Client is running unit test as a stand alone process using Ant command
<pre class=”lang:java decode:true “>$ANT_HOME/bin/ant \\
-f “$NEXJ_PLUGIN/build/build.xml” \\
-Dplugin.dir=”$NEXJ_PLUGIN” \\
-Dout.dir=”$DIR_OUT” \\
-Dsrc.dir=”$DIR_SRC” \\
-Dproject.src.dir=”$DIR_SRC” \\
-Dproject=”$DIR_PROJECT” \\
-Dbase.jar=”$BASE_MODEL” \\
-Dpublish.dir=”$PROJECT_DIR_MIXINS” \\
-Dbase.search.dir=”$DIR_MIXINS” \\
-Dunittest.properties=”$ENVIRONMENT_FILE” \\
-Dnexj.test.test.clones=”2″ \\
-Dapp.test.name=”\\Act* !unittest:ActBadgeConfig” \\
app.init.flags app.test
They see a summary of the results in the logs:
<pre class=”lang:sh decode:true “>; 17:07:27,357 INFO [UnitTestLogger] Completed 74 test case(s) in 6 unit test(s) with 4 failure(s) and 28 error(s)
; 17:07:27,357 INFO [UnitTestLogger] Total time 338.265 sec
Their question is, is there a way to see the breakdown of which test cases that are successful and failed? They can see the breakdown if unit test is ran on NexJ Studio, and would like to get similar results running as a stand alone process. Please advise. Thanks.