Home Forums Development CPM : any sample CPM word print document ?


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    • #11647
      Sreeejith VRSreeejith VR

      any sample CPM word print document ?

    • #11656
      Jenish JayakumarJenish Jayakumar

      Hi Sreejith,

      I believe what you’re referring to is sample “print” word document with merge fields for printing from CPM.

      We have already shared a sample word document with merge field for the pattern. Please use the same pattern to build the documents.

      Note: With Full access to Adobe PDF reader, a PDF document with merge fields could also be created.

    • #11705
      Sreeejith VRSreeejith VR

      hi Jenish. thanks.
      i was looking for some help on that doc.
      how do you bring in the collections from the form to word merge fields?
      for example i have a section like below which is a collection.

      (: caption “Call Records”)
      (: captions (@ section callRecord1 title))
      (: collection #t)
      (bp:text title (: caption “Title”) (: sync #f) (: enabled #f))
      (bp:text priority (: caption “Priority”) (: sync #f) (: enabled #f))
      (bp:text text (: caption “Note”) (: sync #f) (: enabled #f))
      (bp:text location (: caption “location”) (: sync #f) (: enabled #f))

      i tried the merge fields like


      its not working.is it possible to bring collection to merge field? is there any sample doc for this.

      also ,

      i have a conditional filed like the below one.

      (if (@ question isEntityIndividual)
      (string-append “Full Name of the person (as per passport)”)
      (string-append “Name of the Entity”)
      (: value (@ question entityFullName))
      (: enabled (@ question canCurrentUserEdit))
      (: sync #f)
      i am trying to bring in this to the word file using the below merge field.
      { IF “«${fields[relationshipDet.Relationship.va»” = “Yes” “Full Name of the person (as per passport)” “Name of the Entity” }
      this is not working. whats wrong here? – i am getting the value here correctly – «${fields[relationshipDet.Relationship.va» as yes. tried without “” as well . in both cases instead of using the value for comparison, its just being printed in the word document.
      the output is like YesName of the Entity

    • #11714
      Johnny ZhangJohnny Zhang

      Try: «${fields[CusFtF.callRecord.0.title]value}»

      You can debug to see the full list of available fields on a form by querying against the model class that was shared previously by Jenish.

    • #11723
      nexj uaenexj uae

      hi Johnny, thanks.

      how do i make this dynamic ?  if i write like this , it will fetch me first collection record only right.

      the print document needs to populate all the records in this collection dynamically . is that possible ?

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