Home Forums Development From the outside to the framework Reply To: From the outside to the framework

Ed ShawEd Shaw


I think there are two scenarios.

The first is where we want to include a link in a web page or email somewhere that will navigate to a particular portal, and even a particular Contact or Opportunity, etc.  This can (just added last week, so you may need a code update) be done with the following format in the URL.

for example

will navigate to the Journal Portlet within Contacts Workspace with the contact set to Dee Lamont (EnityId=10BD62C79A92924594B5A25D5D661075D5).


The second scenario is where you want to navigate from an iFrame portlet to another location in the application.  i.e.  I have a calendar portlet that is being hosted from another server and want to press a button in that portlet and have the application navigate to a specific contact’s detail page.  This will be done with the PortalAPI.  You will simply raise a “navigate” event with the appropriate parameters (contact identifier and portlet name).  This capability is coming in the Q1 2019 timeframe (9.2).  We will notify you when it is completed.

