Currently I am using Filters and when editing the filters there is a double value of “All Items” showing up in the list. Attached in the document section there is an vision of the double value showing up. I would like to remove the double value and just have one “All Items” appear.
<pre class=”lang:scheme decode:true crayon-selected” title=”getFilterRuleSubjectAreas”>(define attibutesForAll ‘(“AI_DESCRIPTION” “AI_CREATE_FROM_DATE” “AI_CREATE_TO_DATE” “AI_AGENCY_USER” “AI_USERS”))
(: _AI-ALL_
(: class “Object”)
(: caption “ids.filter.AllItems”)
(: clause ‘(instance? (@) Object))
(: icon “asterix_green”)
(: attributes attibutesForAll)
(: class “Object”)
(: caption “ids.campaigns.documents”)
(: clause ‘(= (@ channel) “Unknown”))
(: icon “document”)
(: attributes attibutesForAll)
(: class “Object”)
(: caption “ids.emails”)
(: clause ‘(= (@ channel) “Email”))
(: icon “mail”)
(: attributes attibutesForAll)
(: class “Object”)
(: caption “ids.filter.phoneCalls”)
(: clause ‘(= (@ channel) “Phone Call”))
(: icon “telephone”)
(: attributes attibutesForAll)
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