the workspace.
Creates a workspace link to an existing workspace. If no principal is specified in the variable argument args, then the current user will be used.
Customizes the associated workspace with the workspace link principal.
main : main
This updates the caption and the context and then finally commits the changes. This is used with shared docks where an existing dock gets overwritten by another context of the same type.
Creates a workspace link to an existing workspace
Loads on demand attributes which have not been previously loaded so are undefined. The main action is implemented by the framework.
If any primitive attribute is loaded, all non-initialized primitive attributes are loaded as well.
attributes list The list of attributes to retrieve. e.g. 'firstName 'lastName
Personalizes current workspace link for the specified principal. Creates a new workspace link with its parent referencing this workspace link.
Revert the associated workspace to its template.
Localization of SysWorkspaceLink caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Localization of SysWorkspace caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Layout element representing a portlet layout reference.
Layout element type
Name of workspace to load
Layout element representing a metadata reference, such as screen
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Layout element type
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Localization of SysWorkspacePortletRef caption.
use object's updateable
System partition. One per database. All sysadmins must work under this partition. Used as basis for new partitions.
Returns a system user
Similar to user preference, but is used for global settings.
Flag to see indicate whether or not ACL should rebuild
Flag indicating if Tags are enabled in this environment
Flag indicating if the Birthday Mailer feature is enabled in this environment
Chunk size for BI sync target
Flag indicating if the Client Insights feature is enabled in this environment
Flag indicating if Customer Process Management processes are enabled in this environment
Use this flag to enable and disable rich text in Document Manager
Flag indicating if draft emails are enabled in this environment
Flag to indicate whether batch email signatures supported in the current environment.
Flag indicating if Email to Service Request feature is enabled
Flag indicating if Ad Hoc user security is enabled for Entity List objects
Whether hierarchical security is enabled.
Flag indicating if maximized notes popup is enabled in this environment
Flag indicating if opportunity approvals are enabled in this environment
Flag indicating if opportunity detail report is enabled
Flag indicating if the Recipients List for batch email is enabled in this environment
Flag indicating if Ad Hoc user security is enabled for Saved Filter Rule
The day to consider as today, for service level purposes.
Flag indicating if Assessments are visible for Service Requests in this environment
Flag indicating if External Id are visible for Service Requests in this environment
Flag indicating if adding days to Service Requests bound by service level agreements should move the resolution timestamp to the end of the business day
Flag indicating if service request approvals are enabled in this environment
Used for display purposes. This is a workaround to suppress blank option in the combo dropdown.
Proxy collection describing options
System preference group Enum
Icon for whether this preference is runtime editable
Icon for the type of value
Used in set and get events
Maps (
Overridden to set default value
Casts value in to a string for display purposes
Used in Global Application Settings in Admin to show if SystemPreference is runtime editable
Type of value. One of ["boolean", "timestamp", "int", "string", "enum"]
Used for preferences of type boolean
Used for preferences of type integer
Used for preferences of type string and enum
Used for preferences of type timestamp
Returns value of SystemPreference depending on its type
Invoked by the framework on a new or an updated instance when a unit of work is committed, after the update cycle, only once per unit of work. The main action is implemented by the framework.
In an instance is updated after commit, update will be invoked again, but commit will not. This event is sometimes useful for starting asynchronous processing.
Deletes the instance. The main action is implemented by the framework.
Used to retrieve preference instance by its key. Mirrors UserPreference'get
Returns security options available in the Hierarchical Access Model.
Returns a transfer object containing a formatted list of UserGroups that an object can be secured to.
Returns security options available in the Group Model.
Determines the security objects that are selectable based on enabled security model.
args Contains AddinEmailObject which provides the addin representation of the email prior to creation in Contact
Returns a collection of available security options according to whether custom security is enabled or not.
Used to retrieve preference, from internal events
True if the metaclass has the given attribute and it is not read-only
Returns whether custom security is enabled, hierarchical security is included
Process the where clause to ensure that a condition comparing a value to the calculated attribute "name" is changed to one that tests for membership of the attribute "key" in a set of enum codes.
Used by SysUpgrade to seed in default system preference values
maxNotes : before
Enable/disable maximized note popup
tags : before
seed whether or not tags are enabled
useLegacyAdHoc : before
Seed the USE_LEGACY_ADHOC_REPORTING system preference
Setter function, mirrors UserPreference'set
Validates whether the request security settings are valid given the environment setup
Proxy class for options of an enum-typed system preference.
Enum caption
Assosiated system preference
Enum string value
Handles registering and reading of registered components.
Add a trusted host name.
Create a list of Portlets from their TO representations.
Delete Portlets based on their unique Ids.
Returns an instance collection of Portlets registered with the system registry.
Returns the list of trusted host names.
Remove a trusted host name.
Returns #t if communication to the System Registry Provider is successful.
Update a list of Portlets from their TO representations.
NOT DONE - Singleton - System User Template
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Java client users this interface.
Localization of UserTemplate caption and description.
Represents a systematic plan on an account. E.g., SWP or PAC.
The account that has this systematic plan.
The bank account acting as the recipient/source of this systematic plan.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Description of the systematic plan.
When the systematic plan ends.
Frequency of plan, e.g., one-time, weekly, monthly.
Gross amount of systematic plan.
The holdable that this systematic plan is for.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
The holding acting as the recipient/source of this systematic plan.
Interval number used by external back-end system.
Descriptive string of frequency, interval, and recurrenceFactor that is presented to the end user.
Localized description of the interval.
Net amount of systematic plan.
When the next run will occur.
Payment method of the systematic plan.
Plan source, e.g., nominee, external.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Type of plan, e.g., SWP, PAC.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Recurrence factor number used by external back-end system.
When the systematic plan started.
Plan status, e.g., active, inactive.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Allow load to work on update.
Factory for creating the tabMeta from the metadata with personalization.
Parses the OID for its elements by symbol.
Personalizes the meta. will personalize parent if not already personalized.
Visibility information for a tab
Entity type this tab visibility belongs to
Name of the screen this tab belongs to
Name of this tab
Reference to the tab
visibility flag
Allows users to identify items and allow searching via associated Tags
Static attribute that limits the number of tags that can be added to an Act
Static attribute that identifies if Tags are enabled.
Overridden to ensure Tags are not deleted when classifications exist
Duplicate name attribute (for enforcing uniqueness). Name is persisted in CMTaxonomy table, but we do not want to have uniqueness constraint there, so we need to denorm it and constrain it for uniqueness in Tag table.
Overriden to set Privilege to TagManage
Overriden to set Privilege to TagManage
Overriden to set Privilege to TagView
Overriden to set Privilege to TagManage
Each instance of this class represents an attribute in the source schema, for a given Match Process configuration.
List of attributes that are denormalized to TaskEntity.
Overridden to account for the possibility of having a Work Queue assigned to a Task instead of a User.
UI bind for assigning Task to either User or Work Queue
Context name of related object
Person who assigned the task. Often the creator.
Access attribute for delete event
Whether the Act's template'allowNew is #f. For use in the UI to show the information icon on the edit screen.
Overriden from base class. Editing recurrence is allowed when the default template status is not 'Completed' and the current status is not 'Completed'
Overriden to show caption "Due Date"
Overridden to be initialized to the current user only if either useDefaultUserParticipants is false or defaultUserPersonalization is null
Calculated attribute for UI to display Work Queue in Properties.
To simplify subquery when reading own tasks
Calculated attribute for access to modifying User Participants.
True if this task has not been approved/rejected.
Controls the visibiliity of the Recurrence link. Hidden for approval task templates, and when batch adding tasks.
True if this is of type Task
Flag to determine whether the act template field should be visible on the UI.
Indicate the email passed in from the application client has attachment(s).
Attribute set by rules engine to determine if user can pull the currenet task from the queue. Follows the same format as the validation attribute on attributes: if set to a boolean, #f means a generic error message will be displayed, #t means the user can pull the item. Otherwise a list may be returned with the following format: (<string id> [optional arg 1] [optional arg 2]) to provide a custom error message to the user.
Collection of Work Queues available for selection in UI
Used in the UI to determine the repeatRule and taskRegenType attributes for daily recurring tasks
Used in the UI to determine repeatRule and taskRegenType for monthly recurring tasks
Used in the UI to determine the repeatRule and taskRegenType attributes for weekly recurring tasks
Used in the UI to determine the repeatRule and taskRegenType attributes for yearly recurring tasks
Caption of related Object
Overridden to add persistence
Overrided to hide options for snoozing before the start of the task since a start time is not required when creating a task.
Overriden to show caption Start Date"
Print's the Task's start date and due date.
Prints the Start Date if it exist, nothing otherwise
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "My Task" Lists.
Template of act. e.g. phone call, To-do, etc. Overridden to add UIComponent facet.
Override to allow approval plan administrators to delete approval steps
The template's defaultUserParticipants collection will only be used to initialize the tasks's user participants if this flag is true.
Overridden to require at least one user, unless Task is queued and is associated to a WorkQueue
Current User's Reminder Time
The work queue it is associated, to be maintained even when work queue task is deleted. It is also used as a UI bind to allow User to change work queues.
Work Queue Task that the Task is associated with
A collection of Work Queue Task History that the Task has been associated with.
True if one or more work queues exist.
Used to alert its related object that they have been updated.
Overriden to assign instance as relatedObject to an act
auditAsSeries : before
If the Task belongs to a series and it is not completed, then audit it as the series.
main : main
Check the attachment status of the parent email. There are three possible values: DONE: Asynchronously copy the attachments from the email to the follow-up task. PENDING: Update the "isWaitingEmailAttachment" flag on the follow-up and the "isFollowUpWaiting" flag on the email. ERROR: Add a note on the follow-up notifying the user that "Error happened while transmitting the attachments from Exchange Server."
checkStatusIsCompleted : before
Check that status is completed or cancelled on an approval task, when a result is specified.
clearAlarms : before
Clear all the alarms for each user.
onWorkQueueItemCompletion : before
Mark associated Work Queue Item as completed when the item is complete
queueTask : before
Assignment of queue from the UI
main : main
Copy the attachments from the parent email to the follow-up task.
addInitialUser : before
Initializes the user participants collection with either the task template's default user participants or task's initial user.
setAlarmTime : before
set the alarmTime for the UserParticipation records with reminderTime
setAttachmentTransmission : before
Before commit the task, check whether the follow-up task has any pending attachments (pendingAttachment attribute is #t). If so, asynchronously check the parent email's status (three possible values).
Client Version 1.2 and up: Required Params: assignToEntities (list of oids the email is to be assigned to) msgId (Deprecated: the msgId is no used - set to null) clientVersion Optional Params: forEntities (list of oids the email is for) status ("OUTS", "HOLD", "TENT", "COMP", "CANC") opportunityId campaignId overwrite (defaults to #f) priority (0 being HIGH, 1 MEDIUM, and 2 LOW) attachments (lists of pairs: (<fileName> . <data>)) any other args for Task class
Overridden to disable delete when a Work Queue is associated
Get approval result of a task.
Overriden to enable auditing for Tasks.
Called from the UI to validate recurrence popup and throw an error for each invalid field
main : main
Set's the reminderTime on the task and alarmTime on all participants to the userReminderTime
Set values by ui component
updateStartOrEndTime : before
set the alarmTime for the UserParticipation records with reminderTime
updateUserReminderTime : before
update either the alarmTime for the UserParticipation record or reminderTime on the Task, depending on whether the user is a participant
Denormalized version of UserParticipation specific for task lists. Used for the where clause of task lists and includes all necessary information from Act and UserParticipation to allow an efficient query.
Stores the search context value for filtering the act. This attribute will be used to convert to a corresponding instance type or template.
Denorm of act activityEndTime
Denorm of act createTime
Denorm of act editTime
Denorm of act endTime
stylized participants string.
True if act is considered outstanding, false otherwise.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Virtual collection for denormed entity participants.
Returns checked checkbox if item is marked as completed, otherwise unchecked checkbox
Avatar style in List, based on endTime of act
Denorm of act priority
ActPriorityEnum value of priority
Whether the userPerson has "read" this task.
visibility security
Boolean used to distinguish between TaskEntity instances when multiple instances belonging to the same Task are returned by the search
Denorm of act startTime
Denorm of act.status.state
Denorm of act status
String Value of Status
Used by the UI for searching
The tags in string format associated with the act
Denorm of act template
Denorm of act title
update security
Parent UserParticipation.
Overridden to set the value of showInActSearch
Overridden to reassign the value of showInActSearch
Process where clause by replacing priorityEnum with priority.
processActSearchContext : before
Replace the actSearchContext expression with the corresponding expression that checks for either instance type or tempate id.
processWhereClause : before
Explicitly process the where clause. Ensure to process the where clause for the openCursor event as well.
Set where clause to #f to return no results if an entity isn't specified before read.
Command class to generate Task-based reports
The filter string that is being used to query
Current where clause returned by the Tasks/My Delegated Tasks tab (For Tasks tab, this only contains the filters)
The summary string found on the task screen. Summarizes the currently selected filters.
#t - When the report contains multiple users #f - When the report contians only 1 or on users This attribute is used to control the behaviour of the "Page break after each user" option.
The order By clause selected by the user on the tasks grid to run the report against.
The orderBy clause in string format for the jasper report to use in order to specify the order by on the report query.
if true, page break after each user. If there are multiple users, this option is enabled with a default value of #t, otherwise this option is disabled with a default value of #f.
The selected User on the Tasks tab (not used in My Delegated Tasks tab)
Determines if the Show users with no tasks option is to be shown or hidden. #t - Show #f - Hide
if true,notes are shown in the report (for PDF & RTF formats). Excel version of the report always shows notes. The value is controlled by the check box that displays notes for the grid on the TaskPortlet or the DelegatedTaskPortlet.
#t - Users with no task will be included in the report (they will only have a header) #f - Only users with at least one task will be shown in the report (filters accounted for)
Where clause used for the Jasper sub report.
Sub-tab name selected on the screen, i.e. My Tasks, My Delegated Tasks or Others' Tasks.
Generate the Task Report
Retruns a where clause used to exclude instances from the resulting collection.
Returns 0 if a user does not have a task (given the supplied filter) Returns 1 if a user has at least 1 task
Get the current list of users
Returns #t if where clause returns more than one user, otherwise #f
Returns a collection of users that have at least one task given the supplied filter
Converts a colleciton of users into a scheme where clause for UserPerson
Sets the where and sub report where clauses for the "My Delegated Tasks" tab. This function also returns the sub where clause prior to string conversion (which is used later in the generate function to modify the where clause if the showUsersWithNoTask option is enabled)
Helper function to set the inital where clause and sub where clause. This function also returns the sub where clause prior to string conversion (which is used later in the generate function to modify the where clause if the showUsersWithNoTask option is enabled)
Metaclass of the occurrence
Overriden to show caption "Due Date"
The time at which the alarm should go off (used for Tasks)
Overriden to show caption Start Date"
Current User's Reminder Time
Intersection class between task template default user personalizations and user persons.
The user person to be added as an initial user participant in a task.
The entity attribute will be used to create a default user participant for act templates associated to this attribute.
Used in the UI to display default user participants for task templates, whether or not instances of TaskTemplateDefaultUserParticipation have already been created.
The full name of the task template default user participant.
The icon of the task template default user participant.
The reverse of TaskTemplateDefaultUserPersonalizable’s defaultUserParticipants attribute.
This class holds the user-specific configuration of default user participants for a task template.
Maximum number of default user participants for the act template.
The task template to be personalized by the user.
Collection of default user participants for the task template.
Default user participant for the act template.
Number of default user participants for the act template.
The user whom the personalization is for.
addInitialUser : before
Initializes the default user participants collection with the current user.
Used in the UI to display all act templates that can be personalized, whether or not a personalization has already been created.
The task template to be personalized by the user.
The caption of the act template to be personalized.
Collection of default user participant display instances for the act template.
The current user’s personalization of the act template.
The icon of the act template to be personalized.
True if personalization is not null.
Defines view control for the currently logged in user to display another user's tasks on the schedule screen.
Should only be able to create if the viewer is the currently logged in user but the logged-in user can't create itself.
A user should not be able to delete the view of his own schedule
Should only be able to read if the viewer is the currently logged in user and the viewee is not view private.
Should only be able to update if the viewer is the currently logged in user
The user whose tasks have been added to the UI for viewing.
The user who has added the task view states to the UI for viewing.
Subclass representing User Teams - a special type of UserGroup.
Determines if the team should show up in the available teams on schedule items.
Overridden class code to allow sub classing of User Group.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Overridden for TeamManage privilege.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
The team schedules of the current team being displayed on other user's Schedule screen
Users that are a member of this Team
Overridden to give new privilege.
Create factory for a Team group with isTeam set to #t.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Static method to retrieve the members of a given team. Used to update the user participants collection of a schedule item from the client-side.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Intersection between a user and a Team.
Overridden class code from UserGroupLink.
Overridden to specify type of Team.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
removeTeamSchedules : before
When you remove a user from a team, also remove the associated team schedule views.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Localization of Team caption and description.
Overridden class code from UserGroupLocalization.
Overridden to specify type of Team.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Overridden to give new privilege.
Defines view control for the currently logged in user to display the team schedules for the teams in which they are a member on the schedule screen, under the Team Schedules tab.
Constant for initializing display order
Only the current user can create team schedule views. They can only be created for teams they can view and are not a part of.
Only the current user can delete team views. They can only be deleted for teams they are not a part of.
Used for sorting in the UI
Only the current user can read team schedule views.
Only the current user can update team schedule views.
The team whose schedule is added to the UI for viewing.
The user who is a member of the team (i.e. teamViewee) and has the team schedule available in the UI.
A boolean bound to a checkbox in TeamScheduleViewOthers.form indicating if the teamViewee's schedule is displayed on the schedule control or not.
Sets the display order for Schedule Views in the UI, whether to reset alphabetically or set order on add and delete
Base class of all communication addresses including telephone numbers, email addresses, and URLs.
The system defined value for the default country. Currently used for phone number formatting.
Override of EntityCollection attribute.
Read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Overridden to expose as UI Component
The unit bind attribute to drive telcom format.
List of attributes that will be validated when determining if this Telcom is empty.
Extension field for telephone numbers
Extracts a formatted address (specific implementation in subclasses) for UI display.
Displays the telcom address followed by the extension
Used for contact preview, adds indicator such as "(B)", "(H)", "(M)" after fullAddress
Summary string version of the fullName attribute.
Formatted telphone number that can be clicked in browser and start a phone call
Read audit was disabled to removed superfluous information from logs due to implicit read auditing of this attribute.
Specifies that this telcom has been synchronized from an external system
True if this instance of Telcom is not a TelephoneNumber.
True if this instance of Telcom is a TelephoneNumber.
Can only read if it is tied to the current user.
Searchable, persisted address
Summary String that displays the name and the value of the telcom. Used in the BlackBerry.
The string that is displayed to the user when they are attempting to delete this instance.
Overrideent for Telcom specific dependencies to avoid lazy loads.
Extended to grant TelcomManage privilege.
Create a new instance of Telcom with value from the source, the source could be another instance of Telcom or a transfer object representating a Telcom.
Factory method to create an instance of Telcom
main : main
Creates a new Telcom based on template from TelcomType class
Factory method to create a default instance of Telcom
Extended to grant TelcomManage privilege.
Does a comparison based on the formatted address. returns true if the same.
Extended to grant TelcomView privilege.
onNullName : before
If someone sets the name to "", set the name to the type's name instead of throwing an exception.
TelcomTemplate provides the pre-defined the list of Telcoms you can create along with their default values.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Entity types that are compatible (and thus visible) with this telcom type.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
main : main
Initializes a telcom with any defaults set by the telcom type.
Localization of TelcomType caption and description.
use object's updateable
Represents a telephone number associated to an Entity
Overridden to expose as UI Component
The unit bind attribute to drive telcom format.
Overridden to enable readAudit
Extracts a formatted address (specific implementation in subclasses) for UI display.
Temporary data for schedule report
A collection of all the ScheduleItems in the week
Temporary data for schedule report, contains the act
Represents a term holdable. E.g., a GIC.
Reverse association.
Frequency of interest, e.g., weekly, monthly, annually, maturity.
Interest rate given for term.
Type of interest, e.g., compound, simple.
Date of last interest payment.
Date of next interest payment.
onTermValuationUpdate : before
Update valuations when a term attribute that affects calculations is modified.
roundIssueDate : before
Round the time of the issue date to the start of the day (i.e. 00:00:00 UTC)
roundMaturityDate : before
Round the time of the issue date to the start of the day (i.e. 00:00:00 UTC)
Represents a holding of a term holdable.
Age base date of birth. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
Certificate number.
Face amount of term holding in term holdable currency.
A term holding should only hold term holdables.
The snapshots of this holding over time.
Income minimum. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
Income start date. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
Calculated attribute that is true when holding is in a RIF account. Used to show/hide fields that are specific to RIF/SRIF/LRIF types.
Reference to the latest holding snapshot.
Value of term holding at maturity date in term holdable currency.
Payment amount. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
Payment frequency. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
The portfolios that this holding is in.
RIF type. Only for RIP/SRIF/LRIF types.
The transactions on this holding. Transactions must be term transactions.
Transfer date.
Calculate and return the holding value for the date (of type timestamp) specified using the term holding valuation formula. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the holdable currency.
setClosedDate : before
only for trucked accounts, assigning maturity date to closed date
setQuantity : before
Overridden to avoid unnecessarily querying for quantity.
Calculate the maturityValue
onFaceAmountUpdate : before
Update valuation when face amount is modified.
updateMaturityValue : before
updates maturity value
Represents a snapshot of a term holding.
Snapshot is taken of this holding.
Reverse association.
Represents a transaction on a term holdable.
Accrued interest.
Client price.
The holding this transaction is made on.
prints the quantity, price and accrued interest
FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY: Created for testing the BusinessProcess functionality.
ClassCode is TCM for TestContactMaintenceProcess.
FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY: Created for testing the BusinessProcessStaging functionality.
Assumption is that the Entity that the BusinessProcess is for, is in fact a person.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Overridden to enforce security.
Command class for executing test email operations for Document Distribution from the UI.
Test email is sent to this recipient if user chooses to test for one recipient instead of for all recipients.
Test email operation will be executed for this document distribution.
checkCurrentRecipient : before
Populate current recipient when not set.
Event triggered by UI.
Test Formula
Test Formula class code
Object for testing formula field retrieval and validation (see: Formula.utest)
Tier Service Level Default for Act Tracking Type
Batch job to populate time dimension (APDimTime) instances. The time dimension is used for analytical processing, to optimize time-based queries/aggregates, and each instance represents a calendar day. (The key is a pseudo-Julian date.) We populate a configurable amount of time into the past and into the future, which is why we need the batch job (similar to why we have a period generation batch job).
Integer indicating how many months the fiscal year is offset from the calendar year.
Months in the future to seed the time dimension.
Months in the past to seed the time dimension.
Unique class code for TimeSeedBatchJob
Batch Job Name
Repeats every thirty days
The first time that the batch job should run
Creates the batch job if it doesn't exist, first invoking the populateTimeDimension
Populates the APDimTime class for the default time window
Invokes the populateTimeDimension
Individual tooblar item personalization.
fixes invalid toolbar items by comparing to current metadata (passed in as meta argument)
Allow load to work on update. Protected - not for clients.
Allow load to work on update. Protected - not for clients.
Disable tri-state in UI.
Factory for creating the tabMeta from the metadata with personalization.
Parses the OID for its elements by symbol.
Personalizes the meta. will personalize parent if not already personalized.
sets report interval for each touch date to be reported on
Collection of relevant act template
If the touch type can report
Touch type caption for last touch date
Touch type caption for next touch date
Collection of entity intervals
Collection of associated entity touch type dates
Type of period associated with touch type
Dynamic query field metadata for last touch date
Dynamic query field metadata for next touch date
Collection of service level intervals
Collection of valid intervals for the touch type
Returns the current period from the period table
Returns All touch types except the first one ordered by name to allow UI combos to not have a null value.
Links Touch Types to Intervals
validateInterval : before
Determine if this class's interval length is greater than the touchType length.
Localization of Touch Type caption and description
Report command object for the Touches report.
The filter string that is being used to query
The current Entity selected when using the report from the contact screen
Where clause for filtering Entities
Initialize to the range of 1 year
Initialize to start of current month
Tooltip for the date range
End date of this period
Which attribute to group by. Affects rptGroupBy, which is used in the report
The caption displays the organization time zone and the current organization time.
The period that touches will be filtered by
Specifies the type of date search, either by period or custom date range.
The ReportRun instance for this Report. Stores pointers to instances of TouchesReportData, which correspond to rows in the report.
Used by the report's query.
Used by the report's query.
The user who ran this report.
Specifies whether the current contact, or current contact list is used
If a touch is scheduled, more info about the touch is displayed if true.
When true, the full note for each schedule item is shown.
Specifies whether or not the Selection Type selector appears on the parameters form
Which attribute to sort by. Affects rptSortBy, which is used in the report
Start date of this period
Tag to filter Acts by in the report
Filters interactions by touchStatus
The touch type to filter by.
The caption of the touchType. This is displayed on the report.
The where clause for filtering ActDateTouchTypeReport
The where clause for filtering Entities that will be displayed on the report
adjustReportStartEndDate : before
Adjusts and sets the start and end date for the report to run.
The list of attribute(s) to group by, based on the group by parameter given
Returns a collection of periods starting from the dateRangeStartDate to the dateRangeEndDate
The list of attribute(s) to sort by, based on the sort by parameter given
sets the where clause for querying the ActDateTouchTypeReport class
sets the where clause for querying the Entity class for entities to be displayed on the report
Used for the SLM Touches report. Each instance of this class corresponds to a row in the Touches report.
ActDateTouchTypeReport is the main class that is being queried for the report.
The Entity associated with the ActDateTouchTypeReport
The instance of EntityTouchTypeDate that has the same TouchType and Entity as adttr
The touch status of the ActDateTouchTypeReport that is queried
The touchType of the ActDateTouchTypeReport
ReportRun class for the Touches report. Used to point to TouchesReportData instances.
Represents a transaction to a holding on an account.
Default page size used for posting transactions.
The account this transaction is made on.
The account this transaction is made on. (same value as account, but stored on extension table for reporting performance enhancement).
Adjusted amount stemming from cash flow dividends.
Book value in transaction currency.
Closing balance on holding after transaction, in transaction currency.
used to hide/show literal on dashboard if exist a transaction
Commission amount on transaction in transaction currency.
Commission percentage on transaction.
Currency used for attributes in transaction where not specifically declared.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
calculated Attribute for UI purposes
calculated Attribute for UI purposes
Date when the transaction was entered.
Exchange rate used to convert from priceCurrency to currency at time of transaction.
Amount of federal tax applied on transaction.
Amount of foreign tax applied on transaction.
Gross trade amount in transaction currency.
Amount of GST applied on transaction.
The holdable this transaction is made on, which is derived from the holding.
The holding this transaction is made on.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Attribute for the holdingid to be copied to TransactionXPost table
Amount of HST applied on transaction.
Icon that represents a transaction.
Dashboard icon that represents a transaction.
True when contribution was during the first 60 days of the year. For RRSP transactions only.
Flag indicating whether or not transaction is a reversal transaction. A reversal transaction is used to "undo" an incorrect transaction.
True when transaction is a withdrawal, false when transaction is a contribution. For RRSP transactions only.
Net trade amount in transaction currency.
used to hide/show literal on dashboard if exist a transaction
Amount of non-resident tax applied on transaction.
Reference to the original transaction from a set of related transactions. In the majority of cases, this will be the transaction itself. However, for cancellation and correction transactions, this attribute references the transaction that was cancelled or corrected.
The position created by this transaction. A new transaction always results in the creation of a new position.
Transaction post status, e.g., Posted, Not Posted, Error. Used to indicate status of transaction during load process.
Price of one unit in price currency.
Currency specifically used in price.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
status of this object in performance processing: error, processed, not_processed
Amount of provincial tax applied on transaction.
Amount of federal tax applied on transaction.
Amount of QST applied on transaction.
Number of units in transaction.
First checks if the current user is an InternalUser (if so, allows readable). If not, checks if the current user is an ExternalUser, and if so, checks if any of the entities related to this account are the currently logged in User. Otherwise, readable is set to false.
Redemption fee in transaction currency.
Reverse association.
Reversal date on the reversal transaction.
Dictates an order when a transaction has been reversed or corrected. E.g., original transaction has sequence number of 0, reversal transaction has sequence number of 1, correction transaction has sequence number of 2.
Date when the transaction was settled.
Transaction settlement source. E.g., Fund Company, Intermediary, Dealer.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If this transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If this transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing. This is actual field used by NexJ for processing transactions - posting/performance calculation.
Source identifier of the original transaction. If this transaction is an original transaction, then the value is the same as its own source identifier. If this transaction is a reversal transaction, then the value is the source identifier of the transaction that it is reversing.
Transaction status. E.g., Completed, Cancelled, Settled.
Calculated attributed used for lists in UI. TODO: remove this when expression calculation in persistence layer is implemented.
Prints the Asset and Prospectus Risk only for Fund Transaction
Prints the transaction create and edit date
Prints the commission
Prints the holdable name, transaction number and type
Prints the transaction Holdable name issuer and manufacturing #
Prints transaction holdable type and subtype
Prints the quantity and price of the transaction
Prints the Settlement source and date
Prints transaction's holdable account information
prints the taxes
Prints the gross and net trade amount
Prints transaction type and status
Prints currency and exchange rate
Prints the transaction Dates
Prints the transfer source and company of transaction
Indicates the tax year of the transaction. For RRSP transactions only.
Date when the transaction was made.
Used in the UI to bound the trade date input box
Used in the UI to bound the trade date input box
Transaction number.
Transaction type, e.g., buy or sell.
Transfer company.
Transfer source.
Indicates whether a transaction is an internal transfer or external transfer.
Only allows InternalUsers to update
Flag indicating whether or not transaction is visible on UI or reports. This can used to hide transactions that have been reversed or the reversal transactions themselves.
Wire order number.
Add transaction quantity to the quantity specified. Return the cumulative quantity.
engine for batchProcessBackDatedTransactions.
Post all transactions for initial load. I.e., create corresponding position records for all transactions in the initial set of data. This function is a simplified version of postPendingTransactions for optimization purposes, and assumes that no transactions have been posted yet (no positions or historical snapshots). A page size can optionally be supplied (otherwise the default page size, PAGE_SIZE, is used). Transactions are processed in batches -- they are grouped by holding and ordered by transaction trade date to ensure they are processed in the correct order.
