Home Forums Development Getting blank screen/stuck on ssoLogin

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    • #14374
      Greg FentonGreg Fenton

      (Wasn’t sure where best to post this, so I went with “Developer” as a catch-all…feel free to redirect if there’s a better category!)

      Consistently reproducible in our environment.  Our project’s model has

      • base model: NexJ Finance
      • base version: 1126.1307.170.53

      Our test environment is running on a machine in the customer’s domain, running the NexJ Server Scheme Console, we are using the “v9 UI”.

      1. Starting a fresh browser (latest Chrome on Windows 10)
      2. type into the address bar to http://nexj1.CUSTOMERDOMAIN.local:7080/PREFIX/ui/portal and press ENTER
      3. the browser redirects to http://nexj1.CUSTOMERDOMAIN.local:7080/PREFIX/channel/sso:Login?goto=<URLENCODED_PREVIOUS_URL&gt;
      4. Prompted by the browser to login, use “nexjsa” & its password
      5. the browser displays a blank white page (Chrome also offers to save the userid & password, but this is likely not relevant)

      EXPECTED: we’d see the application
      ACTUAL: we see a blank white screen.

      Opening Chrome’s Developer Tools and looking at the cookies for this site shows that we have 2 cookies:

      • NexJ-Logout-Date
      • NexJ-Authentication-Token

      At this point, entering the URL from step #2 into the browser, then the UI loads as expected and we are seeing CRM data.  Looking at the Developer Tools, we now see a third cookie: NEXJSESSIONID


      1. using the Developer Tools, clear the cookies
      2. re-enter the URL from step #2 above
      3. the browser redirects to the URL from #3 above
      4. the browser remains blank – stuck on the sso:Login URL
      5. using Developer Tools, we now see that there are all 3 cookies from above with the exact same values it had prior to clearing the cookies
      6. typing in the URL from step #2 above and the UI loads again showing CRM data

      EXPECT: entering the URL once would load the UI showing CRM data
      ACTUAL: a blank screen stuck on the sso:Login URL and requiring entering the URL a second time

      There do not appear to be any errors/exceptions in the server log.  Any thoughts on cause and/or next steps for triaging further?

      (We have a screen capture of all the above but it shows customer information.  Happy to share with NexJ staff folks if it will help.)

      Thank you in advance!

    • #14447
      Shahzad Qureshishahzad.qureshi

      To redirect back to the original landing page, the url needs to be added to NJWhiteList table. Take a look at sso:Login.service

    • #14541
      Henry ZaccakZaccak Solutions

      Shahzad, does it make sense for Demo and Test Environments to turn off Perimeter Security so that we don’t need to whitelist each URL?

    • #14553
      Shahzad Qureshishahzad.qureshi

      Yes. We don’t have Perimeter security enabled for our test environments. The development environment setup you have received should not have this enabled by default. Please let me know if that is not the case

    • #14591
      Henry ZaccakZaccak Solutions

      Yes it looks to be on in all environments (development, demo, etc.)

    • #14674
      Greg FentonGreg Fenton

      For the un-initiated, how would one go about disabling Perimeter Security in a Development.properties and/or Template.environment file?

      Also, how would one go about adding to the Whitelist to minimize conflicts with future upgrades?

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