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Read limits determine the number of instances that can be returned during a read() call. By default, the read limit is 4096 instances. Each data source can be configured to have its own limit. NexJ recommends that you do not change the limit unless you have a good reason to change it. You can change the read limit for a data source in the DefaultRelationalDatabase.datasource file directly or through the Development.environment file.

Changing the read limit in the DefaultRelationalDatabase.datasource file

To change the read limit in the DefaultRelationalDatabase.datasource file:

  1. In NexJ Studio, open the datasource file.
  2. Select the Schema
  3. Select the Advanced
  4. Edit the Read Limit



Changing the read limit from the Development.environment file

To change the read limit from the Development.environment file:

  1. In NexJ Studio, open the environment file.
  2. Select the Data Source Connections
  3. Select the required data source and select the Advanced
  4. Edit the Read Limit


Note: The Read Limit value will override the value from the DefaultRelationalDatabase.datasource file.

Performing work on a collection using the for-each and for-each-page functions

Normally, when you want to iterate through a collection to perform work, your code will be similar to the following:


For more information, about the for-each function see the online code help that is provided in NexJ Studio when you hover your cursor over for-each in a scratchpad.

This example will not work if the returned collection for the Person read returns more than the read limit. If a system uses the default 4,096 read limit, and the system has more than 4,096 Person instances, then the above example fails with the following error:

To handle more instances than the limit allows, you must use the for-each-page function. This function is similar to the for-each function but it reads and processes records in chunks called “pages” instead of all at once. For more information about the for-each-page function, see the online code help that is provided in NexJ Studio when you hover your cursor over for-each-page in a scratchpad.


If the rebuildACL event fails, the process terminates and the entire transaction is rolled back. NexJ recommends that you wrap the work around a try function so that you only discard problematic items. When an error is encountered while processing a page, retry the individual items in the page, log errors for the problematic item, and continue on (or handle the error in a different way if determined by a functional requirement). The following example shows how you can improve the code by refactoring out the action into a standalone function since it must be called more than once. This makes it more maintainable when the action you want to perform is not trivial.

At this point, you can increase the logging to help with troubleshooting and statistics. The following example shows pre-commit and rollback logic that enable you to undo the unit of work for failed iterations, commit more than 16,384 instances at a time, and avoid the following error:

Use the pre-commit function instead of commit to ensure that the rest of the system doesn’t see the changes until they are complete, and when you want the changes to be visible to future operations from these transactions.

Note: If #t is used as the argument for the rollback — e.g., (((invocation-context)unitOfWork)rollback #t) — it will roll back to the last good commit. Which in this case, would undo even the past successful page iterations that have been pre-committed.

Sometimes the performAction event is not trivial and will end up updating many other objects. In those cases, you may need to move the pre-commit function into the inner loop or reduce the page size to avoid reaching the unit of work limit.

Summary of functions

The following list shows a summary of the functions used in the code examples:

  • (for-each … – Used for iteration. Should only be used for a small collection.
  • (for-each-page … – Used for paged iteration. Used when the collection can potentially exceed the read limit.
  • (commit) – Persist to database. Visible to the system.
  • (pre-commit) – Data held by DBMS implementation specific manner. Visible to the transaction only.
  • (((invocation-context)’unitOfWork)’rollback #t) – Roll back to the last good committed state. Same as (rollback).
  • (((invocation-context)’unitOfWork)’rollback #f) – Roll back to the last good pre-committed state.


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