Posts initial transactions in the given page.
Post all pending transactions in the transaction engine. I.e., create corresponding position records for all transactions that are not posted. A page size can optionally be supplied (otherwise the default page size, PAGE_SIZE, is used). A sourceType can be optionally supplied (otherwise transactions of all source types are posted). Transactions are processed in batches -- they are grouped by holding and ordered by transaction trade date to ensure they are processed in the correct order.
Posts pending transactions in the given page.
Process this transaction in transaction engine. I.e., create a corresponding position record for the transaction. The cumulative quantity of the holding upon processing this transaction is automatically determined, but it can also be explicitly specified by passing in the quantity argument when known (for optimization purposes). If a quantity is specified, it should be the quantity immediately preceeding the transaction. Return the cumulative quantity of the holding as at this transaction (includes the quantity in this transaction).
Add in clause (accounts) for performance tuning
processTradeDateValues : before
To be used in order to replace the read being made on the UI based on the value of trade date within a specified range to search for limited number of transactions
processWhere : before
Add in clause (accounts) for performance tuning
Reverse transaction quantity from the quantity specified. Return the cumulative quantity.
Holding snapshot containing calculated
main : main
Creates a non-persisted instance of ClientStmtHelper and returns it when given a proper entity and sector type. Also temporarily generates the allocData for this instance (temporarily because it is deleted from the db after it is read into memory).
Jasper reports parameter to define page breaks. Used in PDF not in EXCEL
Base currency used in the application.
Date range caption label text.
Conditional localized strings used in the date range caption in the report.
The currency of gross commission.
Publicly accessible location for icons used in the report location for icons used in the report.
The user's preferred currency.
Date range end for display in the report.
Date range start for display in the report.
Base currency used in the application.
Publicly accessible location for icons used in the report.
The user's preferred currency.
Type of transaction by data source, e.g., Buy, Sell. Characteristics: Initial Size = Small; Row Growth = Very Minimal; Type = Look up
Simple parent-child relationship.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Indicates the operation to use for the quantity. Positive means quantity should be added to position; negative means quantity should be subtracted from position.
Simple parent-child relationship.
Symbol used to identify the transaction type.
Reverse association.
Localization of TransactionType caption and shortCaption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Attachment uploaded by a user directly from the desktop. These attachments will subsequently be removed by the UploadCleanupBatchJob process.
Overridden to set classCode
Represents the instance of the queued process that governs the lifetime of the attachment. The status of the queued process will be checked during the removal of the TransientActAttachment in the UploadCleanupBatchJob process.
Duplication of TransientBatchActAttachmentCommand to support batch print on leads
The collection of transient attachments to add to the batch mail merge.
The batch mail merge command associated to these transient act attachments.
Saves all of the transient act attachments being uploaded and associates them to the singleton TransientActDocument instance.
Singleton subclass of Document for storing transient attachments.
Overridden to set classCode.
Overridden to remove validation that enforces entity participation on a TransientAttachmentDocument instance.
Overridden to remove validation that enforces presence of a Lead on a TransientAttachmentDocument instance.
Overridden to remove validation that enforces presence of a Roadshow on a TransientAttachmentDocument instance.
Overridden to enforce singleton instance by preventing creation when there is already an instance of this class active.
Returns a singleton instance of a document for storing transient act attachments.
Creates the singleton instance of this class. Should ensure private view security to admin user.
Command class used to create transient attachments from the Desktop in a batch print process.
The collection of transient attachments to add to the batch print.
The batch print command associated to these transient act attachments.
Saves all of the transient act attachments being uploaded and associates them to the singleton TransientActDocument instance.
Command class used to represent the TransientActAttachment instances of a batch print process in the UI.
The transient act attachment command holder of the batch process.
Duplication of TransientBatchCommandAttachment to support batch print on leads
The transient act attachment command holder of the batch process.
The binary data of the transient attachment.
The file name of the transient attachment.
Determines whether or not the transient attachment is to be linked.
The mime data of the transient attachment used by the previewer control.
The mime type of the transient attachment used by the previewer control.
The size of the transient attachment.
The URL of the transient attachment if it is linked.
Base class for using global TypeLocalization table for storing data driven type localizations.
Helper attribute to grab the object's type's name off of the metadata.
Helper attribute to grab the object's type's name off of the metadata.
Localized Caption, overriden to add validation
Allows framework to differentiate subclasses since they are all stored in same table.
Persisted name of the object's type's class
Used to display messages
Make sure that there isn't audit logs for each locale on create
main : main
return false on create so that an audit log isn't created for each locale
To make sure there is no duplicate captions per type
main : main
checks for duplicate log in names
Proxy class to get UI Component names
Name of UI Component context
Interface names the UI Component's service provides
Caption of UI Component
Name of UI Component type
Name of UI Component
Persistence initializer to seed UI Components
:type Possible types are: string, text (multiline), date, timestamp, currency, enum, boolean, integer, double, <class> :isAssociation Denotes that the field is an association. Implies that it may have sub-fields or associations. :allowAssociatedFields #DEPRECATED# Was used to determine whether the fields under an association should be auto-expanded within combos. :isCollection Determines if a field is a collection. :isDynamic Used when a seeded field is a placeholder for a possibly larger set of fields that will be determined at runtime. Custom logic may be written in 'getDynamicFieldsByFieldName' to expand these fields at runtime. :isNamedCollection Used when a seeded field is a collection. Denotes that this is a collection that uses a unique name per item rather than an ordinal. Valid with 'isDynamic' and 'isCollection'. :tag A prefix used to mark a path towards a dynamically generated field path. Acts as a unique identifier within the attribute name path that aids with determining that a field was generated dynamically. Valid with 'isDynamic'. :maxCount Determines the max number of instances to return or allow to be accessible through UI Components. The aim is to prevent returning too many instances through SOA. Valid with 'isCollection' :readOnly Indicates that the field cannot be updated through the UI Component layer. Also used to mark calculated attributes that are exposed since they are not updatable. :isEnumeration Indicates that a field has a finite set of values that can be assigned to it through UI Component. Set the value to true only when 'type=enum'. :maxLength Indicates the max number of characters that can be set for a text field. Only valid for 'text' and 'string' type fields.
createUIComponentManifest : after
Check for UIComponent Manifest. If it does not exist, create it. This case is only expected when starting a new project.
Represents a url/link associated to an Entity (eg:
The number of instances to process in one transaction
The last run date of the batch job
Timer period in minutes for UI
Called by timer
Main User Object. Is abstract: instances can be InternalUser, ExternalUser, or LocalUser.
The user account's lockout period
The logger used for logging login event.
Maximum login attempts allowed before user is locked out
Custom operators
Key used to save and retrieve system user on the current invocation-context unit of work
Transient cache key used to store a flag on Unit of Work indicating that the update is a result of User Registry update. When set, no changes will be pushed to the User Registry, since it was the source of the update.
Set of principals (usually just one) for the ACL security.
Acitve/Inactive Flag. Calculated attribute based on status.
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to activity plan templates.
User is a member of this set of adminGroups (for managing visibility to Security Groups)
A set of the user object and all of the Groups used to secure User Groups themselves
UserAlias (for viewable audit info and columnar info) This has shorter length restrictions than the loginName and therefore may not always be the same as the loginName.
A non-calculated attribute to initialize the alias when creating the RemoteUser to ensure client framework sends the value back to the server.
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to approval plan templates.
User is a member of this set of Security Groups (for data visibility)
Set of principals that are used for branch managers. All branch type security groups count.
Indicates whether or not user can create security.
Indicates whether or not user can approve contact approval.
Indicates whether or not user can approve opportunity approval.
Indicates whether or not user can approve service request approval.
Indicates whether or not user can assign work queue items to another user.
Indicates whether or not user can create a copy of activity plan templates in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create/modify financial accounts.
Indicates whether or not user can create activity plan templates in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create approval plan templates in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create a copy of approval plan templates in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create categories in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create coverage teams in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create custom field types in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create entity lists in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create entity list members in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create entity queries in contact
Indicates whether or not user can create folders in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create/modify holdings.
Indicates whether or not user can create Ad Hoc reports in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create products in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create report layouts in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create stock interests in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can create user lists in Contact.
Indicates whether or not user can edit approval plan template.
Indicates whether or not user can export ilm:Lead.
Indicates whether or not user can export Opportunities.
Indicates whether or not the user can generate import definition.
Indicates whether or not the current Principal can grant Debug privileges to a user.
Indicates whether the user can view the Management dashboard view
Whether a user can manage Direct Query definitions
Used in the UI to disable the Entity Category selection menu-item.
Indicates whether the user can make/receive calls
Indicates whether the user can create/modify client-level KYCs.
Used in the UI to disable the Mail Merge Configuration selection menu-item.
Indicates whether the user can manage Opportunities
Indicates whether or not user can create/modify portfolios.
Indicates whether or not the user can manage Roadshows.
Indicates whether or not the user can manage security holdoings.
Used in the UI to disable the Manage User Field menu-item.
Indicates whether or not user can edit work queue tasks.
Indicates whether or not user can manage work queue item history.
Indicates whether or not user can create/modify/merge securities.
Indicates whether the user can manually set SLA attributes on service request
Indicates whether the user can access Birthday Mailer features
Indicates whether or not the user can perform manager or administrative Lead Management tasks.
Indicates whether or not the user can perform basic Lead Management tasks.
Indicates whether or not user can push a task to a work queue
Used in the UI to determine if the user can see legacy business processes.
Indicates whether or not user can set the active status of a Company
Indicates whether or not user can set the active status of a Household
Indicates whether or not user can set the active status of a Person
Indicates whether or not user can set the active status of a UserPerson
Indicates whether or not user can edit the owner field on a work queue task.
Indicates whether or not user can switch a task from one work queue to another.
Indicates whether or not user can view tasks and schedules of all users
Indicates whether or not user can view audit trails.
Whether a user can view Direct Query system reports
Indicates whether or not user can see notifications
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to categories.
Set to nothing, since abstract. InternalUser='U' ExternalUser='E'
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to coverage teams.
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to custom field types.
User's default email address.
Access bind on delete. Prevents deleting the current user.
For soft deletion.
User is a member of this set of Security Groups (for data visibility)
Collection of branches assigned to this user for data entitlements.
Collection of divisions assigned to this user for data entitlements.
Collection of rep codes assigned to this user for data entitlements.
Collection of subfirms assigned to this user for data entitlements. Limitation: Only 1 subfirm per user is supported.
Set of principals (usually just one) for the ACL security.
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to entity queries.
List of OIDs of entities that the current user can see. Only applies to ExternalUsers trying to query on Entity (or its subclasses), not InternalUsers.
When a user profile has been synchronized from an external system, this attribute indicates this system.
Document manager attachments that the user has favourited
Set of Taxonomies that the user frequently uses
A UserList implicitly created to hold the list of favourite users
User's first name
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to folder
Indicates whether the user has any personal or group emails. This might be out of sync with group mail box changes by Admin. Needs to be preceeded by a "client-read-instance" when invoked from client side.
Indicates whether the user is a member of at least one team. Used for UI visibility.
Image associated with the user
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to Ad Hoc reports.
Whether the ability for end users to copy error details to the clipboard if a client side scripting error is encountered in the rich web client is enabled or disabled.
Indicate whether a folder should be generated for this user on creation.
Whether a user is a Direct Query administrator
User's last name
Calculated attribute to be used for retrieving custom user locale, or default locale. When the attribute value is null a default Application locale will be used.
The last time the user was locked out for exceeding max login attempts.
User id used for login purposes. For example pmurray
The is the name from the principal. Since our concept of Principal is mapped to the Java Principal, the name must be unique and must match the login name as the Java Authentication and Security Principal's name is set to the login name.
Flag whether this user instance has not been created from an external system. Used as access attribute to prevent UI modification to Users synchronized from external systems.
Points to the collection of older passwords
Set of principals (usually just one) for the ACL security.
Password Object -- points to active password for this user
Points to the Person associated to this User. Overridden in InternalUser and ExternalUser appropriately.
Used to initialize the market cap currency. Driven by the user's preferred currency selection.
Primary Children for the current user
Primary Manager for the current user
Primary Working Group that the user is member of. Records can be shared within a primary working group by creating an ACL record to the primary working group. If a user is part of the group and has the particular permissions, they will be able to read, update and delete the record. An example is the Lead use case. An ACL record is created for the primary user group associated to the owner of the lead. Only users with a manager permission in the primary user group can read, update and delete the lead.
A set of the user object and all the groups and roles to which it belongs
User is a member of this set of privilege groups (for functional security)
Complete set of privileges
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to products.
Used for overriding read only. Actual scenarios TBD.
First checks if the current user is an InternalUser (if so, allows readable). If not, checks if the current user is an ExternalUser, and if so, checks if the user is the same as the logged in user. Otherwise, readable is set to false.
trigger to recalculate the User's ACL records
Number of remaining login attempts
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to reportdefinition folder
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to report layouts.
A set of principal OIDs for roadshow security
User is a member of this set of Security Groups (for data visibility)
True to skip rebuild all ACL for this object e.g. during SampleDataSeeder creation of users to not queue the user-level ACL rebuild to post server start, as the ACLs would have been set properly when creating objects (entity, act, opportunity)
External Key for use in SSO Scenarios
Status of the principal
User is a member of this set of Security Groups (for data visibility)
User is a member of this set of teams.
Subset of UserGroups added becasue they are default to the User's Template
special attribute to trigger a change of password object... should not be readable -- not persisted
trigger to recalculate the User's ACL and UserGroupLink records.
The list of user field types this user owns.
Uniquely identifies a user
A set of principals where the user has update permissions/privileges to user lists.
Authenticates a user. Locks out the user for lockout duration after User'MAX_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS number of consecutive failed login attempts.
boolean True if loginName/password combination is valid and user is not locked. False otherwise.
Deletes passwords that were created with old hash algorithms
updateUserPersonPreferredEmail : before
Update corresponding user person's preferred email when user's default address is updated.
createFolder : before
Creates a folder for new user
initPerson : before
Can't just pick an existing contact, so we will create one.
Creates a new OID set for the given configuration type.
Creates a list of entity OIDs that the current can see. Will always contain the user's associate Person. If the user has "HouseholdSecurable", then this will also contain the user's household, and household members.
Creates a new InternalUser given a login name
Creates a new OID set from the given userGroupLinks, valid options: skipSelf boolean, skipPublic boolean.
Creates a new privilege set from the given userGroupLinks
Used to deactivate a user
deactivateEntityCoverage : before
Set the status of all related EntityCoverage of the user to inactive
main : main
Prevent actual deletion of user, but rather set active status to 0.
removeUserGroupLinks : before
get rid of this user's user groups associations.
Returns the user's locale for specified application.
Retrieves the default locale name for the current user.
Gets the fully qualified login name depends on the configuration of SPNEGO.
Gets the cache key for a given loginName. Used for storing, retrieving, and invalidating a user from the global cache.
loginName string The user's loginName.
list The cache key for retrieving the user from the global cache
Returns the locale to which notification strings should be localized
Gets the cache key for a given oid. Used for caching an OID to loginName relationship in the global cache.
oid OID The User oid.
list The cache key.
A static method to get the system user on the unit of work
Retrieves and caches a user object with a given name.
userName string|instance The user name/loginName of the desired user. Overloaded to support retrieving details of instances from the cache.
User The requested user or null if not found or not visibile to the current user.
processInstanceArg : around
Process the userName argument in case of using an instance instead of a string. This will be used to access the cached user to load the user object rather than lazy loading all the attributes. A separate cache of OID to userName will be used.
INTERNAL METHOD. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE. TO BE CALLED ONLY BY UNIT TEST PLAYER. Grants the Debug, DebugAnyone, and DebugEval privileges to this user. Creates a group called "DebugGroup" with these privileges if it doesn't exist. If a group named "DebugGroup" does already exist, it is assumed to have those three debug privileges.
INTERNAL METHOD. NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE. TO BE CALLED ONLY BY UI TEST PLAYER. Grants the TestRun privilege to this user. Creates a group called "UITestGroup" with this privilege if it doesn't exist. If a group named "UITestGroup" does already exist, it is assumed to have the TestRun privilege.
Test the current user has all privileges, by name.
Invalidate's the app server's authentication cache.
Invalidates the user's cache.
Invalidates all user caches. Disables security for the query.
Returns the given string localized to the locale to which notification strings should be localized for the given user
Invoked on every execution of getUser.
Finds a user by name and provides it to getUser. Returning null cancels the login.
Used to reactivate a deleted user
Used to set the access attribute.
Rebuilds the privilege group links for this user based on the given collection of enterprise roles.
Rebuild the user's ACL and user group links based on UserEntitlement
Resets remaining login attempts count
A static method to set the system user on the unit of work
Synchronizes templateAssignedUserGroups with the defaultUserGroups of the user's template Called during update for a new User and when the template is changed. Also called by User Template if group synchronization is enabled.
Triggers the ACL to be rebuilt on commit
Used to recalculate the user's entitlements
invalidateCache : before
Since the user has been updated, the cache is no longer correct.
updatePassword : before
Updates the password hash and flushes the authentication cache - so jboss recognizes the new password
To make sure there is no duplicate log in names
main : main
checks for duplicate log in names
User Base Class - provides hierarchy model to allow USER - TYPE - SYSTEM rollup -- base for user and usertemplate
A collection of favorite lists and filters
A collection of instances of intersection class FavouriteSavedFilterRule indicating the list of favourite saved filters for this user.
Reverse mainly to maintain data integrity - should use the UserBaseOption'getOption to get values.
Stores the persisted choices for the option block for the user base.
Persisted boolean value of the option
Persisted string value of the option
Gets the option for the given type. Resolves to a single option.
Gets the option for the given type. Resolves to a single option.
Get the options of the given types. Resolves each option to a single option.
Get the options of the given types. Resolves each option to a single option.
Creates a where clause for the current user to include itself, the system template, and it's parent template.
Invalidates all affected users when an options is updated or deleted, asyncrounously.
Resolves a list of options of the same type to a single option based on the priority of the associated userBase where (user) is highest and SystemTemplate is lowest.
Intersection class between User and EntitlementTeam.
Command class for gathering user credentials.
The users' password.
Remote server URL.
The user login name.
Intersection class between User and EntitlementMarketArea.
User defined fields for contact. Used to store extension fields that the model does not support.
The person that this user field belongs to.
Boolean for UI to determine if a new user field type should be created.
The name of the user field shown on the UI.
Tooltip text used for the UI.
The description of the user defined field shown on the UI.
createUserFieldType : before
Checks whether a new user field type needs to be created.
Create's and returns a copy of this UserField
Create a new instance of User Field with value from the source, the source could be another instance of User Field or a transfer object representating a User Field.
User Defined Field Types. This class provides a list of quick picks to existing User Field names.
The name of this user field type
The user that created this user field type
Intersection between a UserPerson and a File
The file for the user to access
Calculated attribute used to display the file name. Used as the name attribute of this class
Flag to create a notification when the UserFile is created
User sharing the file
The user
sendNotification : after
Asynchronously send notification to the user of this UserFile instance.
Factory to create UserFile instance
Arbitrary Group of Users. Any group can be used for ONE or MORE of the following purposes: 1) Privilege Assignments 2) Group Securable Visibility Assignments 3) User Group Visibility
clause for assignment pickers
Group configured categories
Group configured coverage teams.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Group configured custom field types.
Default Permissions given to each new user.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE for new self-security. Initial value set from associated user group type.
Boolean of whether this group accepts emails to service request
Attribute used by UI to specify entity search context. Overrided value to force USR type.
Group configured folder.
Group email address.
Checks to see if the user has the appropriate admin privilege.
ICON: "16/users4"
Group configured Ad Hoc reports.
Groups used to Secure other Groups. i.e. this could determine the Groups that a user can add that are available to a user when selecting edit or view group security. It could also determine who can add members to specific groups. This MAY be shared with PrivilegeGroups (i.e. ROLE BASED).
Indicate whether a folder should be generated for this usergroup on creation.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE for new self-security.
Groups used to aggregate Privileges (Roles)
Groups used for Edit/View Data Visibility - Defaults to TRUE since this is the most common one.
Groups used to designate User Teams
Groups used for assignment.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE for new self-security.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Users that are a member of this primary group
Privileges associated with this group
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow for self view/edit security and admin override privilege.
Group configured Report Layouts.
For config groups, allows for default tabs, etc. e.g. Branch, Team, etc.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE to allow for self view/edit principal and admin override privilege.
Group configured user lists.
Users that are a member of this group
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE for new self-security. Initial value set from associated user group type.
createDefaultPermissions : before
Create the default user group permissions
Create's a user group with isPrivilegeUserGroup set to #t
Create's a user group with isSecurableUserGroup set to #t
Logic for deciding the initial UserGroupType
Returns true if the current user has the given permission
Returns true if the user (usr) has the given permission
Invalidates all the users in this group's caches to force them to be reloaded.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
Overridden from GROUP_SECURABLE.
filterByEntityListManagePermission : around
Remove calculated attribute 'hasEntityListManagePermission' from where clause; after the read, remove UserGroups without this permission and return filtered read.
Static attribute used to allow access to UserGroupLinks that are managedByTemplate when set to TEMPLATE_CHANGES
Allows subclassing for UserSubPartition.
Flag indicating this link was derivied by a User Template Default group being added to a member user. Used to restrict update access to these groups to the process that synchronizes a user's groups with their template's default groups
Acces bind for create/update/delete. Ties it to UserGroup updatable Enforces restriction to updating UserGroupLinks that are managedByTemplate via UPDATE_CONTEXT value.
Permissions for this User/UserGroup pair.
Localization of UserGroup caption and description.
Class holding the particular permissions a user has for a given group.
This is the link table between UserGroups and Privileges -- used by Privilege Groups (specialized User Groups)
Flag that indicates if privilege is granted or revoked -- true means granted, false means disallowed
Privilege, Part of multi-part PK
User Group Parent, part of multi-part PK
Search Context for securable and readable User Groups
Used to determine type of Search Context.
Used to determine type of Search Context.
UserGroup used in Where clause
Generates a unique search context instance
Gets a clause to return the given list. Accepts an instance or an OID.
Reads in all securable and assignable User Groups
Defines the type of user group, for example "Branch" "Team" ,etc.
Category group for all categories created for userGroups of this type
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
CustomFieldType group for all categories created for userGroups of this type
Used to store the default edit principal for this user group type.
Used to store the default edit security type for this user group type.
Used to store the default view principal for this user group type.
Used to store the default view security type for this user group type.
Used to indicate if a group type has been selected.
Determines whether this user group type is associated with any user groups.
Determines if default edit security is set to group.
Flag used to determine if type applies to privilege groups.
Flag used to determine if type applies to securable user groups.
Flag used to determine if type applies to user teams.
Flag used to determine if type applies to user lists.
Determines if default view security is set to group.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Reverse assocation to UserGroup
Validates that at least one user group type flag has been checked when creating a new user group type. Also, ensures that type flags are not updated after creation.
Localization of UserGroupType caption and description.
use object's updateable
Name of the privilege for super-user access.
Name of flag that checks if principal is in principal set.
Name of the privilege for creating privage types.
Name of the privilege for creating/editing public types.
Whether new members can be added to this list.
Association to configuration group. Overriden from
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Groups used for Edit/View Data Visibility - overridden to default to #f
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Updatable attribute used in where clause.
Create a user group with isUserList set to #t
Localization of UserList caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
Search Context for User Lists that are viewable by the User
Used to determine type of Search Context
Used to determine type of Search Context
UserList used in Where clause
Generates a unique search context instance
Gets a clause to return the given list. Accepts an instance or an OID.
Reads in all assignable User Lists
Threshold constant for clearing and snoozing alarms. The default constant is 500 and it can be customized through environment file by adding the following script: alarm.dismissall.threshold="500"
Symbol of the association attribute for the associatied instance (could be null)
List of association attributes copied between item and series associations
List of attributes that when dirty, requires markModifiedCollections to be called again. Currently used for alarms.
Metaclass of the corresponding series association (implementing class must specify it)
The string used to set the "Assign to" column label for entity participants. Used in Blackberry.
Overridden from the ATTENDEE_BASE aspect
Email to send meeting invites to if this participant is to be notified
Formatted email address of entity. Does not require visibility to entity.
fullNameParticipantList of entity for most purposes. Used for "for" field lists. Allows viewing without access to Entity.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
Returns true if this user participant's alarmLeadMinutes is different from the series.
Whether the entity of this participation is the current user.
Whether the entity was added through a distribution list.
Meeting notifications to be sent to this user
Flag specifying whether this user is a required participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization to decide whether the user is placed in the "required" or "optional" participant list ("to" or "cc" field) in Exchange.
Flag specifying whether this user is a resource participant of the meeting... This flag is used by Exchange synchronization, to decide whether the entity is placed in the "resource" participant list ("bcc" field) in Exchange.
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "Schedule" screen.
Formatted summary of the full name of the participant and the name of the work queue
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "My Tasks" lists.
main : main
Clear the alarm on the given UserParticipation (up)
Clears specified alarms. Expectes a list of UserParticipation':oid
Creates a UserParticipation for the given act for each user that is covered by the given entity. Currently used in the BlackBerry.
Factory used to create a UserParticipation instance on the given act for each member of the team.
checkLastDelete : before
Check if this is the last userParticipation to be deleted.
Overriden to customize audit logging.
boolean True to continue auditing the instance, false otherwise.
Extended to add ActView privilege.
Custom read event for Alarm Notifications.
Snoozes specified alarms for number of snoozeMinutes. Expectes a list of UserParticipation':oid
Virtual class to allow efficient UI binding to a collection of entity participants with navigation ability to entity.
reverse to act
overrident to subclass UserPerson
Gets the full name based on the heavy col and the current inst.
Storage of Local Passwords for users
Active flag -- only one per user should be true
Password hashing algorithm
Date Password was created
Date Password was inactivated
Password hash value
User for which the password applies
checkActive : before
Since create can be called again if something updates the an attribute like active, we need to have all update logic here.
Computes a secure hash of a given password
Checks if the hash of the supplied password with the current hash algorithm matches the stored password instance
Deletes passwords with old hash version.
updateInactiveDate : before
Keep track of when the password was marked inactive.
Contacts who are also users.
Custom operators
The research analyst type ResearchSubjects where this user person is the analyst.
Collection of entities & roles that are covered by this user.
Collection of opportunities & roles that are covered by this user.
Roadshows this user is working on
Default BusinessLine used in EntityCoverage
Default Region used in EntityCoverage
Overriden to disable delete event TODO: enable delete event under appropriate circumstances. For example, when the associated user is inactive
Collection of Microsoft Exchange folders, synchronized for this user.
Boolean to determine if the logged-in user has active call lists visible.
Boolean to determine if the logged-in user has active contact call lists visible.
Indicates whether this user person has a sync list
Returns true if this user person reports to the current user
Used for 'primary name' of all entities to support polymorphism in lists, ... i.e. Organizations use as their name so we can consistently query entities.
Display name of the user, synchronized from LDAP. It is used by Exchange sync to resolve meeting resources by their display names.
Reverse Assoc to campaigns where this user is the manager
Reverse of manager.
Flag whether this user person instance has not been created from an external system. Used as access attribute to prevent UI modification to UserPersons synchronized from external systems.
The collection of Leads that this User owns/is responsble for.
The collection of Business Processes that this User has started.
Direct Reports-to Manager
Collection of requested entity participations (for RoadshowMeeting only)
The ResearchSubjectOwners associated with this UserPerson
The roadshows in which this entity is an analyst
Roadshows the user has access to
Users that can see this user's schedule.
Calculated attribute to determine if the current user is a the owner for on behalf of meetings.
Users who are the owner of on behalf of meetings.
Calculated attribute to determine if the current user is a delegate.
Users who can send meeting invitations on behalf of this user.
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "Schedule" screen.
The schedules of other users open for viewing in the UI in the Schedule screen for the current user
This attribute is used as the where clause to the picker popup dialog for the ScheduleSearch form. It filters the entity list to include only those users that have shared calendars with the current user.
The schedule of the current user being displayed on other user's Schedule screen
Used in the where clause to include inactive users in the search results
Prints person's employment info.
Prints person's department and reports to.
Prints person's reports to.
Overridden to remove sub-heading from workspace caption
The sync list associated with this instance. It will only exist when this user has Exchange links.
Link to denorm of UserParticipation for "My Tasks" lists.
Collection of the user's task template default user participations.
The tasks of other users open for viewing in the UI in the Schedule screen for the current user
The tasks of the current user being displayed on other users' Schedule screen
Points to the Internal User for this person. Validation reset (to prevent the validation that Person required).
All UserFile instances for this user
Schedules this user can see.
updateUserDenormForAssignTo : before
Update any action items that have the name denormalized.
Returns the name format used in Usr participant lists
Does a full text search returning a singular active user or false in any other case
Updates the denormalized names on the Act. Called asynchronously when the entity's name is updated.
Generic interface to create and update user's preferences. Can store booleans, numbers, and strings plaintext as well as all serializable types. Storing objects requires subclassing and updating the class map. See UserFolderPreference.
Static flag to bypass readable when using get event
Value of the UserPreferenceEnum, stored as string to allow framework to support 2-part oid
Overridden to specify that a UserPreferenceManage privilege is required to create an instance of this class.
Overridden to specify that a UserPreferenceManage privilege is required to delete an instance of this class.
Overridden to specify that a UserPreferenceView privilege is required to read an instance of this class.
Overridden to specify that a UserPreferenceManage privilege is required to update an instance of this class.
Default Folder for the user
Locale in which the user will receive emails
Prefer this signature in all outgoing emails
Preferred country for the user. Currently used for phone number formatting.
Preferred currency for the user
Default Locale for the user
User's personalized email signature
Returns a list of formatted date and time strings based on the specified localization
Intersection class between User and EntitlementRepCode.
Class to bind to UI elements to display user personalized selection criteria list.
Intersection class between User and EntitlementSubFirm.
Represents a user's subscription to a notification for a component, event, and channel
The business component
Should a notification be sent on DesktopNotificationChannel
Should a notification be sent on EmailNotificationChannel
The event to which the rule applies
The loginName of the user. Used as a dummy attribute so that it can be used in the mapped where clause
User to which the rule applies
Helper function for reading values from SubscriptionEngineService
Function to write notify values to SubscriptionEngineService for desktop
Function to write notify values to SubscriptionEngineService for email
Function to write notify values to SubscriptionEngineService for email and desktop
User Templates - provides templated functionality for users. Currenlty mostly used for personalization.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Default set of user groups to assign to a user. These user groups are applied when a user is created or when a user changes his user type.
