Home Forums Development Link based portal navigation not functioning.

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    • #23363
      Max WidmaierMax Widmaier

      So, usually you can use links to navigate through the portal for example, <application_base>/ui/portal#Home would navigate to the Home workspace and <application_base>/ui/portal#Contacts/<tab/portlet ref name>;EntityId=<oid> would navigate to a specific tab/portlet for that entity.
      However, in our local testing environments this is broken. (See the attached image). Which is odd, considering that the production environments work fine.

      The relevant documentation can be found here. This behavior is very odd and our custom applications rely heavily on such functionality.
      My question is is this some sort of configuration error. Can the be enabled/disabled in the admin console or is this some sort of framework or even implementation bug?

      Thank you very much!

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    • #23387
      Shahzad Qureshishahzad.qureshi

      Has there been any customization made to the NexJ code that might be causing this that haven’t been pushed to the git repo but deployed to this environment? Is the framework plugin the correct one? can you try on your local machine and see what happens?

    • #23395
      Max WidmaierMax Widmaier

      No modification to NexJ code that I am aware of. It’s a different branch we use for testing custom applications and such (those built in React), but it has diverged significantly from the main branch connected to the repo. I tested links in my instance which is connected to the main repository and it seems to work. I may try cloning that repository and implementing the custom applications freshly.

    • #23404
      Max WidmaierMax Widmaier

      Ok, I’ve isolated the issue. It seems AFL doesn’t play well with react rendered portlets as drawers for whatever reason…
      So adding <Drawer event=”eventName” name=”refPortlet” portlet=”path/to/application” /> seems to break link-based navigation. I am unsure if this is an issue with any of the libraries or my code or an issue with the framework.


      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Max WidmaierMax Widmaier.
      • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Max WidmaierMax Widmaier.
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