Home Forums Business Model Classes ErrorReport

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    • #10899
      Paul BolanowskiPaul Bolanowski

      Our business is requesting that we add a report error button to the referenceId error screen.  It should generate a ticket via an API that we have with our support system.

      In order to accomplish this, we would have to customize the ErrorScreen and ErrorForm. I noticed there is a placeholder class that mentions a “send error report” functionality. Is this for a future enhancement? I want to make sure we don’t do anything that will make the next upgrade difficult.



    • #10907
      Trevor BallTrevor Ball

      We would need somebody from Product Management to say for sure, but I would be surprised if we were going to add out-of-the-box error reporting like that to the core product, particularly since different clients would have different reporting requirements. I expect that what you’re seeing is intended as a stub for you to customize as you see fit, to satisfy your particular business needs.

      • #10917
        Paul BolanowskiPaul Bolanowski

        That makes sense. However, I am having trouble getting the information that I need for our error reporting needs. Ideally, we could at least send the referenceId so we can reference that specific stack trace. I’m trying to POC this feature with a simple UI event on the ErrorScreen. I am having trouble figuring out how to access the string with the referenceId.

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