Flag that triggers the need to update member user's default Groups. used by UserGroupLink events to notify template of changes that need to be propagated
Override the fullName attribute with the caption value so it is displayed properly in lists of UserBase entities.
The initial enterprise role to assign when creating a user of this template type
Update member users groups when this template's default groups change
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Flag indicating that a request to synchronize member groups has been issued for this unit of work. Set by update event to ensure asynchronous action is not invoked multiple times.
Reverse association for userTemplate.
Pages through member users synchronizing their set of usergroups that are manged by the template with the current set of user groups of this template. Expected to be called asynchronously
Class that allows the Mail Merge Configuration in Admin.
The default email address for a user type.
The default email disclosure text for a user type.
The default email notes for a user type.
The user type the default mail merge configuration is created for.
Overridden to add the manage privilege
Overridden to add the manage privilege
Retrieves the default email address string configured for the login user's user template and returns the list of email addresses
Overridden to add view privilege
Overridden to add the manage privilege
Localization of UserTemplate caption and description.
Seed in new Entity Types.
This class provides a level of indirection between a portfolio and its holdings for the purpose of optimization. In particular, when a household only has one member (which is the case for the majority of households), each of their respective portfolios contain the exact same set of holdings. Rather than calculate valuations and performance numbers twice (one for each portfolio), we utilize the virtual portfolio and only do the calculations once (both the client and household reference the same virtual portfolio when the household only has one member).
Default division count used for calculating portfolio snapshots in parallelized batch.
The maximum Rate of Return value that will be displayed in reports (valid range is -99999 to 99999)
Default page size used for calculating portfolio snapshots in batch.
Rate of return error code when calculated values make no sense (e.g. less than -1).
Rate of return error code when portfolio has no holdings at the start of period. E.g a client opens an account on 1. February 2008. That client should have no performance for 2008Q1, since he had no holdings on January 1st. In this case, performance is set to ROR_NO_HOLDINGS and reporting does the right thing. The reason for this is that start market value cannot be 0, otherwise calculations break (since we divide with this value and division by 0 is not allowed).
Rate of return error code when the rate of return is not within the valid range of -99999 to 99999
Flag for setting the ROR of period as N/A when the End market value of the period is 0
Derived association based on the Portfolio association: used to get all related Portfolios of type AggregateAccountPortfolio related to this virtual portfolio.
Calculate and generate performance data when true.
Sum of active cash holdings from dealer or referred management type accounts.
Date when portfolio is closed.
Reverse association.
Reference to the latest portfolio snapshot.
Date when portfolio is opened.
Reverse association to a metaclass that supports the Portfolio Summary Report.
Aggregate sum of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings related to this virtual portfolio, where the account of the holding is a dealer management type.
Aggregate sum of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings related to this virtual portfolio, where the account of the holding is an external tracked management type.
Aggregate sum of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings related to this virtual portfolio, where the account of the holding is an internal tracked management type.
Aggregate sum of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings related to this virtual portfolio, where the account of the holding is a referred management type.
Reference to aggregate sums of ownership amounts on PortfolioHoldings related to this virtual portfolio, grouped by account management type.
The holdings that are held by the portfolio.
The valuation snapshots of the portfolio.
The portfolios that reference this virtual portfolio. Typically either one portfolio or the client and its household portfolio.
All the portfolio snapshot values are stored in this currency.
Date from which performance starts. Not always equal to openDate. Sometimes, managers will take some time to set up portfolio to their liking, before they want performance tracked on it.
Part of orchestration: breaks portfolios into pages. Acts as a driver for batchPeriodEndProcessingPage
Part of orchestration: given a colllection of periods, run performance-end processing on every element of that collection.
Return the total valuation of all holdings in the portfolio, that are considered to be "active" in accordance with the Portfolio Summary Report inclusion/exclusion rules, for the date (of type FinancialDate or timestamp) specified. The isNormalized flag is directly passed down to the getHoldingValue calls within. If it is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise no conversions are applied.
Create latest portfolio snapshot for all virtual portfolios in the system and calculate the valuations. A page size can optionally be supplied (otherwise the default page size, PAGE_SIZE, is used). This function is used in the nightly load process.
Create latest portfolio snapshot for all virtual portfolios in the given page.
Delete all historical snapshots for this virtual portfolio from 'fromDate' (inclusive) to 'toDate' (exclusive). This is called whenever there is a correction that affects this virtual portfolio, e.g., an account that is part of this virtual portfolio is deleted.
Return a VirtualPortfolio given a set of arguments. When a where clause is provided, generate a new portfolio (and virtual portfolio) comprised of the accounts resulting from the where clause. Calculate performance for this new portfolio up to the end date specified, and return the new virtual portfolio. When a where clause is not provided, simply return the virtual portfolio for the entity. When entity is not provided or entity does not have a portfolio, return null. Similarly, if the where clause retrieves no accounts, return null as well. On the other hand, if the where clause retrieves one account, the virtual portfolio of the account is returned instead. This function provides a common API for the reporting engine. Optional boolean argument to assemble report performance -- it is true by default.
Return the portfolio snapshot for the date (of type FinancialDate or timestamp) specified. Historical total valuations that include tracked accounts are not guaranteed to be correct. However, historical total valuations that do not include tracked accounts are valid. A portfolio snapshot for the latest financial date as at the date specified is always returned, i.e., if a snapshot doesn't exist, then one is created.
Return the total valuation of all holdings in the account management type specified in the portfolio for the date (of type FinancialDate or timestamp) specified. If isNormalized is true, the valuation is in the system base currency. Otherwise it is in the portfolio currency. If managementType is null, the total valuation of all holdings in the portfolio is returned. Historical total valuations that include tracked accounts are not guaranteed to be correct. However, historical total valuations that do not include tracked accounts are valid. The managementType argument can specified as an enumeration or a string value (it accepts string values arguments because it allows for easier usage in reports).
A wrapper event around the getPortfolioValue event, used for Jasper reporting (specifically, the Portfolio Summary Report). This event will return null if the specified date is not a valid FinancialDate in the system, rather than throw an error like the underlying event.
Part of orchestration: returns #t if today is the first of month and #f otherwise.
main : main
This static even is called nightly from the orchestration process. On first day of every month, we should run periodEnd performance or the previous month. So, return #t if first day of the month. Else, return #f. Assumptions: 1. Before this event is called, nightly processing is finished. This means that all the processing for last day is done.
Adjust the current portfolio value by the delta amount specified. This value represents the total valuation of all holdings in the account management type specified in the portfolio. The total portfolio value is returned.
Model for Work Queue, used for having Items assigned and Users having the ability to pull them and seem them to themselves.
Associated UI Component Name
Persist the number of active Work Queue Items
Work Queue to escalate to after a Item has been assigned to a User expires, null if the Item is sent back to the same Work Queue.
Enum for UI to display whether to escalate an expired assigned Item to a different Work Queue, or back to the same Work Queue.
Enum for UI to display whether an assigned Item should expire.
Summary string showing the time limit for assigned Items escalation
Enum to specify the unit of time entered by User for assignedItemTimeLimitValue.
A value used in conjunction with assignedItemTimeLimitUnit to specify the time an assigned Item should be deemed expired.
Calculates the number of seconds an assigned Item should timeout, used by workflow.
Context name for associated UIComponent
Longer text description for the Work Queue
Restricts access to security and rules
For displaying icon in UI
Enum for UI to display whether an assigned Item should be escalated.
Enum for UI to display whether the escalation option for an assigned Item involves escalating to a different Work Queue or back to the same Work Queue.
Enum for UI to determine behavior for pulling Items
Determine call List is Favourite
Enum for UI to display whether the security setting for pulling Items from Work Queue is not Public.
Enum for UI to display whether the security setting for adding Items to Work Queue is not Public.
Enum for UI to display whether an unassigned Item should be escalated.
Maximum number of incomplete Items can be assigned to one user from this Work Queue. 0 for unlimited.
Unique reference name for the queue.
Queue priority. Should be an integer with 4 as medium.
Priority schemes for instance of work queue
Determines whether User can pull Items in some way
Access bind for pullItem event
User or group allowed to pull arbitrary items from the queue.
Name of rule set that is invoked to determine if a work item can be pulled.
Enum for UI to display whether the security option for pulling Items from Work Queue is Public, Group or Individual.
Access bind for pullNext event
User or group allowed to pull next from queue.
User or group allowed to pullItem or pullNext
Access bind for push event
Enum for UI to display whether the security option for adding Items into Work Queue is Public, Group or Individual.
User or group allowed to add items to this queue.
Name of rule set that is invoked to determine if a work item can be pushed.
Determines how Items are selected when they are pulled from the Work Queue.
Formatted string used for UI to display the number of active Work Queue Items
Provide a centralized proxy for retrieving attributes of an UIComponent.
UI Component name for Item related object. Null if no related objects.
Work Queue to escalate to after an unassigned Item expires, null if the Item is sent back to the same Work Queue.
Enum for UI to display whether an unassigned Item should expire.
Summary string showing the time limit for unassigned Items escalation
Enum to specify the unit of time entered by User for unassignedItemTimeLimitValue.
A value used in conjunction with unassignedItemTimeLimitUnit to specify the time an unassigned Item should be deemed expired.
Calculates the number of seconds an unassigned Item should timeout, used by workflow.
Collection of active queue items
recheckValidationForUI : before
Throw compound validation so that the UI can place all error icons at once.
setValuesFromUI : before
Update persisted attributes based on UI combo selections
Calculate priority based on priority scheme
Static method interface to call pullItem.
Pulls the specified item from the queue.
Pulls the highest priority item from the queue.
Static method interface to call pullNext.
Method to assign a Item into a Work Queue with a default score of 0.
Method to assign a Item into a Work Queue with a provided score.
Event to recalculate the number of active Work Queue Items on the Work Queue. Calculation is done by increamenting/decrementing a counter based on the offset argument.
Returns true is work queues are available
Subclass for WorkQueues that deal with Leads or Entities.
Collection of classifications
This is a list of sectors and industries that an act has been classified with
This is a list of tickers an act has been classified with
Deletes the provided work queue. Used when deleting a call list from the UI in order to delete all the work queue items with escalated privileges.
Moves the provided work queue item to the target work queue.
Removes the provided work queue item from a work queue.
Model for Work Queue, used for having Items assigned and Users having the ability to pull them and seem them to themselves.
Keep track of Activity Plan Steps that have assigned this Work Queue, so they can be deleted when this instance is deleted.
For displaying icon in UI
Collection of inactive (completed) queue items
Collection of active queue items
Returns true is work queues are available
Intersection between WorkQueue and a related item.
Display value of time until escalation for assigned items
Context variable off of the WorkQueue
The time the WorkQueueItem is due.
String to allow "full text" style search from the UI.
True if delete has been called from an instance of a lead
Return instance of the related object with an oid. Used for context passing.
Used by UI to filter out assigned items
Whether the related object should be notified about changes to the WorkQueueItem.
True if the owner is not null.
Priority of the item. Normally proportional to the createTime to ensure FIFO.
Denorm of assign any principal, prevents users who are not allowed to assign themselves items from seeing any items.
Time the item was pulled (i.e. owned)
Time the item was pushed (i.e. created). Different from auditing since it is not dependent on the transaction time, but rather actual time the create request was called. Only set on commit.
Related Object to the WorkQueueItem
Used for calculating priority in score based priority schemes
Shown in UI for Item Properties.
Used in UI to show time left before escalation
Display value of time until escalation for unassigned items
User who owns the item.
Work queue the item is assigned to.
updatePullTime : before
Set pullTime if userPerson attribute is being set
Event to handle completion of related item. Deletes the work item and creates an item in the WorkItemHistory table.
initPriority : before
Loads the priority to ensure initializer is run on create, not delayed to commit.
initPushTime : before
Loads the pushTime attribute to insure its initializer is invoked at the time of creation.
Creates the WorkQueueItem asynchronously when the item is new
Creates a WorkQueueItem on the specified queue
Mimics a timeout in the WorkQueueItem escalation workflows.
Event to handle deferring of an item (i.e. Item is moved from one Work Queue to another). Deletes the work item and creates an item in the WorkItemHistory table.
Used by workflow to escalate an assigned item according to Work Queue's escalation rules.
Used by workflow to escalate an unassigned Item according to Work Queue's escalation rules.
Generates a string to display the remaining time before assigned escalation in a readable format
Generates a string to display the remaining time before unassigned escalation in a readable format
Pulls the current item for the current or selected user.
Event to recaculate the priority on a work queue item
Event to handle returning an Item back from being assigned to queued.
A WorkQueueItem meant to hold contactable entities. Currently includes Entities and Leads.
The time the WorkQueueItem is due.
The contact that is on the WorkQueue
Denormalized name of the contact
Related task. Used to know if a call has been started
Updates the end time of the specified work queue item
Generic access to acts from any uicomponent compatible instance.
Intersection between WorkQueue and an interaction. Currently only supporting Tasks.
The time the WorkQueueItem is due.
The interaction that is on the WorkQueue
Task driving the workflow
updateTaskUserParticipation : before
Update user participation in the associated task, based on the userPerson attribute
Event to handle completion of related item. Deletes the work item and creates an item in the WorkItemHistory table.
Event to handle deferring of an item (i.e. Item is moved from one Work Queue to another). Deletes the work item and creates an item in the WorkItemHistory table.
Overridden for UI to search task title
processFullTextSearch : before
Used to process full text search in UI
Pulls the current item for the current or selected user.
Event to handle returning an item back from being assigned to queued.
Holds the history of the WorkQueueItemInteraction
Time the item was completed/deferred.
Priority of the item. Normally proportional to the createTime to ensure FIFO.
Denorm of assign any principal, prevents users who are not allowed to assign themselves items from seeing any items.
Time the item was pulled (i.e. owned)
Time the item was pushed (i.e. created). Different from auditing since it is not dependent on the transaction time, but rather actual time the create request was called. Only set on commit.
Enum to specify whether the task was completed or deferred.
Task driving the workflow
User who owns the task.
Work queue the task is assigned to.
Generic access to acts from any uicomponent compatible instance.
Generic access to acts from any uicomponent compatible instance.
name of context variable that should be set in context and used for opening docked workspace.
string version of the oid.
target UI component
A class representing workschedule with working hours, weekends and holidays
Used by initDaysOfWeek to determine the initial work days. The lowest value is 1, which represents Sunday.
When this is set to #t the workschedule itself is ignored in calculations. date-add-hours is used instead.
Add a number of working days to a timestamp. Does not allow subtracting (days < 0)
Takes business time (in seconds). Returns a timestamp which is that much business time away
Returns the number of days between the datetime given and the next working day to occur, exclusive of the day of the timestamp given
Returns the DayOfWeek object corresponding to the datetime timestamp
Initializes the default daysOfWeek attribute.
Returns #f if there's no holiday for the given date, and something else otherwise
Returns whether or a not a given timestamp is a non-holiday business day.
Find the next business day for a given WorkScheduleDayOfWeek
Class represents a day of business week and its start and end times
Sunday is the first day of the week with day=1
The end time for the work day, specified in UTC.
The start time for the work day, specified in UTC.
Takes in a timestamp and sets its time part to the local end time
Takes in a timestamp and sets its time part to the local start time
Class represents a holiday within a workschedule
Extends fifo queue to implement a windowed model. Overrides getWindowStartTime.
The maximum allowable timeout that can be set on a WorkflowProcessQueue, in milliseconds. It is currently expressed as the timeout of the queue "ReportSystemQueue".
Average processing time (in seconds) of up to 25 of the most recently finished processes.
Overridden to add validation.
Usually only "Weekly" or null, which in this case represents "always active". This variable is never used directly: use instead the "recurWeekly" value
used for ui binds
Oldest wait + run time (in seconds) of the un-finished jobs in this queue.
Overridden to set default.
Determine if the queue is stopped, default to false
Holds whether the process queue will be run every week, or continuously running.
Overridden to include initializer.
Class to hold window pattern.
Timeout value applied to processes run via this queue (in milliseconds)
Sets the queueStopped status to start if it were stopped, and vise versa
rescheduleForQueueStopped : before
fire rescheduler immediately when queueStopped is changed.
updateRecurrenceRules : before
overrides the action in Recurrence_Pattern_Base_View. When the frequency is set to null, clear the pattern so that other events won't fire.
Overrides the privileges.
Computes the start time of the next execution window for this queue. If time is already within a valid execution window, returns a timestamp <= time. In actuality, the time returned is always the start of some timeWindow (i.e. a time before now if we are in a window, and a time in the future if the window is yet to come) NOTE: Need additional testing to make sure timezones are respected
The working copy of a report definition is the report definition that is always loaded into the Ad Hoc Reports UI for the currently logged in user.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Flag to determine whether to activate the buttons and preview tooltip in Ad Hoc Report Output
The string containing the user and the last run time
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Computes the header that is displayed on the Ad Hoc Report screen.
The name of the report that the working copy represents
Overriding attribute to specify an initializer, as instances of this class are created in the back-end and a sub type needs to be specified. Unlike ReportDefinition, where the user is forced to specify the sub type on the UI.
Overwritten updatable security to ensure that the user can do anything to his or her working report definition.
The user to which this working copy belongs
create working Ad Hoc report for a given user
main : main
create working Ad Hoc report for the currently logged in user
create working Ad Hoc report for the currently logged in user
Overwritten read event to return "my" working reportdefinition. If no record is returned, go create a new working pad.
main : main
Overwritten read event to return "my" working reportdefinition. If no record is returned, go create a new working pad.
Localization of ReportDefinition caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
Holds the attributes of an in-progress email from the NexJ Office Add-in. Never persisted and does not relate to any object in Contact
Vector of oids for "assign to" users collection
String of bcc email addresses, semi-colon delimited
String email body
Contact oid of the related campaign
String of cc email addresses, semi-colon delimited
Time and date email was "started", equivalent to act startTime
Vector of oids for "for" entities collection
Email address of sender
Email identifier for checking existence
Contact oid of the related opportunity
Priority in outlook: high, normal, low
String of email addresses, semi-colon delimited
Date and time email was sent
Contact oid of the related service request
Status of email: Sent or received
Subject line of email
String of names related to replyToEmails, semi-colon delimited
Exposes the metadata revision of the application through RPC, allowing the Office Add-In to self-configure its version.
Returns the revision number of the current metadata being run.
Simple helper class to asynchronously invoking methods on existing instances.
arguments to invoke on the object.
Instance on which to invoke the method.
Main class for data seeding. can be overridden in aspect extension classes to customize data.
Placeholder for class extension override.
Placeholder for class extension override.
The flow state answers
The CRM approval object instance
The CRM approval object id, persisted using persistence hook
The banner image file name
The flow bind model class
The detected conflicts on the flow. Conflicts consist of data conflicts (when related object is updated) and upgrade conflicts (when flow template is upgrade) after the flow has been started.
The iDSL Flow definition
The global properties on the flow
Whether the flow template has a document to print
Whether the flow is pending submission
Whether the flow is processed (approved and synced)
Whether the flow has been submitted
The central instance for the flow binding.
Current page name
The serialized flow state
Whether to show approval action on form
The flow state. Contains question answers and other runtime properties.
Status of the flow
The associated flow template
The updatable flag used to give the approver of the business process access to keep/discard conflicts.
User that owns the state
Approves the flow with a reason
Overridden to set privilege.
Create factory
Overridden to set privilege.
Invoked through RPC to perform server side calculations.
Identifies attribute conflicts with the related object model, the conflicts are stored on the flow state.
Internal: retrieves default related object
Returns latest state for the given flow/oid combination. For demo, returns one of the demo template flows.
getFlow invocation compatible with sysReader
Computes the flow state from persistence
Returns a new flow for the given flow/oid combination.
Prints the the flow using the template attachment.
Overridden to set privilege.
Approval Integration: rejects the flow with a reason
Rejects the flow with a reason
Reinitializes bound repeater answers from the model.
Saves the flow state answers to the database.
Internal: serializes and save the current state.
Submits the flow.
Syncs the flow state answers back to the model
Overridden to set privilege.
Updates the flow to the given version
Internal: Validates the flow before submission or approval. Returns error messages if any.
Validates the flow.
Overwrite to query for merge fields in Flow
Represents a custom enum value for OBJECT_AS_ENUM'getFlowEnumValues event
Returns all available enum values as a collection of transfer objects.
Command class for printing documents from flow
Print attachment
Flow with answers
Create Print Command class to bind to a form
Personalize the document based on flow information
Class to store name/value pair. Used to merge the answer to the document template
Merge field name
Merge field value
Proxy for merge engine to personalize documents for flow
Base CPM flow configuration class
The template iDSL definition
The persisted DSL
The persisted DSL type
Count of associated flows
The associated flows
Whether the template has a document to print
The flow template name
The associated pending flows
The associated print document id
The serialized iDSL
The template version number
Overridden to set privilege.
Create factory. Auto increments the version number.
Overridden to set privilege.
Retrieves a flow template by name for a given version. If version is not specified, returns latest version.
Retrieves the flow print document for the template.
Retrieves a collection of template names in the global map.
Overridden to set privilege.
Reads list of templates filtered by bind type.
Set print document on the template.
Overridden to set privilege.
Class for handling upgrades to flow configuration
The associated flow template
The upgrade transformation
The upgrade version number
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
The number of instances to process in one transaction
Called by timer
Service persisted class to map act templates from CRM to Call module.
Template types used by call center followups
Localized string for displaying the template
Localized caption for displaying class code
String representing the icon of the act
Unique name for the act template
A queued SysMessage that corresponds to the task of registering one business component. Used to register business components during server startup by invoking the SOA Subscription Service asynchronously.
The name of the queue that new instances of this class should be sent to
base time in milliseconds to delay before resending when receive failed
maximum time in milliseconds to delay before resending when receive failed
Name of the business component
Version of this registration configuration for the business component
nexj:soa:SubscriptionEngineService:1.0:type:Event collection of events this business component has
called when "receive" transaction unexpectedly rolls-back, or when recovering from system crash
called by receiver thread: process message. registers business component through SOA interface
Creates a SysMessage with the parameters passed in and sends it to a queue
This class keeps track of the current valid version of the configuration for a business component to register with the subscription engine
Name of the business component
A unique identifier for the version of configuration that is currently valid to register
A queued SysMessage that corresponds to the task of sending a message from one business event. Used to send message by invoking the SOA Subscription Service asynchronously. The task is invoked by the a method that creates an instance of this class and submits it to an object queue.
The queue that new instances of this class should be sent to
The BusinessComponentSubscriptionMessageCommand object associated with this message. Will be an instance before serialization and a transfer object after deserialization
called by receiver thread: process message. invokes Subscription Service through SOA interface
Creates a SysMessage with the parameters passed in and sends it to a queue
This class encapsulates the structure of the message data, to isolate the complexity of the data from the queuing.
collection of strings. Arguments to the body of the message
Any secondary business components of this message
Identifier of event
Object containing sender of the message.
Determines whether the subscription message should be queued asynchronously. Defaults to true
#t if message is read, #f otherwise.
A unique identifier of the message
The business component which sent the message
Parent business component (i.e. Conversation for a ConversationMessage)
The primary business component of this message
collection of transfer objects transfer object containing recipient data of users where this message is directed to
Time the message is sent
collection of strings. Arguments to the title of the message
A reason why an inbound call is generated.
Associated call script template
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Used for full text searching on UI
Collection of inbound calls
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
Localization for a Reason
Allows framework to differentiate subclasses since they are all stored in same table
The object that is being localized
Checks to see if the object is updatable or not
Inbound call this call script is associated with
The related flow
The template of this call script
setPrimaryCallScript : before
If this CallScript is the primaryCallScript of related inbound call, change the primaryCallScript of the inbound call to the next CallScript so that a CallScript will be selected when browser is refreshed.
Specifies whether this template is active
Call reasons associated with this template
Call scripts instantiated based on this template
Description of this template
Used for full text searching on UI
Opposite of active for event enablement
Unique name for this template
The related Flow Template
Activate template and associated flow template
Deactivate template and associated flow template.
Description of call script template
Name of call script template
Template to copy
Command class to handle export/import of Call Script Template.
Determines whether scheme export should be enabled
Name of the approval plan template imported from the dump file.
;options: "DUMP", "SCHEME"
Determines whether templates should be versioned on import
Overridden to add privilege
Exports an object to scheme
Overridden to define a more specific query
Overridden to add privilege
Overridden to add pre-processing
Validates the binary data from dump file before import. Processes the dump information and updates the processedDumpBinary, message and canImport attributes.
Record of each connected inbound call.
Call scripts belonging to this call
Time this call occurred
Caller who is confirmed to be on the phone
Entity Participant of the confirmed participant
Whether or not the inbound call has a confirmed participant on it.
Entity Participants of the on behalf of participants
Phone number provided by telephony system.
Call script related to reason
Reason for calling
Set to true if we want the instance soft deleted.
Workspace default caption
Workspace default icon
Associated task
Associates the same SR associated to the inbound call task to all of its follow up acts
Inbound Call that the transfer was from
Notes stored on the task
Reason for calling
Id of entity this call will be transferred to
Creates an instance of TransferCallCommand by reading the specific InboundCall id.
Transfers the call to the specific user.
Base class for using global TypeLocalization table for storing data driven type localizations.
Persistence initializer to seed UI Components
Last known state of each user's phone line.
Channel name used by messaging service to route call updates to the appropriate SOA interface.
Beacon update event name.
Business component name.
#t if the call beacon does not need to be flashing, #f otherwise. Updated on every commit of CallState by telephony software, and set to #t whenever user has disabled the flashing beacon from CRM.
Incoming phone number supplied by the telephony system.
Reason for calling
Status of the call.
The inbound call that has been transfered.
Call center agent receiving the call.
sendSubscriptionMessage : before
When call becomes connected, notify beacon to flash.
Static function called by CRM that returns #t if user has already answered the call, #f otherwise and beacon needs to be flashing.
Static function called by CRM when user clicks to dock a call. Toggles the call beacon from flashing to idle.
CM Trading account
Attribute to determine if the account has been decommissioned. If true, the account will show in the UI as a deleted account.
Dummy UI attribute to be modified in processWhere for account grid filter if cm:ParentAccountFilterEnum'get 'PARENT_ACCOUNT , checks this account is a parent. if cm:ParentAccountFilterEnum'get 'CHILD_ACCOUNT checks this account is a child
Sub account key from source system
Sub account name from source system
Calculated attribute to store the status commission status of the account.
Parent company
Boolean attribute to indicate if this account has sub-accounts
Dummy attribute to be modified in processWhere for account grid filter cm:MappedAccountFilterEnum'get 'MAPPED if this account is mapped to a company. cm:MappedAccountFilterEnum'get 'UNMAPPED otherwise
Set if the instance is new. Used to enable account name and key editing in UI
Updated from provider trade
Parent account from source system
Parent account key from source system
Parent account name from source system
Date of account processed in external system
Provider name
Trading Group
Classification sub-class for acts
The reverse association attribute for classifications. Set to either tickers or sectorIndustries, depending on the instance type of taxonomy.
Overriden for exposing on the UI Component
Overridden to set classCode
Overridden to set type and add persistence
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to prevent duplicate create/delete records
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Intersection class between cm:Taxonomy and ActionItemSeries
The series associated with this classification.
Command class for creating EntityCoverage instances for Taxonomy classes
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
The coverage role of the user in this entity coverage.
Last effective date of the Coverage
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Efective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
The taxonomy that the instance is covering.
The user assigned to the entity coverage.
Custom read to populate fake instance to bind to type-ahead picker in UI
A research subject that is associated with a specific user person (known as the analyst).
Helper attribute for computing if a AnalystResearchSubject's analyst is active
The analyst (and owner) of this research analyst research subject
Overridden to set class code
Overridden to take into account the analyst's active status
Overridden to initialize to the analyst's first and last name
Overridden to instead be the analyst
Overridden to set type enum value
Overridden to include the analyst's name
Optimized read of covered companies for analyst research subject
Batch command class to propagate company from cm:Account to its sub accounts.
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
Name of WorkflowProcessQueue used by this command class.
Enum type of the batch process.
Company to be rolled down.
This is a dynamic batch operation as accounts could be deleted or updated before the batch process is run
The actual metaclass resolved based on (
Send account company rolldown batch command to queue job
Returns the number of running processes requested by the current user that have not completed yet.
Batch operation on a page of roadshow:MeetingRequest
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
Coverage rolldown update for taxonomy entity hierarchy
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with update coverage
Batch Process Type is set to UPDATE_COVERAGE
Collection displayed in cm:TaxonomyCoverageCreate popup
Name of the batch command.
Root entity of each of the EntityCoverage objects created by this class.
Coverage of the parentCoverageEntity before the batch. Is used to detect deletions and updates.
Validate the required attributes and queue the batch job
Run the actual report for adding/updating/removing coverage for contacts.
Command class for the batch Adding/Removal of Subscriptions from a group of contacts.
The maximum number of contacts that this batch command supports.
Type of batch action we are making with subscriptions.
Batch Process Type.
Market cap currency
Maximum value in currency
Maximum market cap value multplier code, such as thousand, million, or billion
Minimum value in currency
Minimum market cap value multplier code, such as thousand, million, or billion
Name of the command.
If this batch operation is a add/remove region filter command, this attribute specifies which regions to apply the batch operation with.
Used to filter the category combo on the UI.
Research Subject to add or remove subscription from batch.
Returns warning text to show before generating subscriptions
This is the base class to represent the association between taxonomy and instances tagged with the taxonomy. Eg: Acts can be classified with Sectors and Company classifications, there will be an instance of this class for each association.
The classCode attribute
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified
The taxonomy that the object belongs to
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overriden to expose on UI Component
Overridden to set type
Overridden to set classCode
Primary security currency
When taxonomy is filtered based on contact preferences, contains an explanation
Calculated market cap based on a heaviest security
Human readable version of market cap
Overridden to set type
Primary security from the list of children securities
Primary security region
The sector of company
A display of tickers issued by the company
Summary string of the primary ticker
Formats the company string given a search token and a listing:
Format a list of tickers issued by the company
Checks if the company taxonomy does not satisfy parent taxonomy subscription filter
Searching companies should also search their listing names
A research subject that is associated with a specific taxonomy.
Helper attribute for computing if a coverage subject's coverage area is active
Overridden to set class code
The coverage research area
Overridden to use the coverage area's class caption
Overridden to take into account the coverage area's active status
Overridden to initialize to the coverageArea's name
Overridden to use the members of the coverage area's coverage team with role "Research Analyst"
UI display of the coverage area research subject's sector and industry in "sector / industry" format
Overridden to set type enum value
Overridden to check uniqueness of the coverage area
Overridden to set the parent when appropriate
Overridden to include the coverage area's name
Read event optimized to pre-load securities and listings
Overridden to set the parent when appropriate
Class for temporary objects which are displayed in TaxonomyCoverage
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
Defines the role being played.
Last effective date of the Coverage
Loaded EntityCoverage. Null if coverage was just created.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Efective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
User's contact record that covers this entity.
Copy of CoverageRolldownCommand with a different reverse. Is needed to recreate hash tables at the beginning of BatchCoverageRolldownCommand'run.
Business Line (e.g. Equity) related to the Coverage
Defines the role being played.
Last effective date of the Coverage
Loaded EntityCoverage. Null if coverage was just created.
Region (e.g. Asia, US) related to the Coverage
Efective date of the Coverage
Status (active/inactive) of this Coverage
User's contact record that covers this entity.
Command class used for launching the meeting request report
The report name.
The where clause of the current filtered list of roadshows.
main : main
Add new association by updating specified attribute in target where clause
main : main
Add new association by updating specified attribute in target where clause for multi legs
Used to recieve a where clause for compatibility with jasper reports.
An intersection class between EntityActiveTaskCommand and Taxonomy
Calculated name of the classification
The object that is being classified
The taxonomy that the object belongs to
Base for all intersections involving an entity and taxonomy
The Entity that has been tagged with the taxonomy
Command class used for launching the event feedback report
The entity that the repport will show requests for.
Roadshow event title
Company Logo
Publically accessible location for icons used in the report.
The report name.
report where clause for selecting events
The roadshow that the repport will show requests for.
The where clause of the current filtered list of roadshows.
Used to query for a collection of roadshow:RoadshowMeetingFeedback instances from an external report.
Delimited list of attendees. ; is the delimiter.
Used to sort the feedback item by parent startTime.
roadshow:Roadshow of the feedback item.
The text of the meeting feedback.
Serialized where clause passed to this class upon read.
Command class used for launching the Event List and Event List by Sector Report
Entity that the report will show requests for
End Date for the Roadshow, used in where clause for date range
Check if events need to be grouped by city
Check if events need to be grouped by domestic region
Order events by city if groupByCity is true
Order events by date
Order events by date if groupByRegion is true
The report name.
Append all the orderBy clauses
Where clause for selecting events
The roadshow that the repport will show requests for.
If the report is to run for one day, this is the day.
The where clause of the current filtered list of roadshows.
setWhere : before
Manipulates where clause based on filters used in UI
Report command object for Reports that don't need a where clause
Entity that the report will show requests for.
Where clause that the report will show requests for.
End Date for the Roadshow, used in where clause for date range
The Roadshow that the report will show requests for.
Day of Roadshow that the report will show requests for.
Start Date for the Roadshow, used in where clause for date range
The where clause of the current filtered list of roadshows.
setWhere : before
Manipulates Where clause based on UI filter
A supply of capital belonging to numerous investors that is used to collectively purchase securities while each investor retains ownership and control of his or her own shares.
Used in UI to enable the visibility of the Active/Inactive uiaction
Overridden to add default fund icon
Overridden to remove audit support.
Overridden to remove audit support.
The name of the Fund's parent Company.
Overridden to support audit.
Overriding the caption
Prints Fund's fund type and ticker symbol.
Prints Fund's status and tier.
Overridden to support audit.
Overridden to remove audit support.
Overridden to remove audit support.
Updates company denorm on fund's holdings.
Updates company denorm on fund's transactions.
Financial market industries Third-level hierarchy for taxonomy
Securities within an industry
Overridden to set classCode
Sector to which industry belongs
A miscelaneous research subject.
Overridden to set class code
Overridden to set type enum value
Region preference for batch subscription command classes. Holds the region preference and reference to corresponding batchSubscriptionUpdateCommand class.
Batch Command Class associated with this regionCommand
Region Enum value, indicates which region to apply batch commands for.
A research subject for Capital Markets. Represents a product that is covered by the Capital Markets client as a research topic to which contacts can subscribe for information.
Overridden to use isActive instead of active
Overridden to use isActive instead of active
The type caption
Overridden to set class code
The coverage research area's company
The coverage research area's industry
The coverage research area's sector
Some information regarding the research subject
The display caption
The type of document received regarding the research subject
True if the research subject can communicate through documents; false otherwise.
True if the research subject can communicate via email; false otherwise.
True if there are any Subscriptions with this as the taxonomy. False otherwise.
True if the research subject is to be displayed in the UI; false otherwise. Research analysts are not active if their analyst is inactive. Coverage Area subjects are not active if the the covered taxonomy is inactive.
True if the research subject is a research analyst type; false otherwise.
True if the research subject is a coverage area subject; false otherwise.
True if the research subject is NOT a research analyst; false otherwise.
True if the research subject is a subject other than coverage area, specialty, or analyst; false otherwise.
True if the research subject is a specialty or other subject; false otherwise.
True if the research subject is a specialty subject; false otherwise.
Overidden to add validation.
Association with UserPersonOwner for determining the owners for specialty and other research subjects.
All Subscriptions that have this Taxonomy as their taxonomy.
UI display of the communication methods the research subject uses, separated by semicolons.
UI display of the names of the research subject's owners (separated by semicolons).
The type of research subject
Duplicate name attribute (for enforcing uniqueness). Name is persisted in CMTaxonomy table, but we do not want to have uniqueness constraint there, so we need to denorm it and constrain it for uniqueness in CMResearchSubject table.
Duplicate parent attribute (for enforcing uniqueness). Parent is persisted in CMTaxonomy table, but we do not want to have uniqueness constraint there, so we need to denorm it and constrain it for uniqueness in CMResearchSubject table.
Overridden to add special validation
Overridden to set privilege
Called to create a research subject using a type
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Read event optimized to pre-load securities and listings
Overridden to set privilege
An intersection class for modelling a many-to-many relationship between specialty/other ResearchSubjects and the UserPersons that own them.
The (specialty or other) research subject being owned
The userPerson owning the research subject
The fullName (first name, then last name) of the userPerson owning the research subject
The icon associated with the userPerson owning the research subject
Used to support searching for research subjects by ticker, company, industry, or sector.
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size for processing search
Taxonomy name
Industry to search
Can be a name of Sector/Industry/Company or a ticker
Sector to search
Read research subjects
The base class for a revenue summary of a company/contact. Currency conversion is implemented under the assumption that the seeded values are in USD. Values in different base currencies are not supported. Locking is excluded because revenue summaries are read-only, and only added through data transformation. Note: Whenever any new data arrives through integration, it is assumed that all older records would be set to inactive and only the new records would be set to active by default as they are created. It is also assumed that regions without any revenue information would have their revenue set to 0.
The default currency used for revenue summaries. Set to USD. Revenue summaries are implemented with the assumption that the amounts will always be in USD.
The currency unit to use on the UI. Uses the preferred currency if currency conversion is enabled, otherwise uses the default currency (USD).
The company/contact that the revenue summary belongs to
The revenue summary for Africa
The revenue summary for Asia-Pacific
The revenue summary for Canada
The revenue summary for Europe
The total revenue summary across all regions
The revenue summary for UK
The revenue summary for US
Style for revenue summary for Africa
Style for revenue summary for Asia Pacific
Style for revenue summary for Canada
Style for revenue summary for Europe
Style for total revenue summary across all regions
Style for revenue summary for UK
Style for revenue summary for US
Formatted revenue summary for Africa
Formatted revenue summary for Asia Pacific
Formatted revenue summary for Canada
Formatted revenue summary for Europe
Formatted total revenue summary across all regions
Formatted revenue summary for UK
Formatted revenue summary for US
The type of the revenue summary
Returns "-" when amount is 0, otherwise returns the amount in currency format without sign. The currency amount is assumed to be in USD.
Returns "LabelRed" when amount is negative, empty string otherwise
Aggregate class for keeping track of the total amount of revenue the client generated from every region.
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size for processing search
The entity that this aggregated revenue summary belongs to
The total revenue generated from Africa
The total revenue generated from Asia Pacific
The total revenue generated from Canada
The total revenue generated from Europe
The total revenue generated globally
The total revenue generated from United Kingdom
The total revenue generated from United States
Style for revenue summary for Africa
Style for revenue summary for Asia Pacific
Style for revenue summary for Canada
Style for revenue summary for Europe
Style for global revenue summary
Style for revenue summary for United Kingdom
Style for revenue summary for United States
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from Africa. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from Asia Pacific. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from Canada. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from Europe. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
The formatted version of the global total reveneue
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from United Kingdom. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
The formatted revenue summary for total revenue generated from United States. It displays the total regional total as well as a regional/global value as a percentage.
A class that extends cm:RevenueSummary and shows only daily revenue summary. Note: It is expected that upon receiving new revenue summary data through integration, all older revenue summaries would be set to inactive.
A class that extends cm:RevenueSummary and shows only Year to date (YTD) revenue summary or last year summary. Note: It is expected that upon receiving new revenue summary data through integration, all older revenue summaries would be set to inactive.
The type of transaction date that this summary is for (YTD, Last Year)
Represents whether this summary is for calendar year or fiscal year
This class contains the aggregate for yearly revenue summaries.
The classCode of this RevenueSummaryAggregateYearly
Represents whether this summary aggregation is for YTD or Last Year
Represents whether this summary aggregation is for Facilitation, Hard Dollar, New Issue, or Trade Revenue
Represents whether this summary aggregation is for calendar year or fiscal year
Classification sub-class for roadshows
Overridden to set classCode
Overridden to set type and add persistence
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Represents Financial market sectors First-level hierarchy for Taxonomy
Industries within a sector
Overridden to set classCode
Transactions associated with this sector
A tradable financial asset (in the Capital Market world). Debt securities (bonds, debentures), equity securities (stocks), derivatives (futures, options, swaps, forwards). This class is a mid-level tier of the taxonomy class
The FilterRuleType associated with all of cm:Security's FilterRuleAttributes, FilterRuleSubjectAreas, and SavedFilterRules for (enhanced) filtering.
Max length of the preview text for notes.
Overridden to set type
The kind of security this is.
The classCode attribute
UI icon indicating whether the security has coverage.
UI tooltip to display when the user hovers over the coverage indicator icon. Blank if no icon.
The currency related to this Security. Used for marketCap
A combination of nine characters, both letters and numbers, which act as a sort of DNA for the security - uniquely identifying the company or issuer and the type of security.
Calculated attribute, the converted currency of security.
Entities holding this security TODO: Should this be security or security listing?
The exchange region of this security
True if this Security's notes are not blank. False otherwise.
The industry to which the security belongs
Collection of contacts and companies interested in this security
True if the security has users on its coverage team; false if the coverage team is empty
Used for determining if a security was created by a user using the app. This should be set to true if the security was created through integration.
Used in enhanced filtering to be consistent with holdings being marked as manual in the UI.
The inverse of isPrimary
Whether this is the primary security of a company
A code that uniquely identifies a specific securities issue. The organization that allocates ISINs in any particular country is the country's respective National Numbering Agency (NNA). ISINs are 12 characters long.
The time at which the security was issued.
Company that issued the security
The issuer region of this security
The country of this security's issuer.
The listings of this security in the markets
The security's market cap
The relative size of the security's market cap.
The name of the security.
Additional information about the security.
Overridden to set type
The text to display when giving a preview of the notes.
The primary listing of the security
The ticker of the security's primary listing.
A unique identification code, consisting of seven alphanumeric characters, that is assigned to all securities trading on the London Stock Exchange and on other smaller exchanges in the United Kingdom.
The total shares outstanding for the security.
Whether this security is having active or inactive or de-listed status
The date at which this security stopped being issued.
Market cap summary string
Primary listing summary string
UI display of both the sector name and industry name.
Overridden to set parent to the industry for quick load
Transactions associated with this security
Whether this security is publicly or privately traded.
The attributes of cm:Security that can be used in enhanced filtering along with the captions to use and comparison operators supported.
The contexts on cm:Security on which you can do enhanced filtering as well as which attributes each context supports performing comparisons on.
The filter rule types associated with (enhanced) filtering on this class. It is common for only one filter rule type to be defined in this event.
The saved filters that the user can quickly perform in the UI without opening the enhanced filter window.
Merge two securities together.
Copies attribute from this to target if null (or blank in the case of strings) in target.
returns list of attributes to load on source entity for merge
returns list of attributes to load on target entity for merge
Merge current security with a target security.
marketCapConversion : before
Convert marketcap value to use user's currency selected currency
Invoked to set the current security as primary security of the company
Update the issuer on holdings
A list of securities that a given entity (most likely an institutional client) owns. Sortable indexes for this object: value (default sort order) - value, owner name security name - security name, value, owner sector - sector (alpha), value, owner
Filter type to which the Filter Rule Attributes on this class belong
The aggregated security holdings.
Calculated value that converts to the user's preferred currency.
Calculated value that converts to the user's preferred currency.
UI icon indicating whether the holdings' security has coverage.
UI tooltip to display when the user hovers over the coverage indicator icon. Blank if no icon.
Currency that the security holding is in
Calculated attribute to show the display name for a holding type
Used to display the original value, showing different formats depending on the whether currency conversion is being used.
Used to display the original value changed, showing different formats depending on the whether currency conversion is being used.
Calculated attribute, the converted currency of holdings.
Also known as owner
Calculated attribute for the holding type of this security holding
The industry of the security holding
The name of the security holding's industry
Denormed ordinal based on industry name
Used for determining if a security holding was created by a user using the app. This should be set to true if the security holding was created through integration.
True if the position is new to the owner's portfolio since the prior report date.
A helper attribute to be replaced in processWhere.
Used in enhanced filtering to be consistent with holdings being marked as manual in the UI.
Denorm: Company that issued the security
Calculated attributed based on the Security's issuingCountry.
Date of prior shares reported.
Reporting source of prior shares held.
UI icon indicating whether the security holding was created manually. Blank if the security holding was imported.
UI tooltip to display when the user hovers over the manual icon. Blank if not manual.
Indicates whether position is new to the owner's portfolio since the prior report date. New positions are indicated by the value 'Y' and the value 'N' indicates the position is not new.
The shares held represented as a percentage of the issue's total shares outstanding. The value of this column CAN be blank due to several factors even when the Shares Held (quantity) in the record is non-zero.
Date of shares reported.
The sector of the security holding
The name of the security holding's sector
Denormed ordinal based on sector name
The security this holding owns.
The name of this security holding's security
Denormed ordinal based on security name
Number of shares changed between report date and prior report date.
Style used for the sharesChanged column. If sharesChanged is negative, value is displayed in red.
Number of shares held as of the report date.
Reporting source of shares held.
Returns a fund, if entity is a fund, otherwise null.
Returns an institution, if entity is an institution or child of an institution, otherwise null.
UI display of both the sector name and industry name.
The name of the security holding's security ticker symbol
Denormed ordinal based on ticker name
The dollar amount this holding is worth (based on currency).
Dollar value of shares changed.
Style used for the valueChanged column. If valueChanged is negative, value is displayed in red.
Style used for the value column. If value is negative, value is displayed in red.
Updates ordinals for a page of SecurityHolding instances, maximum page size is 200 000.
main : main
Set new ordinal for each SecurityHolding in page
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Attributes for this class. The name of the sub-messages are what are referred to by the definitions returned in FILTERRULE_SEED_SUBJECTAREAS.getFilterRuleSubjectAreas.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Subject Areas for this class.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Types for this class.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the SavedFilterRules for this class at system level.
otherHoldingType : before
Replaces null holding type with other
Aggregate of Security Holdings
Filter type to which the Filter Rule Attributes on this class belong
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size for processing search
UI icon indicating whether the holdings' security has coverage.
UI tooltip to display when the user hovers over the coverage indicator icon. Blank if no icon.
Calculated attribute to show the display name for a holding type
Also known as owner
The holdings used in the aggregate.
The industry of the security holding
Denorm of industry name from the related industry. Used for sorting and filtering purposes.
Indicates whether position is new to the owner's portfolio since the prior report date. New positions are indicated by the value 'Y' and the value 'N' indicates the position is not new.
The shares held represented as a percentage of the issue's total shares outstanding. The value of this column CAN be blank due to several factors even when the Shares Held (quantity) in the record is non-zero.
The sector of the security holding
Denorm of sector name from the related sector. Used for sorting and filtering purposes.
The security this holding owns.
Denorm of security name from the related security. Used for sorting and filtering purposes.
Number of shares changed between report date and prior report date.
Style used for the sharesChanged column. If sharesChanged is negative, value is displayed in red.
Number of shares held as of the report date.
The dollar amount this holding is worth (based on currency).
Dollar value of shares changed.
Style used for the valueChanged column. If valueChanged is negative, value is displayed in red.
Style used for the value column. If value is negative, value is displayed in red.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Attributes for this class. The name of the sub-messages are what are referred to by the definitions returned in FILTERRULE_SEED_SUBJECTAREAS.getFilterRuleSubjectAreas.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Subject Areas for this class.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the Filter Rule Types for this class.
Returns a message containing sub-messages that define all the SavedFilterRules for this class at system level.
Aggregation class for cm:SecurityHoldings
Attribute to do aggregation over.
Currency value of the security holding.
Values to filter in aggregation.
Attribute to hold security holding type.
Attribute to hold aggregation's description.
Attribute to hold aggregation's style.
Attribute to hold aggregation's tooltip.
Attribute to hold aggregation's value.
Attribute to hold aggregation's where clause.
Aggregate Security Holdings by Security class, and then aggregate to class type.
Aggregation class for cm:SecurityHoldings
Attribute to do aggregation over.
Currency value of the security holding.
Values to filter in aggregation.
Attribute to hold security holding type.
Attribute to hold aggregation's description.
Attribute to hold aggregation's style.
Attribute to hold aggregation's tooltip.
Attribute to hold aggregation's value.
Attribute to hold aggregation's where clause.
Aggregate Security Holdings by Security class, and then aggregate to class type.
Listing of a security in a market. Represents individual tickers per exchange. Represents the leaf level taxonomy layer.
Whether the instance is not primary and the current user has the privileges to change it
The classCode attribute
The parent company for the listing
The description of the security listing
The market where this security is traded
Whether this is the primary listing of a security
The inverse of isPrimary
Overridden to set type
The price of the security
Returns an icon if this is the primary listing
Returns a tooltip string if this is the primary listing
Inherited from Security.
The security associated with this listing
Overridden to set parent field for taxonomy
The symbol of the security
Transactions associated with this listing
Inherited from Security.
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Invoked to set the current listing as primary listing of the security
Command class for merging securities.
Configuration for list of detail attributes to merge
Boolean to indicate whether or not to keep the source Security after the merge
Collection of matched listings to merge
True if the source's holdings are to be merged
Collection of merge primitives
Collection of merge primitives that do not match between source and target
Source Security
Target Security
Transient class use for merging Listing
For grouping purposes. By source or target.
Take primitive from source
Reference to Security Listing
Transient class use for merging security attributes
Take primitive from source
Take primitive from target
Toggles visibility for the checkboxes for selecting source or target. False when source and target are identical.
Attribute label
Source value used for display
Attribute symbol
Target value used for display
A research subject associated with a specific topic.
Overridden to set class code
Overridden to set type enum value
The currency of the stock exchange
The name of the stock exchange
The region of the stock exchange
The country of the stock exchange
Retrieves a stock exchange instance
Used to represent a list of securities that a contact or company is interested in.
Associated entity
List this StockInterest is a part of
Associated security
The name of security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Used to represent a list of securities that a contact or company is interested in.
Associated entity
Whether the list is empty
Name of the list
Stock interests this list contains
Overridden to add validation and security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
A subscription to a taxonomy
Used to initialize the market cap currency. Driven by the user's preferred currency selection.
Audit summary string
Overridden to set class code
Summary string for supported communication methods on this subscription
Collection of exclusions in children taxonomy
Subscription filter summary including regions and market cap
Calculated full display name of the subscription record. Denormed and persistence for performance
The collection of exclusions is not empty
True when either region or market cap filter specified. Applicable for coverage research subscriptions to filter out companies
Indicates whether a sector applies to the coverage research subject subscription
True if market cap filter specified
True if region preference filter specified
True if the coverage research subscription has a resolvable sector
Denormed sector of coverage subscription
Flag for determining if a subscription should be shown in the UI
Indicates whether the subscription is to an analyst research subject
Indicates whether the subscription is to a coverage research subject
Indicates whether the subscription is to an other research subject
Indicates whether the subscription is to an specialty research subject
Determines whether the current subscription indicates interest/disinterest
True if subscribed to sector, or industry
Market cap currency
Maximum value in currency
Actual maximum value of market cap taking into account multiplier
Maximum market cap value multplier code, such as thousand, million, or billion
Minimum value in currency
Actual minimum value of market cap taking into account multiplier
Minimum market cap value multplier code, such as thousand, million, or billion
Market cap filter summary
Coverage research subscription region preferences
Summary of region preferences, the persisted is added to it for audit purposes.
Derived sector from coverage subscriptions
Indicates subscription to email notification
Indicates subscription to document notification
Indicates subscription to voice/telephony notification
Subscription icon
Subscription icon
Overridden to add reverse
Overriden to add filter validation
Overridden to add privilege
Deletes contact subscriptions which fall outside of region and market cap filter
Generates a subscription specific where clause taking inheritance into account for searching on Entities
deleteFilteredSubscriptions : before
Iterate over all contact subscriptions and delete those which no longer satisfy parent subscription filter
Method to run validateMarketCap and return message containing any validation errors to UI
main : main
Call validateMarketCap, parse any validation errors into a message and return
Helper class for taxonomy type ahead picker
Constant OID for identifying manage subscription type-ahead instance
Constant OID for identifying quick subscribe type-ahead instance
The name of the subscription
The taxonomy to subscribe to
Reads an instance to display in Manage Subscriptions
Reads an instance to display in Quick Subscribe
Subscribes to taxonomy previously not subscribed explicitly nor emplicilty
Unsubscribes from an entity
Removes all subscriptions for entity
Region preference for subscription. Intersection between region and subscription
Region value
Containing subscription
Base class for all Taxonomy. Taxonomies are objects that can be tagged against other global items such as Super Action Items and Entities. There are multiple types of classification hierarchies that are grouped together. There is a strict single-parent association from lower level taxonomy levels.
Size used to determine method of propagation to related collections
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
The maximum number of levels of the hierarchy
Page size for processing search
Overriden to expose on UI Component
Taxonomy icon calculated with context, such as contact subscription status
Fully formatted name including parent hierarchy
Child taxonomies of the current level
Class name
Class code attribute
Collection of classifications that this taxonomy is used for
Whether ordinals should be generated for the taxonomy object
Entity wrapper around taxonomy
The searchable name of the classification
Used to search taxonomies by name or CompanyTaxonomies by ticker.
Ordinal based on name, valie for Security, Industry, Sector, Ticker
The parent taxonomy level
Computes the parent full name
Reference to research subject linked to the taxonomy
A summary of the taxonomy
A short summary of the taxonomy
Association to the hierarchy from this object. Defaulted to the current classification
Default behaviour is to use the class's name attribute when left null. The searchable name attribute. Set value to override use of the class's name attribute when creating taxonomy. Only used in cm:Taxonomy sub-classes.
Leave null to siginify that there is no parent taxonomy layer inferrable from the current classification. When set, in the case that the parent attribute differs from the cm:Taxonomy::parent, it will be loaded on create/update for earlier access and later persisted. Override to set the parent attribute of the taxonomy layer.
Set of users that have favourited this Taxonomy
Overridden to set parent, name and privilege
Overridden to set privilege
Finds explicit or implict subscription instance for this taxonomy. Returns #f if not found
Formats the display name of the taxonomy instance given a match context
Formats the display name of the taxonomy instance without the company string given a match context
Allows ability to read an instance of Taxonomy using the name or oid
Computes the parent name of a given taxonomy
Modify the where clause before it is passed to the read event
Overridden to set privilege
Read sectors and industries
Read a list of securities
Read tickers and companies and resolve tickers to companies
Read tickers given a where clause
Read a list of tags
Read tickers and companies and resolve tickers to companies
Read tickers given a where clause
Read tickers and companies and resolve tickers to companies
Overridden to set parent, name and privilege
Denorm the taxonomy ordinals onto holdings
Financial market transaction
The FilterRuleType associated with all of cm:Transaction's FilterRuleAttributes, FilterRuleSubjectAreas, and SavedFilterRules for (enhanced) filtering.
The currency used for grossCommission
The preferred currency of the logged in user.
Account assoicated to this transaction
The name of the account associated to this transaction
Whether this transaction was a buy or a sell
The securityPrice multiplied by the securityCount, giving the total amount for this transaction.
The currency this transaction was completed in
The financial line of business associated with this transaction
A simple string that indicates if this transaction isCancelled or not
The commission earned by this transaction
The currency of the commission from this transaction
UI attribute for displaying the company associated with the chosen ticker
The amount converted to the user's preferred currency.
The commission converted to the user's preferred currency.
UI icon indicating whether the transaction's security has coverage.
UI tooltip to display when the user hovers over the coverage indicator icon. Blank if no icon.
The transaction's entity's role in the transaction's deal
The motivation for this transaction taking place (whether it was from an IPO, private placement, etc...)
A simple string that indicates if this transaction isDeleted or not
The financial department in which this transaction took place
A brief description of this transaction
The amount displayed in the UI.
The base amount displayed in the UI.
The base commission displayed in the UI.
The commission displayed in the UI.
The currency displayed in the UI
The gross commission displayed in the UI
The security price displayed in the UI.
A simple string that indicates if this transaction isDoneAway or not
Either a Fund or an Organization
The kind of execution capacity that this transaction is subject to
The financial date closest to the transaction date, set in the create and update events
It is for Date range filters on UI
The commission of this transaction before taxes
True if this transaction is cancelled; False otherwise
True if this transaction was deleted (and we still want to see it in the UI); False otherwise
True if this transaction is done away; False otherwise
True if this transaction involves shortselling the security; False otherwise
The listing this transaction is related to
The amount of this transaction converted into BASE_CURRENCY
The commission of this transaction converted into BASE_CURRENCY
The orgination region of the transaction
The date when this transaction started being processed
The name of the party that provided the data regarding this transaction
An identifier derived from this transaction's provider
An identifier derived from this transaction's provider and the traded security
An identifier derived from this transaction's provider
The sector associated with this transaction
The security associated with this transaction
The number of securities involved in the transaction
The name of this transaction's security
The average price of a security in the transaction
The ticker for the transaction's security
The date at which this transaction finished being processed
A simple string that indicates if this transaction isShortSale or not
Returns an institution, if entity is an institution or child of an institution, otherwise null.
UI string displayed in the dashboard for this transaction
It is for Date range filters on UI
The number of trades executed in this transaction. You may not be able to buy all shares at one price and from one vendor when buying a large number of shares.
The region where the trades associated with this transaction were executed
The side of the trade
The name of the trading agent associated with this transaction
The trading group for this transaction
The date this transaction was executed
The type of transaction
Recalculates the normalized amount/commission when an exchange rate is modified.
Calculates the commission total off the base commission and sets it to the associated entity.
The attributes of cm:Transaction that can be used in enhanced filtering along with the captions to use and comparison operators supported.
The contexts on cm:Transaction on which you can do enhanced filtering as well as which attributes each context supports performing comparisons on.
The filter rule types associated with (enhanced) filtering on this class. It is common for only one filter rule type to be defined in this event.
The saved filters that the user can quickly perform in the UI without opening the enhanced filter window.
processOrderBy : before
Process order by to make 'Institution name' as the secondary sorting always on Transaction Table
setNormAmount : before
Calculate the normalized amount using exchange rates on the day of the transaction. Only when the normalized amount has not been provided by seed data.
setNormCommission : before
Calculate the normalized commission using exchange rates on the day of the transaction. Only when the normalized commission has not been provided by seed data.
Aggregate of transactions
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size for processing search
The user preferred currency.
Whether this transaction was a buy or a sell
An aggregation of all securities purchased multiplied by their average value
The currency this transaction was completed in
The commission generated by this ticker
The currency of the commission from this transaction
The amount converted to user preferred currency using the latest exchange rate.
The commission converted to user preferred currency using the latest exchange rate.
The amount displayed in the UI.
The base amount displayed in the UI.
The base commission displayed in the UI.
The commission displayed in the UI
The currency unit to use on the UI. Uses the preferred currency if currency conversion is enabled, otherwise uses the base currency.
The security price displayed in the UI.
The security involved in this transaction aggregate
The number of times this security was traded
The name of the security
The average price of the security
The ticker of the security
The date to start the aggregation from
The side of the trade
Aggregate of transactions by Issuer
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size for processing search
An aggregation of all securities purchased multiplied by their average value
The commission generated by this ticker
The company that issues the security.
The ticker of the security
The number of times this security was traded
The average price of the security
The date to start the aggregation from
Total number of trades.
Used to recieve a where clause for cm:Transaction
Static method to perform the aggregate query. Used instead of read.
Classification sub-class for WorkQueueContact
Overridden to set classCode
Overridden to set type and add persistence
Batch job to import direct queries from the project files
Import direct queries from the specified folder
Seed Batch Process
Run the batch process to import direct queries
Class to capture direct query definitions
CDAi view prefix
Allow only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, . (period), - (hyphen), _ (underscore), + (plus), ( ) (open and close parenthesis), and spaces. Pattern can not be empty string. Pattern can not start with period.
Determines whether to add the public acl to the ACL. Note: this is different from aclAddPublic because it allows update through UI and will not affect reports with isSystem true.
User-friendly caption of the query. Used for file name.
Longer description of the query
Flag indicating whether the query has any requests that are scheduled to run reports in the future
16px icon used in Reporting workspace grid
32px icon used on the Reporting workspace dashboard
Indicating whether the report is generated against CDAi
Indicates whether the report is a system report. This flag would be true for usage reports, data shape reports, etc.
Allowable parameters
Overridden to add Admin privilege check
Query requests runs for this query.
Mapping between query results and output format
Used in UI to search between system and non-system reports.
Overriden to prevent edits and deletes from occurring while there are future scheduled report runs
Overriden to use directQueryPrincipals collection rather than aclEntries because users can directly control access to the query.
Determines whether CDAi integration has been configured on this environment
ACLEntry for dq:DirectQuery
Class to store the mapping between the query attribute display and persistence
The query this attribute belongs to.
Base Class for Direct Query attributes.
Aggregate function [count, sum, max, min]
The aggregation functions that are valid for the given attribute, based on type
Whether this attribute can be aggregated
Caption for this attribute
The association path (list) for a collection attribute. This is used to prevent user from adding attributes from 2 separate collections.
Grouping for UI display
Whether the attribute is an aggregation
Whether the attribute is persisted to enable filtering and grouping
Represents the current instance of the report class. ie: this
Ordering of output fields
Controls which input to show
Attribute type class. For example, specific enumeration class.
Attribute association path for model queries
Returns a collection of aggregation functions that are valid based on the attribute type
Command class for executing pre-defined direct query
Export to CSV and return CSVFile instance. Does not create a notification/alarm.
Constructs the transfer object used by sendEmail
Return preview of the SQL and bind parameters for debugging purposes
Send an email to each share with user and all additional email addresses
Export to CSV and send to a list of users
Asynchronously export to CSV and send to a list of users
Proxy class to return a list of sendable file channels.
Caption of file channel
Class for processing and flushing retrieved model records to CSV file.
The csv file produced by the direct query execution.
The current cache of data rows that will be converted to csv format during the next flush.
Hashtable for output formatters.
The nexj.core.meta.integration message that will be used to transform the csvRows into csv format.
The current page of data. Used ensure that there is only a csv file header on the first page.
Add a row of data to csvRows. Performs post flattening of collections.
Clean up and flush any un-persisted data to the CSV file.
Accessor for the resulting CSVFile
Prepare for conversion to CSV. Create the integration message based on the direct query attributes.
Apply result mapping formatters and convert OIDs to string.
Main action to add a page of data to the resulting CSVFile.
Class for processing and flushing retrieved model records to JSON file.
Hashtable for output formatters.
The nexj.core.meta.integration. Message that will be used to transform the jsonRecords into json format.
The json file produced by the direct query execution.
The current cache of data records that will be converted to json format during the next flush.
The current page of data. TODO: Use this to keep opening brackets for first page.
Add a record of data to jsonRecords. Performs post flattening of collections.
Clean up and flush any un-persisted data to the JSON file.
Accessor for the resulting JSONFile
Prepare for conversion to JSON. Create the integration message based on the direct query attributes.
Apply result mapping formatters and convert OIDs to string.
Main action to add a page of data to the resulting JSONFile.
This class represents a generic item for the generic object filter picker in Direct Query.
Placeholder for picker
Read event for handling the generic filter picker
Base class for processing and flushing retrieved records to a result output.
Association paths used in the attribute list of the direct query.
Used for logging results formatting.
The number of rows to cache until flushing.
Indicates if the direct query is an aggregate query.
The direct query being executed.
The curent number of rows in the cache.
Output mappings used to map attributes to output column names.
Adds a record to the cache. Called for each row processed in the direct query engine.
Finalizer. Called last after all rows have been added via addRecord.
Accessor to the formatted result.
Initializer. Called first before any rows are processed.
Class to define filtering parameters for a direct query.
Serialized default value for the maximum value in a range. Null if the operator is not range
Serialized default value. If the operator is range, this is the minimum value
Overridden to set initializer.
Overridden to set required.
Overridden to set required.
Base Class for Direct Query parameter.
Attribute association path for model queries
Where clause to filter out and customize available selections for filters. "()" means to also ignore implicit where clauses (eg. don't append active checks)
For UI to treat this type as an enum.
Whether this parameter is editable by the user.
Whether this parameter is a relative date filter.
Whether this parameter must be provided by end user
Whether this parameter is shown to the user
Identifier for the parameter. Can be referenced in main query and subclauses via ${name} syntax.
For UI. Calculated where clause for object pickers.
The operator of this parameter
Operator caption for UI
The ordinal of this paramter when rendering on the UI.
Sub-operator for this parameter.
The parameter type. eg. "string" "text" "enum" "date" "timestamp" "boolean" "integer" "currency" "decimal" "double" "object"
Hint for type. Example, if type is enumeration, typeClass is the name of enumeration class
Unit of this operator (eg. time scale, currency, etc.)
Dropdown options
Stores expresion object values for dq:DirectQueryParameter.
Object Id for UI component instance. ;overridden to required
Base class for parameter object values.
Bind to picker on UI for objectId and valueCaption calculations
Object Id for UI component instance.
Serialized representation of object.
The string value for this object.
A caption for this instance, shown in UI.
ACL member for dq:DirectQuery
Name attribute
Used to help calculate MM picker uniqueness when selecting user person
setUserPersonPrincipal : before
Assign the principal when the selection type is UserPerson
Runs periodically to execute any reports scheduled with times that occur before the next batch job
5 minutes
Command class for the report builder wizard
List of classes to prevent directly picking from
UI bind for attribute search context
UI bind for attribute search
Report caption
Report description
Existing Direct Query for edit
Whether the report is an aggregate type
Whether the builder is for creating a new query (#t) or for editing existing query (#f)
Whether the builder is for editing an existing query
UI bind for searching subject area by caption
UI bind for searching subject area by type
Whether the user can see non-simple subject areas
Create a direct query object when the wizard completes
Generate a preview report based on wizard
Returns the column name to use for an attribute, based on if the group name should be added to the caption
Gets the MM picker screen name for the report builder filter.
Factory for editing direct query instance
Overridden to add access
Generic virtual class to allow the wizard UI to bind to a collection
Reverse for display attributes
Holds the exportId of a persisted DirectQueryAttribute
Icon for this attirbute.
Tooltip for the icon column
Overridden to set initializer.
Generic virtual parameter class to allow the wizard UI to bind to a collection
Value bind
Reverse for filter attributes
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind for the max timestamp value in a date range
Value bind
Return the list of available filter operators for the attribute
Stores expresion object values for dq:DirectQueryReportBuilderParameter.
Represents a request to run a dq:DirectQuery. Base class for instant runs and scheduled runs.
Indicates whether the object will generate future reports.
Semi colon delimited list of email addresses which to send an email.
Indicates if the current user has the privilege to email a report to non-users by adding non-constrained email addresses.
Indicates if the current user has the privilege to share a report via email.
Indicates if the current user has the privilege to set/change which file channel the report output is sent to. System reports cannot be saved to a file channel since they may contain privileged data.
Indicates if the current user has the privilege to set/change who the report output is shared with. System reports cannot be shared with other users since they may contain privileged data.
display name for the report output, can differ from the report definition
Integration channel to output the query result
Used in daily pattern to specify if recurrence repeats daily or every weekday
Date of the last occurrence in the series (no occurrences are generated after this date). Null when series does not have end date.
The way in which the recurrence ends
Recurrence frequency
This field is to allow the UI to set the default user for scheduled direct query requests.
A positive integer representing how often the recurrence rule repeats. The default value is "1", meaning every day for a DAILY rule, every week for a WEEKLY rule etc. INTERVAL in iCalendar.
Is this request being saved to a file channel
Is this request being shared with users other than the current user
Localized request failure message which is based on Notification locale.
Localized request message which is based on Notification locale.
The object holding the nextRun time of the schedule. Functions as an extension of this class.
Parameters for this request.
The link to the historical requests that were kicked off by a schedule
The dq:DirectQuery this request is based on.
The remaining number of reports this pattern should kick off when the recurrence end type is set to after x occurrences
Max number of rows to return
The user under whom the query will run
Indicates if the current user has the privilege to set/change the run as user. System reports cannot be run as another user since they will need to return privileged data
If the object was created as part of a schedule, this attribute will point to the pattern holder that generated the current request object
Indicates if an email should be sent to the shared users and additional email addresses on report execution.
Start of the schedule pattern
String to display the recurrence pattern in the UI
Time zone used for the calculations of the next occurrence. Should not be exposed to users.
Users who will receive the report output when channelName is not set
cleanup : before
Cleans up shared users if saving to file channel.
Adds initial user to the scheduled direct query request.
Creates a request from a given query.
Validate that the additional email addresses are valid.
Synchronously execute this request and returns the CSV file
Asynchronously execute this request and generate the csv file.
generateHistoryAndSchedule : before
When a report is started by a schedule, persist a historical record with the current parameter values and schedule the next run
Returns a string representation of the daily recurrence pattern.
Return timestamp of the first occurrence of this series on or after the given timestamp. NOTE: the time arg should always be (now) during executions. It is exposed to allow for better unit testing
Gets the MM picker screen name for the request filter.
Returns true if UI attributes related to recurrence pattern have changed
Schedule the report execution based on the recurrence pattern
Called from the UI to validate recurrence popup and throw an error for each invalid field
The filter parameter for the request.
Value bind
path to the nearest parent collection
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
True if (
For UI enablement
Placeholder for picker
Value bind
The stored value of the maximum value in a range parameter
The stored filter value of this parameter
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Value bind
Date picker unit bind
persistFilterValue : before
Calculate parameter
Factory method of instantiating a parameter based on query definition
dqParameter dq:DirectQueryParameter
Returns the value of the parameter based on the type
Stores expresion object values dq:DirectQueryRequestParameter.
The string representation of the object's OID. Overridden for requiredness.
Command class to create UserFile instances for a dq:DirectQuery
fullNameFirstLast of the user. Used specifically for pickers.
The request instance
The user
Class to store the mapping between the query result and the output format For instance, SQL column name -> CSV column name
Ordering of output fields
Name of the column in the output format (ex. CSV column header)
Type of data. Supports [Enumeration, TypeLocalization, Attribute, Date, Timestamp]
Additional hint for the formatter. For Timestamp and Date, this represents the timezone identifier. ex: "UTC" For Attribute, this represents the class and association path to retrieve the attribute. ex: "User person fullName" For TypeLocalization, this represents the class to retrieve the caption value. ex: "ActTemplateLocalization" For Enumeration, this represents the Enuermation class to retrieve the caption. ex: "ActStateEnum"
Type of output. Supports [CSV].
Name of the field from query result (ex. SQL column name)
Class to capture direct SQL query definitions
Name of the data source to execute query against
Query to be executed. May contain tokens for merging in subclauses
Sub-clauses that can be conditionally merged into the main query
Class for processing and flushing retrieved sql records to CSV file.
The csv file produced by the direct query execution.
The current cache of data rows that will be converted to csv format during the next flush.
The nexj.core.meta.integration message that will be used to transform the csvRows into csv format.
The current page of data. Used ensure that there is only a csv file header on the first page.
Add a record of data to csvRows.
Clean up and flush any un-persisted data to the CSV file.
Accessor for the resulting JSONFile
Prepare for conversion to CSV. Create the integration message based on the direct query attributes.
Main action to add a page of data to the resulting CSVFile.
Class for processing and flushing retrieved sql records to JSON file.
The nexj.core.meta.integration. Message that will be used to transform the jsonRecords into json format.
The json file produced by the direct query execution.
The current cache of data records that will be converted to json format during the next flush.
The current page of data. TODO: Use this to keep opening brackets for first page.
Add a record of data to jsonRecords.
Clean up and flush any un-persisted data to the JSON file.
Accessor for the resulting JSONFile
Prepare for conversion to JSON. Create the integration message based on the direct query attributes.
Main action to add a page of data to the resulting JSONFile.
Class to store SQL subclause definitions
Identifier for subclause. Can be referenced in main query via ${name} syntax
Name of the dependent parameter. For boolean parameter, value must be true for subclause to be injected.
Query string of the subclause. This will be merged into the main query.
Extension class for dq:DirectQueryRequest. Used to optimize database reads for reports to be run during batch job execution, can be removed when framework supports auto-deletion of null records in extension tables.
The report execution request
The approximate time that the report should execute
Class representing a user defined subject area.
Available attributes for this subject area
The caption of the subject area
The class of this subject area
The icon path of this subject area
Indicating whether this subject area is defined for CDAi
The reference name for this subject area
The type classification of this subject area
The where clause of this subject area
Exports a subject area to JSON.
Imports subject area from a SeedDataManager instance
seedDataManager SeedDataManager
Import subject area JSON files from the metadata
Class representing an attribute of a direct query subject area.
Allow aggregating
Caption for this attribute
Association path to the attribute for filtering. Intended to be used if the value path is not filterable by default For instance, display a summary string of For contacts, but filter on the contact association path
Optional where clause to restrict the filter for object/enum pickers
Grouping for UI display
The ordinal of this attribute
The subject area this attribute belongs to
Optional value to override type inference
Association path to the value
Proxy class to retrieve attributes of persisted or derived subject areas
Allow filtering
Overriden to set required.
Association path used when filtering
Type of the filterPath attribute
Type class of the filterPath attribute
Optional where clause to restrict the filter for object/enum pickers
Overriden to set required.
For attribute list filtering. Search by attribute search context (FILTER, AGGREGATE)
For attribute list filtering. Search by attribute name or grouping
The subject area this attribute belongs to
Service persisted read logic. Derive the list of attributes from CRM model
Service persisted read logic. Retrieve the list of attributes as defined in persisted subject areas
Proxy class to retrieve persisted or calculated subject areas
Available attributes for this subject area
The caption of the subject area
The class of this subject area
The icon path of this subject area
Indicating whether this subject area is defined for CDAi
The reference name for this subject area
The type classification of this subject area
The where clause of this subject area
Helper function for converting a CRM metaclass to a proxy transfer object
Helper function for converting a persisted subject area to a proxy transfer object
Find a compatible subject area given a query definition. Used for reopening the report builder for edit
Persistence initializer to seed UI Components for Direct Query
Artifacts used in the design and running of the SOA system. (Called Elements in the SOA Ontology from the Open Object Group) Used by designers/studio, business analysts, administrators...
A service-persisted class representing a Privilege Group associated with a User Registry Client Component.
The caption for this privilege group.
The component associated with this privilege group.
The name of this privilege group.
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Represents the logical concept of a system component that has associated versioned definitions and instances. Components are based on Artifact and are used in running the larger SOA system. Examples of component definitions and instances are services and portlets. Generally, NexJ components are consumed by a model server and executed or used as rules for the running system.
Abstract class that represents the a versioned definition of an enterprise component (e.g. services, portlets) that is registered in the system registry. Concrete examples include Service definitions and Portlet definitions. The component definition is associated with a single component, which defines the logical concept of the system component.
System attribute used to manage class hierachies.
The default instance of the component returned when a specific instance is not specified.
The fully-qualified name of this component.
Name of the Component definition e.g. nexj:soa:MatchService
Version of the component definition.
setComponent : before
Creates a new Component for this ComponentDefiniton if one doesn't already exist with this name, and if one already exists with that name, assigns this ComponentDefinition to the existing Component.
clearDefault : before
If this is the default, clear the association.
Represents an enterprise wide user role.
The users that are mapped to this role.
All the privilege groups across all components associated with this role.
A service-persisted class representing the assignment of an EnterpriseRole to a particular privilege group within the context of a UserRegistryClient component.
The denormalized caption for this privilege group.
The UserRegistryClient component associated with this assignment.
The denormalized name of this privilege group.
The privilege group associated with this assignment.
The enterprise role associated with this assignment.
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Mapping of Enterprise Roles and Users.
invalidateComponentUserCache : before
Perform this action only if the enterpriseUser has userGUID commited already
Represents a global user definition that is shared across components interacting with the User Registry
A list of all attributes
Indicates whether an Enterprise User is active
Enterprise User's alias
MM relationship to EnterpriseRole.
Enterprise User's first name
Name attribute.
Enterprise User's last name
Login name of the Enterprise User
External Key for use in SSO
Status of the Enterprise User
Enterprise User GUID to uniquely identify it
Deactivates an EnterpriseUser
Returns a list of component names implementing the UserRegistryClient interface
Reactivates an EnterpriseUser
Updates the user in the components
The portlet definition that is registered to the registry.
Comma separated list of subscribed context variables.
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Comma separated list of subscribed events.
The portlet group containing shared portlet configuration.
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
The URL of the portlet. Can be a relative URL if the portlet group's base URL is defined. Otherwise, it should be an absolute URL.
True to utilize HTTP GET requests to transfer data. Otherwise, data will be transfered through HTTP POST requests.
Optional URL that member portlet URL's will prepend.
Determine how the member portlet notifies the container that it is loaded. One of the following values: 0: To automically notify the portal container when the member portlet is loaded. Used for portlets that has no access to the Javascript portal API. 1: Allows the member portlet to manually notify the portal container that it is loaded. The portlet must use the Javascript portal API.
Determine the load ordering of the member portlets. One of the following values: 0: Member portlets loads sequentially. The portlets are queued in random order. Each portlet will wait for its turn to load until the previous portlet notifies the portal container that it has been loaded. 1: A member portlet is chosen at random to load synchronously. Once the portlet has notified the portal container that it is loaded, all other member portlets are loaded asynchronously. 2: All member portlets are loaded asynchronously.
A Login URL (may be relative to portlet group's base URL).
A Logout URL (may be relative to portlet group's base URL).
The unique name of the portlet group.
The timeout for a response on the login URL, in seconds.
True to utilize HTTP GET requests for login and logout URLs. Otherwise, data will be transfered through HTTP POST requests.
Localization of EnterpriseComponent caption.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
use object's updateable
An SOA Service that is regsitered in the system registry.
Gets the definition for the given service and version, creating one if it doesn't already exist.
Gets the definition for the given fully-qualified service name, creating one if it doesn't already exist.
The address for connecting to the service. The address is a string in binding-specific format. If the address is specified, then the binding must also be specified.
The authentication mode for connecting to the service. Currently "perimiter" or "basic".
The binding for connecting to the service. Currently supported = "trpc" and "local"
The password to use to log into the service, if using an authentication mode that requires a password.
The user to log into the service, if using an authentication mode that requires a user.
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
Base class for using global TypeLocalization table for storing data driven type localizations.
A Service-persisted class representing the UserRegistryClient components in the Registry. A component represents an instance of the UserRegistryClient service.
The fully-qualified service name whose instances will be fetched from the Registry service.
The name of this service instance (i.e. the component name).
All the privilege groups associated with this component.
The fully-qualified service name of this component.
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Overridden to add security
Maximum number of milliseconds to delay the retry
Minimum number of milliseconds to delay the retry
Queue to use for user synchronization
Creates a user in the component
Executes a command
Updates a user in the component
Extends DateTypeEnum enumeration with dynamic query field metadata
Dynamic query field metadata
Favorite user filters
The filter which is a favorite of the associated user
Ordinal used to order favorite filters
Users should only be permitted to see their own favorite filters
Users should only be permitted to update their own favorite filters
The user to whom this favorite filter belongs
The flag indicating whether this favorite filter is visible for the current user. The system (SystemUserTemplate'instance) favorite saved filters have the flag always set to true. When the user removes this filter from their favorites, a user-level copy of the favorite is created with the flag set to false. During the read, the user is presented with the system-level template favorite filter and visible=true user-level favorite filters
Initialize favorite ordinal
Favorite static list
User definable filter, or run-time placeholder for metadata defined filter
Serialized filter expression. "$" to obtain expression from metadata definition
Subject area icon
True if system seeded filter with metadata definition.
Overridden to check admin privilege
Synchronizes run-time placeholders with filter metadata.
Abstract filter
A limit of instances to have looked at such that the search criteria is too vague or paging is too vast
Page size used for cursor operations
Whether new members can be added to this filter
Calculated from subject area
A collection of class names for filtering subject areas
Hint to show relevant query fields
Count of number of instances satisfying this filter, list
Derived association to the current invocation context's localization
Returns icon if favorite
Collection allowing access (via an intersection class) to Users for which this filter is a favourite. NOTE: cascade is set to none due to the possibility of more than 4,096 users having a given filter as a favourite. Since cascade delete does not do paging, we manually delete this collection in the deleteFavourites action of the delete event.
Overridden to determine if user has admin privilege.
Icon associated with filter
True if this filter is a favorite of the current user, false otherwise
True if this filter is new
Collection of localized captions and descriptions.
Holds the filter that was selected in the view selector for the filter save dialog.
The user that created this filter
Overridden to check admin privilege
Used in UI metadata to indicate that the filter should be created as a favorite.
Metadata defined filter subject area
Subject area caption
Collection of applicable subject areas
Metaclass caption
Overridden to check admin privilege
Favorite instance factory
Localization of filter caption and description.
Localized Caption, overriden to remove validation
override for auditing
use object's updatable
General association between a filter and a Principal representing that the principal can access the filter
Name attribute
Used to help calculate MM picker uniqueness when selecting user person
Static object list
Max number of members for a list
Class code for object list
Collection of entities for the current list
Where clause to apply new list to
Add the given instance to the object list
main : main
Add participant to a list
Generate a where clause to exclude existing list members
Returns the collection of list member objects.
Abstract object list member. Must be overriden for storing instances
List entity is a member of.
Name of the list.
Entity member of the list.
The entity name to be used as a caption for this class
Inherits from list.
Inherits from list.
Factory method to create an instance of list member
Supported set of SecurityRuleEnum for a filter
Supported subject area by a filter
Manages filter favorites for current user
The filter which is a favorite of the associated principal
Favorite ordinal available for update
The user to whom this favorite filter belongs
Proxy class to an approval plan
Provide persistence to a answer attachment
The questionnaire answer related to this attachment
Command class to manage rule conditions in flow objects
For UI display
Expressions in this condition
Flow template version this condition is for
Requires all pages before condition to be valid before proceeding
Controls UI elements enablement
Overriden for security
Factory method. Return instance to bind to editing form. This is currently only called by subclasses on server side
Overriden for security
Create a SOA Condition from this command class. Used when commiting the create and update of a condition.
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Used by command events to validate this instance
The template of available answers to a question
The label of the answer option
The display order in respect to the question
Whether the answer option is created as a copy
Whether this is generated rather than created manually by the user
The caption of the parent enum
The value of the parent enum
The question the responses belongs to
The caption to display when the answer option is selected
If the answer option was not generated, the stringValue is automatically set to the displayOrder
Blank questionnaire used to generate fillable questionnaires, provides the questions and available responses in a questionnaire
Flag to indicate we are copying, so values such as question refName are copied directly and not recalculated from uiFieldName.
List of associated flow objects to localize. Note: Manual answer options is only supported with this pattern, as Enum and UIField answer options use framework to resolve strings. There is also no case where Enum/UIField answer options have a user defined conditional caption.
Page caption answer name
The classCode
Footer image of the template
Whether the template has a reference name specified
Header image of the template
Unique name of the questionnaire template
Flow nodes that use this questionnaire template
Counter for question refName uniqueness within a questionnaire template
The questionnaires that uses this questionnaire template
All questions in this questionnaire template
Reference name for this Questionnaire template. Used as a unique identifier for resolving localizable captions.
Footer of the template
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. Footer of the template.
Header of the template
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. Header of the template.
Description of the template
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. Description of the template.
Title of the template
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. Title of the template.
Sections of the questionnaire
The related UI Component this questionnaire binds to. Should be treated as a denormalization from FlowTemplate
Creates a copy of a Questionnaire Template.
Creates a copy of a Questionnaire Template. Returns a pair where the head is the new questionnaire template and the tail is a hashtable mapping the old questions to new questions to by used by the copying of flow templates.
loadTemplate : before
To reduce lazy loads, load the template before getting all localized strings
Gets question by reference name
Overidden to handle flow specific objects
main : main
Gets a string id given an object and attribute symbol. Overidden to handle flow specific objects.
loadTemplate : before
To reduce lazy loads, load the template before initializing localized strings
Validate the questions contained in this template
Proxy class to conditions
The name of CSV message
The name of transformation to CSV
CSV representation of existing questions in the template
True if instance contains data to transform to csv. Override in subclasses if this check is needed before calling getCSV.
Parses CSV file and returns messages
Class for testing Flow related object
Attachments in DocumentProxy
Proxy class to Document used by FlowTemplate
Attachments in this document
Document title
Constructs a DocumentProxy from a SOA Document object. Used by read methods
Command class for exporting and importing flow localizations
The data of the user-uploaded file
The file name of the user-uploaded file
Boolean indicating file import success.
Flow template to import captions to
Determines whether scheme export should be enabled
Binary of the instances to delete during import.
Name of the approval plan template imported from the dump file.
;options: "DUMP", "SCHEME"
Determines whether templates should be versioned on import
Exports an object to scheme
Overridden to add privilege and handle subflow deletion
Validates the binary data from dump file before import. Processes the dump information and updates the processedDumpBinary, message and canImport attributes.
Base flow transaction class
A hash for flows and answers. Currently used for reports
Class code
Current node in flow
Checks if the flow has any print merge documents associated
True if any nodes contain missing required fields, or have formula validation errors
Indicates whether the user has the privilege FlowManageAdmin to manage submitted flows
Next flow
Collection of all nodes in flow
Object which contains the flow
Previous flow.
Collection of property page FlowNodes in this flow
Object which the flow is about
UI flag used to filter Pages with Errors.
Status of the flow
A collection of FlowSubflowNodes in this flow
The time the flow was submitted
Reference to flow template
Version of template
Override to avoid using deprecated 'updated function
Overriden for security
Factory to create a flow, nodes and set up answers. Should always be used to create a new flow properly. Optionally takes in a uiComponentInstance to prepopulate answers. Called externally to flow.
Creates the global property node for the flow. This event should not be called from a subflow.
Creates the property page flow node, for a flow or subflow. Arg 'currentSubflowNode' is either null or the FlowNode for the current subflow.
Overriden for security
Populates flow nodes below the current node
Finds an answer by full name, and optional subflow node. When subflow node is null, only answers from the top level flow are searched. Otherwise, only answers from a subflow with given subflow node are searched. Returns #f if no answer is found.
Finds node by name and subflow
Returns the answers in this flow. Called externally to flow.
Get component fields based on answers from the flow for evaluating bounded conditions
Return all invalid answers related to the current flow
Returns attachment IDs associated to this flow that can be printed. Called externally to flow.
Gets values for sync. Called externally to flow.
Gets first node
Check whether at least one of the nodes on this flow has validation errors
Inserts a node after this node
Navigates (updates currentNode) to specified node and ordinal unless: -when navigating to future node, it does not exist anymore because the branch changed, the currentNode does not change -when navigating to future node, an intermediate node has required questions without answers or a formula that failed evaluation, the currentNode is changed to that node
Overriden for security
Resets the flow answers Called externally to flow.
Sets answer value by full name, and optional subflow node.
Called externally to flow.
Updates the model with flow values
updateReadOnly : before
Prevent update after submission
Set flow as processed and create a new version for editing.
Represents SOA type nexj:rules:Rule:1.0:type:ConditionExpression
Branch condition answer
Multiple answers for IN operator
True to invert result.
Junction: one of "and", or "or".
For sorting. Could be fractional. e.g. when inserting new expression between two other expressions.
Branch condition question
The subject area for the condition expression
Intersection between FlowTemplateDecisionCommandExpression and QuestionnaireAnswerOption
Persisted intersection between FlowTemplateVersion and attachments to store conditions
Condition that controls whether the attachment should be printed for the flow.
Flow this belongs to
For UI bind
Order of attachment in flow
Command class to manage rule conditions on attachments
Factory method. Return instance to bind to editing form
Overridden to add attributes
Command method to update the attachment condition
validateExpressions : before
Validate if the answer is from the question's answerOptions
Subclass of condition to be used by FlowDocumentAttachment
Command class to sync attachments to flow so that conditions can be added to them
Flow Template Version
Overriden for security
Factory method. Also syncs attachments
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Flow global properties page class
Localization class for storing string tables on Flow.
Base flow node transaction class
Flow of node
True if this the flow is blocked on this node
True if there are any validation errors on this page, including missing required questions
If this is first node in flow.
If this node represents the flow global properties.
If this is last node in flow
If this node represents a hidden property page in the flow.
If this node enters a subflow
If this node represents a UI node in the flow.
Node becomes visible when it is navigated to
The next node
Ordinal of node
The previous node
Calculates the subflow association from the flow object to the subflow containing this node.
If this node is in a subflow, it references the subflow node that this is under
Template of node
Node is not updatable if the flow is not updatable
Overriden for security
Deactivates this node and all subsequent. Returns ()
Overriden for security
Static method that finds the questions within the given flow/subflow and mark them dirty if they depend on the dirtyQuestions
Checks if the node is child of given subflow
Overriden for security
Optimized flow node read that only retrieves the caption and relevant information for rendering the navigation pane.
Overriden for security
Validates answers on this node's questionnaire. Set to true by default; to be overriden by subclasses that performs answer validation
Denorm hasValidationError from questionnaire
Questionnaire of node
Questionnaire Id to expose to the client
Evaluates value formulae on this node's questionnaire.
Gets answer for question given by refName
Sets, or creates value answer
Validates answers on this node's questionnaire.
Class to store name/value pair. Used to merge the answer to the document template
Proxy for merge engine to personalize documents for flow
Generic access to acts from any uicomponent compatible instance.
Flow the report is generated from
The image to be displayed in the title band
The string to be displayed in textField label1 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField label2 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField label3 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField label4 of the title band
Current user's full name.
The string to be displayed in textField subtitle of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField title of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField titleMedium of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField value1 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField value2 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField value3 of the title band
The string to be displayed in textField value4 of the title band
A queued SysMessage that generates PDF flow report
The queue that new instances of this class should be sent to
called by receiver thread: execute the command to generate report
Creates a SysMessage and sends it to a queue
All the nodes that reference this node as subflow node
The subflow template version corresponding to the subflow node.
Clears inbound variables dependend on this subflow node flow.
Invalidate all questions related to the dirty Global questions that are passed in. This will invalidate all dependant questions within this subflow.
Pass inbound variables from this subflow node to the the subflow containing this node. (this to parent)
Pass outbound variables from the subflow containing this node to this subflow node. (parent to this)
Base flow configuration class
Name of the flow template's global property page
Override to initialize to #f
Describes the class of this template
Class code
Flow template version used when instantiating new flows.
Description of this flow template
Flows associated with this flow template
True if the template has global properties
True if template is deactivated
True if the template is a flow library template.
Name of this flow template
Object template containing this flow template
Caption of the flow template. Derived from the object
Related UI Component
Prevents changes to exising flow templates
Collection of flow template versions.
Overriden for security
Creates an inactive flow template
Given a flowTemplate, creates a new global property node
Used for testing only! Deactivates without versioning.
Overriden for security
Get library flow template by name
Gets start node from current template version
Returns a UIComponent instance with fields where the fields' values are needed when starting the flow. Called externally to flow.
Deprecated. Use getFlowTemplateUIComponent
Returns a collection of referenceable global property page oids
Gets flow node by name
Gets questionnaire template by name
Gets count of flow templates using this flow template as a subflow
Retrieves a UIComponent based on the UI Field names in the bound to of the questions within the template. Optimization: Using this event avoids an extra SOA call to UIComponent to retrieve all associated fields to build the UIComponentInstance request. The UIComponent from here can be used to directly retrieve the UIComponentInstance.
Return the given uiComponentName as well as all of the parent uiComponentNames. Parent uiComponentNames are found by iterating through the parent metaclasses
Overriden for security
Reads a list of subflow templates that this flow template references.
Reads list of templates which reference this flow template as a subflow
Overriden for security
Command class to manage rule conditions on decision nodes
Decision node string oid
Command method to create the decision node
Factory method. Return instance to bind to editing form
Overridden to add attributes
Command method to update the decision node
validateExpressions : before
Validate if the answer is from the question's answerOptions
Overridden to set requiredness
Override for error caption
instantiate : before
Creates the global property node for the flow. The flow object is passed in to set its answers collection, which is used to resolve form field bind references before the global answers are committed.
Base step configuration class
Used for UI to bind the name of the altChild edge caption.
Applicable only to FlowTemplateDecisionNodes. Next node when the condition from FlowTemplateDecisionNode is evaluated as false.
Applicable only to FlowTemplateDecisionNodes. Parent nodes when the condition of the parent node is evaluated as false.
Used for UI to bind the name of the child edge caption.
Next node for FlowTemplateUserInterfaceNode. Next node for FlowTemplateDecisionNode when the condition from FlowTemplateDecisionNode is evaluated as true.
Class Code
True if hierarchical flow navigation is enabled for this template
Associated flow template
Configuration to disable displaying the old value on the subflow node
Is first node. Only works under current assumption of no loops
Is a global property page node
Is last node. Only works under current assumption of no loops
Is a property page node.
When true there is no FlowNode created for this template node at run-time
Is a user interface node.
Storing serialized representation of node location on canvas
Display name/description for node
Nodes associated with this flow template node
Parent nodes for when the condition of the parent node is evaluated as true.
Flag to indicate whether all previous questions must be valid before proceeding into this node
Display name used for UI to support auto-wrap (underscore converted to space).
Summary string for UI Display
Used by the flow control to categorize nodes by type in its list of available flow components
Flow node factory
Overriden for security
Delete a single instance of step by string oid
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Persist step layout data
List of existing nodes
The reverse dependency list for all questions in the template of the node. Only value formula dependencies will be added. E.g. (collection (message (: questionRef "node1.q1") (: dependency "node1.q2,node1.q3,node1.q4") ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q2") (: dependency "node1.q3,node1.q4") ) )
Display name for the UI. Overridden to use the localized title of the questionnaire template.
Page node name caption used by the flow condition editor.
Questionnaire template to use when executing step
The dependency list for all questions in the template of the node. Only value formula dependencies will be added. E.g. (collection (message (: questionRef "node1.q2") (: dependency (collection "node1.q1")) ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q3") (: dependency (collection "node1.q1,node1.q2" ; value formula dependency (if isLazyEval is true on the value formula, this dependency becomes "node1.q1" "node1.q2". ) ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q4") (: dependency (collection "node1.q1" ; value formula ) ) )
Calculate the reverse dependencies for questions on this node.
Generates a dependency list for questions on this node.
Computes the dependency list for a value QuestionnaireFormula given the template node name and formula text. This will create a dependecy map for value formula across page.
main : main
Returns a collection of comma separated string of dependencies, returns () if there are no dependencies
Flow global properties configuration class
Overridden to set requiredness
Override to add validation
Generates a unique name for the UserInterfaceNode given a questionnaire template
Override to check for conditions
Subflow reference template node
The formatted caption for the association.
The UI Field's name, which defines the association to the subflow UI Component. If null, the subflow must be compatible with the parent flow template's UI Component.
The UI Field's type
Referenced subflow
Overridden to use localized page captions.
Variable links to/from the subflow
Return a new node based on the start node of the subflow
Return warning text when a subflow node containing a global property reference in any of its decision nodes is about to be deleted.
Override to add cascade from questionnaire template
The dependency list for all questions in the template of the node. Only immediate (one level) dependencies from questions within the same template are returned. E.g. (collection (message (: questionRef "node1.q2") (: dependency (collection "node1.q1")) ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q3") (: dependency (collection "node1.q2" ; visibility formula dependency (note: single dependency precedes multiple dependencies) "node1.q1,node1.q2" ; value formula dependency (if isLazyEval is true on the value formula, this dependency becomes "node1.q1" "node1.q2". ) ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q4") (: dependency (collection "node1.q1" ; value formula AND enablment formula have the same dependency. Don't store duplicates "node1.q2" ; visibility formula dependency ) ) )
The reverse dependency list for all questions in the template of the node. Only immediate (one level) dependencies from questions within the same template are returned. E.g. (collection (message (: questionRef "node1.q1") (: dependency "node1.q2,node1.q3,node1.q4") ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q2") (: dependency "node1.q3,node1.q4") ) )
Generates a dependency list for questions on this node.
Creates a flow node based on this template node
Override to check for conditions
Computes the dependency list for a QuestionnaireFormula given the template node name and formula text.
main : main
Returns a collection of comma separated string of dependencies, returns () if there are no dependencies
Override to check for conditions
Version of flow template object
The CSV file name that contains the localized subflow page name captions. Captions apply to subflow template node names when they are rendered on the flow navigation panel.
Active status of this flow template
Attachments with conditions to print
Proxy to document to print
True to enable automatic node expansion in flow.
True to allow users to proceed in the flow when a page has missing required questions
Flow instantiated with this version
Single node that serves to store global properties for this flow.
True if activity plans have been instantiated using this version.
Determines whether the template version is the current or latest version
Pointer to the next activity plan version.
Nodes associated with this flow template
Version number.
Pointer to the previous activity plan version.
Single node that serves to store properties for this flow.
Inherits template's readable.
The reverse dependency list for all questions in the template. Only immediate (one level) dependencies from questions within the same template are returned, and value formula dependencies across nodes. E.g. (collection (message (: questionRef "node1.q1") (: dependency "node1.q2,node1.q3,node1.q4") ) (message (: questionRef "node1.q2") (: dependency "node1.q3,node1.q4") ) )
Caption for the active status of this flow template
Template using this version.
Finds last active version for the chain of template versions
Gets start node
Gets last active version for the chain of template versions. Throws error if none found
Gets the OperandTypeProxy for the template's component. Used for generating the question bind super-picker-tree for the flow template
validateFormulae : before
Validate the formula before activation of the template.
Sets nodes collection and initializes with itself
Localization class for storing string tables on FlowTemplateVersion objects
Used only for global properties. Questionnaire answer subclass for form field bind questions, which contains a link to the referenced answer. A new QuestionnaireAnswer object is required to prevent form field bind questions from sharing their formulae error text and allows each Questionnaire to have access to all referenced answers without doing additional reads.
Questionniare template only associated with global properties
Formula to determine enablement for QuestionnaireQuestion
Formula object for a Question Filter Formula.
Question Filter Formula classCode.
Abstract formula class for questionnaires
Question this formula is for
Overridding validation and caption
Collects ui fields used in the formula. Args in get-data-field are added to fieldHashSet and args in get-form-field are added to questionFieldsHashTab.
Helper to evaluate formula to a boolean
This event fixes the obsolete formula syntax of $<page_name> to $CURRENT_PAGE.<page_name> for all existing formulae
Fixes the current formula's syntax from $<page_name> to $CURRENT_PAGE.<page_name>
Command class for creating question formula
Metaclass of the formula
Name of the formula class
Question Initialization Formula classCode.
Formula object for a Question Required Formula.
Question Required Formula classCode.
Formula to determine validation for QuestionnaireQuestion
Question Validation Formula classCode.
Formula object for a Question Value Formula.
Question Value Formula classCode.
Formula object for a Question Value Formula.
Question Visibility Formula classCode.
A questionnaire to fill in
Symbol of current list view type.
Answers in the questionnaire
Whether this questionnaire has validation errors
The template of questionnaire
Creates answers from UIComponentInstance. Inbound answer sync. The flow instance can be passed in so that form field bind questions can look up the reference answer when the flow is created.
Factory create method
Evaluates formulae on all the answers of this questionnaire
Finds answer for given question. Returns #f if not found
Static method replacing the SOA call to validate answers.
Main method to call on questionnaire instance to validate all answers.
Validate to check if all the questions requiring mandatory answers are answered. Should be called after evaluateAnswersFormulaeAndSave.
Evaluates validation formulae on all the answers of this questionnaire
User's response to a questionnaire question
Prefix used for naming old values in getUIFieldValue with the optional second "use old value" argument.
Calculated caption from answer option
The value of an attachment type question
The value of a boolean typed question
The value of a currency typed question
The value of a decimal typed question
Whether the answer evaluated from the formula is dirty due to dependency changes, and the formula should be re-evaluated
Denormed of (
Full name consisting of template node name and question ref name
Whether this answer is required and empty
True if the answer's old value is properly initialized from the UI Field.
Keep track of whether the answer fails validation. This is used in the validation page.
Localized message of the expcetion, if it occurred during the initialization formula evaluation
The value of an integer typed question
Flag indicating whether the value of the answer was initialized. The flag is switched to true, if 1. There's no initialization formula on the corresponding question or 2. There's an initialization formula on the corresponding question, and the initialization formula has been evaluated.
The value of a long string (textarea) typed question
The value of a boolean typed question
The value of a currency typed question
The value of a decimal typed question
The value of an integer typed question
The value of a long string (textarea) typed question
The value of a string typed question, usually the caption of the response field
The value of a date typed question
The question the response is for
The questionnaire that holds all the answers in this set
Helper attribute for displaying the value in jasper report. Should only be used in the flow report.
The flag to determine if the associated section is active
The value of a string typed question, usually the caption of the response field
The value of a date typed question
uiFieldName considering subflow. Consider persisting this
Answer is not updatable if the questionnaire is not updatable
Localized message of the exception, if it occurred during the validation formula evaluation
Validation error message which user specifies in formula. Example syntax: If ($CURRENT_PAGE.Q1 == "Test", TRUE, "Error message")
Localized message of the exception, if it occurred during the value formula evaluation
Factory for synching in values from a UIComponentInstance. Sets the "hasOldValue".
Create full name from template node and question
Evaluates formula on the question related to this answer. Also updates the value of the answer with the value of the evaluated formula. When exceptions happens during the evaluation: 1. Check if it is a system exception, create a reference exception, associate the reference exception with the question. Show message to the user with the reference code. 2. Null the value of the answer 3. Associate all the exceptions with the questions
Evaluates if the answer should be synced with model
Gets old value based on valueType
Returns a UIFieldValue object for this answer.
useFullNames an optional argument to set the field name as the full question name rather than the bound to UI field name.
Gets value based on valueType
Parses full name produced by 'fullName attribute and returns two values: template node name and question ref name
Sets old value based on valueType. This should only be called once on initialization
Sets value based on valueType
Validates the answer with the validation formula and saves the result.
The template of available answers to a question
Whether the captions on the answer option is updatable
The question the responses belongs to
The caption to display when the answer option is selected
Questionnaire template bulk update command
List of questions to be deleted after importing
List of existing questions
List of existing template sections
Class that stores the image for the Questionnaire header
The questionnaire template using this image
Class that stores the image for Questionnaire Classes
uses java library to determine if the mimedata read is a valid image. If not, will return null.
Loads on demand an undefined attribute. The main action is implemented by the framework.
The question in questonnaire template
Max number of questions allowed on a global properties page.
Format string to create unique name within flow template
The available responses to a question
Whether answerOptions can be created. Disabled when answerOptions are generated from ui field.
Responses to this question
Manuallly configured answers to the question
Denormalizes the question's summary or description based on 'summaryCaption.
The order the question should be displayed in in respect to the question group
Display caption for the question UI Field name
Formula used to calculate the enablement of the question at runtime
Formula used to filter the enum answer options of the question at runtime. Only applicable to Radio and Dropdown type questions.
Configuration to enable highlighting fields that have updated values. Can be overridden on the subflow node.
The image displayed with the question
Formula used to calculate the initial value of the question answer at runtime.
Whether the question requires a mandatory response
Whether the question answer is synced back to the related object
Whether the question is able to be used as a branch condition
Whether the question is created as a copy
Whether the question binds to another question within the flow
True if the question is a global property
Whether the question is grouped with the previous question
The numbering that will be displayed on the questionnaire for the question
The operators available for this question for branching.
Unique identifier in the context of parent questionnaire. Used for mail merge and formulae
Whether refName is manually entered by user, determines whether to automatically update from uiFieldName
Formula used to calculate the requiredness of the question at runtime
Plain text of question.
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. Plain text of question.
The label beside the response control
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. The label beside the response control.
The question group the question belongs to
Configuration to enable displaying the old value when available and changed. Can be overridden on the subflow node.
The questionnaire template the question belongs to
The type of response for the question, can either be a radio button, check box, or text box
The UI Field this question binds to. Answer will be prepopulated from field and be synced back when submitted.
The UI Field's type
Formula used to calculate the validation of the question at runtime
Formula used to calculate the value of the question at runtime
Indicates whether the value formula for this question should be always evaulated when the page is opened.
Indicates whether the value formula for this question will not be evaluated for immediate in-page refresh. It will still be evaluated when navigating away from the page or on submit.
The question's value type. Uses the uiFieldType if it exists, otherwise calculates it.
Pointer to the proxy on the current flowTemplateVersion.
Formula used to calculate the visibility of the question at runtime
Check whether a new instance can be created based on number of questions in current section.. Used by the SaveAndAddAnother button from the UI
Ensure that this question does not bind to an existing global property already bound on the same page. Throws error if a duplication exist
clearRequiredQuestion : before
Clear the required formula when the user unchecks the required flag
checkGlobalBinding : before
Ensure that this question does not bind to an existing global property already bound on the same page.
checkGlobalSizeLimit : before
Check the Max number of questions allowed on a global properties page.
Factory to create question. Helps default refName generation. Only used in server. Doesn't work when invoked from client because changes made to QuestionnaireTemplate are not sent back to client.
Used to get answer options for this question.
Used on the UI to populate the available operators for a question.
For UI to check the refName generated in server
Invoked from UI to do some validation before the instance is committed
checkGlobalBinding : before
Ensure that this question does not bind to an existing global property already bound on the same page.
Given a question value type, return the corresponding collection of valid flow:QuestionnaireQuestionTypeEnum objects. Invoked from BaseFlowConditionCommand to obtain valid question types given the nexj:rules:Rule:1.0:type:ConditionExpression valueType.
The questionnaire question using this image
Wrapper class for ExpressionOperatorEnum to act as a bridge between the enum and question. Used on the UI to convert instance-collection into collection model.
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Overriden for security
Proxy class to get only the questions that are visible for a questionnaire. Used for reporting
The question for the report
The questionnaire to get questions from
Question group consist a group of questions; for a normal question a question group will contain one question while a question with sub questions the question group will contain all sub questions
The default name for a Section. Used for Global Properties
The default reference name initialized for a section.
The flag to determine if the section active state can be toggled
The default active state of the section
The order the question group should be displayed in in respect of questionnaire template
The numbering that will be displayed on the questionnaire for the question group
The questions in the question group
Reference name for this section. Used as a unique identifier for resolving localizable captions.
The section subtitle, could be instruction
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. The section subtitle, could be instruction.
The title of the question group
Used for reports - includes formatted URLs. The title of the question group.
The label of the section active state toggle
The questionnaire template the queston group belongs to
Questionnaire Templates associated with normal nodes.
Localization class for storing string tables on QuestionnaireTemplate objects
Proxy class to any ui component instance
Used to force the proxy to perform a read
Links variables when invoking subflows allowing information to be passed and received from subflow.
Flow question name including node name
Flow question's question name part
Flow question's node name part
Sync from subflow to current flow
Sync from current flow to subflow
Calculated name showing left, right hand side and sync direction
Subflow question name including node name
Subflow question's question name part
Subflow question's node name part
Contaning subflow template node
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
Overridden; never deleted
The lead the script is associated with
Based on the template's name.
The related flow
The task the script is associated with
The template of this call script
Creates flow associated with the plan
Specifies whether this template is active
Call scripts instantiated based on this template
Description of this template
Opposite of active for event enablement
Unique name for this template
The related Flow Template
Sales Concepts associated with this template
Activate template and associated flow template
Creates a call script based on this template for a lead and task.
Deactivate template and associated flow template.
Description of call script template
Name of call script template
Template to copy
Command class used to change the next call date of a single lead on a call list.
The next call date to set on the lead on the call list.
The work queue item where the call date will be changed.
Updates the next call date of a lead on a call list with the date specified on the command class.
Command for creating a basic WorkQueue with uiComponentName of "Lead"
The name of the work queue to be created
Create a lead work queue with name specified on the command class
Command class used for creating lead distribution rulesets.
The name of the distribution ruleset.
Overridden to create a ruleset instance across a service.
Proxy class for interacting with distribution rulesets.
If the ruleset is active
The name of the distribution ruleset.
Status of the ruleset
Returns the name of the Distribution Ruleset popup.
Command class to handle export/import of Call Script Template.
Determines whether scheme export should be enabled
Name of the approval plan template imported from the dump file.
;options: "DUMP", "SCHEME"
Determines whether templates should be versioned on import
Overridden to add privilege
Exports an object to scheme
Overridden to define a more specific query
Overridden to add privilege
Overridden to add pre-processing
Validates the binary data from dump file before import. Processes the dump information and updates the processedDumpBinary, message and canImport attributes.
Seed in Lead Management related data.
Seed in Lead Management related data.
Seed Batch Delete Leads Queue
Seed privilege groups for Lead users
Seed score rules for Leads
Base lead object
Regular expression used for validating email
Page size to use when deleting lead and paging through associated acts
A mapping of attributes to their UI viewPaths/values, and initializer values
The default value for a Lead ID counter
The name of the LeadId counter
A system wide attribute defining the classification that leads will be defaulted to
OID of current "queuedProcessLead". For customized read.
The UIComponent name for Leads
List of attributes that should retrigger a denormalization onto the WorkQueueItem
Metaclass to use for the WorkQueueItem read
ACL relationships
Associated actseries of the lead
Icon for if a lead is on a Call List
Calculated list of call scripts that are on the current task for this lead
Active Task of lead.
Non-persisted Active Task Command to update the lead's active task.
Associated acts of the lead. Note that a custom cascade behaviour under the 'delete' event on 'deleteActAssociations' is defined.
1st address line
2nd address line
Collection of batchViewObject the lead is associated with
City of the address
Existing Company for the lead
Enum for keeping track if lead uses an existing or new company.
Company name based upon existing company or the user entered company.
Company for the lead.
Whether or not a contact consents to being contacted
The age of the related contact in years
The position of the associated contact in the company that the contact belongs to
The day when the lead is converted/qualified. Persisted to reconstruct convertWeek if necessary.
The first day of the week when the lead is converted/qualified.
Address' country, if unset during commit it will be initalized to the value of the countryValue Country Enum. Setting the country will set the countryValue to "Other" during the commit event.
Calculated value of the countryValue enum. Used for entity search and in EntityQuery so that the countryValue enum is consistent in different locales.
The unit bind attribute to drive telcom format. Should be a two letter alphanumeric country code. See CountryEnum'alpha2To3Map for list of supported countries.
Initialized to Telcom Default Country. Specifies the Country Value associated with this Address. Each Country Value has a parent CountryType which is used in the UI to determine which CountryType specific form to display. Setting the countryValue will automatically set the country attribute to the caption of the countryValue when the Address is commited.
The first day of the month when the lead is created.
Creator of lead.
This field is a workaround for a limitation of Merge Fields. Currently we can only access information from the selected Lead. This value allows putting the current date into a personalized document.
This field is a workaround for a limitation of Merge Fields. Currently we can only access information from the selected Lead. This value allows putting the current user's name (i.e. the agent's name) into a personalized document.
True if incomplete work list tasks should not be deleted. False otherwise
Phone number including country code and extension.
Associated entity.
Points to the contact/company icon if the lead is associated with an existing contact/company depending on lead classification.
Points to the contact/company badge tooltip if the lead is associated with an existing contact/company depending on lead classification.
First name of lead.
Full Address of the lead as one string
Full name last, first
Full name first last.
True if the Lead has an associated Contact for B2C, True if the Lead has an associated Company for B2B
Calculates based on whether call scripts exist for this lead and activeTask
The time when the lead was imported through the Lead Import process. Null if the Lead was created manually.
True if associated entity is readable
True if the Lead is configured as B2B
True if the Lead is configured as B2C
True if the company is an object and is not null
Boolean used in UI to indicate whether or not a company is required for a lead
True if the company is a string and is not null
True if the lead does not have an open call log
True if the lead is not archived.
True if the lead is not qualified.
Last name of lead.
The lead's classification (B2C, B2B)
String representation of the lead classification attributes enum value
The lead's entity association depending on the lead classification
The lead's entity association attribute depending on the lead classification
The lead group to which the lead belongs
All the leads in the lead group except for current lead
Points to the lead icon if the lead is associated with any other leads.
A human readable Id used for referring to and searching up leads
Market segment this lead is for.
Used to be able to aggregate marketSegment, since it is an enum.
The number of unsuccessful calls, resets when the lead has been archived
The number of associated Leads
The opportunity the lead is associated to.
Owner of lead.
Extension of telcomWorkNumber
Title/position of the lead.
public attribute used to access searchBatchProcess
Queued processes operating on this lead
Attribute created of a non-persisted class QuickNoteDisplayLead. For UI to enter value to text and saved when switching between screens.
Sales concept driven by the market segment associated to the lead.
Used to be able to aggregate salesConcept, since it is an enum.
The score for the Lead based on the scoring rulesets defined
Used for filtering score from
Used for filtering score to
used in the where clause. Do not override.
Non-persisted attribute used to abstract filtering on formatted and non formatted telcomWorkNumber.
Enable soft deleting for leads
Describes how lead entered the system - the source type
The source value
Used to be able to aggregate source, since it is an enum.
Stores the enum value representing the state.
Lead statuses: new, qualifying, qualified, archived
Lead statuses: new, qualifying, qualified, archived
Summary string used for docked workspace to display the lead's fullname
Summary icon for use in docked workspace for new lead
Summary string of the address of the lead
Summary String of the audit fields
A string displayed in a UI message box that changes depending on what mode the system is in
String for displaying a Lead ID in the UI banners
Summary of the market sgment and sales concept of the lead
A string displayed in a UI message box that changes depending on what mode the system is in
A calculated string attribute that is used on the grid tooltip for the call list icon
A calculated string attribute to show the qualification status and date of a lead. Returns just the status caption if lead is not qualified.
Summary of the source of the lead
The name of the screen for displaying a preview of all leads associated to this contact.
Flattened Telcom Email.
Flattened work phone number.
Related leads which do not have a status of Qualified
Zip code for the lead.
Event called from UI to archive a lead
Overriden to assign instance as Lead for Act created by rule trigger.
setOpportunityAudit : before
Work around for a framework bug. Since opportunities are hard deleted, by the time the audit record is created the opportunity is already deleted and the record saved does not have an old value.
updateOpportunityAuditType : before
Change type of audit from update to create link for opportunity
Determines whether the user can perform batch delete Leads
Determines whether the user can perform lead distribution.
Cancels the lead's active task used during call logging.
Returns true if a normal email format.
Returns the number of Lead instances that match the given where clause, by using the instance-count Scheme function (which does paging). This function is intended to be called by the client side.
where The where clause
The number of Lead instances that match the where clause
setCountryValue : before
Sets the countryValue to OTHER when a country is specified during create-time, such as from script.
syncCountry : before
Syncs the country to the countryValue caption if the user sets the countryValue to something other than OTHER.
Factory for creating a lead from a given template.
Deletes unassigned work queue items for the lead
Denormalizes the item's attributes onto the WorkQueueItem.
Generates the default call script for a lead based on the lead's sales concept. Returns the new call script.
Group up attribute initialization so that it can be changed based on the Lead's mode
API exposed for Office Add-In and similar clients. Creates a lead with minimal info and assigns a task to the user to fill in the contact info laterPlug-In and similar clients. Creates a lead with minimal info and assigns a task to the user to fill in the contact info later
processWhere : before
Explicitly process the where clause.
clearConvertDate : before
When the lead status is set to anything other than qualified, clear the convertDate and convertMonth.
saveConvertDate : before
When the lead status is set to qualified, set the convertDate and convertMonth.
syncCountryValue : before
Syncs the country to the countryValue caption if the user sets the countryValue to something other than OTHER.
Defines access control list for viewing entities. The visibility is procted as this should only be modified on the server as a side effect of the business logic. For example, if there is a rep code model, only changes to the rep code model should cause changes to the ACL.
The access on lead and user to prevent changes after creation.
The entity related with the lead for which the acl was created
The lead the user can see.
The principal (usually a User) who can see this lead.
Command for qualifying a lead. This will create a contact and optionally an opportunity.
The page size to use when reading the Acts
Keep track of whether lead is to be converted to deal or opportunity
For the dock opportunity checkbox in UI
Associated Entity if one exists.
First name to create contact with.
True if a new company will be created.
Will an opportunity be created? User selectable.
Last name to create contact with.
Associated lead.
Opportunity Template used for a Parent/Product Opportunity
Opportunity title
Primary rep code to be set on the entity once converted. Initialized default rep code for users with only 1 rep code.
List of repcodes to set on the entity once converted
Executes three distinct transactions. 1. Creation of a Contact if one does not exist 2. Set lead status to Qualified 3. Create an opportunity Contact should be created and lead status should be updated regardless if opportunity creation succeeds or not.
Intersection class between LeadConvertCommand and EntitlementRepCode.
A master record associating different leads
Gets the oid of the related leads given a lead's oid
Generates daya for the lead source by month visualization.
The create month of the lead.
Formatted string representation of createMonth.
The lead source value.
Localized string version of the leadSource.
Count of leads.
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by source and month.
main : main
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by source and month.
Overidden to call getLeadSourceByMonthData.
main : main
Overidden to call getLeadSourceByMonthData.
Generates data for the lead status by month visualization.
The create month od the lead.
The createMonth formatted to a string.
The string value of the lead status.
The localized string value of the lead status.
Count of leads.
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by status and month.
main : main
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by status and month.
Overridden to call getLeadStatusByMonthData
main : main
Overridden to call getLeadStatusByMonthData
Generates data for the leads converted by week visualization.
The first day of the week when the lead was converted.
The formatted string of convertWeek. One day is added so that it is a Monday.
Count of leads qualified/converted during the convertWeek.
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by convert week.
main : main
Queries lead and returns the count of leads grouped by convert week.
Overidden to call getLeadsConvertedByWeekData.
main : main
Overidden to call getLeadsConvertedByWeekData.
Model for Leads by Market Segment pie chart.
The default date range with which to filter the data.
Used to check what date range user wants
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Label used on chart for leads grouped by market segment
Number of leads associated with a market segment. Used to draw the pie chart.
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Static method to generate the chart data.
Static method to retrieve the default date range.
The call script template to use for a lead in that sales concept
The sales concept to associate with the call script
Model for Leads by Sales Conecpt pie chart.
The default date range with which to filter the data.
Used to check what date range user wants
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Number of leads associated with a market segment. Used to draw the pie chart.
Label used on chart for leads grouped by sales concept
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Static method to generate the chart data.
Static method to retrieve the default date range.
Seed the Lead Scoring Ruleset
Model for Leads by Source pie chart.
The default date range with which to filter the data.
Used to check what date range user wants
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Number of leads associated with a market segment. Used to draw the pie chart.
Label used on chart for leads grouped by source
Used to filter leads by a date range.
Static method to retrieve the default date range.
Static method to generate the chart data.
Class represents an article returned by gv6 engine
Used to set integration logging level when insights feature is enabled
Client Insights Search channel name
Client Insights Tracking Url channel name
Date format used in GV6 queries
By default, articles should be shown going back to the start of time
Used to set integration logging level when insights feature is enabled
Flag set after each call to the insights server. #t means that an error has occured guring the read.
A broader category this article falls into. E.g. "Lifestyle"
ISO two digit country code indicating preferred publication location, used as a query parameter
Article description
Domain e.g.
Entity whose interest list drives the article query
Boolean indication whether the article has already been sent to contact from entity attribute
Comma separated list of terms matched in the search
When the article was published
Numerical score representing article's relevance to the query parameters
Description summary string
Summary string for published date and domain
Comma-delimited set of terms to search for
Article title
URL to the article
URL to the image
Enable the Client Insights feature
enableIntegrationLogging : before
Enable Integration logging and set Client Insights logging to WARN
Filter out special characters for a cleaner search (ECRM-25805)
Returns the state of SERVICE_ERROR_STATE_FLAG. Called by UI to address errorhandling.
Calls the API and returns a short tracking url
Retreives the user's preferred country. If not set, the Telcom's default country will be used.
The title of the article to be emailed
The description of the article
The tracking url for the article
The original url for the article
The url for the image associated with the article
Create log entry for insight:Article, sent by user and time sent is now.
logSentArticle : after
Update a sent article log with action item.
Overridden to return simplified warning text.
Client interest, for the purposes of Client Insights
The name of the custom field type that is seeded automatically when the Client Insights feature is enabled
A list of names of custom field types that should be considered interests (in addition to the seeded Interest custom field type)
Whether the interest can be deleted
The caption to show if the interest is not deletable
The icon that indicates whether the interest is deletable
Whether the interest is enabled for Client Insights search purposes
The entity with the interest
The name of the interest
Static event for retrieving a collection of mapped custom field type names
Return all custom fields that are mapped to interest custom field types for the given entity
Create the interest custom field type
Blacklist of interests (for Client Insights purposes) that are disabled
The entity with the interest
The interest name to exclude from article searches
Create a new Interest and add it to the Destination Entity
Proxy class used to represent Document Manager Folders and Items
Actual start time of the document manager item
Icon to indicate the document manager item has an attachment
The creation time of the instance
The last update time of the instance
Scheduled end time of the document manager item
OID of the parent folder
String representing the icon of the document manager folder/item
#t if instance is document manager folder, #f otherwise
Unique name for the document manager folder/item
OID of the instance
Priority of the document manager item
Scheduled start time of the document manager item
Status of the document manager item
Explicitly process the where clause for the document manager folder
Explicitly process the where clause for the document manager item
Helper function for reading from service with bookmark. Used in service persistence mapping.
Count of instances satisfying the where clause
Any object that can send a message to the subscription engine
Events belonging to this business component
The name of this business component
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
An event of a business component
The business component this event belongs to
The default subscription rules for this event
The name of this event
The User Subscription Rules associated with this event
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
The default subscription rule for an event and channel
The channel this rule is for
Whether a notification should be sent to this channel for this event by default
The event this rule is for
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
This command class is invoked by the DesktopPushService SOA implementation. Having a payload that contains a body and a set of recipients, this service is called to send any notification of the payload on the client for the recipients. This is only applicable for desktop recipients.The service decides how to send this notification. Currently, it will only send toast notifications, and beacon update notifications
The desktop notification beacon channel name
The desktop beacon push service name
Mapping for business component class name to context variable id
The desktop stream refresh channel name
The desktop stream refresh service name
The desktop notification toast channel name
The desktop push service name
Construct and return the push payload
Push a refresh event to the beacon (count of unread conversations)
Push a message object as a desktop notification toast
main : main
Send the notification to all recipients
Push a refresh event to the stream control (for new messages)
Represents a string that has localizations, uniquely identified by a string id.
Localizations of the string
Identifies the string
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Returns the caption from the correct string; returns NULL on failure
Returns the caption from the correct string; throws an error on failure
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Represents a localized string unique to a string id and locale.
The caption of the localized string
The locale of the localized string
Identifier of the localized string
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Base class of a channel that is called by subscription engine in messaging system
Do not export this class to the dump. See base definition.
Default subscription rules for this channel
Whether channel is active
The name of this channel
The name of the SOA service to send the message when this channel receives it
The User Subscription Rules associated with this channel
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Overridden to set privileges.
Event to send a message to channel
Overridden to set privileges.
Protected class containing security context for notifications
Symbol of current list view type.
Messages for the inbound queue in subscription engine for messaging
Sends message to channels
Holds the logic of the subscription engine in messaging
References seeded object queue
Invoked during initial data loading. Creates MessagingChannels
Asynchronous: Puts incoming messages into an object queue before processing Synchronous: Handles the message directly
Registers a business component and its events, default subscription rules and strings
Unregisters a business component
A log created by the subscription engine
A description of the error that occurred.
The exception causing the error.
Time when the it was logged
Identifier of the originating message request
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
Represents a user's notification configuration for an event and channel
The channel for this rule
The event the user is subscribed to
Should the channel be notified for this event and user
The user for this rule
Overridden for UserSubscriptionRule security
Overridden for UserSubscriptionRule security
Overridden for UserSubscriptionRule security
Overridden for UserSubscriptionRule security
Command class to add multiple availability template timeslots
Parent template to associate with
Duration of time buffer gaps for creation of multiple time slots
Duration of timeslots generated
End time of the slot(s)
Type of meeting created by the timeslot(s)
Start time of the slot(s)
Holds attributes needed to create RoadshowCoverage instances.
The coverage role of the user in this roadshow coverage.
Whether this instance can be created or updated. True if the roadshow is updatable.
The roadshow that the instance is covering.
The user assigned to the roadshow coverage.
Create a new instance of this class. Only permitted when the roadshow is updatable.
Update the instance, only permitted when the roadshow is updatable.
The entities acting as analysts for this roadshow
UI only attribute: summary string to show the ticker, sector and market capitalization of the analyst's company.
Template for Analyst Roadshows
Localization for AnalystTemplate
Command class to apply an AvailabilityTemplate to a Leg
Placeholder attribute for the validation error
The number of days that the template is applied to.
Short caption for the leg's time zone.
The timezone in which the timeslots will be created, by default the leg's timezone.
validateTimeRange : before
Basic validation on the given start and end time for this command.
Availability template which can be applied to roadshow meetings.
Location of the template
Name of the template
Used to search text in the name
Description of the template
Region of the template
Available timeslots
Availability template timeslot
Fixed date for all timeslot start and end times
Timezone used by timeslots
Template this timeslot belongs to
End time of the slot
Type of meeting created by this timeslot
Start time of the slot
Override to set security
Override to set security
Override to set security
Override to set security
Batch Command class to handle batch operations on Meeting Requests from a Meeting Request List
Name of the Workflow Queue
The maximum number of records to process in the batch operation
This is a dynamic batch operation as Requests could be deleted or updated before the batch process is run
The actual metaclass resolved based on (
Send Meeting Request Batch command to Queue job
Returns the number of running processes requested by the current user that have not completed yet.
Returns the warning text to the user to indicate if the batch action will be asynchronous or synchronous
Seed Queue and BatchProcessConfig data for Batch Actions pertaining to Meeting Requests.
Batch operation on a page of roadshow:MeetingRequest
Returns true if user passed max threshold check and is able to execute the batch, false otherwise.
Command class for batch creating meeting feedback requests for an Event
The maximum number of meetings to process
Name of the WorkflowProcessQueue used by this batch process
The type of batch operation
This is a dynamic batch operation as
Iterates over Roadshow Meetings
The name of the batch job
The roadshow for which to generate feedback
Which meetings to request feedback for
Read all meetings for the given roadshow
Checks if the participant has an existing feedback request for the given meeting
Factory method to create an instance of roadshow:BatchRoadshowMeetingFeedbackCommand
Queue the batch process
setAsyncThresholdFactor : before
Set asynchronous threshold factor to represent average number of participants per meeting
setName : before
Set the name of the instance
validate : before
Validate command class for attribute requiredness and validation scripts
Create the batch process warning text
Find the number of meetings feedback will be requested for
Find the number of participants feedback will be requested for
Find the number of meetings feedback will be requested for
Return the batch process warning text indicating a batch process and whether it is asynchronous
Overridden to handle the case of an erroneous record
Main Command class to make multiple meeting requests or book for multiple free-booking meetings for multiple event meetings in an event
Roadshow leg for which multiple meeting requests need to be created
Roadshow meetings in the leg for which multiple requests are created
Collection of participants to request/book for
Grabs all companies that participants belong to.
Collection of roadshow meetings to request/book
Retrieve the total of all Global Fiscal YTD RevenueSummaries for the related Company
Command class for creating multiple booking owners
Owner of meeting request
Full name of Booking owner
icon of entity
Book meeting Request participation
Command Class for Request/Book Multiple Meeting Requests for a roadshow
Owner of meeting request
Reference to bookMeetingMultipleCreateCommand
Entity associated to the meeting request, roadshowMeeting
icon for contact
The current logged in user used in initializing the salesOwners.
roadshow meeting request associated with the participant
notes while booking/requesting a meeting request participation
collection of BookMeetingRequestUserPersonCommand consisting of salesOwners
share ownership percentage of sales owners
Command class for adding multi meeting sales owner
owner for Meeting Request
Meeting Request Participant
Command class to add multi schedule items of a leg
Reference to roadshow:BookMeetingMultipleCreateCommand
RoadshowMeeting for which multiple requests will be created
Overridden to support auditing.
Template for Company Roadshows
Localization for CompanyTemplate
Overridden to support audit.
Template for Deal Roadshows
Localization for DealTemplate
Participant's booking owner
Needed when a command class is used to manage participants
Name attribute
Caption to show for pickers
Icon to show in pickers
Link to command class for privileged edit of RoadshowMeetings
The roadshow for this entity participation sales owner.
updateRoadshow : before
Update the roadshow field from the associated EntityParticipation's RoadshowParticipation.
Proxy class used by pixel perfect reporting. Returns one roadshow:Leg for each one of it's associated roashow's cm:Sectors.
The classification pointing to the sector of the leg.
The roadshow:Leg.
The roadshow:Roadshow.
Tickers associated with the company in Roadshow
where clause to filter out the event list report by leg
fixWhere : before
Change binary values to oids.
One segment of a Roadshow in a given location. Multi-location roadshows are comprised of multiple Legs.
Max length of the preview text for notes.
Override for displaying in UI Component
Roadshow schedule items for this leg.
Use endDate for business logic and adjustedEndDate when user directly sees the value. The adjustedEndDate is endDate plus one day in UTC. Ordered before endDate so framework validates this attributes first for display purposes.
End of time period where sales users are allowed to book meetings if isRestrictedBooking is true.
Start of time period where sales users are allowed to book meetings if isRestrictedBooking is true.
Inherited from Roadshow only at time of creation, can be modified, but don't sync up to roadshow.
Inherited from Roadshow only at time of creation, can be modified, but don't sync up to roadshow.
End date of leg. Persisted as midnight in UTC.
True if the Leg has notes (Overview)
True if the booking option is Allocation
True if the booking option is Free Booking
True to further restrict Free Booking for sales users to only book in pre-defined slots or a time range.
ItineraryItems belonging to this leg, including soft deleted instances
Calculated status based on the status of all meetings in this leg. See roadshow:Roadshow'calculateMeetingRollupStatus for the status logic.
Icon for meeting rollup status
RoadshowMeetings belonging to this leg, including soft deleted instances
RoadshowMeetings belonging to this leg, NOT including soft deleted instances
Preview a length of the notes.
Inherit security from associated roadshow.
The number of requests for all the meetings in this leg
Start date of leg. Persisted as midnight in UTC.
Display title and city
Display leg location, event title and Company title
UI-only attribute displaying the more detailed location and date range of this leg
UI-only attribute displaying the city and date range of this leg
Inherited from Roadshow only at time of creation, can be modified, but don't sync up to roadshow.
Inclusive end date of leg adjusted to midnight in the leg's time zone.
Exclusive end date of leg adjusted to midnight in the leg's time zone.
Start date of leg adjusted to midnight in the leg's time zone.
Inherit security from associated roadshow.
Calculated view state for current user for Event Calendar
View states per user for Event Calendar
cancelRequests : before
Cancel requests on all meetings when switching to Free Booking.
updateLegAndMeetingTimes : before
Update leg and meeting times when start date or timezone is changed.
rollDownParticipantsFromEvent : before
Roll down participants from the Event level to this leg.
Returns a sorted collection of dates from startDate to endDate
Returns a sorted list of dates that contain RoadshowScheduleItem
Get the LegParticipation for the given entity on this Leg.
Determines if the meetingTime is within the leg's start/end times based on leg's timezone.
Participants at a leg, either rolled up from meeting, or rolled down from event.
True if the current user can delete a leg participant. Used in the UI.
True if the current user can select a leg participant. Used in the UI.
Cascade is handled in delete event manually
Used to trigger roll up in update event
rollDownParticipantToMeetings : before
Roll the participant down to the leg's meetings.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the event and leg level on the given leg.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the leg level on the given roadshow. This will throw an error if the participant is already in the roadshow.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the leg level on the given roadshow.This will not throw an error if the participant is already in the roadshow.
legRollupDelete : before
Leg participation is created and removed in a new LegParticipation therefore leaving a new RoadshowParticipation behind which needs to be removed
Stores user preference for filtering this leg in the Event calendar.
Leg to view, or hide
The user to whom this state belongs
True to show the leg, false to hide
Helper for lazily instantiating LevViewState instances for users that choose custom leg visibility in the Event calendar.
Default visibility state
Leg to view, or hide
Attribute calculated by readWithScheduleStyle
True to show the leg, false to hide
Gets schedule color
Read a list of calculated view states for all legs of a given roadshow
Updates persisted view state
Override to add validation
Override to add security
Command class enabling non-admin/coordinators to edit their attendees on a roadshow meeting.
Collection of attendees for the associated meeting
Create meeting/meeting attendee command instances for privileged editing of EntityParticipation and RoadshowParticipation
Flag indicating whether rich text editor is used for email body.
For UI to run inside popup with an uncommitted act
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
Override to display as UI Component
Points to an accept icon if the request can be accepted. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for an icon indicator in a grid.
Points to an Accept tooltip if the request can be accepted. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for a tooltip in a grid
True if current user can accept/reject this request.
Users with the permission to accept, reject or cancel a meeting request
True if the current user can cancel this request.
Gives the current user the ability to close a meeting request (i.e. reject/accept).
Is true when the user is the creator of the request or the adminstrator or the coordinator
Gives the current user the ability to directly book the request participants into any meeting.
Allows grouping by date functionality on createTime
Creator of the Meeting Request
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the attendees (company) in meeting request
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the attendees (contacts) in meeting request
Icon for Meeting Request
Is true when the current logged in user is an approver of the roadshow attached to this meeting request.
Is true when the current user also was the original creator of this meeting request.
Is a participant in the target list.
Checks if a meeting request is pending
Has the start or end time of the meeting been changed since the request was created
Event leg that the meeting and meeting request corresponds to
Title of the Meeting Request Object
The number of participants of the meeting request, excluding those who were rolled down to the meeting.
Points to an reject icon if the request can be rejected. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for an icon indicator in a grid.
Points to a Reject tooltip if the request can be rejected. Otherwise, null. Used for UI bindings for a tooltip in a grid
Used in static reports to display all companies as a string
One request per attendee - Grabs company represented by current participant
One request per attendee - Used in static reports to display company name as a string
After initial creation, this is split into one request per attendee
Used in static reports to display all participants as a string
One request per attendee - Revenue of the company represented by current participant
Semi-colon delimited value of notes in the meeting request that corresponds to attendees.
One request per attendee - Grabs tier from the participant's company
One request per attendee - share ownership percentage
One request per attendee - Tier of current participant
Accepting a request will move the participants over to the meeting level.
main : main
Move all participants to the meeting from this request. Set Request Status.
Method to accept request and move participants into meeting
Set the request to read only.
main : main
Set Request Status
changeMeetingStatus : before
Once a request is made the meeting status is switched to open with requests.
splitMultipleParticipants : before
If there are multiple participants in this meeting request, create a new separate copy of this meeting request for each participant.
Factory method for creating a new MeetingRequest with the given participants.
Rejects the request. Makes request read only.
main : main
Set Request Status
Update the company to match that of the request participant
Given an existing roadshow:MeetingRequest and it's previous roadshow:RoadshowMeeting, clean up the participants and internal attendees on the old meeting. Only called when rebook is trigerred from an accepted roadshow:MeetingRequest.
Update revenue from participants company revenue
Update tier from participant's company tier
Update share ownership percentage from participants
Full name of entity. Allows viewing from picker without access to Entity.
fullName of entity. Used specifically for pickers. as it matches the picker left hand side. Dont' require visibility to entity.
The current logged in user used in initializing the salesOwners.
True if the entity is a company.
True if the entity is a Person.
True if associated entity is on targetlist of roadshow that is associated with this meeting request, false otherwise
Shows target icon is isTarget is true, null otherwise
Tooltip for target icon
Determines which entities have already been invited to a meeting in a meeting request's associated roadshow. Accepts meetingRequest, EntityOIDs and roadshow as arguments and returns a hashset
main : main
Searches if the provided entities have already been invited to a roadshow
If the entity is in the target list, update its status if necessary. Optional arguments: (: isDelete boolean) Is this EntityParticipation being deleted. (: meetingCascadeDelete boolean) Is the delete a cascade delete from RoadshowMeeting. (: meetingRequestStatusChanged boolean) Has the meeting request status changed.
Participant's booking owner
Override to make required
Template for Company Roadshows
Localization for CompanyTemplate
Overridden to support audit.
Template for Other Roadshows
Localization for OtherTemplate
Not persisted, holds data for the UI of a single quickNote
text input from UI.
Base class for Roadshow. A series of events spanning multiple days and locations to showcase a client company or analyst to potential investors.
Max length of the preview text for notes.
Overridden to restrict principal set for roadshow security
Limit of Roadshows or Legs that can be displayed in the schedule
Overrided to expose on UI Component
Overridden to set appropriate subclass
The end date adjusted by one day to represent the exclusive boundary of the event.
End of time period where sales users are allowed to book meetings if isRestrictedBooking is true.
Start of time period where sales users are allowed to book meetings if isRestrictedBooking is true.
The booking option for the roadshow
Check to see if the current user can create meetings for this roadshow
Check to see if the current user can request feedback
The category of the roadshow
Collection of classifications
For Multi-Company roadshow, intersection between company and roadshow.
The company that this roadshow is for
Token for returning company name in case of Company roadshow or a semi-colon separated company names in case of Multi-Company Roadshow
Country/countries of Origin.
Users working on the roadshow
Calculated attribute, the converted currency of roadshow's marketCap.
Quick notes and documents for this roadshow.
Use endDate for business logic and adjustedEndDate when user directly sees the value.
alpha-numeric id number to identify roadshows
Boolean Check to hide/show Meeting Requests option in a Leg while showing Notifications.
True if the roadshow has expenseCode
True if the roadshow has notes (Overview)
Collection of roadshow participants who are associated with an institution.
True if this is an Analyst Roadshow
True if this is an Company Roadshow
True if this is an Deal Roadshow
True if the booking option is Free Booking
Roadshows other than Analysts and Multi-company should show market cap field.
True if this is an Other Roadshow
True if event is for a private company (not publicly traded)
True to further restrict Free Booking for sales users to only book in pre-defined slots or a time range.
Collection of roadshow participants who are management.
The roadshow's market cap.
The roadshow's currency used for marketCap.
Calculated status based on the status of all meetings in this roadshow. See roadshow:Roadshow'calculateMeetingRollupStatus for the status logic.
Icon for event schedule
NOT including soft deleted instances.
The MM typeahead picker in the add roadshow coverage ui binds to this collection. It stores attributes of RoadshowCoverage(s) pending creation of the actual instances.
Preview a length of the notes.
YesNoEnum for UDF based on isPRivateCompany
UI only attribute to bind quick note text input to.
Overridden to check admin privilege
All meeting requests on this roadshow.
Calculated attribute storing the number of requests for this meeting.
The entities acting as analysts for this roadshow
Schedule items belonging to this roadshow, including soft deleted instances
All user participants in the roadshow
Users related to the roadshow who has access to it but are not in the coverage
The collection of sales owners for leg meetings of this roadshow. No cascade delete set as there is a chain of cascade delete from legs -> acts -> entityParticipants -> salesOwners.
Caption for schedule
Style (color) for schedule
This is a list of sectors and industries that a roadshow has been classified with
Used as sectorIndustries attribute in processWhere event. Need to have this duplicate attribute to avoid using the same association for Sector and Industry filter rule attribute in UDF.
The start and end dates are time zone sensitive because they are events that take place in certain locations
Main heading for workspace
Icon for workspace
Semicolon-separated list of the full names of this roadshow's analysts.
UI only attribute: summary string for roadshow banner.
UI only attribute: summary string to show the "city" of the event.
Concatenation of all the current roadshow's companies
UI only attribute: summary string to show the ticker, sector and market capitalization of the event.
UI-only attribute: summary string listing the more detailed locations and dates of each leg
Market cap summary string.
UI only attribute: summary string to show the sector/industries of the event.
True if event type supports private company functionality
This is a list of tickers a roadshow has been classified with
Overridden to check admin privilege
Delete when size independent icons are implemented.
Add the given Entity to the roadshow's target list.
Add the given Entity to the roadshow's target list if the entity is not already on the target list. If the entity is already on the target list, there is no effect and no errors are thrown.
Overriden to assign instance as Event for Act created by rule trigger.
Calculate a newline-separated list of the leg dates and more detailed locations associated with this roadshow
Calculate the meetingRollupStatus based on a collection of meeting statuses. Statuses, roadshow cancelled = CANCELLED, no meetings = (), any meetings open with requests = OPENREQ, meetings exist but none are open or open with requests = FULL, otherwise = OPEN.
updateLegMeetingRollupStatus : before
Update each leg's meeting rollup status when the roadshow status changes.
validateStartEndTimes : before
Make sure the roadshow start/end times do not cause leg start/end times to become invalid.
Factory for creating roadshow
Returns a sorted collection of dates from startDate to endDate
Returns a sorted list of dates that contain RoadshowScheduleItem
Get the Coverage for the given entity and coverage role on this Roadshow.
Get the RoadshowParticipation for the given entity on this Roadshow.
Get the TargetListEntry for the given entity on this Roadshow.
Checks whether the current user is an admin or coordinator of the current roadshow
Static method to check if roadshow passed as argument is readable
processPrivateCompany : before
Switch from YesNoEnum to proper isPrivateCompany boolean where clause.
Determines if the legTime is within the roadshow's start/end times based on UTC.
Validate that the given roadshow coverage can be deleted (that the roadshow will still have at least one Event Coordinator).
Validate that the roadshow has at least one Event Coordinator.
Intersection class between Roadshows and UserPersons acting as roadshow analysts.
The user acting as analyst
Name attribute
Caption to show for pickers
Icon to show in pickers
The roadshow being participated in
Add the analyst to the roadshow's participations as "Research Analyst". If the analyst has an existing participation for the roadshow of a different type, throw a validation error.
validateNoExistingParticipation : before
Fail if the analyst already has an existing participation in the roadshow not of type "Research Analyst".
Delete the analyst's roadshow participation if it exists
Intersection class for roadshow:Roadshow and Company.
Calculated attribute for entity caption.
Intersection class for roadshow:Roadshow and Country
Calculated attribute for country caption.
Intersection between Roadshow and UserPerson representing users who are working on the roadshow, ie. the roadshow team
Addition order of uncommitted instances. Used for sorting.
Used instead of CoverageTeamMember for team information because CoverageTeamMember can be hard-deleted.
Used for grid order by
Used to sort uncommitted instances after committed instances, retaining the order of addition.
Returns a string tooltip offering to send an email to coverage user
Whether this instance can be created or updated. True if the roadshow is updatable.
Overridden to check coverage team
Overridden for privilege
validateRoadshowCoverages : before
Check whether the roadshow associated with this coverage has at least one event coordinator.
Factory method to create a new roadshow coverage.
Overridden for privilege
Coverage Roles for roadshow
One day of a Roadshow in a given location.
A list of available time slots
Roadshow Leg's city
Inherited from Roadshow only at time of creation, can be modified, but don't sync up to roadshow.
The date of the roadshow that the instance pertains to
The day of the roadshow that the instance pertains to
Meeting availability times on the day of the roadshow
Domestic Region for Roadshow leg
End date of the range being read
Full if the roadshow's schedule is full for the day, otherwise available
Global Region for Roadshow leg
If the Roadshow is a company roadshow
Roadshow Leg associated to the day
Roadshow associated to the day
Start date of the range being read
Status of the Roadshow
Tickers for the Company, Roadshow is for
Title of the roadshow
where clause to filter RoadshowMeeting by day
Static method to perform the aggregate query. Used instead of read.
Allows event coordinators to define the logistics for events.
Subclass of ActionItemTemplate used to represent Roadshow Itinerary Item Template.
Default max number of attendees
Max number of attendees that can physically fit in meeting room
Service providers on acts instantiated with this template should have this category. This is just for filtering in the UI, not a restriction.
Localization of roadshow:RoadshowItineraryItemTemplate caption and description.
Intersection class for roadshow:Roadshow and Country
Calculated attribute for country caption.
Override to send Leg context audit to Roadshow
Roadshow Meeting
The period in milliseconds indicating for how long the meeting can be locked by a user, when they open it. The value is set to 15 minutes.
Get the list of attributes used to determine the meeting status.
True if the current user can mange any of the entity participants. Overriden for implementation
This field is to allow the UI to set the default user for tasks and schedule items. For example, when creating an item on another user's schedule, this UserPerson will be added to the bookedByEntities collection.
Is the meeting status "Confirmed".
The reference to the timer object, locking the item. When the timer expires, the item is unlocked and the reference is removed.
Stores the user who is currently locking the meeting
If the meeting is locked, it's the first and last names of the user locking it.
Override to make required.
The number of participants of the meeting, excluding those who were rolled down to the meeting.
The number of participants of this meeting who were rolled down to the meeting.
Overridden to set value
Used on UI to display request method based on allocation type
Calculated attribute storing the number of requests for this meeting.
Used to sort meetings by day for reports.
Used on the Event request tab
Used on the leg request tab
Generates summary string of participants sorted alphabetically. Displays company name for people who have companies.
Generates summary string of booked by entities sorted alphabetically.
Used during a meeting request on the UI.
Displays city, domesticRegion and date. Used for grid grouping.
Variation of summaryStringDateLong used when grouping meetings by day.
Formats the meeting time range in the roadshow:Leg's timezone.
Override to show the title of the leg
Override to show the title of the roadshow
Override to change type
Used to show type of meeting
Add a collection of participants to this meeting. User will be added to userParticipant, otherwise just entityParticipant list.
A roadshow meeting is considedered empty if there are no ATTENDEE-type attendees
main : main
Will cancel all requests for the current meeting. Used when switching booking option from Allocation to Free Booking.
rejectRequest : before
When meeting status is confirmed then set the remaining open request to rejected.
addInitialBookedByUser : before
Adds a default to BookedBy.
calcMeetingStatus : before
Determine the meeting status.
rollDownParticipantsFromLeg : before
Roll down participants to this meeting from the leg. Rolls down even when we have explicitly selected the 'Assign To Users' and the 'For Contact' fields while we already have participants at the Roadshow level.
Get the RoadshowParticipation for the given entity on this Meeting.
Retrieves the message containing the user locking the meeting, as well the number of minutes and seconds till the timer expires NOTE: If there is not timer set up on this meeting, the function returns ()
Variation of summaryStringDateLong used when grouping meetings by day.
Formats the meeting time range in the roadshow:Leg's timezone.
Locks the meeting for number of minutes specified in LOCKING_TIMEOUT - 15. Sets the lockedBy user to current user. Also starts the timer which will unlock the meeting after it expires.
main : main
Logic happens when swtiching leg. Apply only to create case. Remove all existing participants , then add from selected leg
Determines and sets the current meeting status
Instance method invoked by the expiring timer
Unlocks the meeting by removing the lockedBy user and timer
Validate that the start and end time of this meeting is within the associated Leg restricted period.
Validate that the start and end time of this meeting is within the associated Leg.
Overridden because product exposes Feedback type as 'Event Meeting Feedback' and notification rule for task fires up notifications for MeetingFeedback.
True if the feedback is auto generated from the meeting
True if this is of type RoadshowMeetingFeedback
Override to change type
Override to add initializer
Override to change type
Overridden to check super admin privilege
addParentParticipants : before
Override to check for booking owner
Subclass of ActionItemTemplate used to represent Roadshow Itinerary Item Template.
Localization of roadshow:RoadshowItineraryItemTemplate caption and description.
Subclass of ScheduleItem used to represent Roadshow Group Meeting.
Command class to add multiple meetings
Duration of time buffer gaps for creation of multiple meetings
Time zone of the user input start/end times. This may be different from the invocation context's time zone because the calendar's time zone is used.
Subclass of ScheduleItem used to represent Roadshow One-on-One Meeting.
Subclass of ActionItemTemplate used to represent Roadshow Meeting Template.
Collection of AvailabilityTemplateTimeslots using this template
Override default icon
Whether the meeting template type is 1on1 or Group, default to 1on1.
Default max number of attendees
Default max number of clients
Max number of attendees that can physically fit in meeting room
Service providers on acts instantiated with this template should have this category. This is just for filtering in the UI, not a restriction.
Override to avoid setting actClassCode automatically
Localization of roadshow:RoadshowMeetingTemplate caption and description.
Displays the preferred phone number if the participant has one. Otherwise, display the work phone number.
Name attribute
Calculated attribute for access
Flag to indicate we are copying, so legParticipations are not created automatically
True if this entity is a regular Attendee in the roadshow
True when participant was created at roadshow level. Not Rolled up from a leg or meeting.
True when the participant was created at the meeting level.
Cascade is handled by deletion of legParticipations
Used for display, grouping and order by participantTypeOrder
To order participant types differently for different Roadshow subclasses
Whether this participant should be hidden in reports.
Used to trigger roll up in update event
Auto-populate the participant type.
Determine the participant type depending on the Entity in this RoadshowParticipation.
rollDownParticipantToLegs : before
Roll this participant down one level to the legs of this roadshow.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the event level on the given roadshow.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the event level on the given roadshow. This will throw an error if the participant is already in the roadshow.
Create a participant (the given entity) at the event level on the given roadshow.This will not throw an error if the participant is already in the roadshow.
Abstract base class for schedule items for Roadshows.
Default the schedule item to one on one
Override for display UI Component
Used to display the names of userParticipants in repeater forms.
Users who booked this
True if the current user can mange any of the entity participants. Defaults to #f
Time zone is set from leg only. Override base to support display and calculations.
Override to #f as the schedule item is not allowed to change the time zone.
Collection of statuses for free booking
Boolean attribute indicating if collection of bookedByEntities is empty.
Boolean attribute indicating if collection of service providers is empty.
True if the creator of this meeting has Roadshow Manager privileges.
override to set requireness , which is used to keep track of whether a event meeting is empty slots and not to displayed in journal
True if item is to be hidden from Event Schedule Report
Stores the user who is currently locking the meeting
An option for the meal
First phone number for first Service Provider
The region of the creator of this act. Only used in business logic when the option block is turned on for the creating user. Overridden to have region supplied by the leg.
Overridden to set value
Used in static reports to display all companies as a string
Calculated attribute for RoadshowMeetings only that stores the number of requests for this schedule item.
Required to determine List of legs for UI.
Semi-Colon delimited list of the full name attributes of the users in the userParticipants colleciton, specialize in event schedule item(filter the interal system user for tokens)
Set of user participation without system users
Max number of attendees that can physically fit in meeting room
The sales owners for the entity participants of this schedule item
Overridden to display schedule item caption in following format for multicompany roadshow <tickers; tickers - attendeeName>
Holds a list of enities that are service providers for a roadshow.
Allows grouping by date functionality on startTime
Time zone is set from leg only. Override base to support display and calculations.
Status icon
Collection of statuses for edit form and for Allocation
E.g. Company Roadshow 2 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Overridden to prepopulate Event Meeting description with Meeting Type: Event Title
Add the given participants based on list of OID to the given RoadshowScheduleItem.
Add the given userParticipants based on list of OID to the given RoadshowScheduleItem.
Override to send Leg context audit to Roadshow
SystemEventCoordinatorValidation : before
Raise a validation error if the System Event Coordinator has been removed by the user when the creator is either the Roadshow Administrator or Coordinator
Read roadshow meetings and filter by view leg view state
Intersection class for roadshow:RoadshowScheduleItem and Entity.
Intersection class for roadshow:RoadshowScheduleItem and Entity.
Calculated attribute for entity caption.
The first phone number of the service provider
Formatted for UI version of the first phone number of the service provider.
Icon of entity. Allows viewing from picker.
Seeder for roadshow related data
Return a collection of messages representing roadshow templates
Seed Batch Create Roadshow Meeting Feedback Queue
Seed privilege groups for roadshow users
Seed roadshow templates
Base template for Roadshows
Name of Admin privilege for managing roadshow templates.
Whether the current user can create roadshow instances of this template
Style/Color of the roadshow template
Style caption for displaying in UI
Default status for roadshows
Icon for roadshows
Roadshow template type for displaying in UI. (eg. Analyst, Company, Deal, Other)
Added roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplates privilege
Factory for creating a roadshow template.
Added roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplates privilege
Add RoadshowView privilege
Added roadshow:AdminEditRoadshowTemplates privilege
Base template localization for Roadshows
Localized default notes for the roadshow
General association between a Roadshow and a UserPerson representing that the user can access the roadshow but are not on the coverage
Name attribute
An intersection class which represents an entry in the target list for a Roadshow. The target list is a list of contacts for institutional investors who the management team for the event's company want to attend the event.
Caption string for Entry
UI only attribute: Icon to show when the target list entry has notes.
Determine the status for this TargetListEntry.
Check that the entity is not already on the target list of the Roadshow.
checkDuplicate : before
Check that the entity is not already on the target list of the Roadshow.
Factory for target list entry.
Factory for target list entry which throws error on duplicate creation.
Factory for target list entry.
Attributes to pre-load when reading a action, to avoid lazy-loading.
The status of the rule to which the action that the user unsubscribed to is tied.
Description expression for this action
Whether the action is executed immediately or delayed
IsMandatory expression for this action
Whether the action is executed immediately or delayed
Name expression for this action
The name of the rule to which the action that the user unsubscribed to is tied.
Calculated description based on if the current action has localization.
A string containing the action trigger execution information. Shown in the UI in order to differentiate time based actions from immediate actions.
Caption for target's subject area
A set of actions from which the user has unsubscribed
Construct ActionCommand containing information to perform an action
Copy this Action and its expressions, and add it to the given action set.
Server side action for deleting an rules:Action and fixing the rules:ActionSet's remaining rules:Actions' ordinals.
Override the processWhere event, implements the processing of the activeStatus attribute.
A runtime instance of a single action, within a rule.
This attribute is used to determine contact UI component and it is only used by CreateTaskActionCommand and CreateActivityActionCommand Class
This attribute is used to determine opportunity UI components and it is only used by CreateTaskActionCommand and CreateActivityPlanActionCommand Class
Allow TARGETOBJECT option to be selected in the for contact rule.
Describes this action.
The ordinal to be displayed in the UI. Starts from 1.
Type of execution : Immediate or Time-based
Expressions that define the action taken.
Number of time-units to offset
Whether the offset is before or after the operand time
The unit of offset. eg. Day/Hour/Minute
For sorting. Could be fractional. e.g. when inserting new expression between two other expressions.
Used to initialize ordinal
Service to use for the action
Service instance to use
UI Component target
Reference to time-based value used by time trigger, ie. Birthday
Syncs the command attributes to a rules:Action model.
Non-persisted intersection class between SendNotificationActionCommand and OperandProxy used for adding operands to a Notification Rule.
The SendNotificationActionCommand associated to this instance.
The OperandProxy associated to this instance.
Calculated value from the operand's caption for display purposes.
Formula used to calculate value of expression
True if the value is determined using a formula
Copy this expression object, setting the new root action and new parent expression.
Creates an object value associated with this action expression.
Reverse association, to an action that defines multiple expressions.
Action formula object
Overridden to set class code
Formula is bound to the action set
Overridden to inherit security
Overridden to inherit security
Validates a given field and ensures that is present in the allowed fields within the formula
Validates a set of given fields and returns errors
An object value found within an action expression.
Action object value class code.
Grouping mechanism for grouping actions
Creates a copy of this action set.
Return a list of email options of this action set
Represents a quick response that has been associated to a specific notification action.
The action this instance is associated with
The caption value of the associated action
The disabled tooltip of the associated action
Represents the order of the associated actions for an action
The enabled tooltip of the associated action
The type of associated action
Returns the metaclass name of a uicomponent given its uicomponent name
main : main
Find the class and return its name
An abstract class for an action set that is scoped to an object.
The instance to scope this action set. Override and persist on subclass.
Creates a new bounded action set and assigns to the container object.
A condition that is scoped to an object.
The instance to scope this condition. Override and persist on subclass.
Determines whether there are no expressions to evaluate
Cached Enumeration Captions
Attributes to pre-load when reading a condition, to avoid lazy-loading.
Indicates whether collections are expanded for any operands in the expressions.
Creates a copy of this condition
Initializes expressions from information model
Creates from information model
load : before
Load all required attributes and sub conditions
Whether collections are expanded or not when the operand was created
True if the value has been changed True: condtion1 AND `the value has been changed`(condition2)
Indicates whether the expression denotes a junction within the expression tree
The subject area for the current expression
Overridden in order to add validation
Creates a copy of the current expression, and sets a new root condition and new parent.
Create an object value associated with this condition expression.
Returns true if the attribute within the current condition has been specified
Returns true if the attribute within the current condition has been updated
A single expression in a rule command. Analogous to FilterRuleExpression.
Overridden to change to subclass
Determines if operand follows a dynamic collection path
Determines if operand follows a dynamic collection path
Junction: one of "and", or "or".
The subject area for the current expression
Validates an expression. It validates all scenario's including when an operand is not specified, when an operand is specified but an operator is not specified and also when an operand and an operator are specified but a value is not specified.
An object value found within a condition expression.
Condition object value class code.
The Associated Actions for this action
A client instance of an task creation action.
The type of action
Coverage assignment model
Coverage role
Filters collection of AssignmentModel based on target area
The rule of assigning the task
Text explanation for when the associated Act's template cannot have new instances created. To be used in the edit screen UI.
Whether the template of the associated Act is deactivated.
Number of days between start date and due date
The rule of setting "For" field
Override of the priority from template
Messaging service name
The specific contact the task is for
The specific user the task will be assigned to
Task template
Override of task text
Override of task title from template
A client instance of an task creation action.
The type of action
Coverage assignment model
Coverage role
Filters collection of AssignmentModel based on target area
The rule of assigning the task
Text explanation for when the associated Act's template cannot have new instanes created. To be used in the edit screen UI.
Whether the template of the associated Act is deactivated.
Number of days between start date and due date
The rule of setting "For" field
Override of the priority from template
Messaging service name
The specific contact the task is for
The specific user the task will be assigned to
Task template
Override of task text
Override of task title from template
The workqueue to which the created task is assigned
Action used in a distribution rule.
Command object used for editing distribution actions.
The expression used to identify the distribution action.
Distribution action service name.
Overridden to initialize the single action expression command for this distribution action.
A rule used to distribute a target (ui component) to an existing user.
The attribute that the distribute action will be setting on the UI Component instance. For lead distribution, the owner attribute will be set.
The name of the UI Component that the rule will be executed on. The target component of the action expression.
Identifying subclass type.
Used to display the intended recipient of the distribution, as specified in the action. Should only be used in a detail query, not in lists.
Overridden to initialize the distribution rule with a predefined condition and distribution action.
A ruleSet used to distribute a target (ui component) to an existing user.
Identifying subclass type.
Overriden to set principal to private.
Overridden to remove the validation of duplicate name captions.
Overriden to set principal to private.
Base expression class
class code attribute
Expression properties. Analogous to FilterRuleExpression.
The ordinal to be displayed in the UI. Starts from 1.
The UI Field corresponding to the selected operand
True -> create the condition for the associated operand's value has been changed.
True to invert result.
True if the value is a collection of object values.
True if the operand is a collection
Serialized representation of object value.
Object instance for non-collection object/enum value type.
Object values, if type is enum or object
Name of the UI Field.
For sorting. Could be fractional. e.g. when inserting new expression between two other expressions.
Used to initialize ordinal
Stores a multi-lined string
Expression value type.
Clear the old value when the operator is NULL
Creates a condition expression from the command.
Generates the where clause to be applied for querying for a timestamp type field, for a filter rule expression
operand string used for the filter rule expression
unit string used to provide the user's timezone. If the string is empty, the unit is defaulted to the local time zone otherwise the specified value is used.
any whereClause for a given filter rule expression
Generates the where clause to be applied for querying based on the field, operator and value selected by the user for a filter rule expression
any whereClause for a given filter rule expression
Determines the correct operand to apply to the where clause. For enum's uses the enum's value, for object collection uses the object's oid.
any operand in the required format to form the whereClause
Determines the correct operator to apply to the where clause based on the enum value selected from the operator's combo in the UI
any operator the actual mathematical operator to apply to the whereClause
Formats the value entered for the FilterRuleExpression to the correct format depending on the actual data type of the field picked to filter on. Also based on the operator selected, changes the value to meet the requirements for the operator. Changes the value to either *value or value* based on whether the ends with operator is selected or the starts with operator is selected respectively. In case of the "is one of" operator being applied (which is the "IN" operator internally), creates a collection of objects by either taking their value or oids for Enums and Objects respectively.
any value the value to be used by the whereClause in order to search
Sets the value of the expression using polymorphic switch
Syncs the contents of an expressionable command to an expressionable model.
Base for expression object value.
Calculated caption.
Store a enum constant value, if value type is string.
Is an object type.
UIComponent instance proxy for display purposes
Object instance ID, if value type is object.
Store a string constant value, if value type is string.
Value type
Polymorphic value
Update the related object instance based on the target and objectId.
Class containing definition of a formula
Action type
Overridden to set class code
A client instance of an formula action
The action type
Formula object to edit
The value of the field option
The display order
The denormalized field name
The stored value of the option
Placeholder for picker
A client instance of an email action.
static address pattern regex for validation
Messaging service name
Stores expresion object values.
A caption for this instance, shown in UI.
UI Component object instance.
A reverse association to the containing expression.
Is a UI Component object instance.
The object instance.
Object Id for UI component instance.
Serialized representation of object.
The string value for this object.
UI Component name.
Deletes all entries within the objectValues collection attribute of the ConditionExpressionCommand object that calls this event before adding this instance of ObjectValueCommand to it. This is to avoid any possible conflicts between old and new versions of the objectValue attribute of ConditionExpressionCommand when it is updated through the UI.
Indicates whether collections are expanded. Added to allow query by
Indicates whether collections are expanded. Added to allow query by
Tracks batch processes invoked using the async-dispatch.
The time the job is completed
The error count when for the current job
Determines if the current message is the finally block of a string of messages
The processing state of the current message
The execution id that links a number of async messages
The linked message instance if available. Note that the dispatcher deletes messages when it is done with them making this field not always available
The oid of the linked message
The process name
The queue on which the job executed
The time the job started executing
The status of the given process
This batch job is responsible to deleting executed OrchestratorAsyncMessageState instances. OrchestratorAsyncMessageState are created for 'tracked' executions of 'async-dispatch' jobs (or any 'async-sequence' or 'async-parallel' jobs. A OrchestratorAsyncMessageState is considered deletable if its finalizer in the DONE (D) or ERROR (E) state. These numbers can be configured by modifying the SUCCESS_EXPIRY_DAYS and ERROR_EXPIRY_DAYS of this batch job. Changes to this batch job without customizing it from rules can be done by setting the enable flag of this batch job to false, and then copying over the code to a new batch job class.
Static name for the job
The number of days that must have passed before deleting executed error-ed states
The number of days that must have passed before deleting executed non-error states
The class code
The name
Batch job runs weekly
Start time for the batch job. Scheduled to run at 10 pm organization time zone.
Deletes all expired rules:ScheduledTrigger instances. An instance of rules:ScheduledTrigger is expired if one the conditions is true: 1. The execution time of the schedule trigger instance is EXECUTED_EXPIRY_DAYS days in the past and the status is EXECUTED 2. The execution time of the schedule trigger instance is ERROR_EXPIRY_DAYS days in the past and the status is ERROR
Seeds the batch job
Deletes all expired rules:OrchestratorAsyncMessageState instances.
A message used to store invocation details concerning an action that has been dispatched in the orchestrator
The default queue name that messages are sent to
Arguments to the function being called
Indicates that this method is executed as a batch on various objects
The name of the batch operation
Overridden to set classCode
The current asynchronous depth
Unsanitized args containing recreated instances. Used for execution
Concluding message for a series of async messages
Indicates that this is a finally block
The key on which the message executed. Used for semaphore-based locking
The maximum allowed async depth for the current invocation -1 for UNLIMITED
The name of the method to execute. May be a scheme library function or an event on the "object" passed
The object to which the execution is centric on
Function to execute on complete failure of this execution
Function to execute on finish of this execution
Indicates whether pessimistic lock is enabled on the 'key'
SysProcess to log execution on
The queue on which to place the message
The queued order to determine the order of operation. The original ordinals are recomputed by the OQ engine so we need to store the initial copies
Semaphores to use for barriered implementation
Indicates that the message is being tracked using the async message state. Value is #t or #f
Serialized values collection
Overridden to save values and send queue message
Subclass specific message creation logic. Creates and returns a new SysMessage
Executes a generic method (ie: metaclass event or procedure)
Executes a generic methodon a collection of objects (ie: metaclass event or procedure)
Overridden to execute on fail action and log exceptions when execution fails
Gets the status of a finally message based on all thread statuses
Overridden to constuct semaphore from orchestrator key. Object is used if key is not present
Gets the state of the current async transaction
Default factory for creating an orchestrator message
Overridden to execute on completion logic
deleteSuccessfulState : after
Jobs that run entirely successful are deleted to keep the state table smaller. Any jobs that fail or have errors are kept for a period of time. @see OrchestratorAsyncStateCleanupJob
Executes the async process
Sets the state of the current async transaction
Validates a given method and arg count. Argument
A class to store global objects used in the orchestrator
; A static map of resolver method to apply to a given service before invoking SOA or methods to execute the action set ; This allows pre-processing of action commands prior to being dispatched to an external service to execute the actions ; ;
objectInstance Object the instance for which the action set is being executed. This argument is always passed in ;
actionCommandArguments nexj:rules:Rule:1.0:type:ActionArgument[] The action arguments are always passed to the resolver as well ;
componentInstance nexj:rules:Rule:1.0:type:ComponentInstance the component instance for which the action will be executed against ;
; A global map of all actions that can be performed locally and their respective functions to call ; ;
service string The name of the service that this method overrides ;
method lambda The function to execute when overriding the service
Attributes to pre-load when reading to avoid lazy-loading.
A rule associated to a single rule set that contains a condition-action pair. When the condition evaluates to true, a distribute action will be performed.
The action set associated to this rule.
Code identifying subclass type.
The rule condition to be evaluated. If evaluated to true, the rule action will be invoked.
The name used to identify the rule.
The order in which the rule should be evaluated in a rule set.
The ruleSet associated to this given rule.
Free text area for notes about the rule.
Deletes all the associated scheduled triggers
Updates ruleSet of this rule to one with the given trigger
Change the Rule status to its opposite value and delete all associated scheduled triggers
An action set that is associated to a rule.
Identifying subclass type.
Rule associated to this action set.
Process a single object to verify if it satisfies the rule and schedules a delayed a action.
Asyn process to apply delayed action on existing objects
Batches up the target objects on which delayed action is to be applied and dispatches it asynchronously.
Retrieves the status of async job applying delayed actions on existing objects
Represents client model for a rule. Each rule consists of a list of expressions. Analogous to FilterRule.meta
Contains the advanced expression when the advanced expression checkbox is checked. Empty, otherwise.
Calculated attribute for viewing and editing the expression.
The flag to indicate whether to use the custom logical expression from the user.
Reference to the condition being edited.
Text for define criteria label in condition editor.
Text for criteria label in condition editor.
Collection of expressions representing condition
Name of this command
Reference to the rule being edited.
A reference to the subject area which this rule uses.
Calculates condition expression. Facade for (this'createExpression).
Converts the infix string filter to scheme prefix notation
infixInput string The infix notation to convert into prefix
any The prefix scheme expression
Calculate the logical expression for attribute junctionExpressionUI
Create the where clause based on the advanced logical expression entered by the user.
The main method for creating where clause type expressions for use outside the popup.
Create the where clause based on the expressions entered by the user in the grid only.
Takes a localized logical expression and returns a delocalized generic logical expression.
input string The localized logical expression to delocalize
string The delocalized logical expression
Takes a generic logical expression and returns the localized version.
input string The unlocalized logical expression to localize
string The localized logical expression
Factory event.
state string The serialized initial state.
Given an instance of rules:Condition, creates a corresponding rules:RuleCommand instance to load in the editor UI.
Run the command.
Given an instance of RuleCommand, creates a corresponding SavedFilterRule instance to be used for persisting it in the database. By default, it creates a new instance of SavedFilterRule which contains the contents of the RuleCommand but no name or caption. However, given an optional second argument (savedFilterRule) it will be updated with the contents of the given ruleCommand
ruleCommand RuleCommand The instance to be persisted
savedFilterRule SavedFilterRule (optional) If given, this SavedFilterRule's contents will be overwritten by the ruleCommand (but the name, caption and description will be preserved)
SavedFilterRule The resulting SavedFilterRule instance (either newly-created, if no second argument was given, or an updated version of the SavedFilterRule given in the second argument)
Substitutes the number in the expression with the where clause equivalent. We get the where clause as a list from ExpressionCommand'getExpression. Returns in list format
expr any a list of scheme expression to substitute
lsit The list version with the where clause in place of the number representation
Replaces the condition's expressions with new ones that match the expressions of the RuleCommand
Replaces the expressions on this RuleCommand with new ones that match those of the FilterRule passed in as an argument.
Validates proper bracket pairings.
input string The string to check bracket validation against
boolean Returns #t if brackets are opened and closed properly, #f otherwise.
Validates the logical expression for bad characters and returns #t if valid, #f if empty string, otherwise throws the exception. validateBrackets is called later, separately.
infixInput string The infix notation of the logical expression to evaluate ie. "1 and 2"
A condition that is associated to a rule.
Identifying subclass type.
The rule associated to this condition.
Overridden to set target to the parent workflow ruleset
The name of the meta class containing implementation of getOperandTypes.
The binary representation of the instance oid. Instance does not need to be of type matching 'class' member variable. In case types do not match, it is developer's responsibility to ensure implementation of getOperandTypes has suffecient information to do an intance read using oid.
A rule set contains a collection of rules, each of them corresponding to a condition-action pair, that will be executed in sequence according to a given ordinal number.
Code identifying subclass type.
The name identifying the rule set.
Collection of rules associated to this rule set.
The name of the UIComponent a rule's condition is evaluating against.
The UIComponent a rules's condition is evaluating against, proxy is used to get the caption.
True if the target property can be edited
Free text area for notes about the rule set.
Deactivate a ruleset
Validates that the ruleset doesn't have a name that already exists in the system.
Validates the rule set to make sure each rule is valid
A message used to store invocation details concerning an action that has been dispatched in the orchestrator
Overridden to change default queue name
The ActionSet Id associated to the executing rule
Overridden to set class code
Optional argument to commit per action that is run. default is #t
The UIComponent Instance of the related object
Bind of service mappings to use for local execution
This batch job is responsible for deleting executed ScheduledTrigger instances. ScheduledTriggers are created for time-based notifications that are queued and meant to run at a future time. A ScheduledTrigger is considered executed if its in the EXECUTED or ERROR state. ScheduledTriggers in the EXECUTED state are deleted 1 day after the expiry time of the instance while those in the ERROR state are deleted 30 days after expiry time. The latest time between the scheduledTime and the operandValue is the expiry time of the ScheduledTrigger. These numbers can be configured by modifying the EXECUTED_EXPIRY_DAYS and ERRORED_EXPIRY_DAYS of this batch job. Changes to this batch job without customizing it from rules can be done by setting the enable flag of this batch job to false, and then copying over the code to a new batch job class.
The number of days that must have passed before deleting executed error-ed scheduled triggers
The number of days that must have passed before deleting executed non-error scheduled triggers
Allows enabling and disabling the batch job
Batch job runs daily
Start time for the batch job. Scheduled to run at 10 pm organization time zone.
Deletes all expired rules:ScheduledTrigger instances. An instance of rules:ScheduledTrigger is expired if one the conditions is true: 1. The scheduledTime and the operandValue time of the schedule trigger instance is EXECUTED_EXPIRY_DAYS days in the past and the status is EXECUTED 2. The scheduledTime and the operandValue time of the schedule trigger instance is ERROR_EXPIRY_DAYS days in the past and the status is ERROR
A delayed invocation of the rule actions scheduled on timer Used for looking up and managing existing delayed actions for an object Used for avoiding duplicate action execution
Used for filtering action name
Error message that occured when executing the delayed action
Actual time of execution
Represents the UIComponent of the functional area this trigger is related to. Defaults to uiComponentName, but can be overridden upon creation.
Functional area displayed in the UI
The instance triggering the rule
The oid of instance triggering the rule
Used for filtering oid
The operand value from which the scheduledTime is calculated
The time of schedule trigger placed into queue
Time scheduled to execute the delayed action
Summary string of action name for Admin UI
Summary string of action type for Admin UI
Reference to SysTimer instance that will run the "execute" event
Denormalized instance ui component name
Execute the delayed actions
Retrieve the metaclass instance by UI Component name and OID
Determines whether (now) is past scheduledTime and operandValue
Reads list of triggers which have not yet been executed, have been executed in the recent past (last 1 day), or have been executed in the past with errors.
A rule used to distribute a target (ui component) to an existing user.
Identifying subclass type.
The weight for the Scoring Rule
Overridden to initialize the distribution rule with a predefined condition and distribution action.
A ruleset used to score a lead
Identifying subclass type.
A client instance of an notification creation action.
if the current type is one of types in the list, the OK button should be enabled. Otherwise should be disabled.
A set of attributes that are localized for notifications
A set of attributes that are localized for email notifications
A set of attributes that are localized for inbox notifications
The maximum number of recipient associations that can be specified using the super picker
The type of action
Allow user to add recipients
Allow user to remove recipients
The AssociatedAction instances for this action
A set of associations that can be followed to find recipients for a notification. for instance (
Constrain the set of recipients to be an a certain region. Enabled by turning on "Enable Regionalized Notifications" option block.
Message used to populate operand super picker. Value of this attribute is the entry point for generating context-specific recipient trees within the same action set.
A semi-colon separated list of all of the operand names used for recreating the operands in loadAction
Calculate if the user has at least one type of recipent or not.
Determines if notification actions generated through this action are mandatory (users cannot unsubscribe from it)
Flag determining whether notification popup can be edited
Boolean attribute indicating if the action set is from a Rules action
A set of localizations for the notification
Type of notification to be sent to the recipients.
Collection of target recipient operands.
Overridden to replace oid with actionSet'oid
Messaging service name
Allow user to configure add/remove recipients checkbox
Boolean attribute indicating if notifications can be sent by email
Boolean attribute indicating if the operand collection should be shown in the notification UI
Boolean attribute indicating if the recipients section should be shown in the UI
Boolean attribute indicating if notifications can be constrained by region
Boolean attribute indicating if the user group collection should be shown in the notification UI
Boolean attribute indicating if the user collection should be shown in the notification UI
Used to generate the root of time trigger operand tree
The user groups whose members should receive notifications for this action
The users that should receive notifications for this action
Returns a collection of AssociatedActionTypeEnum values for the given target ui component name.
Overridden to customize operand collection
Returns UIComponentName of associated time trigger operand
Represents a quick response that has been associated to a specific notification action.
The SendNotificationActionCommand associated to this instance.
Represents the order of the associated actions for an action
The type of associated action
A transient class to hold localizable strings for a notification creation action.
Non-persisted intersection class between SendNotificationActionCommand and UserGroup used for adding a user group to a Notification Rule.
The SendNotificationActionCommand associated to this instance.
The User associated to this instance.
Non-persisted intersection class between SendNotificationActionCommand and UserGroup used for adding a user group to a Notification Rule.
The SendNotificationActionCommand associated to this instance.
Calculated value from the userGroup's caption for display purposes.
The UserGroup associated to this instance.
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
A class used to mock the Person class in test cases within rules.
Unique indentifier for the test contact
Stores the configuration of time triggers for actions Example: "5 days before a contact's birthday"
A list of operands supported for recurring time triggers.
List of actions to apply this time trigger to
Calculated attribute based on operand to determine if the TimeTrigger is recurring.
Number of time-units to offset
Whether the offset is before or after the operand time
The unit of offset. eg. Day/Hour/Minute
Reference to time-based value used by time trigger, ie. Birthday
Summary string of the action types for Admin UI
Summary string of the action names for Admin UI
Clears schduled time triggers bound to a given TimeTrigger configuration
Deletes all scheduledTriggers associated with this action
Helper method to create or update a ScheduledTrigger instance
Helper function to remove a ScheduledTrigger instance. If trigger is (), removes all scheduled triggers for the instance
Transient class for loading available components for subject area of a rule. Represents a UIComponent, or the equivalent of FilterRuleSubjectArea.
UI Component caption, localized.
The fields within the component.
The subject area, to determine which fields are appropriate.
The unique name of the UI Component.
Interface names the UI Component's service provides
Transient class for loading enumeration values on a UIFieldProxy.
Object value caption, localized.
Ordinal for sorting object values.
The object field.
Object value for "string" type.
The type of object.
Returns rules:UIFieldOperatorProxy operands that are associated with the given type
Transient class for loading available fields for subject area and context.
Field is active.
True if fields within in field should be loaded
Optional association preceding the attribute
Attribute association path
Field caption localized
True if field is a collection.
The parent component.
Field full name
True if non-primitive
True if collection
True if enumeration
Name of field.
The object values available for this field.
The operators available for this field.
The where clause to be applied to this Field's picker
True if field is primitive
Field type
The unit of the attribute
Set action service name
Intersection class between User and Notification Action.
Calculated attribute pointing to the action which the user has unsubscribed from
The description of the action
The target UI Component of the action
Class name of the related object for subject area specific action
The first name of the user
Calculated attribute of the full name of the user
Id of the related object for subject area specific action
Boolean value that indicates whether the action instance is rule based.
Set to true to resubscribe the user to the action
The last name of the user
Calculated ui component instance object for the subject area specific action
The description of the rule to which the action that the user unsubscribed to is tied
The name of the rule to which the action that the user unsubscribed to is tied
The name of the action that the user unsubscribed to
The name of the rule or the template to which the action that the user unsubscribed to is tied
The subject area of the action that the user unsubscribed to
Persisted name of the action target UI Component
The time the user unsubscribed to the action.
User that is unsubscribed from the action
The position of the user
Overridden to handle resubscription
checkSubscribed : before
Check if the action has been resubscribed to. If so, delete this UserUnsubscribeAction instance
Read a single instance by the user and the subscriptionTokenId in string form
main : main
Read and return the rules:UserUnsubscribeAction
Resubscribe all unsubscribed users when notification is changed to mandatory
Resubscribe all unsubscribed notification actions selected through multi-select
Resubscribe a specific unsubscribed user.
A rule invoked from an target objec through supported trigger event
Calculate if there is a time trigger action for this rule.
Override to change type
Overridden to add validation
createActionSet : before
To reduce complexity in UI, always create action set
createCondition : before
To reduce complexity in UI, always create condition
A command class that allows the creation of WorkflowRuleSet instances.
Status of the Rule
Calculated attribute showing ActiveStatusEnum value for status
Name of the Rule
Existing rule to load
RuleSet that the rule is associated to
Target UI Component name
Target UI Component proxy
Target UI Component icon
Free text area for notes about the rule.
How this rule will be triggered. One of "Creation", "Modification", or "Creation, Modification"
Gets the ruleSet for the rule with matching trigger and target, create one if doesn't exist
Factory for update
A command method that creates the actual notification rule
clearHasChangedValue : before
hide hasChanged depending on updateTrigger value
A ruleSet invoked from an target objec through supported trigger event
used for polymorphism and filtering
Denormed value to enable validation on database level. Should not be used for anything else.
The event that could trigger the rule
Move the ordinals to fill the gap after current ordinal has been removed
Security context
Minimum time interval to update lastActiveTime (in milliseconds)
The logout date cookie name
The authentication token name
The class type code
Token expiry time
Last time the token was validated
The URL that was used to get to the login channel (Defaults to httpSSOURL + httpLoginURL)
Time when security context will be revoked and user will be logged out
Authentication method
Authentication provider
Authentication token
Returns the security context corresponding to the authentication token. If the context is not found or is expired, null is returned.
Returns cookie value
Creates cookie for a given token
Returns the logout date cookie.
main : main
Returns the logout date cookie
Revoke current secutity context.
Updates the lastActiveTime with current time.
Garbage collects expired security tokens
The class type code
Batch job name
Timer period in milliseconds
Called by the timer
Security context
Security Context's validity timeout (in minutes)
The class type code
Time that the client has to logout before the server does logout (in seconds). Used in inactivity timeout.
Access attribute for create event.
Access attribute for delete event.
Security Context's inactivity timeout (in minutes)
Inactivity Warning Time (in minutes)
Return the authentication timeout (in minutes)
Return the inactivity timeout (in minutes)
Initializes default configuration information
Return the warning time (in minutes)
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
System upgrade version information
True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded
Metadata namespace
Metadata upgrade step within the version, -1 if the version is up to date
True if the schema contains test data, which can be recreated automatically
True if the schema may be upgraded automatically
Metadata version
UI Component persisted version of TypeLocalization.
Denormalized customized flag from object
Denormalized system flag from object
Whether to include fields of the association
Whether the association is a dynamic collection.
Indicates whether a collection is a unique or named collection
The maximum number of instances that must be shown for this field.
The unique identifier used to identify the dynamic collection association.
Run-time configurable class metadata.
Name of context when using the workspace
Name of the docked workspace
Icon to display icon for the UIComponent
Flag to determine if the instances of the UI Component are read only
Namespace of the component
Name of the workspace that supports navigating to the component instance
Name of the screen to use as an M1 picker
Name of the screen to use as a popup
Interfaces the service of the UI Component implements
Name of service instance that implements the sync for the UI Component
Name of service that implements the sync for the UI Component
Interfaces that a UI Component provides
This should be treated as a proxy class to the UIComponent SOA service that is cached.
Default value for whether collections should be flattened entirely, named ones should be flattened, or none at all
Unpersisted cache for availableFieldValues to avoid multiple calls in the same invocation context.
UI Component caption, localized.
Fields equivalent to calling readUIComponentByNames
Indicates whether collections are expanded
Returns a field following an association path
calls getAvailableValuesByFieldName but caches the result on the proxy instance.
Invokes findField. Provided for backward compatibility.
Enum values read from service
Must be enum
Defines field metadata on run-time class metadata.
The containing UI component.
Whether a collection of available values can be retrieved for this field by calling getAvailableValuesByFieldName on the UIComponentClient service
Indicates whether the field is an association field
Whether this field is just a holder that will be resolved by the UI Component Client
Indicates whether a field is an enumeration field
An optional where clause to be used on this field's picker
True if the type is primitive.
The value type of the attribute.
Whether the value of this UI Field is readOnly. Different from the readOnly flag of this UIField class.
UIComponent name
Display order of enum value
UIComponent client service to retrieve values from
UIField name
Instance of enumService
Value of enum value
main : main
Disable caption validation.
Proxy class to UI Field. See UIComponentProxy
Indicates whether a collection is a unique or named collection
error : before
Loads are not supported on this instance